作者 主题: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)  (阅读 16707 次)

副标题: PZO900024E,翻译由灯泡大佬一力完成,我只搞了排版

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:16:16 »
暴君魔爪玩家指南 Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide

      在自己的地下监牢之中,默语暴君再次试图自己的魔爪伸向整个格拉里昂,他和他默语魔道的手下们都已摩拳擦掌,即将用奥术之力掀动整个天下。凭借着他所掌控的致命新魔法——破坏力之大世间前所未见——默语暴君重获自由似乎已是必然,而且其行动极其迅速, 就连终焉之墙的警惕守卫者们都未能察觉!阿维斯坦最后的希望或许来自一群最不可能的英雄:默语魔道的最新受害者!

引述: 边栏

聚首 Coming Together
      暴君魔爪冒险之路的第一册冒险假定所有PC最初都在位于终焉之墙西南角,名为罗斯拉之匣(Roslar’s Coffer)的小镇中。小镇得名于欧文·罗斯拉(Ervin Roslar),一名闪耀远征中的的英雄。小镇建成以来已有800多年历史,尽管与贝尔克泽恩的兽人们接壤,它依然屹立不倒,甚至还与每年定期游居到附近的几个兽人氏族有和平贸易往来。由于罗斯拉之匣维护了当地的边境安全,还是警醒城所用亚麻的主要产地,因此终焉之墙十分重视该小镇,常年部署一小批骑士驻防于此。尽管生活充满挑战,罗斯拉之匣数百年来并没出过什么大事,直到更为暴烈的曲趾氏族(Twisted Nail)将其他不那么好战的兽人氏族驱离这片地区,并开始劫掠一些偏远的农场。这些攻击逐步升级,最终在4707 AR 演变为曲趾氏族对罗斯拉之匣的一场大袭击;在这场袭击中,小镇充满历史的建筑被烧毁,超过四分之一的人口失去了性命,而幸存的居民们也四散奔逃。约有半数生还者在一季之后归来重建家园,但却发现一只被称为红甲虫(red reaver)的可怕怪物已搬入了离小镇一里之外的塞恩蕾修道院,将那里当成自己的领地,迫使教会搬迁到新重建的小镇内。
      除了塞恩蕾神殿以外,罗斯拉之冢( Roslar’s Tomb)也为罗斯拉之匣赢来一点点名气,它是位于小镇公墓处的一座规模可观的地下墓室,里面藏有来自闪耀远征时期数位英雄的躯壳(讽刺的是,罗斯拉本人并不在其中,传闻中他死亡后发生了某件丑闻)。艾奥梅黛和古拉姆的虔信者们偶尔会到此参拜,以表达对先烈们的敬意,而小镇上下也非常愿意提供食宿服务来赚新来者的一点小钱。得益于坐落在托伦戴尔河边(Tourondel River),来自终焉之墙和涅玛萨斯的一些远征军人,信使,朝圣者和商人也会来小镇做些买卖。

劇透 -  原文:
    The frst adventure of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path assumes all the PCs begin in the small town of Roslar’s Coffer, in the southwestern corner of Lastwall. Named for Ervin Roslar, a hero of the Shining Crusade, the town has survived over 800 years despite sharing a frontier with the orcs of Belkzen, even trading peacefully with several tribes who seasonally wander nearby. Lastwall considers the town, which helps establish the local borders and grows much of the flax used in Vigil, important enough to maintain a small garrison of knights there. While its existence has been challenging, Roslar’s Coffer persisted largely without issue for centuries until the more violent Twisted Nail tribe pushed the less aggressive orc tribes out of the region and began launching raids against outlying farms. These attacks eventually escalated until the Twisted Nails assaulted Roslar’s Coffer itself in 4707 ar, burning its historic buildings, wiping out over a quarter of the population, and scattering the remaining residents. About half the survivors returned the next season to rebuild, only to discover a territorial creature called a red reaver had moved into the Sarenite monastery a mile outside of town, forcing the church to relocate into the newly rebuilt town itself.
    Lastwall deployed additional knights to patrol the border regions as Roslar’s Coffer rebuilt. These warriors turned back several new raids by the Twisted Nail, who eventually turned their frustrations inward toward Belkzen. None of the knights’ efforts managed to dislodge the red reaver from its new lair, however. It continued to plunder nearby farms and assault travelers, and locals quickly learned to simply avoid the grounds and orchards once managed by the church and otherwise went on with their lives. Agents of the prestigious Pathfnder Society arrived last year to investigate the temple, and afer a daring battle, fnally felled the beast! The church of Sarenrae has made only brief surveys of the damage caused by the monster in its 10-year stay, and they still operate from town. This sudden burst of excitement nonetheless inspired many of the town’s youth to spin fantasies about becoming adventurers and Pathfnders themselves.
    In addition to the Sarenite temple, Roslar’s Coffer enjoys minor fame for Roslar’s Tomb, a sizable crypt in the town cemetery that houses the earthly remains of several heroes from the Shining Crusade (although, ironically, not Roslar himself, afer rumors ofa scandal arose upon his death). Faithful of both Iomedae and Gorum occasionally visit on pilgrimage to pay their respects to these fallen heroes of the past, and the town is all too happy to provide accommodations in exchange for newcomers’ coin. Thanks to its location along the Tourondel River, the town also sees some trafc in the form of crusaders, messengers, pilgrims, and traders from both Lastwall and Nirmathas.
    Player characters might be stubborn residents of Roslar’s Coffer, members of the militia dispatched by Lastwall to guard the border, part of the displaced church of Sarenrae, pilgrims visiting the crypt, Pathfnders surveying the temple afer their superiors departed, traders, or ofcials from Vigil. Ideally at least one character is a local—either a lifelong resident or someone who settled in the area as part of the post–Twisted Nail reconstruction. Those PCs who do not hail directly from Roslar’s Coffer or Lastwall should at least have a strong interest in the legacy of the Whispering Tyrant and the Whispering Way and hope to minimize the damage these vile forces can inflict on the world. This guide includes a short gazetteer of Lastwall to help players know what to expect from the self-styled bastion against the dark forces of the world. Additional information on Lastwall and the Shining Crusade can be found in Pathfnder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide and Pathfnder Campaign Setting: Cities of Golarion.
« 上次编辑: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:50:49 由 朔风 »

