作者 主题: 【Knights of the Inner Sea】侍從(Squire)  (阅读 17040 次)

副标题: 你是個高貴的聖武士,答應我,別再當舔狗了好嗎?


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
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  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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【Knights of the Inner Sea】侍從(Squire)
« 于: 2020-12-12, 周六 20:21:40 »
近乎在每個偉大騎士的背後都有一個忠誠的侍從為為他提供武力支援、道德指導甚至秘密建議,與此同時從君主身上學習其期待有一天也能成為一位英勇的騎士。這特殊的連繫is almost institutional in its formality,而且侍從能在侍奉他们的君主的同時担任各種职責。

« 上次编辑: 2020-12-13, 周日 15:59:50 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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出自《Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20》








劇透 -   :
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20
You attract a squire to aid you in your knightly endeavors.

Prerequisites: Character level 4th, proficient with all martial weapons.

Benefit: This feat acts similarly to the Leadership feat, with several exceptions. You can only attract a 1st-level cohort (referred to hereafter as a squire) with this feat, and cannot recruit followers until you have the Leadership feat. You determine your Leadership score according to the rules presented in the Leadership feat, but your squire is always at least three or more levels lower than yourself.

A squire can only take levels in a class that grants proficiency with all martial weapons as a class feature, such as paladin, gunslinger, cavalier, or fighter. She cannot multiclass, though she may take any archetype she qualifies for, including those from the following “Squire Archetypes” section.

If a squire gains enough XP to bring her to two levels lower than your level, the squire does not gain the new level until you gain your next level—until then her new XP total is 1 less than the amount needed to attain the next level and she gains no additional XP until you advance.

If you release your squire from service, you may gain a new one by scouting for potential candidates in a city or large town where members of your knightly order can typically be found, which requires at least 24 hours of uninterrupted scouting. This act can also replace a squire who has perished.

Graduation: When you reach 7th level, this feat automatically upgrades to the Leadership feat (meaning that you effectively lose this feat and replace it with Leadership). You gain all the normal benefits of the Leadership feat, except that your squire must remain at least three levels lower than you and must continue to take levels in her first class. In order for your squire to be able to be two levels lower than you, your squire must be at least 4th level, and you must witness her as she single-handedly defeats a creature with Hit Dice equal to or greater than her own. Upon the creature’s defeat, your squire graduates to full knighthood and acts as a normal cohort; she may begin taking levels in other classes if she so chooses, and she may increase in level to up to two levels lower than yourself.

« 上次编辑: 2020-12-13, 周日 16:00:19 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
  • .--. --- ... ... . ... ... .. --- -.
侍從變體(Squire Archetypes)


戰地救援侍從(Combat Healer Squire)[聖武士變體]
出自《Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20》


  細心治療師(Careful Healer, Ex):1級起,戰地救援侍從在使用醫療技能穩定生物的傷勢或治療中毒時不會引發借機攻擊。此外,當他使用醫療技能負責長期護理時,他能恢復等同于他的角色等級的額外hp,按他的意願分配給在他照顧中的人。


  包紮傷口(Dress Wounds, Su):2級起,戰地救援侍從能迅速地為他的騎士包紮嚴重傷口。此能力如同使用醫療技能治療嚴重傷害,除了戰地救援侍從只需要整輪動作就能使用此能力。治療獲得的為只持續10分鐘的臨時hp,但他們不會像暫時生命值那樣首先失去。戰地救援侍從只能在他的騎士身上使用此能力,而不能用于其他生物。騎士每天不能受益于此能力多于1次,而且不能在受益于此能力的24小時內被醫療技能治療嚴重傷害。


  迅捷治療師(Swift Healer, Ex):3級起,戰地救援侍從在處理傷勢時更為熟稔,他能以迅捷動作進行急救或治療中毒。


劇透 -   :
Combat Healer Squire
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20
Always ready with bandages and potions, the combat healer squire keeps her knight on his feet against all odds, and always has just the right remedy on hand.

Careful Healer (Ex): At 1st level, a combat healer squire provokes no attacks of opportunity when she uses the Heal skill to stabilize a creature or treat poison. In addition, when she administers long-term care with the Heal skill, she can restore a total number of additional hit points equal to her character level, divided as she wishes among those she is tending. This ability replaces detect evil.

