作者 主题: 【AMH】护甲技法(Armor Trick)  (阅读 10011 次)


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【AMH】护甲技法(Armor Trick)
« 于: 2017-11-26, 周日 23:07:08 »
护甲技法  Armor Trick (战斗专长)
来源: 防具大师手册 pg. 8
先决条件: 基本攻击加值 +1.
专长效果: 只要满足对应技法的先决条件并且擅长该技法的护甲类型,你就可以使任何与选择的护甲类型相关的护甲技法。

重甲技法 Heavy Armor Tricks

甲隙藏刃 Blade among the Folds (巧手 3 级):你擅长在盔甲中隐藏小型武器。当你穿着重甲,在你的盔甲中隐藏轻型近战武器或者容易隐蔽的远程武器如飞镖、投石索或者手弩时,在巧手检定上获得+2加值。此外,只要你穿着你的盔甲,那么即使有人对你进行搜查,也无法在察觉检定上具有通常会有的+4加值。该技法即使在因魔法或材料被视为中甲时也依然效。

臂上铁甲 Protected Limbs (寓守于攻):每当你尝试一次卸武、擒抱、破武或者摔拌战技是,你在对抗任何由你尝试战技导致的借机攻击上获得+4AC;并且在你下回合开始前任何敌人对你对你尝试战技时,你的CMD能获得该AC加值。

不过如此 Shrug It Off(强韧加强):每天一次以一个直觉动作,当你受到重击确认或者偷袭时,你可以将攻击导向护甲最坚固的部分以减少伤害。这会导致该次攻击造成最低伤害,尽管这仍是一次重击或者偷袭。(最低伤害包括所有由重击或者偷袭导致的额外骰子,以及任何由于是重击或偷袭才会正常生效的能力)。当你的基本攻击加值达到+4,你每天可以第二次使用该能力,以后的每4点提升,你每天获得额外一次使用次数。

钢板猛击 Steel-Plated Smasher (猛力攻击):你在破坏硬度小于你护甲的门或者物体时,力量检定获得等于你护甲1/4的防具检定减值(不包括任何来自职业能力或者专长带来的减值减少)的加值。当你的基本攻击加值达到+8,该力量加值等于你护甲1/2的防具检定减值。当你的基本攻击加值达到+16,该力量加值等于你护甲的防具检定减值。

轻甲技法 Light Armor Tricks(PFS可用)

战斗特技 Combat Acrobatics (智力 13, 寓守于攻, 特技 3 级):你训练自己在弹跳和翻滚时只暴露穿着盔甲的部位,让你在战斗中更少因为担心被击中而分心。你在使用特技避免在通过狭窄表面或光滑地面摔倒时,不被视为措手不及,并且当这么做时不会在AC上失去敏捷加值。此外,当你使用寓守于攻增加你的AC时,你为避免借机攻击用特技全速穿过一个威胁区域时,不会额外增加10DC。

灵活应变 Reactive Mobility (灵活移动, 灵狐步): 实践磨练了你的反应,使你反应迅速,本能地应对威胁。你导致的所有借机攻击都享受灵活移动提供的闪避加值,而非仅仅对抗当你离开敌人的威胁区域或在该范围内移动导致的借机攻击。

灵活闪躲 Reflexive Mobility (战斗反射, 灵活移动):你学会了放弃伤害敌人的机会来避免自己受伤。当你遭到敌人的借机攻击,你可以花费你这轮一次潜在的借机机会,来将灵活移动提供的奖励AC翻倍加在你对抗这次攻击的AC上。这项增益适用于所有你由于同一个动作导致的所有借机攻击。如果你不能在这个回合中再进行任何借机攻击,你就不能使用这个能力。

滑铲 Sliding Charge (精通绊摔, 基本攻击加值 +4): 你运用你的机动力迷惑你的敌人,当你冲锋一个敌人并以一次近战攻击尝试一次摔拌战技,你可以以一个迅捷动作滑倒在地上,并且铲向你的敌人。当你这么做时,你将你的敏捷调整值(最高等于你护甲的最大敏捷加值)加到你的战技检定上。当你这么做时,无论成功与否,你在冲锋结束时都将处于俯卧状态。

中甲技法 Medium Armor Tricks (PFS可用)

杂技起身 Acrobatic Sit-Up (灵活移动, 特技 5 级):你开发出了从倒地中恢复并且在一次流畅移动中攻击敌人的能力。当你处于俯卧,你可以攻击一名敌人,并且起身时不会受到该敌人的借机攻击。进行一次攻击并且不会受到通常倒地会受到的罚值。如果你击中了该目标,你可以以一个直觉动作起身(通常是一个移动动作)并且不会受该敌人的借机攻击。任何其他威胁你的目标仍然可以尝试对你进行借机。如果你攻击落空,你会受到所有威胁你的敌人的借机,并且直到你的下一轮,无法起身。

