作者 主题: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉  (阅读 16746 次)

副标题: 吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗附录

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« 上次编辑: 2013-08-25, 周日 00:14:02 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-08-17, 周六 22:23:35 »
附录的每一条目(地点)由几小节组成,内容与《最后归宿旅店的树叶》(Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home)一书类似。每条目下都包括简介、历史以及冒险点子三个小节。除此之外,每条目还含有一个小节,或关于该地点隐藏的秘密,或关于它当前状况的信息,或二者兼有。

§ 简介:用一至两个段落描述吉尔赛那斯在本书中造访的某个地点、地区或遇到的某种现象。这一节描述的是安塞隆大陆上任何人都可能知道的简略信息。

§ 历史:这一节涵盖那些只有住在该地点附近的人们知道,来自其他地区的人们则不知道的信息。历史信息通常与您此前读到过的某些剧情有关。

§ 秘密:这一节包含安塞隆大陆只有极少(如果不是“没有”)人了解的知识。有时还会包括特定的游戏数据,以便叙述者或DM(负责主持游戏,引导玩家推进剧情线的人)直接将这些秘密运用于角色扮演游戏中。

§ 现状:这一节描述这一地区近来的面貌。

§ 冒险点子:这一节包含在这一地区发生冒险所需的基本线索。这些点子并非都针对这个时代发生的冒险。


劇透 -   :
Using the Appendix
Each entry (or site) contains several sections, which contain information similar to that found within the 
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home book. All entries have an introduction, a history, and an adventure seed. 
Each one also contains a section either on secrets or on present-day information, or both:
§ Introduction: A brief paragraph or two describes a particular site, region, or phenomenon visited by 
Gilthanas in this book. These descriptions provide cursory information that anyone on Ansalon might know 
about the place.
§ History: This section contains information known to people living near the site but not those from other 
regions. The information in the history often sheds some light on events you read about earlier.
§ Secrets: This section contains knowledge that very few (if indeed any) people in Ansalon are aware of. 
Sometimes it includes specific game characteristics so that Narrators or Dungeon Masters (those who 
mediate the game and directs the storyline for the players) can immediately use the secrets in a roleplaying 
§ Present Day: This section describes the present-day condition of the site.
§ Adventure Seed: This section contains the essential nugget of an adventure that might take place at the 
site in question. Not all of these seeds tae place in the present day.
If the information in this appendix piques your curiosity about adventure games, but you don't know how to 
get started, ask for the DRAGONLANCE: FIFTH AGE Dramatic Adventure Game or DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Game at 
your local book or hobby store.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-18, 周日 19:50:52 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-08-18, 周日 20:59:15 »



劇透 -   :
The Hill of Sol-Fallon
Silvanesti is a lush, rolling land with a forest that covers hundreds of acres of gently sloped countryside. 
Some hillocks lie buried by the cultivated oaks and pines, with a leafy canopy above so thick that it never 
seems brighter than dusk even when the sun shines directly overhead. Waving grass covers other bluffs, 
allowing visitors to gaze out over the rest of Silvanesti. Such places are quite popular among the elves for 
No hill in all of Silvanesti, however, offers a view as wondrous as the one from Sol-Fallon.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-19, 周一 01:08:13 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-08-18, 周日 22:20:23 »

在所有精灵的记忆中,自索-法伦之丘眺望的风光都是整个西瓦那斯提最令人屏息惊叹的一处美景。造访此地的精灵们说,群星看上去是如此接近,似乎触手可及,能从天穹上采摘下来。或许这能解释为什么精灵中的首位领袖——西瓦诺斯在4000PC选择了这座山丘作为首届精灵星议会(西瓦那斯提精灵高阶议会Council of High Ones)召开的地点。来自最强有力的几个精灵家族的代表们在索-法伦之丘会谈。他们在此达成了一项协议:建立第一座精灵王国,并着手捍卫他们的新国家免遭巨龙的袭击。大约七百五十年后,巨龙们被打败,精灵的主权稳固之后,他们再度会晤并选举西瓦诺斯为初代星辰咏者(Speaker of the Stars)。





