作者 主题: PF團之HR  (阅读 2274 次)


离线 蜘蛛

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« 于: 2017-12-19, 周二 00:24:33 »
一步限制:每個人能操作的角色(取Role Play的本意)不能超過一個,魔寵特殊坐騎等由基礎職業提供的伙伴不計入此上限。

     9、DM保留權力禁止可疑,灰色或OP規則,亦可臨時修改規則(HOUSE RULE)。












« 上次编辑: 2017-12-19, 周二 00:30:25 由 蜘蛛 »
咱是深井冰 ,茅坑石頭,中二病患者,也己經放棄治療了。




离线 蜘蛛

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Re: PF團之HR
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-28, 周四 19:17:41 »

對手的CR 評估對手結果
比你的等級/HD低4或者更多  輕而易舉
比你的等級/HD低1,2,3  簡單
等與你的等級/HD       公平戰鬥
等與你的等級/HD加1,2,3 艱難挑戰
超過你的等級/HD4或者更多  巨大威脅

咱是深井冰 ,茅坑石頭,中二病患者,也己經放棄治療了。




离线 蜘蛛

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Re: PF團之HR
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-12-28, 周四 19:22:05 »
  Pathfinder游戲已經存在不少針對角色理智的威脅。精神錯亂insanity法術可以讓角色持續困惑直到效果被移除。狂霧insanity mist是一種造成感知傷害的吸入型毒素。怨魂allip是靈魂陷入瘋狂時產生的不死生物,並具有數種瘋狂主題的特性。

理智值,理智邊緣和理智閥值(Sanity Score,Edge,and Thresholds)
  每名角色都有一個理智值,包括理智邊緣和理智閥值。這些數值都基於角色當前的屬性值和屬性傷害。對屬性值的增加和減少(包括臨時的增減)都會改變這些數值。任何讓生物受到1點或更多理智傷害sanity damage的個體例子都被視為一次理智攻擊sanity attack,無需分辨是什麼造成了理智傷害。
  理智值(Sanity Score):你的理智值等於你心智三屬性值(智力感知魅力)的和減去心智三屬性受到的屬性傷害。
  理智閥值(Sanity Threshold):你的理智閥值等於你當前最高的心智屬性加值[減去該屬性受到的屬性傷害如適用](理智閥值最低為0)。當你經歷一次理智攻擊時,如果該次攻擊的理智傷害大於等於你的理智閥值,你獲得一種瘋狂狀態(見本書後附),弱效還是強效基於你當次理智傷害和理智邊緣的關系(見下)。
理智邊緣(Sanity Edge):你的理智邊緣等於1/2你的理智值。




理智傷害的效果(Effects of Sanity Damage)



« 上次编辑: 2017-12-28, 周四 19:32:26 由 蜘蛛 »
咱是深井冰 ,茅坑石頭,中二病患者,也己經放棄治療了。




离线 蜘蛛

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Re: PF團之HR
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-12-28, 周四 19:37:53 »
Lesser madnesses tend to have less debilitating effects.
Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 16
Onset 1d4 days
Effect –2 penalty on Wisdom- and Intelligence-based checks;
cannot take 10 or 20 on any check
Dormancy Effect None
A character suffering from delirium experiences decreased
cognition and attention. Often she has no real sense of this
decline, or feels extremely frustrated when she does realize
her concentration is impaired. Physical diseases, poisons, and
ailments can also cause delirium.

Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 16
Onset 2d6 days
Effect The afflicted character believes something that is not true,
and no amount of evidence can dissuade him of the belief.
Dormancy Effect none
A delusion is the persistence of a belief that no amount of
evidence to the contrary can dissuade the afflicted character from
having. The belief is often that another specific person either
loves or wants to harm the afflicted character, or the afflicted
character may have an inflated view of his own abilities or
importance. Sometimes the deluded character believes he suffers
from an affliction or persecution that does not exist.
The exact nature of the delusion is decided by the GM. Delusions
are typically roleplayed, though a GM might apply penalties to skill
and ability checks having to do with the delusion, or decide that
such checks fail outright because of the character’s delusion. In
some circumstances, delusions can be debilitating, while in others
they are merely quirky or annoying to those around the character.

Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 18
Onset 1d4 days
Effect –2 penalty on Will saving throws and skill checks, and some
memory loss (see below)
Dormancy Effect –2 penalty on Will saving throws
A character suffering from a fugue cannot remember things; her
name and her past are all equal mysteries. While the character
can build new memories, she has trouble accessing those gained
before she was inflicted with this madness. While a character in
a fugue state can still speak and read any languages she knows
and does not lose any of her skills, feats, or skill ranks, she
does not remember how she learned such things, and is often
surprised when using complex abilities.

Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 14
Onset 2d6 days
Effect –4 penalty on any Will saving throw against or to disbelieve
illusions, and illusions of things that are not there (see below)
Dormancy Effect The afflicted character takes a –2 penalty on
Will saving throws against or to disbelieve illusions.
Hallucinations can affect all of the senses, but some of the most
potentially debilitating are auditory hallucinations, where the
afflicted character hears voices talking in his head, and visual
hallucinations, where the afflicted character sees things that
aren’t there. Most hallucinations are intermittent and produce a
muddling of reality.

Type lesser madness (compulsion); Save Will DC 14
Onset 1 day
Effect Each round when an afflicted character is within 30 feet
and can see the object of her mania, she must succeed at a
Will saving throw or rush to interact with that object. If the
afflicted character succeeds at the saving throw by 5 or more,
she can keep away from the object of the mania or resist
the manic activity for 1 minute before having to attempt the
saving throw again. After failing a saving throw and fully
performing the mania’s compulsion, the afflicted character
need not attempt another saving throw for 1 minute, as she
has temporarily satisfied her obsession.
Dormancy Effect Each round when an afflicted character is
within 30 feet and can see the object of her mania, she must
attempt a Will saving throw. If she fails, she can choose to
either interact with the object of her mania (as above) or
become fascinated by the object while abstaining from the
activity for 1 round. If the afflicted character succeeds at this
saving throw by 5 or more, she can’t be fascinated by that
particular stimulus for 24 hours before having to attempt the
saving throw again (for instance, if a character obsessed with
swords succeeded at her save against a particular sword by
5 or more, she wouldn’t be fascinated by that sword for 24
hours, but she might be fascinated by other swords).

A mania is an irrational and unhealthy obsession with an object
or activity. Nearly any object or activity can become the object
of a mania, but often the object is either dangerous (like fire or
deadly magic) or somewhat taboo (like the need to commit
small thefts or engage in risky sexual behavior). The GM
determines the exact nature of the mania, but it should
have some connection to the madness’s impetus and be
respectful to the narrative sensibilities and maturity of the
player and the group.

Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 14
Onset 1d4 days
Effect –2 penalty on initiative checks, and morale bonuses are
halved (minimum +0)
Dormancy Effect None
A character suffering from melancholia struggles with severe
pessimism and can often be slow to respond to threats and events
going on around him. He can seem quiet and withdrawn, and
his sense of enthusiasm is dulled. In extreme cases, a character
suffering from melancholia becomes entirely introverted and
utterly withdrawn, even to the point of near catatonia.
Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 16
Onset 1 day
Effect Each night when the afflicted character sleeps, she must
succeed at a saving throw or wake up fatigued (see below).
Dormancy Effect None
A character suffering from night terrors is plagued by persistent
terrifying dreams, worry, or terror that impedes her from getting
restful sleep. Each night the afflicted character must succeed at
a saving throw or wake up fatigued, though multiple nights of
night terrors do not increase the condition to exhausted, and an
exhausted character with night terrors wakes up after 8 hours of
sleep either rested or fatigued based on the success or failure of
the saving throw for this affliction. Often a character suffering from
night terrors will bolt upright during sleep, eyes open, and scream,
though less-dramatic symptoms are also possible. A character
who awakens fatigued from night terrors doesn’t count as having
had a good night’s rest for the purpose of preparing new spells,
and she can’t remove the fatigue until she gets a good night’s
rest by succeeding at the Will save against night terrors.

