作者 主题: 【RF】狂奔者生活的调剂 p. 34-42  (阅读 7711 次)

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离线 马非鱼

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【RF】狂奔者生活的调剂 p. 34-42
« 于: 2017-12-25, 周一 20:03:12 »

劇透 -   :
After a while, breaking into corp A for corp B might become kind of old hat. What about all those other jobs out there in the dark, dystopian shadows of the Sixth World? The answer, my chummer, is right here. You won’t find fully fleshed out adventures, but open your mind and start to rev up that imagination engine because in the next few pages, you’ll find plenty of fuel to make your mind race.


劇透 -   :
Megacorporations can hire runners to do this kind of work, but more often than not, these jobs are contracted from smaller firms that don’t have extraterritoriality protection like their big brothers but still need access to critical resources. We’ll get into the specifics of some of those groups and companies later—for now let’s take a look at some of the dirty deeds they may want done dirt cheap.

劇透 -   :
When the AAAs want certain resources they can usually just buy the property where they’re found, exert their extraterritorial rights, and strip the land. When smaller corps, independent or criminal organizations, individuals, and even governments want resources like that, they need to use other avenues. Sometimes those avenues take them onto megacorporate property and you have the typical snatch-and-grab, but other times the resources in question aren’t in a lab, and teams have to be sent to wander the dark corners of the Sixth World.

劇透 -   :
Not all magical reagents are created equal. To find the purest, most potent of these arcane boosters, the search must be done in mystically pure places. These regions of the world may not be protected by laser tripwires and armored goon squads, but that doesn’t make them safe. Reagents, or at least the components for them, are rarely found in urban environments. Runner teams can be hired to gather reagents and components on their own, act as security for others headed that way, or even get contracts to sit on a valuable site and keep others away.
这些区域不会有着典型的敌人。在这种远离都市圈的工作环境下,狂奔者要战胜的第一个敌人是他们自己多疑的天性。穿着全身甲在野外穿行是很累人的。几次疲乏检定(p. 172, SR5)再加上基于护甲的调整值就足以说服狂奔者放弃一些过于极端的保护。护甲带来的累赘有可能导致他们通宵一晚无法入睡*。当坏事最终发生时,要记住狂奔者到底是在谁的地盘上。其中一些超自然怪物或者精魂多半会喜欢当地魔力(mojo)的韵味,所以他们多半也会获得那个倾斜背景辐射带来的好处(p. 31,SG)或是他们对那个地带的熟悉所带来的潜行加值。此外,不要忘记其他团队可能同样对这个区域感兴趣。那些团队可能会使用远距射击或者其他进攻战术以使狂奔者陷入守势,从而使自己在剿灭对面时只会面对一些卧倒并掩护(duck-and-cover)技巧*。
劇透 -   :
These areas aren’t going to offer the typical opposition. The first enemy a runner is going to have to overcome when working away from the world’s sprawls is their own paranoid nature. Hoofing it through the wilds in full body armor is going to get tiring. A few Fatigue Tests (p. 172, SR5) with some armor-based modifiers will encourage the runners to ditch some of that excessive protection. An overnight stay with no sleep (p. 172, SR5) because of that armor may wear them down a little more. When bad things finally show up, remember whose turf the runners are on. Some of those paracritters or spirits probably like the flavor of the local mojo, so they may benefit from an aspected background count (p. 31, Street Grimoire) or positive Sneaking modifier due to their familiarity with the area. Also, don’t forget about other groups that may be interested in the area as well. These groups can use long-range shots and other offensive tactics, putting the runners on the defensive so they can only resist with some duck-and-cover techniques before having to go out hunting to protect whatever they’re after.

劇透 -   :
This is like the next step up from going out for reagents. In fact, many paranimals are themselves a source of reagent materials. These targets don’t sit still, waiting to be found, and many have a few interesting powers at their disposal to protect themselves. Nature and fatigue are possible obstalcles, as are other groups on the hunt. Though remember, the odds of two groups hunting the same critter at the same time are pretty slim unless it’s a very specific critter. Be sure to consider other critters that might be in the area, as well as mundane critters that might get involved to defend their territory or their young. Often, the biggest difficulty with snatching paracritters is the frequent need for live subjects and the difficulties of keeping those subjects sedated without killing them or getting them back across borders without losing them to border guards, other hunters, go-gangs, greedy coyotes, hungry critters, or anything else that devious gamemaster might concoct.

