作者 主题: 【GMG】第7章- 位面规则 PLANAR  (阅读 19863 次)


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【GMG】第7章- 位面规则 PLANAR
« 于: 2017-02-03, 周五 18:05:32 »
劇透 -   :
Beyond the mundane world of humans, elves, gnomes, and dwarves lie vast realms known as the planes of existence. Almost limitless in size and potential, the various planes embody the fundamental aspects of reality: alignments, elements, energies, and so on. Each plane is a universe unto itself; it follows its own natural laws and has its own unique inhabitants—the outsiders that occasionally visit or are summoned to the mortal world, be they gods, angels, demons, devils, or even stranger creatures. Literally anything is possible on the planes, making them a perfect location for exotic, terrifying, wondrous, and deadly adventures


物质位面Material Plane:物质位面是所有位面中最接近地球的,它遵从于我们的现实世界相同的自然规律。它也是大多数冒险的默认位面。

过渡位面Transitive Planes:这三个位面有一个共同特点:它们都在从一个地点移动到另一个地点时被利用到。星界(虽然严格来说属于外层位面)是联结所有其他位面的通路,而与物质位面相连的灵界和影界则都作为物质位面中的交通要道。这些位面和物质位面有着最强烈的规律性互动,也能用多种法术来前往。它们中也有着土著居民。

内层位面Inner Planes:这六个位面是构建宇宙最基础的砖石的显化。它们每一个都由单一种能量或元素所组成(压倒性地超过了其他所有元素或能量)。特定内层位面的土著也由与位面相同的能力或元素所组成。内层位面包括负能量位面,正能量位面你,气元素位面,土元素位面,火元素位面和水元素位面

外层位面Outer Planes:神祇,以及天界生物,魔族和其他异界生物都居住在外层位面。每一个外层位面都有着代表特定道德观或伦理观的阵营,而每个位面中的土著也倾向于与位面的阵营表现一致。外层位面也是永恒的安息之所,有些是平静的内省,有些则是永恒的诅咒。外层位面包括末日荒原,深渊,极乐原野,天堂,地狱,边缘(大漩涡),涅槃境,判魂炼地(骨园)和烏托邦(轴心城)。


劇透 -   :
What is a Plane?
The planes of existence are different realities with interwoven connections. Except for rare linking points, each plane is effectively its own universe, with its own natural laws. The planes break down into a number of general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the demiplanes.

Material Plane: The Material Plane is the most Earthlike of all the planes, and operates under the same set of natural laws that our own world does. This is the default plane for most adventures.

Transitive Planes: These three planes have one important common characteristic: each is used to get from one place to another. The Astral Plane (although technically an Outer Plane) is a conduit to all other planes, while the Ethereal Plane and the Shadow Plane both serve as means of transportation within the Material Plane, which they're connected to. These planes have the strongest regular interaction with the Material Plane and can be accessed using various spells. They have native inhabitants as well.

Inner Planes: These six planes are manifestations of the basic building blocks of the universe. Each is made up of a single type of energy or element that overwhelms all others. The natives of a particular Inner Plane are made of the same energy or element as the plane itself. The Negative Energy Plane, the Positive Energy Plane, the Plane of Air, the Plane of Earth, the Plane of Fire, and the Plane of Water are all Inner Planes.

Outer Planes: The deities live on the Outer Planes, as do creatures such as celestials, fiends, and other outsiders. Each of the Outer Planes has an alignment representing a particular moral or ethical outlook, and the natives of each plane tend to behave in agreement with that plane's alignment. The Outer Planes are also the final resting place of souls from the Material Plane, whether that final rest takes the form of calm introspection or eternal damnation. Abaddon, the Abyss, Elysium, Heaven, Hell, Limbo, Nirvana, Purgatory, and Utopia are all Outer Planes.

Demiplanes: This catch-all category covers all extradimensional spaces that function like planes but have measurable size and limited access. Other kinds of planes are theoretically infinite in size, but a demiplane might be only a few hundred feet across.
位面别名 Other Name

物质位面(material plane )宇宙(the Universe)
影界(Shadow Plane) 阴间(the Netherworld),死亡位面(Plane of Death)
负能量位面(Negative Energy Plane) 虚无(the Nothing),虚空(the Void)
正能量位面(Positive Energy Plane)造物工场(Creation`s Forge),大熔炉(the Furnace)
气元素位面(Plane of Air)无尽天空(the Endless Sky),苍穹(the Firmament)
土元素位面(Plane of Earth)不朽洞穴(the Eternal Delve),大支柱(the Foundation)
水元素位面(Plane of Water)无际之海(the Boundless Sea),深渊(the Deep)
火元素位面(Plane of Fire)永燃之焰( the Everlasting Flame),炼狱(the Inferno)
灵界(Ethereal Plane)鬼魂世界(the Ghost World),中层界(the In-Between)
星界(Astral Plane)灵魂长河(River of Souls),银路(the Silver Path),灵魂之流(the Soulstream)
末日荒原(Abaddon)欣嫩子谷(Gehenna,圣经中的地狱), 冥府(Hades,希腊冥府), 雾之国(Niflheim,北欧冥府)
深渊(The Abyss) 万魔殿(Pandemonium),外层裂缝(the Outer Rifts),塔尔塔洛斯(Tartarus,古希腊地狱)
天堂(Heaven) 阿卡迪亚(Arcadia),乐园(Paradise),七重天堂(Seven Heavens)
地狱(Hell)地狱黄泉(Hell Acheron), 大深坑(the Pit)
边缘(Limbo)/大漩涡(Maelstrom)熵域(Entropy),原初混沌(the Primal Chaos)
涅槃境(Nirvana)大荒野(Great Wilderness),欢乐猎场(Happy Hunting Ground)
判魂炼地(Purgatory)/骨园(Boneyard) 杜亚特(Duat,古埃及阴间),尘埃庭院(the House of Dust)
烏托邦(Utopia)/轴心城(Axis)永恒之城(the Eternal City),完美之城(the Perfect City)

物理特性 Physical Traits:这些特性决定了位面中的物理和自然规律,包括重力与时间如何运作。
元素和能量特性 Elemental and Energy Traits:这些特性决定了位面中哪类特定的元素或正负能量之力占有主导地位。
阵营特性 Alignment Traits:就像角色可能是守序中立或混乱善良,很多位面也和某种特定的道德或理念挂钩。
魔法特性Magic Traits:在不同的位面中魔法的运作也会有所不同;魔法特性设定了一个边界,以确定魔法在每一个位面中什么能做,什么不能做。

物理特性 Physical Traits
劇透 -   :
Planar Traits
Each plane of existence has its own properties—the natural laws of its universe. Planar traits are broken down into a number of general areas. All planes have the following kinds of traits.

Physical Traits: These traits determine the laws of physics and nature on the plane, including how gravity and time function.

Elemental and Energy Traits: The dominance of particular elemental or energy forces is determined by these traits.

Alignment Traits: Just as characters may be lawful neutral or chaotic good, many planes are tied to a particular morality or ethos.

