作者 主题: 【AH】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)  (阅读 76017 次)


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【AH】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 于: 2017-09-30, 周六 19:32:50 »
堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)

前职业变体(Ex-Class Archetypes)
当角色成为相应职业的前成员之后,便可以无视角色等级,立即选取相应的变体,这会取代部分或全部她所失去的职业能力。若角色在成为自身职业的前成员之前,她已经具有了某种变体职业,而且该变体职业(archetype)和前职业变体(ex-class archetype)取代了相同能力的话,她会失去旧变体职业并获得新变体的能力;否则,她便会如常获取两个变体的能力。某个职业的前成员在获得后述变体之后,便可以在对应职业中继续提升等级,即便通常来说变成前成员之后禁止提升相应的职业等级也可以这么做。

劇透 -   :
Fallen Heroes
Any path with borders can be strayed from, and characters of classes with alignment or behavioral restrictions (including barbarian, cleric, druid, inquisitor, monk, paladin, and warpriest) sometimes fall out of favor from those classes. Whether by actively embracing forbidden pleasures or a slow departure from their original training, characters who defy the restrictions upon their classes become ex-members of that class.
Typically, an ex-member of a class loses some or even all class features, including animal companions, spellcasting, and other abilities, but not the weapon and armor proficiencies, base attack bonus, or base saving throw bonuses. She cannot gain further levels in that class unless she amends her ways and benefits from an atonement spell. But not all characters repent their misdeeds. Some exmembers rage and resent the loss of their abilities, blaming gods or other individuals for their fall; others withdraw into themselves and endure their losses in silent defeat. Still others strive to make up for their losses by taking levels in a new class, working to overcome their failings (or the unfair blow the world has dealt to them, depending on their perspective). A few, however, embrace their fall, gaining new power from the very thing that barred them from the class they once held.

The following archetypes can be taken by an ex-member of the indicated class immediately upon becoming an exmember of that class, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-member of her class replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Ex-members of a class with one of the archetypes presented below can gain further levels in the class, even though becoming an exmember of a class normally prohibits further advancement in the class.
While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class (typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class (and archetype, if she had one).

无名引路人(Channeler of the Unknown)
前牧师变体(Ex-Cleric Archetype)

法术(Spells):无名引路人在每个法术环级上能够准备的法术都要比普通的牧师少1个。她不再受到阵营描述符(alignment descriptors)的限制,而且有权使用所有牧师法术列表中的所有法术,即便该法术在通常来说是她的阵营无法使用的也可以。

无名灵光(Unknown Aura,Su):无名引路人不会散发阵营灵光,就好像受到了永久生效的隐匿阵营(undetectable alignment)法术影响一般。

引导熵(Channel Entropy,Su):无名引路人能够如同引导能能量或引导负能量一般引导熵的能量,她会释放出扭曲虚空的能量波来伤害效果区域内的生物。伤害量和一名与她同等级的邪恶牧师进行引导负能量造成的伤害相同,不过这么做还能以相同的方式影响活物(living)、无生命(unliving)、和不死生物(undead creatures)。该能力的功能在所有其他方面都与牧师的引导能量职业能力相同,包括从那些影响引导能量的专长中获益(比如选择性引导)。
这改变了引导能量(channel energy)。

无名之力(Power of the Unknown):无名引路人失去由神祗的领域获得的力量,但是那个回应她祈祷的未知存在会从后述列表中选取1个领域,并将该领域的力量提供给她:黑暗(Darkness)、毁灭(Destruction)、机运(Luck)、狂乱(Madness)或虚空(Void)。取代原本牧师的单个领域法术位,无名引路人会在每个能够施放的法术环级上获得2个领域法术位。无名引路人无法选择上述领域的子域。

自发施法(Spontaneous Casting):取代将已准备的法术转化为治疗(cure)或致伤(inflict)法术,无名引路人能够将已经存储的法术能量转化为她的领域法术。她能够失去1个已经准备的法术,这也可以包括领域法术,来自发施放1个相同或更低法术环级的领域法术。
这改变了自发施法(spontaneous casting)。