Type lesser madness; Save Will DC 17
Onset 2d6 days
Effect The afflicted character gains a +2 bonus on saving throws
against charm effects, but takes a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy,
and Sense Motive checks. When the afflicted character attempts
a Sense Motive check, the GM rolls the check in secret, and
failure gives the afflicted character the impression that those
whose motives he is trying to sense are plotting against him
in some way. Lastly, any time the afflicted character tries to
use or gain a benefit from the aid another action, or is the
target of a beneficial spell or effect from an ally, he must
succeed at a Will saving throw in order to take the aid another
action or gain the benefit from the action, spell, or effect.
Dormancy Effect The afflicted character gains a +2 bonus on
saving throws against charm effects, but takes a –2 penalty on
Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.
A paranoid character is convinced that the world and society are
conspiring toward his ruin. Typically those afflicted with paranoia
are fidgety, argumentative, sullen, or extremely introverted.
A paranoid character is convinced that the world and society are
conspiring toward his ruin. Typically those afflicted with paranoia
are fidgety, argumentative, sullen, or extremely introverted.

Type lesser madness (fear); Save Will DC 14
Onset 1 day
Effect Each round an afflicted character is within 30 feet and
can see the object of her phobia, she must succeed at a Will
saving throw or become shaken. The next round, the afflicted
character can choose to attempt another saving throw to end
the effect, but if she fails, she becomes scared (see page 10)
instead. A scared character can choose to attempt another
saving throw to become shaken again, but if she fails, she
becomes frightened for 1d6 rounds instead.
Dormancy Effect Each round an afflicted character is within 30
feet and can see the object of her phobia, she must succeed
at a Will saving throw or become shaken for 1 round. If the
afflicted character succeeds at this saving throw by 5 or more,
that particular stimulus can’t cause her to become shaken for
24 hours before having to attempt the saving throw again (for
instance, if a character has a phobia of spiders and succeeds at
her saving throw by 5 or more after seeing the wizard’s spider
familiar, she doesn’t need to attempt another saving throw
against the familiar for 24 hours, but she would still need to
attempt a saving throw if she saw a different spider).
A phobia is an irrational fear of an object or activity. Nearly any
object or activity can become the focus of a phobia, but often the
object is either very specific (like all spiders, no matter how big or
small, or clowns) or something that could be hazardous in some
situations (like heights or water) but could be made relativity safe
with magical or mundane precautions. The GM determines the
exact nature of the phobia, but it should have some connection
to the madness’s impetus and be respectful to the narrative
sensibilities and maturity of the player and the group.

Greater madnesses can be extremely debilitating.
Type greater madness; Save Will DC 22
Onset immediate
Effect –4 penalty on Will saving throws and skill checks, and loss
of memory (see below)
Dormancy Effect Unlike other madnesses, the normal effect and
the dormancy effect of amnesia are the same.
A character suffering from amnesia cannot remember things; his
name, skills, and past are all equal mysteries. While the character
can build new memories, he has trouble accessing those gained
before he contracted amnesia. While a character with amnesia can
still speak and read any languages he knows, and doesn’t lose the
most basic of skills needed to care for himself and interact within
society, he cannot remember anything substantial about his past.
A character with this affliction loses all class abilities, feats,
and skill ranks gained before contracting amnesia. He retains
his base attack bonus, saving throws bonuses (though he takes
a –4 penalty on Will saves), CMB, CMD, total XP, Hit Dice, and
hit points. If a character gains a character level while suffering
from amnesia, he can use any abilities gained via that class level
normally. If the class level he gained was of a class in which he
already had levels, he initially gains the abilities of a 1st-level
character of that class, even though he is technically of a higher
level in that class, and then progresses from there. When the
amnesia is cured, the character regains the full abilities of the
class; recalculate his level based on his total XP.
Type greater madness; Save Will DC 24
Onset immediate
Effect The afflicted character acts as if she were cowering, but
this is not a fear effect, unlike other forms of cowering.
Dormancy Effect The afflicted character is staggered.
A character suffering from catatonia mentally shuts down
completely, or nearly so, greatly limiting her physical capabilities
as well. While a catatonic character still breathes, she can eat
or drink without assistance only if the catatonia is dormant. If a
catatonic character is faced with a dangerous situation, she must
attempt a saving throw. If she succeeds, she acts as if panicked
(though this is not a fear effect) until she is out of line of sight of
the danger or is cornered. If she is cornered, she cowers again.

Type greater madness; Save Will DC 20
Onset immediate
Effect The afflicted character can no longer speak or write and has
difficulty concentrating. He can no longer use command word
items, spell-trigger items, or spell-completion items. He takes a
–10 penalty on concentration checks. He cannot cast spells with
a verbal or thought (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144)
component, and cannot prepare spells from a spellbook.
Dormancy Effect The afflicted character takes a –4 penalty on
concentration checks.
This affliction deprives a character of his concentration and his
ability to speak, read, and write, though he can understand words
he hears and can react to requests and commands as normal.

Type greater madness; Save Will DC 20
Onset 2d6 days
Effect –6 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom-based
checks, and disassociated identities (see below)
Dormancy Effect –2 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdombased
This is a complicated affliction that manifests as two or more
distinct and different personalities in the same mind. The
number of personalities is up to the GM, as is the nature of the
personalities. Should the affliction worsen in some way (such as
by gaining dissociated identity again), the number of additional
personalities might increase as well.
Each morning upon waking and each time the afflicted character
is revived from unconsciousness, she must succeed at a Will save, or
one of the character’s other personalities takes hold. If the afflicted
character has more than one personality because of this madness,
the manifested personality is either randomly chosen or chosen
by the GM. If the afflicted character succeeds at all her saving
throws against manifesting alternate personalities for 3 consecutive
days, there is a 10% cumulative chance each night thereafter that
another personality takes control during the character’s sleep,
returning to bed afterwards and leaving the character with less
sleep than expected; if the afflicted character fails a saving throw,
the cumulative chance resets. The afflicted character’s memories,
skills, and other abilities are unaffected by the personality shift, but
typically the various personalities have no knowledge of each other
and will deny, often violently, that the other personalities exist.

Type greater madness; Save Will DC 22
Onset 3d6 days
Effect The afflicted character’s alignment shifts to evil, and he
gains a +10 competence bonus on Bluff checks to hide this
madness. Once per day, the afflicted character can attempt a
Will saving throw to suppress this effect for 24 hours.
Dormancy Effect none
This complex madness fills the afflicted character with hatred for the
world and a detached feeling about others, as if they were nothing
more than pawns for the afflicted character’s own uses. A character
afflicted by moral insanity might plot the demise of friends and
enemies alike, but always with the goal of avoiding blame or
consequences and enabling him to continue to feed his dark desires.
The impact of moral insanity must be roleplayed, although not all
players may find it fun or interesting to play such a character. In such
cases, the GM should assume control of the character whenever the
madness is dominant. Evil characters can’t gain this madness.

Type greater madness; Save Will DC 20
Onset immediate
Effect The afflicted character becomes blinded or deafened, loses
another special sense (like scent or blindsense), loses the use
of limbs, or loses a special movement speed (like a fly or swim
speed). The GM chooses how the psychosomatic loss manifests.
Dormancy Effect none
While there is nothing physically wrong with the afflicted
character, some kind of mental trauma has forced her brain to
shut down sensory or motor systems. Furthermore, magical effects
that typically remove these conditions (such as remove blindness/
deafness) have no effect on this madness; the madness must be
cured in order to regain the senses or motor skills.

Type greater madness; Save Will DC 22
Onset 1d6 days
Effect –4 penalty on Wisdom- and Charisma-based checks; cannot
take 10 or take 20 on any check; chance of becoming confused
(see below)
Dormancy Effect cannot take 10 or take 20 on any check
A character afflicted with schizophrenia can no longer function
as he once did, dealing with sudden deficits in social skills and
cognition, and an influx of new, strange behaviors. The character
becomes erratic, chaotic, and unpredictable as his affliction and
symptoms continue, often hitting a peak of symptoms including
hallucinations and delusions. Each time a character afflicted
with this madness finds himself in a stressful situation (such
as combat), he must succeed at a Will saving throw or become
confused for 1d6 rounds.
咱是深井冰 ,茅坑石頭,中二病患者,也己經放棄治療了。


