作者 主题: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vampire Hunter)  (阅读 29985 次)


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【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vampire Hunter)
« 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 04:56:13 »
吸血鬼獵人(Vampire Hunter)
並非所有暗夜中的獵殺者都將凡人作為它的獵物。出於榮譽、絕望或悲慘的需求,吸血鬼獵人不僅會把他的能力用於針對夜之生物,也包括他們可怕的不死霸主: 吸血鬼。大多數的吸血鬼獵人在第一次遇到血族的時候都無法生存下來,因為他們缺乏可以真正準備面對夜晚的貴族的學習或訓練。那些倖存下來並迫使自己繼續成長的少數人,變的越來越像他們可怕的獵物,成為帶來死亡的黑衣使徒,同時被亡者與生者所恐懼著。吸血鬼獵人那沉鬱而堅若鋼鐵的毅力幾乎媲美狂熱的宗教信仰,這神秘但無我的執著則即是他們所使用的神力的源泉。

角色定位(Role):吸血鬼獵人痴迷於追殺他們的獵物 - 不只是血族,還包括所有那些替貴族服務的超自然野獸和不死生物。這些鬥士們追蹤著他們的瀆神獵物,學習他們的弱點,並擊敗他們。這樣做需要的不僅僅是訓練和詭計而已。為了對抗黑暗,吸血鬼獵人接受了敵人的不自然力量,以血族的邪惡之力反擊他們。吸血鬼獵人是與邪惡奮戰的先鋒,但也懂得珍惜其他專業冒險者的觀點、支援與魔法。


生命骰(Hit Die):d8。

起始財富(Starting Wealth):5d6 x 10gp (平均值 175gp)。

吸血鬼獵人的本職技能是:唬騙(魅力)、攀爬(力量)、工藝(智力)、馴養動物(魅力)、醫療(感知)、威嚇(魅力)、知識(神秘)(智力)、知識(地理)(智力)、知識(地方)(智力)、知識(宗教)(智力)、察覺(感知)、專業 (感知)、騎術(敏捷)、察言觀色(感知)、法術辨識(智力)、隱匿(敏捷)、生存(感知)、游泳(力量)。
每級技能點數:6 + 智力修正值。

等級      BAB強韌      反射      意志      特殊



20級+20/+15/+10/+5      +6+12+12吸血鬼獵人大師4433

等級    1級    2級    3級    4級


武器與防具擅長(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):吸血鬼獵人擅長所有的簡易和軍用武器,輕甲和中甲,以及所有類型的盾牌(除了塔盾)。

偵測死靈(Detect Undead, Sp):吸血鬼獵人可以隨意使用偵測死靈,效果和同名法術一樣。吸血鬼獵人也可以使用一個移動動作專注於60尺內的單一物體或生物,以獲知對方是否為不死生物以及對方的靈光強度,如同使用法術研究了三輪時間。當專注於單一物體或生物時,吸血鬼獵人不會偵測到法術範圍內其它的不死生物。

技巧專長(Technique Feat):由於狩獵吸血鬼的固有致命性,吸血鬼獵人的方法與傳統非常罕見且少被了解。




追蹤(Track, Ex):吸血鬼獵人在追蹤痕跡時將吸血鬼獵人等級的一半(最少為1)加到生存檢定上。

血族之力(Vampiric Focus, Su):吸血鬼獵人知曉不死生物的邪惡力量。透過紀律與精準,他可以暫時把不死生物的褻瀆之力轉向對付他們。




血族靈敏(Vampiric Agility): 吸血鬼獵人的所有移動速度增加5尺。在8級時,他的移動速度增加10尺,並獲得反射閃避,如同盜賊的職業能力。在16級時,吸血鬼獵人獲得精通反射閃避,如同盜賊的高等天賦。

血族召喚(Vampiric Call): 吸血鬼獵人召喚蝙蝠,老鼠,昆蟲等夜間基本生物圍繞著他。這些生物提供了抵抗傷害的功能,給予吸血鬼獵人等同於他的等級的臨時生命值。在8級時,他在AC上還獲得+2偏斜加值。在16級時,偏斜加值增加到+4。

血族狡詐(Vampiric Cunning): 吸血鬼獵人在察覺和隱匿檢定上獲得等同於他等級一半的加值。在8級時,他可以在使用隱匿時以正常速度移動而不受減值。在16級時,吸血鬼獵人可以在衝鋒時使用隱匿(但在進行任何其他攻擊時無法使用); 當衝鋒(並且只有在衝鋒時),即使他缺乏相對於他的目標的掩蔽,他也可以嘗試隱匿檢定。

