作者 主题: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)  (阅读 25329 次)

副标题: 经过对盾徽财团的深入了解(误),将原译名的盾徽联合/盾徽特工改为盾徽财团/盾徽专员

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【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:30:39 »
盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)

盟友:有野心的暴君(aspiring tyrants);黄金联盟(Golden League);为数众多的自治城市(municipal)、国家(national)和组织(organizational)的权力阶层,范围遍及内海地区与更远的地方;芒吉莽原(Mwangi Expanse)的各式部族
敌人:商业上的竞争对手(competing mercantile interests),雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights),镣铐群岛的自由船长(Free Captains of the Shackles),玛甘比(Magaambya),探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
宿敌:探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)

盾徽财团自身具有大量冗余且具组织性的防御措施,以确保没有任何一个成员或业务能危害到组织的其他部分。两名高管——至高专员A.X.埃德瑞斯和浪荡子杰迪斯·麦兰·麦迪斯四世——与被称作赞助人(the Patrons)八名股东一同坐镇于切利亚斯的城市欧斯坦索(Ostenso),共同执掌整个财团。这些管理者在不同的保密等级下独立行动,当某些足以追溯到他们的失败发生时,其余人就能圆滑地推诿责任。在这10人之下,是一些精英管理者,他们分管着财团分布在世界各处的专员们,其中包括间谍女士-瑟瑞德米拉·艾斯宝拉斯、舰队主宰-佩罗·盖沃尔、安全主管-凯恩先生以及执行副总裁-教授坦德斯·梅斯(此人也是Z议会的首席,盾徽财团内的大多数人都不知晓该秘密研究机构的存在与运作)。
财团的其他成员分为三级,从他们所持有的盾形徽章的设计与用料可以加以区分。最高一级的黄金专员(gold agents)督管整个地域(地域的划分方式通常不是以国界来界定),他们要在向新项目进行投资以发掘新收入源的同时,确保盾徽财团能够稳步盈利。在黄金专员之下的是充当助理的白银专员(silver agents),他们管理大型业务、解读新情报、并解决与较小地区或城市相关的地域性事务。最低层级的正式成员是青铜专员(bronze agents),任何有能力的专员在获得以底层职位作为起始的永久资格之前,要受到上级专员的审核。财团还在各地雇佣了无数本地的承包商和佣兵,这些人通常是被项目成功后组织所能提供的高额奖金所吸引。
盾徽财团的扩张不会停歇,他会探索新的财源并加以控制和利用。其结果就是财团的成员可能出现在世界上的任何地方,不过就目前为止财团在内海地区的势力最为庞大。财团依旧经营着位于欧斯坦索(Ostenso)的大本营,从这里可以轻而易举地启动、监控和支持整个世界的探索活动。除此之外,财团还有几处具有影响力的据点,这包括玛格尼玛(Magnimar)的青铜屋(Bronze House),以及整个血灣港(Bloodcove)——通往芒吉莽原(Mwangi Expanse)的门户。盾徽财团的专员总是小心翼翼地维护着财团的声誉,因此仅有个别国家会积极地阻挠或禁止财团的行动。

A. X. 埃德瑞斯(守序邪恶 女性人类 战士 3级/盗贼 10级)
瑟瑞德米拉·艾斯宝拉斯(中立邪恶 女性人类 吟游诗人 14级)
杰迪斯·麦兰·麦迪斯四世(中立邪恶 男性人类 望族 4级/催眠师OA 7级)

劇透 -   :
Aspis Consortium

Profiteering Syndicate
Scope global
Alignment NE
Headquarters Ostenso (Cheliax)
Values development of new revenue streams, elimination of competition, indirect political power, monopolies, profit
Goals finance new ventures by securing exotic goods for customers, providing consultation services, and taking control of rare and profitable resources; maximize earnings; secure capital
Allies aspiring tyrants; Golden League; numerous municipal, national, and organizational authorities throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond; sundry tribes in the Mwangi Expanse
Enemies competing mercantile interests, Eagle Knights, Free Captains of the Shackles, Magaambya, Pathfinder Society
Rivals Pathfinder Society

The extensive Aspis Consortium traces its origins to a legendary shipment of Osirian curios that transformed mid-voyage into a wealth of pristine relics that the Consortium’s founders sold in Westcrown. The founders never revealed whether it was an act of magic or merely artful smuggling that delivered the treasures, but their daring voyage founded a conglomerate of aggressive merchants, mercenaries, and profiteers that has specialized ever since in supplying clients who have uncommon tastes and ample coin.
The Aspis Consortium has numerous redundancies and organizational defenses to ensure that no one member or operation can jeopardize the others. Two executives—the consummately professional A. X. Adrius and the foppish Jaydis Milon Malddis IV—oversee the Consortium in the Chelish city of Ostenso in conjunction with a body of eight shareholders known as the Patrons. Each of these manages independent initiatives with some degree of secrecy, providing the others plausible deniability in the event that some fiasco should trace its way back to one of them. Just below these 10 are a handful of elite leaders who coordinate the Consortium’s specialists across the world, including the spy mistress Cirildimina Alasbhallas, the fleet master Lord Pairo Gavhaul, the head of security Mr. Khayn, and the vice-executor Professor Tantis Mais (who is also the head of Conference Z, an esoteric research operation whose existence and operations are kept secret from virtually the entire Consortium).
Other members of the Consortium fall into one of three categories denoted by their badge’s shield-like design and material. At the top, gold agents oversee entire regions (rarely defined by national borders), ensuring that Aspis operations remain smooth and profitable while bankrolling new initiatives to tap fresh revenue streams. Below them, silver agents act as lieutenants, managing large operations, interpreting new intelligence, and addressing local problems tied to smaller areas or cities. The lowest-ranking full members are bronze agents, each a capable operative vetted by her superiors before being offered a permanent, albeit initially subservient role. The Consortium also employs countless contractors and hirelings drawn from local populations, who are attracted to the extravagant bonuses the organization typically pays out after successful operations.
The Aspis Consortium is always growing, exploring new sources of wealth to control and exploit. As a result, operatives might turn up in nearly any part of the world, though the greatest concentration by far is in the Inner Sea region. The Consortium maintains its base of operations in Ostenso, from which it can easily launch, monitor, and support expeditions throughout the world. The Consortium has several influential strongholds, including the Bronze House in Magnimar and the entire city of Bloodcove, gateway to the Mwangi Expanse. Agents always take special care to keep the Aspis reputation immaculate, so few nations actively discourage or bar the Consortium.