Dress Wounds (Su): At 2nd level, a combat healer squire can hastily dress a deadly wound for her knight, temporary alleviating his suffering. This ability acts in all ways like using the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds, except the combat healer squire only needs to take a fullround action to use this ability. The hit points healed are temporary, and only last 10 minutes, but they are not lost first like temporary hit points. A combat healer squire can only use this ability on her knight, not other creatures. A knight cannot benefit from this ability more than once per day, and cannot be treated for deadly wounds with the Heal skill within 24 hours of being subjected to this ability. This ability replaces divine grace.

Swift Healer (Ex): At 3rd level, a combat healer squire becomes even more adept when treating wounds, and can use the Heal skill to perform first aid or treat poison as a swift action. This ability replaces divine health.


擁槍侍從(Gunner Squire)[槍手變體]
出自《Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20》


引述: 炫技
彈著觀察員(Spotter, Ex):1級起,以標準動作,擁槍侍從能消耗1點勇毅來準確定位在他視綫中的目標並通知他的騎士君主目標的正確位置。在騎士的下回合時,若他對被定位的目标作出遠程攻擊並由于距離在攻擊骰承受減值時,他能在此減值降低等同于其擁槍侍從的感知調整值(至減值最少為0)。擁槍侍從必須鄰接他的君主並且能交流才能使用此炫技,不過騎士能在其回合移動開去並保留此收益。


左右手(Side Arm, Ex):3級起,以整輪動作,擁槍侍從能消耗1點勇毅來裝填一件他持有的單手或雙手火器。若此火器有多個槍管,他每輪能裝填的槍管數量等同其敏捷調整值(最少為1)。裝備有煉金定裝彈(詳看Ultimate Equipment)的擁槍侍從能使用此炫技同時裝填多把火器,他能按意願分配槍管數量至他攜帶中的火器中,即使這意味他在同一動作中从他的裝備中存放和取出多把火器。減少裝填時間的能力、炫技和專長(例如快速裝填)等不能提升此炫技。


  安全處理(Safe Handling, Ex):2級起,以整輪動作,擁槍侍從能臨時確保他持有的一件火器的安全性,在下次以此火器進行攻擊骼時減少1點它的啞火機率(最少至0)。此減值不與自身疊加。此減值在計算任何加值後才生效,包括用破損狀態的火器開火、或任何其它增加火器啞火率的效果。


劇透 -   :
Gunner Squire
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 20
Prepared to reload or repair her lord’s firearms at a moment’s notice, the gunner squire is an indispensable aid for knights skilled in the use of pistols and rifles.

Deeds: A gunner squire swaps a pair of deeds for the following. two deeds The new deed descriptions include information on which deeds from the gunslinger class feature these new deeds replace.

Spotter (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, a gunner squire can spend 1 grit point to pinpoint a target within her line of sight and inform her knightly liege of the target’s exact location. During the knight’s next turn, if he makes a ranged attack against the pinpointed target and would take a penalty on his attack roll due to range, he may reduce this penalty by an amount equal to his gunner squire’s Wisdom modifier (to a minimum penalty of 0). The gunner squire must be adjacent to her liege and able to communicate to use this deed, though a knight may move away from the gunner squire during his turn and still gain the benefits of this deed. This deed replaces the gunslinger’s dodge deed.

Side Arm (Ex): At 3rd level, as a full-round action, a gunner squire can spend 1 grit point to reload a one-handed or two-handed firearm she is holding. If the firearm has multiple barrels, she can reload a number of barrels per round equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). A gunner squire equipped with alchemical cartridges (see Ultimate Equipment) can use this deed to reload multiple firearms at once, dividing the number of barrels she’s able to reload among the firearms she is carrying however she wishes, even if this would mean stowing and retrieving multiple firearms from her equipment with one action. Abilities, deeds, and feats that decrease reloading time (such as Rapid Reload) do not improve this deed. This deed replaces gunslinger initiative.

Safe Handling (Ex): At 2nd level, as a full-round action, a gunner squire can temporarily ensure the safety of a firearm she is holding, reducing its misfire chance by 1 (to a minimum of 0) on the next attack roll made with that firearm. This reduction does not stack with itself. This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated for firing with the broken condition, or for any other effect that might increase the misfire value of a firearm. This ability replaces nimble +1.