血族之心(Vampiric Heart): 吸血鬼獵人獲得對抗寒冷和電擊的能量抗力,等同於他的等級的一半。此外,吸血鬼獵人的心跳無法被偵測到。任何偵測或識別生命的能力,例如生命感知,都無法感知到他。在16級時,每天一次,在此血族之力啟動期間,當他的生命值減少到0或更少時,吸血鬼獵人立即變成氣態(如同法術氣體型態)持續等同於他的等級一半的輪數,並且獲得等同於他的等級一半的臨時生命值。吸血鬼獵人可以隨時解除氣態形式,而不會失去這些臨時生命值。這個效果在持續時間過去後,在吸血鬼獵人失去臨時生命值後,或者當此血族之力不再啟動時結束,吸血鬼獵人立即變為實體並失去這些臨時生命值。如果他在效果期間沒有得到治療,這將使吸血鬼獵人的生命值返回到他在受到觸發此能力的攻擊或效果後的生命值。

血族之力(Vampiric Might): 吸血鬼獵人獲得+2增強加值到力量,並且他的武器在克服傷害減免時總是被視為魔法。此加值在8級時增加到+4,在16級時增加到+6。

血族步伐(Vampiric Momentum): 吸血鬼獵人被視為受到法術羽落術的影響。在8級時,他如同受到法術蛛行術的影響,並可以在困難地形正常移動。在16級時,他被視為受到法術行動自如的影響,並且可以如同在堅實的地面上,移動穿過空中或平靜水域(或類似物質)的區域,雖然吸血鬼獵人必須在堅實的地面上開始和結束這一移動。這允許吸血鬼獵人穿越水,空中,熔岩(如果他沒有免疫的話,會正常受到火焰傷害)等而不會墜落或下沉。

血族氣勢(Vampiric Presence): 吸血鬼獵人獲得+2增強加值到魅力。在8級時,此加值增加到+4,並且他每天可以把魅惑人類作為類法術能力施放等同於他的魅力修正值次數。在16級時,魅力的增強加值增加到+6,並且他每天可以把支配人類作為類法術能力施放等同於他的魅力修正值次數。 吸血鬼獵人使用此能力賦予的類法術能力時,將他的等級視為施法者等級。

血族堅韌(Vampiric Resilience): 吸血鬼獵人獲得針對能量吸取的防護。每次此血族之力啟動期間,他會免除前兩次受到的負向等級。在8級時,在此血族之力啟動期間,他會免除前四次受到的負向等級。在16級時,在此血族之力啟動期間,他會免除前六次受到的負向等級。

血族意志(Vampiric Resolve): 吸血鬼獵人在對抗影響心靈效果的意志豁免上獲得+2加值。如果他已經受到影響心靈效果的影響,當他啟動此血族之力時,他可以立即針對該效果重擲豁免檢定並獲得等同於他的吸血鬼獵人等級一半的加值。在16級時,他免疫影響心靈效果。

血族之眼(Vampiric Sight): 吸血鬼獵人獲得黑暗視覺60尺(如果他已經有黑暗視覺,範圍增加30尺)。在8級時,吸血鬼獵人的黑暗視覺的範圍增加30尺。在16級時,吸血鬼獵人獲得30尺盲感。

無情追獵(Relentless, Ex):2級時,吸血鬼獵人可以長時間旅行而不需要休息。吸血鬼獵人(和他的坐騎,如果有的話)可以在一天的旅行中行走16個小時,而不被視作是強行軍(參見開拓者角色扮演遊戲核心規則書的第171頁),但在那天結束時,他必須進行DC 15的強韌豁免。如果失敗的話,他可以在第二天中旅行行走8個小時,而他(和他的坐騎,如果有的話)在24小時內會陷入疲乏。


木樁(Stake, Su):4級時,任何被吸血鬼獵人拿來刺穿吸血鬼的心臟的穿刺武器或鋒利的工具(例如岩釘)皆被視為木樁。如果此臨時木樁被移除,吸血鬼會如常地復活。

法術(Spells):從4級開始,吸血鬼獵人可以從審判者法術列表中 (參見Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide的第42頁)施展小量的神術。假如他還沒用完他的當天法術,他不需要事先準備施展他所知道的法術。吸血鬼獵人無法使用此能力施放審判者的禱念或高於4環的審判者法術。





