作者 主题: 名词表  (阅读 23408 次)

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« 于: 2020-12-31, 周四 17:17:49 »


某些名词后所加的音标标注来自于白狼或网上的普遍读法,而且因为本人只会用老式音标,错漏难免— sniper 2020/03/16 21:10


10 again [10加掷]
10 Commandments [10戒]
9 again [9加掷]
8 again [8加掷]

abjurations [驱散]
Acceleration [加速度]
action [动作]
advanced actions [超凡动作]
advanced characters [高阶角色]
advantages [优势] 34, 36, 90
aggravated (damage) [恶性(伤害)]
aiming [瞄准]
all-out attack [全力一击]
Anarchs 自由派
anchors [锚]
Animalism 野兽术(Lord Ex注:兽性术如何?这个异能很多是作用于心兽而非真野兽)[心兽勉强也可算作(野)兽,而且兽性术很容易让人联想到使用就会兽性大发,而原异能想要表达的是对心兽及野兽的操纵和控制/吸引能力]
Animal Training [训练动物]
animals [动物]
Antediluvian 上古耆宿

antagonists [对手]
combatants [战斗人员]
non-combatants [非战斗人员]

armor [护甲]

Attributes [属性]
Composure [沉着]
Dexterity [敏捷]
Intelligence [智力]
Manipulation [操纵](Lord Ex注:操控呢?)
Presence [威仪] [对应威仪术的修改,这个也改了— sniper 2020/03/23 10:53]
Resolve [决心]
Stamina [耐力]
Strength [力量]
Wits [机智]

Assamite [ʌsɑːmait] 阿萨麦(Lord Ex注:阿刹迈如何?)(ObSolitaire注:阿萨姆族?Assam -ite,Assam是Haqim的另外一个名字,从版本上来说,算是原来的名字,只是因为印度某地也叫Assam,改版时才多出了Haqim以避免误会。)[Banu Haqim才是氏族原来的名字,Haqim是创立者的名,而Assamite和杀手有关,而和印度的阿萨姆地名并无关系— sniper 2020/11/02 22:53](ObSolitaire注:直到v20 Assam也还是被认为是Haqim的另外一个名字,直到5e才正式改名称Banu Haqim(Children of Haqim),从版本先后上来说,Assam是原来的名字,始祖的最初名字,只是因为印度某地也叫Assam, 白狼公司为了避免旁人的误会改23版时才多出了Haqim作为the All Wise的最常用名。Assamite应说也只算是哈萨辛改写时的第二重变体;中世纪的长夜,群王之战中其他氏族吸血鬼认为Assamite全是Vizier外交官,到大反乱之夜其他氏族吸血鬼又去认为assamite全是Warrior了)
Attribute damage [属性伤害]
Attribute tasks [属性动作]
Aura 辉环(Lord Ex注:灵气光环,或灵环呢?)
Auspex 感应术(Lord Ex注:感应术?这个异能好多功能是延伸感官吧,楼主可以在写之前先看看前人翻译,有些约定俗成也还行的我觉得就沿用吧)[经过再次考虑于是采纳感应术— sniper 2020/03/23 11:33]
autofire [连发]
avoiding getting shot [避免中弹]
A Taste of Blood 啜血
Acidic Touch 腐蚀之触
Apparition 幽影
Apprentice’s Brooms 学徒之帚
Arms of the Abyss 深渊臂膀
Ash Path 灰烬之路
Ashen Caul 苍白面纱
Atrophy 萎缩
Azoth 火丹
Acolyte 侍祭
Alertness 警觉

Belial's Brood 贝莱之巢
bashing (damage) [冲击(伤害)]
bite [咬]
blessed items [受祝福物品]
blind [致盲]
Bloodline 血脉(Lord Ex注:血系如何?比氏族更小一级的单位,血脉… 感觉没体现出)[遵从这个词原来的译意,比如royal bloodline就是皇家血脉— sniper 2020/03/21 14:16]
Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy 血魔法:奇术的秘密
Blood Sympathy 血之感应
blowing up an object [爆破物品]
breaking down a door [破门]
Brujah [bruːhɑː] 布鲁赫(Lord Ex注:布鲁赫如何?)
bypass security system [解除保安系统]
Baal's Caress 巴尔的抚摸
Black metamorphosis 暗蛹
Blandishment of Sin 罪之谄媚
Blood Blight 血疫
Blood bond 血缚
Blood Contract 血契
Blood of Beasts 兽之血
Blood of Potency 血之力量
Blood Potency 血液浓度
Blood Price 血的代价
Blood Rage 血沸
Blood Scourge 血光之灾
Blood Seeps Slowly 慢慢渗血
Blood Ties 血液联系
Bloodform 血形态
Blush of Health 红光满面
Bone of Lies 谎言之骨
Bone Path 白骨之路
Bonecraft 重塑骨骼
Botch 大失败