劇透 -   :
Channeler of the Unknown
(Ex-Cleric A rchetype)
While most clerics who fall out of favor with their deities simply lose their divine connection and the powers it granted, a few continue to go through the motions of prayer and obedience, persisting in the habits of faith even when their faith itself has faded. Among these, an even smaller number find that while their original deity no longer answers their prayers, something else does: an unknown entity or force of the universe channeling its power through a trained and practicing vessel.
This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-cleric.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A channeler of the unknown loses proficiency with her deity’s favored weapon. She instead gains proficiency with one martial or exotic weapon, chosen when she first takes this archetype, which thereafter effectively functions as her holy or unholy symbol for the purposes of class abilities and spellcasting. The weapon chosen cannot be one associated with her former deity. Once she makes this choice, she can’t later change it.
This alters the cleric’s weapon and armor proficiency.
Spells: A channeler of the unknown has one fewer spell slot per spell level in which she can prepare spells than normal. She is no longer restricted by alignment descriptors, and she gains access to all spells on the cleric spell list, even spells her alignment would normally prohibit.
This alters the cleric’s spells.
Unknown Aura (Su): A channeler of the unknown never radiates an alignment aura, as if under the effect of a permanent undetectable alignment spell.
This replaces the cleric’s aura.
Channel Entropy (Su): A channeler of the unknown can channel entropy as a cleric channels negative or positive energy, releasing a wave of twisting void that harms creatures in the area of effect. The amount of damage dealt is equal to that an evil cleric of her level would deal by channeling negative energy, except it affects living, unliving, and undead creatures alike. This functions in all other ways as a cleric’s channel energy class feature, including benefiting from feats that affect channel energy (such as Selective Channeling).
This alters channel energy.
Power of the Unknown: A channeler of the unknown has lost the benefit of the domains granted by her deity, but the unknown entity that answers her supplications instead grants her the benefits of one domain from the following list: Darkness, Destruction, Luck, Madness, or Void. Instead of a single domain spell slot, the channeler of the unknown gains two domain spell slots per spell level she can cast. A channeler of the unknown cannot select a subdomain in place of the domain available to her.
This alters the cleric’s domains.
Spontaneous Casting: Instead of converting prepared spells into cure or inflict spells, a channeler of the unknown can channel stored spell energy into her domain spells. She can lose a prepared spell, including a domain spell, to spontaneously cast a domain spell of the same spell level or lower.
This alters spontaneous casting.

位面异端(Planar Extremist)
前德鲁伊变体(Ex-Druid Archetype)



法术(Spells):位面异端在每个法术环级上能够准备的法术都要比普通的德鲁伊少1个。将所有召唤自然盟友(summon nature’s ally)从位面异端的法术列表中移除,并且用相同等级的召唤怪物(summon monster)进行替换。位面异端在施法的其余方面都与相同等级的德鲁伊一致。

位面纽带(Planar Bond):位面异端会与和自身相符的外层位面产生一条纽带。这种纽带能够以两种形式体现出来。第一种是与对应阵营的位面产生极为密切的联系,位面异端会从自身阵营的领域中选择其一(举例说明,守序善良的位面异端可以选择秩序领域或善良领域)。此种选项在其他方面的功效都如同德鲁伊的自然纽带(nature’s bond)一样生效,就好像她选择与自然世界产生亲密的联系一般。
第二种选项则是与来自外层位面的1个异界生物产生亲密的联系。这种异界伙伴的能力使用探索者解放版本的召唤师(unchained summoner)的幻灵(eidolons)规则,就如同位面异端是与其德鲁伊等级相同的召唤师一般,不过这只异界伙伴并不会获得额外进化池(additional evolution pool),它的进化(evolutions)只能来自基础形态(base form)以及对应子类中的基础进化(base evolutions),除此之外,异界伙伴只能选择与位面异端的阵营完全吻合的阵营子类。位面异端能够如同召唤师通常所作的那样,以相同的持续1分钟的仪式召唤异界伙伴,但是当她已经召唤出异界伙伴的时候,无法施放召唤怪物(summon monster)法术;当她已经通过其他方式召唤出其他生物时,无法召唤自己的异界伙伴。
随着等级的提升,异界伙伴的基础属性(base statistics)和基础进化(base evolutions)会得到增强,就好像她的德鲁伊等级是召唤师等级一般。异界伙伴会在相应的等级获得黑暗视觉(darkvision)、连结(link)、法术共享(share spells)、反射闪避(evasion)、属性提升(ability score increase)、忠诚(devotion)、多重攻击(multiattack)和精通反射闪避(improved evasion)。但是无法获得进化池(evolution pool)。那些让幻灵获得额外进化点数的法术或能力无法对她的异界伙伴生效,不过任何会赋予动物伙伴进化点数的能力依旧生效。位面异端不会获得生命连结(life link)或任何其他召唤师的与幻灵相关的职业能力。
这取代了自然纽带(nature’s bond)。