A. X. Adrius (LE female human fighter 3/rogue 10): As an organization known for pulling the occasional underhanded trick, the Aspis Consortium regularly manages its reputation by covering up its worst actions and playing up its finest services. Champion of these public relations is A. X. Adrius, an icy figure who meets regularly with Inner Sea power brokers and commercial interests to ensure their ongoing cooperation. Even though she ostensibly shares power with Jaydis Milon Malddis IV and the Patrons, Adrius’s steely confidence and subtle strength help her set the agenda, silence dissident voices, and pin her few failures on high-ranking scapegoats. She has become a master of claiming victories for herself and blaming failures on her foes, talents that have, so far, served her quite well.
Cirildimina Alasbhallas (NE female human bard 14): Cirildimina rose through the Consortium’s ranks through a combination of talent, confident self-promotion, and an ability to uncover her direct superiors’ traitorous schemes (more than a few of which she fabricated). She maintains the Consortium’s spy network throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond. This includes a dozen look-alikes she has trained and assigned throughout her territory, allowing her to slip from Ostenso to any number of other cities without raising local suspicions. Thanks to her far-reaching travels, Cirildimina maintains a truly prodigious wardrobe of flamboyant outfits and formal wear. Even within the Consortium, few realize just how much personal power Cirildimina has amassed over the years.
Jaydis Milon Malddis IV (NE male human aristocrat 4/mesmeristOA 7): As the direct descendant of one of the Consortium’s original three founders, Jaydis Milon Malddis IV received a considerable education in business management and high society—an education he’s always considered to be as much his birthright as anything. After his nepotistic promotion to executive leadership, though, Jaydis has spent more and more time indulging in decadence and self-absorbed power fantasies. With A. X. Adrius more than capable of running the business, most are content to let Jaydis gallivant and live the life of a playboy. Some suspect that Jaydis hides far greater ambitions behind a smoke screen of hedonism, however—and those who investigate too closely tend to disappear.
« 上次编辑: 2017-09-25, 周一 18:07:33 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:31:06 »
盾徽专员(Aspis Agent)

特殊:擅长长鞭(whip),此外还要具有陷阱感知(Trap Sense)职业能力或者能够施放侦测密门(Detect Secret Doors)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

陷阱感知(Trap Sense,Ex):盾徽专员在对抗陷阱时,AC和反射豁免获得+1加值;这些加值在4级以及之后的每3个等级增加1点。该能力与任何来自其他职业的陷阱感知加值叠加。


专员秘技(Agency Secrets):在2级以及之后的每2个等级,盾徽专员都能获得后述专员秘技中的1个。盾徽专员无法多次选择同一项专员秘技(除非在专员秘技的文本中另有说明)。
引述: 专员秘技

奖励专长(Bonus Feat):盾徽专员能够在后述专长中选择1个作为奖励专长:进阶游侠陷阱(Advanced Ranger Trap;UM),嘲讽(Antagonize;UM),寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),胁迫者(Enforcer;APG),高等阴招(Greater Dirty Trick;APG),精通阴招(Improved Dirty Trick;APG),精通长鞭熟稔(Improved Whip Mastery;UC),威逼(Intimidating Prowess),学习游侠陷阱(Learn Ranger Trap;UM),技能专攻:威吓(Skill Focus:Intimidate)或长鞭熟稔(Whip Mastery;UC)。她必须满足自己所选奖励专长的先决条件。盾徽专员可以多次选择这项专员秘技。

隐藏思想(Conceal Thoughts,Su):若盾徽专员成为侦测思想(detect thoughts)或者类似效果的目标,那么她能够选择自己被实际侦测到的思想是什么,而她真正的思想仍旧是秘密。该效果不会影响阅读思想(thought-reading)以外的其他影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果。

异国表演(Exotic Performance):若盾徽专员具有吟游表演(Bardic Performance)或才多艺(Versatile Performance)职业能力的话,在判断所有与表演相关的效果时,视为她的有效吟游诗人等级增加1级,这包括学到新种类的吟游表演以及增加她的吟游表演的效果。

随身藏匿(Hidden Stash,Ex/Sp):在使用巧手技能随身隐藏小物品时(hide small objects on her person),盾徽专员会获得等同于她的职业等级的加值。此外每日1次,她能够如同魔法灵光(Magic Aura)法术一般隐藏1件物品的魔法特性。

熟练施法者(Master Caster):能够如同吟游诗人(bard)、审判者(inquisitor)或者催眠师(mesmerist)一般施法的盾徽专员能够将对应职业的施法者等级增加1级。除了每日法术(spells per day)、已知法术(spells known)以及施法者等级的增加以外,她不会获得该职业的其他能力。若盾徽专员在上述职业中的多个职业里均有等级,那么她必须在选取该项专员秘技时选择哪1个职业的施法者等级获得提升。该项专员秘技可以选取2次。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talent):盾徽专员可以选择1项满足先决条件的盗贼天赋。对于任何盗贼天赋中基于等级的效果来说,她的盾徽专员等级会与其他职业等级叠加,无论这些盗贼天赋是在进阶职业中选取的,还是在其他职业中选取的。盾徽专员必须在能够选取盗贼天赋的职业中至少具有1个等级,才能选取该项专员秘技至多2次。

缩物走私(Shrunken Smuggle,Sp):盾徽专员每日能够以类法术能力施放1次缩物术(Shrink Item),使用她的职业等级作为施法者等级。此外,当一件物品被缩小后,该件物品还会如同受到回避侦测(Nondetection)影响一般。当被缩小的物品恢复其原始大小时,上述效果便会结束。

双面专员(Vigilante Agent,Ex):具有侠客职业等级的盾徽专员能够选择1个满足先决条件的社交天赋(Social Talent)。若她能够从自己的侠客职业等级中获得侠客天赋(vigilante talents),那么她能选择满足先决条件的1个侠客天赋作为替代。对于任何侠客天赋中基于等级的效果来说,她的盾徽专员等级会与侠客职业等级叠加,无论这些侠客天赋是在进阶职业中选取的,还是在其他职业中选取的。盾徽专员必须至少具有1个侠客等级,才能选取该项专员秘技至多2次。

伪装阵营(Mask Alignment,Su):2级起以标准动作,盾徽专员能够改变自身的阵营灵光来欺骗那些侦测阵营的效果。她能够依照自己的选择模仿不同阵营的灵光,或者选择不发出阵营灵光。该效果仅对对阵营的探测生效,对于那些基于阵营来造成伤害或其他效果的效果没有作用。该效果会持续至盾徽专员主动解消,或者再次改变自身的阵营灵光为止。
6级起,盾徽专员在成为侦测阵营或者任何基于阵营效果的目标时,她能够自动通过尝试1次法术辨识检定来鉴别该效果。若成功,她便能够以直觉动作(immediate action)伪装阵营。
10级起,当盾徽专员散发着虚假的阵营灵光时,那么对于所有魔法物品(magic items)、法术(spells)、以及类法术(spell-like)或超自然(supernatural)的效果(比如禁制术、共鸣术或1把邪恶武器)来说,她就被视同为该阵营;这也包括所有基于阵营的魔法陷阱。当盾徽专员伪装自己的阵营时,她能忽略与其真正阵营相关的那类效果。

伏击陷阱(Ambush Trap,Ex):3级起,盾徽专员能够专门设置1个机械陷阱(mechanical trap),该陷阱必须是她制造的、或者通过至少比陷阱DC高10点的解除装置检定避开(bypassed)的陷阱。盾徽专员能够以移动动作(move action)触发如此设置的陷阱,不过前提是她要与陷阱相邻。她能够将自己的陷阱感知加值加到陷阱的察觉DC以及陷阱的攻击检定上,而且如果受到陷阱影响的生物是措手不及(flat-footed)或者由于其他原因无法将敏捷加值加到AC上时,还能够将盾徽专员的偷袭攻击伤害加到陷阱的伤害上。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):3级起,盾徽专员获得偷袭攻击,就如同盗贼的同名能力一般。最初,额外伤害为1d6点,该伤害会在6级和9级时再增加1d6点。若盾徽专员从其他来源获得了偷袭攻击加值,那么这些伤害加值会叠加。

