作者 主题: 【第二章】催眠师变体:觭梦追猎者(Dreamstalker)  (阅读 12067 次)


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痛苦之梦(Dreams of Pain):觭梦追猎者的痛苦注视造成非致命伤害。这个能力改变了痛苦注视

梦境术者(Somnomancer):在一级时,觭梦追猎者获得沉眠APG(slumer)巫术,将觭梦追猎者的职业等级作为女巫等级来决定沉眠巫术的相关效果。他必须花费两次每日催眠师诡计次数来使用沉眠巫术。沉眠巫术的豁免基于催眠师的魅力。她可以取得一些额外巫术来取代她在相应等级获得的催眠师诡计。在她的觭梦追猎者等级到达10级后选择噩梦APG(nightmares)巫术或是预观APG(vision)巫术,来取代她获得的催眠师诡计。当她的觭梦追猎者等级到达18级后,她可以选择永眠APG(eternal slumber)巫术来替代他获得的催眠师诡计。
1st  恐惧梦魇OA,睡眠术
2nd  侦测心象结界OA,高等恐惧梦魇OA,异能宣战OA
3rd  深度睡眠,弱效托梦术OA
4th  塑造心相结界OA,托梦术,遗忘沉眠ARG,心相门OA,梦游ARG,夢遊暗示HA
5th  梦之衣,梦境会议OA,窥视梦境OA,睡眠徽记,疲乏波,
6th  梦境旅行OA,高等塑造心相结界OA,力竭波

无眠(Sleepless,Ex): 在二级时,觭梦追猎者获得了对睡眠效果的免疫,并且获得相当于她魅力调整值的豁免加值在对抗疲乏与力竭效果上。当她受到一个令她无法提供情绪成分效果的影响时,她失去这些益处。这取代了强大自我

夜之触碰(Touch of Night,SU):觭梦追猎者无法通过她的接触疗法移除迷魂(Fascinated),战栗(shaken)。困惑(Confused),恶心(sickened),反胃(nauseated)效果。取而代之的,她能够移除疲乏或者魔法睡眠(除了那些难以移除的魔法睡眠,例如永恒沉眠巫术)加入她用接触疗法能移除的次级状态,将恍惚(staggered ),加入中级状态,将力竭( exhausted ),加入高级状态。一般的,移除疲乏或力竭效果只能移除状态,而非根本的原因,例如睡眠不足。(最后一段有些不清楚,大概是虽然疲乏移除了但是仍然应为没睡好没法准备法术之类的? 求指导)这个能力改变了接触疗法
劇透 -   :

梦旅人(Dreamwalker ,SU):在五级时, 觭梦追猎者将梦境作为她的偏好地形,如同巡林客的能力,她获得+2的加值,并且这个加值在5级后每4级提升2点。当处于梦境中时,她可以将任何来自梦境领域(Dimension of Dreams)的生物 (包括dreamed figments(这是啥))作为她的宿敌,并获得等同于她偏好地形1/2的加值。这个能力取代了多重诡计

创伤法术(Tramautic Spel):在11级,觭梦追猎者获得创伤法术OA作为奖励专长
劇透 -   :

劇透 -  原文:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 60
Many mesmerists concentrate their studies on conscious, rational thought, but dreamstalkers instead delve into the unleashed unconscious mind that wanders free in dreams.

Dreams of Pain: A dreamstalker’s painful stare deals nonlethal damage. This ability alters painful stare.

Somnomancer: At 1st level, a dreamstalker gains the slumberAPG hex. The dreamstalker’s effective witch level is equal to her mesmerist level, and she can activate them only by expending two daily uses of mesmerist tricks. The save DCs for her hexes are Charisma-based. She can take certain additional hexes in place of mesmerist tricks, selecting nightmaresAPG or visionAPG at 10th level and higher, or eternal slumberAPG at 18th level and higher.