Magic Traits: Magic works differently from plane to plane; magic traits set the boundaries for what magic can and can't do on each plane.

Physical Traits
The two most important natural laws set by physical traits are how gravity works and how time passes. Other physical traits pertain to the size and shape of a plane and how easily a plane's nature can be altered.

重力 Gravity
普通重力 Normal Gravity:大多数位面有着和物质位面相似的重力。在位面中使用属性值、负载能力(Carrying Capacity)和负重(Encumbrance)的普通规则。除非在位面描述中有说明,否则默认它拥有普通重力特性。

强重力 Heavy Gravity:拥有该特性的位面,重力会比物质位面强烈得多。作为结果,特技、攀爬、骑行和游泳检定,以及所有的攻击骰,都要受到-2环境减值。所有物品的重量翻倍,这可能会影响到角色的速度。武器的射程减半。角色的力量和敏捷属性不受影响。在强重力位面中坠落的角色,每坠落10尺会受到1d10点伤害,最高达到20d10点伤害。

弱重力 Light Gravity:拥有该特性的位面,重力会比物质位面弱得多。作为结果,生物们发现它们能拿得动更多东西。在弱重力特性位面中的角色在攻击骰、以及特技和骑术检定上获得+2环境加值。所有物品的重量减半,而武器的射程则加倍。作为结果,弱重力并不会改变力量和敏捷属性值,但的确改变了拥有特定属性值所能做到的事情。这些好处对来自其他位面的旅行者以及位面原住民(natives)都生效。在弱重力位面中坠落的角色,每坠落10尺会受到1d4点伤害(最多20d4)。

无重力 No Gravity:该特性位面中的个体仅仅会在空间中漂浮,除非其他资源能为它们提供一个重力的朝向。

目标指向重力Objective Directional Gravity:拥有该特性位面上重力的强度和物质位面相同,但是方向却不是传统的“竖直向下”指向地面。它可能会竖直指向任何固体,与位面的地表形成一定的角度,或甚至是指向上方。另外,“下”的朝向在位面的不同区域也可能会不同。

主观指向重力Subjective Directional Gravity:拥有该特性位面上重力的强度和物质位面相同,但是每个个体都能选择重力的方向。这种位面对无主物品(unattended object)和无智能生物(nonsentient creature)而言是无重力的。这类环境能让新来客摸不着头脑,但在那些“无重量”的位面里十分常见。
劇透 -   :
The direction of gravity's pull may be unusual, and it might even change directions within the plane itself.

Normal Gravity: Most planes have gravity similar to that of the Material Plane. The usual rules for ability scores, carrying capacity, and encumbrance apply. Unless otherwise noted in a plane's description, assume that it has the normal gravity trait.

Heavy Gravity: The gravity on a plane with this trait is much more intense than on the Material Plane. As a result, Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim checks incur a –2 circumstance penalty, as do all attack rolls. All item weights are effectively doubled, which might affect a character's speed. Weapon ranges are halved. A character's Strength and Dexterity scores are not affected. Characters that fall on a heavy gravity plane take 1d10 points of damage for each 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 points of damage.

Light Gravity: The gravity on a plane with this trait is less intense than on the Material Plane. As a result, creatures find that they can lift more. Characters on a plane with the light gravity trait take a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and on Acrobatics and Ride checks. All items weigh half as much, and weapon ranges double. Strength and Dexterity don't change as a result of light gravity, but what you can do with such scores does change. These advantages apply to travelers from other planes as well as natives. Falling characters on a light gravity plane take 1d4 points of damage for each 10 feet fallen (maximum 20d4).

No Gravity: Individuals on a plane with this trait merely float in space, unless other resources are available to provide a direction for gravity's pull.

Objective Directional Gravity: The strength of gravity on a plane with this trait is the same as on the Material Plane, but the direction is not the traditional "down" toward the ground. It may be down toward any solid object, at an angle to the surface of the plane itself, or even upward. In addition, the direction of "down" may vary from place to place within the plane.

Subjective Directional Gravity: The strength of gravity on a plane with this trait is the same as on the Material Plane, but each individual chooses the direction of gravity's pull. Such a plane has no gravity for unattended objects and nonsentient creatures. This sort of environment can be very disorienting to the newcomer, but it is common on "weightless" planes.

Characters on a plane with subjective directional gravity can move normally along a solid surface by imagining "down" near their feet. If suspended in midair, a character "flies" by merely choosing a "down" direction and "falling" that way. Under such a procedure, an individual "falls" 150 feet in the first round and 300 feet in each succeeding round. Movement is straight-line only. In order to stop, one has to slow one's movement by changing the designated "down" direction (again, moving 150 feet in the new direction in the first round and 300 feet per round thereafter).

It takes a DC 16 Wisdom check to set a new direction of gravity as a free action; this check can be made once per round. Any character who fails this Wisdom check in successive rounds receives a +6 bonus on subsequent checks until he or she succeeds.

时间 Time

正常时间Normal Time:这描述了物质位面中时间如何流逝。在正常时间位面中的1小时等于物质位面的1小时。除非在位面描述中有说明,否则默认它拥有正常时间特性。
不规则时间Erratic Time:某些位面中时间会减速和加速,所以个体在穿越此类位面和其他位面时可能会获得或失去时间。对这类位面的居民而言,时间正常地流动,而其流速变化则被忽视。下表可以作为参考。

d% 物质位面的时间 不规则时间位面中的时间
01-10 1天 1轮
11-40 1天 1小时
41-60 1天 1天
61-90 1小时 1天
91-100 1轮 1天

流动时间 Flowing TIme:在某些位面,时间的流动一贯地更快或更慢。一个人可能旅行到另一个位面,在那里呆了1年,然后回到物质位面时发现仅仅过了6秒。但对于旅行者以及他的物品,法术和身上正生效的效果,之前度过的那一年真实无虚。在表示时间如何在流动时间位面中运作时,通用的格式是先列出物质位面的时间流速,然后再列出另一个位面中的流速。

无时间 Timeless:在拥有该特性的位面里,时间依然流逝,但是其作用却被缩减了。无时间特性会影响某些行为或状态,例如饥饿、干渴、年岁、毒素效果以及治疗;而具体怎么影响则因位面而异。无时间位面的危险在于,一旦个体离开了此类位面进入到一个时间正常流动的位面,饥饿和年岁等状态会追溯而至。如果一个位面在魔法方面无时间,那么任何在位面中施放的持续时间不是立即的法术都会被恒定(permanent),直到被解除(dispelled)。
劇透 -   :
The rate at which time passes can vary on different planes, though it remains constant within any particular plane. Time is always subjective for the viewer. The same subjectivity applies to various planes. Travelers may discover that they gain or lose time while moving between planes, but from their point of view, time always passes naturally.

Normal Time: Describes how time passes on the Material Plane. One hour on a plane with normal time equals 1 hour on the Material Plane. Unless otherwise noted in a plane's description, assume it has the normal time trait.