刻骨嘲弄(Crucial Taunt,Ex):5级起,盾徽专员能够在用于虚招的唬骗检定、用于挫败士气的威吓检定以及阴招战技检定(详见APG 320页)中将自夸与嘲弄相结合,让这些检定获得相当于自身职业等级一半的加值。她能够把成功检定带来的效果进行延迟,至多延迟每职业等级1日,并在之后以直觉动作(immediate action)将其触发。盾徽专员必须在距离目标60尺的范围内才能使用或触发刻骨嘲弄。这是个依赖语言的效果。

精通陷阱感知(Improved Trap Sense,Ex):7级起,盾徽专员的陷阱感知加值将适用于避免陷阱效果的豁免检定。

远程启动(Remote Activation,Ex):8级起,盾徽专员能够在距离陷阱至多30尺的位置使用她的伏击陷阱能力。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
1级+0+0+1+0陷阱感知 +1,寻找陷阱
3级+2+1+2+1伏击陷阱,偷袭 +1d6
4级+3+1+2+1专员秘技,陷阱感知 +2
6级+4+2+3+2专员秘技,偷袭 +2d6
7级+5+2+4+2精通陷阱感知,陷阱感知 +3
9级+6+3+5+3偷袭 +3d6
10级+7+3+5+3专员秘技,陷阱感知 +4

劇透 -   :
The Aspis Consortium employs many unscrupulous individuals in its ongoing plots to achieve wealth and dominion throughout the Inner Sea region. Aspis agents are the Consortium’s chief instruments in this endeavor— public ambassadors who put a pleasant and disarming face forward while diverting attention from the company’s true interests and activities.
Aspis agents research ancient lore to discover long-lost treasures; then they organize expeditions to recover them for their leaders (usually higher-ranking Aspis agents). Their careful study of the traps and hazards of ancient ruins helps agents evade danger while leaving such threats intact for competing treasure hunters to face.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become an Aspis agent, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Appraise 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Craft (traps) 5 ranks, Disable Device 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks, Knowledge (history) 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks.
Special: Proficiency with the whip, as well as either the trap sense class feature or the ability to cast detect secret doors.

Class Skills
The Aspis agent’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are features of the Aspis agent prestige class.
Trap Sense (Ex): An Aspis agent gains a +1 bonus to her AC and on Reflex saves to avoid traps; this bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter. This ability stacks with any trap sense bonuses that are gained from other classes.
Trapfinding (Ex): This ability functions as per the rogue class feature. Levels in Aspis agent stack with levels from any other class that grants this ability for the purposes of determining an Aspis agent’s total trapfinding bonus.
Agency Secrets: At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, an Aspis agent gains one of the following agency secrets. An Aspis agent can’t select an individual agency secret more than once (unless otherwise stated in the secret’s text).
Bluster (Ex): The Aspis agent takes no penalty on Intimidate checks against larger creatures, and larger creatures gain no bonus on Intimidate checks against her.
Bonus Feat: The Aspis agent can choose one of the following as a bonus feat: Advanced Ranger TrapUM, AntagonizeUM, Combat Expertise, EnforcerAPG, Greater Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Whip MasteryUC, Intimidating Prowess, Learn Ranger TrapUM, Skill Focus (Intimidate), or Whip MasteryUC. She must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. An Aspis agent can select this agency secret twice.
Conceal Thoughts (Su): The Aspis agent who is targeted with detect thoughts or a similar effect can choose what thoughts are actually detected, while her true thoughts remain private. This does not affect mind-affecting effects other than thought-reading.
Exotic Performance: The Aspis agent with the bardic performance or the versatile performance class feature increases her effective bard level by 1 for all effects related to performances, including learning new types of performances and increasing the effects of her performances.
Hidden Stash (Ex/Sp): The Aspis agent gains a bonus equal to her class level on Sleight of Hand checks to hide small objects on her person. In addition, once per day she can hide the magical properties of one item as per magic aura.
Master Caster: The Aspis agent who can cast spells as a bard, inquisitor, or mesmerist increases her caster level for that class by 1. She does not gain other benefits of that class other than spells per day, spells known, and an increased caster level. If the agent has levels in more than one of these classes, she must choose which class to apply this increase to when she takes this agency secret. An Aspis agent can select this agency secret twice.
Rogue Talent: The Aspis agent can select one rogue talent for which she qualifies. Her Aspis agent levels stack with class levels for any rogue talents she has with level-dependent effects, whether they were gained from this prestige class or another class. An Aspis agent with at least 1 level in a class that grants access to rogue talents can select this agency secret twice.
Shrunken Smuggle (Sp): The Aspis agent can cast shrink item once per day as a spell-like ability, using her class level as her caster level. In addition, while the item is shrunken, it is also affected as per nondetection. This effect ends when the item returns to its proper size.
Vigilante Agent (Ex): The Aspis agent with vigilante class levels can select one social talent for which she qualifies. If she can gain vigilante talents from her vigilante class levels, she can instead select one vigilante talent for which she qualifies. Her Aspis agent levels stack with her vigilante class levels for any such talents she has with level-dependent effects, whether they were gained with this prestige class or another class. An Aspis agent with at least 1 vigilante level can select this agency secret twice.
Mask Alignment (Su): At 2nd level, as a standard action, an Aspis agent can alter her alignment aura to deceive effects that detect alignment. She can emulate a different aura of her choice or to radiate no alignment aura. This affects only alignment detection, not effects that cause harm or are otherwise based on alignment. This effect lasts until she dismisses it or changes her alignment aura again.
At 6th level, an Aspis agent targeted with an effect that detects alignment or with any alignment-based effect can automatically identify the effect by attempting a Spellcraft check. If successful, she can mask her alignment as an immediate action.
At 10th level, when an Aspis agent assumes a false alignment aura, she is treated as having that alignment for all effects of magic items, spells, and spell-like or supernatural effects (such as forbiddance, sympathy, or an unholy weapon), including magical traps based on alignment. While masking her alignment, she ignores these types of effects that relate to her true alignment.
Ambush Trap (Ex): At 3rd level, an Aspis agent can specially rig a mechanical trap she has either crafted or bypassed by exceeding its Disable Device DC by 10. A trap so rigged can be triggered by the Aspis agent as a move action as long as she is adjacent to the trap. She adds her trap sense bonus to the trap’s Perception DC and to the trap’s attack rolls, and adds her sneak attack damage to the damage the trap deals to affected creatures that are flat-footed or otherwise denied their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, an Aspis agent gains sneak attack as per the rogue ability. Initially, the extra damage dealt is 1d6, and it increases by 1d6 at 6th level and at 9th level. If an Aspis agent gains a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.
Crucial Taunt (Ex): At 5th level, an Aspis agent can combine smugness and mockery with Bluff checks to feint, Intimidate checks to demoralize, and dirty trick combat maneuver checks (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 320), gaining a bonus equal to half her class level on these checks. She can then delay the effect of the successful check for up to 1 day per class level, spending an immediate action to trigger it later. The Aspis agent must be within 60 feet of her target to use or trigger a crucial taunt. This is a languagedependent effect.
Improved Trap Sense (Ex): At 7th level, an Aspis agent’s trap sense bonus applies to saving throws to avoid trap effects.
Remote Activation (Ex): At 8th level, an Aspis agent can use her ambush trap ability on a trap up to 30 feet away.

