作者 主题: 【CoP】守序善良(Lawful Good)阵营角色扮演指南  (阅读 11869 次)

副标题: “骑士的誓言永不言破”

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11




  • 建造者


    • 为了秩序和组织而奋斗。
    • 将强而有力的政府视作文明必不可少的部分,而紧密联系的家庭和社群就是居住地得以繁荣发展的砖瓦。
    • 使用自己的创造力和技能教导别人如何改善自己和社群的生活质量,并乐于为想移居到秩序和文明地区的人们提供帮助。


  • 圣战者



    • 对邪恶彻彻底底地憎恶唾弃。
    • 积极地拨乱反正,驱逐邪恶与不公。
    • 经由实际行动追寻荣耀与名誉,并视荣誉远在生命之上。


  • 守卫者



    • 不惜以身犯险保护他人生命安全。
    • 积极地保护弱小和清白之人。
    • 提高援助对象的防御以及战术技巧,并对其加以改进。









  • 骑士团


  • 守序国度


  • 社会秩序


背景特性 ←点击标题跳转

劇透 -  原文:
Lawful good
Lawful good characters regard law as necessary for the welfare of society. They fight to abolish or change laws they deem unjust, and they always aid those in need. Lawful good characters strive to be forthright in their words and deeds, refuse to lie to others, and keep their covenants. They oppose evil wherever it is found, and avoid putting the good of the individual ahead of what is good for the masses. For these characters, the end rarely justifies the means. Characters drawn to honor, righting wrongs, or making sacrifices for others might be attracted to this alignment.

Lawful good characters vary widely, especially in terms of their zeal for their beliefs. Some may be fanatical examples of the alignment, while others apply these ideals more loosely in their lives. The following examples showcase just a few of the possible approaches to this alignment.


Builder characters believe in the importance of close- knit families and strong communities, and they teach others to be self-sufficient.

Builders revere order and law, regarding these concepts as the answer to all of civilization’s problems; for them, a strong, benevolent government is what allows civilizations to thrive. Builders often assist in creating actual structures and items as a part of community’s attempt to improve members’ quality of life.

 If you are a builder, you:
 • Strive for order and organization.
 • View strong government as necessary for civilization’s cultivation, and strong families and communities as the building blocks of successful settlements.
 • Use your creativity and skills to teach others how to improve their lives and communities, and gladly offer your assistance when others are moved to create order and structure.

Code: You bring order to society through your creations, whether material or philosophical.


Crusaders endeavor to stamp out the presence of evil wherever it arises. These just, strong individuals spend their lives in pursuit of such heroic endeavors, tenaciously taking the fight to the root of evil in an attempt to eradicate it. Crusaders seek honor, valor, and glory in their pursuit of evil, and willingly sacrifice themselves in their efforts to destroy their targets. Many crusader types follow Iomedae, the Sword of Light.

 If you are a crusader, you:

• Abhor evil in all its aspects.
• Are motivated to right wrongs and to stamp out evil and injustice.
• Seek honor and glory through your actions, and suffer death over accepting dishonor.
Code: You are honorable and risk your life to eradicate the evil threatening your lands or the lives of those you’ve vowed to protect.

Guardians respect life and believe there is no greater duty or higher calling than protecting the lives of innocents and those who are too venerable to protect themselves. These brave, unwavering individuals gladly risk life and limb in defending whoever or whatever they have vowed to protect, whether it’s a city, village, fortress wall, or even a strategic pass. They willingly sacrifice themselves to the last soul to carry out their duty, and they find their honor, valor, and glory in defense rather than in taking the battle to others. When not actively involved in protecting their charge, they spend their time teaching defensive tactics and skills to those willing to learn.

If you are a guardian, you:

• Protect the lives of others at your own risk.
• Are motivated to protect the weak and the innocent.
• Improve the tactics and defensive skills of those you aid.

Code: You risk your life to protect the lives and well- being of others.

