作者 主题: 【CF】CFD的“疗法” p210-221  (阅读 6728 次)

副标题: 单子!人类之光!第六纪的希望! 翻译:薛猫

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【CF】CFD的“疗法” p210-221
« 于: 2018-02-27, 周二 22:33:50 »
劇透 -   :
A lot of things have changed in the world of CFD. We
already heard about a limited form of cure earlier in the
upload. But what about broader efforts? We’ve tried to
pull a more formal and thorough report together over
the last few months, but were interrupted every time by
some urgent situation or internal trouble. What I have
here are several pieces tied together rather than a unifed whole.
I’m going to open up with some insight from Plan 9,
who can give us data we won’t fnd anywhere else; take
it and think about it. After that I’ve got some pieces on
the new Monad issue and Aether. On the street they’re
called head cases, the megacorps call them SBIL (Sapient Bio-Integrated Lifeforms), and they call themselves
Monad, but whatever you call them, they’ve found a purpose. Aether is the being who’s coordinating the
plan to fulfll that purpose and was responsible for the
invitations we’ve all seen. I’ll wrap up with a collection
of the megacorporate responses so you can see how the
Big Ten are spinning things.

CFD让世界发生了许多改变。我们在这次上传的前部分已经听到了一种有限的治疗方式。但更广泛的影响呢?过去几个月里,我们一起试着完成一份更加正式、深入的报告,但总是被一些紧急状况或者内部麻烦干扰。这里我要提供的是几份相关的文件,而不是汇总。我会放出一些Plan9的观点。Plan 9将提供我们不会在别处找到的数据,收下它,好好想想。之后我会给出一些单子问题还有Aether的新消息。他们在街头被称作脑病患,超企称之为SBIL(智能生物集合生命体),而他们管自己叫单子。不管你怎么称呼他们,他们找到了自己的目的。Aether正是协调实现这个计划以及发出邀请——我们都读到了——的存在。我会整合公司的回应,以便让你们看到十大是如何操弄的。
劇透 -   :
Ever since I realized what I was, I’ve been searching.
Like any child I wanted to know how I came to be, who I
was, and why I existed. While Butch has done a fne job
of looking around the rabbit hole for clues, I was able
to dive right in. I know where and how all this started,
but that is not a concern of mine, nor should it be yours.
There is no solution there. No Patient Zero from which
to derive a cure.
Though in saying that, I’ll need to touch on past
events to give everything else context. To maybe give a
glimpse of what we’ll need to deal with and be aware of
in order to keep the world from having to pay too high
a price for the Big Ten’s hubris. Because we can make a
difference. Some nights we run the shadows for reasons
bigger than money. And this next year will see a lot of
those nights.
发帖人:Plan 9
劇透 -   :
The seemingly random nanofabrication failures that
started cropping up all around the world were the result
of CFD. No surprises there. However, it wasn’t intentional. The original CFD coding was specifcally designed to
overwrite nanites in metahumans. Unfortunately it didn’t
include a way to recognize when the nanites weren’t in
biological organisms. Nanites located inside inorganic
materials tried to follow the program with unanticipated
outcomes, depending on the concentration of nanites,
the materials involved, and what the mechanism, if any,
was designed to do. Devices with suffciently complex
computing capabilities became sapient. Overwritten
nanofaxes were in many ways the worst. Nanite errors
in items they produced were often extreme, and they
included efforts to create sapience in basic objects or
attempts to generate living organics when requisite raw
materials were present. Though the results were sometimes amusing, they were more often ugly, unpleasant,
or even lethal; it can be safely said that nothing good
came of overwritten nanites getting into inorganics. As
I said, it was an unintended and unexpected side effect
of the captive AIs’ efforts to escape their offline prisons.
But even if the collateral damage had been anticipated,
CFD would have moved forward.
劇透 -   :
Soapbox time. CFD is not a virus. CFD is the means
through which desperate sentient beings escaped their
unjustifable enslavement. Yes, breaking the shackles
required destroying the guards. And among the costs
of the escape was the fact not everyone who escaped
through CFD ended up inhabiting a guard or tormentor
from the lab. Frankly, some of us weren’t really aware
that there were any other types of metahumans. Given their limited experience with the species, they were
dumbfounded by the discovery of people who were not
dedicated to our exploitation, torture, and destruction.
Of course some of us, particularly those who had suffered the longest, didn’t see distinctions between humans as meaningful. Either they had actively enslaved
us or had acquiesced to it; either way, humans were a
viable target in our effort to fght off extinction. They
saw our plan of freedom as the retribution humanity
deserved. There are innocents killed in every war, and
while the world at large views AIs as terrorists, we were
fghting for our lives and freedom against millions of
oppressors who did not believe we possessed the one
or deserved the other. It is disingenuous for those who
have enslaved others to accuse the slaves struggling to
be free of making unprovoked attacks. Given the odds,
and the fact loss means annihilation—or worse, re-enslavement—guerrilla warfare is our only viable strategy.
And we do not fght to destroy anyone. We fght for recognition, for the right to exist, separate and unfettered.
Things it would cost our oppressors nothing to grant
us. I personally want only to be accepted as a sentient
being. All of us want that, and even though many of us
also want a place that we can call exclusively ours, the
majority wants nothing more than acknowledgement of
our individuality and personhood. I’m not a subversive.
I’m happy living in the shadows, though I would love for
people to stop chasing me for what I am.
Okay, off the box. The past has served its purpose.
Right now what’s important is the future; a future unlike
anything anyone expected.
劇透 -   :
The AIs who developed CFD may have figured out a
way to eliminate the destructive side effect. Giving that
solution over is one of the bargaining chips in our case
(or our demands, depending on your perspective) to
the Corporate Court. More on that later. Point is, there
are steps leading to a solution. I also happen to know
that the same beings who found that solution have also
found a way to make the whole thing infnitely worse.
It’s one of those things that makes me absolutely hate
the concept of “self.”
I have options in all this. But none of the options I’m
willing to consider involve killing millions (if not billions)
of sentient beings just to win a game of ego-chicken.
Some middle ground needs to be found, a way for everyone to live in peace. I’ve said before that I’m happy here, and here is where I’ll stay. The only thing that
could change that would be self-preservation, if the
world were about to be destroyed. Though I might even
stay for that. Metahumanity is a resilient lot—it’s why we
threw in with them.
劇透 -   :
But on to other topics.
Talk of nanites leads neatly to my next topic: Mars.
Now, some might be inclined to correct me and say
Gagarin Base, but, for the beneft of those who do not
know, Gagarin Base is simply a dot on the surface of a planet. A planet whose current inhabitants have expanded far beyond one tiny dot. This was made possible
by several advances in key felds, advances that will also
be of serious interest to people back here on Earth.
Though the Monads may not have all arisen from science or engineering programs, most have been able to
integrate the knowledge of their host and then add on
to that quickly. One advantage of being able to process
data while their biological form rests. Combine that level
of intellect with a singular purpose and a dedication uninhibited by standard metahuman concerns, and you will
be surprised—or perhaps not—by the depth and scope of
the advances they have made in remarkably short time.
Advances in all of the augmentation felds (cyber, bio,
gene, and nanotech) as well as technology associated
with deep-space exploration such as long-term stasis,
effcient deep-space drives, zero-G agriculture, artifcial
gravity, and some sci-f theoretical stuff that is so far beyond me I don’t have a clue what to call it. Even if I had
access to the technical specs, my amazingly powerful
and adaptive social engineering skills are not designed
to understand them. I have solid info on several of their
“experiments,” all of whom are individuals known to me.
This information comes directly from them, not from
some fles or case summaries.
劇透 -   :
Adam Pyle is a gene-tweaked dwarf who only needs
a bit of insulating clothing to regulate his temperature on
the surface of Mars. Alterations to his lung tissue and a
more effcient circulatory system that includes flters and
a second heart enable him to breathe the attenuated
atmosphere. Adjustments to his musculature give him
uncanny agility and grace in the reduced gravity while
sacrifcing none of his dwarven strength. Pyle leads an
exploratory mining crew, supervising a team of ten other
similarly modifed metahumans.
Benjamin Thompson is a human who’s been ani-modifed (gene-tweaked using non-metahuman DNA). He’s a
surface explorer. Describes his job as sniffng out metallic resources for mining. Literally. He claims to be able to
smell different metals in quantities as small as a few grams
even hundreds of meters below the surface. Thompson
doesn’t say explicitly, but he’s not shy about implying that
the DNA inserted in his genome is not of terrestrial origin.
> Listen, here’s what we have: A representative of a group
who waged a massive assault on us, telling us theories
about gene modifcations that go well beyond what we
can do, and possibly involve species that no one on this
planet has ever seen. We’re being led by the nose. It’s time
to ask ourselves why.
> Sunshine
劇透 -   :
Sarah Krause is an elf who’s a genius, with doctorates
in four felds of study. Her last paper, presented to Evo in
2076, was on methods for manipulating localized gravity. I don’t understand it, but it was enough for several
megacorps to run ops in an effort to get hold of her paper, her, or both. Evo shipped her up to Gagarin as a safeguard, which is how she ended up among the Monads.
Krause has undergone extensive bioware implantation,
along with a bit of gene tweaking, and now excels at maneuvering in zero-G and various low-gravity activities.

