作者 主题: 【The Secrets of the Gunslinger】铳士变体:魔杖射手(Wandslinger)  (阅读 14325 次)


离线 薪房烧之

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魔杖大师(Master of Wands)(EX):1级起,一名魔杖射手可以使用任何魔杖,如同它储存的法术在她的法术列表上。任何魔杖射手手中的魔杖,其施法等级都取她职业等级和魔杖施法者等级中的高者。如果魔杖中储存的咒语有豁免DC,这个DC改为受持有者的感知调整值影响(你依然可以使用法术专攻专长来提升这个DC)。

劇透 -   :
·注入联结(Infuse Bond)(Ex):1级起,以一个标准动作,魔杖射手可以为她的联结魔杖注入一发充能,她每日最大能够使用该能力感知调整值(最低1)次。魔杖射手需要拥有至少1点勇毅点来使用该能力。此外,如果魔杖射手消耗1点勇毅点,她可以使用一个移动等效动作来为她的联结魔杖充能,而不是一个标准动作。此炫技取代快速清膛炫技。
·专注射线(Focused Ray)(Ex):7级起,以一个整轮动作,魔杖射手可以仔细瞄准,并将她所有潜在的攻击全部合为单独一发致命的射击,只要这个魔杖法术效果范围为射线。当她如此做时,她只对一个目标射出魔杖的射线,但是进行由她基本攻击加值(BAB)决定的多次投骰,如同正常整轮攻击般从高到低投骰。若其中任意一次投骰命中,则视为本次攻击命中。每有一个在第一次成功之后额外成功的攻击骰,魔杖射手在本次魔杖造成的伤害上+2d6(如果法术造成伤害)或提升法术DC+1(如果法术效果有DC)。举个例子:如果一个7级魔杖射手在使用她的力竭术魔杖时两个攻击骰全命中,她可令法术DC+1。如果一个或更多攻击骰发生重击,她在确认重击时加值使用她最高基本攻击加值-5。每有一个在第一个重击之外的重击骰,她减少这个减值1(最大减到0)。使用专注射线时魔杖射手只会消耗该魔杖的一发充能。使用此炫技时她不能在施展不会造成伤害的射线效果法术时发生重击(比如力竭术魔杖)。魔杖射手需要消耗1点勇毅来使用此炫技。此炫技取代致命射击炫技。
·注入专家(Expert Infusion)(Ex):11级时,每日一次,当魔杖射手用尽魔杖内最后一发充能时,她可以消费1点勇毅点来维持这一发充能,而不是使魔杖耗尽。此炫技取代装填专家炫技。
·魔杖二刀流(Wands Akimbo)(Ex):11级时,只要魔杖射手拥有至少1点勇毅点,她可以以一个迅捷动作激活她副手中的第二根魔杖,这不会导致借机攻击。当魔杖射手使用魔杖二刀流时,她可以在同一轮中进行其他的行动——包括使用她主手的另一根魔杖(但不能用另一个迅捷动作来用)。魔杖射手只能用魔杖二刀流激活储存等级小于等于1/2魔杖射手等级(向下取整)-4的法术。储存施法时间长于一个整轮动作的法术的魔杖不适用于此能力。此炫技取代闪电装填炫技。

魔杖训练(Wand Training)(Ex):5级起,魔杖射手得到一个奖励超魔专长,她现在可以使用超魔专长到她所持有的魔杖上。魔杖射手仅能将超魔专长应用在储存经超魔调整后法术等级不高于1/2魔杖射手职业等级的法术的魔杖上。
« 上次编辑: 2018-07-01, 周日 18:56:40 由 薪房烧之 »
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魔法剑士夏洛特 构思
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离线 笨哈

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Wandslinger Wandslinger

In some fantasy worlds, guns do not exist. Cannons maybe, gunpowder possibly, rockets if you’re lucky ... but no guns. In these settings, the gunslinger has developed along a different line reflecting the lack of firearms and a focus on higher magic and mystical talents.