Caitiff 竖子(Lord Ex注:贱民如何?)
Camarilla 秘盟
Cappadocians 卡帕多西亚
Carthians 加西亚斯
Carthian Movement 加西亚运动
carousing [狂宴]
catching thrown objects [接住投掷物]
catching vehicles on foot [徒步赶车]
Celerity 迅捷术
chance roll [机运掷骰]
chapter [章节]
charge [冲刺]
Chimerstry 嵌合术(Lord Ex注:幻术如何?)[这个词的构成方式为Chimer(也就是chimera,奇美拉,嵌合体) + stry— sniper 2020/03/21 16:33]
chronicle [编年史]
Circle of the Crone 术士集团
clear jam [清理卡壳]
climbing [攀爬]
close combat [近身战斗]
Coils of the Dragon 龙之蟠仪
concealment [隐蔽]
concealment, firing from [从隐蔽处射击]
concept [概念]
contested action [对抗动作]
continuous damage [持续伤害]
Covenant 盟约
cover [遮蔽]
crashes [车祸]
create art [艺术创作]
Crúac 血牲
cutaways [插叙]
cutting a deal [谈判]
Cadaver’s Touch 遗体之触
Call the Hungry Dead 饿殍的呼喊
Cauldron of Blood 血釜
Charisma 魅力
Cheval 并驾齐驱
Communicate with Kindred Sire 与血亲沟通
Compel Soul 勒令魂魄
Conquer the Red Fear 征服红色恐惧
Conscience 良知
Conviction 信念
Courage 勇气
Curse of Babel 巴别之诅咒
Courage 胆识

Daeva [diːvʌ] 迪瓦
Daeva: Kiss of the Succubus 迪瓦:魅魔之吻
damage [伤害]
Daughters of Cacophony 人鱼的女儿(Lord Ex注:嘈杂之女如何?这个血系以歌姬为主,可以先看看资料再定夺)[Cacophony虽然译为嘈杂没错,但是不太好听,因此用了siren这个血脉的别称进行部分替换(ps:Cacophony是尖锐的声音,这里私以为是指代她们的音域宽广,但是嘈杂显得有点不达其意)— sniper 2020/03/21 14:08]
Defense [防御]
Dementation 疯狂术
delaying actions [滞后行动]
degeneration [堕落]
deprivation [饥渴]

derangement [精神异常](Lord Ex注:精神疾病如何?)[很多derangement还没有严重到可以称为疾病的程度,比如刻板行为— sniper 2020/03/21 14:12]
Anxiety [焦虑]
Avoidance [逃避]
Depression [忧郁]
Fixation [刻板行为]
Fugue [失忆]
Hysteria [歇斯底里]
Inferiority Complex [自卑]
Irrationality [不理智]
Megalomania [自大狂]
Melancholia [抑郁] 97
Multiple Personality [多重人格]
Narcissism [自恋]
Obsessive Compulsion [强迫症]
Paranoia [偏执]
Phobia [恐惧]
Schizophrenia [精神分裂]
Suspicion [多疑]
Vocalization [自言自语]

Diablerie 血歹(Lord Ex注:吸榨如何?)[这个行为一定导致死亡,吸榨体现不出— sniper 2020/03/21 14:27]
dice pool [骰池]
disease [疾病]
disguise [伪装]
Dominate 支配术
dodge [闪避]
dot [圆点]
downtime [故事间隙]
dramatic failure [戏剧性失败]
drawing [抽出]
drawing a weapon [拿出武器]
drugs [毒品]
Durability [耐久度]
Daemonic Possession 恶灵附身
Dagon’s Call 龙之呼唤
Dead Hand 亡者之手
Death Calls to Death 死亡呼唤
Death Rage 死亡狂怒
Decay 腐朽
Defense of the Sacred Haven 不可侵犯的藏身所
Deflection of Wooden Doom 反弹木制厄运
Devil's Touch 恶魔之触
Dread 恐惧
Demeanor 举止

electrocution [触电]

equipment [装备]
automotive tools [汽修工具]
climbing gear [攀爬装备]
demolitions kit [爆破设备]
first-aid kit [急救包]
flashlight [手电筒]
gasmask [防毒面具]
gunsmithing kit [枪械工具]
lock picks [撬锁工具]
mace or pepper spray [辣椒或防狼喷雾]
nightvision goggles [夜视镜]
sights, laser [激光瞄准镜]
sights, telescopic [光学瞄准镜]
silencer [消音器]
surveillance equipment [监控设备]
survival gear [求生装备]

