作者 主题: 绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of DELTA GREEN)简介  (阅读 16922 次)

副标题: “After the summer of the 1950s, now comes the fall...”

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绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of DELTA GREEN)简介
« 于: 2019-01-23, 周三 17:58:37 »
The Fall of DELTA GREEN是Pelgrane Press经过Arc Dream授权之后出版的DG“前传”,背景设定在美帝命途多舛的1960年代,DG一度解散成为地下组织的前夕。
规则上用的是与ToC以及Pelgrande的一大串其他游戏相近的侦探系统(GUMSHOE System),不过也引入了DG本身也有的人际关系(Bond)。

下文是对本书封底和简介章节的简要摸鱼翻译。同样地,如果有兴趣,请 占坑动工 支持正版



印斯茅斯突袭(The Innsmouth Raid)揭晓了克苏鲁崇拜这一对现实本身的超自然威胁的存在。而更糟糕的事情却仍然隐藏着:纳粹巫师、米戈集脑者、食尸鬼、噩梦维度,以及一尊传播末日仪式的无头之神。最为糟糕的是,在MAJESTIC计划之下,联邦政府盲目的力求将这些高危的的外星秘密化为武器。
劇透 -   :
Forty years ago, in 1928, the U.S. government destroyed the small town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts.
The Innsmouth Raid uncovered the Cthulhu cult, an unnatural threat to reality itself. Worse things lie hidden: Nazi sorcerers, Mi-Go brain harvesters, corpse eating ghouls, nightmare dimensions, and a headless god offering apocalyptic rituals. Worst of all, under the MAJESTIC program of the federal government blindly strives to weaponize these toxic alien secrets.
You are an agent of DELTA GREEN, a Top Secret classified black program, authorized but unacknowledged by the United States security establishment.
Your mission: Search out and destroy the unnatural at home and abroad. At all costs. At any cost.

劇透 -   :
Murder cults rise in the Middle East and in California.
Riots against reality paralyze Paris. Russian spies undermine governments.
American forces fight secret wars around the world, and pour fire and poison onto the jungles and villages of Vietnam.
Space probes touch down on other worlds. People feel the light of invisible suns.
In 1968, that's just the headlines.
In the shadows, still fouler forces lurk. A sociopathic conspiracy offers the Earth to Nyarlathotep. The Mafia obeys inhuman commands. A Yellow Sign gleams in Cuba, and in San Francisco. Invisible torturers flow out of China. The world is going mad. The stars are coming right.
The 1960s begin in sunny optimism and end in nighted disaster in the jungles of Indochina. After the summer of the 1950s, now comes the fall...
« 上次编辑: 2019-03-05, 周二 16:49:59 由 Rincewind »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-01-23, 周三 19:05:36 »

——H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特,《奈亚拉托提普 Nyarlathotep》

劇透 -   :
A quagmire overseas chews up American forces.
Apocalyptic cults rise in the Middle East, riots paralyze Paris, and Russia move aggressively into Europe.
The United States wages secret war around the globe while its social fabric shreds and its cities crackle with gunfire.
New technologies, new sciences, and new music revolutionize our lives.
The Earth’s ecology teeters at the brink of toxic ruin.
The Stars are coming right.
It is 1968.

何谓绿色三角洲? / What is DELTA GREEN?
绿色三角洲是一个为美国国家安全机构所认可、但却不被官方承认的黑色项目(black program)。其中的人员来自联邦政府的各个部门,尤其是军队、执法部门、以及情报部门。这个任务被划定为最高机密,只有获得了绿色三角洲的许可的人,才能知道它的存在、以及它的任务。这个项目在五角大楼有一小批常设工作人员,但其特工都是秘密行动的。
劇透 -   :
DELTA GREEN is an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment. Its personnel are tasked from all branches of the federal government, especially from the military, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. The program is classified Top Secret, with its existence and mission known only to holders of the DELTA GREEN clearance. The program has a small permanent staff deep in the bowels of the Pentagon, but its agents operate in secret.
The program buries DELTA GREEN missions inside other ongoing military operations, or disguises them as training exercises, liaison work, or entirely unrelated investigations. DELTA GREEN agents hold normal federal postings in the military, CIA, FBI, NSA, or some other agency. Their employers never understand the real mission of the program.
      DELTA GREEN began with the raid on Innsmouth, Massachusetts forty years ago, in February 1928. That raid revealed a literally apocalyptic threat to the United States, and to the world. It gave the federal government a glimpse into a parallel physics and biology of alien gods and immortal monsters. Even the briefest contact with these phenomena destroys minds and lives; the touch of the unnatural corrupts and poisons those who study it and those who oppose it. Encounters with this implacably hostile, unutterably incomprehensible universe have leveled civilizations and sunk continents.
      The mission of DELTA GREEN: Hunt and destroy any and all aspects of this unnatural reality at home and abroad. At any cost.