無情追獵團(Relentless Band, Ex):5級時,吸血鬼獵人的毅力感染了和他一起旅行的同伴,增加了一天中隊伍可以花在旅行上的時間。吸血鬼獵人每天都可以讓等同於他等級一半的數量的同伴(加上他們的坐騎)也受益於他的無情追獵能力。由吸血鬼獵人來代替隊伍進行豁免檢定。

吸血鬼追獵(Vampire Tracker, Ex):7級時,吸血鬼獵人可以追蹤氣態生物,例如吸血鬼以氣態形式移動或飛行時,如同他們留下實體般的足跡。追蹤氣態生物的生存檢定的基準DC為20。地表情形的修正值將不適用(氣態生物在行動時不會留下足跡),但其他狀態照常運作(參見開拓者角色扮演遊戲核心規則書的第107頁)。

快速追蹤(Swift Tracker, Ex):10級時,吸血鬼獵人可以其正常速度進行追踪而不用受到-5懲罰。在以雙倍速度移動時進行追踪只受-10懲罰(而不是一般的-20)。

叱嚇之徽(Vampire Bane, Su):11級時,吸血鬼獵人可以藉由強烈地表現出聖徽來引起吸血鬼的劇烈厭惡。當吸血鬼獵人使用標準動作秀出聖徽對抗吸血鬼時,吸血鬼必須通過意志豁免(DC = 15 +吸血鬼獵人的職業等級+吸血鬼獵人的魅力修正值)。


移除血族感染(Remove Vampirism, Su):13級時,吸血鬼獵人可以防止被吸血鬼殺死的生物變成吸血鬼復活。吸血鬼獵人花費10分鐘,用一瓶聖水浸泡屍體,可以移除被吸血鬼的吸血或能量吸取能力殺死所造成的血族感染,防止屍體通過吸血鬼的創造衍體能力變成吸血衍體。任何弱於奇蹟術祈願術的魔法都無法消除此能力的效果。如果屍體復活後又被吸血鬼殺死,他可能又會成為吸血鬼衍體。

狩獵目標(Quarry, Ex):14級時,吸血鬼獵人可以以標準動作指定一個視線內的目標為自己的狩獵目標。在追踪自己的狩獵目標時,吸血鬼獵人可以在以普通速度移動時的生存檢定中取10,不用受到懲罰。此外,在攻擊自己的狩獵目標時,吸血鬼獵人的攻擊檢定獲得+2洞察加值,並且所有重擊威脅自動確認。吸血鬼獵人不能同時指定多個狩獵目標。他可以在任意時刻以自由動作解除此效果,但無法在24小時內指定新的狩獵目標。如果吸血鬼獵人能夠確認自己的狩獵目標已經死亡或(不知何故)實際上不是不死生物,那麼他可以在1小時後選擇一個新的狩獵目標。

重擊反射(Critical Reflexes, Su):17級時,吸血鬼獵人在確認對不死生物造成的重擊後,他可以嘗試進行特殊的戰技檢定來取出一樣物品,並立即將其用在對手上。 吸血鬼獵人在他的重擊造成額外傷害後決定是否使用此能力。這時,他可以嘗試進行一次戰技檢定對抗目標的CMD (目標在對抗此戰技時會失去敏捷修正值)。如果吸血鬼獵人成功,他可以取出身上的一件物品,並立即將該物品用在目標生物上。此能力不會引發藉機攻擊。


如果目標生物是吸血鬼,且吸血鬼獵人身上擁有木樁(或被他的木樁能力影響的類似物品),他可以把木樁刺進吸血鬼的心臟,如同對方處於無助般,並立即殺死對方(參見開拓者角色扮演遊戲志怪錄的第270-271頁)。 如果目標生物不是吸血鬼的話,此嘗試會在最後一刻失敗; 吸血鬼獵人會意識到目標不是吸血鬼。吸血鬼獵人無法通過使用此能力利用木樁刺穿非吸血鬼的心臟。

高等狩獵目標(Improved Quarry, Ex):19級時,吸血鬼獵人追獵自己的獵物的能力升級。他現在可以以自由動作指定狩獵目標,並且可以在以普通速度移動時的生存檢定中取20,不用受到懲罰。他的攻擊洞察加值提高到+4。如果他的狩獵目標被殺死或者逃走,他可以在10分鐘後指定新的狩獵目標。

吸血鬼獵人大師(Master Vampire Hunter, Ex):20級時,吸血鬼獵人成為不死生物的剋星。作為一個標準動作,他可以對他的不死生物狩獵目標使用完整攻擊加值進行單次攻擊,同時選擇以下效果之一:摧毀,木樁刺穿或麻痺2d6輪。如果攻擊命中,目標會受到正常傷害,並且必須通過強韌豁免,否則會受到額外的效果。此豁免的DC為10 + 1/2吸血鬼獵人的等級+吸血鬼獵人的感知修正值。無論攻擊是否成功,此生物不能再被此能力當作目標(包括任何吸血鬼獵人),持續24小時。