When she would normally gain a new mesmerist trick, she can learn additional spells instead. Each time she does so, she adds two of the following spells of a level she can currently cast to her list of spells known: 1st—oneiric horrorOA, sleep; 2nd—detect mindscapeOA, greater oneiric horrorOA, instigate psychic duelOA; 3rd—deep slumber, minor dreamOA; 4th—create mindscapeOA, dream, forgetful slumberARG, mindscape doorOA, sleepwalkARG, sleepwalking suggestion (see page 127); 5th—cloak of dreams, dream councilOA, dream scanOA, symbol of sleep, waves of fatigue; 6th—dream travelOA, greater create mindscapeOA, waves of exhaustion.

This alters mesmerist tricks and replaces the 1st-level mesmerist trick.

Sleepless (Ex): At 2nd level, a dreamstalker gains immunity to sleep effects and a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus on saving throws against fatigue and exhaustion. She loses both benefits when under an effect that would prevent her from providing an emotion component (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144).

This replaces towering ego.

Touch of Night (Su): A dreamstalker can’t remove shaken, frightened, sickened, cowering, nauseated, or panicked conditions using her touch treatment. However, she can remove fatigue or magical sleep (other than hard-to-remove magical sleep such as the eternal slumberAPG hex) as a minor condition, staggered as a moderate condition, and exhausted as a greater condition. As normal, removing fatigue or exhaustion only removes the condition, not the underlying cause, such as lack of sleep.

This ability alters touch treatment.

Dreamwalker (Su): At 5th level, a dreamstalker treats dreamscapes as a favored terrain, as per the ranger ability, gaining a +2 bonus that increases by 2 every 4 mesmerist levels after 5th. While in a dreamscape, she also treats any creature from the Dimension of Dreams (including dreamed figments) as her favored enemy, with a bonus equal to 1/2 her favored terrain bonus.

This ability replaces manifold tricks.

Tramautic Spell: At 11th level, a dreamstalker gains Traumatic SpellOA as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces glib lie.

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-26, 周二 00:51:29 »
憎恶贩子是一群独断而仇外的煽动者,憎恶贩子煽动着暴动者们对抗他们的敌人,不论是真实的还是存在于被煽动者想象中的。(例行求翻译建议 这段感觉不知道怎么翻才好)


心灵掌握(Mental Manipulator ,Ex):憎恶贩子掌握了更广泛的腐化他人精神的方式方式。在憎恶贩子一级时,他从后表加入一个一级法术进入他的已知法术。并且每当他达到一个获得新的催眠师诡计的等级,他可以将获得的催眠师诡计替换两个后表中他能够习得的法术加入他的已知列表。
1st  惊恐术 (Cause Fear),强迫敌对 (Compel Hostility),妄尊自大 (Delusional Pride),强索赠礼(Demand Offering),行动禁制 (Forbid Action),次等困惑术 (Confusion, Lesser),谋杀指令 (Murderous Command),恐吓术 (Scare),播种思想 (Sow Thought)
2nd  烦厌术(Aversion),狂乱偏执(Paranoia),狂暴术 (Rage),纯粹厌恶 (Unadulterated Loathing)
3rd  困惑术 (Confusion),极度绝望 (Crushing Despair),厌恶诅咒 (Curse of Disgust),恐惧术 (Fear),即刻仇敌 (Instant Enemy),恶意迫害 (Malicious Spite),极度自恋 (Smug Narcissism),怨毒反击 (Spite)
4th  羡慕嫉妒恨 (Envious Urge),恐惧饕宴(Feast On Fear),高等行动禁制 (Forbid Action, Greater),修改记忆 (Modify Memory),目中无人 (Utter Contempt),
5th  化敌为友 (Foe to Friend),煽动恨意(Foster Hatred),挑拨曲 (Song of Discord),压制记忆(Repress Memory),强迫护卫 (Unwilling Shield),复仇之怒 (Vengeful Outrage),
6th  摄心目光 (Eyebite),神威如狱 (Overwhelming Presence),说服徽记 (Symbol of Persuasion)