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:16:38 »
角色提示 Character Tips


劇透 -  原文:
    The overall concept of Tyrant’s Grasp—a resurgence of the Whispering Way and their new weapon of mass destruction— is one that likely appeals to a vast variety of characters, but how do you pick just one concept, and what will best ft with the campaign’s challenges and mood? Despite the large scope of the storyline, most of the challenges are personal and immediate— the Whispering Way and other minions of Tar-Baphon threaten the PCs directly and personally, and in uncovering and stopping their plot, the PCs will delve into ancient ruins, devastated landscapes, and secret strongholds with nothing to protect them beyond courage and a sturdy shield. The PCs will need to rely on themselves and their fellow adventurers rather than armies or the social order. The following suggestions do not cover every potential character concept appropriate for this campaign; many more possibilities exist, limited only by your imagination and familiarity with the various options presented over the past 10 years of Pathfnder Roleplaying Game products. For more discussions about characters in the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path, visit the forums at paizo.com and share your questions and experiences with others who are playing through this campaign.

阵营 (Alignment)

劇透 -  原文:
    Almost everyone, whether good, evil, or purely self-motivated, stands to lose considerable freedom and safety under the rule of Tar-Baphon and legions of the dead, and so alignment isn’t necessarily limited by morality or ethos for Tyrant’s Grasp so long as characters can agree that the Whispering Tyrant and the Whispering Way must be stopped. As Lastwall is a nation ruled by paladins, lawful good and its immediate neighbors lawful neutral and neutral good are the most common alignments, with citizens expected to work toward the common good for their education, community and nation when they are able, and benefting from a strong support infrastructure that delivers expertise, protection, and resources where and when they are needed. Even Lastwall’s villains tend to adopt a code of honor, leaning more toward lawful evil than any chaotic outlook. Chaotic characters aren’t especially disdained, but they have a difcult time fnding a place in the wellordered societies of the border nation. Those who do exist drif toward border communities like Roslar’s Coffer or lumber camps in the Fangwood Forest, and many eventually migrate further south to Nirmathas. As always, talk to your Game Master before creating an evil character, as they are not appropriate for all groups.

变体和职业选项 (Archetypes And Class Options)

    ·阿尼萨恩特骑士(Knight of Arnisant)骑将 (PF玩家伴侣:护甲大师手册)
除了这些选项外,PFRPG:神秘冒险还为骑将们提供了专注于摧毁不死威胁的尸衣骑士团(Order of the Shroud)。