重甲功能性 Heavy Versatility (盔甲专攻, 护甲技法 [重甲]):你可以完全利用你的盔甲所能提供的防御潜力。你可以将中甲视为重甲,用于护甲技法。

轻甲功能性 Light Versatility (盔甲专攻, 护甲技法 [轻甲]):你对你的盔甲如此适应,它似乎比实际要轻不少。你可以将中甲视为轻甲,用于护甲技法。

卷入锋中 Roll into the Blow (灵活移动): 当你遭到攻击时仍然头脑清明,并且将情况扭转向对你有利的方向。每天一次,被一次借机攻击命中时,你可以冲击你的目标,使其失去平衡,该攻击者在所有近战攻击检定上承受-4罚值直到他的下轮开始。你可以在你的基本攻击加值达到+4后每天使用两次该能力,并且以后的每4点提升,你每天获得额外一次使用次数。

多功能装甲 Versatile Armor (寓守于攻):你可以调整自己的表现和策略,最大化你护甲的速度和灵活性或者最大化你的防御力。当你使用机动形态时,你的移动速度不受到护甲的影响,并且护甲的防具检定减值和护甲的AC加值都减少2。当你使用装甲形态时,你的防具检定减值增加3,护甲的AC加值增加1。调整你的护甲形态是一个移动动作,该调整会持续到你改变它,脱掉盔甲或者在AC上失去敏捷调整值(如果有)。

战策 Combat Trick

劇透 -  原文:
Armor Trick (Combat)
Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 8
Choose one armor trick option (light, medium, heavy, or shield). You can perform armor tricks in combat when wearing the appropriate armor option.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can use any armor tricks related to the chosen armor option if you meet the trick’s prerequisites and are proficient with any armor that you use as part of the trick.

Special: You can gain Armor Trick multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new armor trick option.
The trick 'Protected Limbs' is not legal for Pathfinder Society Heavy Armor Tricks

Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 9
These armor tricks are most common among the various Hellknight orders, though their secrets have spread to other organizations and fighter schools. Such armor tricks utilize the mass and heft of heavy armor, and don’t function when you’re wearing heavy armor that uses magic or materials to be treated as medium armor for any purpose, unless the heavy armor trick says otherwise.

Blade among the Folds (Sleight of Hand 3 ranks): You are adept at concealing small weapons in your armor. While wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a light melee weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow, within your armor. In addition, a searcher doesn’t gain the usual +4 bonus on Perception checks to find the hidden weapon as long as you are wearing your armor, even if the searcher frisks you. This trick functions even in heavy armor that uses magic or materials to be treated as medium armor.
Protected Limbs (Combat Expertise): Whenever you attempt a disarm, grapple, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check, you gain a +4 bonus to your AC against any attack of opportunity you provoke as a result of attempting the combat maneuver check, and to your CMD against any combat maneuver your foe attempts against you before the beginning of your next turn.
Shrug It Off (Great Fortitude): Once per day as an immediate action, when you are hit by a confirmed critical hit or sneak attack, you can direct the blow to the thickest section of your armor to lessen the damage dealt. This reduces the attack to dealing its minimum damage, though it remains a successful critical hit or sneak attack (the minimum damage calculated includes all additional dice for the critical hit or sneak attack, and any abilities that apply due to it being a critical hit or sneak attack function normally). You can use this ability a second time each day when your base attack bonus reaches +4, and an additional time per day for every 4 points of bonus you accrue thereafter.
Steel-Plated Smasher (Power Attack): You gain a bonus equal to 1/4 of your armor’s armor check penalty (not including any reduction to the armor check penalty from class features or feats) on Strength checks to break doors and objects with less hardness than your armor. When your base attack bonus reaches +8, this bonus increases to 1/2 your armor’s armor check penalty. When your base attack bonus reaches +16, this bonus increases to equal your armor’s full armor check penalty.
PFS Legal Light Armor Tricks

Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 8
Light armor tricks are rarely taught in formal schools, though some can be learned from experienced Freemen on the streets of Kaer Maga or the leaders of the Bloody Barbers thieves’ guild in Absalom. These armor tricks are often used to supplement the modest defense provided by lighter armors by maximizing flexibility and mobility.

Combat Acrobatics (Int 13, Combat Expertise, Acrobatics 3 ranks): You have trained yourself to expose only armored sections of your body when performing flips and rolls, leaving you less distracted by concerns about being struck in combat. You are not considered flat-footed when using Acrobatics to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling, and do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while doing so. Additionally, if you use Combat Expertise to increase your AC, the DC for you to use Acrobatics to move through a threatened square at full speed without provoking an attack of opportunity by 10 does not increase.