虽然超自然动物可能只栖息于一些特殊地点,精魂则可能出现在任何地方。大多数常规精魂都不是狂奔者的目标,它们经常被普通召唤者拉到我们的位面为他们卖力。我们这里说的是自由精魂(p. 202,SG),毒精魂(p. 87,SG),血精魂(p. 91,SG),影精魂(p. 91,SG),虫精魂(p. 93,SG)和邪魔(shedim;p. 93,SG)。虽然后两种往往都是寄生于物理躯壳中,但是前两者就不一定了。那些纯粹由法力构成的存在需要一些特别的技能和谨慎才能将其捕获,而他们从来不会为被困在物理位面而感到高兴。
劇透 -   :
While paracritters may roam specific places, spirits can be found anywhere. Most of the general types of spirits that your everyday summoner drags onto our plane to do their bidding are not targets for runners. What we’re talking about here are free spirits (p. 202, Street Grimoire), toxic spirits (p. 87, Street Grimoire), blood spirits (p. 91, Street Grimoire), shadow spirits (p. 91, Street Grimoire), insect spirits (p. 93, Street Grimoire), and shedim (p. 93, Street Grimoire). While those last two may often find themselves in a physical shell, others are not so limited. These beings of pure mana require some special skills and precautions in order to capture, and they are never happy to be trapped in the physical realm.
对精魂的狩猎也可以将狂奔者带到一些很有趣的地点使他们接触到一些意料外的敌手。除了这层阻挠他们追寻精魂的难题外,大部分精魂都能自如变换外表。无论是在芝加哥封锁区(Chicago Containment Zone)找到那些成功避开阿瑞斯看火人队伍的几只虫子;还是在莫哈維(美国一处沙漠)试图找谁解答几个关于当地活跃精魂的问题;还是在阿兹特兰尝试从黑曜石中挤出一点血;还是在实际上某个有毒地带阻挠一次赏猎。当面对精魂的世界参与到其中时,狂奔者可能会去任何地方面对任何事情。
劇透 -   :
The hunt for spirits can also take runners to very interesting places and bring them into contact with some unexpected opposition. This, in addition to the ability of most spirits to look like anything they wish, adds an extra level of difficulty to tracking them down. Whether it’s in the Chicago Containment Zone looking for the few bugs that have avoided the Ares Firewatch teams; the Mojave looking to get some questions answered about the intensity of spirit activity there; Aztlan trying to squeeze blood from an obsidian rock; or any of the toxic domains around the world trying to snag a bounty, runners can end up anywhere facing anything when the spirit world is involved.

不像上面提及到的那些,认知碎片化障碍(CFD)的威胁的本质是技术上的而不是神秘侧的。它具有极高的传染性而且它本身就可以轻易的形成自己的模组(如果在游戏中用脑病患的设定见,p. 195,StS)。让狩猎变得有意思而且与众不同的是,人脉可以作为雇佣者。(难道其他情况下不能吗,惊)掮客,狂奔者,黑帮成员,甚至企业的约翰森有时候都会有朋友,而当他们的朋友不见了的时候,他们就会寻求帮助。脱离常轨的行为是感染的早期征兆之一,这种线索就已经足以让狂奔者起鸡皮疙瘩了。对感染的偏执,以及缺少已知治愈手段,应该都会让一个不同于普通公司的抢夺行动(snatch-and-grabs)有趣起来。这种活计或者私活的性质会让模组和游戏与角色更加直接的关联起来。这些活计可以引向对他们道德标准的质问,鉴于他们要担心自己的感染对比他们周围的人的感染。
劇透 -   :
Unlike the others mentioned so far, the threat of Cognitive Fragmentation Disorder (CFD) is technological instead of arcane in nature. It’s also highly contagious and can easily turn into a campaign all its own (for rules on using head cases in a game, see p. 195, Stolen Souls). What will make these hunts interesting and different from normal runs are the contacts that can be used as employers. Fixers, runners, mobsters, and even corporate Johnsons sometimes have friends, and when one of those friends goes missing they seek help. Erratic behavior is one of the earliest signs of infection, and just that clue could get the hackles up on the runner’s necks. The paranoia of infection, alongside the lack of a known cure, should make for an interesting aside to the normal corporate snatch-and-grabs. Jobs or side jobs of this nature also bring the campaign and the game to a more personal level for the characters. These jobs bring into question their morals and standards as they worry about their own infection versus the infection of others around them.