自发施法(Spontaneous Casting):位面异端能够将已经存储的法术能量转化为没有事先准备的召唤法术。她能够失去1个已准备的法术,以此来施放相同或更低环级的召唤怪物(summon monster)法术,但仅能用来召唤那些阵营与自身相符的生物。
这改变了德鲁伊的自发施法(spontaneous casting)。

抗敌对阵营(Resist the Opposite,Ex):4级起,位面异端在对抗那些阵营与其完全相反的生物所使用的类法术(spell-like)和超自然(supernatural)能力时,豁免检定获得+2加值。
这取代了抗自然诱惑(Resist Nature's Lure)。

位面化身(Planar Aspect,Su):4级起以标准动作,位面异端能获得血脉狂怒者的血脉带来的好处,不过必须选择与其阵营相符的那个血脉,从深渊血脉(Abyssal)、天界血脉(Celestial)或地狱血脉(Infernal)进行选择,就好像她是与德鲁伊等级相同的血脉狂怒者一般。她会如同进入血怒一般在每个德鲁伊等级1分钟内获得这些好处(但是她不会获得血怒的其他优势或劣势),或者直至她以迅捷动作(swift action)主动解消为止;这些持续时间不必连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位来使用。她每日使用该能力的次数会在6级以及之后的每4个等级增加1次,最高为18级时的总计5次。在20级,位面异端能够随意使用位面化身。
这取代了自然变身(Wild Shape)。

劇透 -   :
Planar Extremist (Ex-Druid Archetype)
Through determined interest or repeated exposure to those places where the borders between planes are weaker, some druids lose their neutral stance and find themselves gravitating toward one of the four most extreme alignments: chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, or lawful good. While no longer able to harness the forces of nature like their neutral kin, these planar extremists find that their powers have shifted to reflect the Outer Plane most closely associated with their alignment.
This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-druid.
Alignment: A planar extremist must have an alignment of chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, or lawful good.
This alters the druid’s alignment.
Aura (Ex): The planar extremist radiates an aura matching her alignment as if she were a cleric of her druid level.
Spells: A planar extremist gains one fewer spell slot per spell level than normal in which to prepare spells. The planar extremist removes all summon nature’s ally spells from her spell list and replaces them with the summon monster spells of the same levels. The druid can otherwise cast spells as normal for a druid of her level.
This alters the druid’s spells.
Planar Bond: A planar extremist forms a bond with a manifestation of the Outer Plane with which she is aligned. This bond can take one of two forms. The first is a close tie to the plane to which she is aligned, granting the planar extremist one of the domains of her alignment (for example, a lawful good planar extremist could take either the Lawful or Good domain). This option otherwise functions as a druid’s nature bond if she chose a close tie to the natural world.
The second option is to form a close bond with an outsider from an Outer Plane. The abilities of this outsider companion are determined using the rules for eidolons for the unchained summonerPU class, as if the planar extremist were a summoner of her druid level, except the outsider companion gains no additional evolution pool (only the evolutions from its base form and base evolutions for its subtype), and it must be of a subtype whose alignment exactly matches the alignment of the planar extremist. The planar extremist can summon her outsider companion with the same 1-minute ritual a summoner normally uses to do so, but she can’t cast summon monster spells if she currently has her outsider companion summoned, and she can’t summon her companion if she already has a creature summoned through other means.
As the planar ally gains class levels, her eidolon’s base statistics and base evolutions increase as if her druid level were her summoner level. The eidolon gains the darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, ability score increase, devotion, multiattack, and improved evasion abilities at the appropriate levels, but never gains an evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional evolution points to eidolons do not function for her outsider companion, though any abilities that would grant evolution points to an animal companion do work. The planar extremist does not gain life link or any other class features a summoner gains in relation to her eidolon.
This replaces nature’s bond.
Spontaneous Casting: A planar extremist can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast a summon monster spell of the same level or lower, but only to summon creatures whose alignment matches hers.
This alters a druid’s spontaneous casting.
Resist the Opposite (Ex): At 4th level, a planar extremist gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of creatures whose alignment is diametrically opposed to her own.
This replaces resist nature’s lure.
Planar Aspect (Su): At 4th level, as a standard action, a planar extremist can gain the benefits of the bloodrager bloodline associated with her alignment (choosing from Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal), as if she were a bloodrager of her druid level. She can gain these benefits for 1 minute per druid level as if she were bloodraging (but she gains no other benefits or penalties of bloodrage) or until she dismisses it as a swift action; this duration need not be used consecutively but must be spent in 1-minute increments. She can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, for a total of five times per day at 18th level. At 20th level, a planar extremist can use planar aspect at will.
This replaces wild shape.