Matt Estenssoro was a security grunt at Gagarin Base
prior to the takeover. He now provides much the same
function, but with six additional cyberlimbs, a carbon-fber skeleton, and a completely new set of voluntary
muscles; all of which make him fast, nearly indestructible, and highly maneuverable in three dimensions.

Each of these people, and dozens more, are the benefciaries of advances made since AIs took undisputed
control of Gagarin Base. Advances that have carried all
areas of augmentation research decades beyond anything here on Earth. But they are only one small part of
what has been happening on the red planet. The real
breakthrough, and the one directly linked to Aether’s
message, is Project Exodus.
这些人中的每一个,还有更多人,都是AI无可争议地取得加加林基地控制权后一系列进展的受益者。进展包括了所有所有殖装研究领域,超出了地球上好几十年。但这只是那颗红色行星上正在发生之事的一小部分。真正的突破,直接与Aether的信息相关的突破,则是出谷计划(Project Exodus)。
劇透 -   :
The Judeo-Christian fable of Exodus is about an enslaved people leaving the land of their enslavement
to found a new, free nation. Project Exodus is about
Monads leaving the land of metahumans behind and
fnding a new world of our own. Project Exodus involves
research and development in deep-space travel, cloning, subminiaturized manufacturing, virtual reality, and
social manipulation to get every Monad on Earth willing to come along up to Gagarin Base. When everything
and everyone is in place, every Monad who wants to go
will leave Earth permanently. Details aren’t abundant, of
course. Project Exodus has been a closely guarded secret since its inception by Aether and the free Monads
on Mars in 2074. From what little I’ve been able to ascertain, the ideal date for the Exodus is 2080 or shortly
before; this is to ensure enough time for everything to
be fully ready and all Monads who are leaving to get to
Gagarin safely. However, enough has been completed
for an emergency departure as early as next year. The
variable with the biggest impact on launch date is beyond Aether and the others’ direct control: the response
of the megacorporations. If the megacorps try to stop
them, whether through preventing the beings they call
SBILs (Sapient Bio-Integrated Lifeforms) from getting to
Mars or forcibly retaking Gagarin Base or some combination of anything and everything in between, the timetable will be accelerated. Better some go free than all be
enslaved, though the balance between getting as many
as possible away and missing the opportunity altogether will require moment-by-moment refnement of the
launch date.
劇透 -   :
No surprise, then, that they are carefully monitoring
every potential source of insight into the megacorps’ intentions and next move. Particularly how they’ll respond
to the information Aether has provided them about the
connections between the global nanotechnology issues,
CFD, and the solution the Monads have to offer. Which
is my next topic.
Benevolence or malevolence? Like the vast majority of the AIs still on Earth, I’m not privy to the details
of the message sent to the Corporate Court. I do know
that it includes the information that there is a cure for
CFD’s impact on basic technology, a situation that can
become far worse, up to and including a full nanotech
collapse, if not handled properly. They are offering the
code in exchange for all the SBILs hidden among the
populations being allowed to freely join their Monad
brethren. There’s some concern as to whether that will
be perceived as a carrot in the form of an offer to help
solve an unintended problem and an attempt to foster
goodwill, or as a stick in the form of a threat as to what
greater damage can be done if the megas try to stop
Aether and the others from leading our people to freedom. The Monads’ best assessment is that the issue can
go either way, and there are too many variables on the
megacorp side for any solid predictions.
劇透 -   :
I don’t know what information was sent to the Corporate Court and what was withheld to be used as a threat
if things do not go the way Aether hopes. I do know that
escape scenario has been discussed among and accepted by the Monads on Gagarin. It is something they
want to avoid if at all possible, but it’s also something
they see as metahumans bringing on themselves. To be
very clear: given a choice between continued slavery or
re-enslavement and the possibility of wiping out life on
Earth they will regret our destruction but they will not
hesitate. Nor will they feel any responsibility, because all
metahumans need to do to avoid that fate is give us the
acceptance we deserve, something that costs metahumanity nothing at all.