阴毒憎恨(Touch of Night,SU):在第三级时,憎恶贩子可以通过他虚伪的援助来播种恨意与矛盾。他只能将他的接触疗法(touch treatment)用于其他人身上。但作为接触疗法动作的一部分,他能同时释放一个来自他通过心灵掌握(Mental Manipulator)职业能力获得的目标不为“个人”且动作等于一个标准动作或更快的法术,只有接触疗法(touch treatment)的目标会受到这个法术的影响。受到这个效果的生物不会认识到憎恶贩子释放了这个法术,并且认为所有的现象都是接触疗法(touch treatment)的效果的一部分。其他生物的认知如常。目标生物在对抗法术的豁免检定和法术抗力上遭受-2的减值。(奇怪的是没有指出特指这种方式传递的法术还是其他的一切法术,请提供翻译意见。)这个能力改变了接触疗法

仇外(Xenophobe ,Ex):在第五级的时候,憎恶贩子选择一种生物作为他的宿敌( favored enemy),如同游侠(ranger)的宿敌( favored enemy)职业能力.他获得+2的对宿敌加值,并且这个加值在五级后每4级会提升2点,但他不会获得额外的宿敌。他获得的宿敌加值同样适用于对抗他宿敌的威吓检定上。这个能力取代了心智潜能(Mental Potency)和多重诡计(Manifold Tricks)

嗜血渴求(为了鲜血)(Out for Blood ,Ex):在第七级时,当一个生物受到来自憎恶贩子的痛苦注视的额外伤害时,他还会额外受到一点流血伤害(若憎恶贩子亲自伤害了目标,则额外造成每1d6点来自憎恶贩子的痛苦注视额外伤害1点的流血伤害。)。这个流血伤害不和自身或其他任何来源的流血伤害叠加这个能力取代了七级获得深邃注视(bold star)

阴毒情感(Insidious Emotions ,Su):在第十一级,憎恶贩子的精神力量变得更加难以移除与对抗。通过察言观色检定来察觉一个处于他释放的附魔系且具有【情绪】描述符的法术时,察言观色的DC提升5点。(若他拥有飄渺附魔術(Subtle Enchantments)专长,则效果叠加),对于这些法术,辨识他们的DC也会同样提高。试图辨识出精神影响的法术侦测效果必须成功的通过一个施法者等级检定(DC=11+憎恶贩子职业等级),如同该生物处于回避侦测法术影响下。
这个能力取代了从容妄言(glib lie.)

劇透 -  原文:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 61
Hate-mongers are xenophobic and judgmental rabblerousers who whip up mobs against enemies real or imagined.

Alignment: A hate-monger must be of a nongood alignment. A hate-monger who becomes good cannot gain new levels as a mesmerist but retains all his class abilities.

Mental Manipulator (Ex): A hate-monger masters a broad repertoire of emotional corruption. At 1st level, he adds one spell from the 1st-level spells below to his spells known. When he would gain a new mesmerist trick, he can learn additional spells instead, adding two of the following spells of a level he can currently cast to his spells known: 1st—cause fear, compel hostilityUC, delusional prideUM, demand offeringOA, forbid actionUM, lesser confusion, murderous commandUM, scare, sow thoughtARG; 2nd—aversionOA, paranoiaOA, rage, unadulterated loathingUM; 3rd— confusion, crushing despair, curse of disgustUM, fear, instant enemyAPG, malicious spiteUM, smug narcissismUM, spiteAPG; 4th—envious urgeUM, feast on fearARG, greater forbid actionUM, modify memory, utter contemptUM; 5th—foe to friendAPG, foster hatredOA, song of discord, repress memoryOA, unwilling shieldAPG, vengeful outrageUM; 6th— eyebite, insanity, overwhelming presenceUM, symbol of persuasion. When he casts a spell he learns in this way, he increases the duration as if his caster level were 1 higher. Starting at 5th level, the save DC is increased by 1 for creatures of his favored enemy type.

This ability replaces consummate liar and alters mesmerist tricks.

Insidious Hatred (Su): At 3rd level, a hate-monger can sow hatred and strife under the pretense of assisting others. He can use his touch treatment only on others, but as part of the action of using touch treatment, he can cast any targeted spell from the mental manipulator list that does not have a range of “personal” and has a casting time of 1 standard action or less, targeting only the creature that receives his touch treatment. That creature doesn’t realize the hatemonger has cast a spell, and considers any manifestations to be part of the touch treatment. Other creatures notice as normal. The target creature takes a –2 penalty on its saving throw and to its spell resistance against the spell.