西瓦那斯提护盾(Silvanesti Shield)升起后,再也没有人能进入西瓦那斯提探索这一地点。越来越多疑心深重的学术界人士猜测,精灵们升起这一结界的目的很明确:显然是为了将索-法伦之丘永远据为己有。他们声称那些月亮散发出无穷无尽的魔法能量,而西瓦那斯提精灵们打算利用这种能量来扩张他们的森林,直至覆盖整个东安塞隆(这一判断与事实不符,因为护盾背后的森林似乎正以惊人的速度萎缩)。

劇透 -   :
A History of the Hill of Sol-Fallon
The view from Sol-Fallon has, for as long as any elf can remember, been considered the most 
breathtakingly beautiful in all of Silvanesti. Those who have visited this site say that the stars seem close 
enough to reach out and pluck from the sky. Perhaps that explains why Silvanos, the first leader among elves, 
chose this hill as the site for the first Sinthal-Elish (the Silvanesti elf Council of High Ones) in the year 4000PC.
It was on the Hill of Sol-Fallon that representatives of the most powerful elf families met. There they struck 
an accord to form the first elven nation and made preparations to defend their new nation from dragon attack. 
They met here again some seven-hundred-fifty years later, after the dragons were defeated and the elves' 
sovereignty secured, to elect Silvanos the first Speaker of the Stars.
From that time forward, the Silvanesti elves have revered and honored the Hill of Sol-Fallon. Elves have 
crafted great works of song and poetry here, and Silvanesti leaders of every generation have come here to 
consider matters of grave importance. They say that the view from the hill inspires one's mind, and the souls of 
all those who have come before bolster one's spirit. Also, in the wake of the Chaos War, a new quality has 
been attributed to the hill.
While the view from Sol-Fallon has always been majestic, in the dead of night it now transforms into 
something that can be described only as miraculous. At the stroke of midnight, the now-familiar sky with its one 
pale moon disappears and is replaced by a vision from the past. Three moons once again ride high in the sky, 
lighting up the countryside as they did before the gods' departure: one white, one red, and one black—though 
only those who have been trained in the art of dark magic can see the black Nuitari.
This sight, though, is witnessed only from the summit of the hill. Those standing anywhere else, at the foot 
or even halfway up the Hill of Sol-Fallon, notice nothing strange (other than the look of wonder on the faces of 
those atop the hill). One must be atop the hill at the stroke of midnight in order to see the display; climbing it 
later reveals nothing, even if others are still in the midst of their revelation. The vision lasts for as long as the 
viewer remains on top of Sol-Fallon or until dawn brightens the eastern sky.
Former practitioners of High Sorcery flocked to Sol-Fallon in hopes that the light of the moons would restore 
their abilities to cast spells. While some of them claimed to feel a sense of euphoria, none ever exhibited a 
return of their old powers, leading scholars to conclude that the vision is merely an illusion rather than some 
gods-created miracle (though they have reached no agreement as to the source of the illusion).
Since the raising of the Silvanesti Shield, no one can enter Silvanesti to examine the site. The more 
paranoid members of the academic community fear that the elves raised the shield for the express purpose of 
keeping the Hill of Sol-Fallon to themselves. They claim that the moons give off an infinitesimal amount of 
magical power, which the Silvanesti plan to use to expand their forest ome to cover all of eastern Ansalon (an 
assertion which is belied by the fact that the forest behind the shield seems to be shrinking at an alarming rate).
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-20, 周二 22:51:00 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-08-20, 周二 22:45:20 »


事实上,这些声音与深夜的幻象毫无关联,而是来自山脚的一座秘密设施。在夺取西瓦那斯提控制权后的那些年里,孔纳将军(General Konnal)需要一处监牢,用以关押那些他们的被捕一旦为公众所知就会给他的政权造成麻烦的囚犯。孔纳的手下们在山体上挖出一个小洞,以栏杆加固,建造了一间用以关押政见不同者的完美地牢。这座监牢完工后不久,就成了吉尔赛那斯·索拉斯特伦的住所。十二年来奎灵那斯提王子被关押在山脚下无人过问,他正是一切流言中提到的幽灵般呻吟声的来源。