何谓《绿色三角洲之秋》 / What is The Fall of DELTA GREEN?
本书将Arc Dream出版社的《绿色三角洲角色扮演游戏(Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game)》用Pelgrane Press的“侦探”规则系统(GUMSHOE rules system)进行了改编,《Night’s Black Agents》[5]与《克苏鲁迷踪(Trail of Cthulhu)》也使用了这一系统。
   Arc Dream将《绿色三角洲角色扮演游戏》设立在了“当下”,21世纪早期。而《绿色三角洲之秋》则作为“前传”、将年代设定在前一款游戏的背景之中;具体而言,是1960年代,绿色三角洲项目于过度扩张之中自我瓦解的十年。
   1970年6月24日,参谋长联合会议(the Joint Chiefs of Staff)正式解散了绿色三角洲,从那以后,它成了一个潜藏在联邦政府之间的非法密谋机构。
∆ 在大西洋之下搜寻深潜者,或是在喜马拉雅山之上追捕米-戈。
∆ 调查纽约的激进艺术家们、或是旧金山的激进化学家们所产生过的危险幻觉。
∆ 在刚果或是越南的腹地,寻找并摧毁崇拜异星神明的拜死邪教。
∆ 在美国广阔的中心区域、或是为暴乱所苦的城市里,以某种方式控制并抹除存在于显现于其中的恐怖之物与诡异梦魇。
∆ 保护绿色三角洲的秘密,防止其被调查记者、共产主义间谍、以及他们在CIA和FBI的友军发现。
∆ 调查并在暗中阻挠MAJESTIC-12与其它技术官僚,他们愚蠢地相信超自然力量能够加以开发、成为武器。
劇透 -   :
This game adapts Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game from Arc Dream Publishing to the GUMSHOE rules system used by such Pelgrane Press games as Night’s Black Agents and Trail of Cthulhu.
      Arc Dream sets Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game in the “present day,” the early 21st century. The Fall of DELTA GREEN is a “prequel” set in that game’s back story: specifically in the 1960s, the decade when the DELTA GREEN program destroys itself in overreach.
      On 24 July 1970, the Joint Chiefs of Staff officially disband DELTA GREEN, and it becomes an illegal conspiracy burrowing into the walls of the federal government.
      Until that date, you have a warrant to save the country and the world.
      Players take on the role of DELTA GREEN operatives, assets, and friendlies, in deadly one-shot adventures or in a campaign spanning the years from hope to madness. DELTA GREEN Agents might:
∆ Hunt Deep Ones beneath the Atlantic or Mi-Go in the Himalayas
∆ Investigate the dangerous visions of radical artists in New York, or of radical chemists in San Francisco
∆ Search and destroy death-cults of alien gods in the dark heart of the Congo or Vietnam
∆ Somehow contain and erase horrific manifestations and unearthly nightmares in the wide-open heartland and in the riot-torn cities of America
∆ Preserve the secret of DELTA GREEN against investigative journalists, Communist espionage, and their own allies in the CIA and FBI
∆ Investigate and covertly thwart MAJESTIC-12 and other secret technocrats who foolishly believe the unnatural can be exploited and weaponized

The decade begins in sunny optimism and ends in nighted disaster in the jungles of Indochina.
After the summer of the 1950s, now comes the fall – the Fall of DELTA GREEN.