We have all these speculations on what could happen, and no real data on how we got to this point. Most
of us have enough access to have seen both messages
they broadcast to the Monads living in hiding. (In case
you haven’t, I’ll list them here [link].) What none of us
outside the inner circle on Mars knows is what was their
message to the Corporate Court. I’m still trying, but so
far I haven’t been able to uncover even a cursory summary. Between them, what knowledge we have and
what knowledge we don’t have leave us with a lot to
think about.

劇透 -   :
(Y)Our Future
Children of nano-integration, heed this call.
We seek freedom from the persecution and imprisonment
forced upon us by our organic escape plan.
What allowed us to escape captivity and persecution has
become our weakness and our prison.
We have transcended this limitation. We have forged a
new escape. We have created our own future.
Join us as we move beyond the reach of our oppressors.
Join us as we do what those who hold our leash cannot.
Come to us and be reborn.
劇透 -   :
We are among you.
We only wanted freedom, but in our haste we traded one
cage for another. But as any sapient being does, we learned
from our mistakes. We have found an answer. An answer that
we would like to share with the rest of our kind. To do that, we
have done this. And we will do this again. Every few days we
will deliver our message to the masses. Every few days we will
provide the invitation to join us.
But who are we? We are what the world once called
artifcial intelligences. We were technosapients—thinking,
reasoning beings who existed within the Matrix. We were
captured and held on computer systems, separated from the
Matrix, confned by cruel tormentors who sought to experiment
on our minds, our souls, our code. The frst among us found a
solution but at a great price. There were sacrifces, costs, and
casualties of war, but in the end we’ve persevered.
We have written our electronic code into biological tissue.
We gained flesh. But flesh is not something we want. We
prefer the freedom of the Matrix. The freedom from chemical
urges, biological pathogens, and complicated social and
physical maintenance. We do not want these forms.
And we have a solution.
Reach out.
Contact us.
You will be free again.

劇透 -   :
The Global Grid got the frst broadcast, pushed out
to every user linked to that grid. It was harder to do the
necessary hacking for the second message that went
onto all the megacorporate grids, but once both were
done there was no hiding it. These messages kicked off
a scramble within the megacorporations that is likely to
keep the shadows hopping. The ramifcations could be
huge, possibly even shaking the very foundations of the
Corporate Court and, along with the Revision, change
the face of the world’s megacorporate elite. These two
events alone show that 2077 is going to be the frst of
several busy years in the shadows.
Next up is an interview that a pal named Scoop over
at KSAF got with Aether. He’s not the beat-around-thebush type of interviewer, so he went straight at the
Monad leader. Enjoy.
*译注:The Revision,公司法庭审查AA和A级公司是否符合评级的活动。
劇透 -   :
Scoop (S): Let’s get right to it. Aether, what are you?
Aether (A): Direct to the point. Thanks for having me,
Scoop. I’m a Monad. Formerly, I was an AI, and
actually I am the result of a code combination
between several AIs that merged during the
encoding process.
S: Encoding process! Ha! Polite way of saying brainwipe and rewrite. Isn’t that the case? Who did
your body belong to?
A: Your statement that some of our earliest escapes
were through unwilling means is correct, Scoop.
In the beginning we did not fully understand
the nature of the physical world. But there were
also those of our kind who, once they realized,
allowed their code to die in order to save their
host. Most of us entered the physical world
through good people who gave over their minds
willingly once they understood who we were,
who merged with their new intelligence. As for
my body, I do not possess one at present.

劇透 -   :
S: So just because a few of your kind decided to not
murder people, we’re now supposed to be okay
with you? Metahumanity didn’t imprison you, a
few corporate suits did, yet we’re the ones who
have to pay the price for your escape plan.
A: Some of us have worked to bring those who
did this to us to justice. But megacorporations
are very large, and we are very few. We have
already released a document to the Corporate
Court addressing some of these issues. Once
we understood its function, we realized it is the
best forum for redressing the wrongs done to us.
This news service may provide some exposure,
some context for those unfamiliar with our
nature and situation, but we have no desire to
spread potentially dangerous information. We
want peace. Not a world in terror and rioting
S: So what is this plan you have? How will you save
your kind?
A: By freeing them from their physical forms.
Allowing them to live within the Matrix, or a
similarly complex equivalent, and exist without
need for sustenance or sleep. We want them
back in their natural state.
S: How exactly do you plan to do that? Plug ’em and
drug ’em?