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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:31:23 »
Curator(Occultist Archetype)

丰富藏品(Extensive Collection,Su):1级起,馆长会获得一套文物藏品,这些物品就如同秘学士灵器一般,并且会关联2个魔法学派;他必须在获得该职业能力时选择这些学派以及关联法术。以移动动作(move action),馆长能够从自己的藏品中取出1件并将其启动,从两个先前选择的学派中选择其一,获得该学派的灵器之力(Focus Powers),并且在10分钟内可以使用之前选择的与学派相应的法术。馆长在同一时间只能以此方式启动1件藏品,而且再次以此能力启动藏品的话,就会结束任何其他藏品带来的持续好处。馆长的文物藏品所具有的心智点(Mental Focus)等同于他的智力调整值。被启动的藏品会自动带有这些心智点;耗费1件文物藏品的心智点会减少藏品在该日的心智点总量。馆长每日可以使用1次该能力。他能够在2级以及之后的每4个等级获得1次额外使用次数。在6级以及14级时,馆长能够选择2个额外魔法学派——除了这些学派的法术以外——并将这些学派加入到他的藏品中。

分拆心智点(Split Focus,Su):馆长的心智点数仅仅等同于他的秘学士等级。
该能力调整了心智点(Mental Focus)。

随心灵器(Adaptable Powers,Su):3级起,馆长从与他的文物藏品相关的每个学派中,分别各习得1个灵器之力(Focus Power)。每当他启动自己的藏品时,只要这些藏品在生效期间,他都能使用自己选择的魔法学派相关的灵器之力。每当馆长将要为1件灵器习得另一个灵器之力时,他可以选择在与圣器藏品相关的魔法学派中,选择两个不同的学派分别各获得1个灵器之力作为替代。
该能力取代了3级获得的灵器之力(Focus Powers)。

文物抗力(Relic Resistance,Ex):4级起,馆长对有害物品产生了抵抗力。他在穿戴或持用魔法物品时,绝不会因为自身的阵营而获得负向等级(negative levels),而且他在处理与智能魔法物品(intelligent magic items)产生的人格冲突(personality conflicts)时,意志豁免获得+4加值。每当诅咒物品(cursed item)的有害状态要被触发时,馆长都能尝试1次意志豁免(DC = 10 + 物品的CL)来抑制诅咒,刚好足以让他能够在诅咒发生前将物品丢下。最后,当馆长鉴别1件物品时,他的检定结果只需要比DC高5点(取代原本的10点)便能够识别出该物品是否受到了诅咒。
该能力取代了心智转移(Shift Focus)。

复合藏品(Complex Collection,Su):8级起,馆长能够同时启动其文物藏品中的2件藏品,他会同时从这两件藏品中获益。当他这么做时,必须将文物藏品的心智点分配到这两件藏品中。
该能力取代了异界接触(Outside Contact)。

心智名录(Mental Catalog,Su):8级起,馆长的文物藏品中的心智点数增加2点。这种总量的提升会在12级和16级时分别再提升1点。
该能力取代了秘学士的魔法阵(Magic Circles)、束缚法阵(Binding Circles)、和法阵速写(Fast Circles)。

劇透 -   :
Most occultists acquire and study antiques at a steady pace, learning new techniques one at a time. A lucky few join wealthy organizations replete with relics or inherit undocumented vaults full of historical treasures, and dabble in a wide variety of implements while mastering few. This is especially common in the Aspis Consortium, whose far-flung merchants handle countless relics every year. It’s simple enough to snag choice items from Aspis ships, allowing these curators to compile truly prodigious collections. While all agents of the Aspis Consortium are expected to catalog and file their discoveries, in practice many of them keep prizes for their personal use, and the curator has elevated this practice almost to an art form. When confronted by superiors with accusations of failing to hand over rare treasures or mysterious items, the curator is swift to point out that such objects do the group no good sitting on a dusty shelf. Instead, the curator lives up to his name, and seeks to access the ancient powers hidden in such objects so that he can use them in the best interest of the Aspis Consortium. Over time, the Consortium has been forced to admit the wisdom in this way of thinking.
Extensive Collection (Su): At 1st level, a curator acquires a collection of esoteric relics that function as occultist implements associated with two schools of magic; he must select these schools and their associated spells when he gains this feature. As a move action, the curator can empower a single piece of his collection, choosing one of the two selected schools, gaining that school’s focus power, and accessing the selected spells for 10 minutes. The curator can empower only a single relic at a time in this way, and activating this ability a second time ends any other relic’s ongoing benefits. A curator’s relic collection has a number of points of mental focus equal to his Intelligence modifier. Empowered relics are automatically invested with these mental focus points; expending a relic’s mental focus reduces this total for the day. A curator can use this ability once per day. He can use it an additional time per day at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter. At 6th level and again at 14th level, a curator chooses two additional schools of magic—in addition to their spells— and adds them to his collection.
This ability replaces one of the two occultist implements learned at 1st level as well as the implements learned at 6th level and 14th level.
Split Focus (Su): A curator has a number of points of mental focus equal to only his occultist level.
This ability alters mental focus.
Adaptable Powers (Su): At 3rd level, a curator learns one focus power from each of the schools associated with his extensive collection. Whenever he activates his collection, he can use those focus powers associated with his selected school of magic while the relic remains empowered. Whenever the curator would learn another focus power for an implement, he can instead select two new focus powers from different schools associated with his extensive relic collection.
This ability replaces the focus power gained at 3rd level.
Relic Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, a curator develops a resistance to harmful items. He never gains negative levels due to his alignment as a result of wielding or wearing magic items, and he gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resolve personality conflicts with intelligent magic items. Whenever a cursed item’s harmful condition would trigger, a curator can attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + the item’s CL) to suppress the curse just long enough to discard the item before it activates. Finally, when identifying an item, a curator needs to exceed the item’s DC by only 5 (instead of 10) to determine whether the item is cursed.
This ability replaces shift focus.
Complex Collection (Su): At 8th level, a curator can empower two relics that are in his collection simultaneously, and he gains the benefits of both. When he does so, he must allocate his relic collection’s mental focus between the two relics.
This ability replaces outsider contact.
Mental Catalog (Su): At 8th level, the points of mental focus invested in the curator’s relic collection increase by 2. This total increases by 1 additional point at 12th level and 16th level.
This ability replaces an occultist’s magic circles, binding circles, and fast circles.

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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:31:37 »
Ringleader(Bard Archetype)

精妙计划(Cunning Plan,Su):通过花费1分钟来拟定计划,罪魁能向一定数量的盟友下达指令,数量等同于她的吟游诗人等级 + 她的魅力调整值。在计划拟定好之后,罪魁能够从她的吟游表演(Bardic Performance)中选择1种,并且消耗一定轮数的吟游表演,消耗轮数至多等同于她的吟游诗人等级的两倍。在此之后,罪魁或任何被下达指令的盟友都能够以移动动作(move action)触发被下达的指令,使该名生物立即获得罪魁植入的吟游表演带来的好处(每名生物都可以单独触发为自己下达的指令)。该效果持续的轮数等同于罪魁在拟订计划时所消耗的吟游表演轮数,不过罪魁也可以通过自由动作(free action)解消该效果,此外当罪魁启动不同的计划或者吟游表演时,该效果也会被解消。在判断该能力的作用时,每当1名生物触发计划,罪魁就要尝试任何与吟游表演相关的技能检定。罪魁的精妙计划会在她恢复每日法术位或者经过24小时后失效(以较先发生者为准)。
7级起,罪魁(而非她的盟友)能够以迅捷动作(swift action)触发精妙计划,而非原本的移动动作(move action)。13级起,罪魁能够以直觉动作(immediate action)触发精妙计划。罪魁缺乏即兴创作的能力,因此当她使用吟游表演而非拟定精妙计划时,必须额外多花费1轮吟游表演的轮数来开始表演。
该能力改变了吟游表演(Bardic Performance)。