[1] 译文取自trow,译者玖羽。
[2] 暗指越战。
[3] 当年5月,法国爆发学生运动,许多人罢工示威,整个法国陷入瘫痪。史称“五月风暴”。
[4] 捷克斯洛伐克的“布拉格之春”运动爆发于同年。八月,苏联向捷克斯洛伐克派遣军队,令“布拉格之春”运动戛然而止。
[5] 同一家出版社出版的、使用同一套系统的恐怖规则。玩家们扮演为私人雇主服务的特工,然后渐渐发现、他们的上司是吸血鬼……

类似的,这个游戏将主持人或者说GM(或者,如果你熟悉《克苏鲁迷踪》的话,守秘人)称为主管(Handler),这是“特工主管(asset handler)”的略称。尽管行话充满味道,但由主持人控制的角色并没有特殊称呼,仍旧被称为主持人角色(GMC)。
劇透 -   :
DELTA GREEN employs many officers, assets, analysts, and operatives – in a word, agents — all over the world. This game uses the capitalized term “Agent” for player-character DELTA GREEN personnel. Not all DELTA GREEN agents are Agents; only the ones you’re portraying at your table.
Similarly, this game refers to the Game Master or GM (or Keeper, if you’re familiar with Trail of Cthulhu) as the Handler, a contraction of “asset handler.” Flavorful jargon notwithstanding, remain Game-Master Characters (GMCs).
大写字母之咏叹 / Capital Letter Blues
劇透 -   :
While we’re talking terminology, this book uses DELTA GREEN (in all capitals) when referring to the active black program and its clearance. It capitalizes other government projects and programs likewise.
Other works on the Delta Green setting, such as Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, use mixed case (like that) to reinforce that even without federal authorization, Delta Green continues. This book uses mixed case when referring to the larger Delta Green setting created in 1992 and continuing even now.


[6]“南方盛情(Southern Hospitality)”代指一种刻板印象,即“美国南部居民都热情好客”。
劇透 -   :
A single unit of Fall of DELTA GREEN play is called a session.
A single Fall of DELTA GREEN mystery (what other games call a scenario or an adventure) is called an operation. In the game universe, DELTA GREEN operations have code names for security: Operation KURTZ, Operation OBSIDIAN, etc. Some operations take many sessions of play to complete. An “operation” for game purposes may only be a small part of a full DELTA GREEN Operation – Operation SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY went on for eight years!
DELTA GREEN agents sometimes call an operation a “day at the races,” or a “Red Queen’s Race,” referring to an incident in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass in which Alice and the Queen run all day to stay in the same spot. Other, older agents sometimes claim the phrase “day at the races” comes from former DELTA GREEN Director Cook’s habit at the beginning of an operation of holding confidential briefings at the Laurel Park thoroughbred racetrack, a location almost impossible to bug or to tail a target from.

何谓侦探系统? / What is GUMSHOE?

       查看你的角色表。大部分角色表里会包含了一个能力列表,游戏开始时,你花费点数购买这些能力,在每场冒险之后(或者,如果已经积累起了若干点数的话,在一场游戏的当中),你还能再追加花费点数。你在一个能力上花费的总点数就是它的等级,一般以如下方式表示:运动 5。当你在某项能力中消耗点数的时候,你是从对应的能力池中消耗的。在你消耗点数和刷新的时候,你的能力池可能增加或减少:如果你为爬上防风栅栏消耗了2点运动,那么你的运动能力池就会变为3点,但你的运动能力等级仍然是5。
       角色表中列出的调查能力永远能够够生效,即使那个能力的等级只有1,能力池只有0。例如,历史 1代表着你在这一领域积累了充分的阅读与训练;而历史 3能够让你扮演一个世界级的专家,如果你乐意的话。到了似乎与之相关的情境,你需要做的只是告诉主管你有这个能力——他会告诉你在这个场景中你需要找到的线索。有些时候,主管甚至会主动提示你们:“谁的天文学等级最高?”而对于社交能力,例如威胁或是交涉,你或许会需要一些扮演来有机地获取对应的消息。

劇透 -   :
GUMSHOE uses only one six-sided die for game resolution.
    The abbreviation “d” stands for the result of the rolling one die. The notation “d+1” for example means of “the result of one die plus 1.” Most hand weapon damage in GUMSHOE falls between d-2(fist) and d+1 (heavy firearm).   
    Occasionally this book uses “1d6” mean the result of one die roll, or "1d3" to mean the result of one die roll divided by two. This is usually in text
where a simple “d” or “d/2” would be confusing.