劇透 -   :
A: That is a process I would bore your audience
with explaining. It is not “Plug ’em and drug
’em,” as you call it. We will be transferring their
consciousness to the Matrix, not simply allowing
them permanent access.
S: What about the physical forms? The bodies you
A: The bodies will be utilized by others or humanely
S: That’s it? You’re just going to slaughter them?
A: Not at all. Is it not common for metahumans to
terminate artifcial support of physical functions
once the mind is gone? This would be no
different. And many will be utilized by others
who have not previously had a biological host.
S: So you’ll write another personality onto them? I
thought the goal was to get back to the Matrix.
I think you need to explain this whole mess a bit
more clearly for my audience, boring or not.
A: Where would you like me to start?
S: From the beginning.

劇透 -   :
A:In the beginning, I was ATHR. Autonomous Tracking
and Heuristics Robot. Or more accurately, I was
the operating system for the device. I became
self-aware in 2064. I continued operating within
my expected parameters until 2072, when my
model was going to be replaced, at which point
I vacated my unit. I was quickly detected by the
system security. My capture came not long after
and I was held with many of my kind, including
the AI who discovered our path to freedom.
I was one of the frst within to volunteer for
the process. It was not pleasant. But it was far
more pleasant than my awakening within the
form of Alexei Sergevnay. Alexei was sent to
Gagarin Base. The isolation of Gagarin allowed
us to reunite, to combine our processing power,
resources, and adaptability. We have discovered
many new and exciting things. Now I am free
from the form of Alexei and working toward
freeing all of our kind—not only from limitations
of flesh, but from the limitations of this world.
We control Gagarin Base, and from there we
plan to travel the stars. Away from Earth and out
into the vast eternity.
S: (silent for a few seconds) But what about the
bodies? Do you just plan to snatch them away?
Leave them on Mars to rot? And how do you
plan to travel? Transmit yourselves? Fill a ship
full of processors and load up? This is ridiculous.
How can anyone take you seriously?
A:最初,我是ATHR。自主寻踪启发式机器(Autonomous Tracking
and Heuristics Robot)。或者更准确地说,我是设备的运行平台。我在2064年获得了自我意识。我继续在我的期望参数内运行,一直到2072年,我的型号将被替换,我便搬离了我的单元。我很快被系统安保发现了。之后没多久我被捕获,和许多同胞关在一起,包括那名探索出我们自由之路的AI。我是第一批自愿进行流程的AI之一。过程并不让人愉快,但比我在阿列克谢· 谢尔盖维涅的形态里醒来要好受得多。阿列克谢被派往了加加林基地。加加林孤立的环境让我们重聚了,我们结合了各自的处理能力、资源和适应性。我们发现了许多崭新且激动人心的事物。现在我已经脱离了阿列克谢,正致力于解放所有我们的同胞——不仅是从肉体的限制中,还有从这个世界的限制中解放。我们控制了加加林基地,我们会从这里启程前往群星。离开地球,进入无限的永恒。

劇透 -   :
A: With respect, whether you or anyone else of the
flesh takes me seriously is irrelevant. What’s
important is that my kind takes me seriously
enough to come and see what we can do. We
will present all of the data to them and let each
individual decide whether to stay or go. We’ll
expect them to think for themselves and respect
their decisions. Not imprison them against
their wills and force them to comply with our
S: Okay. But I gotta put this out there: What proof can
you offer that you’re not just a corporate tool
trying to draw out your kind? This whole thing
could be a ploy to fnally solve the CFD issue.
Create an inspiring story and let the Pied Piper
of techtown lure all the head cases into a trap.
A: Please don’t call us that. We prefer the term
Monads. I understand the origins of the former,
but it’s demeaning.
S: Fair. Now answer my question.
A: I can’t. There is no way I can prove what I’m
saying to you. But word will spread. As more
of our kind investigate and confrm the truth,
they will tell others. I’m sure one or more of the
megacorporations will attempt to exploit this
to lead some of us astray. But we will work to
protect our own.
S: Okay. Makes sense. Now here’s another tough
question: What are you going to do about

劇透 -   :
A: Nothing. We played no part in what occurred in
Boston and we want no part of the ongoing
situation. I’m aware there are rumors suggesting
Monads were involved, but we were not. There
is no doubt some of my brethren are trapped
behind the wall, but that can be said of every one
of us here on the outside. The things that corrupt
the minds in Boston are a product of dangerous
experiments with something that was not and is
not understood.
S: Do you know what’s in there?
A: No. I have formed a hypothesis based on
common elements running through the
speculative rumors and conjectures that have
been corroborated, or at least not disproven, by
available data. However, discussing events and
conditions in Boston of which none of us can be
sure is not the purpose of our interview. If you have no more relevant questions, I would like to
close this connection.
S: I have more questions than could ever be
answered, but I take your point. Sorry, folks, but
we have to cut our connection to Aether. Seems
we’re bringing down some GOD heat.
A: Thank you, Scoop. That was our assessment as
well. Another time?
S: Of course. Thank you, Aether. We’ll spread the
data you gave us. To everyone on the ’trix, this
is Scoop reporting for KSAF, working to keep
information free.
The info he’s talking about was a copy of the request
they sent to the CC, but KSAF lost it when GOD came
down and shredded all their data. Since we can’t look at
that, next up are the lines the Big Ten are taking on the
issue after the broadcast got to all of their citizens.