说到感染,有比CFD更糟糕的,比如说HMHVV。人类-泛人类吸血鬼病毒(Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus)有着广泛的变化。吸血鬼(p. 140),食尸鬼(p. 138),以及脱落者(manananggal; p. 100, SG)的威胁以及够恐怖的了,但是感谢这本书,你现在还有潘达斯奈基(bandersnatches;p. 136),狼人(loup-garous;p. 139),温迪哥(p. 140),还有被HMHVV感染者击中玩家角色所带来的恐惧(p. 142),尤其是当他们陷入和病毒携带者的血腥打斗的时候*。被感染的可能就够让人害怕了,但更让人害怕的可能是失去所爱之人。这会让狂奔者卷入他们人脉和雇佣者的私事。
劇透 -   :
Speaking of infections, there are things worse than CFD, like HMHVV. The Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus, in all its wide varieties, was scary already with the threat of vampires (p. 140), ghouls (p. 138), and manananggal (p. 100, Street Grimoire), but thanks to this book, you now have bandersnatches (p. 136), loup-garous (p. 139), wendigos (p. 140), and the scariness of HMHVV infection hitting the player characters (p. 142) to keep players worried when they get into bloody fights with carriers of the virus. The idea of Infection can be scary, but perhaps worse is the fear of losing a loved one. This can lead runners to getting caught up in the personal affairs of their contacts and employers.

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【RF】狂奔者生活的调剂 p. 34-42
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-01, 周四 17:27:08 »

劇透 -   :
Much like nature has been shown to play an adversarial role in some of the ideas above, the location of an operation itself can be an adversary for a runner team. Whether the location is hostile in nature, such as the ocean depths or the vastness of space, or is made difficult due to the lack to familiarity of the runners, such as jobs that take them to foveae or astral planes, the places in which they operate can kill them as quickly as the lead that usually flies at their faces.

劇透 -   :
Covering the vast majority of Earth’s surface, the oceans, seas, and lakes of the world provide a lot of volume in which shadowruns can take place. These places are often used by megacorporations for the natural security provided by their remote and open surroundings. Jobs can occur on ships, research or resource rigs, old submarine bases, submarines, deepsea labs or habitats, undersea caverns, ruins of ancient civilizations, or anywhere your mind wants to wander. The nice thing about the vastness of the oceans is that they are constantly changing and anything can be hidden, or reappear, anywhere.

劇透 -   :
For the runners, these places are going to provide a series of difficulties the team is probably not used to handling. Even a stationary undersea habitat is not going to be easy to find. Yes, they might have GPS coordinates, but that just means you know where, on the surface, someone tagged the base, and getting to a specific set of GPS coordinates by boat is not easy. Roads are easy to follow and most runners can handle that, but navigating the high seas is a game of degrees—in truth, tenths or hundredths of degrees. Small errors send you farther off target the longer you follow them, meaning runners need to be on the ball the entire time they are at sea.

当队伍找到地点后,他们需要下到真正的目标那里,而那些目标大部分都比光能去到的地方更深。在下潜的途中时,海底洋流之类的因素就可以让搜索偏离航向*,当他们到达洋底时,他们可能处于目标几公里外的无边漆黑中,而且感谢海水的干扰,他们还不会接收到任何信号。当他们找到它以后,怎么不被发现的进入就成了另一个障碍。他们可以穿好潜水服然后溜进去,不过在这种深度,即使是一点点的小失误也意味着大问题。停靠在站台(docking with a station)后溜进去也一样的——当入口很少而且只有很少人或机器尝试接近站台时,不被发掘的潜入就成了一个很困难的问题了。
劇透 -   :
And once the team has the spot, they need to get down to the real target, most of which are deeper than light can go. Factor in underwater currents that can push the search off course on the way down, and by the time they get to the ocean floor, they could be kilometers off target in a vast blackness with no signals reaching them thanks to the interference of the water. Then, once they find it, getting in undetected becomes the next hurdle. They could suit up and sneak in, but at those depths even a little mistake means big trouble. Same goes for docking with a station and sneaking in—when entrances are limited and few humans or machines are around to approach a station, the question of getting in without being noticed is a tough one.