死要面子(Never Lose Face,Ex):罪魁从来不会被自己的爪牙所超越。从2级起,当某个效果同时以罪魁和1个或更多她的盟友为目标时,她在对抗该效果的豁免检定中会获得+2加值。

凶恶威仪(Sinister Mien,Ex):2级起,当罪魁使用自己的吟游表演(Bardic Performance)职业能力时,能够用威吓加值取代自己的表演加值。当罪魁使用威吓来改变生物的态度时,罪魁的威吓检定结果每比DC高1点,让目标生物的态度维持在友善(friendy)的时间就能额外延长10分钟。6级起,罪魁获得炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)作为奖励专长,而且她手中不需要有武器就能够使用该专长。10级起,罪魁能够以标准动作启动炫目技巧专长。14级起,她能用炫目技巧专长影响60尺范围内的所有敌人。18级起,该范围增加至120尺。
该能力取代了多才多艺(Versatile Performance)。

意外无处不在(Countless Contingencies,Su):6级起,每当罪魁使用自己的精妙计划能力拟定计划时,她能够选择2种不同的吟游表演。当她触发计划时,要选择2种吟游表演之一来产生效果。12级起,罪魁能够以标准动作和2轮吟游表演的轮数来让已被触发的计划延长1d4轮。18级起,罪魁在使用精妙计划时,能够选择3种不同的吟游表演。
该能力取代了吟游表演中的暗示(Suggestion)、群体暗示(Mass Suggestion)、和安神(Soothing Performance)。

劇透 -   :
The Aspis Consortium’s global operations are too extensive to conduct without relying on contractors and hirelings. Ringleaders are specialists who oversee large operations in which trouble could strike at any moment and any place.
Cunning Plan (Su): By spending 1 minute laying out a plan, a ringleader can impart inspiring instructions to a number of allies equal to her bard level + her Charisma bonus. Upon concluding the plan, the ringleader chooses one of her bardic performances and expends a number of rounds of bardic performance equal to up to double her bard level. Thereafter, as a move action, the ringleader or any of the instructed allies can trigger the implanted instructions, causing that creature to immediately gain the benefits of the ringleader’s implanted bardic performance (each creature can trigger the instructions for itself separately). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the rounds of bardic performance the ringleader expended while creating the plan, though the effect also ends if the ringleader dismisses it as a free action or activates a different plan or bardic performance. For the purpose of this ability, the ringleader attempts any skill checks associated with the bardic performance once a creature triggers the plan. A ringleader’s cunning plans all expire each time she regains her daily spell slots or after 24 hours (whichever comes first).
At 7th level, the ringleader (but not an ally) can trigger a cunning plan as a swift action instead of as a move action. At 13th level, the ringleader can trigger a cunning plan as an immediate action. A ringleader is less capable of improvising, and when she uses bardic performance without creating a cunning plan, she must expend 1 additional round of bardic performance to begin the performance.
This ability alters bardic performance.
Never Lose Face (Ex): A ringleader is never outdone by her minions. At 2nd level, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that also target one or more of her allies.
This ability replaces well-versed.
Sinister Mien (Ex): At 2nd level, a ringleader can use her Intimidate bonus in place of her Perform bonus when using her bardic performance class ability. When the ringleader uses Intimidate to improve a creature’s attitude, the creature’s attitude remains friendly for 10 additional minutes per point by which the ringleader exceeded the check’s DC. At 6th level, the ringleader gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat and does not need a weapon in her hand to use the feat. At 10th level, the ringleader can activate Dazzling Display as a standard action. At 14th level, she can affect all enemies within 60 feet with Dazzling Display. At 18th level, the range increases to 120 feet.
This ability replaces versatile performance.
Countless Contingencies (Su): At 6th level, whenever a ringleader creates a plan using her cunning plan ability, she can choose two different bardic performances. When she triggers the plan, she chooses which of the two performances takes effect. At 12th level, a ringleader can spend a standard action and 2 rounds of bardic performance to extend the duration of a triggered plan by 1d4 rounds. At 18th level, the ringleader can choose three different bardic performances when using her cunning plan ability.
This ability replaces suggestion, mass suggestion, and soothing performance.

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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:31:53 »
与盾徽财团结盟(Affiliation with The Aspis Consortium)


职业选项(Class Options)

Order of the Asp (Cavalier Order)




引述: 骑士团能力
肆意妄为(Indiscriminate,Ex):2级起,每当角蝰骑士团的骑士使用威吓来挫败1个或更多生物的士气时,她能尝试以自由动作(free action)挫败30尺范围内相同数量的盟友。当30尺范围内有盟友陷入战栗(shaken)状态时,骑士会在豁免检定中获得+1士气加值。在6级以及之后的每6个等级,该加值均会增加1点。骑士对陷入战栗状态的生物尝试阴招(dirty trick;APG)战技时不会引发借机攻击。

使役弱者(Command the Meek,Ex):8级起,在判断骑士是否能够从自己的团队专长中获得奖励(bonus)时,她将所有陷入战栗(shaken)状态的盟友视为具有相同的团队专长。除非这些盟友真的具有相应的团队专长,否则他们无法因此而获益。骑士要想获得专长带来的奖励,这些盟友的站位和动作仍旧必须满足团队专长中所列出的先决条件。当骑士使用战术(Tactician)、高等战术(Greater Tactician)或战术大师(Master Tactician)能力时,若生物的生命骰不超过骑士生命骰的一半、或者在骑士启动能力时具有战栗状态的话,这些能力的持续时间加倍。

拉人垫背(Better You Than Me,Ex):15级起,骑士能够在1次攻击袭来时,以直觉动作(immediate action)来让1名相邻的盟友插入到这次攻击中,从而使骑士在对抗攻击时获得掩蔽(cover)。该攻击必须仅以骑士为目标,而且她必须在得知攻击检定的结果前选择使用该能力。该盟友必须处于战栗(shaken)状态或者其生命骰不超过骑士生命骰的一半,他还会获得1次反射豁免来使得该能力的效果完全失效(DC = 10 + 骑士等级的一半 + 骑士的力量调整值与魅力调整值中的较高者)。若攻击命中,伤害会在骑士和盟友之间均分。若该盟友的豁免丢出了自然1点,那么他会承受全部伤害,包括任何相关的效果(出血、毒素等等)。盟友可以故意使此次豁免检定失败,但是无法刻意投出自然1点。

Deception School (Focused Arcane School)
有些幻象更依赖于它们的自然性质,而非那些浮夸的虚构效果。专攻奥术学派(APG 143页)会取代法师奥术学派提供的1个或更多能力。


取代能力:以下能力取代幻术学派的失明射线(Blinding Ray)和延迟幻像(Extended Illusions)。
引述: 取代能力
虚伪华饰(Deceptive Flourish,Su):你会在唬骗和易容技能检定中获得+2增强加值。你每具有5个法师等级,该加值就会再增加1点,至多为20级时的+6点。在20级时,你会获得永久性的误导术(Misdirection;意志DC = 20 + 你的智力调整值)或者回避侦测(Nondetection)带来的好处。你能够随意以标准动作在上述两个法术中改变生效的法术,而且每当你启动误导术时,都能够选择1个新的生物或物体作为误导的对象。

