作者 主题: 【第二章】游荡剑客变体(Swashbuckler Archetypes)  (阅读 21288 次)

副标题: 完坑,中规中矩的变体|校对:沉沦

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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金牌箭客(Arrow Champion)【游荡剑客】


金牌箭客派头(Arrow Champion's Panache,Ex):金牌箭客只有在以轻型、单手穿刺近战武器,又或者是弓(长弓、短弓、复合长弓或者复合短弓)造成致命一击时才能恢复时髦值。


 该炫技替代了适时格挡反击(opportune parry and riposte)炫技。

 精密瞄准(Precise Aim,Ex):3级时,当金牌箭客以轻型或单手穿刺近战武器进行攻击时,金牌箭客能将其游荡剑客等级加到自己造成的伤害上,其如同游荡剑客的精确刺击炫技一般。而当目标距离金牌箭客30尺以内时,金牌箭客可以将1/4的游荡剑客等级加到以弓攻击造成的伤害上。此外,金牌箭客也可以通过一个迅捷动作消耗1点时髦来将该能力的范围扩大至她的弓的第一个射程增量。有别于通常的游荡剑客,金牌箭客无法花费时髦来使额外伤害翻倍。
 该炫技改变了精确刺击(precise strike)炫技。

 闪电切装(Swift Switch,Ex):3级时,若金牌箭客至少还有1点时髦,则她能以一个迅捷动作收起或拔出一把没有隐藏的弓,或是一柄轻型、单手穿刺近战武器,且不会因此招致借机攻击。若金牌箭客花费1点时髦,则她能以一个直觉动作进行上述任一行为。此外,若金牌箭客具有即时备战(Quick Draw)专长且一只手为空,则她能在同一个迅捷动作内收起一把武器并拔出一把没有隐藏的武器,但这两柄武器中其中一把必须是弓,而另一把是轻型或单手近战武器才行。若金牌箭客花费1点时髦,则她能通过一个直觉动作进行上述切换。
 该炫技替代了游荡剑客之反应(swashbuckler’s initiative)炫技。

 虚晃一箭(Archer’s Feint,Ex):7级时,当金牌箭客用弓命中30尺范围内的某一敌人时,她能选择放弃伤害并以迅捷动作进行一次唬骗检定来对该敌人使用虚招。若检定通过,则金牌箭客在获得通常虚招好处的同时,在金牌箭客下回合结束前,她的下一次近战攻击里来自精确瞄准炫技的额外伤害翻倍。
 该炫技替代了迅捷佯攻(superior feint)炫技。

器变武通(Weapon Versatility,Ex):5级时,金牌箭客能像使用近战武器般,以弓准确无误地使出精妙的技巧。只要金牌箭客的游荡剑客等级足够高,她就能在用弓对30尺以内的目标进行攻击时使用伤口出血(bleeding wound),死亡突刺(deadly stab),威胁剑舞(Menacing Swordplay),完美穿刺(perfect thrust)以及精确瞄准(targeted strike)炫技。若金牌箭客花费了1点时髦来增加其精密瞄准能力的范围,则该能力的范围也会获得同样提升。
这替代了游荡剑客武器训练(swashbuckler weapon training)。

精通器变武通(Versatile Weapon Mastery,Ex):20级时,金牌箭客在使用弓、轻型或单手穿刺近战武器时会获得游荡剑客武器大师(swashbuckler weapon mastery)的好处。
这改变了游荡剑客武器大师(swashbuckler weapon mastery)。
劇透 -  原文:

While the swashbuckler’s agile style of combat is equally suited to urban settings and wilderness, the bow and arrow is an indispensable asset in open areas and harsh terrain where fancy footwork isn’t enough to close the distance or dodge the enemy’s arrows.

Arrow Champion’s Panache (Ex): An arrow champion regains panache when she makes a killing blow with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon or a bow (a longbow, shortbow, composite longbow, or composite shortbow). This alters panache.

Deeds: An arrow champion gains the following deeds, each of which replaces an existing deed.