Embrace 初拥
Entrancement 狂喜术
examining a crime scene [勘察犯罪现场]
example of play [范例游戏]
exceptional success [特例成功]
exorcisms [驱邪]
experience points [经验点数]
explosives [爆炸物]
extended action [持续动作]
extra successes [额外成功数]
extra talent [额外天赋]
Efficient Digestion 快速消化
Ex Nihilo 混茫
Eye of the Beast 兽之眼
Eyes of Chaos 混乱之眼
Eyes of the Grave 墓穴之眼
Eyes of the Serpent 蛇之眼

faction [派系]
failure [失败]
falling [坠落]
fast-talk [花言巧语]
fatigue [疲乏]
Finesse [技巧]
firearms and close combat [枪械和近身攻击]
First Estate 第一等级
flank attack [侧面攻击]
flashbacks [倒叙]

Flaws [缺陷]
Addiction [成瘾]
Aloof [孤僻]
Amnesia [失忆]
Behavior Blind [行为盲]
Coward [胆小]
Crippled [双腿残疾]
Deformity [畸形]
Dwarf [侏儒]
Embarrassing Secret [尴尬的秘密]
Forgetful [健忘]
Hard of Hearing [耳背]
Lame [瘸子]
Mute [哑巴]
Notoriety [恶名昭彰]
One Arm [独臂]
One Eye [独眼]
Poor Sight [视力不佳]
Racist/Sexist [种族/性别歧视]
Speech Impediment [口齿不清]

Followers of Set 赛特的追随者(Lord Ex注:赛特追随者如何?)[为了突出这个组织的宗教性,正在考虑要不要把这个翻译为塞特的追随者而setities改为塞特的信徒— sniper 2020/03/21 15:35]
foreshadowing [预示]
foot chase [徒步追逐]
foraging for sustenance [搜集食物]
Fortitude 坚忍术(Lord Ex注:坚韧术吧?)[非理想翻译,但需要和同样功能但不同版本的Resilience 坚韧术 区别开— sniper 2020/03/21 16:16]
Frenzy 狂暴(Lord Ex注:更习惯的是狂乱?)
Fata Morgana 海市蜃楼
Feeding the Crone 老妪之食
Fleshcraft 重塑血肉
Forced Revival 强制甦醒

Gangrel [ɡenɡərel] 冈格罗(Lord Ex注:冈格罗如何?)
Gehenna 血缘审判(Lord Ex注:火焚末日是可以弃了,我觉得可以再讨论下)
Giovanni [dʒiəvɑːni] 乔万尼(Lord Ex注:乔凡尼?)

ghosts [鬼魂]
apparition [幽灵]
deceiver [幻灵]
poltergeist [噪灵]
skinrider [操皮灵]
grapple [缠斗]

Ghoul 血仆 (GreyGate注:改成食血者如何?)
Golconda 醍醐灌顶(Lord Ex注:浩恩永生如何?感觉很多可以先看看资料)[Golconda是一种领悟和控制的状态/能力— sniper 2020/03/21 15:28]
Gift of Lazarus 拉撒路的礼物
Gnarl wood 搬运木头
Gnosis 灵知
Grasp the Ghostly 明器掌控

hacking [入侵系统]
Haven 藏身所
healing [治疗]
healing wounds [治疗创伤]
Health [健康]
Health chart [健康栏]
Health dots[健康圆点]
Herd 牧群
holding back a door [堵门]
holding breath [屏息]
Hands of Destruction 毁灭之手
Haunting 闹鬼
Horrid form 恐怖形态
Horrid Reality 惊实

immobilization [无法动弹]
improvised weapons [临时武器]
incapacitation [失去行动能力]
Initiative [先机]
Initiative Mod [先机修正]
Initiative roster [行动顺序表]
instant action [瞬时动作]
interrogation [审讯]
Invictus 莫敌
Ignis Fatuus 鬼火
Incorporeal Passage 灵体穿越
Instinct 本能

jumping [跳跃]
jumping from a moving vehicle [跳出移动中的载具]

knockdown [击倒]
knockout [昏迷]
kicking out a grille [破坏栅栏]
killing blow [致命一击]

