作者 主题: 【PotR】《正义之道》(Paths of The Righteous)  (阅读 55757 次)

副标题: 善良神祗的进阶职业书,包含一些信仰天神使的进阶

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:46:54 »
玫瑰戍卫(Rose Warden)

专长:钢铁意志(Iron Will)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

隐姓埋名(Anonymity,Ex):玫瑰戍卫会在任何用于隐藏自身真实身份(true identity)的唬骗和易容检定上获得加值,其数值相当于她的职业等级。

起义之计(Insurgent Technique):在1级以及之后的每2个等级,玫瑰戍卫都会从后述起义之计中获得一项。由于起义之计而产生的任何豁免DC均为10 + 玫瑰戍卫的职业等级 + 她的智力调整值。类法术能力的施法者等级均为玫瑰戍卫的职业等级。

永绽之怒(Everbloom’s Wrath,Sp):玫瑰戍卫可以从混乱之锤(Chaos Hammer)或圣光击(Holy Smite)中选择其一。她每日能够以类法术能力(spell-like ability)使用该法术1次。若玫瑰戍卫再次选取该项起义之计,则能够获得每日使用另一项法术1次的能力。

神圣荆刺(Holy Thorns,Su):每日1次以迅捷动作(swift action),玫瑰戍卫能够呼唤出荆棘缠绕在她的武器上。在判断是否能够克服DR时,该武器被视为善良阵营(good-aligned)。守序或邪恶目标若受到该武器的伤害,则必须进行强韧豁免,失败则会由于痛楚而恍惚(staggered)1轮。这些荆棘持续的轮数等同于玫瑰戍卫的职业等级,在此之后便会消散。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talent):玫瑰戍卫可以选取一项满足先决条件的盗贼天赋(rogue talent)。在判断基于等级的效果时,她的玫瑰戍卫等级会与盗贼等级叠加,无论此类盗贼天赋是在该进阶职业还是从其他职业中获取的,均会受该效果的影响。

自由意志(Liberated Mind,Su):玫瑰戍卫在对抗魅惑(charm)、胁迫(compulsion)和恐惧(fear)效果时,豁免检定获得+2加值。这些加值在5级时增加至+4点。

街巷哨兵(Street Sentinel,Ex):当玫瑰戍卫身处城市地区(urban area)时,她的先攻检定(initiative checks)以及知识(本地)、察觉、潜行和生存检定均会获得+2加值。当玫瑰戍卫在城市地形(urban terrain)中移动时,她不会留下任何痕迹也不能被追踪(如果本人愿意的话,她也可以选择留下痕迹)。在6级时,上述加值增加至+4点。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):该能力的功能与盗贼(rogue)的同名能力完全一致。额外伤害最初为+1d6点,并且在之后的每2个等级(4级、6级、8级和10级)增加1d6点。若玫瑰戍卫从其他来源获得了偷袭攻击加值,那么这些奖励伤害骰均会叠加。

人民之声(Voice of the Masses,Ex):2级起,玫瑰戍卫的移动不会受到人群(crowds)阻碍。而且她会在影响人群(influence crowds)的检定中获得等同于其玫瑰戍卫等级的加值。

灵巧缴械(Cunning Disarm,Ex):3级起,玫瑰戍卫能够在对敌人进行卸除武器时(disarm)使用巧手(Sleight of Hand)来替代战技检定(combat maneuver check)。这不会引起借机攻击。

革命先锋(Insurrectionist,Su):4级起,玫瑰戍卫能够无视那些阻碍自身行动的障碍。每日在等同于玫瑰戍卫等级的轮数内,她可以无视阻碍移动的魔法效果,在此类区域内如常移动,就如同受到了行动自如(Freedom of Movement)影响一般。这些轮数不必连续。此外,每日1次,她能够将该能力赋予30尺内的所有盟友。只要该效果可以产生效用,它便会自动生效。

高等起义之计(Advanced Insurgent Technique):5级起,玫瑰戍卫能够从后述高等起义之计中进行选择一项,以取代从普通的起义之计中进行选取。

高等盗贼天赋(Advanced Rogue Talent):玫瑰戍卫可以选取一项满足先决条件的高等盗贼天赋(advanced rogue talent)。在判断基于等级的效果时,她的玫瑰戍卫等级会与盗贼等级叠加,无论此类高等盗贼天赋是在该进阶职业还是从其他职业中获取的,均会受该效果的影响。

避难暗巷(Alleyport,Sp):每日1次以迅捷动作(swift action),玫瑰戍卫能够如同使用任意门(Dimension Door)一般进行传送,不过仅限于她身处于不大于自身占据空间的区域之时,而且她也只能抵达类似的区域。

短小精悍(Small but Fierce,Ex):玫瑰戍卫能够以移动动作(move action)研究一名能够直接看到、且体型至少比她自身大1阶的敌人。她可以将偷袭赋予的精准伤害(precision damage)附加到针对这个大号敌人的下一次攻击上,不过该次攻击必须在研究该敌人的同一轮内作出,无论该目标是否失去了AC上的敏捷加值,该能力均可生效。

玫瑰棘墙(Wall of Roses,Sp):每日1次,玫瑰戍卫能够以类法术能力(spell-like ability)施放棘墙术(Wall of Thorns)。棘墙由大量纠结在一起的玫瑰构成,不过密拉妮的信徒可以轻松穿过棘墙。玫瑰棘墙会以每轮5点的频率恢复生命值;它免疫火焰伤害(immune to fire damage);在判断是否能够克服伤害减免时,它造成的穿刺伤害视为善良(good)、魔法(magic)和炼银(silver)武器。受到玫瑰棘墙伤害的邪恶与守序生物会在接下来的1分内自动陷入恶心(sickened),这是一个毒素(poison)效果。

身影暗淡(Obfuscate,Su):7级起,玫瑰戍卫甚至可以在被观察时使用潜行技能。当玫瑰戍卫身处城市地区(urban area)时,她甚至可以在没有遮蔽物的开放区域内进行躲藏。

重振勇气(Rallying Courage,Su):8级起,玫瑰戍卫变得免疫恐惧效果(immune to fear effects)。每日1次以迅捷动作(swift action),她能够激励位于其视觉线内且受到恐惧影响的盟友,让该盟友再次尝试豁免检定以对抗该状态。

裁灭暴政(Smite Tyranny,Su):10级时,当玫瑰戍卫对守序或邪恶目标造成偷袭伤害时,她能够选择以自由动作(free action)进行裁灭暴政。玫瑰戍卫对目标造成额外伤害,数值为对目标造成的每个偷袭伤害骰数2点。目标必须进行强韧豁免(DC = 20 + 玫瑰戍卫的魅力调整值),失败则会由于此次攻击而恍惚(staggered)1轮。守序邪恶目标会恍惚(staggered)1d4轮作为替代。玫瑰戍卫每日可以使用裁灭暴政的次数等同于3 + 她的魅力调整值。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
1级+0+0+1+0隐姓埋名,起义之计,自由意志,街巷哨兵 +2
2级+1+1+1+1人民之声,偷袭 +1d6
4级+3+1+2+1革命先锋,偷袭 +2d6
5级+3+2+3+2高等起义之计,自由意志 +4
6级+4+2+3+2街巷哨兵 +4,偷袭 +3d6
8级+6+3+4+3重振勇气,偷袭 +4d6
10级+7+3+5+3裁灭暴政,偷袭 +5d6

劇透 -   :
Rose Warden
Tyrants may attempt to crush the seeds of dissent before they can ever bloom, but the goddess Milani is always there to cultivate hope in the very heart of oppression and uplift the subjugated. Those known as rose wardens serve as her champions, their elite skills contributing to the cause of revolution—yet they are not obvious crusaders who revel in personal fame or glory. Though they oppose despotic governments, they do not act as anarchists or criminals; for example, rose wardens try to prevent demonstrations from becoming destructive riots to avoid harming innocents. Some of the greatest rose wardens are former thieves who adapted their talents to aid the downtrodden.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a rose warden, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Milani.
Skills: Disguise 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will.