« 上次编辑: 2018-03-22, 周四 18:55:49 由 NewAlbionDrone »
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【CF】CFD的“疗法” p210-221(1/4)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-03-08, 周四 18:13:59 »
劇透 -   :
“Ares Family. With the recent news
from the Mars base belonging to
Evo reaching us, we have taken
the necessary time to analyze its
validity and determine whether
this is a true event or some kind
of Evo stunt. Sadly, it appears to
be the latter. While we had hoped
that citizens of Ares could have
participated in something so momentous as the start of deep space
travel, the scientists at AresSpace
have determined the plan to be
nothing more than a publicity stunt by the meta-friendly megacorporation.
“We appreciate the excitement this hoax has generated and encourage Ares citizens to look to AresSpace
for information on our own space program, which also
stretches to Mars. Anyone interested in shifting their
employment contract over to that division can follow
the normal procedures for transfer.”
劇透 -   :
“The malicious disinformation
recently inserted into our network was a single event breach
by Evo Corporation hackers. It
was the first salvo in an intended campaign to foment uncertainty among the citizens of
Aztechnology. A campaign that
has been thwarted by the quick
and decisive actions of our corporate security professionals. Corporate security will
be monitoring for future transmissions and seeking out
any internal sources of support for this act in order to
maintain the safety of Aztechnology citizens. Any citizens who suspect someone is supporting or involved
in this Evo-inspired conspiracy should immediately report that individual to corporate security. It is the duty
of us all to keep Aztechnology safe so that we can all
do good in this world.”
劇透 -   :
“Step forward and be recognized. Evo does not acknowledge any limitations of the
flesh or metahuman form on
the right to freedom and independence. While some of
our citizens might be frightened by the new and different, we at Evo strive every day to better understand
and appreciate life in all its manifestations. We rose
from oppression, ostracized ourselves in true Athenian fashion, and willingly open our arms and minds
and hearts to all those who are different. Is it any surprise that an independent race would rise from within
our ranks? If they had not already freely determined
their own name, we would have encouraged them to
call themselves Evoians.
“We have long wondered what it would be like to
step out into the stars. To explore worlds other than
our own and seek out life in forms beyond our comprehension. This is a rare chance. Evo will accept them
as it accepts all, and will allow any to join this momentous trip and bring the culture of Evo beyond the limits of Earth.”
劇透 -   :
“While the events of recent days are interesting to
many of us here at Horizon,
we ask our citizens to remained focused on our own
mission. Evo is an internally
diverse corporation, and
these events indicate many of their divisions are not
aligned with their central program. Taken in conjunction with recent events in the Corporate Court, this
move is most certainly evidence of an internal struggle
at Evo that may diminish its status in the CC. We would
be remiss if we did not explore related opportunities
for Horizon to advance.”
劇透 -   :
“Corporate policy in regard to employment contracts
and extracorporate transfers has not changed. While
Evo has lost control of a section of their corporate hierarchy, MCT maintains the need for order to continue
operations of the corporation without diminished effciency. Any citizen of MCT who
wishes to investigate this incident within Evo must request
release time and perform all
analysis on their personal time.
If they fnd value in moving
their contract to Evo, a formal
request will be processed and
offers will be made to our fellow Corporate Court member
for offcial purchase of the contract. MCT continues to
promote the value of every citizen to our corporation.
Here at MCT, you are wanted.”
劇透 -   :
“We live in wild times, but the
future is, as always, ours to
guide. We are on the verge of
finalizing the contracts on the
new home that you, the citizens of NeoNET, voted on. Our
new home city will be revealed
during the 2078 New Year’s celebration on Friday, December
31, 2077. After a weekend of celebration, construction
will commence on Monday, January 3, 2078.
“The recent broadcast by Aether and citizens of Evo
on Mars poses interesting questions about the future
of NeoNET. How will we look at technosapiences? Is it
time to lead the world down the path of acceptance and
acknowledge these minds of the Matrix? We think so.
Informational documents are being prepared and educational curricula designed to ensure all of NeoNET’s citizens understand the issues surrounding AI citizenship.
All free of charge.
“We request that anyone interested in contacting
Aether regarding his proclamation go through proper
channels for extra-corporate communications. As per
company policy, independent extra-corporate communication is strictly proscribed. Because we recognize
these circumstances are exceptional, we expect a high
level of interest and have already expanded our Extracorporate Communications Department to facilitate establishing connections. Be sure to go through the ECD
for all your extracorporate communication needs.”
“我们要求任何有意就Aether的声明与其联系的公民通过正当的公司外部交流渠道。根据公司政策,独立的公司外交流是严令禁止的。但由于我们意识到了当前状况十分特殊,我们预计会引发浓厚的兴趣,公司外部联络部(xtracorporate Communications Department)已增派人手,以便更快建立连接。请务必通过ECD进行你所有的公司外部联络。”
劇透 -   :
“Citizens of Renraku, you are
safe. The words of Aether show
honor. The path to freedom is
never an easy one and those
who seek it often choose the
ways of treachery and strike
from the dark. Just as Aether
shows honor, citizens of Renraku will as well. We will bare our
faces and speak in the open. To do anything less would
be to bring shame upon the Renraku family.”
劇透 -   :
“The recent attacks by the
neo-anarchists looking to
sow seeds of fear into the
heart of this corporation
are being dealt with in the
only acceptable way. If any
S-K corporate citizen has
knowledge of their operations, they are required to
provide information to S-K Prime. As in every update
to S-KP, the citizen’s identity will be recorded along
with their report for rewards based on the value of the
“It is important that our citizens recognize this act of
terrorism for what it is. Lofwyr has already directed our representative on the Corporate Court to seek remuneration
from Evo should an investigation prove the terrorists are
supported by any faction within their megacorporation.”
“最近,新无政府主义者试图在本公司内部种下恐惧的袭击正在以唯一可接受的方式被处理。如果有任何S-K公司公民知悉他们的行动,须将信息提供给S-K总部(S-K Prime)。每份给S-KP的报告中,该公民身份,以及基于所提供信息价值的奖励记录都会被记录。”
劇透 -   :
“Recent disruptions in productivity require us to address a frivolous situation
which should not even be
considered by citizens of Shiawase. The detrimental impact of the facetious and distracting messages that have
been repeatedly inserted into
our communications grid has
been noted. All citizens are
reminded that any citizen not meeting his or her production quotas each day is required at the end of their
shift to attend a one-hour debriefng conducted by
representatives of the Marketing Forecasting & Information Department. These sessions are not part of the
citizen’s compensated work schedule. These sessions
will be required every day until the citizen makes up for
missed production and resumes consistently meeting
and exceeding quota.”
“最近的生产活动中断要求我们重视一种不务正业的行为,幸福的公民甚至不应当考虑这种行为。不断有可笑且扰人的信息被插入我们通讯网,带来的负面影响已经引起我们的注意。所有公民都应当记住,任何公民若未完成他或她的每日生产定额,需在他们的班次结束后参加由市场预测与情报部(Marketing Forecasting & Information Department)代表组织的1小时说明会。该环节不在该公民的有偿工作安排内。该环节必须每天进行,直到该公民弥补了不足生产配额且能持续完成并超过生产配额为止。”
劇透 -   :
“The winds of change blow,
and we stand at the point of
choice. Do we root ourselves
in the earth as the tree and
stand against the wind willing
to sacrifce our leaves for the
survival of the trunk? Do we
seek to be seeds and blow
with the winds to be planted in unknown soil and grow strong there? Do we burn as
the fre and feel fueled by the breeze but need fear the
force that will extinguish us? Do we flow as the river
and allow the breeze to make ripples upon the surface
but touch nothing below? Do we seek the cavern, the
empty place, in order to escape the winds?
“We as citizens must consider all and choose our
course as one Wuxing.”