原罪僧(Sin Monk)
前武僧变体(Ex-Monk Archetype)

罪之源(Well of Sin,Su):4级起,原罪僧会获得一个原罪点数(sin points)的能量池,这代表着他从禁断的罪恶中所获得的能量。原罪僧的原罪点数上限等同于他的职业等级的一半 + 他的感知调整值;这些点数无法用于那些消耗气的能力。以迅捷动作(swift action),他能够花费1点原罪点数来激活后述能力中的1种,持续至他的下个回合开始为止。
  • 嫉妒(Envy):原罪僧在察觉和察言观色检定中获得+4加值。该加值在10级增加至+6点,在16级时增加至+8点。
  • 暴食(Gluttony):每当原罪僧以1次近战攻击造成致命伤害时,他会恢复生命值,恢复的数值与造成的伤害量相同(最高2点)。他无法将生命值提升至自身生命值上限以上。生命值的恢复量上限在10级增加至4点,并在16级增加至6点。
  • 贪婪(Greed):在判断是否能够克服DR时,原罪僧的攻击被视为寒铁(cold iron)或炼银(silver),由他自行选择。10级起,他将精金(adamantine)加入到在判断攻击是否克服DR时可以选择的材料列表中。16级时,原罪僧的攻击还能忽略硬度。
  • 色欲(Lust):原罪僧在唬骗和交涉检定中获得+4加值。该加值在10级增加至+6点,在16级时增加至+8点。
  • 骄傲(Pride):原罪僧会获得1个分身幻象,该功能就如同镜影术(Mirror Image)一般。这个分身会在原罪僧的下个回合开始时自动消失,或者会在被摧毁时提前消失。在10级时,原罪僧能获得2个分身,在16级时获得3个。
  • 懒惰(Sloth):原罪僧获得要害打击(Vitual Strike)专长的好处。在10级时,他还会获得精通要害打击(Improved Vital Strike)的好处,在16级时,他还会获得高等要害打击(Greater Vital Strike)的好处。
  • 愤怒(Wrath):原罪僧能使震慑拳(Stunning Fist)的豁免DC增加1点,若他具有扫堂腿(Punishing Kick)专长的话,也可以同时增加扫堂腿的豁免DC。10级时豁免DC增加2点,16级时增加3点。
当原罪僧提升武僧等级并且将要获得后述某个职业能力时,他能够选择丧失该职业能力,并使得原罪点数池增加1点上限:百病不侵(Purity of Body)、金刚体(Diamond Body)、金刚魂(Diamond Soul)、不老身躯(Timeless Body)、天语通(Tongue of the Sun and Moon)。一旦作出选择,便无法更改。
这取代了气池(ki pool)并改变了轻功(high jump)。