如果吸血鬼獵人選擇摧毀目標,目標會被殺死。如果目標是吸血鬼,它不會進入氣體型態,且它的治療能力不會生效; 它會被直接毀滅。如果吸血鬼獵人選擇用木樁刺穿他的目標,那麼如果目標是非吸血鬼的話,目標會被殺死。如果目標是吸血鬼(或會被木樁刺穿心臟所影響的類似生物),那麼它也會被殺死,但是如果木樁被移除的話,它就會立即復活。吸血鬼獵人可以使用他4級的木樁能力來使用任何穿刺武器或鋒利的工具來當作木樁。


雖然吸血鬼獵人是一個獨立的基礎職業,但它的機制靈感來自幾個現有的開拓者角色扮演遊戲的基礎職業,包括獵人、審判者、聖武士和殺手。雖然角色可以兼職這些相關的職業,但是有些職業(特別是獵人和殺手,以及他們的源職業遊俠)會給予了重複的能力,而這些能力並不會疊加。此處提供了遊玩吸血鬼獵人所需要的所有資訊,除了審判者法術列表例外,那可以在Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide的第42頁或在paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd上在線查看。

劇透 -   :
Vampire Hunter

Not all beings who stalk the night hunt mortal prey. Out of honor, desperation, or tragic need, a vampire hunter pits his abilities not just against the creatures of the night, but also their terrifying undead overlords: vampires. Most vampire hunters do not survive their first encounters with vampirekind, as no amount of study or training can truly prepare one to face the Nobles of the night. Those few who survive and force themselves to carry on grow more and more like their terrible quarry, becoming dark-garbed bringers of death, feared by the dead and the living alike. Vampire hunters approach their duties with a grim but ironclad resolve so strong it resembles ecclesiastical faith, and it is from this mysterious, selfless dedication that their divine power wells.

Role: Vampire hunters obsessively stalk their quarry— not just vampirekind, but all those supernatural beasts and undead terrors that serve the Nobility. These champions of the living track their blasphemous prey, learn their weaknesses, and bring them low. Doing so requires more than training and guile, though. To stand against the darkness, vampire hunters adopt a measure of their foes' unnatural power, turning vampirekind's sinister might back against them. Vampire hunters are the vanguard in the battle against evil, but know to value the perspective, support, and magic of other expert adventurers.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp).

Class Skills
The vampire hunter's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge(religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the vampire hunter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A vampire hunter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Detect Undead (Sp)
At will, a vampire hunter can use detect undead, as the spell. A vampire hunter can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is undead, learning the strength of its aura as if he had studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the vampire hunter does not detect undead in any other object or individual within range.

Technique Feat
Due to the inherent deadliness of hunting vampires, the methods and traditions of vampire hunters are rare and little understood. This often makes vampire hunters just as feared as the undead they hunt. As vampire hunters study and train, they develop their skills, mastering ancient fighting techniques and drawing upon mystical arts feared by both the living and the dead.
At 1st level, a vampire hunter gains a bonus feat. This new feat can be selected from either those listed as combat feats or as vampire hunting technique feats (see page 14). A vampire hunter must meet the prerequisites for these feats to select them. The vampire hunter gains an additional bonus feat at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter.

Upon reaching 6th level, and every six levels thereafter (12th and 18th), a vampire hunter can choose to learn a new combat or technique feat in place of a combat or technique feat he has already learned. In effect, the vampire hunter loses the old feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or another ability the vampire hunter knows. A vampire hunter can exchange only one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.

Track (Ex)
A vampire hunter adds half his level to Survival skill checks to follow tracks.

Vampiric Focus (Su)
A vampire hunter knows the sinister power of the undead. Through discipline and precision, he can temporarily turn the unholy powers of the undead against them.

At 1st level, the vampire hunter must select one common vampiric power to mimic from the vampiric foci listed below. Each vampiric focus grants the vampire hunter a bonus or special ability. Once this decision is made, the vampire hunter cannot change which vampiric focus he knows. At 8th and 16th level, the vampire hunter learns an additional vampiric focus.

As a swift action, the vampire hunter can activate his vampiric focus. Ending the vampiric focus is a free action.