Erratic Time: Some planes have time that slows down and speeds up, so an individual may lose or gain time as he moves between such planes and any others. To the denizens of such a plane, time flows naturally and the shift is unnoticed. The following is provided as an example.

d%   Time on Material Plane   Time on Erratic Time Plane
01–10   1 day   1 round
11–40   1 day   1 hour
41–60   1 day   1 day
61–90   1 hour   1 day
91–100   1 round   1 day
Flowing Time: On some planes, the flow of time is consistently faster or slower. One may travel to another plane, spend a year there, and then return to the Material Plane to find that only 6 seconds have elapsed. Everything on the plane returned to is only a few seconds older. But for that traveler and the items, spells, and effects working on him, that year away was entirely real. When designating how time works on planes with flowing time, put the Material Plane's flow of time first, followed by the flow in the other plane.

Timeless: On planes with this trait, time still passes, but the effects of time are diminished. How the timeless trait affects certain activities or conditions such as hunger, thirst, aging, the effects of poison, and healing varies from plane to plane. The danger of a timeless plane is that once an individual leaves such a plane for one where time flows normally, conditions such as hunger and aging occur retroactively. If a plane is timeless with respect to magic, any spell cast with a noninstantaneous duration is permanent until dispelled.

形状大小 Shape and Size

无限Infinite:拥有该特性的位面会无尽地延伸,不过它们中可能存在有限的组成部分(finite components)。它们也有可能由两个不断延伸的象限构成,就像一张无尽的地图一样。除非在位面描述中有说明,否则默认它拥有无限特性。

有限形态Finite Shape:拥有该特性的位面有明确的边缘或边界。这些边界可能邻接着其他位面,也可能是一些坚固的有型边疆,例如世界大陆的边缘,或是一面巨墙。半位面通常是有限的。

自包含形态Self-Contained Shape:拥有该特性的位面的边界会被位面本身所包裹,将旅行者重置于地图的另一侧。自包含的有限位面可以是一些球形的位面,但也可以是立方形、环形,或是一片平面区域(拥有能将越过边缘的旅行者传送到对侧边缘的魔法边界)。有些半位面是自包含形态的。

劇透 -   :
Shape and Size
Planes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Most planes are infinite, or at least so large that they may as well be infinite.

Infinite: Planes with this trait go on forever, though they may have finite components within them. Alternatively, they may consist of ongoing expanses in two directions, like a map that stretches out infinitely. Unless otherwise noted in its description, assume that a plane is effectively infinite.

Finite Shape: A plane with this trait has defined edges or borders. These borders may adjoin other planes or be hard, finite borders such as the edge of the world or a great wall. Demiplanes are often finite.

Self-Contained Shape: On planes with this trait, the borders wrap in on themselves, depositing the traveler on the other side of the map. Some spherical planes are examples of self-contained, finite planes, but they can also be cubes, tori, or flat expanses with magical edges that teleport the traveler to the opposite edge when she crosses them. Some demiplanes are self-contained.

可塑特性 Morphic Traits


可变可塑Alterable Morphic:在拥有该特性的位面中,物体的位置和形态都不会发生改变,除非受到了物理力或魔法的影响。你能用切实的努力改变周边的环境。除非在位面描述中有说明,否则默认它拥有可变可塑特性。

神力可塑Divinely Morphic:在拥有该特性的位面中,一些特殊的独特存在(神祇或类似的伟力)有能力改变位面中的物体、生物和景观。祂们可以让这些区域立即发生大幅度变化,创造出属于祂们自己的伟大王国。这些位面对于普通角色而言和可变可塑位面一般,能被法术和物理效果影响。

高度可塑Highly Morphic:在拥有该特性的位面中,位面的景色频密地变换,以至于很难让某个特定区域安定下来。某些此类位面会对特定的法术、智能思想或意志力作出剧烈反应。还有一些则会毫无理由地不断改变。

魔法可塑Magically Morphic:特定的法术能修改拥有该特性的位面中的基础物质。


不变Static:这些位面无法被改变。来访者无法影响到位面中活着的居民,或是这些居民持有的物品。任何本来能影响到它们的法术在该位面中会毫无效果,除非位面的不变特性被以某种方式移除或压制。不过,在进入不变特性位面之前施放的法术仍然有效。即便是在不变位面中移动一个无主的物体(unattened object)也需要通过一个DC16的力量检定。特别重的物体可能完全不能被移动。
劇透 -   :
Morphic Traits
This trait measures how easily the basic nature of a plane can be changed. Some planes are responsive to sentient thought, while some respond to physical or magical efforts. Others can only be manipulated by extremely powerful creatures.

Alterable Morphic: On a plane with this trait, objects remain where they are (and what they are) unless affected by physical force or magic. You can change the immediate environment as a result of tangible effort. Unless otherwise noted in a plane's description, assume it has the alterable morphic trait.

Divinely Morphic: Specific unique beings (deities or similar great powers) have the ability to alter objects, creatures, and the landscape on planes with this trait. They may cause these areas to change instantly and dramatically, creating great kingdoms for themselves. Ordinary characters find these planes similar to alterable planes in that they may be affected by spells and physical effort.

Highly Morphic: On a plane with this trait, features of the plane change so frequently that it's difficult to keep a particular area stable. Some such planes may react dramatically to specific spells, sentient thought, or the force of will. Others change for no reason.

Magically Morphic: Specific spells can alter the basic material of a plane with this trait.

Sentient: These planes respond to a single entity's thoughts—those of the plane itself. Travelers might find the plane's landscape changing as a result of what the plane thinks of the travelers, becoming either more or less hospitable depending on its reaction.

Static: These planes are unchanging. Visitors cannot affect living residents of the plane or objects that the denizens possess. Any spells that would affect those on the plane have no effect unless the plane's static trait is somehow removed or suppressed. Spells cast before entering a plane with the static trait remain in effect, however. Even moving an unattended object within a static plane requires a DC 16 Strength check. Particularly heavy objects may be impossible to move.


土元素主导Earth-Dominant:拥有该特性的位面主要由固体构成。到达这里的旅行者会如果没能找到土中的洞穴或其他小空洞,就会有窒息的危险。更糟糕的是,没有挖掘能力(ability to burrow)的个体会被埋在土里,必须自己挖出一条路(每轮5尺)。气系亚种的生物在土元素主导的位面会感觉不适,因为这些位面对他们来说太挤,容易产生幽闭恐惧;不过他们也不会遭受难以移动之外的更多不便。

火元素主导Fire-Dominant:拥有该特性的位面由不断燃烧而不会消耗燃料的火焰组成。火元素主导的位面对物质位面的生物特别不利(extremely hostile),那些没有对火焰的抗力或免疫的家伙很快会葬身火海。
未被保护(Unprotected)的木头,纸张,布料和其他可燃材质会几乎立刻被点燃,而那些穿着未被保护衣物的人则会着火(catch on fire)。另外,在火元素主导位面的着火个体每轮要受到3d10点火焰伤害。水系亚种的生物在火元素主导位面会尤为不适。这些由水构成的家伙每轮要受到双倍伤害。