劇透 -  原文:
    Most of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path involves battling unrepentant evil and surviving in the face of overwhelming destruction. Many adventures involve difcult scenarios where awful things have already transpired, and the PCs must do what good they can in the afermath—comforting survivors and healing victims. All character classes are suitable for this Adventure Path, but those who rely on a certain degree of stable infrastructure, especially urban-focused classes and archetypes, may have a harder time fnding useful applications for their skills. This Adventure Path also requires considerable travel, and so characters with some ability to navigate effectively, get by on the road, or have some ability to travel faster will fnd practical application for their skills.
    Given their prevalence in Lastwall, paladins are an obvious choice, as are clerics and warpriests, but players of such characters should do so with an open mind, as many important growth moments in the Adventure Path require working alongside the lesser of two evils for the betterment of the world. It’s worth pointing out that even the paladin code allows lawful good characters to work alongside evil companions for the greater good, so long as they can curb the dark actions of their allies.
    Other classes well suited for the Tyrant’s Grasp include fghters, rangers, rogues, and wizards. Druids—residents of the nearby Fangwood Forest—are likewise a local feature, though druid players may fnd the desolate landscapes visited over the course of this campaign too limiting. Because of the prevalence of undead opponents, bards (as well as enchanter and illusionist specialist wizards) may fnd fewer targets for their offensive magic and songs, but their ability to make their companions more resistant to fear will be appreciated nonetheless. Gunslingers and other classes that require very specifc equipment might struggle to fnd places to shop, particularly in the frst few adventures. A few monasteries of Iomedae exist within the nation, encouraging enlightenment through martial skill and physical perfection, though they focus on Avistani fghting styles rather than those of Tian-Xia. Among the base classes, cavaliers and inquisitors are most represented in Lastwall, but even summoners and witches are lef in peace so long as their gifs aren’t turned toward destruction or control. Brawlers, hunters, investigators, and slayers are also found among the nation’s heroes, as well as spiritualists and mediums who handle the omnipresent restless spirits still lingering afer the original Shining Crusade. Classes of a chaotic bent—barbarians and skalds especially—are not unheard of, but are not as heavily represented among the notably honor-bound culture of Lastwall.
Some potentially useful archetypes are listed below.
    • Battle scout rangerUC
    • Champion of the faith warpriestACG
    • Crossbowman fghterAPG
    • Crusader clericUC
    • Daring champion cavalierACG
    • Deliverer slayerACG
    • Divine commander warpriestACG
    • Divine defender paladinAPG
    • Empyreal knight paladinUC
    • Exemplar brawlerACG
    • Exorcist inquisitorUM
    • Grave warden slayerACG
    • Hedge witchUM
    • Knight of Arnisant cavalier (Pathfnder Player Companion: Armor Master’s Handbook)
    • Martial artist monkUC
    • Monk of the healing handsAPG
    • Phalanx soldier fghterAPG
    • Possessed oracleUM
    • Reanimated mediumOA
    • Scout rogueAPG
    • Shield champion brawlerACG
    • Silver balladeer bardOA
    • Skirmisher rangerAPG
    • Skirnir magusUC
    • Spirit warden shamanACG
    • Spiritualist investigatorACG
    • Standard bearer cavalierUC
    • Trapper rangerUM
    • Undead scourge paladinAPG
    • Witch hunter inquisitorUC
    In addition to these options, Pathfnder RPG Occult Adventures also introduces the Order of the Shroud for cavaliers, dedicated to putting down undead threats.

血统,秘史域,和庇护主 (Bloodlines, Mysteries, And Patrons)

劇透 -  原文:
    While most sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines are acceptable for the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path, those derived from the fendish planes are sure to earn more than a few suspicious glances. The paladins of Lastwall understand intellectually that a child is not responsible for the sins of his parents—and such characters have nothing to fear as far as their lives are concerned, provided they obey the law—but overtly fendish heritage or magic still draws second glances and increased scrutiny. The following suggestions are especially appropriate for this campaign: accursedUM, arcane, celestial, destined, undead, verdantAPG. The oracle mysteries and shaman spirits with the strongest thematic ties to this Adventure Path include battle, bones, heavens, and life. Suitable witch patrons for the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path include ancestorsUM, deathUM, endurance, healingUM, lightUM, portentsUM, spiritsUM, strength, vengeanceUM, and wisdom.
    These choices are only suggestions, and players should not feel obligated to select from only these options. Most bloodlines, mysteries, spirits, and patrons can fnd their place in the war against the Whispering Way.

魔宠和动物伙伴 (Familiar And Animal Companions)
      由于其特殊性,第一册的冒险会将玩家角色与其可能有的追随者,动物伙伴,坐骑或魔宠分离开来。在整一册的冒险期间失去一个职业特性可能充满挑战,但这只是暂时的,PC们在第二册冒险之初便能与伙伴们重聚。如果PC们能接受这项临时限制,下列魔宠多见于终焉之墙,且是不错的选择:蝙蝠,猫,狐狸B3,山羊B3,猎鹰,刺猬UM,蚰蜒UM,猫头鹰,猪B3,兔rabbit(PF玩家伴侣:动物档案),浣熊B3,鼠,渡鸦,臭鼬skunkB3(译者注:但B3并没说这个能当魔宠),树懒sloth B4(译者注:果园索引漏掉了,未翻译),松鼠squirrel(动物档案),蟾蜍,和鼬。寻找进阶魔宠的角色会发现下列魔宠最契合暴君魔爪的主题和各种挑战:灵猫神使B2,圣盔天使B2,预兆神使B3,卡班克尔B3,仲裁者B2,伪龙,和招魂者疫鸟B4 。
      下列动物多见于终焉之墙,它们是作为动物伙伴和坐骑的好选择,而当角色原有的动物伙伴死亡后也便于进行快速更换:野牛,斧嘴鸟B3,獾Badger B2(译者注:B2没说这个能当动物伙伴),熊,鸟(老鹰,猎鹰falcon,隼hawk),野猪,小型猫科动物(猞猁lynx或美洲狮mountain lion),钉锤猞猁Digmaul B5,凶暴鼠,狗,马,公羊B2,巨渡鸦Giant raven B6(未翻译),杜鹿B4,袋狼B3,巨秃鹫B3,巨鼬B4,和狼。