到了内部,他们就不得不担心更多事情了,比如说要遵循气闸协议(following airlock protocols),要小心不要造成外壳破裂,还要对付占有地利熟悉环境的安保和员工。带着老旧警告标志的按钮,把手,门阀,开关,和插栓将让他们保持警惕。由于完全缺乏人脉,无线信号和其他资源,所以当任何意外的难题出现时,他们会感到孤单与被割离。
劇透 -   :
Inside, they have to worry about following airlock protocols, being wary of hull breaches, and dealing with security and staff that know the place far better than they do. Buttons, knobs, valves, switches, and toggles with worn-off warning labels will keep them on their toes. A total lack of contacts, wireless, and other resources will leave them feeling disconnected and alone when any unforeseen difficulties arise.

关于这种地点的一些例子可以在R&G,p. 160找到,不过那个表也只是沧海一粟而已。对于深海的规则可以在R&G的维持生机(Staying Alive,p. 156)章节找到。
劇透 -   :
A few location examples for spots can be found on p. 160, Run & Gun, but that list is but a drop of rain in the vastness of Earth’s waters. Rules for troubles in the deep can be found in the Staying Alive chapter of Run & Gun (p. 156).

太空具有很多地球海洋也具有的安保特征。具有挑战性的可达性,长侦察距离,足够的偏远之类的安保性质都在地球的大气层外被推到了极致。《暗影狂奔》并不是被设计成为一个太空游戏的,但是有时候使一个巧妙的支线故事或一个有趣的单次短团的舞台为地外行动(Earthside action)而设置可能会很好玩,这可以提供一个有别于日常公司数据窃取的极佳挑战。可能角色是潜伏在设施内的间谍,尝试着帮他们真正的主子找到内幕消息。可能他们是一队潜伏者,认为自己还在进行卧底行动,殊不知自己没骗到多少人而且差不多就该溜之大吉了。虽然说太空故事的经典主题通常都是角色们的隔绝,但是并不一定要是这样的。角色们不一定需要被困住,或者要处理什么逼近的灾难——想法,他们可以是设施故事的一部分(part of the facility’s story)。这也是一个去火星或者某个太空居地(p. 166,R&G)体验些CFD乐趣的极佳机会,那些地方变成了病毒及其脑病患的天堂与温床。
劇透 -   :
Space offers many of the same security features as the oceans of Earth. Challenging accessibility, long detection ranges, and remoteness for security are all taken to the extreme outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Shadowrun was never intended to be a space game, but sometimes a nice side story or even a fun one-shot run to set the stage for some Earthside action can be fun, offering a nice change of pace from the normal everyday corporate datasteal. Maybe the characters are moles or spies planted in the facility, and they are trying to get the inside scoop for their real masters. Maybe they’re a team of infiltrators who think they are operating undercover but do not realize that they’re not fooling anyone and are on the verge of having to make a fast escape. Though the classic theme for a story in space is the isolation of the characters, that doesn’t have to be the case. The characters don’t need to be trapped and dealing with some impending disaster—instead, they can be part of the facility’s story. This is an especially good opportunity to have some CFD fun on Mars or one of the other space habitats (p. 166, Run & Gun) that have become a haven and breeding ground for the virus and the resulting head cases.

不是说整个狂奔都应该发生在像凹点(p. 33,SG;即,一个移动的魔法真空)那样的地区,但增加像这样的挑战可以让任何狂奔都变得更有趣。当战斗法师不能悬浮飘过任何难题,或者当物理修士突然间没那么修士的时候,会发生什么呢?这样的地区会让玩家有机会突破他们的常规行动框架,或者将注意力让给那些依赖技术的角色,尤其是当他们觉得那些施法者,召唤师,和忍者修士让自己黯然失色的时候。
劇透 -   :
Not that an entire run should occur inside an area like a fovea (p. 33, Street Grimoire), which is a mobile magical void, but adding challenges like this can make any run more interesting. What happens when that combat mage can’t levitate his way past every problem, or the physical adept is suddenly not so adept? These areas are great for making players think outside their normal operating procedures or bringing the attention over to the tech-based characters if they’ve been feeling overshadowed by the spellcasters, summoners, and ninja adepts.

虽然大部分凹点都很稳定,有些周围甚至有警告提醒法师们不要接近,但是魔法整体上不是那么科学的。魔法现象能以任何你有出现在任何地方,有些时候只是就那样出现了,不讲任何道理。通常事件的成因会遗失在历史中,比如说当上纪魔法的回声以梦间事件(p. 29,SG)的形式重新出现在第六纪的时候。
劇透 -   :
While many foveae are stable and some even have warnings around them for mages to keep out, overall magic is not that scientific. Magical phenomena can appear anywhere for any reason and sometimes seem to occur for no reason at all. Often the reason for the event is lost to history, such as when echoes of a previous age of magic reappear in the Sixth World in the form of alchera events (p. 29, Street Grimore).