水元素主导Water-Dominant:拥有该特性的位面主要由液体构成。不能在水下呼吸或找到空气囊(reach a pocket of air)的来访者很可能会溺水。火系亚种的生物在水元素主导位面尤为不适。这些由火焰构成的家伙每轮受到1d10点伤害。

负能量主导Negative-Dominant:拥有该特性的位面是辽阔而空旷的区域,不断吸取着穿越其中的旅者们的生命。它们往往是些孤寂、闹鬼的位面,里面毫无色彩,风声中回荡着那些死在里面家伙的轻柔呻吟。有两种负能量主导特性:弱负能量主导(minor negative-dominant)和强负能量主导(major negative-dominant)。在弱负能量主导位面,活物每轮受到1d6点伤害。当他们生命值为0或更低时,就会崩碎成灰。
强负能量主导位面则更加危险。每一轮,在其中的生物都必须通过一个DC25的强韧检定,否则会获得一个负向等级。拥有等于它当前等级或HD数的负向等级的生物会被杀死,变成一只缚灵(Wraith,出自B1)。防死结界(death ward)法术能保护旅行者不受负能量主导位面的伤害与能量吸取影响。

正能量主导Positive-Dominant:丰富的生命是拥有该特性位面的特征。和负能量主导位面类似,正能量主导位面也有分强弱。弱正能量主导(minor positive-dominant)位面中,各种形式的生命在此狂乱地爆发。这里的色彩更鲜艳,火焰更热,噪音更大声,连感官都更敏锐,这些都得益于位面中盘旋的正能量。在正能量主导位面的所有个体会获得快速医疗2,这是一项特异能力(Ex)。
强正能量主导(Major positive-dominant)位面则更有甚之。在强正能量主导位面的生物必须通过一个DC15强韧检定以防止被周围的光芒闪得目盲10轮。在此位面的普通生物(Simply being)会获得快速医疗5,这是一项特异能力(Ex)。另外,那些生命值已满的生物每轮还会再获得5点临时生命。这些临时生命在此生物离开强正能量主导位面1d20轮之后会消退(fade)。但是,临时生命值点数超过了其正常总生命值的生物每轮必须进行一次DC20的强韧豁免检定。在检定中失败的生物会在能量暴乱之中爆体而亡。
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Elemental and Energy Traits
Four basic elements and two types of energy combine to make up everything. The elements are earth, air, fire, and water; the types of energy are positive and negative. The Material Plane reflects a balancing of those elements and energies—all are found there. Each of the Inner Planes is dominated by one element or type of energy. Other planes may show off various aspects of these elemental traits. Many planes have no elemental or energy traits; such traits are noted in a plane's description only when they are present.

Air-Dominant: Consisting mostly of open space, planes with this trait have just a few bits of floating stone or other solid matter. They usually have a breathable atmosphere, though such a plane may include clouds of acidic or toxic gas. Creatures of the earth subtype are uncomfortable on air-dominant planes because they have little or no natural earth to connect with. They take no actual damage, however.

Earth-Dominant: Planes with this trait are mostly solid. Travelers who arrive run the risk of suffocation if they don't reach a cavern or other pocket within the earth. Worse yet, individuals without the ability to burrow are entombed in the earth and must dig their way out (5 feet per turn). Creatures of the air subtype are uncomfortable on earth-dominant planes because these planes are tight and claustrophobic to them, but suffer no inconvenience beyond having difficulty moving.

Fire-Dominant: Planes with this trait are composed of flames that continually burn without consuming their fuel source. Fire-dominant planes are extremely hostile to Material Plane creatures, and those without resistance or immunity to fire are soon immolated.

Unprotected wood, paper, cloth, and other flammable materials catch fire almost immediately, and those wearing unprotected flammable clothing catch on fire. In addition, individuals take 3d10 points of fire damage every round they are on a fire-dominant plane. Creatures of the water subtype are extremely uncomfortable on fire-dominant planes. Those that are made of water take double damage each round.

Water-Dominant: Planes with this trait are mostly liquid. Visitors who can't breathe water or reach a pocket of air likely drown. Creatures of the fire subtype are extremely uncomfortable on water-dominant planes. Those made of fire take 1d10 points of damage each round.

Negative-Dominant: Planes with this trait are vast, empty reaches that suck the life out of travelers who cross them. They tend to be lonely, haunted planes, drained of color and filled with winds bearing the soft moans of those who died within them. There are two kinds of negative-dominant traits: minor negative-dominant and major negative-dominant. On minor negative-dominant planes, living creatures take 1d6 points of damage per round. At 0 hit points or lower, they crumble into ash.

Major negative-dominant planes are even more dangerous. Each round, those within must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or gain a negative level. A creature whose negative levels equal its current levels or Hit Dice is slain, becoming a wraith. The death ward spell protects a traveler from the damage and energy drain of a negative-dominant plane.

Positive-Dominant: An abundance of life characterizes planes with this trait. Like negative-dominant planes, positive-dominant planes can be either minor or major. A minor positive-dominant plane is a riotous explosion of life in all its forms. Colors are brighter, fires are hotter, noises are louder, and sensations are more intense as a result of the positive energy swirling through the plane. All individuals in a positive-dominant plane gain fast healing 2 as an extraordinary ability.

Major positive-dominant planes go even further. A creature on a major positive-dominant plane must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being blinded for 10 rounds by the brilliance of the surroundings. Simply being on the plane grants fast healing 5 as an extraordinary ability. In addition, those at full hit points gain 5 additional temporary hit points per round. These temporary hit points fade 1d20 rounds after the creature leaves the major positive-dominant plane. However, a creature must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round that its temporary hit points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, which kills it.

阵营特性Alignment Traits
轻微阵营Mildly Aligned:与轻微阵营位面的阵营相对的生物(Creatures who have an alignment opposite that of a mildly aligned plane )会在所有基于魅力的检定中受到-2环境减值。轻微中立阵营位面不会让任何人受到环境减值。
强烈阵营Strongly Aligned:在强烈阵营位面里,所有不属于该位面阵营的生物在所有基于智力、感知和魅力的检定中都会受到-2环境减值。位面特性中来自道德成分与伦理成分的减值会叠加。

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Alignment Traits
Some planes have a predisposition to a certain alignment. Most of the inhabitants of these planes also have the plane's particular alignment, even powerful creatures such as deities. The alignment trait of a plane affects social interactions there. Characters who follow other alignments than most of the inhabitants do may have a tougher time dealing with the plane's natives and situations.

Alignment traits have multiple components. First are the moral (good or evil) and ethical (lawful or chaotic) components; a plane can have a moral component, an ethical component, or one of each. Second, the specific alignment trait indicates whether each moral or ethical component is mildly or strongly evident. Many planes have no alignment traits; these traits are noted in a plane's description only when they are present.

Good-Aligned/Evil-Aligned: These planes have chosen a side in the battle of good versus evil. No plane can be both good-aligned and evil-aligned.

Law-Aligned/Chaos-Aligned: Law versus chaos is the key struggle for these planes and their residents. No plane can be both law-aligned and chaos-aligned.

Neutral-Aligned: These planes stand outside the conflicts between good and evil and law and chaos.