精巧误导(Subtle Misdirection,Sp):以标准动作,你能够接触1个生物或1件重量不超过每施法者等级25磅重的物体,来附加1个持续1分钟幻象屏障。对被屏障防护的生物作出的攻击有20%失手率,屏障在让1次攻击失效时就会消失。若被施加屏障的对象是物体,那么在侦测或判断物品的功能时,任何施法者等级检定、技能检定或豁免检定的DC均会增加1点,你每具有5个法师等级,该DC的加值就会额外增加1点。你每日使用该能力的次数等同于3 + 你的智力调整值。


Aspis Partner
好处:当你身处规模为小城镇(Small town)或更大的定居点内时,能够通过盾徽赞助人来购买(而非贩卖)物品。在判断基础购买价值(Base Value)与可购买的魔法物品(available magic items)时,将你当前所在的定居点视为都会(Metropolis)。你在购买这些物品时会涨价5%,而且订单要经过3d6日才能通过财团的渠道交付给你。你能够通过额外支付1000gp来让订购的物品通过魔法加快运输,经过1d3日交付给你作为替代。

Sinister Reputation
先决条件:魅力 13;威吓5级;谈判专家(Persuasive)或声誉社交天赋(Renown Social Talent;UI)
好处:通过花费8个小时来在1个定居点内扩散你在本地的传闻,之后再成功进行1次威吓检定,你那可怖的声名便会成为这里的常识。威吓DC会根据定居点的规模而变化(见下表以及GMG 203页)。若检定成功,你能以迅捷动作(swift action)对1名生命骰比你低的生物尝试1次威吓检定,而且在使用威吓技能迫使1名生物向你表示友善时需要耗费的时间减半。你只有在没有易容,而且身处定居点内的时候才会获得这些好处。这些好处持续的天数等同于你的等级的一半 + 你的魅力调整值。
特殊:该专长的好处总是适用于侠客(vigilante)建立声誉的地区,他能够选择让专长的好处应用到社交身份(social identity)、应用到侠客身份(vigilante identity)、或者同时应用到两个身份上。你总是能够将专长的好处应用到领导力(Leadership)或其他类似能力赋予的追随者(followers)或部署(cohorts)身上。
引述: 恶名昭彰
定居点规模DC      定居点规模DC
村庄(Thorp)10大城镇(Large town)20
村落(Hamlet)12小城市(Small city)25
村镇(Village)15大城市(Large city)30
小城镇(Small town)      18都会(Metropolis)      35

Tag-Team Interrogation (Teamwork)
先决条件:威逼(Intimidating Prowess)或谈判专家(Persuasive);交涉1级;威吓1级

魔法物品(Magic Items)

底牌徽章(Aspis Badge of Last Resort)
  • 表面雕刻着盾徽标志的精制品轻钢盾(masterwork light steel shield)
  • 精制品长鞭(masterwork whip)
  • 淬有1剂青嘶泣(Blue whinnis;毒素)的匕首(dagger)
  • 栓有爪钩(grappling hook)的50尺长的丝绳(silk rope)
  • 精制品盗贼工具(masterwork thieves’ tools)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),鬼斧神工(Fabricate)

隐咒尘(Dust of Hex Hiding)
这种半透明的粉末会扭曲有害的魔法灵光,让人难以从正常的物品中分辨诅咒物品。将粉末洒在1件诅咒魔法物品上,便能在5日内抵御预言系魔法。他人鉴别物品时,检定结果必须比DC高15点(以取代原本的10点)才能够判断出该物品是否受到了诅咒。在诅咒物品受到隐咒尘影响期间,如果有生物触发了物品的诅咒的话,那么在判断移除诅咒(Remove Curse)和破除结界(Break Enchantment)之类的抗诅咒法术产生的效果时,视为诅咒的施法者等级比正常高2级。隐咒尘还能够洒在魔法刻文(glyph)、符文(rune)、或徽记(symbol)上,来让寻找和解除此类陷阱的DC增加5点,该效果持续5日。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),魔法灵光(Magic Aura)

艾恩克星护腕(Ioun Spite Bracers)
你可以在那些经常与探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)产生冲突的盾徽专员身上找到这种护腕。以标准动作,佩戴该护腕的生物能够尝试1次盗取(steal;APG)战技检定,用来捕捉30尺范围内正在轨道环绕的艾恩石(ioun stone),不过艾恩石的拥有者能够在CMD上获得+4环境加值。若护腕的佩戴者成功了,被盗取的艾恩石会直接嵌入到护腕上4个可用的凹槽中(每只护腕上有2个凹槽)。被嵌入的艾恩石会为佩戴者提供它的加值,而且可以通过移动动作(move action)取下。
以标准动作,佩戴者能够暂时吸取任何被嵌入护腕的艾恩石的力量(但是无法抽取暗灰色艾恩石的力量),并引导这股力量来用类法术能力施放魔法飞弹(Magic Missile),这能对160尺范围内的目标(或多个目标)发射3发飞弹。被抽取力量的艾恩石会在接下来的2d4小时内变为暗灰色。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),魔法飞弹(Magic Missile),心灵遥控(Telekinesis)

铁心戒(Ironbound Ring)
在手持1个或更多铁心从戒(minion’s ironbound rings)时,铁心主戒(master’s ironbound ring)的佩戴者能够为每枚铁心从戒灌输50个字或更短内容的指令。铁心从戒的佩戴者能够随意回想起指令,而且会意识到哪些行为会导致自己违背这些指令。任何尝试让从戒佩戴者放弃、曲解、或自主中止指令的技能检定DC均会增加5点,比如用唬骗检定欺骗佩戴者、或者用威吓检定审问他。从戒佩戴者还会在对抗迫使自己违背指令的法术时,意志豁免检定获得+3抗力加值,比如支配人类(Dominate Person)和暗示术(Suggestion)。
制造要求:锻造戒指(Forge Ring),提升抗力(Resistance),暗示术(Suggestion)


伪解咒术(Deceptive Redundancy)
等级:吟游诗人 5,催眠师 5,异能者 5,术士/法师 5
持续时间:10分钟/等级 或 直至被触发为止,之后为 1轮/等级
你创造出1道达成条件才会触发的屏障,它会对解除你的魔法的尝试产生反应,让敌人相信自己的法术生效了。在诸如解除魔法(Dispel Magic)这样的法术将会把正在影响你的1个法术中止时,你能以直觉动作(immediate action)解除伪解咒术,并尝试1次对抗性施法者等级检定对抗施法者。若你在检定中胜出了,解除魔法便无法中止正影响你的法术,而且在每施法者等级1轮内,你的法术魔法灵光会变得难以被侦测到。若有人在此期间尝试以预言法术侦测你的法术灵光,则必须先进行1次施法者等级检定(DC = 15 + 你的施法者等级),失败则无法察觉到灵光。伪解咒术在用于隐藏那些难以察觉的法术时较为有效,对于有着明显视觉效果的法术作用不大,比如变巨术(Enlarge Person)或火焰护盾(Fire Shield)。