罪之击(Sinful Strike,Su):7级起,原罪僧能够以迅捷动作(swift action)花费2点原罪点数来专注于自身的力量。在原罪僧的下个回合结束之前,在他下一次造成伤害时,他能够造成一定数值的额外伤害,该数值等同于他的武僧等级。
这取代了混元体(Wholeness of Body)。

负罪之身(Burden with Sin,Su):12级起,原罪僧能够以迅捷动作(swift action)并花费1次震慑拳(Stunning Fist)的每日使用次数来引导出潜意识中的罪恶本性。直至原罪僧的下个回合结束之前,下一个被他用近战攻击命中的人必须进行1次意志豁免(DC = 10 + 原罪僧的等级的一半 + 原罪僧的感知调整值),失败则会负担原罪僧的罪孽。目标被视为负载程度提高1级(从轻载到中载,以此类推),而且在使用任意形式的传送(teleportation)之前必须先成功通过1次施法者等级检定(DC = 10 + 原罪僧的职业等级)。这是个诅咒(curse;UM)效果,持续的轮数等同于原罪僧的感知调整值,或直至该效果被移除诅咒(remove curse)或类似的效果移除为止。
这取代了遁术(Abundant Step)。

多重罪孽(Simultaneous Sins,Su):19级起,原罪僧能够以迅捷动作(swift action)花费3点原罪点数,以此来同时获得2种不同原罪带来的好处。
这取代了空灵体(Empty Body)。

原罪之卵(Spawn of Sin,Ex):20级起,原罪僧成为自身罪孽的化身。在判断法术和魔法效果时,他永远被视为异怪(aberration)而非类人生物(或者其他任何武僧原本属于的生物类型)。罪孽充满了原罪僧的思维,这使他免疫影响心灵效果(immunity to mind-affecting effects)。原罪僧的外表不会因此而改变,也不会获得其他能力;不过原罪僧应当在被杀死之后,作为罪生怪(Sinspawn;B2)重获新生,保留其职业等级但是依照新形态替换生物类型与种族能力,成为NPC并该由GM进行操控。
这取代了超凡入圣(Perfect Self)。