Longinus 朗格努斯
Lancea Sanctum 标枪圣殿
Lasombra [lʌsɑːmbrɑː] 勒森魃
lethal (damage) [致命(伤害)]
lifting/moving objects [举起/移动物体]
Libellus Sanguinus III 殷红敕令III
lockpicking [撬锁]
Liar's Plague 谬言者之疫
Lure of Flames 火焰之诱
Lure the Beast 诱引心兽

Majesty 君临术
meditation [冥想]
Melee Weapons[肉搏武器]
memorizing and remembering [记忆和回想]
Malkavian [mɑːlkeiviːʌn] 麦卡维(Lord Ex注:迈卡维如何?)
Malkovian[mɑːlkəuviːʌn] 麦柯维
malleability of form 易形术
Mekhet [mæˈket] 衊柯特

Merits [特质](Lord Ex注:优点如何?Merits & Flaws)[和advantage冲突— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]

Allies [盟友]
Ambidextrous [双手灵巧]
Barfly [泡吧狂]
Brawling Dodge [格斗闪避]
Common Sense [常识]
Contacts [联系人](Lord Ex注:线人如何?)
Danger Sense [危机感知]
Direction Sense [方向感]
Disarm [缴械]
Eidetic Memory [过目不忘]
Encyclopedic Knowledge [渊博学识]
Fame [名望]
Fast Reflexes [快速反应]
Fighting Finesse [战斗技巧]
Fighting Style: Boxing [打斗风格:拳击]
Fighting Style: Kung Fu [打斗风格:功夫]
Fighting Style: Two Weapons [打斗风格:双武器]
Fleet of Foot [健步如飞]
Fresh Start [重新开始]
Giant [巨人]
Gunslinger [神枪手]
Holistic Awareness [调和]
Inspiring [鼓舞]
Iron Stamina [坚韧不拔]
Iron Stomach [铁胃]
Language [语言]
Meditative Mind [冥思]
Mentor [导师]
Natural Immunity [天然免疫]
Quick Draw [快拔]
Quick Healer [快速回复]
Resources [资产]
Retainer [仆从]
Status [地位]
Striking Looks [惊艳外貌]
Strong Back [驽牛]
Strong Lungs [强健的肺]
Stunt Driver [特技驾驶]
Toxin Resistance [毒素抵抗]
Unseen Sense [超自然感知]
Weaponry Dodge [武器闪避]

Metamorphosis 蛹化
modifier [修正值]
modifies resistance [抵抗修正]
mood [基调]
Mortifiers of the Flesh 苦修者
Morality [道德]
Magic of the Smith 工匠之力
Malediction of Despair 绝望诅咒
Malleable Visage 塑造外形
Monstrous Countenance 鬼怪面容
Mortal Fear 致命恐惧
Movement of the Mind 念力

Neonate 新生血族
Night Horrors: Wicked Dead 夜魇:邪恶亡灵
Nightmare 噩梦术
Nosferatu [nɔsfurɑːtu] 诺斯弗拉图(Lord Ex注:诺斯费拉图如何?)

Numina [显灵](Lord Ex注:这是凡人使用的超能力,我觉得可以再想想)
Animal Control [控制动物]
Clairvoyance [传音]
Compulsion [强制]
Ghost Sign [鬼兆]
Ghost Speech [鬼语]
Magnetic Disruption [磁场干扰]
Phantasm [幻象]
Possession [附体]
Telekinesis [念力]
Terrify [惊吓]
Noddist scholar 挪得学者

Obfuscate 混淆术(Lord Ex注:隐匿术如何?)[来自vtm20周年版:Obfuscate is the uncanny ability for Kindred to conceal themselves from sight, sometimes even in full view of a crowd. An Obfuscated vampire doesn’t actually become invisible, however — rather, he is able to delude observers into believing that he has vanished.这是一种对意识的混淆,而且会在影像中留下痕迹— sniper 2020/03/21 14:36]

objects [物品]
Obtenebration 幽影术(ObSolitaire注:幽暗术如何?这项能力大部分是为深渊开门召唤其中的黑暗物质,而这个词本身也是制造黑暗。)
offhand attacks [非惯用手攻击]
optional rule: large fights [可选规则:混战]
oratory [演说]
Order of Hermes 赫尔墨斯会(Lord Ex注:赫尔墨斯秘会如何?)
Ordo Dracul 龙之团
Ouroboros 衔尾蛇

