作者 主题: 【SG】星界现象ASTRAL PHENOMENA P32~37  (阅读 7734 次)

副标题: 施工完毕

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« 于: 2018-05-15, 周二 09:52:47 »


劇透 -   :
Mana ebbs are places where the flow of magical energies is reduced, though not as significantly as in voids. Astral forms and dual-natured creatures feel uncomfortable in mana ebbs, but they usually can endure them for a time—they don’t flee them as they do voids. Mana ebbs generally are rated between –1 and –12.


劇透 -   :
After several generations, the presence of mana is taken for granted. Many magicians don’t have any conceptual idea of what a void is like unless they do something stupid like trying to practice magic on a suborbital flight (there’s a whole trid warning Awakened on the dangers of that). Voids are so deprived of mana that even when it’s introduced, it loses cohesion and quickly diffuses into the aether. Outer space is one large void, away from the biosphere and the emotional content of metahumanity, but because of pollution and crazy use of magic, voids have also occurred on Earth. SOX—the common name for the Saar-Lorraine-Luxemborg Special Administrative Zone—hosts perhaps the largest void on the planet, with about one percent of the area having no mana. Very little life survives or it does survive, but in misery because of the combination of pollution, magic, and radiation that created the situation in the first place. Voids are usually rated between –13 and –20. They can be as small as five hundred square meters (perhaps even smaller, though that makes them hard to detect) to areas four kilometers in diameter.


比虚空更危险的是一个会移动的虚空。凹点是不可见的龙卷风,直径从几米到二公里不等。它们是双重形体和星界形体的无声杀手,在它们的中心地带,魔法能量完全不存在。在星界中,凹点的外表像一个黑暗,不断旋转的涡心,会削减它周围的魔法能量,从物理上可以感觉到它对空气的扭曲,就像是精魂在星界经过时所造成的那种,只不过更大。已知被记录的凹点在阿兹特兰,UCAS附近的芝加哥,和SOX出现。造成凹点的原因是由重污染或过度使用魔法造成的“高度法力差”(high mana differentials)。凹点像风暴一样移动,不过它们很难预测。气象学家在预报物理龙卷风方面就有足够的困难;更别说那是在我们不理解法则的星界,这就更困难了。由于魔法能量间的平衡会恢复,它们往往是暂时的,不过这已经是在物理界和星界都造成严重破坏之后了。
劇透 -   :
Even more dangerous than a void is a void that moves. Foveae are invisible tornados ranging from a few meters to two kilometers in diameter. They are silent killers of dual-natured entities and astral beings, as their center entirely lacks mana energy. Astrally, foveae appear as a dark, swirling vortex that reduces the magical energies around it, while physically it can be noticed as a distortion of the air, similar to that caused by astral spirits, but larger. Foveae have been documented in Atzlan, UCAS near Chicago, and SOX. They are caused by high mana differentials from either heavy contamination or concerted mana manipulation. Foveae move like storms, though they are difficult to predict. Meteorologists have enough trouble forecasting physical tornadoes; disturbances on the astral, where wee don’t understand the rules, are an even greater challenge. They are often temporary as the balance of magical energies is restored, though not before damage is done to both the physical and astral planes.

劇透 -   :
Foveae, insofar as they have been able to have been studied, have a negative background count between 7 and 12. Astrally they are tornado in shape, and its height is close to its rating in kilometers..