Class Sk ills
The rose warden’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Stealth (Dex).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the rose warden prestige class.
Anonymity (Ex): A rose warden gains a bonus equal to her class level on any Bluff and Disguise checks to conceal her true identity.
Insurgent Technique: At 1st level and every 2 class levels thereafter, a rose warden gains one of the following insurgent techniques. The save DC of any saving throw called for by an insurgent technique is equal to 10 + the rose warden’s class level + her Intelligence modif ier. Spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the rose warden’s class level.
Everbloom’s Wrath (Sp): The rose warden selects either chaos hammer or holy smite. She can use that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. If a rose warden chooses this technique a second time, she gains the ability to cast the other spell once per day as well.
Holy Thorns (Su): Once per day as a swift action, the rose warden can cause thorns to magically sprout from her weapon. The weapon counts as good-aligned for purposes of overcoming DR. A lawful or evil target damaged by this weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save or be wracked with pain and become staggered for 1 round. The thorns dissipate after a number of rounds equal to the rose warden’s class level.
Rogue Talent: A rose warden can select one rogue talent for which she qualifies. Her rose warden levels stack with rogue levels for the purpose of any rogue talents she has with level-dependent effects, whether they were gained from this prestige class or another class.
Liberated Mind (Su): A rose warden gains a +2 bonus on saving throws to resist charm, compulsion, and fear effects. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level.
Street Sentinel (Ex): A rose warden gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when she is in an urban area. Whenever she is traveling in urban terrain, a rose warden leaves no trail and can’t be tracked (though she can leave a trail if she chooses). At 6th level, this bonus increases to +4.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt starts at +1d6 and increases by 1d6 every 2 levels (4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If a rose warden gets sneak attack bonuses from other sources, the bonuses on damage rolls stack.
Voice of the Masses (Ex): At 2nd level, a rose warden’s movement is not impeded by crowds, and she gains a bonus equal to her rose warden level on checks to inf luence crowds.
Cunning Disarm (Ex): At 3rd level, a rose warden can use Sleight of Hand in place of a combat maneuver check to disarm a foe. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Insurrectionist (Su): At 4th level, a rose warden can ignore impediments to her mobility. For a number of rounds per day equal to her rose warden level, she can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if she were affected by freedom of movement. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. In addition, once per day she can grant this ability to all allies within 30 feet. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies.
Advanced Insurgent Technique: At 5th level, a rose warden can select one of the following advanced insurgent techniques in place of a normal insurgent technique.
Advanced Rogue Talent: A rose warden can select one advanced rogue talent that she qualifies for. Her rose warden levels stack with rogue levels for the purpose of any advanced rogue talents she has with level-dependent effects, whether they were gained from this prestige class or another class.
Alleyport (Sp): Once per day as a swift action, the rose warden can teleport as per dimension door, but only when she is in an area no wider than her space, and she can arrive only in an area of similar width.
Small but Fierce (Ex): As a move action, the rose warden can study an opponent at least one size category larger than herself that she can see. She can then apply the precision damage granted by sneak attack on her next attack made in the same round she studied the larger foe, even if that target is not denied its Dexterity bonus to its AC.
Wall of Roses (Sp): Once per day, the rose warden can cast wall of thorns as a spell-like ability. The wall consists of a dense tangle of roses through which worshipers of Milani can pass with ease. The wall of roses heals at a rate of 5 hit points per round; it is immune to fire damage; and all piercing damage it deals bypasses damage reduction as if it were a good, magic, and silver weapon. Evil and lawful creatures damaged by a wall of roses automatically become sickened for the next minute (this is a poison effect).
Obfuscate (Su): At 7th level, a rose warden can use the Stealth skill even while she is being observed. While she is in an urban area, a rose warden can hide in the open even without actually having anything to hide behind.
Rallying Courage (Su): At 8th level, a rose warden becomes immune to fear effects. Once per day as a swift action, she can inspire an ally affected by fear who is within her line of sight, allowing that ally to attempt a second saving throw against the condition.
Smite Tyranny (Su): At 10th level, when a rose warden deals sneak attack damage to a lawful or evil target, she can choose to smite tyranny as a free action. The rose warden deals an additional 2 points of damage per sneak attack die rolled to the target. The target must also succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 20 + the rose warden’s Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round by the blow. A lawful evil target is instead staggered for 1d4 rounds. The rose warden can smite tyranny a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:47:18 »
瑟西隆魔法(Thassilonian magic)的古老传统在魔印王(runelords)统治下逐渐沦落为原罪文化,但是究其根本,瑟西隆魔法自体既不善良也非邪恶。实际上,瑟西隆的开端——在魔印王对其加以掌控之前——七大学派的原典与原罪毫无干系,而与其相关联的则是七大美德。这些最初的知识已经完全遗失,不过在瓦瑞西安(Varisia)的城邦,尤其是玛格尼玛城(Magnimar)中,一小群施法者组成的团体试图恢复这些源自美德的知识。他们依靠美德符文的力量,保卫着自身的居所免受源自瑟西隆的罪恶之侵扰,同时还向索拉勇(Soralyon)——神秘天使(the Mystic Angel)——寻求指引,以帮助其完成探索失落知识的大业。这些施法者们还坚信着魔印王的回归是无法避免的威胁,为此要做好充足的准备。

专长:抄写卷轴(Scribe Scroll)

生命骰(Hit Die):d6

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:2 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

符文魔法(Rune Magic):符文守卫将所有名称中含有“刻文(glyph)”或“徽记(symbol)”的法术加到他的法术列表中。

美德符文(Virtuous Rune,Su):1级起,符文守卫能够精通一种秘术,用于驾驭瑟西隆魔法中七大符文的一种,以一种良性的方式协助自身或他人。当符文守卫获得该能力时必须从七大美德中选择一种,在2级、4级、5级、6级、8级和9级时分别能够再选择另外一种美德;在9级时,他便会精通全部七种关于美德符文的秘术。符文守卫每日能够以任意组合来使用任何已经精通的美德符文,但是每日使用次数不得超过符文守卫的等级。除非后文中另有说明,使用美德符文均为标准动作,而且会引起借机攻击。

宽容(Charity):符文守卫能够使用宽容符文的来将单个已经准备或已知(如果他是自发施法者的话)的防护系法术(abjuration spell)注入他人体内,随着使用该能力来施放法术并接触自愿的生物,就如同法术灌输(Imbue with Spell Ability)一般,不过该能力并不会受到接收者的生命骰限制。被传输的法术的环级不得超过符文守卫的等级-1(因此1级符文守卫只能以此方式传输0环的法术)。一旦法术传输完成,符文守卫便无法使用与这个法术对应的法术位,直至获得法术的生物施放它之后,符文守卫才能在下一次休息并准备法术时恢复该法术位的使用权。

仁慈(Kindness):当符文守卫使用医疗技能治疗严重伤害(treat deadly wounds)时,能够呼唤仁慈符文的力量,使得通过医疗技能治疗严重伤害带来的恢复量变为正常的2倍。在以此方式治疗严重伤害时,他不需要消耗医疗包(healer’s kit)的使用次数,而且使用该符文也不会被计入到一个生物每日通过治疗严重伤害进行治疗的次数限制中。

慷慨(Generosity):在使用援助他人动作(aid another action)时,符文守卫可以使用慷慨符文的力量,同时以直觉动作(immediate action)花费一个已经准备的法术或者法术位,来让一名盟友在攻击检定、技能检定或者防御等级上获得洞察加值(insight bonus),具体数值等同于被消耗的法术环级。加值持续的轮数等同于符文守卫的职业等级。

谦逊(Humility):当符文守卫由于一名盟友的援助他人动作(aid another action)而获得好处时,他能够以直觉动作(immediate action)花费一个已经准备的法术或者法术位(对于自发施法者来说),以此来在攻击检定、技能检定或者防御等级上获得洞察加值(insight bonus),具体数值等同于被消耗的法术环级。加值持续的轮数等同于符文守卫的职业等级。

友爱(Love):通过牺牲一个已经准备的法术或一个法术位(对于自发施法者来说),符文守卫能够使用友爱符文来在一定数量的自愿盟友间形成一股密切而又强烈的联系,具体数量等同于被牺牲的法术环级。在使用符文时,所有被影响的盟友必须均在30尺范围内。直至符文守卫下一次准备法术为止(即符文守卫恢复被牺牲的法术或法术位的时候),每个盟友均能感受到其他被符文所联系的盟友的大致情绪状态、健康情况以及所处范围,就如同关照术(Status)一般,不过前提是这些人均处于相同的位面。如果被牺牲的法术为5级或更高的环级,这种联系还能够提供如同心灵连线(Telepathic Bond)法术一般的效果,而且该效果无法被解除(can’t be dispelled)。受到友爱符文影响的角色会在对抗魅惑(charm)和胁迫(compulsion)效果的豁免检定中获得+2加值。

节制(Temperance):通过使用节制符文的力量,符文守卫会变得免疫负能量效果(immune to the effects of negative energy),持续轮数等同于符文守卫等级。符文守卫能够在单个负能量效果将其作为目标时,以直觉动作(immediate action)获得免疫能力,但是这么做会让符文守卫的下个动作(next action)陷入恍惚(staggered)。


符文专攻(Rune Focus):3级起,符文守卫所施放的所有刻文或徽记法术(即名称中含有“刻文”或“徽记”的法术)的豁免DC均会增加1点,他所施放的依赖语言(language dependent)的法术豁免DC也会增加1点。这些加值与法术专攻(Spell Focus)以及高等法术专攻(Greater Spell Focus)专长带来的加值叠加。第7级起,他所施放的上述法术的豁免DC增加2点。

索拉勇符文专精(Sihedron Rune Mastery,Su):10级起,每日1次,符文守卫能够通过呼唤索拉勇符文(Sihedron rune)的力量来以类法术能力施放魔法恒定术(Permanency)。他仍旧需要以其他方式提供将要恒定的法术。尽管符文守卫每日都可以使用1次该能力,但他只能让单个法术效果保持永恒,在他使用该能力时,先前被恒定的法术效果会立刻结束。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
3级+1+1+1+2符文专攻 +1+1现有施法职业等级
7级+3+2+2+4符文专攻 +2+1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
The ancient traditions of Thassilonian magic became mired in the culture of sin due to the legacy of that land’s runelords, but taken in its purest form, Thassilonian magic is no more good than evil. Indeed, at Thassilon’s outset—before the runelords seized control—the original incarnations of these seven schools of magic were not associated with sins at all, but rather with the seven virtues of rule. This original lore is all but lost, but within the city-states of Varisia (particularly in Magnimar), a small order of spellcasters seeks to reclaim the knowledge of those empowering virtues. With the might of virtuous runes, they protect their homes from the lingering evil of Thassilon and look to the guidance of Soralyon, the Mystic Angel, to aid them in their quest. These spellcasters have also come to believe that a runelord’s return to power is practically an inevitable threat that must be prepared for and defended against.
The role of a runeguard varies depending on the type of spellcasting he employs, but most tend to be more defensive rather than offensive.
Hit Die: d6.