He can use each vampiric focus for a number of minutes per day equal to his level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

Once the vampire hunter ends a focus, it cannot be reactivated for 1 minute. The vampire hunter can have only one vampiric focus active at a time. Benefits from different vampiric foci do not stack with one another, including temporary hit points from multiple foci.

Vampiric Agility: All of the vampire hunter's movement speeds are increased by 5 feet. At 8th level, his movement speeds are increased by 10 feet and he gains evasion, as the rogue class feature. At 16th level, the vampire hunter gains improved evasion, as the rogue advanced talent.

Vampiric Call: The vampire hunter summons base creatures of the night—bats, rats, insects, and the like—to swarm around him. These creatures provide a measure of defense against damage, granting the vampire hunter a number of temporary hit points equal to his level. At 8th level, he also gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC. At 16th level, the deflection bonus increases to +4.

Vampiric Cunning: The vampire hunter gains a bonus on Perception and Stealth checks equal to half his level. At 8th level, he can move at his normal speed while using Stealth with no penalty. At 16th level, the vampire hunter can use Stealth while charging (but not while making any other attack); when charging (and only when charging), he can attempt a Stealth check even if he lacks cover relative to his target.

Vampiric Heart: The vampire hunter gains energy resistance equal to half his level against cold and electricity. Additionally, the vampire hunter's heartbeat is undetectable. Any ability that detects or identifies the living, such as the lifesense ability, does not perceive him. At 16th level, once per day when reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while this focus is activated, the vampire hunter immediately turns gaseous (as the spell gaseous form) for up to a number of rounds equal to half his level and he gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half his level. The vampire hunter can leave gaseous form at any time without losing these temporary hit points. This effect ends after these rounds have elapsed, after the vampire hunter loses the temporary hit points, or once this focus is no longer active, at which point the vampire hunter immediately becomes corporeal and loses these temporary hit points. If he has not received healing in the interim, this returns the vampire hunter to the number of hit points he had after the attack or effect that triggered this ability.

Vampiric Might: The vampire hunter gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and his weapons are always treated as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 16th level.

Vampiric Momentum: The vampire hunter is treated as being under the effects of the spell feather fall. At 8th level, he is also affected as if by the spell spider climb and can move normally through difficult terrain. At 16th level, he is treated as being under the effects of the spell freedom of movement, and can use up to two consecutive move actions in the same turn to cross areas of open air or calm water (or similar substances) as if they were solid ground, though the vampire hunter must begin and end this movement on solid ground. This allows the vampire hunter to cross water, open air, lava (though he takes fire damage as normal if not immune), and the like without falling or sinking.

Vampiric Presence: The vampire hunter gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +4, and he can cast charm person as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his adjusted Charisma modifier. At 16th level, the enhancement bonus to Charisma increases to +6, and the vampire hunter can cast dominate person as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his adjusted Charisma modifier. The vampire hunter treats his level as his caster level when using the spell-like abilities this ability grants.
Vampiric Resilience: The vampire hunter gains protection against energy drain. Each time this vampiric focus is activated, the first two times he would gain a negative level, he instead does not. At 8th level, the first four times he would gain a negative level while this focus is activated, he does not. At 16th level, the first six times he would gain a negative level while this focus is activated, he does not gain any negative levels.

Vampiric Resolve: The vampire hunter gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. If he has already been affected by a mind-affecting effect when he activates this focus, he can immediately reroll his saving throw against that effect with a bonus equal to half his vampire hunter level. At 16th level, he is immune to mindaffecting effects.

Vampiric Sight: The vampire hunter gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet (if he already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet). At 8th level, the range of the vampire hunter's darkvision increases by 30 feet. At 16th level, the vampire hunter also gains blindsense to a range of 30 feet.

Relentless (Ex)
At 2nd level, a vampire hunter can travel for an extended period of time without rest. The vampire hunter (and his mount, if he has one) can walk 16 hours in a day of travel without it being considered a forced march, but at the end of that day, he must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. If he fails, he can travel for 8 hours the following day, and he (as well as his mount, if he has one) is fatigued for the following 24 hours. If he succeeds at the saving throw, he can use this ability again the following day. The DC of the Fortitude saving throw increases by 2 for every additional day the vampire hunter has been traveling for more than 8 hours. The vampire hunter does not need to attempt a separate saving throw for his mount. After the vampire hunter rests for 24 hours, the saving throw DC resets to 15.

Stake (Su)
At 4th level, any piercing weapon or sharp tool (such as a piton) a vampire hunter drives through a vampire's heart is treated as a wooden stake for purposes of creatures who are vulnerable to them. If this improvised stake is removed, the vampire returns to life as normal.