劇透 -  原文:
    Because of its unusual nature, the frst adventure separates the player characters from any followers, animal companions, mounts, or familiars they may have. Losing a class feature for the duration of an adventure may be challenging, but it is only temporary, and PCs will be able to regain their companions at the beginning of the second adventure. If players can accept this temporary limitation, the following list of familiars are local to Lastwall and make ideal choices for familiars: bat, cat, foxB3, goatB3, hawk, hedgehogUM, house centipedeUM, owl, pigB3, rabbit (Pathfnder Player Companion: Animal Archive), raccoonB3, rat, raven, skunkB3, slothB4, squirrel (Animal Archive), toad, and weasel. Characters looking for improved familiars will fnd the following most appropriate to the themes and challenges of tyrant’s Grasp: silvanshee agathionB2, cassisian angelB2, harbinger archonB3, carbuncleB3, arbiter inevitableB2, pseudodragon, and nosoi psychopompB4.
    The following animals can be found throughout Lastwall and would be good choices for companions or mounts, and are readily available replacements should a character’s existing animal companion perish: aurochs, axe beakB3, badger, bear, bird (eagle, falcon, or hawk), boar, small cat (lynx or mountain lion), digmaulB5, dire rat, dog, horse, ramB2, giant ravenB6, stagB4, thylacineB3, giant vultureB3, giant weaselB4, and wolf .

宿敌和偏好地形 (Favored Enemies And Favored Terrains)
      在暴君魔爪冒险之路中,玩家们将要遇到最多最明显的敌人显然是不死生物,他们占据了默语暴君势力的大部。PC们还会遇到许多为塔-巴冯效力的有生命敌人,其中包括人类和精灵。其他常见的威胁包括异怪,植物,以及新的接合类人亚种(mortic humanoid subtype)。战役中包含多种地形,而地下城——埋葬着死者和其秘密之所——最为多见。其他常见地形包括都市和森林,以及在终焉之墙和乌斯塔拉夫的起伏丘陵与崎岖山脉间度过的一段时日。

劇透 -  原文:
    Easily the most obvious and numerous opponent players will face in the course of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path will be undead, which make up the majority of the Whispering Tyrant’s forces. The PCs will also face many living opponents in service to Tar-Baphon, including humans and elves. Other common threats will include aberrations, plants, and the new mortic humanoid subtype. The campaign will cover a variety of landscapes, with underground dungeons—where the dead and their secrets lie buried—being the most common. Other common landscapes will include urban and forest, as well as some time spent in the rolling hills and rugged mountains of Lastwall and Ustalav.

起源 (Origins)

劇透 -  原文:
    With the campaign’s beginning set in a border town steadily rebuilding afer an orc attack a decade ago, most player characters likely hail from Lastwall in general, if not Roslar’s Coffer specifcally. They may be clergy, engineers, farmers, healers, masons, town watch, or weavers, with the local industry focusing primarily on flax farming, sheep herding, reconstruction, and weaving cloth from the local flax and wool, as well as selling linseed oil and lanolin. Even though the border with Belkzen has been quiet the past few seasons, Vigil maintains a small defensive force in Roslar’s Coffer made up of healers, knights, scouts, and soldiers, as well as a few academic observers who report on the reconstruction efforts. Roslar’s Coffer attracts trade from Nirmathas and Ustalav, and even the occasional Varisian caravan and Razmiri refugee. The reconstruction effort attracted many souls eager for work, as well as a few opportunistic sorts who saw the local authorities handing out compensation and support to displaced locals and decided to take advantage of this generosity, though most of these have long since moved on now that the charity has dwindled to a trickle.

语言 (Languages)
      由于闪耀远征的军力最初主要来自塔尔多,因此塔尔多官话(Taldan common tongue)成为了该地的语言。大量来自克拉铎岡( Kraggodan,涅玛萨斯矮人城堡)的矮人在战争和重建中提供了援助,所以矮人语也在此地流传开来,就连在人类之中也很常用。类似的,终焉之墙与乌斯塔拉夫接壤意味着许多农民至少能说得上一两句瓦瑞西亚语——尤其是咕哝几句诅咒或庇护的话语。许多早于塔-巴冯统治时期的古代遗迹之中仍能找到哈利特语和兽人语的内容,而亡灵语(Necril)曾是默语暴君铁拳之下唯一的语言选择,且至今仍常用于默语魔道成员之中。艾奥梅黛教会也经常用天界语来传递重要信息或祈祷。

劇透 -  原文:
    With the bulk of the Shining Crusade’s forces originally provided by Taldor, the Taldan common tongue is the language of the area. A large number of Kraggodan dwarves assisted in both the war and reconstruction, and Dwarven remains a fairly common tongue even among humans. Similarly, Lastwall’s proximity to Ustalav means that many among the peasantry speak at least a little Varisian—especially to mutter curses and protections. Hallit and Orc are still found on many of the old ruins that predate Tar-Baphon’s rule, while Necril was the language of choice under the Whispering Tyrant’s iron fst and remains the common tongue of the Whispering Way. The church of Iomedae also commonly commits important messages or prayers in Celestial.