To qualify to become a runeguard, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful good, neutral good, or chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Soralyon.
Skills: Linguistics 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Feats: Scribe Scroll.
Language: Thassilonian.
Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level spells.

Class Sk ills
The runeguard’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Below are the class features of the runeguard prestige class.
Rune Magic: A runeguard adds all spells with “glyph” or “symbol” in its name to his class spell list.
Virtuous Rune (Su): At 1st level, a runeguard can master a secret method of using one of the seven runes of Thassilonian magic in a beneficial way to aid himself or others. He must choose one of the seven virtues when he gains this ability, but can choose another at 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th levels; by 9th level, he has mastered all seven of the secrets of virtuous runes. A runeguard can use any of the virtuous runes that he has mastered in any combination per day, but no more times per day than his runeguard level overall. Using a virtuous rune is a standard action (unless otherwise indicated in the text) and provokes an attack of opportunity.
Charity: A runeguard can use the rune of charity to transfer a single abjuration spell he has prepared or knows (if he’s a spontaneous caster), along with the ability to cast it, to a willing creature by touch, as per imbue with spell ability, save that the recipient’s Hit Dice do not limit options. The level of the spell being transferred can’t exceed the runeguard’s level – 1 (and thus a 1st level runeguard can only transfer a 0-level spells in this way). Once the spell is transferred, that spell slot remains unavailable to the runeguard until the creature that gained the spell casts it, at which point the runeguard regains access to the spell slot the next time he rests and prepares his magic.
Kindness: When using the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds, the runeguard can call upon the rune of kindness to restore double the normal amount of hit points he otherwise would have healed by treating deadly wounds. He need not expend uses from a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds in this manner, and using this rune does not count against the total number of times a creature can benefit from heaving deadly wounds treated in a day.
Generosity: When using the aid another action, the runeguard can draw upon the rune of generosity and expend a prepared spell or spell slot as an immediate action to grant an ally an insight bonus on attack rolls, on skill checks, or to Armor Class equal to the level of spell expended. The bonus persists for a number of rounds equal to the runeguard’s class level.
Humility: When the runeguard gains the benefits of the aid another action from an ally, he can expend a prepared spell or a spell slot (for a spontaneous caster) as an immediate action to gain an insight bonus on attack rolls, on skill checks, or to Armor Class equal to the level of the spell expended. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the runeguard’s class level.
Love: By sacrificing a prepared spell or a spell slot (for a spontaneous caster), a runeguard can use the rune of love to form a close and powerful bond with a number of willing allies equal to the level of the spell or spell slot sacrificed. All allies to be affected must be within 30 feet at the time the rune is used. Until the next time the runeguard prepares spells (at which point he regains the sacrificed spell or spell slot), each ally can sense the general emotional state, health, and direction of any other ally bearing the rune (as per status), as long as they are on the same plane. If a spell slot of 5th level or higher is sacrificed, the link also grants a telepathic bond (as per the spell) that can’t be dispelled. A character with the rune of love active gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
Temperance: By invoking the rune of temperance, the runeguard becomes immune to the effects of negative energy for 1 round per runeguard level. The runeguard can use this ability as an immediate action to gain immunity to the effects of a single negative energy effect as that effect targets him, but doing so leaves the runeguard staggered on his next action.
Zeal: By invoking the rune of zeal as a swift action, the runeguard bolsters his spellcasting for 1 round. During this time, the runeguard gains a bonus on all concentration checks equal to his runeguard level, and he can enhance any spell he casts that round with the effects of any metamagic feat he knows, provided the metamagic feat only uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Rune Focus: At 3rd level, the runeguard adds 1 to the DCs of saving throws against glyph or symbol spells (any spell with “glyph” or “symbol” in its name) and spells that are language dependent that he casts. This bonus stacks with the bonuses from the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats. At 7th level, the runeguard adds 2 to the DCs of saving throws against these spells that he casts.
Sihedron Rune Mastery (Su): At 10th level, a runeguard can cast permanency as a spell-like ability once per day by drawing upon the power of the Sihedron rune. He must still provide the spell to be made permanent by other means, of course. Although a runeguard can use this ability once per day, he can only ever maintain a single spell effect, and upon using this ability, the previous permanent spell effect immediately ends.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:47:51 »
虔圣保卫者(Sacred Sentinel)
虔圣保卫者是身处第一线的斗士,她们有着极强的机动性,因为只有这样才能保证自身可以在最恰当的时候身处最佳的位置。因此她们很有可能还是属于巨龙骑士团(order of the dragon)、守护骑士团(order of the guard;出自Inner Sea Combat)、或坚盾骑士团(order of the shield)的骑兵(cavaliers)或者选择坐骑为神契(Divine Bond)的圣武士(paladins)。多数虔圣保卫者成员为矮人,但是其他侍奉托拉格的种族也有可能响应召唤。举例来说,在林诺姆诸王国的寒冷之地,有一群寂寂无名、但是存在已久的骑士团,名唤“林诺姆卫士(Linnorm Guard)”。这支由少量乌尔芬战士构成的组织遵循着秩序之道,而他们那些野蛮的同族则通常会投入残酷且混沌的理念之中。林诺姆卫士为林诺姆诸王国及其盟友提供保护服务,保护来访的政要、亲友同伴、甚至是情人。


生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:2 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

圣父之令(Code of Torag,Su):虔圣保卫者将自己的一生献给托拉格,致力于成为他在人间的守护之盾,而这也是最初且至高的圣令。尽管并非所有虔圣保卫者都是圣武士,但她们都必须遵循托拉格的圣武士准则(paladin’s code of Torag;见Inner Sea Gods 150页)。成为虔圣保卫者的骑兵(Cavaliers)由于其所侍奉的骑士团本身已经具有守则,所以将托拉格的圣武士准则视为骑兵的守则(替代骑士团原本的守则)。
劇透 -  托拉格的圣武士准则(英文版):
Torag’s Paladin Code
Paladins of Torag are dedicated to protecting not just the lives but the way of life for those under their charge, and hold the ways of their chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old works and traditions of an entire race. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
· My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or thoughtless talk, and so I watch my tongue.
· I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others if need be.
· I respect the forge, and never sully it with half-hearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.
· Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except when strategy warrants. I will defeat them, yet even in the direst struggle, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag.

守备战略(Strategic Protection,Su):虔圣保卫者能够以移动动作产生一种魔法灵光,用于保护她的一个或多名盟友。当她产生灵光时,可以选择至多相当于她的魅力加值名盟友,这些盟友需要位于距她20尺的范围内,而且必须能够被她看到。只要这些盟友与虔圣保卫者之间的距离不超过30尺,他们便能够在CMD和濒死(dying)时用于稳定伤势(stabilize)的体质检定上获得+3加值。这些加值在4级提升至+4点,7级提升至+5点,并在10级提升至+6点。该灵光的半径会分别在上述登记增加10尺。守备战略提供的加值会持续至虔圣保卫者的下个回合开始为止。

羁绊加深(Renewed Bonds,Ex):2级起,虔圣保卫者能够将成为神圣守护者之前建立的羁绊变得更加强烈。若虔圣保卫者具有包含动物伙伴(animal companion)、魔宠(familiar)或者其他名称内包含“Bond”的职业能力的职业等级的话——比如奥术联结(Arcane Bond)、神契(Divine Bond)或(sacred bond;这个职业能力没找到出处)——那么她能够在获取1级虔圣保卫者之前已经拥有的此类职业中选择一个。在判断她的魔宠、动物伙伴或者其他名称内含有“Bond”的职业能力的效果时,虔圣保卫者等级与被选择的职业等级叠加计算。当虔圣保卫者使用守备战略时,她的魔宠、动物伙伴或者名称内具有“Bond”的职业能力赋予的伙伴都会自动被包含在内,不过前提是这些生物位于守备战略的范围内;该效果不会被算在守备战略能够影响的最高生物数量范围内。
如果虔圣保卫者并不具有合适的职业能力,则会在获得该能力时让守备战略(注:原文为bastion of protection,疑为笔误)能够保护的生物数量提高1名作为替代,在6级时会再提高1名。
若虔圣保卫者具有骑兵(cavalier)、圣武士(paladin)或战斗祭司(warpriest)的等级,那么她可以从这些职业中选择一个,并且将虔圣保卫者等级的一半加到该职业上,来判断部分职业能力的有效职业等级。对于骑兵(cavalier)来说,该能力会影响挑战(Challenge)的效果;对于圣武士(paladin)来说,该能力会影响制裁邪恶(Smite Evil)的效果;对于战斗祭司(warpriest)来说,该能力会影响祝福(Blessings)的每日使用次数。