Master of Wands (Ex): At 1st level, a wandslinger can use any wand as if the stored spell were on her spell list. Any wand in the hand of a wandslinger uses her class level or its caster levels, whichever is higher. If the wand’s spell has a DC it is modified by the wielder’s Wisdom Modifier (you can use ability focus feat to increase this DC). The wandslinger also gains a bonded wand with 50 charges, she chooses a spell (from any spell list) with a level less than or equal to 1/2 her wandslinger’s class level (round down); once chosen she cannot change this spell until she gains an additional wandslinger class level.

Normally one cannot create a wand of any 5th level or higher spell, however, the wandslinger’s bonded wand can break this rule if the spell meets the following prerequisites: it must generate a ray effect and it must allow for spell resistance. Examples of spells that meet these requirements are disintegrate and polar ray; a wandslinger could also use metamagic feats to make the spell met these requirement’s, making the effective level
reach 5th level or higher. Her bonded wand will only work for her. Even other wandslingers, or those with ranks in Use Magical Device, cannot use her wand. This bonded wand can only be sold for scrap (it is worth 4d10 gp when sold). If a wandslinger’s bonded wand is destroyed, or relinquished, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of communion with a new wand.

The wandslinger also gains Craft Wand as a bonus feat, Use Magic Device as a class skill and can create wands even if she does not have access to the prerequisite spells. The wandslinger must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the wand. Her caster level is equal to her wandslinger class level and she can only emulate spells with a level less than or equal to ½ her wandslinger class level. This replaces the gunslinger’s proficiency with firearms and gunsmith class feature.

Deeds (Ex): Wandslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds just as a gunslinger does, except replace all instances of firearms with wands. Deeds that reference ranged attack rolls only work with wands that shoot rays. If extra damage is dealt by a deed, this extra damage (including ability damage) is only dealt if the wand’s spell effect deals damage. If a deed would negate the damage of a firearm attack, it negates the damage of the wand attack and negates its spell effect.

• Infuse Bond (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the wandslinger can add one charge to her bonded wand to a maximum number equal to her Wisdom Modifier (minimum 1) each day. The wandslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the wandslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can add one charge to her bonded wand as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. This deed replaces the quick clear deed.

• Wandwielder (Ex): At 1st level, the wandslinger gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made with her wand; this includes ranged touch attacks, touch attacks, and pistol whips made with the wand. This deed replaces the deadeye deed. The wandslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed.

• Focused Ray (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the wandslinger can take careful aim and pool all of her attack potential into a single, deadly shot if the wand spell effect generates a ray. When she does this, she shoots the wand’s ray at a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as she could, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the wandslinger’s single ray attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the wandslinger increases the damage of the wand by +2d6 (if it the spell effect deals damage) or increases the DC by +1 (if the spell effect has a DC). For instance, if a 7th level wandslinger firing a wand of exhaustion hits with both attacks, she increases the DC +1. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus –5. For each critical threat beyond the first, she reduces this penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0). The wandslinger only expends one charge from the wand when using focused ray. She cannot perform a critical hit with a ray effect that does not deal damage (such as a wand of exhaustion) with this deed. The wandslinger must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed. This deed replaces the dead shot deed.

• Expert Infusion (Ex): At 11th level, once per day if the wandslinger uses up the last charge in wand, she can spend 1 grit point to maintain that charge instead of depleting the wand. This deed replaces the expert loading deed.


At 1st level, a wandslinger can use any wand as if the stored spell were on her spell list.


离线 薪房烧之

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Wandslinger Wandslinger

In some fantasy worlds, guns do not exist. Cannons maybe, gunpowder possibly, rockets if you’re lucky ... but no guns. In these settings, the gunslinger has developed along a different line reflecting the lack of firearms and a focus on higher magic and mystical talents.

Master of Wands (Ex): At 1st level, a wandslinger can use any wand as if the stored spell were on her spell list. Any wand in the hand of a wandslinger uses her class level or its caster levels, whichever is higher. If the wand’s spell has a DC it is modified by the wielder’s Wisdom Modifier (you can use ability focus feat to increase this DC). The wandslinger also gains a bonded wand with 50 charges, she chooses a spell (from any spell list) with a level less than or equal to 1/2 her wandslinger’s class level (round down); once chosen she cannot change this spell until she gains an additional wandslinger class level.