劇透 -   :
The astral journey route can be used as a change of pace, a normal piece of a campaign, or as a complete alteration or redefinition of a game. What does this mean? Well, as a gamemaster you can use astral journeys as a piece of your own game where the mages go off to perform quests for their mentor spirits, discover spirit true names, perform an initiation ordeal, or get involved in any number of arcane activities. They’re all exciting and add flavor through exploration of some cool and interesting metaplanes, but when you’re looking to really change things up and take the group out for a crazy spin, the metaplanes can be so much more.

劇透 -   :
One of the best things about the metaplanes is that there are no absolutes. Another of the best things is that the metaplanes are infinite and infinitely different. And yet another of the bests is the complete and utter disregard for “reality” that can exist within the various metaplanes.

当GM寻求变换口味时,他可以设计一个这样的活:队伍需要去寻求一个强大精魂的帮助以开启星界入口(p. 194,SG),从而允许他们去到其他泛位面(可能还需要一次去泛位面的启蒙游历以抢得精魂的真名从而使其配合)。一旦投影到新位面,甚至只是去到门之住民那里,故事的可能性就会快速倍增。如果玩家想浅尝不同的设定,那么你可以将抛出星界旅行,给他们一个在科幻、西部、末世、太空歌剧、奇幻、恐怖、或者其他背景的设定。这对于GM来说可能需要一些额外的准备,但任何设定都可以出现在泛位面,而且角色可以突然间被重新定义。
劇透 -   :
When looking for a change of pace, a gamemaster can set up a job that requires the team to get the aid of a powerful spirit to open an astral gateway (p. 194, Street Grimoire) for the team to travel through (possibly requiring an initial jaunt to the metaplanes to snag a true name just to get the spirit to cooperate). Once projecting over to a new metaplane or even just to the Dweller on the Threshold, the story possibilities multiply quickly. If the players have been wanting to try a different setting for a bit, you can throw it at them, giving them a chance to play in a sci-fi, western, post-apocalyptic, space opera, fantasy, horror, or some other setting. It may require a little extra planning by the gamemaster, but any setting can appear in the metaplanes and the characters can suddenly be redefined.

劇透 -   :
As another interesting twist, remember that the fact that there are no absolutes on the meta planes means the effect of death is a mystery to all. Sometimes death on the metaplanes means death at home; sometimes it means expulsion from the plane, possibly home or to another plane (like hell); other times it’s like a video game with a restart point; and in others it’s like waking from a dream. And these rules aren’t even required to stay the same between characters—they can change at any moment. Use this uncertainty to keep players on their toes and generate a memorable story for them, but be careful that the random nature of the planes does not stymie the players’ efforts or leave them frustrated. Remember to play fair, but don’t be afraid to challenge the characters.

劇透 -   :
Two other quick points to note about the metaplanes. First, they don’t have a standard exit. Finding a way out could be an entire adventure all its own. Second, time can be skewed in the metaplanes. It can run faster or slower and can allow a relatively smooth transition between game editions, or it may allow a gamemaster to keep the game going while they wait for canon events in the world to progress to a certain point. The metaplanes are an infinitely expansive gamemaster’s playground.

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【RF】狂奔者生活的调剂 p. 34-42
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-09-25, 周二 22:43:27 »
夫妻店 MOM & POPS

这个世界上还是有着一些当地小店和其他被蹂躏的公民存在着的。在《暗影狂奔》的敌托邦中,他们生活在外围,尤其是世界上那些蔓城区的那些荒地和贫民窟里。有些人和组织会选择将自己的服务/人情拿出来和狂奔者做交易,因为他们没有那些大公司捏着的那些新円。因为一些个人、职业、伦理甚至道德原因,一些“活计”甚至是免费出工的。这样的白帽行动可以是模组之外一些有趣的副业,或者一条处于进行中的故事线的一些片段,而玩家想在这其中加入更多关于他们角色日常生活的细节。狂奔者都有着一套能吸引很多注意力的独特技能,所以无论他们怎么让自己的名气(Public Awareness)保持低调,他们的信誉(Street Cred)都会让他们脱众而出。
劇透 -   :
These are the local shops and the other downtrodden citizens of the world. In the dystopian world of Shadowrun they exist along the periphery, especially in the barrens and slums of the world’s sprawls. These are the kinds of people and groups that will offer runners favors or barter for their services because they don’t have access to the kind of nuyen that the big corps do. Some “jobs” are even done for free because of personal, professional, ethical, or moral reasons. This sort of whitehat action can be an interesting aside from a campaign or even a few pieces of an ongoing storyline where the players wanted to include more details about the dayto-day lives of their characters. Runners have unique skillsets that attract a lot of attention, so no matter how low they keep their Public Awareness, their Street Cred makes them stick out.