劇透 -   :
The Secret of the Hill of Sol-Fallon
While the nightly vision is a well-known mystery of the hill, there is another less-publicized enigma. Some 
visitors to Sol-Fallon have reported hearing distant, pain-wracked moans that coincide with the vision of the 
The truth of the matter is that these sounds have nothing to do with the nightly illusion. Rather, they come 
from a secret facility built into the base of the hill. In the years after he seized control of Silvanesti, General 
Konnal needed a cell in which to detain prisoners whose capture, should it become public knowledge, would 
cause his regime trouble. Konnal's men hollowed out a small cave in the hill and fitted it with bars, making a 
perfect dungeon into which any dissident could be thrown. As it turned out, shortly after its completion, the cell 
became home to Gilthanas Solostaran. For twelve years the Qualinesti prince rotted beneath the hill and was 
certainly the source of every rumor of ghostly moaning.
Gilthanas escaped on the day before the Silvanesti Shield sealed the forest nation from the prying eyes of 
the outside world. No one knows whom, if anyone, Konnal has imprisoned in the cell since Gilthanas's flight.

« 上次编辑: 2013-08-21, 周三 00:29:25 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-08-21, 周三 13:48:07 »





劇透 -   :
Adventure Seed
Though it has been proven that the illusion of the three moons provides no return of High Sorcery or clerical 
powers, stories circulate within Silvanesti that the vision does have an effect on practitioners of the new magic. 
Both sorcerers and mystics who have recently visited the Hill of Sol-Fallon report that their spellcasting abilities 
were severely impaired (and in some cases completely eradicated) after viewing the illusion. The effects have 
lasted from a few days to nearly an entire month, but so far it has not caused any permanent losses.
One sect of priests of E'li (the elven name for Paladine) claim that this is the punishment the gods of magic 
inflict on those who would practice the new magic (which these priests consider to be blasphemous). 
Dissidents whisper that the effect is part of some great scheme by General Konnal to eradicate the practice of 
magic by anyone who has not sworn allegiance to him. Still others say that Sol-Fallon's illusion is a sorcerous 
working powered by the magical energy of the forest itself. Since the Silvanesti Shield has been draining the 
forest of life, the hill has had to find an alternative source of power—spellcasters who visit the site.
Does the illusion actually impair the use of sorcery and mysticism? If so, why is this just being discovered 
now? If not, what is causing this effect? The gods? General Konnal? To what end? Or is the hill actually a 
natural energy sponge that soaks up the magical abilities of its visitors?
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-24, 周六 23:58:06 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-08-25, 周日 12:27:13 »



劇透 -   :
The Missing City
In the realm of Brass Dragon Overlord lyesta stands as odd a place as there is in all of Ansalon. Those who 
travel along the Courrain coastline in this realm eventually see a medium-sized city on the horizon. The city 
shimmers in the desert heat, occasionally seeming transparent or even blinking out of existence. Many people 
assume it is merely a mirage. As they draw closer, though, it becomes clear that at least some of the buildings 
are solid. This is the Missing City.
On the one hand, the city is a spectral town with buildings of the style that the Silvanesti elves built in the 
years before the first Cataclysm. But that's not all—ghostly figures inhabit the city; these spirits seem to live 
normal lives completely unaware of the real world around them.
The Missing City is more than a magical curiosity, though. The Legion of Steel, an organization devoted to 
championing the cause of justice in Ansalon, has built an outpost here, constructing solid buildings that look 
exactly like the mirage beneath the translucent images. They also have built structures outside the spectral 
walls (for those whose nerves cannot handleliving in the midst of ghostly activity) and constructed a pier so 
that they can engage in sea trade (since the nearest city is more than one hundred miles away).
« 上次编辑: 2013-09-02, 周一 01:03:16 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-08-29, 周四 00:11:00 »