心头警告(Haunting Reminder)
等级:反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
持续时间:12小时 + 2小时/等级 或 直至被触发为止,之后 1日/等级
作为施放该法术的一部分,你能够尝试单次威吓检定来让目标友善地对待你。若你的检定成功,目标会如常协助你,但他会惧怕受到你的报复,即便态度转变为不友善(unfriendly)也是如此。若该生物将你胁迫他的行为报告当局、攻击你、或者有目的地以会威胁到你或者你的目标的方式行动的话(由GM进行判断),该法术便会被触发,让该生物确信你绝对会找上他并实施报复。这会让该生物陷入战栗(shaken)状态,持续每施法者等级1日;在此期间,该生物在对抗由你施放的带有恐惧描述符(fear descriptor)的法术时,豁免检定受到-2减值。

朦胧手稿(Obscured Script)
等级:吟游诗人 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2

同调灵光(Sympathetic Aura)
等级:吟游诗人 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2
该法术的功能类似于魔法灵光(Magic Aura),不过它会将被改变的灵光延伸到5尺半径内的近似物品上。为了达到此目的,近似物品必须在大致的外形、材料构成和功能上与原物相似,因此若以1瓶治疗轻伤药水(potion of cure light wounds)为目标施法,那么在它变得看起来像是非魔法物品的同时,还会掩盖周围药水(potions)、灵药(elixirs)、油膏(oils)和扁瓶(flasks)的灵光。目标物品以外的物品在移出法术区域后,仍会在每施法者等级1轮内维持被改变的灵光。

劇透 -   :
The Aspis Consortium is always on the lookout for new allies and agents—diversity and a range of talents are vital to an organization with designs on such wide-reaching targets.

Example Affiliation Encounter: While demonstrations of loyalty to the Consortium and the ability to maintain secrecy are important when the Aspis Consortium is determining who might make a good candidate, the group is a mercantile concern above all else. As such, agents of the Consortium often ask for tithes or “membership dues” from those who seek affiliation. After displaying his competence, a would-be affiliate can often expect to pay such dues on a yearly basis to his Aspis Consortium contacts, typically at rates of 50 to 100 gp per character level. Of course, should an affiliate at a later point choose to cease payment, any secrets and techniques learned or acquired during the time of his affiliation remain—but one should keep in mind that the Aspis Consortium doesn’t always allow affiliates to “retire” without consequences.

The following class options for cavaliersAPG and wizards are often used by affiliates of the Aspis Consortium.

Order of the Asp (Cavalier Order)
Cavaliers belonging to the order of the asp belong to a cutthroat group where ruthless pragmatism and underhanded dealing are the keys to moving up the chain of command. They tend to be brutal, self-centered leaders who reap confidence from their subordinates’ misery.
Edicts: An order of the asp cavalier must endeavor to enhance her prestige, wealth, and power, as well as that of her patrons. She must endeavor to maximize her profits and efficiency, directing hirelings and even sacrificing them when doing so would further her goals and make her appear exceptional by comparison.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the asp cavalier issues a challenge, she receives a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls made against the target of the challenge so long as it is entangled, exhausted, fatigued, flanked, nauseated, prone, shaken, staggered, or denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has.
Skills: An order of the asp cavalier adds Knowledge (local) and Sleight of Hand to her list of class skills. The cavalier gains a bonus on Knowledge (local) checks equal to half her cavalier level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves her patrons or organization. She also reduces her armor check penalty when using Sleight of Hand by an amount equal to half her cavalier level (to a minimum of 0).
Order Abilities: An order of the asp cavalier gains the following abilities.
Indiscriminate (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever the order of the asp cavalier uses Intimidate to demoralize one or more creatures, she can attempt to demoralize an equal number of allies within 30 feet as a free action. While within 30 feet of an ally with the shaken condition, the cavalier gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws. At 6th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. The cavalier can perform a dirty trickAPG combat maneuver against creatures with the shaken condition without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Command the Meek (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier treats all of her allies with the shaken condition as though they had the same teamwork feats as the cavalier for the purpose of determining whether the cavalier receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually have the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the cavalier to receive the listed bonus. When the cavalier uses tactician, greater tactician, or mighty tactician, the duration doubles for any creatures that have no more than half the cavalier’s Hit Dice or that have the shaken condition when she activates the ability.
Better You Than Me (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can interpose an adjacent ally in the way of an incoming attack as an immediate action, gaining cover against the attack. The attack must target only the cavalier, and she must choose to use this ability before seeing the result of the attack roll. The ally must have the shaken condition or have no more than half the Hit Dice of the cavalier, and the ally gains a Reflex save to negate this ability’s effect entirely (DC = 10 + half the cavalier’s level + the higher of her Strength modifier or Charisma modifier). If the attack hits, the damage is split evenly between the cavalier and the ally. If the ally’s save was a natural 1, the ally takes all of the damage, including any associated effects (bleed, poison, etc.). An ally can purposefully fail this saving throw, but cannot purposefully roll a natural 1.

Deception School (Focused Arcane School)
Some illusionists rely more on their natural talents and less on flashy figments. Focused arcane schools (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 143) replace one or more powers granted by a wizard’s arcane school.
Associated School: Illusion.
Replacement Powers: The following school powers replace the blinding ray and extended illusions powers of the illusion school.
Deceptive Flourish (Su): You gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Bluff and Disguise skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 wizard levels you have, up to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. At 20th level, you gain the benefits of misdirection (Will DC = 20 + your Intelligence modifier) or nondetection permanently. At will as a standard action, you can change which of the two spells is active, and each time you activate misdirection, you can choose a new creature or object as the secondary object.
Subtle Misdirection (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a creature or an object that weighs no more than 25 pounds per caster level to impart an illusory ward that lasts for 1 minute. Attacks against a warded creature suffer a 20% miss chance, and the ward ends once it negates an attack. The DC of any caster level check, skill check, or saving throw to detect or determine the properties of a warded item increases by 1, plus 1 for every 5 wizard levels you have. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Aspis agents and affiliates have access to the following feats.

Aspis Partner
You have earned the attention of the Aspis Consortium and can call in favors when necessary.
Benefit: Whenever you are in a settlement that is the size of a small town or larger, you can purchase (but not sell) items through your Aspis contacts. Treat your current settlement as though it were a metropolis to determine its base value and available magic items. You pay a 5% markup for such items, and orders take 3d6 days to be delivered through Consortium channels. You can pay an additional 1,000 gp to have your item magically delivered to you in 1d3 days instead.

Sinister Reputation
You need spook only a few souls to scare a whole city.
Prerequisites: Cha 13; Intimidate 5 ranks; Persuasive or renown social talentUI.
Benefit: By spending 8 hours cultivating your local legend in a settlement and then succeeding at an Intimidate check, your fearsome reputation becomes common knowledge. The DC is based on the size of the settlement (see the Sinister Reputation table below and page 203 of Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide). If the check succeeds, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than you as a swift action, and using Intimidate to force a creature to act friendly to you takes only half as long. You gain these benefits only while within the settlement and while not disguised. These benefits last for a number of days equal to your half your level + your Charisma modifier.
Special: This feat’s benefits always apply to a vigilante’sUI area of renown, and he can choose whether the reputation and benefits apply to his social identity, vigilante identity, or both. You can always apply this feat’s benefits to followers and cohorts gained from Leadership or similar abilities.
Sinister Reputation
Settlement Size DC
Thorp 10
Hamlet 12
Village 15
Small town 18
Large town 20
Small city 25
Large city 30
Metropolis 35

Tag-Team Interrogation (Teamwork)
You and your partner work together to bewilder a target, alternating between fear and kindness.
Prerequisites: Intimidating Prowess or Persuasive; Diplomacy 1 rank; Intimidate 1 rank.
Benefit: While using Diplomacy or Intimidate to shift the attitude of a creature, one ally you can see who also has this feat can attempt to shift the creature’s attitude at the same time. You roll either a Diplomacy check or an Intimidate check, and your ally rolls a check with the other skill. If you both succeed, you choose whether to apply the Diplomacy check’s or Intimidate check’s effects; the other check has no direct effect but instead provides the first check a +5 circumstance bonus to its result. If only one person succeeds, ignore the failed check, but the successful skill check’s effect lasts only half as long. If you both fail, any effects resulting from both failed checks apply.