This ability alters touch treatment.

Xenophobe (Ex): At 5th level, a hate-monger can choose one favored enemy, as per the ranger class feature. His favored enemy bonus begins at +2 and increases by 2 for every 4 mesmerist levels after 5th, but he does not gain additional favored enemies. His favored enemy bonus also applies on Intimidate checks against his favored enemy.

This ability replaces mental potency and manifold tricks.

Out for Blood (Ex): At 7th level, when a creature takes extra damage from the hate-monger’s painful stare, it also takes 1 point of bleed damage (or 1 point of bleed damage per 1d6 points of damage dealt by the painful stare if the hatemonger damages the target himself ). This bleed damage does not stack with itself or other sources of bleed damage.

This ability replaces the 7th-level bold stare.

Insidious Emotions (Su): At 11th level, the power of a hatemonger’s psychic hold becomes more difficult to detect or to break. The DC of Sense Motive checks to notice if a creature is under the effects of his enchantments with the emotionUM descriptor increases by 5 (if he also has the Subtle EnchantmentUI feat, the effects stack), as does the DC to identify his emotion spells. Magical divinations can detect his emotion effects only if the caster succeeds at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the hate-monger’s mesmerist level) as if the affected creatures were the subject of nondetection.

This ability replaces glib lie.

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完美的残酷(Consummate Cruelty):煽动者将1/2的职业等级数值加在他的威吓检定上(至少1点)。此外,即便煽动者没有寓守于攻(Combat Expertise)专长、智力也没有达到13点,他也有资格选取精通阴招(Improved Dirty Trick)和高等阴招(Greater Dirty Trick)专长。在选择其他将精通阴招和高等阴招专长作为先决条件的专长时,他也可以忽略寓守于攻专长和智力13这两项的前提要求。
这个能力取代了精湛骗术(consummate liar.)

恐惧假面(Horrid Mask ,Su):当煽动者等级达到三级,以一个标准动作,煽动者可以在他的催眠注视目标的思维里植入一种疯狂的幻象,造成目标会看到他自己的倒影以一种令人恐慌的方式腐坏。这是一个【影响心灵】的【恐惧】效果,并且无法豁免。目标陷入迷惑与恐惧之中(似乎无实际效果只是描述,并非迷魂与恐慌效果),每一轮里,只要目标能够看到他30尺内的一面镜子,煽动者就能在没有对其造成伤害的情况下,造成如同他痛苦注视的伤害。这是一个凝视效果,目标可以通过移开他的视线来避免这个效果。任何一个手持一面可视的镜子,对恐惧假面(Horrid Mask)的目标进行挫败士气的生物都可以用煽动者的魅力调整值来替代自己的进行威吓检定。恐惧假面(Horrid Mask)的效果会持续到这种特殊的催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)结束(通常是目标从镜子处移开了视线)。煽动者可以使用这种能力每天3+他的魅力调整值次。这个能力取代了次级接触疗法(touch treatment (minor)),并且改变了痛苦注视(painful stare)

受迫幻景(Phantasmal Force ,Su):当煽动者等级达到六级,煽动者可以强迫他的恐惧假面(Horrid Mask )目标对他腐坏倒影感到畏惧。当煽动者使用恐惧假面(Horrid Mask )能力的时候,如果他的目标临接一面镜子,则目标必须通过一个成功的意志豁免(DC=10+1/2煽动者等级+煽动者魅力调整值)不然就必须尝试逃离镜子(或者手持镜子的生物)至少30尺或尝试破坏那篇镜子(或攻击手持镜子的生物)。这是一个凝视效果,目标可以尝试移开视线以避免这种效果。这个能力取代了接触疗法(中级)(touch treatment (moderate).)