Mildly Aligned: Creatures who have an alignment opposite that of a mildly aligned plane take a –2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks. A mildly neutral-aligned plane does not apply a circumstance penalty to anyone.

Strongly Aligned: On planes that are strongly aligned, a –2 circumstance penalty applies on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks made by all creatures not of the plane's alignment. The penalties for the moral and ethical components of the alignment trait stack.

A strongly neutral-aligned plane stands in opposition to all other moral and ethical principles: good, evil, law, and chaos. Such a plane may be more concerned with the balance of the alignments than with accommodating and accepting alternate points of view. In the same fashion as for other strongly aligned planes, strongly neutral-aligned planes apply a –2 circumstance penalty on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based checks made by any creature that isn't neutral. The penalty is applied twice (once for law/chaos, and once for good/evil), so neutral good, neutral evil, lawful neutral, and chaotic neutral creatures take a –2 penalty and lawful good, chaotic good, chaotic evil, and lawful evil creatures take a –4 penalty.

魔法特性Magic Traits

普通魔法Normal Magic:该魔法特性意味着所有法术和超自然能力如描述般运作(Function as written)。除非在位面描述中有说明,否则默认它拥有普通魔法特性。

死魔法Dead Magic:这些位面完全没有魔法。拥有死魔法特性的位面在所有方面都如同反魔场法术一般运作。预言系法术无法侦测位于死魔法位面内的物品,施法者也无法用传送术或其他法术移进或移出此位面。“无魔法”规则的唯一例外是恒定的位面传送门(permanent planar portals),它依然能正常运作。

增强魔法Enhanced Magic:特定的法术和类法术能力在拥有该特性的位面中,会比在物质位面更容易使用,或产生更强大的效果。拥有增强魔法特性的位面中的土著会知道哪些法术和类法术能力被增强,但位面旅行者则可能要靠他们自己来发现。如果一个法术被增强,它如同比其原本施法者等级高2一般运作。

妨碍魔法Impeded Magic:特定的法术和类法术效果在拥有该特性的位面中更难施放,这通常是因为位面的自然本质干涉了这类法术。要施放一个被妨碍的法术,施法者必须进行一次专注检定(DC=20+法术环级)。如果检定失败,法术不会生效,但还是会失去准备好的法术或法术位。如果检定成功,法术正常运作。

限制魔法Limited Magic:拥有该特性的位面中只允许使用符合特定条件的法术和类法术能力。魔法能限制为特定学派或子学派的效果,特定描述符的效果,或特定环级的效果(或上述条件的任意组合)。不满足条件的法术和类法术能力只会不起作用。


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Magic Traits
A plane's magic trait describes how magic works on that plane compared to how it works on the Material Plane. Particular locations on a plane (such as those under the direct control of deities) may be pockets where a different magic trait applies.

Normal Magic: This magic trait means that all spells and supernatural abilities function as written. Unless otherwise noted in a plane's description, assume that it has the normal magic trait.

Dead Magic: These planes have no magic at all. A plane with the dead magic trait functions in all respects like an antimagic field spell. Divination spells cannot detect subjects within a dead magic plane, nor can a spellcaster use teleport or another spell to move in or out. The only exception to the "no magic" rule is permanent planar portals, which still function normally.

Enhanced Magic: Particular spells and spell-like abilities are easier to use or more powerful in effect on planes with this trait than they are on the Material Plane. Natives of a plane with the enhanced magic trait are aware of which spells and spell-like abilities are enhanced, but planar travelers may have to discover this on their own. If a spell is enhanced, it functions as if its caster level was 2 higher than normal.

Impeded Magic: Particular spells and spell-like abilities are more difficult to cast on planes with this trait, often because the nature of the plane interferes with the spell. To cast an impeded spell, the caster must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally.

Limited Magic: Planes with this trait permit only the use of spells and spell-like abilities that meet particular qualifications. Magic can be limited to effects from certain schools or subschools, effects with certain descriptors, or effects of a certain level (or any combination of these qualities). Spells and spell-like abilities that don't meet the qualifications simply don't work.

Wild Magic: On a plane with the wild magic trait, spells and spell-like abilities function in radically different and sometimes dangerous ways. Any spell or spell-like ability used on a wild magic plane has a chance to go awry. The caster must make a caster level check (DC 15 + the level of the spell or spell-like ability) for the magic to function normally. Failure means that something strange happens; roll d% and consult Table 7–16: Wild Magic Effects.
狂野魔法效果Wild Magic Effects
d100    效果
01-19   法术用其正常效果反弹rebound给它的施法者。如果该法术无法影响施法者,则仅仅会失败。
20-23   一个直径15尺的圆坑出现在施法者脚下;其深度为施法者等级x10尺。
24-27   法术失败,但是由各种小物品组成的大雨(鲜花,烂水果,还有其他别的)会当头淋在法术的目标或目标们身上,并在碰到他们之后就消失。这弹幕一般的大雨持续一轮。在持续时间内所有目标会目盲,并且在施放法术时必须进行专注检定(DC=15+法术环级)。
28-31   法术作用在一个随机目标或一片随机区域。随机地在法术范围内选择一个不同的目标,或在法术范围内随机选择一个地点作为法术源起点。要随机确定方向,骰1d8,然后从正南方数起按顺时针方向旋转。要随机确定距离,骰3d6,然后把结果乘以5尺(近距法术),20尺(中距法术)或80尺(远距法术)。
32-35   法术正常运作,但是所有材料成分不会被消耗。法术不会在施法者的心灵中被花费掉(该法术位或准备好的法术能再次使用)。类似的,物品不会消耗充能(charges),而其效果也不会计入到物品或类法术能力的每日使用限制中。
36-39   法术不会运作。取而代之的是,距离施法者30尺范围内的所有人(盟友与敌人)都会受到医疗术法术的效果
40-43   法术不会运作。取而代之的是,一个深幽黑暗术的效果和一个沉默术的效果会覆盖施法者周围半径30尺的区域,持续2d4轮
44-47   法术不会运作。取而代之的是,一个反重力法术的效果会覆盖施法者周围半径30尺的区域,持续1轮。
48-51   法术运作,但是施法者身上会盘旋着闪烁的色彩,持续1d4轮。将此视为一个闪光尘的效果,豁免DC为10+造成该结果的法术的环级。
52-59   什么都没发生。法术不会运作。所有材料成分被消耗。法术或法术位被用掉,物品会消耗充能,本次效果计入到物品或类法术的每日使用限制中。
60-71   什么都没发生。法术不会运作。所有材料成分不会被消耗。法术不会在施法者的心灵中被花费掉(该法术位或准备好的法术能再次使用)。物品不会消耗充能(charges),效果不会计入到物品或类法术能力的每日使用限制中。
72-98   法术正常运作
99-100   法术更加强烈地运作。对抗该法术的豁免骰受到-2减值。法术在所有可能的效果上取最大值,如同被使用了法术极效专长施放一般。如果该法术已经被此专长极效,则不会有额外的效果。
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Table: Wild Magic Effects
d%   Effect
01–19   The spell rebounds on its caster with normal effect. If the spell cannot affect the caster, it simply fails.
20–23   A circular pit 15 feet wide opens under the caster's feet; it is 10 feet deep per level of the caster.
24–27   The spell fails, but the target or targets of the spell are pelted with a rain of small objects (anything from flowers to rotten fruit), which disappear upon striking. The barrage continues for 1 round. During this time the targets are blinded and must make concentration checks (DC 15 + spell level) to cast spells.
28–31   The spell affects a random target or area. Randomly choose a different target from among those in range of the spell or center the spell at a random place within range of the spell. To generate direction randomly, roll 1d8 and count clockwise around the compass, starting with south. To generate range randomly, roll 3d6. Multiply the result by 5 feet for close-range spells, 20 feet for medium-range spells, or 80 feet for long-range spells.
32–35   The spell functions normally, but any material components are not consumed. The spell is not expended from the caster's mind (the spell slot or prepared spell can be used again). Similarly, an item does not lose charges, and the effect does not count against an item's or spell-like ability's use limit.
36–39   The spell does not function. Instead, everyone (friend or foe) within 30 feet of the caster receives the effect of a heal spell.
40–43   The spell does not function. Instead, a deeper darkness effect and a silence effect cover a 30-foot radius around the caster for 2d4 rounds.
44–47   The spell does not function. Instead, a reverse gravity effect covers a 30-foot radius around the caster for 1 round.
48–51   The spell functions, but shimmering colors swirl around the caster for 1d4 rounds. Treat this as a glitterdust effect with a save DC of 10 + the level of the spell that generated this result.
52–59   Nothing happens. The spell does not function. Any material components are used up. The spell or spell slot is used up, an item loses charges, and the effect counts against an item's or spell-like ability's use limit.
60–71   Nothing happens. The spell does not function. Any material components are not consumed. The spell is not expended from the caster's mind (a spell slot or prepared spell can be used again). An item does not lose charges, and the effect does not count against an item's or spell-like ability's use limit.
72–98   The spell functions normally.
99–100   The spell functions strongly. Saving throws against the spell incur a –2 penalty. The spell has the maximum possible effect, as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell feat. If the spell is already maximized with the feat, there is no further effect.