治愈之触(Healing Touch,Su):3级起,虔圣保卫者能够通过碰触来治愈(自身或他人的)伤害。她每日能够使用该能力的次数等同于1 + 1/2她的虔圣保卫者等级。如果虔圣保卫者已经使用了守备战略的话,她能够直接对被守备战略选定且位于灵光范围内的盟友使用该能力,而不用真正地去碰触盟友。该能力可以恢复3d8点生命值,6级时提高至4d8点,9级时提高至5d8点。在判断那些以圣疗(lay on hands)为先决条件的效用、以及诸如恩惠(Mercy)这样与圣疗并用的能力时,治愈之触可以被视作为圣疗。

回火锻炼(Tempering Touch,Su):虔圣保卫者知道保护盟友最好的方法,就是将他们锻炼得更加强大。3级起,当虔圣保卫者使用法术或职业能力(而非使用魔法物品或者医疗技能)治疗一个盟友之后,该盟友会获得偏斜加值。在等同于虔圣保卫者等级的轮数内,每当该盟友进行防御式战斗(fights defensively)、使用全防御动作(full defense action)或者使用寓守于攻(Combat Expertise)时,AC会获得+1偏斜加值,豁免检定会获得+1神圣加值。这些加值会在6级时增加至+2点,并在9级时增加至+3点。

直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge,Ex):5级起,虔圣保卫者获得在自己意识到危险之前下意识进行规避的能力。她获得直觉闪避能力,就如同盗贼(rogue)的同名职业能力一般。若角色已经通过其他职业获得了直觉闪避能力,则会自动获得精通直觉闪避(improved uncanny dodge)。

迅捷护卫(Swift Shield Other,Sp):8级起,虔圣保卫者能够以瞬发类法术能力(quickened spell-like ability)使用护卫他人(Shield Other),她每日可以这么做的次数等同于她的魅力加值(最低每日1次)。

屹立不倒(Unyielding,Su):10级时,虔圣保卫者在担负起责任献身于保护之职的时候,能够强大到暂时拖延死亡的到来。若虔圣保卫者的守备战略已经激活之后,由于任意原因而死亡时,她不会即刻死亡。取而代之的是,她能够继续活着,行动至她的下个回合开始时为止,在这一时点到达之时,她会正常死亡。如果生命之息(Breath of Life)能够在上述时点来临之前生效,则可以拯救虔圣保卫者,但是其他恢复生命值的医疗效果(healing effects)都无法拖延死亡的到来。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
3级+3+2+1+2治愈之触(3d8),回火锻炼 +1
6级+6+3+2+3治愈之触(4d8),回火锻炼 +2
9级+9+5+3+5治愈之触(5d8),回火锻炼 +3

劇透 -   :
Torag is thought of by many as a god of forging, but his primary areas of concern also include protection and strategy. Among the followers of Torag, some feel drawn to devote themselves to these later aspects of the Father of Creation. Known as sacred sentinels, these holy warriors view themselves as mortal shields of defense in Torag’s service, and seek to place themselves where defenders are most needed. Many speak of themselves as pillars, strong structures that can hold up a vast building but only by supporting the other beams and supports needed. The pillar is the source of the strength, but its strength must serve to support a network of other beams or it accomplishes little.
Sacred sentinels are always front-line combatants, and value mobility to ensure they can reach the places they are most needed. As a result they are most often cavaliers (especially of the order of the dragon, the order of the guard from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat, or the order of the shield) or paladins with a mount as a divine bond. The majority of sacred sentinels are dwarves, but other races that worship Torag are sometimes called to serve. For example, in the frozen Lands of the Linnorm Kings, there exists a relatively obscure but long-standing order known as the “Linnorm Guard.” This small number of Ulfen fighters are unusually lawful in their outlook, considering the brutality and chaos their barbaric kin often embrace. The Linnorm Guard seeks to provide protection for both the Linnorm Kings and those they have allied with, be they visiting dignitaries, old but beloved boon companions, or even hidden lovers or paramours.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a sacred sentinel, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Deity: Must worship Torag.
Feats: Endurance, Toughness
Special: Proficiency with light, medium, and heavy armor and all shields (other than tower shields).

Class Sk ills
The sacred sentinel’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Abil ities
The following are the class features of the sacred sentinel prestige class.
Code of Torag (Su): A sacred sentinel has dedicated her life to serving as a protective shield of Torag, and this is her first and highest calling. Though not all sacred sentinels are paladins, they all must follow the paladin’s code of Torag (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods 150). Cavaliers who become sacred sentinels are given special dispensation by their cavalier orders to act as agents of Torag within their orders, and treat Torag’s paladin code of conduct as their cavalier’s edict (replacing the normal edicts for their orders).
A sacred sentinel who violates this code loses all class features of this prestige class other than skill points and class skills for 24 hours.
Strategic Protection (Su): As a move action, a sacred sentinel can establish a magic aura that protects one or more of her allies. When she establishes her aura, she selects a number of allies up to her Charisma bonus that she can see and that are within 20 feet. As long as these allies remain within 30 feet of the sacred sentinel, they gain a +3 bonus to their CMDs and on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying. The bonus increases to +4 at 4th level, to +5 at 7th level, and to +6 at 10th level. The radius of this aura increases by 10 feet at each of these levels. The bonuses from strategic protection last until the beginning of the sacred sentinel’s next turn.
Renewed Bonds (Ex): At 2nd level, a sacred sentinel is able to maintain strong bonds from her life before becoming a divine guardian. If the sacred sentinel has levels in a class with an animal companion, familiar, or a class feature with “bond” in the name (such as arcane bond, divine bond, or sacred bond), she selects one such class upon gaining her 1st level of sacred sentinel. Sacred sentinel levels stack with levels in the selected class when determining the effectiveness of her familiar, animal companion, or bond class feature. Whenever the sacred sentinel uses strategic protection, her familiar, animal companion, or bonded companion is automatically included in its protection if in range, without counting toward the maximum number of creatures the sacred sentinel can affect.
A sacred sentinel without an appropriate class feature from another class instead increases the number of creatures she can protect with her bastion of protection by 1 upon gaining this class feature, and by another 1 at 6th level.
If the sacred sentinel has cavalier, paladin, or warpriest class levels, she selects one of those classes and adds half her sacred sentinel level to those class levels to determine her effective class level for a specific class feature. For cavaliers, this determines the effectiveness of her challenge class feature. For paladins, this determines the effectiveness of her smite evil class feature. For warpriests, this determines how many times per day she can use her blessings.
Healing Touch (Su): At 3rd level, a sacred sentinel can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by her touch. Each day, she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + 1/2 her sacred sentinel level. If she has established her strategic protection, she can use this ability on a selected ally within range of the aura without having to successfully touch the ally. This ability restores 3d8 hit points, increasing to 4d8 at 6th level, and 5d8 at 9th level. Healing touch qualifies as the lay on hands ability for the purpose of prerequisites requiring lay on hands, and abilities that work with lay on hands (such as mercies).
Tempering Touch (Su): A sacred sentinel knows that the best way to defend allies is to temper them to be stronger. At 3rd level, when a sacred sentinel uses a spell or class feature (but not a magic item or the Heal skill) to heal an ally, the ally gains a defensive bonus. For a number of rounds equal to the sacred sentinel’s class level, whenever the ally fights defensively, uses the full defense action, or uses Combat Expertise, the ally gains a +1 def lection bonus to AC and a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws. These bonuses increase to +2 at 6th level and to +3 at 9th level.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, a sacred sentinel gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She gains uncanny dodge, as per the rogue class feature. If the character gains uncanny dodge from another class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (as per the rogue talent).
Swift Shield Other (Sp): At 8th level, a sacred sentinel can use shield other as a quickened spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum once per day).
Unyielding (Su): At 10th level, a sacred sentinel’s devotion to protecting those under her charge is great enough to temporarily hold off death. If the sacred sentinel has her strategic protection active and is killed through any means, she does not immediately die. Instead she remains alive and active until the beginning of her next turn, at which point she dies normally. Breath of life, if applied before this time runs out, can save the sacred sentinel, but other healing effects that restore hit points cannot hold off death.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:48:16 »
负痕求道者(Scar Seeker)


生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:2 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

不灭圣痕(Enduring Scar,Su):随着负痕求道者的等级得到提升,他会积累具有超自然含义的伤痕。他可以以任何组合方式启动自身的不灭圣痕能力,每日使用次数为他的职业等级的一半 + 他的魅力调整值。在1级以及之后的每2个等级,负痕求道者都会从后述列表中觉醒1个新的不灭圣痕。

鲜血(Blood):负痕求道者能够以迅捷动作(swift action)向自身持用的一把近战武器注入反噬(vicious)武器特殊能力,持续轮数等同于他的魅力调整值(最低1轮)。5级起,他能够再次选择该圣痕,来让额外伤害增加至2d8点,自身所受伤害变为1d8点。9级起,他能够第三次选择该圣痕,让额外伤害增加至2d10点,自身所受伤害变为1d10点。