魅影仇敌(Phantasmal Foes ,Su):当煽动者等级到达十级,煽动者可以使用一次他的恐惧假面(Horrid Mask )能力的次数,以一个标准动作来使的的催眠注视目标产生他被只有他能看到的敌人包围的幻景。目标在承受任何近战攻击的时候都视为被夹击,直到催眠注视结束。煽动者可以对他催眠注视的目标使用魅影仇敌(Phantasmal Foes)与恐惧假面(Horrid Mask ),但这两种能力不能同时生效。这是一个【影响心灵】的【恐惧】效果这个能力取代了接触疗法(高级)(touch treatment (greater))

理智腐蚀(Corosion of Sanity ,Su):当煽动者等级到达十四级,当一个生物在对抗煽动者以单个生物为目标的,影响心灵的效果第一次豁免失败时,目标还会受到一点感知伤害。这个能力不会影响那些不允许豁免或者以多个生物,区域为目标的效果。如果使用理智值系统(page 12),目标受到两点理智伤害作为替代。
这个能力取代了接触疗法(破除结界)(touch treatment (break enchantment).)

劇透 -  原文:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 60
A gaslighter takes joy in others’ suffering, delighting in driving them to madness.

Alignment: A gaslighter must be of an evil alignment. A gaslighter who becomes nonevil cannot gain new levels as a mesmerist but retains all his class abilities.

Consummate Cruelty: A gaslighter gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his mesmerist level (minimum 1) on Intimidate checks. A gaslighter can take Improved Dirty TrickAPG and Greater Dirty TrickAPG without having Combat Expertise or an Intelligence score of 13. He can also ignore those two prerequisites for other feats that have Improved Dirty Trick or Greater Dirty Trick as a prerequisite.

This ability replaces consummate liar.

Horrid Mask (Su): At 3rd level, as a standard action, a gaslighter can implant a maddening phantasm in the mind of the target of his hypnotic stare, causing the target to perceive its own reflection as corrupted in some disturbing way. This is a mind-affecting fear effect, and there is no saving throw. The target is simultaneously captivated and horrified by the sight of its own reflection, and in any round in which the target can see itself in a mirror within 30 feet, the gaslighter can trigger his painful stare against the target without dealing damage. This is a gaze attack, and the creature can avert its eyes to attempt to avoid it. Any creature holding a visible mirror that attempts to demoralize the target can choose to add the gaslighter’s Charisma modifier to its Intimidate check instead of its own. Horrid mask lasts until that particular hypnotic stare ends (often when the target moves away from a mirror). The gaslighter can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces touch treatment (minor) and alters painful stare.

Phantasmal Force (Su): At 6th level, a gaslighter can force the target of his horrid mask ability to recoil from its reflection. Whenever the gaslighter uses horrid mask, if an affected target begins its turn adjacent to a mirror, it must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the gaslighter’s mesmerist level + his Charisma modifier) or be compelled to either flee from the mirror (or the creature holding it) to beyond 30 feet or attempt to destroy the mirror (or the creature holding it). This is a gaze attack, and the target can attempt to avert its eyes.

This ability replaces touch treatment (moderate).

Phantasmal Foes (Su): At 10th level, a gaslighter can spend one use of his horrid mask ability as a standard action to convince the target of his hypnotic stare that it is surrounded by foes only it can see. The target is treated as flanked for any melee attacks against it until the hypnotic stare ends. The gaslighter can use either this ability or horrid mask during a particular hypnotic stare, but not both at once. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

This ability replaces touch treatment (greater).

Corosion of Sanity (Su): At 14th level, whenever a creature fails its initial saving throw against a gaslighter’s singletarget mind-affecting effect, the target also takes 1 point of Wisdom damage. This has no effect on abilities that don’t allow a saving throw or affect multiple targets or an area. If using the sanity system (see page 12), the target takes 2 points of sanity damage instead.

This ability replaces touch treatment (break enchantment).

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Re: [HA]催眠师变体(2/3)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-12-28, 周四 17:48:10 »
一般的,移除疲乏或力竭效果只能移除状态,而非根本的原因,例如睡眠不足。(最后一段有些不清楚,大概是虽然疲乏移除了但是仍然应为没睡好没法准备法术之类的? 求指导)
[21:54] <玛多卡> .r d20+13 出1我就掀桌
[21:54] <DnDBot> 玛多卡 投擲 出1我就掀桌: 1d20+13=(1)+13=14