Retaliation (Ex): When a foe hits the arrow champion with an attack, she can spend 1 panache point to make a retaliatory attack of opportunity against that foe. If the triggering attack is a melee attack, she can retaliate with a melee attack using a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, provided the creature is within her reach. If the triggering attack is a ranged attack, she can retaliate with a ranged attack using a bow, provided that the creature is within 30 feet of her. This deed’s cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the number of panache points a deed costs. This deed replaces opportune parry and riposte.

Precise Aim (Ex): At 3rd level, when attacking with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, an arrow champion can add her swashbuckler level to the damage she deals, as the swashbuckler’s precise strike deed. She can also add one-quarter of her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt when attacking with a bow, but the target must be within 30 feet of her. As a swift action, an arrow champion can spend 1 panache point to increase the range of the effect to her bow’s first range increment. Unlike a normal swashbuckler, an arrow champion cannot spend panache to double the extra damage. This deed alters precise strike.

Swift Switch (Ex): At 3rd level, while the arrow champion has at least 1 panache point, she can sheathe or draw an unhidden light or one-handed piercing melee weapon or a bow as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If the arrow champion spends 1 panache point, she can perform either action as an immediate action. In addition, if she has the Quick Draw feat and one of her hands is free, she can sheathe a weapon and draw an unhidden weapon as part of the same swift action, provided that one of the weapons is a bow and the other is a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon. If she spends 1 panache point, she can perform the switch as an immediate action. This deed replaces swashbuckler’s initiative.

Archer’s Feint (Ex): At 7th level, when the arrow champion hits a foe within 30 feet with a bow attack, she can forgo the damage and instead attempt a Bluff check to feint against that foe as a swift action. If successful, in addition to the normal benefits of feinting, she doubles the extra damage from precise aim on her next melee attack before the end of her next turn. This deed replaces superior feint.

Weapon Versatility (Ex): At 5th level, an arrow champion learns to use precision-based tricks just as accurately with her bow as with her melee weapons. Provided that her swashbuckler level is high enough, she can use the bleeding wound, deadly stab, menacing swordplay, perfect thrust, stunning stab, and targeted strike deeds when attacking with a bow, so long as her target is within 30 feet. If she spends a panache point to increase the range of her precise aim ability, the increased range applies to this ability as well. This replaces swashbuckler weapon training.

Versatile Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, an arrow champion gains the benefits of swashbuckler weapon mastery when using a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon or a bow. This alters swashbuckler weapon mastery.




本职技能(Class Skills):荒野神行客知识(自然)、隐匿和生存加入本职技能列表,把知识(贵族)、察言观色和巧手从本职技能列表中移除。


 诡遁(Subterfug,EX):荒野神行客能将隐匿加入到适用于大胆特技(derring-do)的技能列表当中。15级时,她能将隐匿加入可以通过游荡剑客之骄傲(Swashbuckler’s Edge)炫技来取10的技能列表当中。
 该炫技替代了闪避派头(dodging panache),同时调整了大胆特技(derring-do)以及游荡剑客之骄傲(swashbuckler’s edge)炫技。

 巧步(Adroit Step,Ex):3级时,荒野神行客能通过一个迅捷动作将某一5尺困难地形视作为正常地形。若她同时选择花费1点时髦,则其可以在自己的回合结束前将所有的困难地形视作为正常地形。

 锐目(Keen Gaze,Ex):11级时,若荒野神行客至少还有1点时髦,则其能忽视由普通或魔法的雾气、烟雾以及树丛造成的隐蔽失手率(但不能是全隐蔽),但她无法忽视由其它原因造成的隐蔽或是失手率,比如说朦胧术
 该炫技替代了狡猾之刃(subtle blade)炫技。
劇透 -  原文:

Most swashbucklers call cities their home, but some prefer deserts, marshlands, mountains, or woods, where the rough terrain grants them an advantage, and have little interest in the comforts of an urban lifestyle.

Class Skills: A wildstrider gains Knowledge (nature), Stealth, and Survival as class skills, but does not gain Knowledge (nobility), Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand as class skills. This alters the swashbuckler’s class skills.

Deeds: A wildstrider gains the following deeds, each of which replaces an existing deed.

