作者 主题: 【COB】混乱中立(Chaotic Neutral)阵营角色扮演指南  (阅读 15733 次)

副标题: “你说这个谁懂啊”

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 冲动者


    • 在发现了可行的行动计划后就会迅速且果敢地执行。
    • 利用手头上的一切资源,寻求以最愉悦的方式达成目标。
    • 有时比起成功率高但易于预测的做法,更倾向于进行让人大吃一惊的行动。


  • 叛逆者



    • 可能会,也可能不会考虑应该用什么取代自己打算破坏的事物——或者你压根就没思考这个的需要。
    • 向那些胆敢对你指手画脚的“权威人士”愤怒相向。
    • 即使是在最好停手的时候,你也无法停下手中的兵刃。


  • 破坏者



    • 寻找削弱或者打破系统体制的方法。
    • 比起行为表面更注重结果本身。
    • 会因为敌人无法抓到你而沾沾自喜。







  • 叛逆组织


  • 蛮荒之境


引述: 边栏






    【社会】厚颜无耻(Unabnashed Gall):即使你的违法行为已经足以让围观群众瞠目结舌,你也完全没把法律放在心上。只要你出乎意料,肆无忌惮地做出会招致其他生物敌意相向的违法行为——比如说故意破坏或盗窃偷扒之类的——你可以进行一次唬骗检定以对抗对方的察言观色检定。如果你成功通过该检定,则你和其他预料到并放任你进行违法行为的盟友则可以获得一次在突袭轮中行动的机会。而每个这样的盟友都会使你在唬骗检定上受到-2减值,该减值可以累增。如果你的唬骗检定失败,则不会出现突袭轮。无论你的唬骗检定成功与否,你和任何预料到并放任你进行违法行为的盟友在战斗期间所进行先攻检定都视作骰出 1

    【战斗】莫测反应(Unpredictable Reaction):你在战斗开始之初的反应出乎人们意料。你在突袭轮期间的攻击上获得+1背景加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Chaotic neutral
Chaotic neutral characters are a widely divergent bunch. For some, chaos is the principle upon which they fight. Others see it as the essential quality of their lifestyles. And there are those who hold chaos as the water in which they swim. Whether chaotic neutral individuals view chaos as simply an absence of law and appreciate it for that reason, or see chaos as the fundamental nature of reality, characters drawn to raw, untrammeled dynamism in any form may be attracted to this alignment.

Finding a consistent philosophy among chaotic neutral individuals is a near impossibility. Some break every law they can on principle; others point out that this is just as predictable and boring as slavishly following those same laws. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.

 i Mpulsives
Some chaotic characters, rather than opposing law, tend to ignore it and are instead driven by the fun or heat of the moment. Despite their name, some impulsives do recognize the value of plans and preparations: they equip the group to improvise, and usually require it of them, because when did a plan ever go exactly right?
    if you are an impulsive, you:
• Act quickly and decisively when you discover a feasible plan of action.
• Look for enjoyable ways to achieve your goals with whatever resources you have on hand.
• Sometimes struggle to pass up the surprising act for the successful-but-predictable one.
code: Each moment tells you what you need to do.

r eBels
Some rebels are opposed to specific laws or rulers. Others just want to smash the cage of obedience that binds the mortal spirit. But whether the rebel is attempting to free a nation or just herself, she’s never afraid to go against the grain to achieve what she believes is right.
    if you are a rebel, you:
• May or may not have—or need—a vision of what should replace what you’re destroying.
• Resent those who dare try to hold authority over you.
• Can’t stop fighting, even when you probably should.
code: It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

s aBoteurs
While  some  chaotic  neutral saboteurs do booby-trap siege machinery and such devices, most do not adhere to this theme so literally. Instead, most saboteurs focus on bringing down social orders  and  other  strictures imposed on them by others. In some respects, the saboteur is like the rebel, but rather than concentrate the struggle against the oppressor, the saboteur takes the fight to the instruments of oppression. After all, what is a ruler without his crown?
    if you are a saboteur, you:
• Look for ways to cripple or break the system.
• Care less about the show than the result.
• Take pride in your foes’ inability to catch you.
code: By breaking the tools of power, you free everyone living under the shadow of such tools.

advantaGes and ChallenGes
Chaotic neutral characters are driven from within by deep-seated emotions. They excel at taking the initiative and setting the agenda, rather than allowing other people’s frameworks to dictate their actions. Some have a slight tendency to get too caught up in themselves and their own feelings, but those who can keep selfish impulses in check can bring a definite spark to any party.
Often brash and lacking in foresight, chaotic neutral characters struggle to be patient with restrictions. It can be hard for some to recognize that not all restraints come from people attempting to rule them. Where their chaotic nature expresses itself as flightiness or obsession, it can blind these individuals to reality, and that can cause harm they don’t intend—which in turn can lead to enmities they don’t expect.