Normally one cannot create a wand of any 5th level or higher spell, however, the wandslinger’s bonded wand can break this rule if the spell meets the following prerequisites: it must generate a ray effect and it must allow for spell resistance. Examples of spells that meet these requirements are disintegrate and polar ray; a wandslinger could also use metamagic feats to make the spell met these requirement’s, making the effective level
reach 5th level or higher. Her bonded wand will only work for her. Even other wandslingers, or those with ranks in Use Magical Device, cannot use her wand. This bonded wand can only be sold for scrap (it is worth 4d10 gp when sold). If a wandslinger’s bonded wand is destroyed, or relinquished, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of communion with a new wand.

The wandslinger also gains Craft Wand as a bonus feat, Use Magic Device as a class skill and can create wands even if she does not have access to the prerequisite spells. The wandslinger must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the wand. Her caster level is equal to her wandslinger class level and she can only emulate spells with a level less than or equal to ½ her wandslinger class level. This replaces the gunslinger’s proficiency with firearms and gunsmith class feature.

Deeds (Ex): Wandslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds just as a gunslinger does, except replace all instances of firearms with wands. Deeds that reference ranged attack rolls only work with wands that shoot rays. If extra damage is dealt by a deed, this extra damage (including ability damage) is only dealt if the wand’s spell effect deals damage. If a deed would negate the damage of a firearm attack, it negates the damage of the wand attack and negates its spell effect.

• Infuse Bond (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the wandslinger can add one charge to her bonded wand to a maximum number equal to her Wisdom Modifier (minimum 1) each day. The wandslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the wandslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can add one charge to her bonded wand as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. This deed replaces the quick clear deed.

• Wandwielder (Ex): At 1st level, the wandslinger gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made with her wand; this includes ranged touch attacks, touch attacks, and pistol whips made with the wand. This deed replaces the deadeye deed. The wandslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed.

• Focused Ray (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the wandslinger can take careful aim and pool all of her attack potential into a single, deadly shot if the wand spell effect generates a ray. When she does this, she shoots the wand’s ray at a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as she could, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the wandslinger’s single ray attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the wandslinger increases the damage of the wand by +2d6 (if it the spell effect deals damage) or increases the DC by +1 (if the spell effect has a DC). For instance, if a 7th level wandslinger firing a wand of exhaustion hits with both attacks, she increases the DC +1. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus –5. For each critical threat beyond the first, she reduces this penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0). The wandslinger only expends one charge from the wand when using focused ray. She cannot perform a critical hit with a ray effect that does not deal damage (such as a wand of exhaustion) with this deed. The wandslinger must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed. This deed replaces the dead shot deed.

• Expert Infusion (Ex): At 11th level, once per day if the wandslinger uses up the last charge in wand, she can spend 1 grit point to maintain that charge instead of depleting the wand. This deed replaces the expert loading deed.


At 1st level, a wandslinger can use any wand as if the stored spell were on her spell list.


谢大佬,翻译这段的时候把as看掉了,后面没校对就丢出来了 :em032
不过想问下大佬这段的英文原文是在哪里看到的?我是自购了pdf然后看着pdf翻的,难道说这个已经在网上有白嫖版了吗 :em032
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魔法剑士夏洛特 构思
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咕狗 Wandslinger The Secrets of the Gunslinger,我的第一個結果就是原文了。
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

离线 薪房烧之

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咕狗 Wandslinger The Secrets of the Gunslinger,我的第一個結果就是原文了。
花了5刀在DTRPG买了个正版,心情复杂.jpg :em032
混血猎人芙兰 完结
魔法剑士夏洛特 构思
浮游炮 0

离线 笨哈

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« 上次编辑: 2018-07-01, 周日 14:37:43 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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咕狗 Wandslinger The Secrets of the Gunslinger,我的第一個結果就是原文了。
花了5刀在DTRPG买了个正版,心情复杂.jpg :em032
