作者 主题: 【ISI】调查员变体职业:不朽守卫者(Guardian of Immortality)  (阅读 8139 次)

副标题: PZO9292 Inner Sea Intrigue

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守卫注视 Guardian’s Gaze(Ex):在2级时,不朽守卫者在察言观色上获得等于其调查员等级一半的加值。这个能力替换毒剂学识。

沙漠行者 Desert Survivor(Ex):在2级时,不朽守卫者受到了杜沃(Duwwor)的德鲁伊对于在沙漠险境中生存的特训。他获得坚忍作为奖励专长,并且不将沙地视为困难地形。在5级时,他获得火焰抗力10。在8级时,它可以在沙暴、云、雾中看到正常两倍的距离,并且当他在沙漠区域(terrain tiles地形区域,UI追捕术语)的追捕(pursuit)中获得一个优势时,他会获得一个额外优势。这个能力替换毒素抗力。

熟知骗术 Liar’s Familiarity (Ex):在7级时,不朽守卫者学习了拉玛萨拉(Lamasara)的圈套以及伪造技术,以便更好的对付它们。他在进行不相信幻觉的豁免检定,易容技能检定,对抗易容的察觉检定以及制造或者侦测伪造的语言学检定上自动应用灵感,不需要动作和消耗。该能力替换了7级的调查员天赋。

兰花之蜜 Orchid’s Drop(Ex):在11级时,一名不朽守卫者被赋予一份苏比亚炼金术师们对太阳兰灵药的某些方面进行仿造的秘密解决方案,这赋予他在所有豁免骰上获得+1炼金加值。该能力替换了毒素免疫。

传送监察 Teleportation Warden(Su):在13级时,一名不朽守卫者受到帕秀(Pashow)法师们的培训来察觉生物利用传送即将抵达或离开。这个能力通常如同传送追迹术一般运作。此外,不朽守卫者可以每天一次以一个直觉动作使用咒法壁障。该能力替换了13级的调查员天赋。

调查员天赋 Investigator Talents:以下天赋可以完善不朽守卫者变体的能力:炼金术士发现,战斗灵感,高等战斗灵感,警觉灵感,盗窃一击和颠仆一击。

劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Guardian of Immortality
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 41
Guardians of immortality are Thuvian investigators charged with hunting down those who would attempt to steal or learn for themselves the secret to creating the sun orchid elixir.

Guardian’s Gaze (Ex): At 2nd level, a guardian of immortality adds 1/2 his investigator level as a bonus on Sense Motive checks.
This ability replaces poison lore.
Desert Survivor (Ex): At 2nd level, a guardian of immortality is trained by the druids of Duwwor to survive the hazards of the desert. He gains Endurance as a bonus feat and does not treat sand as difficult terrain. At 5th level, he gains resist fire 10. At 8th level, he can see twice as far in sandstorms, clouds, and fog, and whenever he gains an advantage in a desert tile during a pursuit (Ultimate Intrigue 142), he gains an additional advantage.
This ability replaces poison resistance.
Liar’s Familiarity (Ex): At 7th level, a guardian of immortality learns Lamasaran decoy and forgery techniques to better defeat them. His inspiration applies automatically without using an action or a use of inspiration on saving throws to disbelieve illusions, Disguise skill checks, Perception checks to see through disguises, and Linguistics checks to create or detect forgeries.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.
Orchid’s Drop (Ex): At 11th level, a guardian of immortality is entrusted with a secret solution designed by Thuvian alchemists to emulate certain aspects of the sun orchid elixir, granting him a +1 alchemical bonus on all saving throws.
This abilty replaces immunity to poison.
Teleportation Warden (Su): At 13th level, a guardian of immortality is trained by the mages of Pashow to sense the impending arrival or departure of creatures using teleportation. This ability constantly functions like trace teleport (Ultimate Intrigue 226). In addition, the guardian of immortality can use conjuration foil (Ultimate Intrigue 207) once per day as an immediate action.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 13th level.
Investigator Talents: The following investigator talents complement the guardian of immortality archetype: alchemist discoveryACG, combat inspirationACG, greater combat inspirationACG, inspired alertnessACG, stealing strikeACG, and toppling strikeACG.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 18:52:54 由 黎白羽 »

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