Aspis Consortium allies and their affiliates often use the following magic items.

SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This badge depicts the Aspis Consortium’s insignia: a coiled serpent. By speaking a command word, the wearer can transform the badge into one of five tools, selected from the following:
· A masterwork light steel shield bearing the Aspis insignia
· A masterwork whip
· A dagger poisoned with a dose of blue whinnis
· A 50-foot silk rope with a grappling hook
· A set of masterwork thieves’ tools
The badge remains in the chosen form for up to 24 hours or until it is commanded to return to its natural shape. Each form retains the badge’s metallic hue, and the badge can transform in this way only five times before it loses its magical properties forever, becoming a mundane Aspis badge.
Most Aspis badges of last resort are bronze, yet some higherranking agents commission badges made of silver or gold. Most of these badges also have a unique array of objects they can turn into—including weapons and shields with magical properties.
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint illusion
This translucent dust warps harmful magical auras, making it difficult to discern cursed items from beneficial ones. Sprinkling the dust over a cursed magic item shields it from divination magic for 5 days. When identifying the item, a creature must exceed the item’s DC by 15 (instead of by 10) to determine whether the item is cursed. If a creature activates the curse while the item is under this effect, treat the curse’s caster level as 2 higher for the purpose of resisting spells such as remove curse and break enchantment.
The dust can also be scattered over a magical glyph, rune, or symbol to increase the DC to find and disable the trap by 5 for 5 days.
Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura

SLOT wrists CL 12th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA strong evocation
These bracers find particular use by Aspis agents who often tangle with the Pathfinder Society. As a standard action, a creature wearing these bracers can attempt a stealAPG combat maneuver check to nab any orbiting ioun stone within 30 feet, though the ioun stone’s owner receives a +4 circumstance bonus to her CMD. If the bracers’ wearer succeeds, the stolen ioun stone embeds itself in one of the bracers’ four available slots (each bracer has two). Embedded ioun stones provide their bonuses to the wearer and can be removed with a move action.
As a standard action, the wearer can temporarily drain the power of any ioun stone that is embedded in the bracers and isn’t dull gray, and can then channel that power to cast magic missile as a spell-like ability, firing three missiles at a target or targets up to 160 feet away. Drained ioun stones become dull gray for the next 2d4 hours.
Craft Wondrous Item, magic missile, telekinesis

Master’s ironbound ring 8,000 gp
Minion’s ironbound ring 500 gp
SLOT ring CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint abjuration and enchantment
While holding one or more minion’s ironbound rings, the wearer of a master’s ironbound ring can impart instructions of 50 words or fewer to each minion’s ironbound ring. The wearer of a minion’s ironbound ring can recall the instructions at will and is aware of any action that would cause him to act against those instructions. The DC of any skill check attempted to force the wearer to abandon, misinterpret, or consciously fail the instructions increases by 5, such as for Bluff checks to trick the wearer or Intimidate checks to interrogate him. The wearer gains a +3 resistance bonus on Will saves to resist spells and effects that would force him to act against the instructions, such as dominate person and suggestion.
Master’s ironbound ring 4,000 GP
Minion’s ironbound ring 250 GP
Forge Ring, resistance, suggestion

Aspis agents often use the following spells.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 5, mesmerist 5, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Duration 10 minutes/level or until triggered, then 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create a contingent ward that defies those who would dispel your magic, convincing them that their spell worked. When a spell such as dispel magic would end one of your spells that’s affecting you, you can dismiss deceptive redundancy as an immediate action to attempt an opposed caster level check against the spellcaster. If you succeed, the dispelling effect fails to end your spell, and your spell’s aura becomes difficult to detect for 1 round per caster level. Any divination attempted during this time fails to perceive the spell’s aura unless the caster succeeds at a caster level check (DC = 15 + your caster level). Deceptive redundancy is most effective when hiding auras for spells that don’t have easily perceived effects, rather than visually obvious spells such as enlarge person or fire shield.

School enchantment [fear, mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 1, bard 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 12 hours + 2 hours/level or until triggered, then 1 day/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
As part of casting this spell, you can attempt a single Intimidate check to make the target act friendly to you. If you succeed, the target assists you normally, but it remains fearful of your retribution even after its attitude shifts to unfriendly. If the creature reports your coercion to authorities, attacks you, or otherwise acts in a purposeful way that threatens you or your objectives (at the GM’s discretion), the spell triggers, inflicting the creature with the unshakable certainty that you will find and punish it. This imposes the shaken condition on the creature for 1 day per caster level; during this time, the creature takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against spells you cast with the fear descriptor.

School illusion (phantasm); Level bard 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a scrap of paper bearing a simple sentence written in at least five languages)
Range touch
Target one touched page, scroll, inscription, book, or other document no more than 3 feet in any dimension
Duration 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw none; see text; Spell Resistance no
You create a latent illusion that clouds the judgment and reading ability of any creature that examines a targeted text. While casting the spell, you can designate up to one creature other than yourself per level to be immune to the effects. All other creatures that read the text must succeed at a Will save or find it difficult to properly parse and decipher the contents. This increases the DC of Linguistics checks to decipher the text by an amount equal to your caster level (maximum +10), and it increases the DC of the Wisdom check to avoid drawing a false conclusion by an equal amount. Unaffected creatures gain a circumstance bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +10) on Bluff checks to deceive affected creatures about the text’s contents. The spell obscures any magical glyphs, runes, or symbols within the text, increasing the Perception DC to find such traps by an amount equal to half your caster level (maximum +5). Obscured script can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 10th level or higher for the cost of 5,000 gp.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a small square of silk that must be passed over the object that receives the aura)
Range touch
Target one touched object weighing up to 5 lbs./level
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance no
This spell functions like magic aura, except it extends its altered aura to similar items in a 5-foot radius. For this purpose, similar items must be alike in approximate shape, composition, and function, so a potion of cure light wounds targeted by this spell to appear nonmagical would also obscure the auras of nearby potions, elixirs, and oils, as well as flasks. Items other than the targeted item retain their altered aura for 1 round per caster level after being removed from the spell’s area.


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Re: 【AG】盾徽財團(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 18:37:45 »
劇透 -   :
但小姐姐们都在哪 :em023

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 TougouTuyosi

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  • 两个人的魔法哟~
Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 19:04:23 »
第二个领导人不就是小姐姐么 :em001

等等 最高层有10个人,然后下面有一批总管,接着有三个程度的等级  管理一片区域的  比较强的  青铜。果然是宿敌啊,这个组织结构 :em006
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 19:28:09 »
四月太勤奋了,反观自己,就知道在暑假吃了睡,睡了吃 :em032 :em032

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Re: 【AG】盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 19:48:38 »

离线 笨哈

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Re: 【AG】盾徽財團(Aspis Consortium)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-07-24, 周一 19:54:37 »
感謝四月的翻譯 :em012