劇透 -   :
Sin Monk (Ex-Monk Archetype)
Some vices prove too tempting even to those who have trained their minds and bodies against such corruptions, and the seven sins of ancient Thassilon stand among the most alluring. Martial experts who have allowed such passions to lead them astray may find themselves gaining powers drawn from their newly embraced sins.
This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-monk.
Well of Sin (Su): At 4th level, a sin monk gains a pool of sin points, representing energy he has gained from indulging in forbidden vices. The sin monk has a number of sin points equal to half his class level + his Wisdom modifier; these points cannot be used on abilities that require spending ki points. As a swift action, he can spend 1 point from his sin pool to activate one of the following abilities until the start of his next turn.
Envy: The sin monk gains a +4 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 10th level and +8 at 16th level.
Gluttony: Each time the sin monk deals lethal damage with a melee attack, he regains a number of hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt (maximum 2). He can’t exceed his maximum number of hit points. The maximum number of hit points he regains increases to 4 at 10th level and 6 at 16th level.
Greed: The sin monk’s attacks count as being either cold iron or silver (sin monk’s choice) for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 10th level, he adds adamantine to the list of materials he can choose to have his attacks count as being for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 16th level, the sin monk’s attacks also ignore hardness.
Lust: The sin monk gains a +4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 10th level and +8 at 16th level.
Pride: The sin monk gains one illusory double of himself, which functions as mirror image. This double automatically disappears at the beginning of the sin monk’s next turn unless destroyed first. At 10th level, the sin monk gains two such replicas of himself, and at 16th level, he gains three.
Sloth: The sin monk gains the benefits of Vital Strike. At 10th level, he also gains the benefits of Improved Vital Strike, and at 16th level, he also gains the benefits of Greater Vital Strike.
Wrath: The sin monk increases the save DCs of his attacks with Stunning Fist (and Punishing Kick, if he has that feat)  by 1. The save DC instead increases by 2 at 10th level and by 3 at 16th level.
When a sin monk gains a level in the monk class and would gain one of the following class features, he can forfeit that class feature to instead increase the size of his sin pool by 1 sin point: purity of body, diamond body, diamond soul, timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon. Once the decision is made, it cannot be changed.
This replaces ki pool and alters high jump.
Sinful Strike (Su): At 7th level, a sin monk can spend 2 sin points as a swift action to focus his power. The next time he deals damage before the end of his next turn, he deals an additional amount damage equal to his monk level.
This replaces wholeness of body.
Burden with Sin (Su): At 12th level, a sin monk can spend a swift action and one daily use of Stunning Fist to draw his sinful nature to the fore of his consciousness. The next person he hits with a melee attack before the end of his next turn must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the sin monk’s class level + his Wisdom modifier) or suffer the burden of the sin monk’s sins. The target is treated as if she were carrying a load one step heavier (from a light load to a medium load, and so on) and must succeed at a caster level check to use any form of teleportation (DC = 10 + the monk’s class level). This is a curseUM effect that lasts a number of rounds equal to the sin monk’s Wisdom modifier unless it is removed through remove curse or a similar effect.
This replaces abundant step.
Simultaneous Sins (Su): At 19th level, a sin monk can spend 3 points from his sin pool as a swift action to gain the benefits of two different sins simultaneously.
This replaces empty body.
Spawn of Sin (Ex): At 20th level, the sin monk becomes the physical manifestation of his sins. He is forevermore treated as an aberration rather than a humanoid (or whatever the monk’s creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects, and his mind is so consumed by sin that he gains immunity to mind-affecting effects. He does not change in appearance or gain other abilities; however, should the sin monk be slain and brought back from the dead, he returns to life as a sinspawn (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 246), retaining his class levels but otherwise replacing his creature type and racial abilities with those of his new form and becoming an NPC under the GM’s control.
This replaces perfect self.

复仇暴徒(Vindictive Bastard)
前圣武士变体(Ex-Paladin Archetype)

无灵光(No Aura):复仇暴徒不会散发阵营灵光。

定位盟友(Locate Ally,Sp):每日1次,复仇暴徒能够以类法术能力施放生物定位术(Locate Creature),施法者等级等同于她的圣武士等级,不过目标仅限于在过去1周内,与复仇暴徒一同相处了至少24小时的1名盟友作为目标。此能力取代侦测邪恶。

复仇制裁(Vindictive Smite,Ex):复仇暴徒对那些伤害了自己或盟友的敌人极为残忍。每日1次以迅捷动作(swift action),她能够制裁视野范围内的1名曾经对她或她的盟友造成了伤害的目标。她将自己的魅力调整值加到对制裁目标作出的攻击检定上,并且将她的圣武士等级加到对制裁目标作出的伤害检定上。此外,当复仇制裁生效时,复仇暴徒会在对抗制裁目标的攻击时,AC获得相当于自身魅力加值(若有的话)的偏斜加值。若复仇制裁的目标在过去24小时内使得复仇暴徒的盟友陷入昏迷或死亡的话,对制裁目标作出的第一次命中攻击的伤害检定加值额外增加每个圣武士等级2点。
这取代了制裁邪恶(smite evil)。

恩泽已逝(Faded Grace,Ex):2级时,复仇暴徒从后述专长选择其一作为奖励专长:强韧加强(Great Fortitude)、钢铁意志(Iron Will)或闪电反射(Lightning Reflexes)。
这取代了神恩(divine grace)。

独行战术(Solo Tactics,Ex):2级起,复仇暴徒获得独行战术,就如同审判者的职业能力一般。她能够以迅捷动作(swift action)启动该能力,并且在1轮内获得相应的好处。她每日使用该能力的轮数等同于她的圣武士等级的一半 + 她的魅力调整值。
这取代了圣疗(lay on hands)。