进阶职业 (Prestige Classes)
    ·先锋 APG
    ·大地旅者 APG
    ·坚定防卫者 APG

劇透 -  原文:
    Characters interested in pursuing a prestige class have many options. Any that emphasize their faith and dedication— especially to the gods Iomedae or Gorum—are prime choices. The following suggestions are the most thematic for the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path.
    • Battle heraldAPG
    • Evangelist (Pathfnder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods)
    • Exalted (Inner Sea Gods)
    • Horizon walkerAPG
    • Knight of Ozem (Pathfnder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige)
    • Prophet of Kalistrade (Paths of Prestige)
    • Sentinel (Inner Sea Gods)
    • Stalwart defenderAPG

种族 (Races)
      尽管罕见,神裔和吸血裔都会以终焉之墙为家,也都遭受某种程度的猜忌:吸血裔出于他们与不死的明显联系,而神裔则出于他们的异界出身。此地还能找到少量替换儿,Duskwalker(出自PFRPG 位面冒险 )和易型者(Skinwalker B5)——大多从乌斯塔拉夫移居至此——但他们是如此少见,以至于通常不会引人注目,只会被当成是不太寻常的旅行者。

劇透 -  原文:
    Humans are the overwhelming majority of Lastwall’s population, but the Shining Crusade brought defenders from across the Inner Sea region, and almost every ethnicity on Avistan is represented in the local populace. Though the majority of Lastwall’s population is at least part Taldan, most citizens carry a blend of Taldan, Chelaxian, Varisian, Kellid, and Garundi ancestry, and Keleshite and Tian heritage have also become more common as trade has increased following Lastwall’s independence from Taldor.
    Dwarves and halflings are common sights, especially in the military. Gnome and elven visitors—primarily from the Fangwood Forest—are not unheard of, but by far the most common non-humans in Lastwall are half-orcs. Most of the nation’s half-orcs hail from the generations of tense but peaceful contact between human border towns and nomadic orc tribes, or even self-sustaining villages of half-orcs that have dwelled along the Mindspin Mountains since the Age of Darkness and that have occasionally adopted human or orc members into the local population. Despite these diverse origins, the negative perception of orcs among humans sees that most half-orcs bear at least some stigma.
    Though rare, aasimars and dhampirs both call Lastwall home, and both are treated with a certain level of mistrust— dhampirs for their obvious ties to undeath, and aasimars for their otherworldly origins. Changelings, duskwalkers, and skinwalkers—many immigrants from Ustalav—can also be found in small numbers, but are uncommon enough that they generally don’t draw attention as anything more than unusual travelers.

宗教 (Religion)

劇透 -  原文:
    Faith is a cornerstone of Lastwall’s culture. Owing to the nation’s roots as a religious crusade against overwhelming evil, nearly every citizen pays homage, whether casual or devout, to one or more gods on a regular basis. During the 74 years of the Shining Crusade—and for many years into the recovery era—survival depended on the ability to invoke the light of the gods or fnd courage and perseverance through faith. Although Lastwall is not technically a theocracy, every watcher-lord has maintained strong ties to one church or another.
    Iomedae, the crusader and disciple of both Arazni and Aroden, is the most prominent god of Lastwall, followed closely by the war god Gorum, who is popular with both the crusaders of Lastwall and their orc rivals in Belkzen. Most soldiers worship both. Iomedae is the usual favorite, and the church of Iomedae is all but a branch of the government. Other gods commonly seen in Lastwall include the Taldan pantheon—Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, and Shelyn—imported by the earliest crusaders. Sarenites are less common, but were still a strong foundation in the Shining Crusade, especially among healers. Desna, largely important among Varisian settlers, is also a common faith among the civilian citizenry.
    Many dwarves pay homage to Torag and the rest of the dwarven pantheon. Many small cults exist to various empyreal lords as well, especially the avenging angel Ragathiel—whom many of the most violent paladins follow—and Andoletta, who is embraced both by communities hoping to invoke her protection and by veterans who look to her for healing and peace.

技能与专长 (Skills And Feats)
      与种类繁多的敌人战斗是暴君魔爪冒险之路的重要一环,而PC也会从专注于一条或多条专长树中受益。由于不死生物十分常见,像猛力攻击和顺势斩这类能让武者迅速砍倒顽强敌人的专长,以及增强强韧和意志豁免的专长,都会十分好用。跨界法术 APG 超魔专长能让施法者更有效地对付虚体不死生物,而增强牧师或圣骑士引导能量的专长也同样有用。

劇透 -  原文:
    A Tyrant’s Grasp party will beneft most from a great diversity of skills. A diversity of Knowledge skills will prove valuable to solving puzzles and identifying threats, with Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (religion) being the most useful, and Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), and Knowledge (planes) all having their own applications. Many of the physical challenges in the adventure will provide use for physical skills like Acrobatics, Climb, and Ride. Perception will serve most adventurers well, and classic adventuring standbys like Disable Device, Spellcraf, Stealth, and Survival will all have moments to shine.
    Combat with a wide variety of foes is a staple of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path, and PCs will beneft from dedicating themselves to one or more combat feat trees. With undead as a common feature, feats like Power Attack and Cleave that allow a warrior to carve quickly through resilient opponents will be handy, as will feats to bolster one’s Fortitude and Will saving throws. The Ectoplasmic SpellAPG metamagic feat allows spellcasters to more effectively engage incorporeal undead, and feats that augment a cleric or paladin’s ability to channel energy will likewise prove useful.