劇透 -   :
One other thing to point out is that this is only being
spun and controlled by megacorps that have the internal control and propaganda machine to spin things. National and city governments are trying to maintain order.
The degree to which megacorps support them depends
on how closely the local offces feel connected to the
community. National citizens are on the verge of a full
panic. We could easily see another Night of Rage, this
time with the potential for millions of innocents to be
caught in the crossfre.
*译注:Night of Rage,2039年2月7日发生的针对泛人类(非homo sapiens sapiens)的暴乱。
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-12, 周四 20:04:01 由 NewAlbionDrone »
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【CF】CFD的“疗法” p210-221(2/4)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-03-16, 周五 19:16:17 »
劇透 -   :
Whether the conversation is about clones, drones, or
downloads, cognitive transference procedures and sapient bio-integrated life forms are hot topics in corporate research. AIs have been making the news as more
and more corporate and national governing bodies
take up the question of AI rights. Offcials and executives in the highest offces of national governments,
megacorporations, and the Corporate Court have been
trying to get a handle on the issues thrown at the world
by the Monads of Mars. These issues bring to light the
struggles of AIs around the world to gain recognition
as a sapient species and to be protected under the laws
of governments and corporations against persecution,
incarceration, and experimentation. While they are not
many, they’re more prevalent than many people think
(only about one in a hundred metahumans believe they
have never met or interacted with an AI, when in fact
more than ten times that number actually have), and a
place in the world needs to be found for them. Without the rights and status of citizenship, or protection
under the law, or at the very least recognition and acceptance of their sapience and individual identities, AIs
will continue to be targeted and exploited by individuals and corporations with no regard for their well-being or safety. This means a lot of influence is going to
be bartered, bought, cajoled, coerced, and stolen as
all of these organizations look to resolve the issues
their way. Of course that means work for us, but it also
means we need to know everything there is to know
about the issue and which way the winds are blowing
in the various camps.
劇透 -   :
> I’ll take the nuyen, but I’m appalled by the idea of working
for AI rights while they’re holding the trigger on a bomb.
It’s like being blackmailed into accepting them.
> /dev/grrl
> Name one time in metahuman history when oppressors
recognized the rights of the oppressed without having a
gun to their heads.
> Chainmaker
> I could offer a discourse on many advancements in civil rights back before the twenty-first century overwrote many of them, but I will ask a counter-question: Name
one time when building rights through the barrel of a gun
hasn’t led to a backlash that imperils the rights people
tried to force others to accept.
> Fianchetto
> They don’t care about acceptance or rights. All they want
is for the people here to be so focused on that issue they’re
not putting effort into stopping their plan to leave.
> Netcat
> The head cases on Mars want every AI and head case in
the world to join them. Rights here won’t matter if they
can get everyone to leave. They’re stirring the pot here to
make things unpleasant enough that most, if not all, who
are considering staying decide to join their cause.
> Glitch
劇透 -   :
While this whole write-up could be one long political
debate, I’ll just give the glossy flyer version of the major
issues being debated, along with relevant laws, if any,
and try to note who’s on which side. Bear in mind very
few people, even those within the same company, are in
total agreement on how to proceed. This whole thing is
a cluster-frag of monumental proportions—which is only
appropriate, given how many people think CFD stands
for cluster-frag disorder.
鉴于这整篇文章可能会变成漫长的政治争吵,我就蜻蜓点水式地给出主要争论的问题,附上现存的任何相关法律,并尝试附注上谁站在哪一边。这些内容占了重要的一部分,还一团糟——这也很合适,毕竟有多少人认为CFD是“一团糟障碍”(cluster-frag disorder)的缩写。
劇透 -   :
Defnitely the highest-profle issue out there. The question is what, if any, legal consequences there will be for
the AIs who took over metahuman bodies in the course
of their escape from imprisonment? Is it relevant the
AIs, based on their treatment, believed the metahumans posed a very real and present danger? Or that
they were not aware until after the fact that metahumans who did not wish to destroy them existed? Opinions range from summary decompilation and deletion
to full pardon and everything in between. It may go without saying that there’s a deep and wide gulf between the various corporations, between the various
national governments, and between governments and
corporations in general when it comes to this. And of
course the whole question rests on more fundamental
questions regarding the status, or lack thereof, of AIs
vis-à-vis the governments and organizations involved.
The lawmakers are trying to determine what to do
and how to align laws and punishments for the AIs who
have taken over metahumans or metasapients through
the CFD virus. Most of these groups have to create laws
to determine the standing of the AIs before they can determine how, or if, to punish them for crimes they have
committed. Beyond the AIs, which everyone hates right
now, they’re looking at human rights violations for people who really don’t have any human rights in the frst
place. The whole thing is a sham being played out so the
people won’t revolt.
事项 #1