Lawful good characters are proficient at understanding bureaucracies,  following laws, and cultivating order and structure in their own lives and in others’. They are naturally helpful, and others find them trustworthy, even if they don’t share the same alignment. Additionally, lawful good characters are adept at deciding which actions are lawful and benefit society rather than the individual. With their focus on order, they can often build governmental stability where none previously existed.

These characters sometimes have problems defying laws, even when the laws are unjust. Instead of disobeying or protesting against such laws, they work within the provided structure or system to change those laws, and they implore others to do so as well. They feel guilty lying to others, even if only asked to fib to provide a ruse for their companions. Similarly, they won’t break the law to help good-intentioned party members perform actions that might have beneficial results.

When they’re adventuring in urban areas with their companions, lawful good characters may feel compelled to excuse  themselves from certain plans or attempt to reason with those  more lenient in their interpretation of the law. It’s much easier for lawful good characters to ignore the bad behavior  of other party members when exploring ruins and wilderness  areas outside the direct jurisdiction of a governing body.

The character class most often associated with the lawful good alignment is the paladin, but this alignment may also include monks, who are always lawful—in fact, monks who take levels in the champions of Irori prestige class must be lawful good. With a few exceptions, the other character classes allow for any alignment. However, playing a lawful good rogue—though feasible via the game’s rules—may be challenging. Such a character would, however, be a good addition to a law enforcement body as an investigator, or might travel as a scout or spy for a military or knightly order. She might also be a trustworthy appropriator of treasures lost in the depths of old ruins.

In the Inner Sea region, lawful good characters can find plenty of opportunities to adventure and find allies. These characters may be specifically interested in lending their support to the following organizations.

Knightly Orders:
Knightly orders suiting this alignment can be found among the crusaders of Mendev, who struggle to stem the teeming Worldwound’s demonic invaders, as well as in Lastwall’s Knights of Ozem, who concentrate their efforts on the orc hordes of Belkzen and maintaining their sacred duty of guarding against the Whispering Tyrant’s return. The Eagle Knights of Andoran, who stamp out slavery and promote the ideals of Andoran, constitute another organization lawful good characters may wish to ally with or join.

Lawful Nations:
Aiding the lawful nations of Mendev and Lastwall, whether working with or without the nations’ famous knightly orders, could interest characters of this alignment. And in Tian Xia, lawful good characters may wish to defend Zi Ha and Jinin against rampaging giants, hobgoblins, and oni. After all, if these nations fall, it’s only a matter of time before the invaders threaten other regions.

Social Order:
 Bringing peace and order to a community or nation should be a paramount ideal to a lawful good character. Settling conflict and establishing a fair body of laws may be more often associated with politicians, legislators, and barristers, but an adventurer can pursue those ideals as well. Whether she focuses on keeping the peace or fighting against those who seek to upset the traditions of a particular society, an adventurer in an urban environment can instill the principles of a lawful good alignment in its people.


The following traits complement characters of lawful good alignment.

Blessed Touch (Faith): You may have been raised in a devout family, studied the divine in a formal church environment, or even learned how to combine traditional healing techniques with those of divine casters. In so doing, you have focused yourself into being the perfect vessel for your deity. Divine power flows through you like a mountain stream, making your healing touch more potent than that of others. You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell.

Hard to Kill (Combat): Your strong will to live and spread good combined with your pure physicality makes you a tough opponent to take down. You may have discovered this as a child after a tragic accident or during the course of your first battle. When you are attempting a Constitution check to stabilize when dying, the penalty on the check is only half your negative hit point total instead of your full negative hit point total.

Weapon of Peace (Combat): Even though you are a trained combatant, proficient with any number of weapons, you don’t relish killing your enemies. It’s not that you’re afraid of seeing blood, but rather that disabling a foe is superior to killing someone capable of admitting defeat. When using a melee weapon that deals lethal damage to instead deal nonlethal damage, you take only a –2 penalty instead of –4.

《探索者》Pathfinder 九大阵营角色扮演指南索引