顽强恨意(Spiteful Tenacity,Ex):3级起,每当复仇暴徒复仇制裁生效时,她便会获得顽强(Diehard)专长的好处。
这取代了神佑(divine health)。

团队专长(Teamwork Feat):在3级以及之后的每6个等级,复仇暴徒都会在正常提升等级获得的专长之外额外获得1个奖励专长。这些专长必须从团队专长中选取。复仇暴徒必须满足所选奖励专长的先决条件。
这取代了恩惠(mercy)和引导正能量(channel energy)。

一拥而上(Gang Up,Ex):5级起,复仇暴徒与同伴结成了一种亲密的联系。这让她能够以移动动作(move action)来将针对单个目标的复仇制裁加值的一半赋予所有盟友,这些盟友需要距离复仇暴徒30尺范围内,且能够看到和听到她。这些加值持续的轮数等同于复仇暴徒的魅力调整值(最低1轮)。
这取代了神契(divine bond)。

即刻判决(Swift Justice,Ex):11级起,复仇暴徒能够以迅捷动作(swift action)启动一拥而上(gang up)职业能力。
这取代了审判灵光(aura of justice)。

这取代了坚信灵光(aura of faith)。

伪善灵光(Aura of Self-Righteousness,Ex):17级起,复仇暴徒获得DR 5/秩序或善良,且免疫胁迫(compulsion)法术和类法术能力。每名距离复仇暴徒10尺范围内的盟友都会在对抗胁迫效果的豁免检定中获得+4士气加值。只有复仇暴徒有意识(conscious)时,伪善灵光才能生效,当她昏迷或死亡之后便会失效。
这取代了公正灵光(aura of righteousness)。

终极复仇(Ultimate Vindication,Ex):20级时,若1名敌人杀死了复仇暴徒的1名盟友或者让复仇暴徒陷入昏迷(并且在之后她恢复了意识)的话,复仇暴徒会产生复仇的恨意。在1分钟内,下一次她命中该名敌人时,复仇暴徒能够通过自己的武器引导解离术(Disintegrate)的效果,使用她的圣武士等级作为她的有效施法者等级。无论该名敌人是否成功通过对抗解离术效果的豁免,它都会在接下来的24小时内免疫该能力。
这取代了神圣代行者(holy champion)。

劇透 -   :
Vindictive Bastard
(Ex-Paladin A rchetype)
While paladins often collaborate with less righteous adventurers in order to further their causes, those who spend too much time around companions with particularly loose morals run the risk of adopting those same unscrupulous ideologies and methods. Such a vindictive bastard, as these fallen paladins are known, strikes out for retribution and revenge, far more interested in tearing down those who have harmed her or her companions than furthering a distant deity’s cause.
This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-paladin.
No Aura: A vindictive bastard does not radiate an alignment aura.
This alters the paladin’s aura.
Locate Ally (Sp): Once per day, a vindictive bastard can cast locate creature as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her paladin level, but she can do so only to target an ally whom she has spent at least 24 hours in close proximity to within the last week. This replaces detect evil.
Vindictive Smite (Ex): A vindictive bastard is particularly ruthless against those who have harmed her or her allies. Once per day as a swift action, she can smite one target within sight who has dealt hit point damage to her or an ally. She adds her Charisma modifier to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to damage rolls against the target of her smite. In addition, while vindictive smite is in effect, the vindictive bastard gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC against attacks by the target of the smite. If the target of vindictive smite has rendered an ally of the vindictive bastard unconscious or dead within the last 24 hours, the bonus on damage rolls on the first attack that hits increases by 2 for every paladin level she has.
The vindictive smite effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the vindictive bastard rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the vindictive bastard can invoke her vindictive smite one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
This replaces smite evil.
Faded Grace (Ex): At 2nd level, a vindictive bastard gains one of the following as a bonus feat: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes.
This replaces divine grace.
Solo Tactics (Ex): At 2nd level, a vindictive bastard gains solo tactics, as per the inquisitor class feature. She can activate this ability as a swift action and gains the benefits of it for 1 round. She can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to half her paladin level + her Charisma modifier.
This replaces lay on hands.
Spiteful Tenacity (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever a vindictive bastard has a vindictive smite in effect, she gains the benefits of the Diehard feat.
This replaces divine health.
Teamwork Feat: At 3rd level and every 6 levels thereafter, the vindictive bastard gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The vindictive bastard must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.
This replaces mercy and channel energy.
Gang Up (Ex): At 5th level, a vindictive bastard forms a close bond with her companions. This allows her to spend a move action to grant half her vindictive smite bonus against a single target to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the vindictive bastard’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
This replaces divine bond.
Swift Justice (Ex): At 11th level, a vindictive bastard can activate her gang up ability as a swift action.
This replaces aura of justice.
Stalwart (Ex): At 14th level, a vindictive bastard gains stalwart, as per the inquisitor class feature, except she can also benefit from this ability while wearing heavy armor.
This replaces aura of faith.
Aura of Self-Righteousness (Ex): At 17th level, a vindictive bastard gains DR 5/lawful or good and immunity to compulsion spells and spelllike abilities. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. Aura of self-righteousness functions only while the vindictive bastard is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.
This replaces aura of righteousness.
Ultimate Vindication (Ex): At 20th level, if a foe kills one of a vindictive bastard’s allies or knocks the vindictive bastard unconscious (and she later regains consciousness), the vindictive bastard musters a vindictive fury. The next time she hits that foe within 1 minute, the vindictive bastard can channel the effects of a disintegrate spell through her weapon, using her paladin level as her effective caster level. Whether or not the target succeeds at its save against the disintegrate effect, it is immune to this ability for the next 24 hours.
This replaces holy champion.
« 上次编辑: 2021-05-01, 周六 20:58:33 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】墮落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-09-30, 周六 19:42:19 »