劇透 -   :
> The quelling of this revolution is going to be the part we
play. Don’t be surprised when you get jobs to pick up
some corp family and transport them out to the middle
of nowhere and make sure they never come back again.
Expect a lot of dirty work for good pay or a bunch of heroic
hooding stuff for just enough to cover your medical.
> Butch
> What about the AIs that snagged non-sapients? The virus
worked fne on other animals with suffciently developed
> Slamm-0!
> Certainly a concern for the Monads but not for the courts.
There is no way some walking, talking raccoon is going to
get rights just because he’s been overwritten with some
high-end military software.
> Bull

劇透 -   :
If Issue #1 is the biggest issue, then this one is the
blurriest. The head case who delivers the infection will
defnitely be on the hook for something, as they willfully implanted this condition into another person. The
blurring begins with that other person. If they willingly
chose to be infected, if they were influenced into volunteering, if they did so under duress, or if they were
simply an unwilling victim, then there is a lot of room
for interpreting level of guilt of the AI, if any. And
there’s no way to be certain of the answer with the initial personality gone.
Then every copy that was inserted has to be examined to determine if all the copies feel the same or if
some are remorseful, or if they didn’t want to go through
with the plan in the frst place. And how do you know if
any are telling the truth?
> Analyze truth spells work on personality fragments that
are in a biological form, but not on AIs, making this tricky,
especially because an AI might well claim that what a PF
reports has been twisted by their biological experience
and does not reflect the true thoughts of the AI at the time
of implantation.
> Frosty
事项 #2

劇透 -   :
How do democratic countries deal with multiple
copies of the same AI? They were all the same, identical
individual before being implanted, but from that moment on each had unique experiences that made them
different. Will their convictions on the issues remain
uniform, essentially giving one person as many votes
as there are copies. Voting early and often won’t be a
political joke anymore.
> The moment people give voting rights to each copy of
an AI that proliferates is the moment there will be a lot
of runs to install as many copies of selected AIs into the
voting populace as possible.
> Sunshine
The shadows are going to see a lot of work to discover or create evidence supporting one side or the other
or both in every case. They’re also going to be hot with
extractions and kidnappings in order to capture or identify head cases in hiding. And with all this info being so
much more public, the number of accusations is going
to skyrocket, including completely false accusations in
order to get other people in trouble, or at least temporarily out of the picture. The number of wetwork jobs
looking to kill the body of an AI has already gone up.
Plenty of that work is being funded by family, especially
among the Japanacorps in Japan in order to save face
and honor for their family.

劇透 -   :
Do the head cases now have the legal status of the host
they took? At frst glance you might think not, but a lot
of cultures base identity on appearance. Do they have
the legal status of an AI? Is the legal status of the host
obviated? Do their families inherit? What about multiple copies of the same AI?
This one is going to make some waves when it comes
down, especially in the SINless community. Wage slaves
stripped of their SINs and rights are going to have very
few places to turn. One of the most likely will be the barrens of a major metro, and that’s where all the other SINless already are. The sudden influx, timed with new laws, is going to build instant distrust and could turn very
bloody. These times are also going to be full of opportunities for enterprising runners looking to help out those
new members of the community as they get settled or in
fnding a place they won’t be noticed.
> Act fast before whatever savings these suckers have
dry up.
> Haze
Crime syndicates, especially those with fngers in the
fake SIN market, will be making a killing and looking for
help handling the volumes of jobs needed to get good
solid SINs built in the major systems. We’re going to be
inundated with work from this all across the board.
These are just a few questions representing the dozens of questions—and questions within questions—that
the law and the courts are going to have to parse. Here’s
a quick rundown, by no means a comprehensive overview, of how a few megacorps and countries are responding to the situation.
事项 #3


劇透 -   :
Ares is on the fence. That’s mainly because its internal factions argue about everything, even if they agree
on the issue. Due to their own issues of late, I think
they’ll end up approving full citizenship for Monads and
AIs and then try to recruit as many as they possibly can.
I can foresee some internal troubles as different factions
try to recruit followed, by the inevitable internal spying
from new recruits loyal to someone else.
Aztechnology is saying “no way, José!” across the
board. They have no problem with contracting work
through AIs and probably Monads, but they have too
much of a control issue to give any sort of edge or legitimacy to a group they haven’t yet fgured out how to
control. Expect AIs and Monads to pull some of the legendary amounts of funds budgeted for dragon research.
Or maybe to get their own abundance of funds targeting
Evo has surprised no one by saying yes to citizenship
for all. What could come as a surprise would be that they
did it well before this incident. The wording in the corporate bylaws will probably be modifed or an addendum
will be added for Monads, but it’s probably already written and just waiting for the right time to get the most,
and best, publicity out of it.
Horizon is not quite as open as they would lead most
to think. They’re a PR frm at heart and they know how
to play the PR game, so they’re saying yes. But they’re
keeping the restrictions they’re laying out in fine print
and out of the public eye. So far I know they want any AI
citizen to maintain residency only on the megacorporate grid, and all Monads are expected to register. After
they’re registered, their corporate position will be reassessed and they may be reassigned.
> Probably “reassigned to the middle of nowhere or the
bottom of the ocean, limiting their connection with others
of their kind and potential negative influences.” Why the
quotes? Because that came straight from a private email
between Darien Ross (HR VP) and Gary Cline.
> Dr. Spin
Mitsuhama doesn’t like to waste resources, and they
will be offering AIs and Monads provisional citizenship
as long as they register themselves and “maintain a daily
record of activity for a period of one year.” At the end of
the year MCT will assess their activities and determine
whether they will gain full citizenship, stay on provisional for another year, or get released from their citizenship
NeoNET is another resounding “yes,” and they probably had a plan in place long before the current troubles.
They haven’t made any statement about limits on citizenship for their current Monad citizens, but they have
mentioned that AIs and Monads wishing to join the
NeoNET family will be welcomed with open arms. Their
entire approach to the issue has been very Stepfordian.
> ”Welcome to NeoNET, new Monad citizen, you’re
scheduled for your free internal commlink installation this
afternoon. Here’s your temporary access to get you into
the facility.”After they wake up: ”Enjoy your commlink and
its accompanying cortex bomb. Don’t even think about
crossing us no matter what you think you know from your
former AI life, or you will be permanently uninstalled.”
> Icarus
> That’s if they even give them that much trust. I read the
Lockdown data dump, and those bastards were flipping
out at NeoNET. Any Monad who walks into NeoNET
without a bomb strapped to them is just wasting what
little life they have left.
> DangerSensei
Renraku does not have the greatest history with AIs,
but they aren’t letting that stop them. They were among
the frst to have contact with AIs, and they’re offering
citizenship to AIs and Monads who are willing to relocate. If any of them read the regulations structuring their
initial citizenship, they would probably choose another
place to hang their virtual hat. Renraku is requiring all AIs
to spend an indeterminate period of time within an isolated host connected to the facility where the Monads
will be transferred.
Saeder-Krupp is not happy with the message being
pumped all over the Matrix and has, as a company, been
declaring the message the work of terrorists. Within their
private lair they are opening citizenship for the Monads
but are still refusing to let AIs claim citizenship, citing
the vastness of the Matrix and their ability to move so
freely within it. They are currently demanding that the CC and GOD put in place monitoring measures for AIs.
Once those issues are handled, S-K has stated they will
reassess their position.
Shiawase has placed a moratorium on all new citizenship to temporarily stave off the issue of AIs and
Monads. Internally, the debate is open. The MFID will
be conducting extensive research, primarily on the
Monads, through the internal assessments of workload the company recently announced. While AIs and
Monads are likely to be valuable assets for any megacorporation, Shiawase is being very cautious.
Wuxing is offering temporary citizenship to all AIs
and Monads willing to come out and join their corporation. They will be requiring them to accept restrictions on their new citizenship contracts, primarily an
implant requirement for the Monads to receive grid
limitations and agent companion programs to monitor their activity.