Paths of Enlightenment 启迪之路
perception [感知]
piercing durability [耐久度穿透]
plot [情节]
point [点数]
poison [毒素]
Politico 政要
Potence 蛮力术(ObSolitaire注:​巨力如何?这项力量虽然说是该隐子嗣的愤怒,不过它的顶级力量——群雄之力,还有flick,aftershock都是因身有千斤能巧破千斤的力量,the forger'​s hammer也能够制造精巧强大的武器,总感觉蛮力有些不好听。。。)
Power [力量]
Presence 威仪术(Lord Ex注:威仪术如何?)[嗯,威仪作为异能名确实更好些,不过是不是作为属性也要一起修改,me考虑中……— sniper 2020/03/23 10:40]
preliminary story [前期故事]
prelude [序幕]
Prince 亲王
prone [卧倒]
Protean 变形术
Pangs of Proserpina 普洛塞庇娜的阵痛
Passion 激情
Path of Paradox 矛盾之路
Pavis of Foul Presence 秽仪之盾
Permanency 永影/永物
Perspicacious Blood 洞察之血
Power Over Life 生命之力
Predator’s Taint 掠食者的污点
Primal Urge 原始冲动
Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion 生命力灌注
Psyche 冥力

Quietus 寂灭术

range [距离]
Ravnos [rævnɔs] 雷弗诺斯
Ranged Weapons[远程武器]
rear attack [背后攻击]
reflexive action [瞬时动作]
reloading [重新装弹]
remaining conscious [保持清醒]
Requiem for Rome 罗马镇魂曲
Resilience 坚韧术
repair item [修理物品]
research [研究]
Resistance [抵抗]
resisting coercion [抗拒胁迫]
resisting poison or disease [抵抗毒素或疾病]
ride the wave 与兽共舞
Ritae 圣仪
Rötschreck 猩红惊惧
rote action [依葫芦画瓢]
Reverse Conjuration 消物
Rigor Mortis 尸僵
Ritual of the Unearthed Fetter 发掘桎梏之仪式

Sabbat 魔党
Salubri 扫卢毕(Lord Ex注:萨洛比如何?这是河伯定的译名)[如更改则最好将Saulot改为萨洛以显示两者在原意上的关联性,或者考虑用意译而非音译— sniper 2020/03/21 14:42]
Saulot 扫罗
scene [场景]
Sect 宗派
seduction [魅惑]
Serpentis 冥蛇术
Setites 赛特信徒(Lord Ex注:赛特子民如何?和表示凡人的Seth区分开来)[seth明显发音为塞斯的单词为何要翻译为塞特,表示不解— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
setting [设定]
shooting into close combat [射击近距离目标]
shadowing [跟踪]
sin [罪]
Sire 血亲(Lord Ex注:尊长如何?貌似是更习惯的叫法)
Size [体型]
Skill-based perception [基于技能的感知]

Skills [技能]
Academics [学识]
Animal Ken [兽语者](Lord Ex注:这是个Abilities… 更习惯的译名是驯兽)[和animal training无法区分— sniper 2020/03/23 11:23]
Athletics [运动]
Brawl [格斗]
Computer [电脑]
Crafts [手艺](Lord Ex注:工艺如何?)[工艺更多的是指制造一个东西所使用的技术,而非制造者的能力— sniper 2020/03/21 14:49]
Drive [驾驶]
Empathy [共情](Lord Ex注:共感如何?)[共情是指能够体会到他人的情感,而不是共享感觉— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
Expression [表达]
Firearms [枪械]
Intimidation [恐吓](Lord Ex注:恐吓如何?)
Investigation [调查]
Larceny [盗窃]
Medicine [医疗](Lord Ex注:医药如何?)[来自核心规则书:The Medicine Skill reflects a characterÕs training and expertise in human physiology and how to treat injuries and illness.— sniper 2020/03/21 14:49]
Occult [超自然信仰](Lord Ex注:神秘学如何?貌似是更通俗的叫法)[如何与mysticism这个词区分?且occult应该带宗教意义,而不是一种学术理论— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
Persuasion [说服]
Politics [政治]
Science [科学]
Socialize [社交]
Stealth [潜行]
Streetwise [市井知识](Lord Ex注:用的更多的是黑街…)[黑街是指街道很黑吗?— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
Subterfuge [掩饰](Lord Ex注:托辞如何?)
Survival [求生]
Weaponry [武器]