At 4th level, a vampire hunter gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells drawn from the inquisitor spell list. He can cast any spell he knows at any time without preparing it ahead of time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell's level. A vampire hunter cannot cast inquisitor orisons or inquisitor spells that are higher than 4th level using this class feature.

To learn or cast a spell, a vampire hunter must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a vampire hunter's spell is 10 + the spell level + the vampire hunter's Wisdom modifier.

A vampire hunter can cast can a certain number of spells of each spell level each day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–1: Vampire Hunter. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. When Table 1–1: Vampire Hunter indicates that vampire hunter can cast 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he can cast the number of bonus spells per day he would be entitled to based on his Wisdom score for that spell level.

A vampire hunter's selection of spells is limited. At 4th level, a vampire hunter knows two 1st-level spells of the vampire hunter's choice. At each new vampire hunter level, he gains one or more new spells as indicated on Table 1–2: Vampire Hunter Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a vampire hunter knows is not affected by his Wisdom score. The numbers on Table 1–2 are fixed.) Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third vampire hunter level thereafter (7th and 13th), a vampire hunter can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the vampire hunter 「loses」 the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level spell he can cast.

The vampire hunter can swap out a single spell at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.

Relentless Band (Ex)
At 5th level, a vampire hunter's resolve infects his traveling companions, increasing how many hours the group can spend traveling in a day. Every day the vampire hunter can allow a number of companions equal to half his level (plus their mounts) to also benefit from his relentless ability. The vampire hunter rolls saving throws to determine whether the group can carry on in its extended travels.

Vampire Tracker (Ex)
At 7th level, the vampire hunter can track gaseous creatures—such as vampires flying or moving in gaseous form—as though they were leaving physical tracks. The base DC of Survival checks to track gaseous creatures is 20. The modifiers for surfaces don't apply (as a gaseous creature leaves no impressions during its passage) but other conditions do.

Swift Tracker (Ex)
At 10th level, a vampire hunter can move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. He takes a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Vampire Bane (Su)
At 11th level, a vampire hunter can intensify a vampire's revulsion to strongly presented holy symbols. When a vampire hunter uses a standard action to confront a vampire with a presented holy symbol, the vampire must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + the vampire hunter's class level + the vampire hunter's Charisma modifier). On a failed save, the vampire is repulsed and must stay a number of feet from the vampire hunter equal to 5 times the vampire hunter's Charisma modifier. Additionally, a vampire repulsed in this way cannot touch or make melee attacks against the vampire hunter (although the vampire can still touch and make melee attacks against the vampire hunter's allies as normal). A vampire continues to be repulsed for every round the vampire hunter spends presenting a holy symbol (a standard action), though it can attempt a new Willsave every round to overcome its revulsion and act normally.

The vampire hunter can use any holy symbol to repulse a vampire, but for the purposes of this ability, the vampire hunter treats his Charisma modifier as being 2 higher when he employs the symbol of the deity he worships.

Remove Vampirism (Su)
At 13th level, the vampire hunter can prevent a creature killed by a vampire from returning to life as a vampire itself. By spending 10 minutes and dousing a body with a vial of holy water, the vampire hunter removes the infection of vampirism from a creature slain by a vampire's blood drain or energy drain ability, preventing it from rising as a vampire spawn via a vampire's create spawn ability. This effect cannot be undone with any magic weaker than a miracle or wish. If the corpse is returned to life and subsequently killed by a vampire again might it become a vampire spawn.

Quarry (Ex)
At 14th level, as a standard action a vampire hunter can denote one target within his line of sight that he knows is undead as his quarry. Whenever he is following the tracks of his quarry, a vampire hunter can take 10 on his Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, he gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls against his quarry, and all critical threats against his quarry are automatically confirmed. A vampire hunter can have no more than one quarry at a time. He can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but he cannot select a new quarry for 24 hours. If the vampire hunter sees proof that his quarry is deador (somehow) was not actually undead, he can select a new quarry after 1 hour.

Critical Reflexes (Su)
At 17th level, upon confirming a critical hit against an undead creature, the vampire hunter can attempt a special combat maneuver check to produce an item and immediately use it upon that foe. The vampire hunter decides whether or not to use this ability after dealing additional damage for his critical hit. At that point, he can attempt a combat maneuver check against the target's CMD (the target is denied its Dexterity modifier to resist this attack). If the vampire hunter succeeds, he produces a piece of equipment he has on his person and immediately uses that item upon the target creature. This ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Items used in this manner are typically alchemical items, such as acid or holy water. Items that require attacks against the target automatically hit and deal damage as normal (potentially to the vampire hunter, as well, if the item affects an area). Items that would have no direct effect against the target (such as a fishing hook or a lantern) or that require another combat maneuver to use (such as a rope or manacles) cannot be used as part of this ability. Other melee and ranged weapons cannot be used with this ability (with the exception of using a stake against a vampire; see below).

This ability can be used against incorporeal creatures.

If the target creature is a vampire and the vampire hunter has a wooden stake in his possession (or a similar item affected by his stake ability), he can drive the stake through the vampire's heart as though it were helpless, slaying it immediately. If the creature is not a vampire, this attempt fails at the last moment; the vampire hunter realizes that the target is not a vampire. A vampire hunter cannot drive a stake through the heart of a non-vampire using this ability.

Improved Quarry (Ex)
At 19th level, the vampire hunter's ability to hunt his undead quarry improves. He can now select a quarry as a free action, and can now take 20 while using Survival to track his quarry while moving at normal speed, without penalty. His insight bonus to attack his quarry increases to +4. If his quarry is killed or dismissed, he can select a new one after 10 minutes have passed.

Master Vampire Hunter (Ex)
At 20th level, the vampire hunter becomes the bane of the undead. As a standard action, he can make a single attack against his undead quarry at his full attack bonus while choosing one of the following effects: destroy, stake, or paralyze for 2d6 rounds.

If the attack hits, the target takes damage normally and must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or suffer the additional effect. The DC for this save is 10 + 1/2 the vampire hunter's level + the vampire hunter's Wisdommodifier. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the creature cannot be targeted by this ability again (by any vampire hunter) for 24 hours.

If the vampire hunter chooses to destroy the target, the target is killed. If the target is a vampire, it does not assume gaseous form, and its healing powers do not come into effect; it is destroyed outright. If the vampire hunter chooses to stake his target, the target is killed if it's a non-vampire. If it's a vampire (or similar creature affected by having a stake driven through its heart) it is killed, but returns to life if the stake is removed. The vampire hunter can use his 4th-level stake ability to employ any piercing weapon or sharp tool as though it were a wooden stake.

Additionally, at 20th level, each day when the vampire hunter regains his spells per day, he chooses one vampiric focus to be active on himself for the entire day. This focus is in addition to uses of his vampiric focus class ability.

隨著Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: The World of Vampire Hunter D這本隱藏書籍的OGL內容終於在出版一年半後登錄上d20pfsrd,所以把去年翻譯的內容弄成文字版貼了過來。說這本是隱藏書籍的原因是,這本當初是作為Vampire Hunter D在kickstarter上的美漫版募資的解鎖項目,到目前為止尚沒有任何其他販賣管道。
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-04, 周一 17:13:51 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 04:56:34 »
血族狩獵專長(Vampire Hntuing Feats)
  吸血鬼獵人技巧專長(Vampire hunter technique feats)只能由吸血鬼獵人職業的成員或擁有吸血鬼獵人傳統(Vampire Hunter Tradition)專長(或類似能力)的人選取。除非專長有特別說明,否則其他角色不能選擇這些專長,即使他們符合先決條件。吸血鬼獵人技巧專長可在下一節中找到的,並在名稱後面加上“技巧”一詞。在旁邊帶有星號的先決條件是指本節中的其他專長。

祝福聖水(Blessed Waters)[技巧]
  你可以創造出聖水, 燃燒著你對亡者的強烈憎恨。


死者的夢魘(Death's Nightmare)[技巧]

  先決條件:魅力 14。

延長血族之力(Extended Vampiric Focus)[技巧]


知曉尊長(Know Master)[技巧]

  專長效果:你可以花1分鐘時間檢查你在最近一小時內摧毀的不死生物的遺骸。這樣做後,你可以嘗試進行一次察覺檢定,DC等於15 + 不死生物的生命骰。如果你成功了,你能知道該不死生物是如何被創造的——通過法術,創造衍體能力,自發產生或其他來源。
  特殊:如果你有吸血鬼學者(Vampire Scholar)專長,你也可以識別出被摧毀不死生物的創造者的一些跡象。如果你確定不死生物是由吸血鬼創造的,你可以立即使用你的吸血鬼學者專長(請參閱第16頁)來確定誰創造了它。

解放重擊(Liberating Critical)[技巧]


鎖定意志(Locked Will)[技巧]

  先決條件:感知 14。

堅定坐騎(Resolute Steed)[技巧]

  先決條件:馴養動物 5級。

顯形聖水(Revealing Waters)[技巧]



酸腐之魂(Soured Soul)[技巧]

  專長效果:任何通過使用像吸血、能量吸取、任何屬性吸取或類似效果的能力,來消耗你的生命力的生物,在他的能力影響你後,必須立即嘗試一次強韌豁免檢定(DC = 10  + 你的總HD + 你的魅力修正值)。如果該生物失敗,它會反胃相當於你的總生命骰的一半輪數(最少1)。


吸血鬼學者(Vampire Scholar)[技巧]

  專長效果:你獲得知識[歷史]和知識[貴族]作為本職。另外,你可以使用知識[貴族]回憶所有已知吸血鬼的知識,他們的領土,他們的奴僕以及類似關於他們的特定傳說。一般來說,知曉特定吸血鬼的DC等於15 + 吸血鬼的生命骰。GM可能會判定某些吸血鬼特別隱秘,或者對他們的瞭解是眾所周知的,並且可以根據她認為合適的方式調整此DC。

一般專長(General Feats)

先祖之貌(Ancestor's Visage)[技巧]
  你可能是某位傳奇人物的後裔或轉世; 你的外貌表明出你是他的近親(即使你不是)。

  先決條件:魅力 15。

迷人面貌(Beguiling Countenance)[技巧]

  先決條件:魅力 13。
  專長效果:你的特點和舉止的特殊融合讓你周圍的人為之著迷。當你與可能發現你的種族有吸引力的生物(不論性別)互動時,你的交涉檢定獲得+2加值。如果你是一名吸血裔,這意味著大多數的類人生物,在GM的判斷下會有一些增加或例外(在選取此專長時,與GM一起決定5到10個會發現你很有吸引力的種族或生物類型)。 此外,你每天第一次對這種個體使用威嚇來迫使他對你表示友善時,他在這之後不會把你視作不友善(如果你在同一天再次對他威嚇,他就會把你視作不友善)。此專長的效果不一定要完全根據你的外表,儘管你應該瞭解別人對你的注目。

圓月刀狂舞(Crescent Blade Dervish)[技巧]

  先決條件:敏捷 13,智力13,寓守於攻,異種武器擅長(圓月刀),BAB+2。

圓月刀熟稔(Crescent Blade Master)[技巧]

  先決條件:敏捷 13,智力13,異種武器擅長(圓月刀)。
圓月刀(Crescent Blade)
價錢:10gp 類型:輕型單手 擅長:異種
傷害(中):1d4揮砍 傷害(小):1d3揮砍 重擊:19-20/x2
射程:10呎 特殊:演武 重量:2磅
圓月刀看起來類似於連接到短繩或短鏈上一呎寬的鍾擺鐮刀(pendulum scythes)。在使用這些旋轉刀片上特別具有挑戰性,導致持用者在攻擊檢定中受到-2減值。然而,由於它們的速度和靈活性,當進行由移動引發的藉機攻擊時,它們給予持有者在攻擊檢定上+2加值(而不是減值)。

吸血鬼獵人傳統(Vampire Hunter Tradition)[技巧]

« 上次编辑: 2018-03-02, 周五 13:33:50 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 04:56:47 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 16:52:28 »

這是說如果在戰鬥中結束某個血族之力,那要過十輪才能啟動另一個。還是過十輪才能啟動同一個...? 看字意似乎是前者,不過這樣好像有點雞肋...

EP.0 - 繁星所向
EP.1 - 原點

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 17:26:38 »
As a swift action, the vampire hunter can activate his vampiric focus. Ending the vampiric focus is a free action.

He can use each vampiric focus for a number of minutes per day equal to his level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

Once the vampire hunter ends a focus, it cannot be reactivated for 1 minute. The vampire hunter can have only one vampiric focus active at a time. Benefits from different vampiric foci do not stack with one another, including temporary hit points from multiple foci.


已更正,一旦吸血鬼獵人結束一項血族之力,則該項血族之力無法在1分鐘內重新啟動。 感謝
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-25, 周日 22:29:02 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 18:30:59 »



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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 19:51:47 »
Vampiric Agility: All of the vampire hunter's movement speeds are increased by 5 feet.

五尺快步就是五尺快步,既不偉大也不卑微 這種增加速度的一向都不會影響五尺快步吧


雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-02-25, 周日 22:01:04 »


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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-02-26, 周一 10:33:48 »

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Re: 【TWoVHD】吸血鬼獵人(Vamphire Hunter)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-02-26, 周一 12:25:27 »

雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。