治愈(Healing):当负痕求道者使用圣疗(lay on hands)能力治疗其他生物时,可以使用该圣痕来让治疗量变为正常的两倍;然而这会让负痕求道者立即受到伤害,数值相当于最终治疗量的一半,而且此类伤害无法被减免或者以任何方式进行阻碍。

殉道(Martyr):当负痕求道者的生命值降至0点以下时,他能够以直觉动作(immediate action)耗尽所有剩余的圣疗(lay on hands)使用次数(最低1次),以此在对半径30尺内的盟友进行治疗的同时,伤害该范围内的所有邪恶敌人(evil enemies)。他治愈或造成的伤害量等同于4d6 + 他的等级,每发由此方式消耗的圣疗使用次数都会让数值增加1d6点;成功通过意志豁免能够让该能力造成的伤害减半(DC = 10 + 负痕求道者的等级 + 他的魅力调整值)。以此造成的伤害来自神圣之力,伤害减免、能量免疫、或者任何能量抗力无法对其造成影响。负痕求道者必须达到5级才能选择该项不灭圣痕。

恩惠(Mercy):当负痕求道者使用圣疗(lay on hands)能力时,他能够使用该圣痕产生自身满足先决条件但是还未拥有的圣武士恩惠(Mercy)效果。负痕求道者的职业等级与任何其他提供恩惠能力的职业等级叠加。负痕求道者必须达到3级才能选择该项不灭圣痕。

奉献(Sacrifice):负痕求道者能够以直觉动作(immediate action)分担一名盟友所承受的伤害,该名盟友与他的距离不得超过30尺,并且能够被他看到。该能力的功能就如同护卫他人(Shield Other)一般,不过仅持续至他的下个回合结束或者该盟友移动到距离负痕求道者30尺之外的范围为止。负痕求道者必须达到3级才能选择该项不灭圣痕。

受难(Suffering):以迅捷动作(swift action),负痕求道者的皮肤和精神都会变得更加坚韧,获得DR 2/-,在对抗具有情绪(emotion;UM)和恐惧(fear)描述符的法术和效果时豁免获得+2加值,持续至他的下个回合开始为止。7级起,他能够再次选择该圣痕,来使伤害减免以及豁免检定的加值提升至他的职业等级的一半。

顽强(Tenacity):当负痕求道者受到了重击(critical hit)或者偷袭(sneak attack)时,能够以直觉动作(immediate action)在攻击检定、技能检定、属性检定和豁免检定中获得+2士气加值,持续轮数等同于他的魅力调整值。如果负痕求道者在上述检定中的一项或多项上已经获得了士气加值,那么在该能力持续期间,这些士气加值会增加1点。

痛楚净身(Painful Purification,Su):负痕求道者可以通过重温过去曾经遭受的痛苦来激活不灭圣痕,即便他已经耗尽了所有每日使用次数也能做到。负痕求道者能够通过承受每生命骰1点伤害来激活一次不灭圣痕,而非正常花费该能力的每日使用次数。这些伤害无法被任何方式治愈,只有进行整夜的休息之后,才能够移除所有由此方式带来的伤害。这些伤害无法被忽略(ignored)、降低(reduced)或转移(redirected)。

圣疗(Lay on Hands,Su):2级起,负痕求道者获得圣疗(lay on hands)能力。该能力的功能与圣武士(paladin)的同名能力完全一致。在判断该能力的效果时,将负痕求道者的职业等级与其他提供圣疗的职业等级叠加进行计算。

制裁邪恶(Smite Evil,Su):4级起,负痕求道者获得制裁邪恶(smite evil)能力。该能力的功能与圣武士(paladin)的同名能力十分相似,但是负痕求道者的有效圣武士等级等同于他的职业等级-3(最低1级)。在判断该能力的效果时,将负痕求道者的职业等级与其他提供制裁邪恶的职业等级叠加进行计算。他会在8级获得1次使用该能力的额外每日使用次数。

勇于献身(Sanguine Sacrifice,Su):6级起,当负痕求道者使用痛楚净身能力时,他会在攻击检定、技能检定、属性检定以及豁免检定中获得+1士气加值,持续1小时。再次使用该能力会使得这些士气加值增加1点(最高为他的职业等级的三分之一)。

大殉道者(True Martyr,Su):10级起,负痕求道者能够在最后的抗争中拥抱死亡。以直觉动作(immediate action),他能够承受单个效果对半径60尺内所有盟友造成的伤害的一半,比如喷吐武器(breath weapon)、近战攻击(melee attack)或者塌方(cave-in)。如果该伤害会杀死负痕求道者,他的血液会汇聚到自身所占据的空间,形成一名守序善良的元素使徒(Monadic Deva),并在消散之前于他所在的位置战斗(fights in his place)1分钟。负痕求道者每周只能使用1次该能力。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
4级+4+2+1+2制裁邪恶 1次/日+1现有施法职业等级
8级+8+4+3+4制裁邪恶 2次/日+1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
The empyreal lord Vildeis doesn’t demand acts of selfmortification. Nonetheless, some devoted turn their own skins into scarred manuscripts of noteworthy deeds and unforgettable failures. Those who wholly embrace these rites of scarification are known as scar seekers.
There is no formal order of scar seekers. Instead, the path is a personal journey guided by the practitioner’s convictions and experiences. Even when two scar seekers meet, they rarely remain together longer than it takes to compare their wounds or thwart a nearby fiend, as such disciples too often attempt to outdo one another’s pain.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a scar seeker, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Alignment: Lawful good or neutral good.
Deity: Must worship Vildeis.
Skills: Heal 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks.
Feats: Toughness.

Class Sk ills
The scar seeker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the scar seeker prestige class.
Enduring Scar (Su): As a scar seeker gains levels, he accumulates scars of supernatural significance. He can activate his enduring scars abilities in any combination a number of times per day equal to half his class level plus his Charisma modifier. At 1st level and every 2 class levels thereafter, the scar seeker awakens a new enduring scar selected from the list below.
Blood: As a swift action, the scar seeker can imbue a melee weapon he wields with the vicious weapon special ability for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). At 5th level, he can select this scar a second time to increase the extra damage to 2d8 and the damage received to 1d8. At 9th level, he can select the scar a third time to increase the extra damage to 2d10 and damage received to 1d10.
Healing: When the scar seeker uses his lay on hands ability to heal another creature, the scar seeker can use this scar to heal double the normal amount of damage; however, the scar seeker immediately takes damage equal to half the amount he healed, and this damage cannot be reduced or otherwise prevented in any way.
Martyr: When the scar seeker is brought below 0 hit points, he can expend all his remaining uses of lay on hands (minimum 1) as an immediate action in order to heal his allies and harm evil enemies in a 30-foot radius. He restores or deals an amount of damage equal to 4d6 plus his level, and the damage increases by 1d6 for each use of lay on hands he expends; a creature takes half damage if it succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + the scar seeker’s level + his Charisma modifier). The damage dealt by this ability comes from holy power and is not subject to damage reduction, energy immunities, or any energy resistances. The scar seeker must be 5th level in order to select this scar.
Mercy: When the scar seeker uses his lay on hands ability, he can use this scar to apply the benefits of a paladin mercy he doesn’t have but for which he qualifies. A scar seeker’s class levels stack with levels in any other class that grants the mercy ability. The scar seeker must be 3rd level to select this scar.
Sacrifice: As an immediate action, the scar seeker can share the damage taken by one ally he can see within 30 feet. This functions as per shield other, but lasts only until the end of his next turn or until his ally moves farther than 30 feet from the scar seeker. The scar seeker must be 3rd level to select this scar.
Suffering: As a swift action, the scar seeker’s skin and nerves harden until the beginning of his next turn, granting him DR 2/— and a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects with the emotionUM or fear descriptor. At 7th level, he can select this scar a second time to increase the damage reduction and saving throw bonus to half his class level.
Tenacity: When a scar seeker is struck by a critical hit or sneak attack, the scar seeker can gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier as an immediate action. If the scar seeker already receives a morale bonus on one or more of these rolls, the morale bonus increases by 1 while this ability lasts.
Painful Purification (Su): A scar seeker can relive his past sacrifices in order to activate an enduring scar’s ability, even if he has expended all his daily uses of the ability. Rather than expend a daily use of enduring scars, he can activate a scar by taking 1 point of damage per Hit Die he has. This damage can’t be healed by any means other than getting a full night’s rest, which removes all damage dealt in this fashion. This damage cannot be ignored, reduced, or redirected.
Lay on Hands (Su): At 2nd level, a scar seeker gains the ability to lay on hands. This ability functions as the paladin ability of the same name. For the purpose of this ability, a scar seeker’s class levels stack with levels in any other class that grants the lay on hands ability.
Smite Evil (Su): At 4th level, a scar seeker gains the ability to smite evil. This ability functions like the paladin ability of the same name, but the scar seeker’s effective paladin level equals his class level – 3 (minimum 1). For the purpose of this ability, a scar seeker’s class levels stack with levels in any other class that grants the smite evil ability. He gains another use per day of this ability at 8th level.
Sanguine Sacrifice (Su): At 6th level, when a scar seeker uses the painful purification ability, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 hour. Multiple uses of this ability increase the morale bonus by 1 (maximum one-third his class level).
True Martyr (Su): At 10th level, a scar seeker can embrace death in a final act of defiance. As an immediate action, he can take half the damage dealt to all allies within 60 feet by a single effect, such as a breath weapon, melee attack, or cave-in. If this damage would kill the scar seeker, his blood coalesces in his space in the form of a lawful good monadic deva (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 27) that fights in his place for 1 minute before dissipating. A scar seeker can use this ability once per week.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:48:38 »
天体颂唱者(Sphere Singer)