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When working for the mom & pops, runners do a lot of neighborhood work—smaller-scale jobs that still come with interesting twists and turns. This can include negotiating with a gang to leave a certain shop alone; running off a BTL dealer who has taken up residence in their building; helping evict some squatters who are troubling the neighborhood; dealing with Awakened or paranormal threats in the neighborhood; helping protect a shop’s delivery shipment as it’s being unloaded; or a multitude of other options that can pull runners the lives of those around them.

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Missing persons can be a recurring theme in the mom & pop area. The myriad of reasons for someone to go missing from the barrens aren’t all nefarious, but plenty of them are.

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On the milder side of things, kids (and immature adults) run away from home all the time. Sometimes it’s about abuse at home, sometimes it’s for love, sometimes it’s just because metahumans are not always the most chemically balanced of creatures. All of these reasons can lead a runner on a relatively calm chase that ends in some decisions the runner needs to make about bringing targets home if they had a good reason to run, especially when the job is not so much about being professional as it is about being a decent metahuman being.

如果要的是一个比这更加暗黑严重的大事件的话,那么就是认知碎片化障碍(CFD)了*。对思维的扭曲修改能使一个人的个性相当突然的消失不见,只有在失踪前那一点奇怪行为(erratic behavior;相当电脑的用语,求更好的译法)才能作为些许线索。除此之外,新造的脑病患会主动回避侦察。这个再结合脑病患的能力(p.195, StS)以及感染PC的风险,一个简单友好的任务会变得如同对超企狂奔那么危险。
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A big and dark step up from that is cognitive fragmentation disorder (CFD). This twisted modifcation of the mind can make someone’s personality disappear rather suddenly, with no clues other than a little erratic behavior before the disappearance. Along with that, the newly created head case may be actively avoiding detection. Combine this with the abilities of the head case (p. 195, Stolen Souls) and the risk of infection to the PCs, and a simple, friendly job can become as dangerous as any run on a megacorp.

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Speaking of megacorps, that’s a another place those who have disappeared could have ended up. Maybe a talent recruiter spotted a kid with potential but really didn’t want to bother with the hassle of bringing their family into the corp. Or maybe an off-the-books operation needed subjects of the target’s age and sex. The corp may create a cover story to throw off pursuit or even fake the subject’s death. These jobs will often take the runners to places well beyond the customary risk-versus-reward parameters of most mom & pop operations, so they make interesting stories to see how far the characters may be willing to go for whoever hired or asked them to help.

另一个可能致命的失踪人口源头是一个《暗影狂奔》的经典,它在第一版的《消失的血(Missing Blood)》模组中就已经存在。没错,就是虫精魂。更多的描述在《街头魔典》(p. 93),他们在数十年间都是失踪人口的恐怖源头。虽然追寻一个公司里的人可能会是一个挑战,但是追寻一个虫精魂掳走的人会更加艰难,即是精神上的也是肉体上的。这样的故事可以在一幕内就从刑警侦探片转变为恐怖片。同样的,对于出于道德、情感、伦理原因在更为实际者已经意识到失败的注定但依然继续搜索的角色而言,它们会是一个巨大的考验。
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Another possibly deadly source of missing persons is a Shadowrun classic, one that has been around since the Missing Blood adventure back in First Edition. Yep—insect spirits. Described more thoroughly in Street Grimoire (p. 93), they have been a terrifying source of missing persons for decades. While going after someone inside a corporation may be a challenge, going after someone who has been taken by insect spirits is often worse, both physically and mentally. This is the kind of story that can go from the gumshoe detective genre to the horror genre in a single scene. And again, they make a great test for characters with a moral, emotional, or ethical reason to continue the search even after a more pragmatic individual would realize it is a lost cause.