法力扭曲是法力扩张、混乱和表现不稳定的地方。法力扭曲不能被“倾斜”,因此不能被“匹配”和“适应”。法力扭曲可以将法力风暴(第36页)投射进周围的星界。一般情况下,法力扭曲存在于盖亚圈的尖端,在接近法力虚空时猛然终结。在地球上,已知有两个地方发生了法力扭曲。虽然有很多理论存在,但就法力扭曲是如何形成这点,两者都仍是谜团重重。与法力虚空相同,觉醒者如果暴露在星界的扭曲中,就会由于扭曲地带中不可控制的法力而遭受到伤害。此外,如果你觉得自己有足够的胆量在法力扭曲中尝试使用魔法,那么你将受到法力浪潮(P 34)的影响,这是一种危及生命的尝试。法力扭曲的等级在-16到-20之间。
劇透 -   :
Mana warps are places where mana flares chaotically and behaves erratically. Mana warps cannot be aspected and therefore cannot be aligned or acclimated to. Mana warps can manifest mana storms (p. 36) into the surrounding astral plane. Normally mana warps exist at the cusp of the gaiasphere, ending violently in the void. There are two known places that hold lasting mana warps occurred on earth. Neither is completely understood as how the warps dame to be, though there are many theories. As with mana voids, the Awakened suffer damage from the uncontrollable power in the warp if they expose themselves to the astral plane. In addition, should you feel foolhardy enough to try to use magic within a mana warp, you’ll suffer the effects of a mana surge (p. 34), which is a dangerous way to live. Mana warps have a rating between –16 and –20.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-03, 周日 20:43:16 由 马非鱼 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-05-18, 周五 09:22:56 »
边栏:   范例法力低潮   火山口湖,提尔坦盖

劇透 -   :
While now off limits to the general public, this lake saw its ambient mana start dropping in the ’50s. The drop continued until it became a mana ebb with a background count of –7. It appeared that the astral energies were being drawn toward an island on the lake known as Tesetelinsstea.

边栏:   职业:神秘考古学家

劇透 -   :
Since the discovery of magical items that existed before the start to the Sixth World, there has been a need for daring Awakened scholars who can find and analyze these unique artifacts. Many organizations such as the Atlantean Foundation and the Dunkelzahn Institute for Magical Research pay well for the services of arcanoarcheologists. Sometimes they are sent into the deepest wilds of the world, and sometimes they go to museums or private collections where artifacts may be stored, sometimes by individuals or organizations who do not realize the potential of the item.

边栏:   范例虚空   卡特农虚空,苏族国

已知最大最古老的虚空是卡特农。我们推断,08年的GAU(Größter Anzunehmender Unfall,译注:最高等级的核泄漏事故)灾难促成了其背景环境,而随后的觉醒现象完成了其余部分。在没有任何记录或测量数据的情况下,我们不知道它是自己达到今天的规模的,还是有其他因素促成它形成虚空的。我们所知道的是,卡特农虚空以核设施为中心,直径大约六公里(虽然它的边界略有起伏,有时它会变窄,但最长部分也有十公里),自从发现以来,没有移动也没有改变大小。它的等级为-20,对于一个不在同步轨道上永久性现象而言,这是一个非常严重的问题。凹点就像是小型风暴一样徘徊在卡特农的虚空周围,其引起的源头最有可能是64年的矩阵大崩溃。这些凹点不会走远,因此,一些星界/特殊现象很可能将风暴引向了虚空。
劇透 -   :
The largest and possibly oldest known void is that of Cattenom. It is assumed that the GAU disaster of ’08 contributed the atmosphere, then the Awakening did the rest. Without any records or measurements we don’t know if it grew to its size today or if other forces helped form the void. What we do know is that the Cattenom Void is roughly six kilometers in diameter (though it’s border fluctuates, sometimes making it narrow but as long as ten kilometers), is centered over a nuclear facility, and has not moved nor changed size since its discovery. It’s been rated at –20, which is pretty serious drek for something that is permanent and not in orbit. Foveae, caused by most likely the Crash warhead of ’64, wander around the Cattenom void like small storms. These foveae do not wander far, so it is likely that some astral/special phenomenon attracts the storms to the void.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:52:42 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-05-18, 周五 10:22:42 »

圣脉(德语Heilige Linien),仙道,龙脉,灵脉,梦径,地脉和能脉——这些都是我们所普遍定义的法脉,只是命名的方式不同罢了。法脉是在星界地形中像河流一样流动的高浓度法力。它们的形态多种多样,可以是一条穿过城市的黑色裂纹,一束光或闪烁灿烂的河流。已有足够的研究表明法脉可以通过特定程序有计划地受控制,并且通过仪式施法将脉络倾斜向到一个特定的流派(在第122页对此有讨论)。法脉的等级可以在1到15之间。虽然所有的法脉被认为是相同的,但是有三个副类型会产生额外的效果。
劇透 -   :
Heilige Linien, fairy paths, dragon lines, spirit lines, dream paths, ley and energy lines—all are different names for what we have universally defined as mana lines. Mana lines are concentrations of mana that flow across the astral landscape like rivers. Their appearance can be as diverse as a black crack through an urban environment to a prismatic beam of light or shimmering river. Enough study has gone into mana lines that procedures have been designed to control and aspect a line to a particular tradition through ritual magic (discussed on p. 122). Ratings of mana lines can range from 1 to 15. While all mana lines are considered equal, there are three subtypes that produce additional effects.