专长:武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:6 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

优雅舞姿(Graceful Hand,Ex):天体颂唱者获得优雅繁星(Starry Grace;UI)作为奖励专长,并且忽略该专长的先决条件。
劇透 -  Starry Grace:
Starry Grace (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 13,武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse),武器专攻:星刃(Weapon Focus:starknife)
好处:当你持用星刃(Starknife)时,能够用你的敏捷调整值替代力量调整值来修正武器的伤害。你的星刃必须与你的体型相符。当你使用两把武器进行战斗、使用疾风连击(flurry of blows)或者当另一只手因为其他原因而被占用时,便会失去上述好处。
此外,如果你具有派头(Panache;ACG)职业能力,那么只要你至少还有1点时髦值,便会在使用星刃进行攻击动作之后的移动动作获得+5加值,使用星刃进行跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)或冲锋(charge)之时也可以获得该加值。

星之声(Starsong,Su):天体颂唱者能够使用表演(歌唱)来产生魔法效果,就好像吟游诗人(bard)的吟游表演(bardic performance)职业能力一般。她每日能够使用该能力的轮数等同于自身天体颂唱者等级的两倍,而且能够用吟游诗人等级提供的吟游表演每日轮数来执行星之声的表演,反之亦然。启动星之声是移动动作(move action),不过之后每轮进行维持则是自由动作(free action)。如果天体颂唱者具有吟游表演(bardic performance)职业能力,她还能够以移动动作(move action)启动吟游表演,以取代原本的标准动作。星之声无法被打断,但是会在天体颂唱者被杀死(killed)、麻痹(paralyzed)、震慑(stunned)、陷入昏迷(knocked unconscious)或者以其他方式导致不能每轮以自由动作进行维持时终止。在判断同一时间内天体颂唱者可以让多少个表演生效时,星之声被视同为吟游表演。星之声具有听觉成分(audible components),但是不具有视觉成分(visual components)。自7级起,天体颂唱者能够以迅捷动作(swift action)启动星之声或吟游表演。天体颂唱者表演的豁免DC等同于10 + 天体颂唱者的等级 + 她的魅力调整值。随着等级的提升,天体颂唱者的表演所产生的效果会变得愈发强大。

放浪者的赞美诗(Wanderer’s Hymn):1级起,天体颂唱者能够使用音乐的节拍加快脚步。当她维持表演时,其基本陆上速度会获得+30尺增强加值。

甜美梦境(Sweet Dreams):3级起,天体颂唱者能够花5分钟进行表演,并且同时消耗5轮星之声的表演轮数,以此来保护沉眠之人。若有任何生物在持续5分钟的表演期间,始终位于距离天体颂唱者30尺的范围内的话,他们会变得免疫梦魇(Nightmare)和其他用于攻击昏睡(sleeping)的目标的效果,比如老鬼婆(Night Hag)的侵入梦境(Dream Haunting)能力,该效果会在一整夜的休息(one night’s rest)中持续下去。此外,这些生物还会获得梦中盛宴(Dream Feast)的效果(出自Inner Sea Gods 232页)。
劇透 -  Dream Feast:
梦中盛宴(Dream Feast;黛丝娜法术,出自Inner Sea Gods)
环级:牧师 1,德鲁伊 1,游侠 1

化蝶(Butterfly):5级起,天体颂唱者的音乐能够让自己探索天空。当她维持星之声时,会获得飞行术(fly)的效果。或者她也可以选择花费5分钟进行表演,同时消耗10轮星之声的每日轮数,来获得翱翔天际(Overland Flight)的效果。两种效果的施法者等级均等同于天体颂唱者的总生命骰(total Hit Dice)。无论处于何种效果下,天体颂唱者都会在此期间生出蝴蝶的翅膀。

指引前路(Guide My Steps):7级起,天体颂唱者开始懂得如何使用歌声引导自己前往目的地。要使用这个星之声,她必须花费3轮进行表演,同时花费6轮星之声的每日轮数。在这个表演结束后,天体颂唱者会获得寻找捷径(Find the Path)的效果,施法者等级等同于她的角色等级。

命运之垂青(Fortune’s Favor):9级起,天体颂唱者的歌声是如此让人愉悦和美妙,甚至会得到黛丝娜本人的关注,并赐予她无与伦比的运气。当天体颂唱者维持这个星之声时,无论她投掷什么样的d20检定,均可以投掷两次并取较好的结果(但是频率不得超过每轮1次)。

多才多艺(Versatile Performance,Ex):在第2级以及第6级时,天体颂唱者会获得多才多艺(Versatile Performance),就如同吟游诗人(bard)的同名职业能力一般。天体颂唱者只能选择表演(歌唱)或者表演(舞蹈);如果她已经选择上述两个选项,才能够选择其他多才多艺的可选项作为替代。当天体颂唱者获得该能力时,她可以重训相关技能的技能等级(retrain ranks in the associated skills),而且无需支付任何消耗。

漫游之梦(Wandering Dream,Su):4级起,天体颂唱者获得寻梦师(Lucid Dreamer;OA)作为奖励专长。当她每夜入眠之时,都可以联系一个人(single person)。该效果就如同托梦术(Dream)一般,不过天体颂唱者必须非常熟悉(very familiar)受术者。许多天体颂唱者会以此方式来和遥远的亲人或爱人保持联系。6级起,该效果允许受术者进入到天体颂唱者的梦境中,就如同梦境会议(Dream Council;OA)一般(受术者会如同施放了托梦术进行了应答一般)。
8级起,天体颂唱者能够旅行到一名生物的梦里并且留下一条暗示(suggestion),来替代接触熟悉的人。该效果的功能就如同短讯暗示(Demand)一般,不过作用方式是改造梦境而非发出短讯。如果以此方式使用该能力,那么所有关于托梦术接受者的限制均会如常生效。天体颂唱者会在准备入睡(goes to sleep)时选择选择使用何种(如果可以选择的话)能力。
劇透 -  Lucid Dreamer:
Lucid Dreamer
好处:你对幻梦境(Dimension of Dreams)中具有的高度可塑(highly morphic)以及狂野魔法(wild magic)这两项特性有着极强的掌控力。在判断你的醒梦体(Lucid body)进入梦境后的最初状态时,或者进行绝无可能的壮举之时,会在魅力检定上获得+4加值。此外,你还会在防止由于狂野魔法(wild magic)而使得法术或类法术能力出错(going awry)的施法者等级检定上获得+2加值。如果某人施放了梦境会议(Dream Council;OA),并且还将正在做梦的你指定为目标之一,那么你就可以在不用耗费托梦术(Dream)或梦境会议(Dream Council)的情况下进入到共享的梦境中。如果你的醒梦体(Lucid body)在梦境中死亡,那么当你醒来之后便会陷入疲乏(fatigued)。

跨界旅者(Tapestry Traveler,Ex, Sp):10级起,天体颂唱者能够如同蝴蝶从虫茧中孵化一般进化为超凡之躯,她的本质充满了星尘和神秘的能量。天体颂唱者的生物类型变为精类(fey),生出蝴蝶翅膀并获得50尺的飞行速度(机动性良好)。此外,她变得免疫寒冷(cold),而且获得无需呼吸(no breath)通用怪物能力。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术

劇透 -   :
The faithful of Desna are legendary for their love of wayfaring, but the sphere singer takes this wanderlust to almost extreme lengths. Sphere singers combine faith and song to help them in their travels. They are always eager to discover what is past the horizon or in the next chamber. As the sphere singer advances in level, she learns to inf luence dreams and manipulate luck. Eventually, she even transcends her mortal origins to travel among the stars. Yet a sphere singer never loses sight of the fact that no matter how powerful she grows, she is still subject to the fickle whims of fate, and she trusts in luck to aid her in times of need.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a sphere singer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Neutral good, chaotic good, or chaotic neutral.
Deity: Must worship Desna.
Skills: Knowledge (geography) 3 ranks, Perform (sing) 6 ranks.
Feats: Weapon Finesse.
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level spells.
Special: Must be proficient with the starknife.