Reactive Mobility (Mobility, Nimble Moves): Practice has honed your reactions so that you react quickly and instinctively to threats. You add your dodge bonus granted by Mobility to your AC against all attacks of opportunity that you provoke, not just against those that are caused when you move out of or within a threatened area.

Reflexive Mobility (Combat Reflexes, Mobility): You have learned to sacrifice an opportunity to wound an opponent in order to avoid being wounded yourself. When you provoke an attack of opportunity from an opponent, you can expend one of your own potential attacks of opportunity for that round to double the bonus to your AC that you gain from the Mobility feat against that attack. This benefit applies to all attacks of opportunity that you provoke with the same action. If you are unable to take any more attacks of opportunity this turn, you cannot use this ability.
Sliding Charge (Improved Trip, base attack bonus +4): You can use your momentum to confound you
r opponents. Whenever you charge an opponent and attempt a trip combat maneuver check against that opponent as a melee attack, you can drop to the ground as a swift action in order to slide into your target. When doing so, you add your Dexterity bonus (up to your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus) to the combat maneuver check. Whether or not you succeed at the check, you are prone at the end of your charge.
PFS Legal Medium Armor Tricks

Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 8
Many of these armor tricks originated in Andoran and are employed by various branches of the Eagle Knights, who highly value the greater protection provided by medium armor but want to retain f lexibility and agility in combat. Armor Focus, which is a prerequisite for two of these tricks, can be found on page 16.

Acrobatic Sit-Up (Mobility, Acrobatics 5 ranks): You have developed the ability to recover from a fall and attack an opponent in a single f luid movement. Whenever you are prone, you can make an attack against a single foe and stand from prone without provoking an attack of opportunity from that foe. Make a single melee attack against one target without the normal penalties for attacking while prone. If you hit your target, you can immediately stand from prone (normally a move action) without provoking an attack of opportunity from that target for doing so. Any other target that threatens you can still make an attack of opportunity against you. If your attack fails, you provoke attacks of opportunity from all threatening foes and cannot stand until your next turn.
Heavy Versatility (Armor Focus, Armor Trick [Heavy Armor]): You take advantage of all the defensive capabilities your armor can offer. You can treat medium armor as heavy armor for the purpose of which armor tricks you can perform in it.
Light Versatility (Armor Focus, Armor Trick [Light Armor]): You are so comfortable in your armor that it seems lighter than it is. You can treat medium armor as light armor for the purpose of what armor tricks you can perform in it.
Roll into the Blow (Mobility): You keep your wits about you when attacked and can turn the situation to your advantage. Once per day when you are hit by an attack of opportunity, you can lunge toward your attacker, throwing it off-balance. The attacker takes a –4 penalty on all melee attack rolls until the beginning of its next turn. You can use this ability a second time each day when your base attack bonus reaches +4, and an additional time per day for every 4 points of bonus you accrue thereafter.
Versatile Armor (Combat Expertise): You can adjust how you present yourself and maneuver in your armor to maximize your speed and mobility or to maximize your defenses. While using your armor for speed, your movement is not affected by your armor and its armor check penalty and armor bonus to AC both decrease by 2. While using your armor for defense, your armor’s check penalty increases by 3 and its armor bonus to AC increases by 1. Adjusting how you use your armor is a move action, and the adjustment remains until you change it, take off your armor, or lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:18:12 由 黎白羽 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-06, 周三 13:31:46 »
甲隙藏刃 Blade among the Folds (巧手 3 級):你擅長在盔甲中隱藏小型武器。當你穿著重甲,在你的盔甲中隱藏輕型武器或者容易隱蔽的遠程武器如飛鏢、投石索或者手弩時,在巧手檢定上獲得+2加值。此外,只要你穿著你的盔甲,那麼即使搜查者懷疑你藏有武器,也無法在察覺檢定上具有通常會有的+4加值。該技法即使在因魔法或材料被視為中甲時也依然生效。

You are adept at concealing small weapons in your armor. While wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a light melee weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow, within your armor. In addition, a searcher doesn't gain the usual +4 bonus on Perception checks to find the hidden weapon as long as you are wearing your armor, even if the searcher frisks you. This trick functions even in heavy armor that uses magic or materials to be treated as medium armor.


Your Sleight of Hand check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone observing you or of anyone frisking you. In the latter case, the searcher gains a +4 bonus on the Perception check, since it's generally easier to find such an object than to hide it.

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Re: 休息一下,就看一个(恩)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-12-06, 周三 15:55:37 »