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 00:13:48 »
If the target of vindictive smite has rendered an ally of the vindictive bastard unconscious or dead within the last 24 hours, the bonus on damage rolls on the first attack that hits increases by 2 for every paladin level she has.

:em013 虽然不知道是作者有心还是无心,但是复仇暴徒在针对“过去24小时内使得复仇暴徒的盟友陷入昏迷或死亡的制裁目标”的“第一次命中攻击的伤害加值” 按照原文似乎应该是“除原有奖励外,额外增加每圣武士等级2点”?

跟core rule book里面的paladin对比过后,确定core rule book里关于smite evil用的字眼是increases to,而这里用的是用increases by :em008


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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 08:56:56 »

Smite You·破你斩!
复仇制裁(Vindictive Smite,Ex):复仇暴徒对那些伤害了自己或盟友的敌人极为残忍。每日1次以迅捷动作(swift action),她能够制裁视野范围内的1名曾经对她或她的盟友造成了伤害的目标。她将自己的魅力调整值加到对制裁目标作出的攻击检定上,并且将她的圣武士等级加到对制裁目标作出的伤害检定上。此外,当复仇制裁生效时,复仇暴徒会在对抗制裁目标的攻击时,AC获得相当于自身魅力加值(若有的话)的偏斜加值。若复仇制裁的目标在过去24小时内使得复仇暴徒的盟友陷入昏迷或死亡的话,对制裁目标作出的第一次命中攻击的伤害检定加值会增加至每个圣武士等级2点。
这取代了制裁邪恶(smite evil)。



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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 10:27:22 »
笑什么笑,你也是龙 :em014
  No mind to think.

I am the vessel.
No will to break.

I am the Hollow Knight!
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 10:32:28 »
那个无名之存在莫非是格罗图斯 :em006领域表只少一个混乱多一个机运 :em011毁灭疯狂虚空黑暗这个排列之前可是蓝月亮独家啊 :em006


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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 10:36:28 »

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 13:01:18 »

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-10-01, 周日 19:14:46 »

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Re: 【antihero's Handbook】堕落英雄(Fallen Heroes)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-10-02, 周一 00:52:36 »
跟core rule book里面的paladin对比过后,确定core rule book里关于smite evil用的字眼是increases to,而这里用的是用increases by :em008