Class Skills
The sphere singer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the sphere singer prestige class.
Graceful Hand (Ex): The sphere singer gains Starry GraceUI as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites.
Starsong (Su): A sphere singer is able to use Perform (sing) to create magical effects, as per the bardic performance bard class feature. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to twice her sphere singer level, and can also use rounds of bardic performance gained from bard levels to perform starsong performances, and vice versa. Starting a starsong performance is a move action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. If the sphere singer has bardic performance, she can also start bardic performances as a move action instead of a standard action. A starsong performance cannot be disrupted, but ends immediately if the sphere singer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, silenced, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round.  A starsong performance counts as a bardic performance for the purpose of determining how many performances the sphere singer can have in effect at one time. A starsong performance has audible components but not visual components. At 7th level, a sphere singer can start a starsong performance or a bardic performance as a swift action. The save DC against a sphere singer’s performance is equal to 10 + the sphere singer’s level + her Charisma modifier. The sphere singer’s performances grow stronger as her level increases.
Wanderer’s Hymn: At 1st level, the sphere singer can use music to hasten her steps. As long as she maintains this starsong performance, she gains a +30- foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed.
Sweet Dreams: At 3rd level, the sphere singer can spend 5 minutes performing and expend 5 rounds of starsong to protect sleepers. Any creature that remains within 30 feet of the sphere singer during the entire 5 minute performances becomes immune to nightmare and other effects that attack a sleeping target, such as a night hag’s dream haunting ability, for one night’s rest. In addition, those creatures gain the benefits of dream feast (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods 232).
Butterfly: At 5th level, the sphere singer’s music lets her explore the skies. While she maintains this starsong, she gains the benefits of f ly. Alternately, by spending 5 minutes performing and expending 10 rounds of starsong performance, she can gain the benefits of overland f light. Both of these effects manifest at a caster level equal to the sphere singer’s total Hit Dice. While under either effect, the sphere singer grows large butterf ly wings.
Guide My Steps: At 7th level, the sphere singer learns to use song as a guide to her goal. To use this starsong, she must spend 3 rounds performing and expend 6 rounds of starsong performance. At the end of this performance, the sphere singer gains the benefits of find the path at a caster level equal to her character level.
If the sphere singer chooses, she can perform guide my steps without a clear destination in mind. At the GM’s discretion, the sphere singer may be guided to something particularly interesting, such as a new romantic opportunity, a good place to watch the sunset, or an exotic monster’s den; otherwise, she merely wanders aimlessly until the effects end.
Fortune’s Favor: At 9th level, the sphere singer’s song is so lively and delightful that Desna herself takes notice, blessing her with peerless luck. While she maintains this starsong, whenever the sphere singer rolls a d20 (but no more often than once per round), she can roll twice and take the more favorable result.
Versatile Performance (Ex): At 2nd and 6th levels, the sphere singer gains versatile performance, as per the bard class feature. The sphere singer can choose only Perform (sing) or Perform (dance); once she has already chosen both of these, she can instead gain any other versatile performance. When the sphere singer gains this ability, she can retrain ranks in the associated skills at no cost.
Wandering Dream (Su): At 4th level, the sphere singer gains Lucid DreamerOA as a bonus feat. Each night as she sleeps, she can contact a single person. This functions as dream, except that the sphere singer must be very familiar with the recipient. Many sphere singers keep contact with distant family or lovers this way. At 6th level, this effect allows the recipient to enter the sphere singer’s dreamscape, as per dream councilOA (as if the recipient had cast dream in response).
At 8th level, instead of contacting a familiar person, the sphere singer can travel to a creature’s dream and leave a suggestion. This functions as demand, but modifying dream instead of sending. When used this way, the normal restrictions on dream’s recipient apply. The sphere singer chooses which of these abilities to use (if any) when she goes to sleep.
Tapestry Traveler (Ex, Sp): At 10th level, the sphere singer transcends mortality like a butterf ly emerging from its chrysalis, her essence infused with stardust and unearthly energies. Her type changes to fey, and she grows large butterf ly wings, gaining a f ly speed of 50 feet (good).  In addition, she becomes immune to cold and gains the no breath universal monster ability.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:48:57 »
据称被称作微光少女(The Shimmering Maiden)的至高天神使普露拉(Pulura)会在极光之下翩翩起舞。因此普露拉的部分信徒会循着星空寻找着她的指引,致力于让自身和悬挂在空中的天际篷车星座群(constellations of the Cosmic Caravan)产生共鸣。
尽管观星者的关注点远在天际之中,但他们仍旧会为了对抗那些必然与其产生冲突的恶魔而接受训练。普露拉的信众在内海地区的传统聚居地原本是被称为萨柯里斯(Sarkoris)的土地,然而随着预言破灭之年(Age of Lost Omens)的到来,这片地区被世界之殇(Worldwound)所吞噬。许多普露拉的信徒死于深渊的入侵,而幸存者们仍然在过去的几十年间挣扎求存、积蓄力量。此处列出的进阶职业是在传统的观星者之上,将对抗恶魔及其同类的力量添加其中的近代版本,他们依旧信仰着微光少女,在世界之殇的破败土地上抵御恶魔的侵袭,守护着那片仍在他们控制之下的土地。


生命骰(Hit Die):d6

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

指引明光(Guiding Light,Su):观星者获得魔宠(familiar),将他的观星者等级视同为法师等级。

秘术(Mystery Magic,Ex):在第1级和第9级,观星者能够从女巫(witch)的巫术列表(list of hexes)中获得一个巫术(hex)。在判断巫术的效果时,将他的观星者等级视同为女巫等级(并与女巫等级叠加)。此外,将所有萨满(shaman)在苍天魂域(heavens spirit)中可以使用的巫术添加到女巫巫术列表中。
3级起,除了观星者已经拥有的任何领域之外,他还会获得星子域(Stars subdomain;ISG刊载,虚空领域的子域)。在判断领域观星者获得的领域能力以及效果时,将他的观星者等级视同为牧师等级(并与牧师等级叠加)。若他并非牧师,则将星子域的法术添加到他的职业法术列表(若有必要的话)和他的已知法术(spells known)、法术书(spellbook)、魔宠(familiar)或者类似的法术来源中。除非使用当群星归于正位(the stars are right;星子域领域能力),否则以此方式添加的法术每日仅能施放1次。无论观星者拥有何种施法职业,他都可以使用当群星归于正位(the stars are right)。
观星者会随着等级的提升获得先知(oracle)夜空秘示域(heavens mystery)中的部分能力。在5级时,观星者获得夜空秘示域的启示:繁星罩衫(Coat of Many Stars)。7级时则会获得星图预兆(Star Chart)。在判断这些启示的效果时,他观星者等级和牧师等级会被视同为先知等级(并与先知等级叠加)。

星座奥秘(Sidereal Arcana,Su或Sp):随着对夜空有着更加深入的研究,观星者与天际篷车星座群中的某些星座构筑起联系,获取了来自星体的神秘力量。在2级以及之后的每2个等级,观星者都可以从后述列表中自行选择1项星座奥秘。

天桥座(The Bridge):观星者能够抵御来自冬日的黑暗。他会获得5点寒冷抗力(cold resistance)和30尺距离的黑暗视觉(darkvision)。观星者能够无惩罚地看透恶魔(demons)创造的黑暗。

闺女座(The Daughter):闺女座能用春季的到来以及万物的新生鼓舞人心。观星者和10尺范围内的所有盟友会在对抗恐惧(fear)的豁免检定中获得+4士气加值,通过威吓技能挫败士气(demoralize)的DC也会增加4点。观星者免疫恶魔创造的恐惧效果(fear effects)。

追行者座(The Follower):死之阴影的跟随着观星者,让他免受毁灭之痛。观星者在对抗死亡效果(death effects)的豁免检定中获得+4加值。此外,他免疫所有由恶魔创造的死亡效果、负能量效果(negative energy effects)和负向等级(negative levels)。

持灯人座(The Lantern Bearer):观星者塑造光明的力量得到了增强。观星者通过魔法创造的所有光源的半径都会增加10尺,此类法术的环级视为比正常高2级(spell level is considered to be 2 higher)。

慈母座(The Mother):观星者引导着星座群的慈爱之心。每当观星者施放一个治疗法术(cure spell)、施放生命之息(Breath of Life)或者使用治愈(Healing)巫术时,他都能够将其职业等级的两倍加到恢复的生命值上。若观星者是牧师,并且引导正能量的话,在判断引导能量的效果时可以将观星者等级与牧师等级叠加。

新婚座(The Newlyweds):相爱之人缠绵合一的标志赋予观星者一种神秘的魅力。每当他对可能对其产生性趣(could be romantically attracted to him)的某人使用魅惑(charm)或依赖语言(language-dependent)的效果时,豁免DC都会增加2点。此外,他还会在对抗此类个体时,唬骗和交涉检定获得+2加值。最后,观星者在对抗恶魔创造的魅惑效果时,豁免检定会获得+2士气加值。

驮兽座(The Pack):观星者与星座群中负责背负篷车的野兽产生联结。他会在驯养动物检定上获得+2加值。此外,每当他施放能够呼唤复数动物类生物的召唤法术(summoning spell)时,都会额外召唤1只该类型的动物。

天父座(The Patriarch):观星者获得对方向的直觉。他总是能够哪面是正北方向,并且会在导航或寻找方向的生存检定中获得+4加值。观星者还会变得免疫迷宫术(Maze)以及类似的效果。

驭手座(The Rider):观星者能够召唤一匹骏马,让心生邪念之人无法伤害他。每日1次,观星者能够以类法术能力使用魅影驹(Phantom Steed);该类法术能力具有光亮描述符(light descriptor),而且只有观星者能够骑乘这匹坐骑。这匹马由星光构成,如同火把(torch)一般散发着光芒。当观星者骑乘着星光战马(star-steed)时,他视为受到升阶至(heightened to)4级的圣域术(Sanctuary)影响;若他的行为打破了圣域术,则可以在1分钟后重新启动。这些效果的施法者等级等同于他的角色等级。