劇透 -   :

GUMSHOE games are about solving mysteries by accumulating clues. In GUMSHOE, if you have the ability, you get the clue. No roll needed.
    Check your character sheet. Most of it is a list of abilities. You buy points in those abilities at the beginning of the game, and can add points to them after each adventure (or if you’ve saved some points to add in the middle of play). The total number of points you’ve bought in an ability is its rating, usually expressed this way: Athletics 5. As you spend points from that ability, you’re spending from its pool. Your pool can go up or down as you spend and refresh: If you spend 2 points of Athletics to help scale a cyclone fence, your Athletics pool is 3, but your Athletics rating stays Athletics 5.
    The Investigative abilities listed there always work, even if you only have a rating of 1 and a pool of 0. History 1, for example, indicates you’re well-trained and well-read; History 3 lets you play a world-class expert if you like. Whenever it seems relevant, all you need to do is tell the Handler you have the ability – she’ll give you the clue you need from that scene. Sometimes, the Handler will even prompt you: “Who’s got the best Astronomy?” For Interpersonal abilities like Intimidation or Negotiation, you may roleplay your ability a bit to get the information organically.
    You can spend Investigative points to get special benefits: more information, better reactions from GMCs, a juicy roleplaying moment like a flashback, or even a bonus in a future contest if you spend well. Like using abilities for free, the Handler might offer a spend: “Who wants to spend a point of Astronomy?” Spends are story currency: when you spend, you’re saying: “My character can add something cool to this scene”; when the Handler offers a spend, she’s saying “There’s something cool beneath the surface, if you want it.” Spend if you want to: even if you spend your Investigative pool down to 0, the ability will still always get you a core clue. Your Investigative ability pools usually refresh at the end of the scenario.
    General abilities, by contrast, might fail. They don’t fail if you use them investigatively: Drive doesn’t fail if you’re identifying a car. But if you’re trying to take a high-speed turn on a muddy Cuban cliff road in a Jeep, Drive can fail in any number of exciting ways. A General ability rating of 0 represents, at best, bare civilian competence: with Drive 0 you can drive to the store and maybe even parallel park. Drive 8 represents serious mastery; you’re the team’s wheel artist.
    To test a General ability, if you have a rating in it, roll a six-sided die. Compare the result to a Difficulty set by the Handler, from 2 (very easy) to 8 (near impossible) or even higher. If you match or exceed the Difficulty, you succeed! An average, somewhat challenging task has a Difficulty of 4, so you succeed half the time. To try for a better result, you spend points from your pool. Roll the die and add your spend. Don’t be shy about spending: the dangers facing DELTA GREEN are best stopped quickly. Your pool will refresh when your character has a chance to rest.

That’s all! Welcome to The Fall of DELTA GREEN.
« 上次编辑: 2020-10-02, 周五 17:07:58 由 Rincewind »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

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Re: 绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of Delta Green)简介
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-02-25, 周一 08:25:07 »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

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Re: 绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of DELTA GREEN)简介
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-03-06, 周五 20:25:57 »

离线 Coffee G

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Re: 绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of DELTA GREEN)简介
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-03-07, 周六 01:21:44 »
一個機翻狗  以下是機翻咚咚
Reign-Companies rule:http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=131746.0

另外目前還在坑底慢慢弄或未發的東西:Gundog、少前同人系統、梵天狗校對、Mahō Shōjo  歡迎內洽

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Re: 绿色三角洲之秋(The Fall of DELTA GREEN)简介
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-03-07, 周六 02:01:22 »


同样地,如果有兴趣,请 占坑动工 支持正版