« 上次编辑: 2017-05-25, 周四 02:59:48 由 灯泡powerbult »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-02-03, 周五 18:14:11 »
伟大彼岸 The Great Beyond
在PFRPG的宇宙学中,诸多的位面被统称为伟大彼岸the Great Beyond,它们形成了一个广大而相互嵌套的球体。在球体最中心是物质位面以及它的扭曲倒映,影界,而四周则桥接着迷雾般的灵界。内环宇宙Inner Sphere中的元素位面们环绕着核心。在更外部,在星界的虚空之外,则是难以想象的广阔的外环宇宙Outer Sphere,它把自身围拢起来,并被囊括在层数不可计数的深渊中。
下文简明地描述了构成伟大彼岸的诸多位面。想要知道这些位面的更多信息,请见Pathfinder Chornicels:The Great Beyond。
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The Great Beyond
In the cosmology of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, the planes are collectively known as the Great Beyond, and form a vast, nesting sphere. At the heart of the sphere lie the Material Plane and its twisted reflection, the Shadow Plane, bridged by the mists of the Ethereal Plane. The elemental planes of the Inner Sphere surround this heart. Farther out, beyond the void of the Astral Plane, sits the unimaginably vast Outer Sphere, which is itself surrounded and contained by the innumerable layers of the Abyss

The planes that make up the Great Beyond are briefly detailed below. For additional information on these planes, see Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond.
物质位面 Material Plane
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Material Plane
The Material Plane is the center of most cosmologies and defines what is considered normal. It is the plane most campaign worlds occupy.

The Material Plane has the following traits:

Normal Gravity
Normal Time
Alterable Morphic
No Elemental or Energy Traits: Specific locations may have these traits, however.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned: Though it may contain high concentrations of evil or good, law or chaos in places.
Normal Magic
影界 Shadow Plane
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Shadow Plane
The Shadow Plane is a dimly lit dimension that is both coterminous to and coexistent with the Material Plane. It overlaps the Material Plane much as the Ethereal Plane does, so a planar traveler can use the Shadow Plane to cover great distances quickly. The Shadow Plane is also coterminous to other planes. With the right spell, a character can use the Shadow Plane to visit other realities. The Shadow Plane is a world of black and white; color itself has been bleached from the environment. It otherwise appears similar to the Material Plane. Despite the lack of light sources, various plants, animals, and humanoids call the Shadow Plane home.

The Shadow Plane has the following traits:

Magically Morphic: Parts of the Shadow Plane continually flow onto other planes. As a result, creating a precise map of the plane is next to impossible, despite the presence of landmarks. In addition, certain spells, such as shadow conjuration and shadow evocation, modify the base material of the Shadow Plane. The utility and power of these spells within the Shadow Plane make them particularly useful for explorers and natives alike.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells with the shadow descriptor are enhanced on the Shadow Plane. Furthermore, specific spells become more powerful on the Shadow Plane. Shadow conjuration and shadow evocation spells are 30% as powerful as the conjurations and evocations they mimic (as opposed to 20%). Greater shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation are 70% as powerful (not 60%), and a shades spell conjures at 90% of the power of the original (not 80%). Despite the dark nature of the Shadow Plane, spells that produce, use, or manipulate darkness are unaffected by the plane.
Impeded Magic: Spells with the light descriptor or that use or generate light or fire are impeded on the Shadow Plane. Spells that produce light are less effective in general, because all light sources have their ranges halved on the Shadow Plane.

负能量位面 Negative Energy Plane
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Negative Energy Plane
To an observer, there's little to see on the Negative Energy Plane. It is a dark, empty place, an eternal pit where a traveler can fall until the plane itself steals away all light and life. The Negative Energy Plane is the most hostile of the Inner Planes, the most uncaring and intolerant of life. Only creatures immune to its life-draining energies can survive there.

The Negative Energy Plane has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity
Major Negative-Dominant: Some areas within the plane have only the minor negative-dominant trait, and these islands tend to be inhabited.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy are enhanced. Class abilities that use negative energy, such as channel negative energy, gain a +4 bonus to the save DC to resist the ability.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy (including cure spells) are impeded. Characters on this plane take a –10 penalty on saving throws made to remove negative levels bestowed by an energy drain attack.

正能量位面 Positive Energy Plane
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Positive Energy Plane
The Positive Energy Plane has no surface and is akin to the Plane of Air with its wide-open nature. However, every bit of this plane glows brightly with innate power. This power is dangerous to mortal forms, which are not made to handle it. Despite the beneficial effects of the plane, it is one of the most hostile of the Inner Planes. An unprotected character on this plane swells with power as positive energy is forced upon her. Then, because her mortal frame is unable to contain that power, she is immolated, like a mote of dust caught at the edge of a supernova. Visits to the Positive Energy Plane are brief, and even then travelers must be heavily protected.

