作者 主题: 【怪物图鉴】泰坦(Titan)  (阅读 13055 次)

副标题: 翻译、校对:沉沦(180827)

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« 于: 2018-08-27, 周一 10:23:19 »
泰坦 (Titan)

暴亡泰坦(Thanatotic Titan)   22级罕见生物


 察觉 +40;黑暗视觉,真知术
语言 深渊语,天界语;300尺心灵感应,巧言术
技能 +29;特技 +38,奥法 +42,运动 +40,工艺 +42,欺诈 +40,交涉 +40,威吓 +40,表演 +40,宗教 +38,隐匿 +36
力量 +10,敏捷 +4,体质 +10,智力 +8,感知 +5,魅力 +8
物品 全身甲,泰坦戟

AC 47,TAC 42;强韧 +34,反射 +32,意志 +34(对抗心灵时豁免+3状态,对抗神术时豁免+2状态)
HP 380;免疫 死亡效果,疾病;抗力 全部20(除了守序奥里哈钢[orichalcum])
 中断(Disruptive) 除了正常的触发条件外,当有生物在暴亡泰坦的触及范围内使用具有专注特性的动作时,暴亡泰坦也可以对其发动藉机攻击。此外,暴亡泰坦在进行藉机攻击时,不会承受通常有的-2减值。