通報侍從(Herald Squire)[騎將變體]
出自《Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 21》


  荣重介紹(Introduction, Ex):1級起,每當通報侍從嘗試首次使用交涉技能影響生物態度时,他的交涉檢定能雙骰取高。此外,任何對通報侍從改善態度的生物同樣應用于其騎士。


  疾行(leet of Foot, Ex):2級起,通報侍從獲得快速移動,如同野蠻人的同名職業特性。若通報侍從從其它職業中獲得快速移動,此加值不疊加。每當他獨自或只跟他的坐騎進行長距離大陸移動(long overland journeys)時,通報侍從的每天旅行距離提升20%。


  超越語言(Transcend Language, Sp):3級起,每天3次,通報侍從能對自己施放巧言術(tongues),使用其通報侍從等級作為CL。此效果持續等同于其通報侍從等級的輪數。


劇透 -   :
Herald Squire
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 21
The herald squire is the eyes and ears of a traveling knight, often arriving ahead of her liege to bring word of his arrival, find lodgings, and get the lay of the land.

Introduction (Ex): At 1st level, whenever a herald squire tries to influence a creature’s attitude with the Diplomacy skill for the first time, she may roll her Diplomacy check twice and take the best result. In addition, any improvement of a creature’s attitude toward the herald squire also applies to her knight. This ability replaces tactician.

Fleet of Foot (Ex): At 2nd level, a herald squire gains fast movement, as the barbarian class feature of the same name. If the herald squire gains fast movement from another class, the bonuses to her speed do not stack. Whenever she makes long overland journeys alone or with only her mount, the distance a herald squire can travel each day increases by 20%. This ability replaces the 2nd-level order ability.

Transcend Language (Sp): At 3rd level, three times per day, a herald squire can cast tongues on herself, using her herald squire level as her caster level. The effects of this ability last for a number of rounds equal to her herald squire level. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.


攜武侍從(Weapon Bearer Squire)[戰士變體]
出自《Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 21》


  武器架(Weapon Rack, Ex):1級起,每輪1次,騎士能以不引起借機攻擊的移動動作抽出一件由他的攜武侍從攜帶的道具。此外,攜武侍從能以引起借機攻擊的直覺動作撿起他的騎士掉落的道具。騎士和攜武侍從必須互相鄰接而且必須能行動和交流才能使用此能力。


  迅速磨刀(Swift Sharpening, Ex):2級起,攜武侍從能快速地磨銳其君主的武器以在戰鬥中更加有效率。以整輪動作,攜武侍從能使用磨刀石(whetstone)將他持有的武器磨銳,给予持用此武器的人在以此武器的下一次攻擊骰+1環境加值。此外,他能以標準動作在他持用的一件武器上應用武器塗層(Weapon Blanch)(詳看Ultimate Equipment),而非整輪動作。


  戰時急修(Combat Repairs, Ex):3級起,攜武侍從能確保他的君主永遠不會徒手作戰士,即使他的所有武器都已破碎。以整輪動作,通過DC 20的工藝[武器]檢定,攜武侍從能快速維修他持有並擅長的一件武器。此道具不會恢復任何hp,但會失去破損狀態等同于攜武侍從等級的輪數。


劇透 -   :
Weapon Bearer Squire
Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 21
With myriad weapons, armor, and useful gear always on hand, the weapon bearer squire ensures her knight is equipped for any task.

Weapon Rack (Ex): At 1st level, once per round, a knight can retrieve an item carried by his weapon bearer squire as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, a weapon bearer squire can pick up items dropped by her knight as an immediate action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The knight and the weapon bearer squire must be adjacent to each other and must both be able to move and communicate to use these abilities. This ability replaces the 1st-level fighter bonus combat feat.

Swift Sharpening (Ex): At 2nd level, a weapon bearer squire can quickly hone her lord’s weapons to make them more effective in combat. As a fullround action, a weapon bearer squire can use a whetstone to sharpen a weapon she is holding, granting whoever wields the weapon a +1 circumstance bonus on his next attack roll with that weapon. In addition, she can apply a weapon blanch (see Ultimate Equipment) to a weapon she is holding as a standard action, instead of a full-round action. This ability replaces the 2nd-level fighter bonus combat feat.

Combat Repairs (Ex): At 3rd level, a weapon bearer squire can ensure her liege never goes unarmed, even if his weapon has all but shattered. As a full-round action, a weapon bearer squire can make rapid repairs to a weapon she is holding and is proficient with by succeeding at a DC 20 Craft (weapons) check. The item does not regain any hit points, but loses the broken condition for a number of rounds equal to the weapon bearer squire’s class level. This ability replaces armor training 1.

« 上次编辑: 2020-12-14, 周一 09:39:43 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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