背景 (Traits)
      除了下列的战役背景以外,许多来自APG的背景在信仰心重的终焉之墙国民中也十分常见和相配:甲胄士(战斗),刻印使(信念),庙之子(信念),无畏者(战斗),圣战使(宗教,艾奥梅黛) ,坚信徒(信念),护卫兵(地区),反制者(战斗),铁胃人(战斗),圣能渠(信念),屠亡使(宗教,法莱斯玛),和精锐军(宗教,古拉姆)

劇透 -  原文:
    In addition to the campaign traits listed below, several traits from the Advanced Player’s Guide are common and appropriate among the faith-minded citizens of Lastwall: Armor Expert, Birthmark, Child of the Temple, Courageous, Divine Warrior, Indomitable Faith, Militia Veteran, Reactionary, Resilient, Sacred Conduit, Undead Slayer, and Veteran of Battle.

« 上次编辑: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:35:39 由 朔风 »

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:17:05 »
战役背景特质 Campaign Traits



劇透 -  原文:
The Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path takes players across Lastwall and into Ustalav, as well as to far more distant ports of call. The campaign begins in the border town of Roslar’s Coffer, and player characters should be natives of the community or its surrounding environs. Regardless of their backgrounds, every character should have a vested interest in stopping the rise of undeath and evil that threatens to conquer all of Avistan
    Each player character should select one of the following campaign traits as one of her two traits available at character creation.

匠人心 (The Artisan):只有精益求精才能让你制作出心目中的作品,因此无论是打造家居用品,还是修建大道乃至整个帝国,你都会认真慎重地做好思量。无论是会计,建筑师,工程师还是草药师,你那注重细节的品质对于重建10年前曾被兽人侵占过的罗斯拉之匣都至关重要。你对细节的重视使你的估价和医疗检定获得+1背景加值,且这些技能之一变成了你的本职技能。每天一次,你可以花费一整轮来施放一个你能施放的,且正常施法时间为1个标准动作的法术,该法术的有效施法者等级将会增加1。该能力对施法时间不为1个标准动作的法术无效。

执法使(The Lawbringer):边境乃是充满危机和动乱之地,尽管许多人愿意靠自己闯过这些困阻,但他们也经常为不愿冒险的家人们带去痛楚。你可能在小镇守卫队中当差,也可能是警醒城派来士兵的一员,甚至可能只是位比他人更能承受苦难的热心农夫,但你已决心化身为堡垒,保护有需要之人免遭残酷之命运。你在对抗恐惧效果的豁免骰获得+2背景加值。如果你拥有勇气灵光职业特性,你的灵光提供的加值增加1。你的勇气鼓舞人心;每天当你第一次被击至昏迷或被杀时,距离你30尺范围内的所有盟友会因你的奋力庇护而重新振作,并立刻获得等同于你的等级+你魅力调整值的临时生命。这些临时生命持续1分钟。

乐天派(The Optimist):们无需听到你说一切正变得更好;他们只需要用自己双眼看看周围便足以。小镇几乎已从10年前兽人的侵占中完全恢复,而镇外塞恩蕾神殿中的怪物也终于被打败。你那满溢的乐观情绪与大多数罗斯拉之匣居民所过的艰苦生活似乎显得格格不入,但你确信自己的正能量能鼓舞整个社区。你在对抗影响心灵效果的豁免骰获得+1背景加值。另外,你的乐观心富有感染力。每天等同于你的魅力调整次(最少1次),以一个迅捷动作,你可以将该加值给予10尺之内的一位盟友。该加值持续1分钟。

异乡人(The Outsider):你居无定所,但眼下边境生活对你来说似乎足够舒适。你可能太不拘礼节而无法适应城市生活,太过自私而无法被终焉之墙团结友爱的传统所接纳,或是被你曾目睹之事留下过多心伤而无法完全信赖他人。你习惯了默默无闻地四处漂泊,这为你的隐匿和生存检定获得+1背景加值,且这些技能之一总是你的本职技能。由于习惯独行,你仅从援助他人动作中获得一半的效果(+1),但你也习惯于第一时间把事情做好,因此当你为其他角色提供援助加值时,该加值增加1。

悲观者(The Pessimist):你总预期着最坏的情况,而世事也很少让你失望。你对前景看法如此暗淡,可能是源于罗斯拉之匣最初被曲趾氏族所毁灭,附近的塞恩蕾神殿被侵占导致虔信者流离失所,或是某些更为私人的不幸;但这种心态也使你和终焉之墙大部分选择向前看的人们显得截然不同。你那坚信最坏的可能终会发生的信念使你的意志豁免骰获得+1背景加值。你那沮丧的悲观情绪能刺激朋友们获得成功,只为了对你出口恶气;每天一次以一个自由动作,你能迫使30尺范围内的一个盟友重骰她刚失败的一个豁免骰,且使用两次结果中较好的一个。

挽往昔(The Reclaimer):你在12年前罗斯拉之匣的毁灭中失去了某些珍贵之物——家园,遗产,甚至是家族——但你依然选择归来,因为人不应躲避痛苦,而应从痛苦中痊愈。为了重建自己的生活,使他人免受与你一样的伤痛,你选择了保护和服务他人的道路,例如成为政治家,慈善工作者,治疗师或士兵;但往日的失落也使你的内心充满无以言表,难以排解的愤怒。你警觉的目光使你的察觉检定获得+1背景加值。在对抗上一轮曾对你的盟友之一造成过生命值伤害的敌人时,你在攻击和伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。