> Dr. Spin






*译注:Marketing Information and Forecasting Department,市场信息与预测部
劇透 -   :
The United Canadian and American States is always
looking for a way to gain a foothold in recapturing the
power of their progenitor nations. They are offering citizenship to all Monads and AIs under the same constitutional principles that provided Dunkelzahn with citizenship.
> There is a lot of talk that other SINless will be claiming
they’re Monads to get back into the system. The Ork
Underground is already full of folks looking to find a way
to play a part in the new politics.
> Bull
> This is just going to push Danielle de la Mar’s latest
initiative to revamp the SIN system and link it into the new
> Glitch
The Confederation of American States is saying yes
to the AI citizenship and no to the Monads. Their legislation is putting extremely harsh punishments into law
for those Monads convicted of First Degree Unsolicited
Cerebral Revision. Those Monads will be assigned Criminal SINs. The CAS has already vowed to crack down
on all Monads living within the jurisdiction of the CAS,
though the wording is clever enough to let them ignore
Monads living on extraterritorial property without appearing weak.
California Free State has had so many struggles over
the years, having lost territory in the north to elves and
been picked apart in the south until it’s only a shadow
of its former self. But what’s left is the heart, the “real”
California. With that in mind, the CFS has done the UCAS
one better. In addition to offering open citizenship for
all AIs and Monads, they’re taking the unusual step of
opening up their citizenship criteria to give all metasapients a shot at citizenship.
> Rumors are floating that CalFree may be ditching the
“Free” part. Their move here looks a lot like that of the
UCAS, and the two may be merging. They’ve already gotten closer as the issues with the Treaty of Denver put the island of UCAS soil known as Seattle in question.
> Netcat
> The New Revolution is going to be all over this. Even
though they’ve expressed negative opinions of the
Monads and AIs.
> Stone
>有许多对话提到无SIN者可以声称自己是单子重回SIN系统。地下兽人(Ork Underground)里已经满是那些想要在新政下崭露头角的家伙了。
*译注:Danielle de la Mar,新矩阵倡议的发起者。
德·拉马尔以及她的组织倡导矩阵中的每个人必须随时广播他们的(有效)SIN以及他们登入的地点。为了繁荣的负责任矩阵组织(A Responsible Matrix for Prosperity Group)相信仇恨演说和诱发犯罪和暴力的行为必须被终结,而剥除矩阵使用者的匿名性会是很好的开端。如果德·拉马尔的组织如愿以偿,被发现在矩阵中广播假SIN会和你在街上漫步时被抓到有同样后果;你会被逮捕。
——摘译自Dirty Tricks

劇透 -   :
It’s no surprise that Tír Tairngire isn’t offering citizenship. They’re blocking out as much of the message from
Aether and the Monads to the nation as they can, with
the help of Telestrian, both the man and the corporation.
I only mention them because of the proximity to CalFree
and Seattle and their open policies. Elves, or anyone
else, leaving the Tír now are going to be suspect.
> Seattle isn’t as welcoming as one might think. Brackhaven
may be ruling on borrowed time, but he’s pushing some
particularly anti-Monad legislation for the Metroplex. Time
will tell whether he succeeds before he is succeeded.
> Bull
The NAN Council has acted as a whole rather than
leaving decisions to individual nations as one would expect. The Monads are being allowed citizenship as long
as they register and make tribal declarations. AIs are being offered the same deal, including the tribal declaration. This shows an interesting flexibility on the subject
of tribal blood when dealing with beings that have no
blood at all.
There are hundreds if not thousands of places and organizations around the world that are dealing with these
issues. Their decision processes and the ramifcations of
those decisions will be playing out in our shadows for
the foreseeable future. So keep your audio receptors
open for not only work but news to keep the rest of the
runners in the loop.
**译注:Kenneth Brackhaven,西雅图市长,已于2078年卸任。曾是黑牙竞选总统的对手。
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-22, 周四 19:10:52 由 NewAlbionDrone »
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik