作者 主题: 【P&P】《药剂与毒药》(Potions & Poisons)  (阅读 50291 次)

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« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:22:11 由 黎白羽 »

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内海炼金工具箱 Inner Sea Alchemy Kits
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:37:01 »

炼金术士之类经常制造炸弹、化合炼成、突变药剂、药水和其他之类的玩意需要用到炼成工具包(极限宝具 76页),其中包含了所有他们需要的反应物。但是炼成工具包的具体外观和内容物则会因为一名炼金术师偏好的因素和所属的地区而千差万别。以下是一些和普通炼金术士国度相关的炼成工具包。

劇透 -   :
The orc alchemists of Belkzen wish to strike as much fear into their enemy’s hearts as do their martial comrades, so they use humanoid skin and body parts for everything from their reagents to accoutrements for their crafting kits’ satchels.
Alchemists in the undead dictatorship of Geb often store their alchemical supplies in satchels made from skin, and they regularly employ unsettling reagents such as congealed blood, crushed bones, and dried human fingers.
If the price is right, Katapeshi alchemists are often willing to sell any alchemical crafting reagents that they are unlikely to immediately use in their crafting kits, making their satchels merchants’ briefcases as much as anything else.
The elven alchemists of Kyonin often value the form of their alchemy crafting kits nearly as much as their function, and many spend decades crafting the perfect beautiful satchel for their reagents. A common color scheme is green and gold.
Alchemists from Numeria keep their alchemical supplies in complex storage boxes or pouches that employ gears and widgets to make optimal use of space. These alchemists often harvest strange glowing reagents from their land’s toxic wilds.
The alchemists of the River Kingdoms know that flooding is a daily part of life, so they take care to keep their precious crafting materials in waterproof vials and jars, all tucked into bags that can be opened and used with ease.
Taldan alchemists typically prize refined crafting reagents, including those distilled from fine herbs and nominally precious metals. They tend to keep their alchemical supplies in sturdy, stylish leather bags with golden trim.
Thuvian alchemists take deep pride in their homeland’s status as the source of the sun orchid elixir, and so these alchemists often store their floral-based alchemical reagents in metal boxes emblazoned with images of orchids.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-18, 周日 19:49:20 由 丞相 »

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简介 Introduction
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:37:58 »
简介 Introduction


劇透 -   :
In a world as dangerous and unpredictable as Golarion, a little preparation goes a long way. Whether it’s improving your abilities with potions or weakening your enemies with poisons, the most convenient and powerful preparations often come in small vials. Some inexperienced folk fear these strange concoctions, and often rightly so—to the untrained eye, a dangerous drug and a bolstering alchemical remedy hardly look different from each other, and a liquid healing potion sometimes barely differs in appearance from a potent poison.
In places where divine magic is scarce, such as Rahadoum and Razmiran, potions are often the only way to gain access to critical healing that the rest of the world takes for granted. In places where political intrigue runs amok, such as Taldor, poison is one of the more effective ways of getting rid of a political rival. From the famous elixirs of Thuvia to the poisoned blades of Daggermark and beyond, potions and poisons shape the world around them. Those who master the art of their creation and use have an undisputed edge.


炼金销赃者 Alchemical Fence(卡塔佩什)

血药调剂师 Blood Potion Brewer(贝尔克泽恩)

液体治疗 Liquid Healing(拉哈多姆)

坏死毒素抗性 Necrotoxin Resistance(盖布)

掌中药水 Palm Potion(辣子面)

毒药行家 Poison Connoisseur(塔尔多)

毒刃抗力 Poisoned Blade Resistance(河域诸国)

勤俭炼金术 Resourceful Alchemy(苏比亚)

科技调配师 Technological Brewmaster(纽美利亚)

毒草抗性 Weed Resistance(奇奥尼)

劇透 -   :
Alchemical Fence (Katapesh): Growing up in the vast markets of Katapesh, you developed connections to a great many alchemists and poisoners all over the world. You know many of the right people in any given locale as well as how to get in touch with useful contacts. When determining whether a given potion is available in a settlement, there is a 90% chance that it is available if it is within the settlement’s base value for available magic items rather than a 75% chance. Additionally, when you use Diplomacy to gather information about a topic related to alchemy or poisons (including making poisons), you gain a +3 trait bonus on the check.
Blood Potion Brewer (Belkzen): The orcs of Belkzen routinely mix the blood of their enemies with potions they brew to gain some of their foe’s strength. Twice per day when you brew a potion, you can add some of an enemy’s blood to the mixture. When you do, the potion’s caster level is treated as 1 higher when you drink it for the purpose of determining the duration of the potion’s effects. This ability has no effect if another creature drinks the potion. This trait does not grant the ability to brew potions.
Liquid Healing (Rahadoum): Growing up in Rahadoum, you did not have access to clerics and other divine magic for healing, so you relied heavily on potions to cure your wounds. As a result, potions heal you more effectively. Whenever you consume a potion that heals any number of hit points, you heal 2 additional hit points.
Necrotoxin Resistance (Geb): As a resident of the undead lands of Geb, you know well that the walking dead often carry deadly poisons and diseases within them. You gain a +3 trait bonus on saving throws against disease and poison abilities and effects inflicted by creatures of the undead type (such as ghoul fever or a vargouille’s poison).
Palm Potion (Razmiran): Priests of Razmiran often make subtle use of potions to hide the fact that they do not receive spells from their deity, and they have become quite adept at imbibing potions surreptitiously. You have mastered these techniques; whenever you consume a potion, you can attempt a Sleight of Hand check with a +2 trait bonus opposed by onlookers’ Perception checks to hide the fact that you are drinking a potion (as if you were using Sleight of Hand to hide an object). The observer’s success doesn’t prevent you from drinking the potion, just from doing so unnoticed. This does not hide any visible effects that the potion might have on you, only the physical act of drinking the potion.
Poison Connoisseur (Taldor): When the ceaseless bickering and elaborate posturing of Taldan politics proves ineffective, it is not unheard of for the nobility of Taldor to turn to poison to solve their problems, and therefore many are taught to identify the telltale signs of commonly used toxins. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against ingested poisons. Additionally, you can cast detect poison as a spell-like ability once per day, using your character level as your caster level.
Poisoned Blade Resistance (River Kingdoms): In the River Kingdoms’ Daggermark, odds are good that any given blade is coated in some kind of poison, and people there are used to both poisoning and being poisoned. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against injury poisons. Additionally, you are immune to one specific nonmagical injury poison. You must choose this poison when you choose this trait and cannot change it.
Resourceful Alchemy (Thuvia): Alchemy is a point of national pride in Thuvia, home of the famous sun orchid elixir. But resources are often hard to come by in the blasted desert landscape, so you have found creative ways to create many of the tools you need to survive. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks. This bonus increases to +3 when you are using Craft (alchemy) to craft an alchemical item.
Weed Resistance (Kyonin): You have learned how to keep your flesh out of the way of the toxic thorns and vines that are often prevalent in verdant lands. You gain a +3 trait bonus on saving throws against poison and disease abilities and effects inflicted by creatures of the plant type (such as a basidirond’s spores).

« 上次编辑: 2018-05-16, 周三 07:55:41 由 丞相 »

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毒血 Blood of Poison
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:39:23 »

与这个像青蛙一样的种族的大部分种族接触都是无害的,然而有一部分树蛙人会从皮肤中分泌有毒物质。通常那些有毒的树蛙人色彩鲜艳,这代表他们拥有毒性皮肤种族替换特性(探索者RPG 进阶种族手册 190页)。
树蛙人专长 Grippli Feats

毒性分泌物 Toxic Secretions

毒性硬脂 Poison Resin

剧毒接触 Noxious Touch

曼特蛙 (Mantella)【树蛙人德鲁伊变体】

毒素亲和 Poison Affinity(Su):在第四级时,如果曼特蛙使用自然变身变化的形态拥有任何毒素能力,那么曼特蛙也会获得这些能力。但是,曼特蛙永远无法通过自然变身变化成元素形态。

毒餐 Toxic Diet(Ex): 6级起,曼特蛙和他的动物伙伴获得毒素免疫。此外,当暴露于一剂毒药时,以一个直觉动作,曼特蛙可以吸收毒素并将其储存在体内一天。以一个迅捷动作,曼特蛙可以分泌这种毒素;这会将毒素的类型改为伤口型并且生效于德鲁伊的所有天生武器。这个能力曼特蛙每天可以使用三次,并且在第8级和之后每2个德鲁伊等级提升一次。

沼泽毒杀者 (Swamp Poisoner)【树蛙人盗贼变体】
沼泽毒杀者运用他们所拥有的毒素来保护自己的家园并平衡战局。沼泽毒杀者对于树蛙人盗贼是可用变体,并且它同时适用于核心规则书和解放掉链子盗贼(探索者解放 20页)


黏膜 Mucous Membrane(Ex):沼泽毒杀者在逃脱检定和对抗擒抱攻击的CMD检定上获得等于其职业等级一半的加值(最低为1)。

静脉标记 Mark the Vein (Ex):在2级时,当沼泽毒杀者在攻击一个正在被其树蛙人种族毒素影响的目标时,该目标在防御等级上失去敏捷加值。这个目标必须正在中毒状态,而非仅仅受到毒素的效果,例如残留的属性伤害(即目标仍然需要每回合对毒素进行豁免中)。

毒阱策略 Poison the Well (Ex):第3级起,以一个标准动作,沼泽毒杀者可以通过使用他的毒性皮肤替换种族特性将毒素涂抹在一个五尺见方的区域上,来取代涂抹在一把武器或者自己身体上。除了沼泽毒杀者以外的第一个进入这个区域的生物暴露于毒素之下。这毒素会在1小时后失去效力。这片区域被视为陷阱,其察觉DC和解除装置DC等于10+沼泽毒杀者一半的等级+沼泽毒杀者的体质调整值。沼泽毒杀者还会获得每天额外一次毒性皮肤种族特性的使用次数,3级之后的每3级还会额外增加一次。
劇透 -   :
While most members of this frog-like race are inoffensive to the touch, a number of gripplis secrete noxious substances from their skin. The often brightly colored poisonous gripplis are represented by the toxic skin alternate racial trait (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 190).
Grippli Feats
The following feats are available to grippli characters.
Toxic Secretions
Your unusual diet makes you produce more poison than others of your kind.
Prerequisites: Grippli, toxic skin alternate racial trait.
Benefit: You gain two additional uses of your toxic skin alternate racial trait per day. This feat can be taken multiple times.
Normal: The grippli toxic skin alternate racial trait can be used once per day.
Poison Resin
The toxic slime from your skin hardens into a thick, venomous resin that you can craft into various shapes.
Prerequisites: Grippli, toxic skin alternate racial trait.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend a use of your toxic skin alternate racial trait to create any simple light weapon out of your hardened secretions. This weapon remains intact and usable for 1 hour. Once per minute when making an attack, you can treat this weapon as if you had applied your grippli racial poison to it. You can use this envenoming function a number of times per day equal
to your Constitution modifier for any individual weapon created. Anyone other than you who attempts to wield the weapon is exposed to your poison.
Noxious Touch
You reflexively excrete poison in response to trauma.
Prerequisites: Grippli, toxic skin alternate racial trait.
Benefit: Whenever you are hit with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, you can spend a use of your toxic skin racial trait as an immediate action, affecting the creature that hit you with your grippli poison as if you had smeared the poison on your own body.
Mantella (Grippli Druid Archetype)
A mantella focuses on exploring her poisonous heritage, whether or not it has manifested in her own personal biology. The mantella is an archetype available to grippli druids.
Poison Affinity (Su): At 4th level, if a form the mantella assumes with wild shape has any poison abilities, the mantella also gains those abilities. However, the mantilla can never use wild shape to take the form of an elemental.
This alters wild shape.
Toxic Diet (Ex): At 6th level, both the mantella and her animal companion gain immunity to poison. Additionally, as an immediate action when exposed to a dose of poison, a mantella can absorb the toxin and store it internally for up to 1 day. As a swift action, a mantella can secrete this poison; this changes the poison’s type to injury and applies the dose of poison to all of the druid’s natural attacks. A mantella can use this ability three times per day, plus one additional time per day at 8th level and every 2 druid levels thereafter.
This alters venom immunity and replaces spontaneous casting.
Swamp Poisoner (Grippli Rogue Archetype)
Swamp poisoners use their own toxins to defend their homes and level the playing field. The swamp poisoner is an archetype available to grippli characters, and it is appropriate for rogues built using the rules from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook as well as for unchained rogues (Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 20).
Prerequisites: A swamp poisoner must have selected the toxic skin grippli alternate racial trait.
Mucous Membrane (Ex): A swamp poisoner gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Escape Artist checks and to his CMD when resisting grapple attempts (minimum 1).
This replaces trapfinding.
Mark the Vein (Ex): At 2nd level, when the swamp poisoner attacks a target that is currently affected by his grippli racial poison, that target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. The target must be actively poisoned, not just suffering the effects of poison, such as lingering ability damage.
This replaces the rogue talent gained at 2nd level.
Poison the Well (Ex): At 3rd level as a standard action, a swamp poisoner can smear the poison generated through the use of his toxic skin alternate racial trait onto the ground in a 5-foot area, instead of onto a weapon or his own body. The first creature other than the swamp poisoner to enter the area is exposed to the poison. The poison loses its potency after 1 hour. This area is considered a trap, and the DCs of Perception checks to notice it and Disable Device checks to disable it are equal to 10 + half the swamp poisoner’s level + the swamp poisoner’s Constitution modifier. The swamp poisoner also gains an extra use per day of his toxic skin alternate racial trait, plus one additional use per day for every 3 levels beyond 3rd.
This replaces trap sense. An unchained rogue replaces danger sense instead.

一个有着神秘起源的类蛇种族,某些娜迦裔与那些同名的娜迦更为相似。虽然大多数娜迦裔是无毒的,然而那些拥有喷毒种族专长的(进阶种族手册 197页)娜迦裔在他们嘴中的腺体里有着天生的毒液存储区。


溢血之毒 Hemorrhaging Venom(战斗专长)
专长效果:你在使用喷毒专长喷射毒素时,可以来对豁免失败的目标在其他效果之外额外造成2d6点流血伤害。这个流血可以正常被DC 15的医疗技能检定、或任何能够治疗生命值伤害的法术所终止。此外,你获得每天额外一次的喷毒专长的使用次数。

剧毒喷雾 Toxic Spray(战斗战斗专长)

致命毒液 Virulent Venom(战斗专长)

粘稠毒液 Viscous Venom(战斗专长)
专长效果:你在使用喷毒专长喷射毒素时,你可以对30尺内的一目标喷出一团剧毒粘稠物。如果命中,目标会如常暴露在你的娜迦毒素之中并且陷入纠缠。一个被纠缠的目标可以用一个整轮动作进行力量检定(DC 15)或逃脱检定(DC 15),或者对该粘胶施加15点的挥砍伤害来突破粘液团。此外,你获得每天额外一次的喷毒专长的使用次数。

毒刃 (Venomblade)【娜迦裔战士变体】

毒液规划 Venom Projection(Ex):只要他还没有拥有这个能力,毒刃就必须选择娜迦裔种族专长喷毒作为她的1级战士奖励专长。自2级起,他不会由于使用喷毒的能力而受到借机攻击。自4级起,他可以用一个标准动作使用喷毒专长的能力;自8级起,他只需要用一个移动动作就能使用该能力;自12级起,他可以以一个迅捷动作使用该能力。

偷袭 Sneak Attack(Ex):在6级时,毒刃可以对30尺内的她夹击或者对毒刃在AC上失去敏捷加值的目标造成额外1d6点伤害。这个伤害在6级之后每4级增加1d6。

蛇意击 Viper Strike(Ex):自12级起,通过挥砍或穿刺武器造成了一次成功攻击后,毒刃可以用一个迅捷动作消耗一次喷毒专长的使用次数,将他的毒液喷进伤口中。这会导致该目标在对抗毒素的豁免上受到-4的罚值,并且在1轮中,使所有成功击中目标的攻击造成额外1d6点伤害。这是一个毒素效果。

劇透 -   :
An ophidian race with mysterious origins, certain nagaji take even more after their namesake nagas. While most nagaji are not venomous, those with the Spit Venom racial feat (Advanced Race Guide 197) have natural reserves of poison within glands along their mouths.
Nagaji F eats
The following feats are available to nagaji characters and enhance the Spit Venom racial feat.
Hemorrhaging Venom (Combat)
Your venom destroys blood vessels and melts bone.
Prerequisites: Spit Venom, Virulent Venom, base attack bonus +7, nagaji.
Benefit: Your ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat deals 2d6 points of bleed damage on a failed saving throw in addition to all other effects. The bleeding can be stopped as normal with a successful DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. In addition, you gain one additional use per day of the ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat.
Toxic Spray (Combat)
You produce enough venom to cast a web of poison over your hapless victims.
Prerequisites: Spit Venom, Viscous Venom, nagaji.
Benefit: When you spit poison using the ability granted by the Spit Venom feat, you can envenom a 5-foot-radius area within 30 feet for 1 round. Any creature that enters or begins its turn in this area is both exposed to the poison granted by Spit Venom and entangled as if you had targeted that creature with the ability granted by the Viscous Venom feat. In addition, you gain one additional use per day of the ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat.
Virulent Venom (Combat)
The poison that drips from your fangs is potent enough to burn through flesh and wood.
Prerequisites: Spit Venom, nagaji.
Benefit: Your ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat deals 1d6 points of acid damage plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for every 3 Hit Dice you have, in addition to all other effects.This additional damage affects creatures even if they are immune to poison or succeed at their Fortitude saving throws. In addition, you gain one additional use per day of the ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat.
Viscous Venom (Combat)
Your venom is abnormally thick and adhesive.
Prerequisites: Spit Venom, nagaji.
Benefit: When you spit poison using the ability granted by the Spit Venom feat, you can spit a glob of venomous goo at an enemy within 30 feet. Once struck, the target is both exposed to your nagaji poison as normal and entangled. An entangled target can break free from the sticky goo with a successful DC 15 Strength or Escape Artist check as a fullround action or by dealing 15 points of damage to the gooey substance with a slashing weapon. In addition, you gain one additional use per day of the ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat.

Venomblade (Nagaji Fighter Archetype)
The venomblade has learned to take full advantage of his toxic spittle, blinding his targets and then rushing in to cut them down where they stand. The venomblade is an archetype of the fighter class that is available to nagaji characters.
Venom Projection (Ex): The venomblade must take the Spit Venom nagaji racial feat as his 1st-level fighter bonus feat if he does not already have that ability. At 2nd level, he does not provoke an attack of opportunity for using the ability granted by the Spit Venom feat. At 4th level, he can use the ability granted by the Spit Venom feat as a standard action; at 8th level, he can use it as a move action; and at 12th level, he can use it as a swift action.
This replaces bravery and alters the bonus feat gained at 1st level.
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 6th level, a venomblade deals 1d6 additional points of damage to targets within 30 feet that he flanks or that are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against him. This damage increases by 1d6 every 4 levels beyond 6th.
This replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.
Viper Strike (Ex): At 12th level, upon making a successful attack with a slashing or piercing weapon, the venomblade can spend a use of the ability granted by the Spit Venom feat as a swift action to spray his toxin into the wound. This imposes a –4 penalty on the victim’s saving throw against the poison and causes the target to take 1d6 additional points of damage from all successful attacks for 1 round.
This is a poison effect.
This replaces the bonus feat gained at 12th level.


蝮血裔专长 Vishkanya Feats

解法之血 Dispelling Blood

鬼咒脓液 Ghostbane Ichor

拆解之血 Unraveling Blood
专长效果:以一个迅捷动作,你可以改变你蝮血毒的效果,使其在击中一名生物时效果如同破除结界(break enchantment),使用的角色等级作为施法者等级。这个解除效果可以影响免疫毒素的目标。

守护之血 Warding Blood

叉舌门徒(Disciple of the Forked Tongue)【蝮血裔吟游诗人变体】

吟游表演 Bardic Performance:叉舌门徒获得以下吟游表演。
不谐之漩 Discordant Spiral(Su):叉舌门徒可以扰乱听到其表演的敌人思维。导致他们在对抗影响心灵和诅咒的效果时,在豁免检定上承受-1罚值,并且在专注检定上承受-2罚值。这些罚值在第5级和之后每6级增加1点。
恶毒耳语 Venomous Whispers(Su): 自第9级起,叉舌门徒可以使用他的表演在30尺内一名敌人的心中播种猜疑。一名受到影响的生物会在对待其盟友的法术或者效果时视他们为敌对目标——意味着他无法成为法术的自愿目标,并且如果可以豁免则他必须尝试豁免。他无法享受友方的吟游表演以及其他特定只对友方生效的效果。在9级之后每3级,叉舌门徒在使用该表演时可以将额外一个敌人作为目标(在18级时达到最多4个)。

心中毒蛇 Serpent of the Mind(Su):在2级和之后每4级,叉舌门徒可以将一个来自任何施法职业的法术表中带有诅咒描述符的法术加入其已知法术中。
劇透 -   :
Vishkanyas are unusual among the races of Golarion in that almost all vishkanyas have inborn venom in their blood. Vishkanyas have a nearly spiritual connection to poison, are skilled in the use of toxins of all sorts, and can transform the poisonous fluids that run through their veins.
Vishkanya Feats
The following feats are available to vishkanya characters.
Dispelling Blood
You can change your toxic blood to unravel magic itself.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks, vishkanya.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can alter the effects of your venom to affect magic instead of flesh. Your venom functions as a targeted dispel magic effect when it strikes a creature, using your character level as your caster level. This dispelling effect affects creatures even if they are immune to poison effects.
Normal: Vishkanya venom deals Dexterity damage.
Ghostbane Ichor
Your venom is powerful enough to seep into the Ethereal Plane.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks, vishkanya.
Benefit: For a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, a weapon envenomed by your vishkanya venom gains the ghost touch special ability and deals 1d6 additional points of damage against incorporeal foes. This affects creatures even if they are immune to
poison effects. If the weapon is used to attack a corporeal creature, the venom is expended and the effects it granted to your weapon end.
Normal: Vishkanya venom deals Dexterity damage.
Unraveling Blood
Your toxic blood has the power to destroy both flesh and foul curses.
Prerequisites: Dispelling Blood, Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, vishkanya.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can alter the effects of your vishkanya venom to function as break enchantment when striking a creature, using your character level as your caster level. This dispelling effect affects creatures even if they are immune to poison effects.
Normal: Vishkanya venom deals Dexterity damage.
Warding Blood
Your ethereal venom is strong enough to repel anyone who attempts to cross through it.
Prerequisites: Ghostbane Ichor, Knowledge (religion) 13 ranks, vishkanya.
Benefit: You can spend 10 minutes and two uses of your vishkanya venom to coat an area no larger than 10 feet by 10 feet with your blood. This creates a forbiddance effect, using your character level as your caster level (maximum 20). The save DC of this effect is equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier. Creatures that take damage from the forbiddance effect are also exposed to your vishkanya venom. If you have abilities that alter the effects of your venom, you must choose which effect applies when you create the venomous area.
Disciple of the Forked Tongue
(Vishkanya Bard Archetype)
Studied in venomous words as well as venomous blood, a disciple of the forked tongue knows just the right phrase to slowly poison the soul. His voice can sink deep into his victims’ hearts, destroying friendships and devouring the mind. The disciple of the forked tongue
is an archetype of the bard class available to vishkanya characters.
Bardic Performance: A disciple of the forked tongue gains the following bardic performances.
Discordant Spiral (Su): The disciple can disrupt the thought processes of enemies who hear his performance, causing them to take a –1 penalty on saves against mind-affecting and curse effects and a –2 penalty on concentration checks. These penalties increase by 1 at 5th level and every 6 levels thereafter.
This replaces inspire courage.
Venomous Whispers (Su): At 9th level, a disciple of the forked tongue can use his performance to sow distrust into the mind of an enemy within 30 feet. An affected creature treats its allies as hostile for the purposes of their spells and abilities—it is never considered a willing target of spells and must attempt saving throws against them when possible, and it gains no benefit from allied bardic performances and other abilities that specifically target allies. For every 3 levels a disciple of the forked tongue has beyond 9th, he can target one additional enemy while using this performance (up to a maximum of four at 18th level).
This replaces inspire greatness.
Serpent of the Mind (Su): A disciple of the forked tongue can add one spell with the curseUM descriptor from the spell list of any spellcasting class to his list of spells known at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter.
This replaces versatile performance.


蝎子血脉 Scorpion Bloodline(术士血脉)





先祖毒刺 Progenitor’s Sting (Sp):你可以用一个标准动作魔法化的将你的毒素应用于自己的武器之上或者30尺内一名自愿盟友的武器之上。(毒素-伤口型;豁免:强韧DC=10+你一半的术士等级+你的魅力调整值;频率:1次/轮,持续6轮;效果:1点力量,敏捷或体质伤害[由你选择应用于哪种属性];治愈:1次豁免)。你能够每天使用此能力次数为“3+魅力修正”。
自第7级起, 每次当你使用先祖毒刺时,你可以选择两种属性值受到你的血脉毒素的影响。
自第11级起, 当你使用先祖毒刺为武器涂毒时,你可以神奇的将毒素应用在20尺内所有自愿盟友的武器上。这会额外算一次先祖毒刺的使用次数。

修改生效 Modify Onset(Su):自第3级起,你可以增加你所使用的毒药的发作时间每个等级1小时。自第9级起,你可以改变一种毒药使其没有一个生效时间,但是你可以在任何时间以一个迅捷动作触发它,无视距离。如果你在1个星期内都没有触发这剂毒药,这份毒药就会失效。这份毒药在被触发前能透过普通侦测手段和移除毒素所侦测并移除。

突袭蛰刺 Sudden Sting(Ex,Sp):自第9级起,当你可以在突袭轮行动时,你可以进行一个全回合动作而非仅有一个标准动作。你还可以每天3次以类法术形式使用加速毒发和延缓毒发。

沙中行者 Sandwalker(Ex):自第15级起,你获得30尺的掘地速度和60尺范围的震颤感知。

此我天性 It Is My Nature(Su):在20级时,你的毒血保护着你,反应性的召唤一枚以太毒刺攻击那些太靠近你的敌人。每天三次,当一名敌人移动到邻接你的方格时,你可以用一个直觉动作对其进行一次近战接触攻击。如果命中,则该生物必须通过强韧豁免(DC=10+你一半的术士等级+你的魅力调整值)否则就会死亡。通过了这个强韧豁免的生物在24小时免疫该效果。这是一个毒素和死亡效果(UM,138,137页)。你可以在被突袭或者措手不及时使用此能力。
劇透 -   :
Scorpion Bloodline (Sorcerer Bloodline)
Whether your ancestors served a scorpion goddess or simply worked closely with more mundane members of the species, the venom from these arachnids has seeped down through generations into your blood.
Class Skill: Climb.
Bonus Spells: Thorn javelinACG (3rd), spider climb (5th), poisonm (7th), giant vermin (scorpions only) (9th), vermin shape II (11th),siroccoAPG (13th), creeping doom (15th), horrid wilting (17th), transmute blood to acidUM (19th).
Bonus Feats: Arcane Strike, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Disruptive Spell, Improved Initiative, Nimble Moves, Skill Focus (Climb), Stealthy.
Bloodline Arcana: You are trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison yourself when applying poison to a weapon.
Bloodline Powers: Wherever your lineage hails from now, the desert is in your blood. Your ancestors may have worshiped the power of the scorpion or learned to channel it to survive.
Progenitor’s Sting (Sp): You can magically apply your toxic essence onto your weapon or onto the weapon of a willing ally within 30 feet as a standard action. (Poison—injury; save Fort DC 10 + half your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Str, Dex, or Con damage [chosen when this ability is used]; cure 1 save). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
At 5th level, the ability damage of your poison increases to 1d3.
At 7th level, each time you apply your progenitor’s sting, you can choose two ability scores for your bloodline poison to affect.
At 11th level, whenever you apply your progenitor’s sting to a weapon, you can magically apply it onto all willing allies’ weapons within 20 feet as well. This counts as one use of your bloodline ability.
Modify Onset (Su): At 3rd level, you can increase the onset time of poisons you use by up to 1 hour per level. At 9th level, you can alter a poison so that it does not have an onset time, but you can trigger it as a swift action to take effect at any time, regardless of distance. If you do not trigger this poison within 1 week of poisoning a target, the poison dissipates harmlessly. The poison can be detected and removed before it is triggered using any normal methods of detecting and removing poison.
Sudden Sting (Ex, Sp): At 9th level, when you are able to act in the surprise round, you can take a full round’s worth of actions rather than just a single standard action. You can also cast accelerate poisonAPG and delay poison as spell-like abilities a total of three times per day.
Sandwalker (Ex): At 15th level, you gain you gain a burrow speed of 30 feet and tremorsense with a range of 60 feet.
It Is My Nature (Su): At 20th level, your poisoned blood protects you, reflexively conjuring an ethereal stinger to lash out at foes who come too close. Three times per day when an enemy moves into a square adjacent to you, you can make a melee touch attack against the creature as an immediate action. On a hit, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) or die. A creature that succeeds at this Fortitude save is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This is a poison and death effect (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 138, 137). You can use this ability even when you are surprised or flat-footed.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-18, 周日 20:19:56 由 丞相 »

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炼金术的专家们 Alchemical Experts
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:41:31 »
毫无疑问,药水和毒药的形成离不开炼金术师们专门研究并且经常使用。除了在炼金术师职业能力已经包含的能力外,还有几个炼金术师变体也专注于毒药,例如制毒师(Toxicant)(阴招战术工具匣 7页)以及Eldritch Poisoner(未翻译)(黑市指南 28页)。下面章节提供探索炼金术其他方面的变体,以及和药水、毒药有关的发现来完善职业特色。



突变调配(Mutagenic Mixology,Ex):自2级起,当调制师制造一瓶药水时,他可以调和一些用来制造突变药剂的成分,将他的突变药剂的一些效果加入这瓶调剂物中。

化合调配(Extracting Mixology,Ex):自6级起,调剂师可以混合一份化合炼成和一份药水。允许其一起使用这种混合药,虽然可能会有一些负面效果。以一个整轮动作,调剂师可以将一份化合炼成和一瓶他拥有的药水融合。调剂师可以以一个标准动作喝下这份混合药。如果她不在创造了混合药的两轮内喝下这份它,混合药就会变得失效,并且化合练成和药水都会被毁。这个能力无法被用于使用突变调配加入过突变药剂的药水。



药物耐受性(Substance Tolerance,Ex):自2级起,当身酿酵师使用了一份毒品,她在对抗成瘾的豁免检定上获得+2加值(城主手册 236页)。当她消费了一份酊剂,她获得其好处,但是所有罚值减少1点。(如果这种酊剂的负面效果是施加一个条件或者另一种没有数值的惩罚,比如星光果汁(starlight juice, )该职业能力在2级时不生效)。此外,在喝到每再喝1杯就恶心1小时的最大限度前,身酿酵师可以喝下等于1+3倍其体质调整值的酒精饮料。(通常的醉酒规则在城主手册 237页)。
该能力取代毒素抗力(Poison Resistance)和10级时获得的科研发现(Discovery)。

挥发性炸弹(Volatile Bombs,Ex):自2级起,受到影响的身酿酵师会使其炸弹更加有效,但它们也因此变得更加不稳定更难以瞄准。只要身酿酵师在一份毒品或者酊剂的效果下或者她在过去10分钟内曾喝下一份酒精饮料,她的炸弹就会获得每个伤害骰1点的额外伤害。而在这个能力生效的同时,她在其炸弹的攻击骰上承受-2罚值。在7及和之后每6级,这个罚值额外增加1点(最高在19级时达到-5)。   
该能力取代用毒(Poison Use)。

批量制造(Batch Brew,Ex):6级起,身酿酵师学会了如何大批量制造酊剂。当她使用工艺(炼金术)制造一份酊剂时,她可以同时额外制造等于其智力调整值的酊剂。她需要为每一份酊剂都花费资源,但是她可以只尝试一个工艺检定,而将结果运用在所有被制造的酊剂上。
该能力取代了迅捷上毒(Swift Poisoning)。

科研发现 Discoveries

定制毒药(Designer Poison,Ex):炼金术师可以制造对某些生物更有效的特殊毒药。当制作一份毒药时,炼金术师可以从游侠的宿敌列表中选择一个生物种类(或者子类,如果需要的话)。在对抗所选种类的生物时,该毒药的豁免DC增加4点。在对抗其他生物时则减少2点。炼金术师必须在制造毒药时就选择生物种类和子类(如果需要),并且之后无法改变这个选择。

持久毒剂(Enduring Toxin,Ex):炼金术师可以改变一份毒药的持续时间,使其长久的留存于受害者体内。改变一剂毒药需要消耗1小时时间,并且需要花费相当于毒药市场价格一半的原材料,还会使炼金术师暴露于毒药之中,如果他没有免疫毒素就有可能会影响他。这会使毒药的最大持续时间翻倍。选择这一科研发现至少需要8级炼金术师等级。

持久酊剂(Lasting Tinctures,Ex):炼金术师学会如何制造出持续时间时间比正常长得多的酊剂。由炼金术师使用工艺技能制造的任何酊剂的持续时间都增加一倍。当炼金术师使用这一科研发现制造持久型酊剂时,酊剂会正常的施加负面效果,即使炼金术师拥有可以降低酊剂罚值的能力(例如本章中提到的身酿酵师变体的药物耐受性能力)。拥有这一发现的炼金术师也可以制造持续时间正常的酊剂。

劇透 -  原文:
No discussion of poisons or potions would be complete without alchemists, who specialize heavily and often gleefully in the use of both. Beyond the useful abilities already included in the alchemist class, there are already several alchemist archetypes that focus on poisons, such as the toxicant (Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox?7) and the eldritch poisoner (Pathfinder Player Companion: Black Markets 28). The following section provides archetypes that explore other aspects of alchemical brewing, as well as potion- and poison-related discoveries to complement these class features.

Experts at combining sets of chemicals to create unique effects, concocters specialize in blending extracts, mutagens, and potions to create concoctions that give them exhilarating powers. Concocters seem reckless to those who aren't familiar with their ways, but those who know them understand that these alchemists simply have unorthodox methods.
Mutagenic Mixology (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever a concocter brews a potion, he can mix in some of the chemicals he uses to create his mutagen, adding some of his mutagen's effects to this concoction.
When he drinks this concoction, he gains the benefit of the potion as normal. Additionally, he gains a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to one of his physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), while suffering a –2 penalty to the corresponding mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma), just as though the concoction were a mutagen. The ability score that receives the bonus must be chosen when the concoction is made. These benefits and penalties last for the duration of the effects of the potion on which the concoction is based or for 1 minute per the concocter's alchemist level, whichever is shorter.
The effects of this concoction do not stack with another such concoction or a mutagen. If the concocter drinks another concoction or a mutagen while under the effects of this concoction, the effects of any previous concoction or mutagen immediately end. A concoction that is not in the concocter's possession becomes inert until the concocter picks it up again (even if the concocter has the infuse mutagen discovery). The process used to combine the mutagen with a potion make it particularly volatile, so anyone else who drinks the concoction (including other alchemists) does not gain its benefits and must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated for 1 minute. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + the concocter's alchemist level+the concocter's Intelligence modifier.
Additional reagents and materials are required to brew a concoction in this way, doubling the cost in raw materials to create the potion on which the concoction is based. A?mutagen brewed into a concoction in this way does not count against the number of mutagens the concocter can have active at a given time.
A concocter can make one such concoction per day at 2nd level and a second per day at 4th level. A concoction becomes inert 24 hours after it is created.
Extracting Mixology (Ex): At 6th level, a concocter can combine an extract and a potion, allowing him to consume this mixture simultaneously, albeit with some potential side effects. As a full-round action, the concocter can combine an extract with a potion in his possession. The concocter can then drink the mixture as a standard action. If he does not consume the mixture within 2 rounds of creating it, the mixture grows inert and both the extract and the potion are ruined. This ability cannot be used with a potion into which he has fused his mutagen using his mutagenic mixology ability.
The exact effects of drinking one of these mixtures are volatile and unpredictable. Each time the concocter drinks a mixture, roll on the following table to determine the result.
d4 Effect
1 Either the extract (01–50 on a d%) or potion (51–100 on a d%) has no effect. The consumable that takes effect treats its caster level or the concocter’s alchemist level as 2 higher, whichever is appropriate.
2 Both the extract and potion function normally.
3 Both the extract and potion function normally but treat their caster level or the concocter’s alchemist level as 2 higher, whichever is appropriate.
4 Both the extract and potion function normally and are affected as though they were spells extended with the Extend Spell metamagic feat. If either the extract or the potion’s duration is concentration, instantaneous, or permanent, both the extract and the potion simply function normally.
This replaces swift poisoning and the discovery gained at 6th level.

Little more than moonshiners to some, fermenters focus their efforts on imbibing substances, learning from the resulting effects on their bodies, and infusing this knowledge into their skill sets. Fermenters consider themselves living experiments and accept the risks and benefits inherent in their work. (For more information on tinctures, see pages 22–23.)
Substance Tolerance (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever a fermenter consumes a drug, she gains a +2 bonus on her saving throw to resist becoming addicted (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 236). Whenever she consumes a tincture, she gains its usual benefits, but all penalties imposed are reduced by 1. (If the tincture’s penalties instead impose a condition or another penalty that is not numerical, such as the penalties imposed by starlight juice, this ability has no effect at 2nd level.) Additionally, the fermenter can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to one plus three times her Constitution modifier before becoming sickened for 1 hour per drink above this maximum. (Normal rules for drunkenness can be found on page 237 of the GameMastery Guide.)
The bonus on saving throws to resist addiction increases to +3 at 8th level and to +4 at 10th level. At 10th level, the fermenter suffers no penalties at all from drinking tinctures, including conditions and other nonnumerical penalties (starlight juice would not make her dazzled, for example). Additionally, at 10th level she can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to one plus four times her Constitution modifier before becoming sickened.
This replaces poison resistance and the discovery gained at 10th level.
Volatile Bombs (Ex): At 2nd level, a fermenter under the influence can make her bombs more potent, but they also become unstable and more difficult to aim. As long as the fermenter is under the effects of a drug or tincture, or has imbibed an alcoholic drink in the past 10 minutes, her bombs deal 1 additional point of damage per damage die. While this ability is in effect, she also takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made with her bombs. At 7th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1 (to a maximum penalty of –5 at 19th level).
This replaces poison use.
Batch Brew (Ex): At 6th level, a fermenter learns how to brew tinctures in larger batches. Whenever she creates a tincture using Craft (alchemy), she can simultaneously create a number of additional tinctures equal to her Intelligence modifier. She expends resources for each tincture separately, but she attempts a single Craft check and applies the result to each tincture being brewed.
This replaces swift poisoning.

The following discoveries allow an alchemist to make the most of poisons, potions, and tinctures.
Designer Poison (Ex): The alchemist can create special poisons that are more effective against certain creatures. When crafting a poison, the alchemist can choose a single creature type (and subtype, if appropriate) from the ranger’s favored enemy list. Against creatures of the chosen type, the poison’s saving throw DC is increased by 4. Against all other creatures, it is reduced by 2. The alchemist must choose the creature type and subtype (if appropriate) while crafting the poison and afterward cannot change this choice.
Enduring Toxin (Ex): The alchemist can alter the properties of a poison, causing it to persist longer in the victim’s body. Altering a dose of poison in the way takes 1 hour, requires the expenditure of raw materials worth half the poison’s market price, and exposes the alchemist to the poison, thereby affecting him if he is not immune. This doubles the poison’s maximum duration. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Lasting Tinctures (Ex): The alchemist knows how to make tinctures that last much longer than normal. The durations of the effects of any tinctures the alchemist brews using the Craft skill are doubled. When the alchemist uses this discovery to brew a longer-lasting tincture, the tincture imposes its normal penalties on the alchemist even if the alchemist has an ability that reduces tinctures’ penalties (such as the substance tolerance ability of the fermenter alchemist archetype presented in this section). An alchemist with this discovery can brew tinctures with normal durations.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 21:43:50 由 丞相 »

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巫术酿制者(Bewitching Brewers)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:42:01 »

汲毒巫(Venom Siphoner )【女巫变体】


毒物魔宠(Poisonous Familiar,Ex):汲毒巫需要选择其魔宠的啮咬或者爪抓攻击来附加以下毒素能力;一旦选定,该选择就无法更改。虹吸毒:天生武器—伤口;豁免强韧DC=10+1/2女巫等级+女巫智力调整值;频率:1次/轮,持续6轮;效果:1d2敏捷;治愈1次。

毒液专家(Venom Expert,Ex):自2级起,汲毒巫不再会因为尝试从魔宠身上挤榨毒素而可能暴露于毒素之下(极限荒野(Ultimate Wilderness)142页)。

毒性血液(Toxic Blood,Ex):自6级起,汲毒巫的血液变得有毒,这增强了她的力量。任何生物以天生武器,轻型武器,单手武器对汲毒巫造成流血伤害时,会自动暴露在与其魔宠相同的毒素之下,如果未能通过豁免则受到毒素影响。此外,当其释放一个需要强韧豁免的单体目标法术时,她可以用一个自由动作让法术携带这种毒素;成功通过法术豁免的目标也会避免毒素生效。她每天可以使用法术携带毒素的次数等于3+女巫的智力调整值。这种能力会在汲毒巫每天与其魔宠沟通准备每日法术时刷新。


折耗之礼(Gift of Consumption,Su):女巫诅咒一名生物使其共享任何作用于自己活力的效果。当女巫暴露于一个需要其尝试强韧豁免的效果下,以一个直觉动作,她可以诅咒30尺内的一个生物同样承受这个效果。这个巫术的目标必须同样尝试一个与女巫同样DC的强韧豁免,如果失败了,对象会暴露在影响女巫的同一能力之下。无论豁免成功与否,该生物在1天内都不会再次成为此巫术的目标。该巫术不会对额外需要其他豁免的效果生效,如魅影杀手(phantasmal killer)。

高等折耗之礼(Greater Gift of Consumption,Su):女巫可以更有效的将效果重新定向到她用折耗之礼选择的替罪羊(proxy)。当女巫成功通过了一个——她重新定向至替罪羊的——对一个效果的强韧豁免,该巫术的目标在对抗重新定向的效果时在强韧豁免上承受-4罚值。如果女巫没能通过强韧豁免或者故意是自己暴露于需要强韧豁免的效果,例如吞下一份毒药,她可以将效果重新定向,使其只影响巫术目标,而巫术目标仍然可以尝试一个豁免检定来对抗该效果。一旦女巫以这个方式将一个效果对一个生物重新定向,该生物在24小时内免疫折耗之礼。女巫必须拥有折耗之礼巫术才能选择这个巫术。

毒药之触(Poison Touch,Ex):女巫增强自己或30尺内一名盟友,使之获得带毒指甲。受影响的生物获得一次爪抓攻击作为次要攻击造成1d3伤害(小体型生物1d2)并且获得以下毒素能力:女巫毒:爪抓-伤口;豁免强韧DC=10+1/2女巫等级+女巫智力调整值;频率1次/轮持续6轮;效果:1d2力量;治愈1次豁免。该生物获得爪抓攻击的持续时间等于女巫等级/分钟。如果目标已经拥有了爪抓攻击,该攻击获得上述毒素能力,但是DC增加1点。每当一名生物受益于此巫术,24小时内无法再次从中获益。


不安沉眠(Restless Slumber,Su):女巫诅咒30尺内的一个生物使其陷入充斥着梦魇的沉眠中。这个巫术功能如同沉眠巫术。此外,睡眠的不安的特性会使生物剧烈折腾和翻身,每轮会对其自己造成1d10点伤害。这个伤害不会使该生物醒来。当其醒来时,该生物由于头脑糊涂会困惑等于1/2女巫等级的轮数。女巫必须拥有沉眠巫术才可以选择这个巫术。

凋零(Withering,Su): :女巫诅咒30尺内的一个生物使其迅速老化,增强女巫的力量。目标的年龄进入下一个年龄阶段(成年之中年,以此类推)。女巫获得等于1d10+女巫等级的临时生命,并且在力量、敏捷或者体质上获得+2增强加值,持续等于其智力调整值的小时。这些效果持续等于女巫等级的小时。一个生物的年龄不会由于该巫术超过暮年,并且她可以尝试一个强韧豁免来完全忽视这些效果。一旦一个生物成功抵抗了凋零巫术,他就不再会被其影响。


抗毒剂之触(Antitoxin Touch)
等級:炼金术师 1,德鲁伊 1,游侠 1,萨满 1,女巫 1
该目标的皮肤在法术生效期间会分泌少量抗毒的油脂。该目标不会在涂毒时意外中毒。此外,目标在尝试挤榨毒素(极限荒野(Ultimate Wilderness)142页)是不会有暴露于生物毒素下的风险。

毒云术(Poisonous Cloud)
等級:血脉狂怒者 4,魔战士 4,萨满 4,术士/法师 4,召唤师 4,女巫 4
毒云术会造出一团云雾,如同云雾术 (fog cloud),除了这云雾充满毒素。这片云雾对强韧豁免失败的活物每轮造成1d2点体质伤害。任何成功通过强韧豁免后仍留在云雾中的生物,都需要每到施法者的回合尝试新的豁免。

毒血术(Toxic Blood)
等級:炼金术士 4,血脉狂怒者 4,牧师 4,德鲁伊 4,调查员 3,魔战士 3,游侠 4,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3,女巫 3
目标生物的血液会变的有毒,任何时候当目标收到穿刺或挥砍伤害,就会有一股酸性血液从它的身体喷向造成伤害的对手。该血液呈10尺线性,攻击它接触到的第一个生物或物体。杯血液击中的生物将受到黑蛇毒(Black adder venom)的效果(《核心规则 558》),并且需要如常对毒液进行豁免,DC等于该法术DC。

劇透 -  原文:
BewItchIng Brewers
Folktales throughout the Inner Sea region often describe witches as spellcasters tied to dark and sinister forces that grant knowledge of powerful magic and horrific concoctions. Some witches make deadly toxins their focus, cooking up particularly potent poisons to use in combination with their spells. Presented here are a number of options for witches who focus on using poisons and vile toxins.

Witches are no strangers to poisons, using them alongside their various brews, curses, spells, and other tools of the trade. A number of witches are masters of poison, receiving toxic gifts that allow them and their familiars to use poison in unparalleled manners.
Poisonous Familiar (Ex): The venom siphoner chooses either her familiar's bite attack or its claw attacks; once chosen, this selection can't be changed. The chosen natural attack gains the following poison ability: Siphoner Poison: Natural attack—injury; save Fort DC 10 + half the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
Familiars without an appropriate natural attack instead gain the ability to spit the poison as a ranged touch attack. This spit attack deals no damage, but it exposes the struck creature to the poison, forcing it to attempt a saving throw to resist the poison as normal. If the familiar already has a poison, the witch can instead empower its poison. An empowered poison's frequency increases by 50%. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, she must choose how this ability applies to her new familiar as soon as she receives it.
This replaces the hex gained at 1st level and the familiar's alertness special ability.
Venom Expert (Ex): At 2nd level, a venom siphoner does not risk exposure to her familiar's poison when attempting to milk venom from it (see page 142 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness).
This replaces the hex gained at 2nd level.
Toxic Blood (Ex): At 6th level, the venom siphoner's blood becomes toxic, empowering her abilities. Any creature that deals bleed damage to her with a natural, light, or one-handed weapon is automatically exposed to the same poison granted to her familiar and must succeed at the save or be affected by the poison. Additionally, when casting spells that have a single target and require a Fortitude save, she can cause the spell to deliver this poison as a free action; a target who succeeds at the save against the spell also avoids being affected by the poison. She can cause spells to deliver poison in this way a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. This ability refreshes when the venom siphoner communes with her familiar to prepare her daily spells.
This replaces the hex gained at 6th level.

The following hexes are suitable for witches who commonly use or encounter poison. Two allow her to force others to endure effects she encounters, and while another grants her or an ally a poisoned claw attack.
Gift of Consumption (Su): The witch curses a creature to share any effects that target her vitality. Whenever the witch is exposed to an effect that requires her to attempt a Fortitude save, as an immediate action she can curse a creature within 30 feet to share the effect. The hexed creature must also attempt a Fortitude save at the same DC as the witch's, and on a failure it is subject to the same effects as the witch. Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the creature can't be targeted by this hex again for 1 day. This hex does not function with effects that require additional types of saves, such as phantasmal killer.
Greater Gift of Consumption (Su): The witch can more effectively redirect effects to her proxy chosen by the gift of consumption hex. When the witch succeeds at her Fortitude save against an effect that she has redirected to a proxy, the hexed creature takes a –4 penalty on its Fortitude save against the redirected effect. If the witch ever fails a Fortitude save or intentionally exposes herself to an effect that requires a Fortitude save, such as by ingesting a poison, she can redirect that effect to affect only the hexed creature, though the hexed creature can still attempt a saving throw to resist the effects. Once she has redirected an effect to another creature in this way, that creature cannot be affected by the gift of consumption hex again for 24 hours. The witch must have the gift of consumption hex to select this hex.
Poison Touch (Ex): The witch empowers herself or an ally within 30 feet with poisonous nails. The affected creature gains a claw attack as a secondary attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for Small creatures) and has the following poison ability: Witch Toxin: Claw—injury; save Fort DC 10 + half the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save. The creature gains this claw attack for a number of minutes equal to the witch's level. If the target already has a claw attack, that attack gains the poison ability listed above, but the DC is 1 higher. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.

The following major hexes are suitable for witches who wish to impair their enemies. These major hexes simulate long-term results of toxins that might affect someone exposed to numerous noxious elements over the years.
Restless Slumber (Su): The witch causes a creature within 30 feet to fall into a sleep riddled with nightmares. This functions as the slumber hex. Additionally, the restless nature of the sleep causes the creature to violently toss and turn, dealing 1d10 points of damage to itself each turn. This damage does not wake the creature. When it wakes, the creature's addled state causes it to be confused for a number of rounds equal to half the witch's level. The witch must have the slumber hex to select this hex.
Withering (Su): The witch causes a creature within 30 feet to age rapidly, empowering the witch in the process. The target ages to the next age category (adult to middle-aged, and so on). The witch gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + her witch level and a +2 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution for a number of hours equal to her Intelligence modifier. These effects last for a number of hours equal to the witch's level. A creature cannot be aged past venerable age by this hex, and it can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the effect altogether. Once a creature has successfully saved against the withering hex, it cannot be affected by it again.

The following poison-themed spells are suitable for witches and other toxic spellcasters.
School abjuration; Level alchemist 1, druid 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a small drop of antitoxin)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
The target's skin secretes a small amount of venom-resistant oils for the spell's duration. The target cannot accidentally poison itself while applying poison. Additionally, the target does not risk exposure to a creature's poison when attempting to milk venom (Ultimate Wilderness 142).
School conjuration (creation) [poisonUM]; Level bloodrager 4, magus 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (small drop of poison)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; see text; Spell Resistance no
Poisonous cloud creates a bank of fog like that created by fog cloud, except that the vapors are toxic. The cloud deals 1d2 points of Constitution damage per round to living creatures that fail their Fortitude saves. A creature that succeeds at its save but remains in the cloud must continue to attempt a new saving throw each round on your turn.
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静谧毒杀者(Covert Poisoners)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:43:35 »
盗贼对毒素也不陌生。实际上,毒药是某些盗贼的工具包中不可或缺的一部分,一些囊括了很多的盗贼在内的组织专注于使用毒素来成就她们的功绩。这些组织包括河域诸国的匕痕施毒者公会(Daggermark Poisoner),以及莫迪欧凯提岛(Mediogalti Island)的红螳螂刺客。
在诸多盗贼中,制毒大师盗贼(Poisoner rogues)(进阶玩家手册 134页)是最有可能运用毒素的,他们运用毒素的才能是无与伦比的。一些偏好毒素的盗贼也可以选择以下变体中的一个。除了盗贼之外,杀手也经常发现自己也属于用毒人员行列。这一章节还包含了盗贼和杀手天赋提供给希望拓展毒素才艺的角色。



熟练毒杀者(Adroit Poisonerr,Ex):自2级其,针杀者巧手检定上获得+2加值。这个加值在针杀者使用巧手拔出一把一发涂有毒素的隐藏武器时,上升至+4。在8级时,此加值分别上升至+4和+6。

精妙施毒(Subtle Poisoning,Ex):自4级起,针杀者可以将接触(contact)或摄入(ingested)型毒药施加在她的武器上,并且如同伤口(injury)型毒素一样运作。该毒素必须在应用于武器上1分钟内传递,否则就会被浪费。当针杀者使用该能力以伤口形式传递接触和摄入毒药时,抵抗该毒药的豁免DC降低1点。
该能力取代了直觉闪避(uncanny dodge)。

以针施毒(Needle Poisoner,Ex):自6级起,针杀者可以用一个迅捷动作为一份武器涂抹一份毒素。该能力在符合先决条件时,可以被视为迅捷上毒(swift poisoning)。
该能力取代了盗贼6级时获得的盗贼天赋(Rogue Talents)。

隐秘传递(Concealed Delivery,Ex):自8级起,针杀者汇合了如何以精妙的手段传递所有类型的毒药。以一个标准动作,她可以用通过将毒药置于接触目标的嘴唇、脖子上,或者其他与目标的皮肤的类似接触,将一份摄入(ingested)或吸入(inhaled)毒素如同接触型毒素一样传递给一个生物。以这种方式传递毒素需要通过一个成功的巧手检定对抗目标的察觉检定。如果检定失败,该毒素不会浪费,但是如果在第一次尝试之后的1分钟内没能成功传递,则毒素会浪费。
该能力替换了精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。



毒素抗力(Posion Resistance,Ex):自2级起,饮毒鬼在对抗所有毒素的豁免上获得+2加值。该加值在8级时成长为+4。

非自然摄入(Unnatural Ingestion,Ex):自4级起,饮毒鬼获得对所有摄入型毒药的免疫,包括被转化成或者被认识摄入型的毒药(例如通过炼金术师的毒素转换发现转换成的摄入型毒药)。
该能力替换了直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)和精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。


精准毒杀(Accurate Poisoner,Ex):拥有此天赋的盗贼可以以致命的精准传递毒素。当盗贼成功用带有毒武器命中一名敌人并且造成偷袭伤害时,她可以放弃偷袭伤害来增加毒药的效能。如果她这么做了,毒素的持续时间增加2(举例大型蝎子毒的持续时间会从6轮增加到8轮,卓尔毒会从2分钟增加到4分钟)。

滞留毒素(Lingering Poison,Ex):拥有此天赋的盗贼可以是一份毒药在一段时间内保持潜伏。当她传递一份接触或者伤口型毒药时,盗贼可以延迟毒药的效果最多1天发作(最短1轮),以取代毒药的正常发作时间。被延迟的毒素可以正常的被法术例如侦测毒素或者类似能力所发现。

标志性毒药(Signature Poison,Ex):拥有此天赋的盗贼可以选择一种毒药(如血根草或腐油精之类的)作为她的标志性毒药。当她使用该毒药时,毒药的豁免DC+2。一名盗贼可以多次选择该天赋,每次需要应用于一种新的毒素。

压制毒药(Suppress Poison,Ex):拥有此天赋的盗贼可以避开毒药的影响。以一个直觉动作,当她在进行一次对抗毒素的豁免检定失败时,该盗贼可以尝试重骰豁免。如果她在第二次豁免中成功,这该毒素在等于其体质调整值的轮数(最少1轮)内不会对其生效。这个时间计入毒药持续时间中。该天赋对于非立即生效的毒素没有效果。

剧毒反刍(Toxic Regurgitation,Ex):拥有此天赋的盗贼可以用一个标准动作喝下一份非吸入性毒药,并将其驻留在体内。他不会受到这份毒素影响,不需要对其尝试豁免抵抗毒素。她可以用这种方法将毒药驻留在体内等于其体质调整值个小时,之后她必须立即吐出毒液否则就会正常受到毒素影响。在毒液驻留在体内的任何时候,盗贼可以用一个远程接触攻击对10尺内的生物喷涂毒液。这不会导致借机攻击。一旦成功命中,受到攻击的生物暴露于毒药之下如同这是一份接触型毒药。该盗贼同时只能在体内维持一份毒药。如果他驻留了一份新的毒药,原来的驻留毒药会立即如常影响他。


集中毒药 (Focused Poison,Ex):杀手可以将毒药集中,以最为致命的方式传递给他的杀戮目标。当杀手研究一个目标时,她可以立即减少维持的额外目标的数量。减少该人数不需要动作。每用这个方式减少一个研究目标,对其杀戮目标毒素的DC就增加1。杀手必须至少6级才能选择该天赋,并且必须已经拥有用毒 (Poison Use)天赋。

偏转毒药 (Redirect Poison,Ex):杀手可以偏转对他的毒药攻击。当一名生物使用带毒的武器或天生武器攻击杀手但是未能命中时,杀手可以尝试将这次攻击偏转向触及内的一名生物(可能也可以包括那名没有成功命中杀手的生物)。以一个直觉动作,杀手可以进行一个攻击检定对抗 他希望将毒素偏转到的那个生物。如果成功命中,该毒素将重新确定目标,而目标将必须如常进行豁免骰以避免中毒。该攻击只会重新定向毒素,不会附加伤害。该能力无法作用于用带毒天武攻击杀手的生物,但是可以作用于用涂毒人造武器攻击杀手的生物。

劇透 -   :
Covert Poisoners
Rogues are no strangers to poisons. In fact, poison is such an integral part of certain rogues'toolkits that some groups that include a large number of rogues focus entirely on the use of these toxins for their deeds. Such groups include the Daggermark Poisoner's Guild in the River Kingdoms and the Red Mantis assassins on Mediogalti Island.
Among rogues, poisoner rogues (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 134) are most likely to employ toxins, as their skill with poisons is unparalleled. Some poisoner rogues also take one of the archetypes presented below. In addition to rogues, slayers also commonly find themselves among the ranks of poison users. This section also contains rogue and slayer talents for characters who wish to expand their poisonous repertoires.

While some assassins and killers prefer to be up front with their poison use, others favor a covert approach. Needlers use subtlety and misdirection to deliver deadly poisons to unsuspecting victims in creative and unorthodox ways. This archetype is appropriate for rogues built using the rules from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook as well as for unchained rogues (Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 20).
Adroit Poisoner (Ex): At 2nd level, a needler gains a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks. This bonus increases to +4 when the needler uses Sleight of Hand to draw a hidden weapon that is coated in poison. At 8th level, these bonuses increase to +4 and +6, respectively.
This replaces evasion.
Subtle Poisoning (Ex): At 4th level, a needler can apply a contact or ingested poison to her weapon and deliver it as if it were an injury poison. The poison must be delivered within 1 minute of this application, or it is wasted. The DC of the saving throw to resist the poison decreases by 1 when the needler uses this ability to deliver a contact or ingested poison via injury.
This replaces uncanny dodge.
Needle Poisoner (Ex): At 6th level, a needler can apply a dose of poison to a weapon as a swift action. This ability counts as swift poisoning for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
This replaces the rogue talent gained at 6th level.
Concealed Delivery (Ex): At 8th level, a needler learns how to deliver all types of poisons with subtlety. As a standard action, she can deliver an ingested or inhaled poison to a creature within reach by placing a dose of poison on the target's lips, on the target's neck, or through other similar contact with the target's skin as if the poison were a contact poison. Delivering poison in this way requires a successful Sleight of Hand check opposed by the target's Perception check. The poison is not lost on a failed check, but it must be successfully delivered within 1 minute of the first attempt, or it is wasted.
This replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Poisons are common tools in a rogue's trade, and some poison-using rogues are so frequently exposed to these toxins that they have developed resistances to particular poisons. Known as rotdrinkers, these rogues purposefully consume poisons to augment their minds and bodies, though they do so at the expense of traditional roguish nimbleness. This archetype is appropriate for rogues built using the Core Rulebook as well for unchained rogues (Pathfinder Unchained 20).
Poison Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, a rotdrinker gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against all poisons. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level.
This replaces evasion.
Unnatural Ingestion (Ex): At 4th level, a rotdrinker gains immunity to all ingested poisons, including poisons that are converted to or considered ingested poisons (such as a poison converted to an ingested poison using the alchemist's poison conversionUC discovery).
    Further, when the rotdrinker ingests an ingested poison, she gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half her rogue level. These temporary hit points stack with temporary hit points from other effects, and they last until they are lost or for a number of rounds equal to the rotdrinker's rogue level, whichever comes first.
    Additionally, the rotdrinker gains benefits from the ingested poisons that she ingests depending on the poison's details, as explained below. A rotdrinker can gain hit points and additional benefits from only one ingested poison at a time. If she ingests another poison while she has temporary hit points and additional benefits from another poison, the previous temporary hit points and benefits are lost. At 8th level, the temporary hit points and additional benefits last for a number of minutes equal to the rotdrinker's rogue level.
    Ingested poisons provide an alchemical bonus equal to the number of consecutive saving throws required to cure the poison (for example, lich dust provides a +2 bonus). An ingested poison that affects Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution grants this bonus on the rotdrinker's damage rolls and Fortitude saving throws. An ingested poison that affects Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma instead grants this bonus on the rotdrinker's attack rolls and Will saving throws. An ingested poison that does not affect any ability scores (such as oil of taggit) grants this bonus to the rotdrinker's AC. If an ingested poison falls into more
than one of these categories, the rotdrinker chooses which benefit she receives at the time of ingestion.
This replaces improved uncanny dodge and uncanny dodge.

The following talents serve rogues who use poisons in their tactics or encounter poisons on their adventures.

Accurate Poisoner (Ex): A rogue with this talent delivers poisons with deadly precision. When the rogue successfully hits an opponent with a poisoned weapon and would deal sneak attack damage, she can forgo the sneak attack damage and increase the poison's potency. If she does, the poison's duration increases by 2 (for example, large scorpion venom lasts for 8 rounds instead of 6 rounds, and drow poison lasts for 4 minutes instead of 2 minutes).

Lingering Poison (Ex): A rogue with this talent can have a poison remain inert until a later time. When she delivers a contact or injury poison, instead of the poison's normal onset time, the rogue can delay the poison's effects until up to 1 day from when it is delivered (minimum 1 round). The delayed poison can be detected as normal by spells such as detect poison and similar abilities.

Signature Poison (Ex): A rogue with this talent chooses one poison (such as bloodroot or oil of taggit) as her signature?poison. When she uses the chosen poison, the poison's saving throw DC increases by +2. A rogue can take this talent multiple times, each time applying it to a new poison.

Suppress Poison (Ex): A rogue with this talent can stave off the effects of a poison. As an immediate action when she fails a saving throw against a poison, the rogue can attempt the saving throw a second time. If she succeeds at this second saving throw, the poison does not affect her for a number of rounds equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1?round), but this time it counts against the poison's duration. This talent has no effect on poisons with an onset longer than immediate.

Toxic Regurgitation (Ex): A rogue with this talent can drink a noninhaled poison as a standard action and suspend it within her body. She is not affected by the poison while it is suspended within her, and she doesn't need to attempt saving throws against it. She can suspend a poison within herself in this way for a number of hours equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1), after which she must immediately expel the poison or be affected by it as normal. At any time while the poison is suspended within her, the rogue can spit up the poison as a ranged touch attack at any creature within 10 feet. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. On a successful hit, the struck creature is exposed to the poison as if it were a contact poison. The rogue can maintain only a single suspended poison at a time. If she suspends a new poison, any older suspended poison immediately affects her as normal.

The following talents serve slayers who wish to add more poisons to their arsenal and, in turn, protect themselves from exposure to such toxins.

Focused Poison (Ex): The slayer can focus his poison delivery to be especially deadly to his studied target. When the slayer studies a target, he can immediately reduce the number of additional studied targets he can maintain. Reducing this number does not require an action. For each target reduced in this way, the DC of poisons used against his studied target increases by 1. The slayer must be at least 6th level and have the poison use talent to select this talent.

Redirect Poison (Ex): The slayer can divert poisoned attacks against him. When a creature unsuccessfully attacks the slayer with a poisoned weapon or a natural weapon that would poison him, the slayer can attempt to redirect the attack to a creature within his reach (including, possibly, the creature that unsuccessfully attacked the slayer). As an immediate action, the slayer can make an attack roll against the creature to which he would redirect the poison. On a success, the poison is redirected to the target, and the target must attempt a saving throw against the poison as normal. This attack only redirects the poison and does not otherwise damage the targeted creature. This ability cannot affect a creature that attacked the slayer with a poisoned natural weapon, but it can affect a creature that attacked him with a poisoned manufactured weapon.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 21:48:40 由 丞相 »

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求知匠人(Curious Crafters)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:44:14 »

无忌饮者(Reckless Epicurean)【调查员变体】


熟悉的味道(A Familiar Taste,Ex): 自2级起,无忌饮者将等于他1/2等级的加值加在用于察觉和用于辨识药水的法术辨识上。她从毒素抗力和毒素免疫的增益也应用于对抗有害的药水或者其他带有负面效果的物质,如毒品。

实验饮品(Experimental Potable,Su):自5级起,每天一次,无忌饮者可以从炼金公式列表中选择一个她不知道的公式,用一个对应等级的化合位置准备一个实验饮品。实验饮品通常都有些副作用。当一名生物消耗一份这种饮品时,调查员必须成功通过一个法术辨识检定(DC=15+公式等级)。如果失败,她必须按照狂野魔潮(Wild Magic Surge)表格(探索者解放 147页)投骰以决定额外效果。如果法术或效果的性质无法产生狂野魔潮的效果,按照通用潮汐效果(Universal Surge Effects)表格(探索者解放 148)的效果投骰作为替代。结果中影响施法者的效果会转而影响实验饮品的引用者。
该能力取代了5级时获得的调查员天赋(investigator talent)。

同属抗力(Sympathetic Resistance,Su) :自13级起,当一名无忌饮者喝下一份化合或者药水时,她在对抗与药水相同学派的法术或者类法术能力的豁免上获得一个炼金加值,持续等于其智力调整值的轮数。该加值等于化合或药水所储存法术的环级。调查员每天可以使用这个能力的次数等于其智力调整值(最少为1)。
该能力取代了13级时获得的调查员天赋(investigator talent)。

编毒师(Toxin Codexer)【调查员变体】


毒剂学识(Poison Lore,Ex): 编毒师在1级时获得毒剂学识能力。该能力和调查员的毒剂学识职业能力完全相同

合成毒液(Synthetic Venom,Ex):合成毒液 当编毒师准备化合炼成时,她可以使用化合槽位准备短活性的毒素而非化合。一下毒素可以被准备进化合槽内。
4级—暗掠者粉末,紫虫毒,三眼毒(third eye,暂译)UW
5级—死刃夜露,毒芹汁,猎巫人之剑(witch hunter’s sword,暂译)UW
这调整了炼金术(Alchemy),并取代了寻找陷阱(Trapfinding)和3级时获得的调查员天赋(investigator talent)。

改造毒素(Modify Toxin,Ex) :自3级起,编毒师学会了如何解放毒药的有益或有害作用。即使目标成功通过了对抗毒素的豁免检定,这些效果也会生效,并且仍然被视为[毒素]效果。一份改造后的毒药如果不在1小时内使用就会失效。
• 在对抗力竭、疲乏和睡眠的豁免检定上获得+2炼金加值或者-2炼金罚值。
• 在对抗拥有[毒素]描述符效果的豁免上获得+4炼金加值或者-4炼金罚值。
• 影响一个目标,使她在每轮第一次受伤时,额外收到1d6点非致命伤害,这是一个[痛苦]效果。
• 施加或消除疲乏状态。
• 造成1点流血伤害或者治愈任何持续流血效果。
• 治疗一种其治愈DC不超过改造毒素的疾病或者毒药。这对于魔法诅咒,疾病或毒素没有效果。
• 治愈一种魔法疾病或毒素,其治愈DC不超过改造毒素。
• 对目标施加30%法术失败率。
该能力取代了敏锐回想(Keen Recollection)和陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。



高等叛道毒物(Greater Anathema,Ex):调查员的叛道毒物,对能力的削减增加至10,并且他可以将DR/─以及再生加入他可以靠叛道毒物降低的能力列表中。此外,当调查员创造一件叛道毒物时,他可以指定一个特定种类的生物(像是吸血鬼),而不是一个生物类别。当使用叛道毒物对抗该特定敌人时,叛道毒物的豁免DC会较原材料毒药高2。调查员必须拥有叛道毒物调查员天赋后才能选择此天赋。

残存毒液(Lingering Venom,Ex):调查员个人应用到武器与陷阱,或以其他方式施加于敌人上的毒药,需要额外一次成功的豁免检定来治愈。调查员必须要至少5级才能选择此天赋。

劇透 -  原文:
With a keen interest in the world around them and training in alchemical methods, investigators are naturally drawn to the use of both potions and poisons. Some investigators pursue these avenues further than others, focusing less on the hazards of adventuring and more on the intricate nuances of their chosen subject. Investigators who excel with poisons, called toxin codexers, are most often found in places where mundane poisons are a common threat. Kings and nobles might employ them as poison tasters or forensic experts, while the Daggermark Poisoners’ Guild often trains these investigators to aid in researching new toxins. Investigators who focus on potions are less likely to be deliberately sought out, due to their tendency of being overly experimental, but they are commonly found in larger alchemists’ guilds. While these specialized investigators are sometimes dismissed as unreliable at best and hazardous at worst, they are tireless in the advancement of their field, and their meticulous studies continue to add to the knowledge of alchemists and guilds across Golarion. Those investigators who can keep up with correspondence are known to consult with other experts in their favored subjects, while those with easy access to printing compile their notes into pamphlets for interested parties.

Reckless epicureans are investigators who, for whatever reason, tend to test unknown concoctions on themselves. Whether an obsessive scientist, a healer determined to ensure the safety of her tinctures, or a seeker of new and interesting potions, a reckless epicurean’s body is saturated with experimental chemicals and magic. She can prepare extracts without formulae by approximating the taste, and she can guzzle cursed concoctions without batting an eyelash.
A Familiar Taste (Ex): At 2nd level, a reckless epicurean adds half her level as a bonus on Perception and Spellcraft checks to identify potions. The benefits she receives from poison resistance and poison immunity also apply against harmful potions and other ingested substances with negative effects, such as drugs.
This replaces trapfinding.
Experimental Potable (Su): At 5th level, once per day, a reckless epicurean can prepare one experimental potable using a formula that she does not know from the alchemist formulae list into an extract slot of the appropriate level. These experimental potables often have side effects. When a creature consumes one of these potables, the investigator must succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC = 15 + the formula’s level). On a failure, she must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 147) to determine the extra effects. If the wild magic surge effect isn’t possible due to the nature of the spell or effect, roll instead on the Universal Surge Effects table (Pathfinder Unchained 148). Results concerning the caster affect the drinker of the experimental potable instead.
At 8th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the reckless epicurean can prepare one additional experimental potable per day.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 5th level.
Sympathetic Resistance (Su): At 13th level, when a reckless epicurean drinks an extract or a potion, she gains an alchemical bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities of the same school as that potion or extract for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier. This bonus is equal to the level of the spell contained in the extract or potion. The investigator can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 13th level.

While most investigators are well versed in the knowledge of poisons, the toxin codexer has made it a way of life. He meticulously seeks out new poisons and catalogs their effects, both those that are harmful and those that are potentially beneficial. A toxin codexer’s detailed understanding of how his toxins work allows him to blend them with exact precision, creating even more deadly venoms or providing painful medicines for those in need.
Poison Lore (Ex): A toxin codexer gains the poison lore ability at 1st level. This ability is otherwise identical to the investigator’s poison lore class feature.
Synthetic Venom (Ex): When a toxin codexer prepares his extracts, he can use his slots to prepare short-lived poisons instead of extracts. The following poisons can be prepared into extract slots:
1st—arsenic, giant wasp poison, medium spider venom;
2nd—black adder venom, id moss, striped toadstool;
3rd—blue whinnis, lich dust, sassone leaf residue;
4th—dark reaver powder, purple worm poison, third eyeUW;
5th—deathblade, hemlock, witch hunter’s swordUW;
6th—black lotus extract, dragon bile, king’s sleep.
Additional poison selections can be added to this list with GM approval.
The Fortitude save DC of these poisons is 10 + the toxin codexer’s Intelligence modifier + the extract level of the poison. Poisons created in this way are unstable and become inert after 1 day if not used. Once the poison is administered to a target, the duration is as normal for that poison’s type, even if longer than 1 day. These poisons can be applied to weapons (if applicable) only by the toxin codexer, unless he has the infusion alchemist discovery.
This modifies alchemy and replaces trapfinding and the investigator talent gained at 3rd level.
Modify Toxin (Ex): At 3rd level, a toxin codexer learns to unlock both the beneficial and detrimental side effects of his poisons. These effects apply even if the target succeeds at her save against the poison, but they still count as poisonUM effects. A modified toxin becomes inert if not used within 1 hour.
As a move action, the toxin codexer can expend one use of inspiration to apply one of the following effects to a poison in his possession, choosing either the benefit or the detriment when an effect has both options. These effects last for a number of rounds equal to the investigator’s Intelligence modifier unless otherwise stated.
• Grant a +2 alchemical bonus or impose a –2 alchemical penalty on saving throws against exhaustion, fatigue, and sleep effects.
• Grant a +4 alchemical bonus or impose a –4 alchemical penalty on saving throws against effects with the painUM descriptor.
At 6th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:
• Affect a target so the first time she takes damage each round, she takes an additional 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. This is a painUM effect.
• Inflict or remove the fatigued condition.At 9th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:
• Deal 1 point of bleed damage or cure any ongoing bleed effects.
• Cure one disease or poison whose save DC does not exceed that of the modified poison. This has no effect on magical curses, diseases, or poisons.
At 12th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:
• Cure one magical disease or poison whose save DC does not exceed that of the modified poison.
• Bestow a 30% spell failure chance on a target.This replaces keen recollection and trap sense.
The following talents function well for investigators pursuing the arts of a poisoner.

Anathema (Ex): When an investigator creates or prepares a poison, including poisons derived from racial or class abilities, he can spend one use of inspiration to create an anathema instead. Anathemas count as poisons, but they can affect creatures that are normally immune to poison, as they exploit vulnerabilities in their very nature rather than their biology. When an anathema is created, select a creature type (and subtype, if applicable) from the ranger favored enemy list; the anathema functions only against this chosen type. The investigator also chooses one of the following special abilities for the anathema to affect: damage reduction (except DR/—), energy resistance (one type chosen by the investigator), fast healing, movement speed, or spell resistance.The method of delivery (contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury) and the DC of the anathema’s save are identical to those of the poison used to make the anathema. If the target fails its save against the anathema (even if the enemy is normally immune to effects that require a specific save, such as undead’s immunity to effects that require a Fortitude save), the value of the chosen ability is lowered by 5 (minimum 0) for 1 round per investigator level.

Greater Anathema (Ex): The ability reduction of the investigator’s anathemas increases to 10, and he adds DR/— and regeneration to the list of abilities he can lower with an anathema. In addition, when an investigator creates an anathema, he can designate a specific kind of creature (such as vampires) in addition to the creature type. When used against this specific foe, the DC of the save against the anathema is 2 higher than the component poison. An investigator must have the anathema investigator talent to select this talent.

Lingering Venom (Ex): Poisons that the investigator personally applies to weapons and traps, or otherwise inflicts upon foes, require one additional successful save to cure. An investigator must be at least 5th level to select this talent.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 22:01:47 由 丞相 »

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药水简述(Potion Prospectus)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:45:12 »


延迟药水 Delayed Potion

治疗药水 Healing Potion

蒸汽药水 Vaporous Potion
专长效果:当你制造药水时,你可以用一种特殊手法使其在突然暴露于空气中并受力时,扩散成一片可以吸入的蒸汽云。药水仍然可以被正常消耗,但是也可以被如同投炸武器(splash weapon)扔到其他人身上传递效果。这个药水瓶拥有10尺射程增量并被视为简易武器。一旦命中,瓶子就会破碎并且一股几乎不可见的药水蒸汽云会充满它着陆的方格(这股蒸汽不会以任何方式影响任何正常视觉)。如果一个生物在该格子里,它会立刻获得药水的好处,如同它喝下了药水。


黏土肌肤(Clay Skin)
等級:炼金术师 3,血脉狂怒者 3,审判者 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3,
目标的皮肤会变得坚韧并且摸起来就像黏土一样,给予了目标DR5/精金。一旦这个法术转换了每施法者等级5点伤害 (最高50),法术能量耗尽。

瞥见隐藏(Glimpse the Hidden)
等級:炼金术师 3,审判者 3,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3,女巫 3

鉴别者之眼(Identifier's eye)
等級:炼金术师 2,吟游诗人 2,术士/法师 2,召唤师 2,女巫 2
持续:3轮 + 1轮/等级,见下文
这个法术将魔法能量的火花灌注于目标的血脉之中,允许其感受到如同感觉到空气振动般感受到魔力的波动。在法术持续期间,目标获得法术侦测魔法(detect magic)的效果并且在鉴别魔法物品的特性和命令词的法术辨识上获得+5加值。此外,在法术效果下,目标可以在为受训情况下尝试这些检定。该能力不允许目标检定神器。

相位步伐(Phase Step)
等級:炼金术师 3,吟游诗人 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3,女巫 3
你将目标生物瞬间传送到范围内你指定的一点。该法术其他功能如同任意门 (dimension door),除了你必须对法术中该目标的终点有视觉线和效果线。

亡灵感知(Undeath Sense)
等級:炼金术师 2,牧师 2,审判者 2,圣武士 2,萨满 2,术士/法师 3,
你给予目标一种能力使其可以感知特别是不死生物对自然秩序的扰动和残留的微弱气息,使目标可以感知不死生物的存在。目标能够持续的感知到60尺范围内是否在任何方向有任何不死灵光(undead aura)。如果至少有一个不死灵光存在,则目标可以专注于法术的效果,以获得更多有关灵光的信息。该功能如同侦测死灵 (detect undead),除了了解不死灵光所需要的专注轮数减少1(即1轮到了解灵光的数量,2轮了解每个灵光的强度和位置)。


药水或油 价格 出处
秘法印记* 25gp CRB
神导术 25gp CRB
光亮术* 25gp CRB
净化粮食* 25gp CRB
提升抗力 25gp CRB
稳定伤势 25gp CRB
恩赐 25gp CRB
药水或油 价格 出处
黏性唾液 50gp ACG
活化绳* 50gp CRB
重负术 50gp APG
祝福武器* 50gp CRB
遮阴披风 50gp APG
治疗轻伤 50gp CRB
武器伪装术* 50gp ACG
忍受环境 50gp CRB
变巨术 50gp CRB
抹消术* 50gp CRB
轻羽步 50gp APG
和风吹拂 50gp ACG
粘液封锁 50gp ACG
神莓* 50gp CRB
油腻术* 50gp CRB
便捷爪钩* 50gp UI
动物无视术 50gp CRB
亡灵无视术 50gp CRB
封门术* 50gp CRB
战意鼓舞 50gp APG
跳跃术 50gp CRB
感官锐化 50gp APG
法师护甲 50gp CRB
魔牙术 50gp CRB
魔石术* 50gp CRB
魔化武器* 50gp CRB
无影之毒 50gp UI
门户错觉 50gp UI
行踪无迹 50gp CRB
防护混乱 50gp CRB
防护邪恶 50gp CRB
防护善良 50gp CRB
防护秩序 50gp CRB
缩小术 50gp CRB
强固临时武器* 50gp ACG
移除恐惧 50gp CRB
移除恶心 50gp UM
尸体圣化* 50gp UM
圣域术 50gp CRB
橡棍术* 50gp CRB
破武反冲 50gp ACG
破片四射 50gp ACG
海洋之触 50gp APG
渐隐术 50gp APG
衰老之容 50gp UI
药水或油 价格 出处
超越之障 300gp UC
敏锐感官 300gp UM
援助术 300gp CRB
秘法锁* 300gp CRB
阵营武器* 300gp CRB
树肤术 300gp CRB
熊之坚韧 300gp CRB
牛之力量 300gp CRB
猫之优雅 300gp CRB
狐之狡黠 300gp CRB
枭之睿智 300gp CRB
鹰之威仪 300gp CRB
朦胧术 300gp CRB
上浮术 300gp ACG
防弹护盾 300gp UC
稳固抓握 300gp UC
编码语言 300gp UI
宠伴生命链接 300gp ACG
不灭明焰* 300gp CRB
亵渎抵抗 300gp APG
治疗中度伤 300gp CRB
黑暗视觉 300gp CRB
黑暗耳语 300gp UI
减缓毒发 300gp CRB
易容他人 300gp UM
遗体防腐 300gp CRB
隐藏存在感 300gp UI
隐形术 300gp CRB
浮空术 300gp CRB
完全修复术* 300gp CRB
遮蔽物品* 300gp CRB
防护箭矢 300gp CRB
动物缩小术 300gp CRB
移除麻痹 300gp CRB
抵抗能量伤害,强酸 300gp CRB
抵抗能量伤害,寒冷 300gp CRB
抵抗能量伤害,火焰 300gp CRB
抵抗能量伤害,闪电 300gp CRB
抵抗能量伤害,音波 300gp CRB
魔绳术* 300gp CRB
音源切替 300gp UI
水流术 300gp APG
蛛行术 300gp CRB
隐匿阵营 300gp CRB
丰富词藻 300gp UI
曲木术* 300gp CRB
塑木术* 300gp CRB
药水或油 价格 出处
气泉喷升 750gp ACG
潜沙走石 750gp UM
肉体僵直 750gp OA
热诚蔓延 750gp OA
无尽之眼 750gp UM
治疗重伤 750gp CRB
昼明术 750gp CRB
解除魔法 750gp CRB
移位术 750gp CRB
斗转星移 750gp APG
火焰陷阱* 750gp CRB
火焰箭* 750gp CRB
飞行术 750gp CRB
气化形体 750gp CRB
强大希望 750gp CRB
加速术 750gp CRB
金属核心 750gp ACG
英雄气概 750gp CRB
锐锋术* 750gp CRB
高等魔牙术 750gp CRB
魔化防具* 750gp CRB
臭气四溢 750gp ACG
中和毒性 750gp CRB
回避侦测 750gp CRB
防护能量伤害,强酸 750gp CRB
防护能量伤害,寒冷 750gp CRB
防护能量伤害,闪电 750gp CRB
防护能量伤害,火焰 750gp CRB
防护能量伤害,音波 750gp CRB
狂暴术 750gp CRB
移除目盲/耳聋 750gp CRB
移除诅咒 750gp CRB
移除疾病 750gp CRB
缩物术* 750gp CRB
塑石术* 750gp CRB
巧言术 750gp CRB
水中呼吸 750gp CRB
水面行走 750gp CRB

劇透 -  原文:
    It isn’t hard to learn the basics of brewing potions, but truly mastering the art of distilling magic into liquid form is a far more complicated process. Many alchemists and wizards experiment with their own unique methods for brewing potions with exotic and ingenious effects; indeed, some devote their whole livelihoods to this pursuit. For others, potion brewing is a passionate hobby to which all their free time is devoted.
    The results of this hard work are generally closely guarded secrets, but students of the magical brewing arts can often glean these skills for themselves through book learning, a generous mentor, or any number of other studious ways. Some brewers even take pride in the number of students who use and spread their personal, meticulously tested brewing techniques, though such training is often not cheap or easily obtained except in cities where alchemists are plentiful or alchemy is particularly highly regarded.
    This section provides a variety of tools for potion brewers who want to hone their skills, including feats that allow for more versatile brewing, spells perfect for making into potions, and a reference guide of existing spells that are commonly made or purchased as potions or oils.

The following feats allow potion brewers to concoct unusual variations in their potions, altering the potions’ effects in strange and useful ways. These feats function similarly to metamagic feats, though they affect the creation of potions instead of the normal casting of spells. Level limits for potions apply to their level after the application of any relevant metamagic feats (if the feat affects the component spell’s level).

Delayed Potion
You can brew potions whose effects are delayed slightly.
Prerequisites: Brew Potion, caster level 5th.
Benefit: When you brew a potion, you can have the potion’s effects be delayed by up to 10 rounds after a creature consumes it. Once you decide how many rounds the potion’s effects will be delayed by, that decision cannot later be changed. When a delayed potion is imbibed, it has no effect for the chosen number of rounds, and then it affects the imbiber as normal. The rounds in which the potion’s effects are delayed do not count against the duration of the potion’s effect. A spell brewed into a potion this way does not use up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.

Healing Potion
You can infuse a healing spell into a potion that produces a different effect.
Prerequisites: Brew Potion, ability to cast cure serious wounds.
Benefit: When you brew a potion, you can add the effects of one of the following spells to the potion’s effects: cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, or cure serious wounds. When imbibed, the potion has the effect of both the chosen cure spell and the spell used to
brew the potion. When brewing the potion, you must expend both spells as though you were creating two separate potions. Due to the intricacies of making such a carefully blended potion, you must use particularly fine and rare ingredients, meaning you must pay twice the cost of creating each potion separately. The combined spell levels of the cure spell and the other spell used in the potion must be
level 3 or less (for example, you could combine cure light wounds with a 2nd-level spell to create a healing potion, or cure moderate wounds with a 1st-level spell, or cure serious wounds with a 0-level spell).

Vaporous Potion
You know how to brew potions that can be delivered as a gaseous cloud.
Prerequisite: Brew Potion.
Benefit: When you brew a potion, you can brew it in such a way that when exposed suddenly to air and force, it diffuses into a cloud of vapor that can be inhaled. The potion can still be consumed normally, but it can also be delivered by throwing it at another creature as a splash weapon. The potion vial has a range increment of 10 feet and is considered an improvised weapon. On impact, the vial breaks and a cloud of barely visible potion vapor fills the square it lands in (this vapor does not obscure normal sight in any way). If a creature is in that square, it gains the benefits of the potion immediately as though it had imbibed the potion.
  Otherwise, the vapor persists for 1d3+1 rounds in only that square before dissipating, and the first creature to enter the square before the vapor dissipates gains the potion’s benefits. A creature entering the vapor’s space can hold its breath to refrain from inhaling the potion. No more than one creature can benefit from a potion’s vapor, and if more than one creature is in the potion’s space after it is thrown, the potion is wasted and has no effect. The thrown potion deals no damage to creatures or objects it hits. A spell brewed into a potion this way does not use up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.

Spellcasters who regularly brew potions make frequent use of the following spells.

School abjuration; Level alchemist 3, bloodrager 3, inquisitor 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (clay and iron filings)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level or until discharged
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
The target’s skin becomes as thick and tough as clay, granting the target DR 5/adamantine. Once the spell has prevented a total of
5 points of damage per caster level (maximum 50 points), it is discharged and the spell ends.

School divination; Level alchemist 3, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of magnesium and platinum)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes(harmless)
This spell functions as see invisibility, except as noted here. This spell cannot be made permanent.

School divination; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2,summoner 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a wine-stained pearl)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 3 rounds + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes(harmless)
This spell infuses a spark of magical energy into the veins of the target, allowing it to feel the presence of magic the way one might feel the thrum of vibrations in the air. For the spell’s duration, the target gains the benefits of the spell detect magic and also gains a +5 enhancement bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties and command words of magic items. Further, the target can attempt such checks untrained while under the effects of this spell. This ability does not allow the target to identify artifacts.

School conjuration (teleportation); Level alchemist 3, bard 3,
magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one willing creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You instantly transfer the touched creature to a point you designate within range. This otherwise functions as the spell dimension door, except that you must have line of sight and line of effect to the target’s destination for this spell’s effects to properly function.

School divination; Level alchemist 2, cleric 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (ashes from an urn)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You grant the target the ability to pick up on the subtle scents and disturbances to the natural order that are specific to the living dead, granting the target the ability to sense the presence of undead creatures. The target is constantly aware of whether there are any undead auras within 60 feet of her in any direction. If at least one undead aura is present, the target can concentrate on the spell’s effects in order to gain more information on the auras present. This functions similarly to detect undead, except the number of rounds of concentration needed to learn about the undead auras is reduced by 1 (1 round to learn the number of auras, and 2 rounds to learn the strength and location of each aura).

When creating or attempting to purchase a specific potion or oil, it is important to keep in mind the information below. In order to be made into a potion or oil, a spell must meet all of the following criteria.
• It must be a spell of 3rd level or lower.
• It must have a casting time of less than 1 minute.
• It must target one or more creatures or objects.
• It must not have a range of personal.
The tables below present spells that are commonly made into potions or oils as well as their base costs and the source book from which they originate. These tables are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all spells that can be made into potions or oils in Pathfinder; rather, they are meant as a handy reference for spells from hardcover Pathfinder books that are commonly found in potion or oil form. The following lists this table’s sources next to the abbreviations used in the table: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook (CR), Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide (ACG), Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide (APG), Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures (OA), Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat (UC), Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue (UI), and Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic (UM).
While most of the spells in these tables are commonly made into potions, spell names with asterisks (*) after them are typically made into oils instead of potions.

Potion or Oil Price Source
Arcane mark* 25 gp CR
Guidance 25 gp CR
Light* 25 gp CR
Purify food and drink* 25 gp CR
Resistance 25 gp CR
Stabilize 25 gp CR
Virtue 25 gp CR

Potion or Oil Price Source
Adhesive spittle 50 gp ACG
Animate rope* 50 gp CR
Ant haul 50 gp APG
Bless weapon* 50 gp CR
Cloak of shade 50 gp APG
Cure light wounds 50 gp CR
Disguise weapon* 50 gp ACG
Endure elements 50 gp CR
Enlarge person 50 gp CR
Erase* 50 gp CR
Feather step 50 gp APG
Gentle breeze 50 gp ACG
Glue seal 50 gp ACG
Goodberry* 50 gp CR
Grease* 50 gp CR
Handy grapnel* 50 gp UI
Hide from animals 50 gp CR
Hide from undead 50 gp CR
Hold portal* 50 gp CR
Invigorate 50 gp APG
Jump 50 gp CR
Keen senses 50 gp APG
Mage armor 50 gp CR
Magic fang 50 gp CR
Magic stone* 50 gp CR
Magic weapon* 50 gp CR
Obscure poison* 50 gp UI
Open and shut* 50 gp UI
Pass without trace 50 gp CR
Protection from chaos 50 gp CR
Protection from evil 50 gp CR
Protection from good 50 gp CR
Protection from law 50 gp CR
Reduce person 50 gp CR
Refine improvised weapon* 50 gp ACG
Remove fear 50 gp CR
Remove sickness 50 gp UM
Sanctify corpse* 50 gp UM
Sanctuary 50 gp CR
Shillelagh* 50 gp CR
Sunder breaker 50 gp ACG
Sundering shards 50 gp ACG
Touch of the sea 50 gp APG
Vanish 50 gp APG
Wizened appearance 50 gp UI

Potion or Oil Price Source
Ablative barrier 300 gp UC
Acute senses 300 gp UM
Aid 300 gp CR
Arcane lock* 300 gp CR
Align weapon* 300 gp CR
Barkskin 300 gp CR
Bear’s endurance 300 gp CR
Blur 300 gp CR
Bull’s strength 300 gp CR
Buoyancy 300 gp ACG
Bullet shield 300 gp UC
Cat’s grace 300 gp CR
Certain grip 300 gp UC
Codespeak 300 gp UI
Companion life link 300 gp ACG
Continual flame* 300 gp CR
Corruption resistance 300 gp APG
Cure moderate wounds 300 gp CR
Darkvision 300 gp CR
Dark whispers 300 gp UI
Delay poison 300 gp CR
Disguise other 300 gp UM
Eagle’s splendor 300 gp CR
Fox’s cunning 300 gp CR
Gentle repose 300 gp CR
Hidden presence 300 gp UI
Invisibility 300 gp CR
Levitate 300 gp CR
Make whole* 300 gp CR
Obscure object* 300 gp CR
Owl’s wisdom 300 gp CR
Protection from arrows 300 gp CR
Reduce animal 300 gp CR
Remove paralysis 300 gp CR
Resist energy, acid 300 gp CR
Resist energy, cold 300 gp CR
Resist energy, electricity 300 gp CR
Resist energy, fire 300 gp CR
Resist energy, sonic 300 gp CR
Rope trick* 300 gp CR
Shifted steps 300 gp UI
Slipstream 300 gp APG
Spider climb 300 gp CR
Undetectable alignment 300 gp CR
Voluminous vocabulary 300 gp UI
Warp wood* 300 gp CR
Wood shape* 300 gp CR

Potion or Oil Price Source
Air geyser 750 gp ACG
Burrow 750 gp UM
Catatonia 750 gp OA
Contagious zeal 750 gp OA
Countless eyes 750 gp UM
Cure serious wounds 750 gp CR
Daylight 750 gp CR
Dispel magic 750 gp CR
Displacement 750 gp CR
Draconic reservoir 750 gp APG
Fire trap* 775 gp CR
Flame arrow* 750 gp CR
Fly 750 gp CR
Gaseous form 750 gp CR
Good hope 750 gp CR
Haste 750 gp CR
Heart of the metal 750 gp ACG
Heroism 750 gp CR
Keen edge* 750 gp CR
Magic fang, greater 750 gp CR
Magic vestment* 750 gp CR
Nauseating trail 750 gp ACG
Neutralize poison 750 gp CR
Nondetection 800 gp CR
Protection from energy, acid 750 gp CR
Protection from energy, cold 750 gp CR
Protection from energy, electricity 750 gp CR
Protection from energy, fire 750 gp CR
Protection from energy, sonic 750 gp CR
Rage 750 gp CR
Remove blindness/deafness 750 gp CR
Remove curse 750 gp CR
Remove disease 750 gp CR
Shrink item* 750 gp CR
Stone shape* 750 gp CR
Tongues 750 gp CR
Water breathing 750 gp CR
Water walk 750 gp CR
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 22:12:07 由 丞相 »

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诱人灵药 Enticing Elixirs
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-03-18, 周日 12:45:48 »


敏捷灵药(Elixir of Agility)
制造要求:制造奇物,猫之优雅(cat’s grace),强化认知(heightened awareness)

无尽之眼灵药(Elixir of Countless eyes)
制造要求:制造奇物,无尽之眼(countless eyes)
炼狱魔宠灵药(Elixir of The Infernal Familiar)
这种细长的管子含有辛辣的黑色污泥,手感温暖。当她使用这种药剂时,饮用者会在1小时内变成一只灰猫(如同野兽形态II(beast shape II)),将所有穿戴的东西留在地面上。在灵药的效果下,饮用者获得30尺的黑暗视觉,并且她的爪子会在地上留下一串烧焦的痕迹,可以闻到淡淡的硫磺味。如果饮用者原来的形态就拥有黑暗视觉,则黑暗视觉的范围增加30尺。当效果结束,饮用者会变回她原来的形态。
制造要求:制造奇物,野兽形态II(beast shape II),黑暗视觉(darkvision)

凶猛魔法灵药(Elixir of Vicious Magic)
制造要求:制造奇物,暴怒法术(Furious Spell)

烈火大嘴灵药(Elixir of Fiery Maw)
制造要求:制造奇物,出血术 (Bleed),燃烧之手 (Burning Hands)

医师助手(Healer's Aid)
制造要求:制造奇物,法术强效(Empower Spell),增效灵药 (Amplify Elixir)

铁衣灵药(Steelsheen Elixir)
制造要求:制造奇物,树肤术(barkskin),虚假生命(false life)

精魂疾驰(Spirit Rush)
制造要求:制造奇物,治疗重伤(cure serious wounds),幻化灵体(ethereal jaunt)

集群形态灵药(Swarmform Elixir)
在这个方形罐子里,死掉的昆虫漂浮在亮粉色的液体中。当饮用者喝下内容物后,他的身体会溶解成一群蜇人的黄蜂,他的装备都会掉落在地上。在这一变化中,饮用者保留他的所有心智属性,但是获得黄蜂集群的物理属性(怪物图鉴 275)。饮用者只可以控制黄蜂群移动或者进行纯粹心理活动。如果在持续期间内任何一点集群的生命值降到0,则效果立即结束并且饮用者变回原来的形态。否则这个效果会持续1小时。
制造要求:制造奇物,飞虫走兽(summon swarm)

灵魂视野灵药(Wraith's Sight)

肉体改制(Fleshcraft),是真正扭曲血肉(fleshwarping)的近亲,专注于为了特定目的改造主体的某个部分。虽然肉体改制通常会涉及使用移植物永久的改变主体的身体,但肉体改制灵药可以制定类似的临时的怪异变化。以下肉体改制仅可以做成灵药形式而无法作为永久移植。更多关于肉体改制灵药可以在惧怖冒险 166页(Horror Adventures 166)。

粘粘液(Adhesive Slime)
制造要求:扭曲血肉,工艺(炼金术)8级;医疗 DC18

眼之环(Ring of eyes)
制造要求:扭曲血肉,工艺(炼金术)13级;医疗 DC24

蹼肢(Webbed Appendages)
膜状的皮肤在主体的手指和脚趾之间生长,伸展到了它的肢体和身体之间, 给予该生物20尺的游泳速度。
制造要求:扭曲血肉,工艺(炼金术)8级;医疗 DC16

劇透 -   :
The studies of alchemy and magic are far from unknown across Golarion, but few combine these two disciplines. Those who do spend years of study toiling over alchemical,arcane, and even otherworldly devices hoping to unlock their shared potential. Through countless iterations and many failures, these savants blur the line between curiosity and innovation. The resulting creations run the gamut of uses from utter destruction, supernal mysticism, and subtle deception. Miraculous, magical, and a little mysterious,these elixirs are always in great demand. When your magic is too potent for a potion, reach for an elixir.

In places where magical wares are bought and sold, local marketplaces carry many of the following elixirs; however, one must venture to the dark, desolate outskirts of civilization to find the most potent of these magical concoctions.

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This square flask contains an effervescent green liquid that causes the imbiber to become extremely nimble, albeit a bit jittery, for the next 30 minutes. During this time, the imbiber’s base speed increases by 5 feet and she gains a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks and initiative checks.
Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s grace, heightened awarenessACG

1,200 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
This bubbling green liquid causes eyes to sprout all over the imbiber’s body. These vigilant eyes prevent the imbiber from being flanked. In addition, the imbiber has a greater awareness of her surroundings, which grants a +2 competence bonus on initiative checks for 1 hour.
Craft Wondrous Item, countless eyesUM

SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate transmutation
This slender tube contains an acrid black sludge that feels warm to the touch. When she consumes this elixir, the imbiber is transformed into a gray cat for 1 hour (as beast shape II), leaving behind any worn belongings on the ground. While under the effects of the elixir, the imbiber gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet, and her paw prints leave a trail of scorch marks that smell faintly of sulfur. If the imbiber’s original form already has darkvision, the range increases by 30 feet. When the effect ends, the imbiber transforms back into her original form.
Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape II, darkvision

SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate evocation
This pear-shaped flask contains a metallic-green liquid suffused with small pulsing globules. This elixir fuses with the magical essence flowing through the imbiber’s veins, enhancing the potency of spells at the cost of his health. For the next minute, any spells the imbiber casts that deal hit point damage deal an additional amount of damage of the same type equal to the spell level to both the target and the imbiber.
Craft Wondrous Item, Furious SpellOA

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint evocation
Inside this crystalline bottle swirls a smoky orange liquid that hisses when uncorked. As a standard action, a creature that drinks this elixir can breathe out a 15-foot cone of fiery teeth. This blast deals 2d4 points of fire damage, 2d4 points of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and 1d4 points of bleed damage. Creatures in the area can each attempt a DC 13 Reflex save for half damage. The magic of the elixir ends after 1 hour or one use, whichever comes first.
Craft Wondrous Item, bleed, burning hands

SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT —
AURA faint evocation
This squat glass jar contains a golden liquid that constantly swirls. This elixir causes the next potion or elixir that restores hit points that the imbiber consumes to be treated as if it were empowered. Increase all variable numeric effects of the potion or elixir by 50%. The effects of this elixir last for 5 minutes or until all of the imbiber’s hit points are restored via an affected potion or elixir, whichever comes first.
Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, amplify elixirAPG

SLOT none CL 6th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate transmutation
This round-bellied bottle contains a deep indigo liquid. Drinking this liquid causes the imbiber’s skin and organs to harden as a metallic sheen encases her body. This imparts a +2 competence bonus to her natural armor and 5 temporary hit points. This effect lasts 10 minutes. The first time the imbiber is in melee combat during the duration, he can increase the competence bonus to +4 and gain an additional 5 temporary hit points, but all of her movement speeds are halved for the remainder of the duration.
Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, false life

SLOT none CL 13th WEIGHT —
AURA strong transmutation
Inside this elegantly styled bottle is a purple liquid that sparkles. For 1 hour after the imbiber drinks this elixir, anytime she would be reduced to 0 hit points or below, the elixir immediately restores 3d8 + 5 hit points. Additionally, the imbiber becomes ethereal for 1 round and is immediately shunted 30 feet away from the source of the damage. While ethereal, the imbiber can move through walls, objects, or barriers in her path; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. She must end the bonus movement in an unoccupied square. If no such space is available along the trajectory, the elixir heals the imbiber but does not move her away from the source of the damage.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, ethereal jaunt

SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate transmutation
This squarish jar holds dead insects suspended in bright pink liquid. When the imbiber drinks this concoction, his body dissolves into
a swarm of stinging wasps, causing his equipment to fall to the ground. During this transformation, the imbiber retains all his mental statistics but gains the physical statistics of a wasp swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 275). The imbiber can take only actions to control the movement of the swarm form or purely mental actions. If at any point during the duration the swarm reaches 0 hit points, the effect immediately ends and the imbiber transforms back to his original form. This effect otherwise lasts 1 hour.
Craft Wondrous Item, summon swarm

SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate necromancy
This rectangular glass flask with a gemstone for a cork contains a pale blue liquid. When the imbiber drinks this elixir, her eyes glow with a golden energy and she gains lifesense with a range of 30 feet. This effect lasts 30 minutes. During this duration, the imbiber gains the blind condition. If this condition is healed or removed in any way, the effect of the elixir immediately ends.
Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, deathwatch

Fleshcrafting, the cousin of true fleshwarping, focuses on modifying only a portion of the subject for a particular task. While fleshcrafting normally involves changing the subject’s body permanently with a graft, fleshcraft elixirs can enact a similar temporary monstrous change. The following fleshcrafts are available only in elixir form and cannot be created as a graft. More information about
fleshcraft elixirs can be found on page 166 of Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures.

The subject’s skin secretes a transparent, sticky substance, granting the creature a 15-foot climb speed.
Penalty: The subject takes a –4 penalty to CMD against grapple checks and must use a move action (instead of a free action) to drop a held object.
Fleshwarper, Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks; Heal DC 18

DURATION 10 minutes
Numerous malformed eyes grow on the subject’s head. The creature gains all-around vision and can’t be flanked.
Penalty: The subject is overwhelmed by sensory information, leaving it dazzled for the duration.
Fleshwarper, Craft (alchemy) 13 ranks; Heal DC 24

Membranes of skin grow between the subject’s fingers and toes and stretch between its appendages and body, granting the creature a 20-foot swim speed.
Penalty: The subject has difficulty holding items and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls with held weapons.
Fleshwarper, Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks; Heal DC 16
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-19, 周一 22:16:18 由 丞相 »