速度 50尺;凌空而行
【A】近战 泰坦戟 +38(长武60尺,多用S),伤害 5d10+20点穿刺
【A】近战 脚踩 +38(轻便,长武30尺),伤害 4d10+20点钝击
【A】远程 投石 +36(投掷500尺),伤害 6d6+10点可变 附加 原初巨石
神术内在法术 DC 44,攻击 +36;常驻(10环)凌空而行预警术加速术心灵屏障法术反转巧言术真知术10环 流星爆随意(10环)占卜术解离术解除魔法医疗术解读预兆(Read Omens)探知传讯术灵体传染(Spiritual Epidemic)暗示术
仪式 异界盟友复活术
【A】变化形态(专注,神术,变形) 暴亡泰坦可以变化为任何体型的任何类人生物的外型。在类人型态中,它只能践踏不大于它的新体型的生物,并且它的触及范围将缩短到符合它的新体型。如果泰坦变为超大型,那么它的戟触及缩短为40尺,脚踩的触及则缩短为20尺(变为大型的话,戟的触及是20尺,脚踩是10尺;若泰坦的体型变得更小的话,则两种攻击都如一般状况进行判定)。译注:即戟10尺,脚踩5尺。
 触发 暴亡泰坦对一名施展神术或者使用神术能力的生物造成伤害。
 效果 受到伤害的生物必须成功通过DC 44的意志豁免,否则在1天内无法使用它拥有的任何神术法术与能力,而且只要此效果仍然存在,该生物就会陷入惊惧2的状态。豁免成功可以将持续时间降至1轮,大成功可以无视此效果,而大失败会使受到伤害的生物永久失去其神术法术与能力。
原初巨石(神术) 暴亡泰坦可以从宇宙的原初本质中塑造事物,无论那是生物还是物体。当它创造出用来投掷的巨石时,泰坦会往其中灌注这股本质,使之造成它所选定的伤害类型。在投石攻击后,即便失手,巨石也会在其目标的方格内爆炸(但大失败时则不会)。这会对20尺爆发范围内的所有生物造成10d6选定类型的伤害(反射DC 44减半,大成功时不受伤害,大失败时受到双倍伤害)。
【3A】践踏 不大于巨型,脚踩,DC 44
【A】邪弧斩 泰坦对着一个宽大的弧型区域挥舞它的戟,对锥形范围的所有生物进行一次承受-2减值的攻击,此锥形范围的长度等同其泰坦戟的触及范围(泰坦若为巨型,则为60尺锥形)。这些攻击造成挥砍伤害,并且——即便攻击失败——造成最小伤害(通常而言是25点,大失败时不造成伤害)。这些攻击在算进暴亡泰坦的多次攻击减值时只算做一次攻击,且在它进行全部攻击后,多次攻击减值才会增加。
劇透 -  原文:
Titans are gargantuan, armor-clad humanoids that wield
massive weapons. Said to be the first children of the gods,
the titans waged war upon their creators. Thanatotic titans
were banished to the Abyss as punishment for their hubris.
Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2  267.
Perception +40; darkvision, true seeing
Languages Abyssal, Celestial; telepathy 300 feet,
Skills  +29;  Acrobatics  +38,  Arcana  +42,
Athletics +40, Crafting +42, Deception +40, Diplomacy +40,
Intimidation +40, Performance +40, Religion +38, Stealth +36
Str +10, Dex +4, Con +10, Int +8, Wis +5, Cha +8
Items full plate, titanic halberd
AC 47, TAC 42; Fort +34, Ref +32, Will +34, +3 conditional to saves
vs. mental, +2 conditional to saves vs. divine
HP  380;  Immunities  death  effects,  disease;  Resistances  all  20
(except lawful orichalcum)
Aura of Blasphemy (aura, divine) 100 feet. The thanatotic titan’s
aura attempts to dispel all divine spells cast within the aura.
This is a 10th-level dispel magic spell with a spell roll of +34.
 Attack of Opportunity
Disruptive In addition to its normal triggers, the thanatotic titan’s
Attack of Opportunity can also be used when a creature within
the thanatotic titan’s reach uses an action with the concentrate
trait. Furthermore, the thanatotic titan doesn’t take the normal
–2 penalty when it makes an Attack of Opportunity.
Speed 50 feet; air walk
 Melee titanic halberd +38 (reach 60 feet, versatile S), Damage
5d10+20 piercing
 Melee  foot  +38  (agile,  reach  30  feet),  Damage  4d10+20
 Ranged rock +36 (thrown 500 feet), Damage 6d6+10 variable
plus primordial rock
Divine  Innate  Spells  DC  44,  attack  +36;  Constant  (10th)  air
walk,  foresight,  haste,  mind  blank,  spell  turning,  tongues,
true  seeing;  10th  meteor  swarm;  At  Will  (10th)  augury,
disintegrate, dispel magic, heal, read omens, scrying, sending,
spiritual epidemic, suggestion
Rituals planar ally, resurrection
 Change  Shape  (concentrate,  divine,  polymorph)  A  thanatotic
titan can take the shape of any humanoid of any size. In humanoid
shape, it can Trample only creatures of its new size or smaller and
its reach decreases to match its new size. If a titan is Huge, the
reach of its halberd decreases to 40 feet, while the reach of its foot
decreases to 20 feet (20 feet [halberd] and 10 feet [foot] if Large;
and as normal for both Strikes if the titan is smaller).
 Godslayer (divine)
Trigger The thanatotic titan damages a creature that can cast
divine spells or use divine abilities.
Effect The damaged creature must succeed at a DC 44 Will
save or become unable to use any of its divine spells and
abilities for 1 day and become frightened 2 for as long as
this restriction lasts. A success reduces the duration to 1
round, a critical success negates the effect, and a critical
failure causes the damaged creature to lose its divine spells
and abilities forever.
Primordial Rock (divine) A thanatotic titan can shape creatures and
objects alike from the primordial nature of the universe. When
it creates a rock to throw, the titan imbues it with that nature,
choosing any damage type for it to deal. After a rock Strike, the
rock explodes in the square of its target, even on a miss (though
not on a critical failure). This deals 10d6 damage of the chosen
type to all creatures in a 20-foot burst (Reflex DC 44 half, no
damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure).
 Trample Gargantuan or smaller, foot, DC 44
 Vicious Arc The titan swings its halberd in a wide arc, making
a Strike at a –2 penalty against every creature in a cone with a
length equal to the reach of its titanic halberd (a 60-foot cone
when  the  titan  is  Gargantuan).  These  Strikes  deal  slashing
damage, and—even on a failure—deal minimum damage (typically
25, no damage on a critical failure). These attacks count as one
attack toward the titan’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty
increases only after all the attacks have been made.
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-03, 周一 13:55:06 由 沉淪 »


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Re: 【怪物圖鑑】泰坦(Titan)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-08-27, 周一 11:52:13 »
我が力 我が身となりて
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-27, 周一 11:55:32 由 星 »

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Re: 【怪物圖鑑】泰坦(Titan)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-08-27, 周一 14:42:25 »

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Re: 【怪物圖鑑】泰坦(Titan)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-08-28, 周二 11:07:42 »

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Re: 【怪物圖鑑】泰坦(Titan)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-08-28, 周二 14:14:32 »


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Re: 【怪物圖鑑】泰坦(Titan)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-08-29, 周三 01:10:04 »
本篇將整合進生物目錄(Catalog of Creatures),故此封鎖。