八卦精(The Snoop):你对罗斯拉之匣的一切人和事都略知一二。这可能是你的专业特长,比如你可能是位档案员,传报员或图书管理员——或者你只是单纯爱好打听八卦。无论如何,回忆和解读他人都是你的特长。你在知识(历史)和知识(本地)检定获得+1背景加值,并且它们都成为了你的本职技能。每天一次,你能对一个你已认识至少24小时的生物重骰单一次唬骗或察言观色检定,使用两次结果中较好的的一个。

教诲言(The Word):在这个遍地是信仰的国度中,你虽深信自己的教诲之语依然重要,但又怕它们被淹没在茫茫人海中。罗斯拉之匣居民的心灵曾经需要安抚与关怀,但如今已经完全恢复——一部分归功于你的勤奋工作——以至于你担心,正是自己过去所为,才使你今日不再为众人所需。你习惯了长时间工作,使你的强韧豁免骰获得+1加值。你的信仰让人精神振奋;每天一次,你可以如同一个职业等级等同于你人物等级一半(最少1)的圣骑士一半使用圣疗;若你已从职业中获得了圣疗能力,则改为你每天使用圣疗的总次数增加1次。

劇透 -  原文:
The Artisan: Precision is important in getting exactly what you want, and you give careful consideration in building everything from homes and vases to roads and empires. Your own attention to detail has proven vital in rebuilding Roslar’s Coffer from the orc occupation a decade ago, whether you are an accountant, architect, engineer, or herbalist. Your attention to detail provides you a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Heal checks, and one of these skills becomes a class skill for you. Once per day, you can spend a full round casting a spell you can cast that has a normal casting time of 1 standard action to increase your effective caster level for that spell by 1. This ability has no affect on spells with a casting time other than 1 standard action.

The Lawbringer: The frontier is a land of risk and disorder, and while people are welcome to brave those elements themselves, they all too ofen bring pain down upon folk who never wanted such a risk. You might serve on the town guard or as part of a detachment of soldiers supported by Vigil, or you could be simply a concerned farmer who endures when others cannot, but your purpose is to stand as a bulwark against the cruel whims of fate for anyone who needs it. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If you have the aura of courage class feature, the bonus provided by your aura increases by 1. Your courage is inspiring; the frst time each day you are knocked unconscious orkilled, all allies within 30 feet of you immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your level plus your Charisma modifer, as they rally to your defense. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

The Optimist: People don’t need to take your word that things are getting better; they only need to look around and see the proof before their eyes. The town’s recovery from the orc occupation more than a decade ago is all but complete, and the monster in the Sarenite temple outside of town has fnally been bested. Your irrepressible sense of optimism seems to fly in the face of the hard life that most residents of Roslar’s Coffer face, but you’re convinced that your positive attitude lifs up your community. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Further, your optimism can be infectious. As a swif action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifer (minimum 1), you can grant this bonus to an ally within 10 feet. This bonus lasts for 1 minute.

The Outsider: You don’t have a place, but the frontier seems comfortable enough for now. Maybe you’re too informal for city life, too selfsh for Lastwall’s general culture of camaraderie, or too scarred by things you’ve seen to entirely trust another person. You are accustomed to moving without drawing much attention to yourself, gaining a +1 trait bonus on Stealth and Survival checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Accustomed to working alone, you gain only half the beneft (+1) from aid another actions, but you’re accustomed to doing the job right the frst time and so increase the bonus you provide by 1 when aiding another character.

The Pessimist: You expect the worst and have rarely been disappointed. Your dour outlook may hail from the original destruction of Roslar’s Coffer at the hands of the Twisted Nail tribe, the exile of the faithful from the nearby Sarenite temple, or some more personal misfortune, but it has set you apart among the largely forward-thinking population of Lastwall. Your faith that the worst possible outcome will occur grants you a +1 trait bonus on Will saving throws. Your frustrating pessimism can spur friends to succeed just to spite you; once per day as a free action, you can force an ally within 30 feet to reroll a saving throw she just failed, using the better of the two results.

The Reclaimer: You lost something precious in the destruction of Roslar’s Coffer 12 years ago—a home, a legacy, perhaps even family—but returned because a soul shouldn’t run from pain, but heal from it. Rebuilding your life and preventing that same hurt from dragging down others drives you to serve and protect, perhaps as a politician, charity worker, healer, or soldier, but that same loss flls you with an uncharitable anger that is ofen difcult to reconcile. Your wary eyes grant you a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against any opponent that dealt hit point damage to one of your allies in the previous round.

The Snoop: You know a little bit about most everything and everyone in Roslar’s Coffer. It may be your profession, as you could be an archivist, crier, or librarian—or you simply make a hobby of gossip. Either way, you have a gif for recall and reading others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) checks, and these both become class skills for you. Once each day you can reroll a single Bluff or Sense Motive check against a creature you have known for at least 24 hours, using the better result.