劇透 -   :
A History of the Missing City
Scholars agree that the mirage of the Missing City represents the ancient Silvanesti town of Gal Tra'kalas. 
A Silvanesti tome records that in the months following the Cataclysm, griffin riders traveled to check on all the 
elves' settlements. One rider reported that not only was Gal Tra'kalas destroyed, but also noted the following: 
"The city was haunted by fiends, who took the forms of our brothers and sisters in order to entice us to lower 
our guard. The city too is reborn in an unholy mockery of life, for though rubble litters the place, the likeness of 
every building and barn still is visible." From that day forward, Gal Tra'kalas became a shunned place. No 
Silvanesti was to visit there on pain of death.
So, the site stood empty for centuries. Certainly, nomads and travelers visited occasionally (scholars 
presume that several plains barbarian folktales regarding "the city of the dead" actually tell of real excursions 
to the ruins), but no organized group of civilized people set foot on the site until after the Second Cataclysm.
Shortly after the Legion's founding, members of the Legion of Steel scoured the continent for places to build 
enclaves away from the influence of either the Knights of Solamnia or those of Takhisis. The Missing City 
seemed an ideal location and symbolically well suited to the Legion's task. They meant themselves to be an 
invisible order, living among the people and fighting for neither Good nor Evil, but instead for truth and fairness. 
To build a headquarters under the cover of an existing (if insubstantial) city was perfect.
Today, this Legion cell operates under the leadership of Falaius Taneek, a giant of a barbarian whose 
reputation of being "tough but fair" has won him the respect of nearly everyone in town. Falaius uses the 
Missing City as a place to coordinate the actions of their operatives in neighboring dragon realms, as well as a
safe haven for any Legionnaires on Ansalon's eastern coast whose activities make it impossible for them to move about at large.
Residents of the Missing City draw a strong distinction between their home and Gal Tra'kalas. Any solid 
item belongs to the Missing City, while anything spectral or immaterial is from Gal Tra'kalas. Nearly everyone 
who visits the city remarks about the unsettling feeling of watching the ghostly residents of Gal Tra'kalas move 
about their very ordinary lives.
Oddly enough, the residents of the mirage city change in the same way anyone in the real world would. 
They age, bear and raise offspring, and eventually die. Some occasionally move out of the city. Despite the 
fact that the population of Gal Tra'kalas was, at the time of its destruction, almost wholly Silvanesti, the ghostly 
residents of today come from a variety of races and regions.
Many scholars believe the city represents an alternate reality—some tributary of the River of Time in which 
neither the First nor Second Cataclysm occurred. The Missing City is a window, they say, into a more perfect 
world than modern-day Krynn. Other scholars believe the mirage is a magical illusion with an unknowable 
purpose, created by one of the gods (either Majere or Hiddukel, depending on the scholar's bias) before 
departing Krynn at the time of the first Cataclysm.
« 上次编辑: 2013-09-02, 周一 00:56:53 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-09-02, 周一 12:25:26 »





劇透 -   :
Secrets of the Missing City
The Missing City is one immense set of ruins. None of the original buildings still stand (though here and 
there a section of a wall has survived two cataclysms and several centuries). While the Legion has removed 
most of the rubble from the sections of town it inhabits, visitors to the rest of the city should move about 
cautiously: One never knows when an apparently clear doorway might lead to a pit full of jagged boulders.
The city of Gal Tra'kalas was (and still is) divided into four districts. The eastern quarter, known as the Prt 
District, was where most of the city's commerce took place. Small open-air markets dotted the district, and 
shops of all varieties lined its streets. This district is where the Legion constructed most of their buildings. The 
hustle and bustle of Gal Tra'kalas is nearly matched by the goings on in this section of the Missing City. Visitors 
must be wary, lest they mistake a real person for a phantom and walk headlong into him or her.
The other three sections of the ancient city were the Garden District (filled with the ornate and opulent 
homes of the richest and most powerful families), the Artisans District (where masters of various creative arts 
made works of unsurpassed beauty), and the Northern District (the only place for those without money, 
breeding, or skills to live).
In recent years, the Missing City has grown beyond the borders of Gal Tra'kalas (so that people might have 
a place to go when they tired of walking among the "ghosts"). Falaius Taneek has his base here, and it is the 
only place a person may build without keeping within the style of Silvanesti architecture.
« 上次编辑: 2013-09-05, 周四 00:34:08 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【新谜之私译坑】开团怕上火,精灵凉茶王老吉
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-09-04, 周三 16:02:27 »



劇透 -   :
Adventure Seed
While staying at an inn within the confines of the mirage city, one might awaken in the morning to find that 
one or more of his or her belongings have become incorporeal. At the same time, one of the items in the room 
(of roughly the same size as the affected article) that had been ghostly the night before has now turned 
completely solid. While one ponders what to do, a ghostly figure you've never seen before enters the room, 
picks up the incorporeal item, and walks out of the room. Before he does, though, he looks directly at him or 
her and winks mischievously.
What is happening? Who is the old man? If he is from Gal Tra'kalas, why can he see the "real" person when 
no one else from the mirage city can? How did he switch the articles, and is there a way to reverse the process? 
Is it possible to bring people back and forth in the same manner?
« 上次编辑: 2013-09-09, 周一 14:52:26 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]