The Positive Energy Plane has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity
Major Positive-Dominant: Some regions of the plane have the minor positive-dominant trait instead, and those islands tend to be inhabited.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy are enhanced. Class abilities that use positive energy, such as channel positive energy, gain a +4 bonus to the save DC to resist the ability.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy (including inflict spells) are impeded.

气元素位面Plane of Air
气元素位面是个空旷的位面,上上下下都由天空组成。它是内层位面中最舒适最利于生存的位面,也是各种各样腾飞在空中的生物(airborne creatures)的家园。的确,飞行生物会发现它们在这个位面中有着很大的优势。虽然不会飞的旅行者也能在此轻易生存,但他们会遭受一些不利。
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Plane of Air
The Plane of Air is an empty plane, consisting of sky above and sky below. It is the most comfortable and survivable of the Inner Planes and is the home of all manner of airborne creatures. Indeed, flying creatures find themselves at a great advantage on this plane. While travelers without flight can survive easily here, they are at a disadvantage.

The Plane of Air has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity: Inhabitants of the plane determine their own "down" direction. Objects not under the motive force of others do not move.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the air descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create air (including those of the Air domain and the elemental [air] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the earth descriptor or that use or create earth (including those of the Earth domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [earth] bloodline, and spells that summon earth elementals or outsiders with the earth subtype) are impeded.
土元素位面Plane of Earth
劇透 -   :
Plane of Earth
The Plane of Earth is a solid place made of soil and stone. An unwary traveler might find himself entombed within this vast solidity of material and crushed into nothingness, with his powdered remains left as a warning to any foolish enough to follow. Despite its solid, unyielding nature, the Plane of Earth is varied in its consistency, ranging from soft soil to veins of heavier and more valuable metal.

The Plane of Earth has the following traits:

Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the earth descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create earth or stone (including those of the Earth domain and the elemental [earth] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the air descriptor or that use or create air (including those of the Air domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [air] bloodline, and spells that summon air elementals or outsiders with the air subtype) are impeded.

火元素位面Plane of Fire
劇透 -   :
Plane of Fire
Everything is alight on the Plane of Fire. The ground is nothing more than great, ever-shifting plates of compressed flame. The air ripples with the heat of continual firestorms and the most common liquid is magma. The oceans are made of liquid flame, and the mountains ooze with molten lava. Fire survives here without needing fuel or air, but flammables brought onto the plane are consumed readily.

The Plane of Fire has the following traits:

Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the fire descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create fire (including those of the Fire domain or the elemental [fire] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the water descriptor or that use or create water (including spells of the Water domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [water] bloodline, and spells that summon water elementals or outsiders with the water subtype) are impeded.

水元素位面Plane of Water
劇透 -   :
Plane of Water
The Plane of Water is a sea without a floor or a surface, an entirely fluid environment lit by a diffuse glow. It is one of the more hospitable of the Inner Planes once a traveler gets past the problem of breathing the local medium.

The eternal oceans of this plane vary between ice cold and boiling hot, and between saline and fresh. They are perpetually in motion, wracked by currents and tides. The plane's permanent settlements form around bits of flotsam suspended within this endless liquid, drifting on the tides.

The Plane of Water has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity: The gravity here works similarly to that of the Plane of Air, but sinking or rising on the Plane of Water is slower (and less dangerous) than on the Plane of Air.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the water descriptor or that use or create water (including those of the Water domain or the elemental [water] bloodline) are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the fire descriptor or that use or create fire (including spells of the Fire domain, spell-like abilities of the elemental [fire] bloodline, and spells that summon fire elementals or outsiders with the fire subtype) are impeded.

灵界Ethereal Plane
劇透 -   :
Ethereal Plane
The Ethereal Plane is coexistent with the Material Plane and often other planes as well. The Material Plane itself is visible from the Ethereal Plane, but it appears muted and indistinct; colors blur into each other and edges are fuzzy.

While it is possible to see into the Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane, the latter is usually invisible to those on the Material Plane. Normally, creatures on the Ethereal Plane cannot attack creatures on the Material Plane, and vice versa. A traveler on the Ethereal Plane is invisible, insubstanial, and utterly silent to someone on the Material Plane.

The Ethereal Plane has the following traits:

No Gravity
Alterable Morphic: The plane contains little to alter, however.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned
Normal Magic: Spells function normally on the Ethereal Plane, though they do not cross into the Material Plane. The only exceptions are spells and spell-like abilities that have the force descriptor and abjuration spells that affect ethereal beings; these can cross from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane. Spellcasters on the Material Plane must have some way to detect foes on the Ethereal Plane before targeting them with force-based spells. While it's possible to hit ethereal enemies with a force spell cast on the Material Plane, the reverse isn't possible. No magical attacks cross from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane, including force attacks.

星界 Astral Plane
星界是内层位面和外层位面之间的恐惧,它与所有位面相毗邻。当角色穿越一个传送门(portal)或把她的精魂投射到一个别的位面的时候,她就是通过星界进行旅行。就连那些允许立即穿越位面进行移动的法术其实也利用到了星界。( Even spells that allow instantaneous movement across a plane briefly touch the Astral Plane)。星界是一片伟大而无尽延伸的明亮的,不分上下的银白色天空。偶尔在这里能找到一点点固体物质,但是大多数时候星界是片无尽而开阔的空域。
劇透 -   :
Astral Plane
The Astral Plane is the space between the Inner and Outer Planes, and coterminous with all of the planes. When a character moves through a portal or projects her spirit to a different plane of existence, she travels through the Astral Plane. Even spells that allow instantaneous movement across a plane briefly touch the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is a great, endless expanse of clear silvery sky, both above and below. Occasional bits of solid matter can be found here, but most of the Astral Plane is an endless, open domain.

The Astral Plane has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity
Timeless: Age, hunger, thirst, afflictions (such as diseases, curses, and poisons), and natural healing don't function in the Astral Plane, though they resume functioning when the traveler leaves the Astral Plane.
Mildly Neutral-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: All spells and spell-like abilities used within the Astral Plane may be employed as if they were improved by the Quicken Spell or Quicken Spell-Like Ability feats. Already quickened spells and spell-like abilities are unaffected, as are spells from magic items. Spells so quickened are still prepared and cast at their unmodified level. As with the Quicken Spell feat, only one quickened spell or spell-like ability can be cast per round.

末日荒原是在腐朽天空之下的一片广阔的废土国度,永恒地被一层让人反胃的黑雾笼罩着,天空中永远是日食照耀下的暮光时刻。有毒的冥河(River Styx)的源头就位于末日荒原,之后它便像扭曲的蛇一样蜿蜒流向其他位面。末日荒原可能是外层位面中最有敌意的位面之一;它是邪魔(daemon),一群对秩序与混乱之争无动于衷,代表着遗忘与毁灭的纯粹邪恶的魔族的家园。被四位如神灵一般的大邪魔(archdaemons,其实就是四驱者Horsemen)所统治的邪魔们是灵魂的吞噬者,在伟大彼岸各处都为人所恐惧。
劇透 -   :
Abaddon (Neutral Evil)
A realm of vast wastelands under a rotten sky, Abaddon is perpetually cloaked in a cloying black mist and the oppressive twilight of an endless solar eclipse. The poisoned River Styx has its source in Abaddon, before it meanders like a twisted serpent onto other planes. Abaddon may be the most hostile of the Outer Planes; it is the home of the daemons, fiends of pure evil untouched by the struggle between law and chaos, who personify oblivion and destruction. Daemons, which are ruled by four godlike archdaemons, are feared throughout the Great Beyond as devourers of souls.