劇透 -   :
These mana lines relate to geographic energies, including fault lines, volcanic hotspots, rivers, and lakes. Features that connect fire to water, like yin and yang, are more likely to host these lines. The flow of dragon lines influences the health of plants and animals; strong dragon lines can even clean polluted rivers. Dragon lines are the most abundant type of ley lines, and are also the most dangerous to manipulate. When disturbed, they can cause earthquakes and even change the path of rivers.


劇透 -   :
These mana lines tend to be archaic tracks connecting man-made or non-human constructions. These mana lines cut more direct paths across the landscape than dragon lines do, and often they overlay trade routes. The flow of ley lines influence or are influenced by civilization and metahumanity. These lines are where people try to employ feng shui to bring them inspiration, luck, or health. These mana lines are also fought over by corporations trying to aspected the line toward their needs and give them an advantage over the completion. Traveling along a line that helps you move faster while slowing anyone else is an undisputed benefit. The problem is, the benefit is so clear that the corps tend to work hard to keep any of their opponents from realizing it.


劇透 -   :
These mana lines are artificial, where someone has restricted or forced mana into a particular path. They are mostly found in the Australian continent and have traits related to both dragon or ley lines. What they are most notably known for is travel and navigation either across the physical plane or guidance to astral locations. People have performed tremendous feats of transportation in song lines, such as running a marathon in under two hours. Be wary, though—the opportunity to take advantage of their power comes with a risk Because of the nature of the construction of song lines, they don’t hold mana very well and often generate mana storms (p. 36).


劇透 -   :
Mana flows regularly and smoothly along mana lines like rivers when there is balance, a well-maintained harmony of positive and negative energies. Mana lines are able to handle some imbalance by distributing energies along the length of the line. When the balance tips too far into negative energy, the mana line becomes blocked with what is known as a sha effect. A sha effect causes a mana ebb (p. 32) within a localized area, which can have a cascading effect along a mana line. Geomancers have learned to ritually replicate a sha effect (see p. 122 for more details on the ritual) as part of their efforts from making sure no competitors gain too great of a benefit from ley lines.

劇透 -   :
On the other side of the ledger, a sheng effect is a localized increase in mana energy, also known as a mana surge. Mana surges can lead to mana storms as they escape the confines of the mana line. Sheng effects can occur when there is an uncontrolled or unnatural convergence of mana lines


法力风暴是剧烈且无法预测的魔法能量紊乱现象。它们以看似随机的方式穿过物质界和星界,在其身后徒留法力带来的毁灭和混乱。它们起源的地方通常具有高于正常等级的法力等级(意味着背景计数为4或更高,或-4或更低)。它们会因这些具有更高法力水平的地区发生法力浪潮而出现。在星界中,法力风暴的外观像一个闪闪发光的旋涡云,在物理上,风暴具有它所诞生领域的特征,这意味着它可以表现为风暴云、沙尘暴或龙卷风。一个法力风暴覆盖的区域从一公里到几公里宽不等。法力风暴最常见的特征是元素能量的自发表现。围绕法力风暴的真实风暴既凶猛又危险。另外一个稍微不那么常见的特征,则是其幻觉效果。最著名的法力风暴是摩耶云:围绕着悉尼、澳大利亚和达尼安·德罗伊海尔(Daoineann Draoidheil)频繁出现的法力风暴。法力风暴通常是快速且剧烈的,持续数小时后便会消散。
劇透 -   :
Mana storms are violent and unpredictable disturbances of magical energy. They move through the physical and astral plane in seemly random patterns, leaving magical destruction and chaos in their wake. They originate in places with higher-than-normal mana levels (meaning background counts of 4 or higher, or –4 or lower). They are triggered when mana surges from places of higher mana levels. Astrally, the storm appears as a shimmering swirling cloud, while physically the storm takes on the characteristics of the domain it grew from, meaning it can appear as storm clouds, sand storms, or tornadoes. The area covered by a mana storm varies from a kilometer to several kilometers wide. The most common characteristic of mana storms is the spontaneous manifestation of elemental energies. The storms surrounding mana storms can be ferocious and quite dangerous. The next, slightly less common trait, is illusory effects. The most famous of mana storms are the Maya Cloud, the frequent mana storms around Sydney, Australia, and Daoineann Draoidheil. Mana storms are normally quick and violent, lasting a few hours before they dissipate.