Skill tasks [技能任务]
sleight of hand [扒窃]
smashing one object into another [两物对撞]
solving enigmas [解谜]
Specialty [专长]
species factor [物种因素]
specified target [特定目标]
Speed [速度]
stake through the heart [钉穿心脏]
Sta-Au 斯塔奥
story ideas [故事灵感]
Storyteller [叙事者]
Storytelling rules summary [叙事规则总结]
Structure [结构]
stun [眩晕]
success [成功]
successive attempt [后续尝试]
surprise [奇袭]
systems permutations [系统变体]
Scorpion’s Touch 蝎子之触
Self-Control 自控
Sepulchre Path 坟冢之路
Shadow Play 影戏
Shambling Hordes 蹒跚尸群
Shatter the Mind 击碎意志
Shroud of Night 夜幕笼罩
Silence of Death 死之寂静
Soul Stealing 窃魂
Stigmata 圣痕
Summon the Simple Form 召唤小物
Sun’s Forgotten Kiss 被遗忘的曦之吻
Supernatural Tolerance 超自然忍耐力
Surmounting the Daysleep 克服日眠

target number [目标数字]
teamwork [团队协作]
temperature extremes [极端气温]
Testament of Longinus 朗格努斯之约
Thaumaturgy 奇术
Theban 底比斯(的)
theme [主题]
Therion 赛利昂
throwing [投掷]
Time of Thin Blood 薄血年代
Toreador [tɔrɛədɔː] 托芮朵
Torpor 休眠
touching an opponent [触碰对手]
traits [特征]
Transcendence 飞升
Tremere [tʃæmiə] 崔米尔
turn [回合]
Tzimisce [tsɪmɪs] 兹祢崔(Lord Ex注:棘秘魑如何?感觉有些可以参考已有的)(ObSolitaire注:可以参照John I Tzimiskes的希腊语原文读音,Tzimisce为Τζιμισκής拉丁转写的变体,The Gentleman Gamer给出的读音类似棘米齐)
Taste of Death 死亡百味
Tenebrous form 阴暗形态
The Black Key 黑钥
The Form of the Cobra 眼镜蛇形态
The Haunting 幻秽
The Heart of Darkness 黑暗之心
The Hydra’s Vitae 九头蛇之血
The Path of Blood 鲜血之径
The Path of Conjuring 创造之径
The Skin of the Adder 蝰蛇之皮
The Taste of Family 家族的味道
Theft of Vitae 窃取生命力
Tongue of the Asp 花蝰之舌
Torment 折磨
Total Insanity 完全疯狂
Touch of the Morrigan 摩莉甘之触
Transubstantiation 变体
Tremens 颤动
Turn to Dust 归于尘土
Twilight 暮界
The Sanctified 圣化者

Unaligned 无盟者
Underworld 冥界

vehicle pursuit [驾车追逐]
vehicles [运载工具]
vehicles, sample [载具,范例]
vehicle tailing [驾车追踪]
Ventrue [væntʃuː] 凡杵 (GreyGate注:这个译名有点老,我们改成‘梵卓’吧!)

Vices [恶习]
Envy [嫉妒]
Gluttony [饕餮]
Greed [贪婪]
Lust [纵欲]
Pride [傲慢]
Sloth [懒惰]
Wrath [愤怒]
Virtues [美德]
Charity [慈善]
Faith [信念]
Fortitude [坚韧]
Hope [希望]
Justice [正义]
Prudence [审慎]
Temperance [节制]

Vicissitude 变幻术(Lord Ex注:更约定俗成的是变幻术,和Protean变形术区分,可以参考已有译名)[变幻→幻觉?这是对身体的改造,不是一种创造幻觉或实体的法术?— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
Vigor 活力术
Vinculum 血之纽带
Vitae 生命力
Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned 凡杵:不死者之王
Vitae Reliquary 生命圣器
Voice of Madness 狂言

weapons [武器]
Willpower [意志](Lord Ex注:人物卡上能译成意志点吧?)[翻译中需要一种将意志圆点和可花费的意志点区分开的方法,仅此— sniper 2020/03/21 13:41]
working the black market [黑市交易]
wound [创伤]
Wake with Evening's Freshness 清新晚风
Ward vs. Ghouls 阻挡血仆
Willful Vitae 任性之血
Wrathful Judgment 愤怒审判
Wyrd 命符