Abaddon has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Abaddon can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Evil-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor are impeded.

深渊The Abyss(混乱邪恶)
劇透 -   :
The Abyss (Chaotic Evil)
Surrounding the Outer Sphere like the impossibly deep skin of an onion, the layered plane of the Abyss begins as gargantuan canyons and yawning chasms in the fabric of the other Outer Planes, bordered by the foul waters of the River Styx. Coterminous with all of the Outer Planes, the infinite layers of the Abyss connect to one another in constantly shifting pathways. There are no rules in the Abyss, nor laws, order, or hope. The Abyss is a perversion of freedom, a nightmare realm of unmitigated horror where desire and suffering are given demonic form, for the Abyss is the spawning ground of the innumerable races of demons, among the oldest beings in all the Great Beyond.

The Abyss has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic and Sentient: Deities with domains in the Abyss can alter the plane at will, as can the Abyss itself.
Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Strongly Evil-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic or evil descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful or good descriptor are impeded.

劇透 -   :
Elysium (Chaotic Good)
A vast land of untamed wilderness and wild passions, Elysium is the plane of benevolent chaos. Freedom and self-sufficiency abound here, personified in the azatas native to the plane. In Elysium, selfless cooperation and fierce competition clash with the violence of a raging thunderstorm, but such conflicts never overshadow the lofty concepts of bravery, creativity, and good unhindered by rules or laws.

Elysium has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Elysium can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Strongly Good-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic or good descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful or evil descriptor are impeded.

劇透 -   :
Heaven (Lawful Good)
The soaring mountain of Heaven towers high above the Outer Sphere. This ordered realm of honor and compassion is divided into seven layers. Heaven's slopes are filled with planned, orderly cities and tidy, cultivated gardens and orchards. Though they began their existences as mortals, Heaven's native archons see law and good as indivisible halves of the same exalted concept, and array themselves against the cosmic perversions of chaos and evil.

Heaven has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Heaven can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Law-Aligned and Strongly Good-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful or good descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic or evil descriptor are impeded.
劇透 -   :
Hell (Lawful Evil)
The nine layers of Hell form a structured labyrinth of calculated evil where torment goes hand in hand with purification. A plane of iron cities, burning wastelands, frozen glaciers, and endless volcanic peaks, Hell is divided into nine nesting layers, each under the malevolent rule of an archdevil. Torture, anguish, and agony are inevitable in Hell, but they are methodical, not spiteful or capricious, and serve a deliberate master plan under the watchful eyes of the disciplined ranks of Hells' lesser devils. The nine layers of Hell, from first to last, are Avernus, Dis, Erebus, Phlegethon, Stygia, Malebolge, Cocytus, Caina, and Nessus.

Hell has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Hell can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Law-Aligned and Strongly Evil-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful or evil descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic or good descriptor are impeded.
劇透 -   :
Limbo (Chaotic Neutral)
A vast ocean of unrestrained chaos and untapped potential surrounds and is coterminous with each of the Outer Planes. This is Limbo—beautiful, deadly, and truly endless. From its unplumbed depths were born all the other planes, and to its anarchic deeps will all creation eventually return. Where the formless sea of Limbo laps against the shores of other planes, its substance takes on some measure of stability, and it is within these borderlands that travel is safest, though it is still fraught with danger from Limbo's chaos-warped inhabitants. Deeper into the plane, Limbo's native proteans cavort in the Primal Chaos, creating and destroying the raw stuff of chaos with unfathomable abandon.

Limbo has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity and Normal Gravity: On the few islands of stability within Limbo, gravity is more likely to be normal (down is toward the center of mass). Everywhere else, gravity is subjective directional.
Erratic Time
Highly Morphic
Strongly Chaos-Aligned
Wild Magic and Normal Magic: On the few islands of stability within Limbo, magic is more likely to be normal. Magic is wild everywhere else.

劇透 -   :
Nirvana (Neutral Good)
Nirvana is an unbiased paradise existing between the two extremes of Elysium and Heaven. Its stunning mountains, rolling hills, and deep forests all match a visitor's expectations of a pastoral paradise, but Nirvana also contains mysteries that lead to enlightenment. Nirvana is a sanctuary and a place of respite for all who seek redemption or illumination. Nirvana's native agathions have willingly postponed their own transcendence to guard Nirvana's enigmas, while celestial beings fight the forces of evil across the planes.

Nirvana has the following traits:

Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Nirvana can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Good-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor are impeded.
劇透 -   :
Purgatory (Neutral)
Every soul passes through Purgatory to be judged before being sent on to its final destination in the Great Beyond. Vast graveyards and wastelands fill its gloomy expanses, along with dusty, echoing courts for the judgment of the dead. Purgatory is home to the aeons, a race who embody the dualistic nature of existence and who are constantly both at war and at peace with each other and themselves.

Purgatory has the following traits:

Timeless: Age, hunger, thirst, afflictions (such as diseases, curses, and poisons), and natural healing don't function in Purgatory, though they resume functioning when the traveler leaves Purgatory.
Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Purgatory can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Neutral-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the death descriptor, or from the Death or Repose domains, are enhanced.

轴心城是个对抗来自大漩涡的混乱,以及来自深渊的数之不尽的恶魔军团的一个有序的要塞。作为一座永恒完美的城市,轴心城的街道与建筑物都堪称是建筑学与美学的典范;在这里万事都已被安排好,绝对不会有事情凭“概率”发生。虽然轴心城没被单一个种族所统治,奇匠族 (axiomites)和制裁者(inevitables)把这里作为其家园,永远为了阔张他们的完美城市而不断奋斗。
劇透 -   :
Utopia (Lawful Neutral)
Utopia is a bastion of order against the chaos of Limbo and the countless demonic hordes of the Abyss. A great city of eternal perfection, Utopia's streets and buildings are paragons of architecture and aesthetics; everything is ordered and nothing happens by chance. While no one race rules Utopia, axiomites and inevitables make their homes here, forever striving to expand their perfect city.

Utopia has the following traits:

Finite Shape
Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in Utopia can alter the plane at will.
Strongly Law-Aligned
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful descriptor are enhanced.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic descriptor are impeded.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-06, 周二 23:21:11 由 灯泡powerbult »

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Re: 【GMG】第7章- 位面规则 PLANAR
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-02-03, 周五 18:35:36 »

Plane of Fire        the Everlasting Flame, the Inferno
"not worthy"

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Re: 【GMG】第7章- 位面规则 PLANAR
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-02-03, 周五 19:01:08 »

Plane of Fire        the Everlasting Flame, the Inferno