法力风暴同时出现在星界和物质界上。它们可以产生自发的元素和幻术效果的类法术现象。一个法力风暴的特征基于诞生它领域的强度和倾向。这意味着一个由于一场暴乱而向愤怒倾向的领域,可以产生一股令任何陷入其中的人心生愤怒的法力风暴,同时也在风暴中生成一系列幽灵骚乱者(phantom rioters)。
劇透 -   :
Mana storms appear both on the astral and physical plane. They can generate spell-like phenomenon in the form of spontaneous elemental and illusory effects. A mana storm’s characteristics are based on the domain it was birthed from in both force and aspect. That means a domain aspected to anger from a riot could generate a mana storm that creates anger in anyone caught in it, while also generating the effect of phantom rioters within the storm.

劇透 -   :
A word of advice for anyone considering casting a spell in a mana storm: move. Spells or summonings performed in a mana storm are not only affected by the surging mana, but they might not go off at all, or the effect could be completely different than what was intended. Similarly, spirits summoned may also be stronger or weaker than intended, or even a different type. Preparations are safe from mana storms— until they are triggered, in which case they’re affected just like spells.

劇透 -   :
There’s very little you can do to make a mana storm work for you. You cannot be acclimated or aligned to the background count of a mana storm, as they are too unpredictable in nature.

劇透 -   :
Mana storms can have a positive influence on the availability of reagents, making them easier to find. Word of a mana storm travels fast through the magic community, and a decent supply of enchanters tends to descend on an area once a storm passes. The competition between them can get intense, so if you travel to such an area, be careful about getting caught in the middle of one of their spats.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:53:13 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-05-24, 周四 13:56:24 »
边栏:   范例法力扭曲   黑石监狱,苏族国

劇透 -   :
Constructed in 2035 on top of a particularly powerful mana warp, this prison is home to many dangerous Awakened.

劇透 -   :
The mana warp is just over one kilometer in diameter and is an ideal deterrent to escape. The prison contains circles of cleansing (p. 127) to keep the skeleton crew of workers safe. The workers are rotated regularly, as there are longterm psychological effects associated with the warp affecting even the mundane. Some archanoarcheologists believe that within the alluvium deposit is the remains of the entities that may have caused the warp, but so far nothing has been found.

边栏:   范例各类型法脉

哈丁冰原(强度4)Harding Icefield (Force 4)
泰山(强度15)T’ai Shan Mountain (Force 15)
亚穆纳(贾穆纳)河(强度6)Yamuna (Jamuna) River (Force 6)
伟大卡霍基亚遗址网络(强度6)Great Cahokia Mound Web (Force 6)
印加路网(强度10)Qhapaq Ñan (Force 10)
伟大山脉(强度14)*Great Cairn Line (Force 14)
斯纳卡巨画(强度9)Nazca Geoglyphs (Force 9)
道路之径*(强度10)Slighe Roads (Force 10)
虹蛇*之径(强度8)Rainbow Serpent Path (Force 8)