The Word: In a nation overcrowded with faith, you ofen worry that your message is drowned out, but nonetheless important. The souls in Roslar’s Coffer needed comfort and charity once upon a time, but have bounced back so fully—in part thanks to your hard work—that you worry you’ve made yourself unnecessary. You are accustomed to long hours, granting you a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws. Your faith is invigorating, and once per day you can lay on hands as a paladin of half your character level (minimum 1). If you gain the lay on hands ability from a class, you instead gain one additional use of lay on hands each day.
« 上次编辑: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:22:03 由 朔风 »

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:17:31 »
终焉之墙小窥 Lastwall at a glance

      终焉之墙的由起伏草原,原始森林,和古代战争所留下的伤痕所组成。最初占据此地的是数个兽人据点和卡利德人城邦,还有一些塔尔多补给站错落其间;但在3200 AR之后,默语暴君开始迅速蚕食这片地区。兽人和卡利德人受其压迫或奴役被迫效忠,而那些死者们——无论死于战斗或是注定失败的叛逆——则被活化为不死生物,毫无心智地为主人们效力,直至白骨崩碎化尘为止。塔-巴冯的军队焚碑毁城,所到之处空余焚尽的地基,它们如今散落在各地,成为了地牢和简易墓穴。当塔尔多在5个世纪之后发起讨伐默语暴君的动员时,整片国土已经在一代代黑暗与压迫下沦为荒芜而绝望之地。随后的战争又给这片土地带来新的伤痕。为了向默语暴君致敬而修建的堡垒和城市被推平,化为了用来对抗巫师王的新要塞的建材。在大规模的战斗下,放眼望去遍地是残破尸骨和损毁的兵刃;而更有许多土地依然充满恶臭,无法种植作物。哪怕在一千多年后,骇人的魔法与精魂依然徘徊于许多古战场中。

地图制作中 :em032

劇透 -  原文:
Lastwall at a glance
    Lastwall is a land of rolling grasslands, primeval forests, and ancient battle scars. Once a landscape of orc holds and Kellid city-states dotted with Taldan supply forts, the Whispering Tyrant began to steadily consume the territory afer 3200 ar. Orc and Kellid populations were pressed or enslaved into service, with those who fell—either in battle of ill-fated rebellions—animated to serve mindlessly until their bones crumbled to dust.
Tar-Baphon’s forces razed entire cities and monuments, leaving only buried foundations that now litter the landscape as dungeons and makeshif crypts. By the time Taldor mobilized against the Whispering Tyrant 5 centuries later, generations of gloom and toil had rendered the landscape fallow and hopeless. War lef new wounds upon the land. Strongholds and cities built to honor the Whispering Tyrant were torn down to the flagstones and used as the building blocks for new fortifcations against the wizard-king. Mass battles lef landscapes impregnated with shattered bone and bent steel, with many stretches of land still fetid and unable to support crops. Terrible magic and spirits still haunt many ancient battlefelds, even a millennium later.
    Despite the horror it has seen, those portions of Lastwall held by mortal hands are beautiful and bountiful. Proximity to Lake Encarthan provides ample rainfall and cool summers, albeit harsh and snowy winters. Growing seasons are long enough to support a variety of crops. The Northern Fangwood Forest and foothills of the Hungry Mountains effectively divide Lastwall in half. Eastern Lastwall is far more urban and reclaimed, with vast farms and ranches supporting cattle and the nation’s famous horses, as well as the trade city of Vellumis—an ancient Ustalavic port and the largest city in the nation. Western Lastwall is less tamed and more hostile—an irony, given that the nation’s capital of Vigil lies in this untamed half—with frequent incursions from Belkzen orcs, occasional resurgences of necromantic energy, and large tracts of land and forest lef largely unexplored and untouched by modern hands. Roslar’s Coffer—western Lastwall’s southernmost town—exists largely by the grace of the Tourondel River, and little in the way of modern construction exists between it and the fortresses over 100 miles north except a well-guarded stone road and a few hunting lodges. Despite this isolation, the people of Roslar’s Coffer squarely consider themselves residents of Lastwall and do what they can to contribute to the nation.
    With a strong-hearted and faithful military tradition, the people of Lastwall tend to be community-focused, forthright, and hard working. Their survival depends on trusting each person in the community to do their job to the best of her ability, and every citizen knows his community could fall to the next orc raid or harsh winter if he doesn’t give every task his best effort. As a people squeezed between two hostile presences, they are deeply devout, with most residents attending temple services multiple times a week, but as with all things, practicality comes frst, and worship must wait if there is work to be done. Most citizens spend the spring planting, summers drilling with weapons and armor, and the autumn harvesting before the frst hard freeze. The long, cold winters are a time of respite—orcs rarely campaign in the snow, and freezing temperatures harden the ground and prevent the restless dead from wandering—allowing more attention to hobbies, family, and friends. Feasts and marriages are common in the winter months, though most are generally small, local affairs, as roads during the Lastwall winter can be punishing even for seasoned travelers.

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:22:30 »
灯泡大佬牛逼!!! :em028 :em028 :em028 :em028


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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 15:44:39 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【AP】暴君魔爪-玩家指南 (Tyrant`s Grasp Player`s Guide)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2023-05-11, 周四 08:22:45 »