OPPOrtunities and allies
Characters of nearly every class can lean chaotic neutral, but the furious barbarian and the clever rogue are perhaps the iconic faces of this alignment. Mad genius alchemists and eccentric wizards definitely have a home in this alignment as well.
Perhaps it’s the wanderlust that often afflicts chaotic neutral characters that makes them such a widespread bunch. In any event, finding chaotic neutral allies in the Inner Sea is rarely difficult.

Rebel Organizations:
Many regions around the Inner Sea host significant numbers of rebellious and chaotic guerrilla warriors, whether such characters come from the dog-eat-dog islands of the Shackles or the bloody streets of revolutionary Galt. Many groups on Golarion seek to dismantle order and sow the seeds of chaos for one reason or another, and a flexible individual can find any number of such causes to fight for.

Untamed Realms:
Among the fey-ridden wilds of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, chaos is the rule, not the exception. The same description applies to the ever-shifting fiefdoms of the River Kingdoms, since few leaders manage to dominate their holdings for long, and those who do must contend with an ever- changing array of neighboring nations and territories. The unpredictable nature of the Mana Wastes provides excitement that many chaotic individuals seek, as do the untold wonders of mysterious Jalmeray and the entirety of the First World—the capricious and ever-changing planar home of the fey.
The following traits complement chaotic neutral characters.

 Unabashed Gall (Social): Your total indifference to the law even as you’re breaking it is such that those watching you are stunned. Whenever you commit an unexpected and outrageously unlawful act (such as knowingly destroying or stealing something) that would elicit a hostile response from another creature, you may attempt a Bluff check opposed by the opponent’s Sense Motive check. if you’re successful, you and any allies who were willfully expecting your unlawful deed may act in a surprise round. For each ally willfully expecting your unlawful deed, you take a cumulative –2 penalty on your Bluff check. if your Bluff check fails, there is no surprise round. Regardless of whether your Bluff check succeeds, you and any allies willfully taking advantage of your unlawful deed treat your initiative checks for the duration of combat as though you had each rolled a 1.

Unpredictable Reactions (Combat): Your reactions to combat beginning aren’t what people expect. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made during the surprise round of combat.

chaotic Neutral iSN’t evil
Players and GMs often confuse the actions of a chaotic neutral character with those of a neutral evil or chaotic evil one. After all, it can be easy to mix up the self- determined acts of chaotic neutral with the self-centered principles of evil. But embracing your chaotic neutral nature isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want.
A chaotic neutral character can (and probably should, sometimes) freely choose to support others—even sacrifice for others, something that is anathema to evil characters. Many chaotic-leaning societies, such as the Ulfen of the north and the pirates of the Shackles, place a high premium on lavish interpersonal generosity, willingness to do what needs doing, and honoring one’s word even at great personal cost—they see such acts as expressions of exceptional individuality rather than blind conformity to predetermined standards. A code of personal honor is entirely compatible with a chaotic alignment, provided this code is simple, serves to limit the constraints on yourself (and possibly others), and springs from a fierce internal conviction. Your sense of obligation is personal, not imposed by rules and structure; indeed, determinedly self-sufficient souls often feel their obligations more keenly than others around them.
Further, successful chaotic communities often see unfettered selfishness as allowing oneself to be ruled by one’s passions and possessions, which makes for a poor neighbor, as well as one who is easily manipulated. A chaotic neutral character needn’t always act randomly, on the moment’s whim, or without regard for history, context, and the effect of her actions on others (and their likely responses). Similarly, chaotic can just as easily mean impulsive generosity, grand gestures, and astonishing insight as it can thoughtless hedonism or careless indifference.

《探索者》Pathfinder 九大阵营角色扮演指南索引



离线 阿卡酱

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Re: 【COB】混乱中立(Chaotic Neutral)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-04-16, 周日 13:50:58 »
一看就知道 我是冲动者 诶嘿 :em025

离线 諾莉莉

  • Chivary
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Re: 【COB】混乱中立(Chaotic Neutral)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-04-16, 周日 22:36:20 »
摸阿卡的光頭 :em003