Subterfuge (Ex): A wildstrider adds Stealth to the list of skills to which the derring-do deed applies. At 15th level, she adds Stealth to the list of skills on which she can take 10 using the swashbuckler’s edge deed. This deed replaces dodging panache and alters derring-do and swashbuckler’s edge.

Adroit Step (Ex): At 3rd level, a wildstrider can use a swift action to treat a 5-foot square of difficult terrain as if it were normal terrain. If she also spends a panache point, she can treat all difficult terrain as though it were normal terrain until the end of her turn. This deed replaces kip-up.

Keen Gaze (Ex): At 11th level, while a wildstrider has at least 1 panache point, she can ignore the miss chance from concealment (but not total concealment) caused by normal and magical fog, smoke, and undergrowth, but not other sources of concealment or a miss chance, such as blur. This deed replaces subtle blade.


离线 笨哈

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Re: 【UW】遊蕩劍客變體
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-05-30, 周三 01:03:46 »
where the rough terrain grants them an advantage



詭遁(Subterfug,EX):荒野神行客能將隱匿加入到適用於大膽特技(derring-do)的技能列表當中。15級時,她能將隱匿加入可以通過遊蕩劍客之驕傲(Swashbuckler’s Edge)炫技來取10的技能列表當中。該炫技替代了閃避派頭(dodging panache),同時調整了大膽特技以及遊蕩劍客之驕傲炫技。

巧步(Adroit Step,Ex):3級時,荒野神行客能通過一個迅捷動作將某一5尺困難地形視作為正常地形。若他同時選擇花費1點時髦,則其可以在自己的回合結束前將所有的困難地形視作為正常地形。該炫技替代了鯉魚打挺(kip-up)炫技。

銳目(Keen Gaze,Ex):11級時,若荒野神行客至少還有1點時髦,則其能忽視由普通或魔法的霧氣,煙霧以及樹叢造成的隱蔽失手率(但不能是全隱蔽),但他無法忽視由其他原因造成的隱蔽或是失手率,比如說朦朧術。該炫技替代了狡猾之刃(subtle blade)炫技。



« 上次编辑: 2018-05-30, 周三 01:09:21 由 笨哈 »

离线 白药君

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Re: 【UW】遊蕩劍客變體
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-05-30, 周三 11:39:01 »
where the rough terrain grants them an advantage



詭遁(Subterfug,EX):荒野神行客能將隱匿加入到適用於大膽特技(derring-do)的技能列表當中。15級時,她能將隱匿加入可以通過遊蕩劍客之驕傲(Swashbuckler’s Edge)炫技來取10的技能列表當中。該炫技替代了閃避派頭(dodging panache),同時調整了大膽特技以及遊蕩劍客之驕傲炫技。

巧步(Adroit Step,Ex):3級時,荒野神行客能通過一個迅捷動作將某一5尺困難地形視作為正常地形。若他同時選擇花費1點時髦,則其可以在自己的回合結束前將所有的困難地形視作為正常地形。該炫技替代了鯉魚打挺(kip-up)炫技。

銳目(Keen Gaze,Ex):11級時,若荒野神行客至少還有1點時髦,則其能忽視由普通或魔法的霧氣,煙霧以及樹叢造成的隱蔽失手率(但不能是全隱蔽),但他無法忽視由其他原因造成的隱蔽或是失手率,比如說朦朧術。該炫技替代了狡猾之刃(subtle blade)炫技。



于是修正完毕,感谢宝贵意见 :em031

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Re: 【UW】游荡剑客变体
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-05-30, 周三 13:26:23 »

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Re: 【UW】【极限荒野】游荡剑客变体
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-06-18, 周一 10:27:40 »

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Re: 【UW】【极限荒野】游荡剑客变体
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-06-26, 周二 11:10:39 »
劇透 -   :
图都哪里找的 :em032

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Re: 【UW】【极限荒野】游荡剑客变体
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-06-26, 周二 11:25:39 »

cutting angle

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Re: 【UW】【极限荒野】游荡剑客变体
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-06-29, 周五 23:11:40 »

cutting angle