观星者座(The Stargazer):与观星者同名的星座向他发出警告。这让观星者的先攻检定获得+2洞察加值,而且自身在战斗中进行行动之前不会被视为措手不及(flat-footed),但是该效果并不会真的让他能够提前进行行动。

陌路人座(The Stranger):观星者明白如何完美地融入其他文化之中。他获得每日3次以类法术能力施放适应文化(cultural adaptation;UI)的能力,施法者等级等同于他的角色等级。在受到该能力的效果影响时,身体的外观会如常产生变化,让他看起来像是合适的种族或民族(尽管他的属性不会产生变化)。

画眉鸟座(The Thrush):观星者的嗓音变得悦耳动听。观星者会在交涉和表演(歌唱)检定上获得相当于职业等级一半的加值。

马车座(The Wagon):观星者的行动变得迅捷且稳定。他的移动速度获得+10尺增强加值,而且能够在困难地形中进行五尺快步(take 5-foot steps)。此外,每日3次以迅捷动作(swift action),他能够在1轮内获得行动自如(Freedom of Movement)的效果,不过仅限用于对抗恶魔创造的效果。

星座之舞(Stars’ Dance,Ex):10级起,观星者对天际篷车星座群的理解达到了顶点。每日1次,观星者能够将自己已有的星座奥秘替换为任意一个其他的星座奥秘。新获得的星座奥秘也可以被本能力替换,如果不使用本能力的话,这种替换会是永久性的。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
10级+7+3+5+5星座奥秘,星座之舞      +1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
The empyreal lord Pulura, the Shimmering Maiden, is said to dance among the lights of the aurora. Some of her worshipers seek her guidance in the starry skies, attuning themselves to the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries 36).
Beyond the stargazers’ interests in the heavens, though, they also train for the inevitable conf lict with demons. Pulura’s bastion of worship in the Inner Sea region has traditionally been in the land of Sarkoris, which was consumed from within by the Worldwound at the advent of the Age of Lost Omens. Many of Pulura’s worshipers perished during that disastrous invasion from the Abyss, but those who survived remained behind and, over the past several decades, have grown in power. This prestige class’s specific defenses against demons and their ilk are a relatively recent addition to the traditions of the Puluran stargazer, but have served her worshipers well in helping them defend what little land they still control in the demon-blighted wastes of the Worldwound.
Hit Die: d6.

To qualify to become a stargazer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Neutral good, chaotic good, or chaotic neutral.
Deity: Must worship Pulura.
Skills: Knowledge (geography) 5 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Survival 3 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level spells.

Class Sk ills
The stargazer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modif ier.

Class Features
Below are the class features of the stargazer prestige class.
Guiding Light (Su): The stargazer gains a familiar, treating his stargazer level as his wizard level.
Mystery Magic (Ex): At 1st and 9th levels, the stargazer gains a hex from the witch’s list of hexes. His stargazer levels count as (and stack with) witch levels when determining the effects of hexes. In addition, the stargazer adds all hexes available to a shaman with the heavens spirit (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 40) to the witch list.
At 3rd level, the stargazer gains the StarsISG subdomain in addition to any domains he already has. His stargazer levels count as (and stack with) cleric levels when determining which domain abilities he gains and their effects. If he isn’t a cleric, the subdomain’s spells are added to his class spell list (if necessary) and to his spells known, spellbook, familiar, or similar source. Spells added this way may be cast only once per day, unless using the stars are right ability. He can use the stars are right ability regardless of his spellcasting class.
A stargazer gains certain abilities from the heavens oracle mystery (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide 48) as he gains levels as well. At 5th level, the stargazer gains the coat of many stars oracle revelation. At 7th level, he gains the star chart revelation. His stargazer levels and cleric levels count as (and stack with) oracle levels when he is determining the effects of these revelations.
Sidereal Arcana (Su or Sp): As he studies the skies, the stargazer binds himself to constellations from the Cosmic Caravan, drawing on their unearthly power. At 2nd level and every 2 class levels thereafter, the stargazer gains one sidereal arcana of his choice from the list below.
The Bridge: The stargazer is warded against winter’s darkness. He gains cold resistance 5 and darkvision with a range of 30 feet. The stargazer can see through darkness created by demons without penalty.
The Daughter: The Daughter emboldens hearts with the promise of springtime and new life. The stargazer and allies within 10 feet gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear, and the DC to demoralize them via Intimidate increases by 4. The stargazer is immune to fear effects created by demons.
The Follower: The specter of death follows the stargazer, shielding him from doom. The stargazer gains a +4 bonus on saves against death effects. In addition, he is immune to all death effects, negative energy effects, and negative levels created by demons.
The Lantern Bearer: The stargazer’s ability to conjure light increases. The radius of any light source he creates via magic increases by 10 feet, and its spell level is considered to be 2 higher.
The Mother: The stargazer channels the nurturing heart of the Caravan. Whenever the stargazer casts a cure spell, casts breath of life, or uses the healing hex, he adds twice his class level to the hit points restored. If the stargazer is a cleric with channel positive energy, his stargazer levels stack with his cleric levels to determine its effects.
The Newlyweds: The sign of intertwined lovers grants the stargazer a romantic mystique. Whenever he uses a charm or language-dependent effect against someone who could be romantically attracted to him, the save DC increases by 2. In addition, he gains a +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against such individuals. Finally, the stargazer gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects created by demons.
The Pack: The stargazer becomes attuned to the beasts that follow the Caravan. He gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks. In addition, whenever he casts a summoning spell that conjures multiple creatures of the animal type, he summons an additional animal of that type.
The Patriarch: The stargazer gains an innate sense of direction. He always knows which way north lies, and gains a +4 bonus on skill checks made to navigate or find his way. The stargazer also becomes immune to maze and similar effects.
The Rider: The stargazer can conjure a steed that deters those who would harm him. Once per day, the stargazer can use phantom steed as a spell-like ability; this spell-like ability has the light descriptor, and only the stargazer can ride the mount. The steed is made of starlight, and sheds light as a torch. While riding his star-steed, he is under the effects of sanctuary heightened to 4th level; if he breaks this sanctuary, he can reactivate it after 1 minute. The caster level of these effects is equal to his character level.
The Stargazer: The constellation that shares his name warns the stargazer of danger. The stargazer gains a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks and is not considered f lat-footed before he acts in combat, although this does not allow him to act if he could not otherwise do so.
The Stranger: The stargazer learns to blend seamlessly into others’ cultures. He can use cultural adaptationUI as a spell-like ability three times per day with a caster level equal to his character level. While under the effects of this ability, details of his body’s appearance change as well, making him physically appear as the appropriate race or ethnicity (although his statistics do not change).
The Thrush: The stargazer’s voice becomes harmonious. The stargazer gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Diplomacy and Perform (sing) checks.
The Wagon: The stargazer’s movement becomes swift and steady. He gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to his movement speed, and can take 5-foot steps in difficult terrain. In addition, three times per day as a swift action, he can gain the effects of freedom of movement for 1 round, but only against effects created by demons.
Stars’ Dance (Ex): At 10th level, the stargazer’s mastery of the Cosmic Caravan reaches its zenith. Once per day, the stargazer can replace one of his sidereal arcana with any other one. The new sidereal arcana can also be replaced using this ability, but the change is otherwise permanent.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-25, 周三 20:57:19 由 四月 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 20:30:22 »


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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2017-01-26, 周四 00:13:20 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2017-01-26, 周四 01:56:10 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #19 于: 2017-01-26, 周四 03:11:29 »
Flame Blade Dervish (Combat)
先决条件:能够以类法术能力或正常施放火焰刀(Flame Strike
好处:当你施放火焰刀(Flame Strike)时,只要该法术仍存在,你的基本陆上速度便会获得+10尺的增强加值,且所有特技动作检定均会获得+4表现加值。将你的魅力调整值加到你的火焰刀的伤害检定上,并且在判断你的火焰刀所造成的伤害时,忽略被你用火焰刀命中的生物所具有的前10点火焰抗力。在对抗不死敌人(undead foes)时,你能够忽略前30点火焰抗力。免疫火焰仍旧可以完全避免你的火焰刀的伤害。
Flame Blade Dervish (Combat)

You move effortlessly when wielding a flame blade.

Prerequisite(s): Ability to cast flame blade as a spell or spell-like ability.

Benefit(s): When you cast flame blade, you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to your base speed as long as the spell persists, along with a +4 competence bonus on all Acrobatics checks. You add your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with your flame blade, and ignore the first 10 points of fire resistance possessed by a creature you hit with the flame blade for the purposes of determining the damage dealt by the flame blade. Against undead foes, you ignore the first 30 points of fire resistance. Immunity to fire still completely protects against damage from your flame blade.
Flame Strike是焰击术,应该是flame blade火焰刀咯

劇透 -   :
以及酿酒师里的凯连·凯登应该都是凯登·凯连(Cayden Cailean)吧…… :em002
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-26, 周四 03:40:00 由 Narr »
"not worthy"