边栏:   范例法力风暴


达尼安·德罗伊海尔,或“永驻风暴”,是无数与提尔纳诺周围剧烈法力风暴重合的强烈风暴。它们中有三个永久性地在海岸上空盘旋。第一个存在于一个长约十公里的沿海地区,在安特里姆郡(County Antrim)的巨人堤道(the Giant’s Causeway)附近。第二个沿着丁格尔湾(Dingle Bay)北岸运动,第三个在多纳戈尔湾(Donegal Bay)的南海岸线待着不动。风暴可能会移动数公里或在大小上有所变化,但它们永远不会消失。这些风暴是我多年前研究的第一个风暴。虽然它们可以被认为是法力风暴,但它们有一些我在其他地方没有看到的独特特性。首先,正如我所说的,它们是永久的风暴;其外表为迷你版的旋涡云、雨和闪电,但是其大小可以从一公里到十公里不等。其次,它的独特之处在于它所在的魔法领域并没有像法力风暴那样混乱。其在本质上颇具分形性,如果你不知道能量流向哪里,那就更危险了。一个凡俗人能够理解的例子,便是在一个由棱镜和玻璃组成的迪斯科球上射击激光。你不知道激光将射向哪里。所以想象一下把一个火球投射到一个达尼安·德罗伊海尔里,如果它顺利成型,它可能不会击中预期目标。第三,在每一个风暴的中心是一张强大的能量网。
劇透 -   :
Daoineann Draoidheil, or “Standing Storms,” are intense storms that coincide with a mana storm around Tìr na nÓg. There are three of them permanently swirling off the coast. The first one exists around a ten-kilometer coastal area near the Giant’s Causeway in County Antrim. The second runs along the northern shore of Dingle Bay, with the third sitting along the southern shoreline of Donegal Bay. The storms may move a few kilometers or change in size, but they never disappear. These storms were the first ones I studied many years ago. While they can be considered mana storms, they have some unique properties I have not seen elsewhere. First, as I’ve stated, they are permanent storms; a miniature manifestation of swirling clouds, rain, and lightning that can range from one to ten kilometers in size. The second unique feature is the magical domain is not as chaotic as a mana storm. This is more fractal in nature, which is more dangerous if you don’t understand where the energy flows. A mundane example is shooting a laser at a disco ball made up of both mirrors and glass. You don’t know where the laser light will end up. So imagine casting a fireball through a Daoineann Draoidheil; it may not hit the intended target, if it forms at all. And third, at the heart of each of the storms is a powerful web of energy.

劇透 -   :
Given the inherent dangers of sorcery in a mana storm, one would think that magicians would avoid affected locations. But there is one group, the Druidic Order of the Sun and Moon, that routinely sets up rituals to harness the mana storm into their endeavors. One such ritual is the formation of an astral gateway to the Northern Islands.

劇透 -   :
Daoineann Draoidheils are special versions of mana storms, permanent combinations of mana and physical storms aspected towards the Druidic tradition. The rating of these storms hovers between 8 and 12. They have all the qualities of a normal mana storm, but they don’t dissipate lower than force 8, nor do they move from their relative physical position.


劇透 -   :
The Maya Cloud was one of the first, if not the first, of the great magical mysteries introduced into the Sixth World. It may have manifested before the Awakening, but magic was poorly understood at that point. Between March and October of 2011, there were the beginnings of unexplained disruptions of electronic equipment and communications, along with rumors of strange things appearing and disappearing like ghosts, and geological changes that formed over days instead of decades. With the Chinese military massing on Tibet in mid-October of 2011, things finally clicked astrally, and a massive wall of white rolled right over the Tibetan plateau, roughly to the border, right in front of the army. It was a dome between seventy-five to one hundred kilometers thick, more than five million square kilometers wide, and over three thousand kilometers high. Its name, Maya, comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “illusion.” Maya is the nature of the world we can see, but enlightenment lies beyond maya.

劇透 -   :
The Maya Cloud has a rating between 14 and 16 and is aspectedto magic unique to specific artifacts. The Maya Cloud perpetually generates elements of ice, lightning, and snow, making the area outside it hazardous for travel. The cloud covers entire mountains, making it a hazard to all but sub-orbital flights.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-03, 周日 21:18:41 由 马非鱼 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-05-24, 周四 13:57:44 »


劇透 -   :
Foveae have a negative impact on reagents. After passing through an area, treat the background count rating as the number of weeks it will take for the area to recover (p. 317, SR5). The absence of mana within the Foveae has an effect on preparations, hastening the loss of potency. While a preparation is in Foveae, the potency reduces by 1 every half hour instead of every hour (or if fixated, every 6 hours instead of every day).

劇透 -   :
Foveae do not last more than 24 hours. Every 2 hours, the force of the Foveae drops by 1. Once its force is below 4, it stops moving and dissipates into a mana ebb. This mana ebb is also temporary as the mana level returns to normal levels at the same rate.


在一个法脉中出现的各种类法术现象,均有双部分都等于其等级的施法骰池(注:这里的“双部分”,指施法骰池的计算方法——魔法属性+施法技能),这意味着其施展法术的DP是等级*2。龙脉可以带有火或水的元素效果,地脉会影响情绪(效果类似于各种控制情绪的法术),歌脉能影响运动,效果类似于怪物能力“移动”(核心规则书 399页)。
劇透 -   :
The rating of a mana line can serve as both sections of the dice pool for spell-like effects from the line (meaning spells may be cast with Rating x 2). Dragon lines can have fire or water elemental effects, ley lines can affect moods (similar to a Control Emotions spell), while song lines can do both as well as affecting movement, similar to the Movement critter power (p. 399, SR5).

艾比·卡达布拉(Abbi Kadabra)发现了一条(等级2)连接着一座旧仓库和一所深受爱戴的教堂的地脉。当她将这个空间内的垃圾清理干净时,她发现其他在此居住的寄居者都会被下意识地强迫去做同样的事(其效果如同受到一个强度2的“群体控制思维”法术影响,骰池为4)。
劇透 -   :
Abbi Kadabra has found an old warehouse along a ley line (rating 2) connecting to a well-loved church. As she cleans up the space of trash, she finds that other squatters have been subconsciously compelled to do the same (as if affected by a Force 2 Mob Mood spell with a dice pool of 4).


劇透 -   :
The physical area affected by a mana storm is (Rating) square kilometers. This storm also disrupts a 100+ meter perimeter of natural weather phenomenon (rain, wind, hail, etc.), resulting from atmospheric disruptions caused by the mana storm’s physical manifestations. A mana storm can move randomly up to its Rating in kilometers per hour. It dissipates at a rate of 1 point of Rating per hour as the mana levels disseminate through the gaiasphere. A mana storm can create a number of spell effects equal to its Rating every ten minutes. Treat the elemental and illusory effects as spells (chosen from the indirect combat or illusion spell) with a spellcasting test of Rating x 2 [Rating]. Any spell that needs sustaining can be sustained indefinitely for as long as the storm lasts, but the storm can only sustain a number of spells equal to its Rating. The Home Ground quality has no effect in mana storms.

劇透 -   :
After a storm passes, the background count of the storm is added as a positive modifier to tests related to hunting reagents (p. 317, SR5). These reagents only stable for two hours after the mana storm passes; after that the mana dissipates into the aether, and any unharvested reagents return to a mundane state.

劇透 -   :
When a magician casts a spell in a mana storm, roll on the mana surge table to determine the additional effects on the spell.


1D6      效果
1         耗竭变为物理。强度没有改变。
2         降低强度1D6
3         无变化
4         试剂不能用于该法术/召唤(任何被用于法术检定的试剂会化为烟雾,不能再次使用);强度没有变化。
5         增加强度1D6
6         “女巫印记”*


劇透 -   :
1 Drain becomes physical. No change in Force
2 Reduce Force by 1D6
3 No change
4 Reagents cannot be used with this spell/summoning (the magic smoke is released for any reagent used for this test and cannot be used again); no change in Force.
5 Increase Force by 1D6
6 Witch’s Mark*
*Witch’s Mark: Spell or summoning does not occur. Instead, something totally unexpected happens. Water may catch fire with blue flames, a spirit from the Wild Hunt may appear, or frogs may fall from the sky. The gamemaster is encouraged to be creative. The player can spend a point of Edge so that the Witch’s Mark does not negatively impact him (while not necessarily being beneficial).


劇透 -   :
The Rating of the cloud is applied as a dice pool modifier for Perception Tests within and through the cloud and is added as a noise modifier to signal ranges and devices.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-03, 周日 22:41:40 由 马非鱼 »