作者 主题: 镣铐群岛(Isles of the Shackles)  (阅读 5473 次)

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镣铐群岛(Isles of the Shackles)
« 于: 2018-05-08, 周二 23:07:48 »

简介 Introduction
        如果来自萨迦瓦的商船仍然满载着财富没有引发这场海上劫掠的灾害,那么这片被称为镣铐群岛的地区可能仍然没有文明,因为它们几乎完全被阿本迪戈暴风眼(Eye of Abendego)从内海地区中切离出来。几个世纪以来,海盗们成功的利用了各种岛屿作为它们邪恶计划的便利泊位。最初用于修船和补充所需物资的隐蔽小孩玩已经成长为了数十个完全成熟的定居点,最终吸引了许多在繁荣城市中常见的合法商人。很快,商人们比起顾及,开始更有胆量的开始了被称之为“西南休假(he southwestern vacation)”的行动——驾驶着拥有货物舱位的船只来到镣铐群岛中这些叛逆的城镇,用廉价的价格交易赃物。几个邻国的海军已经做出了无数次的尝试来消除源自镣铐群岛的海盗行为,但是迄今仍未能取得成功。
        然而,尽管这些国家没能摧毁镣铐群岛,但是被称为“阿本迪戈风暴眼(Eye of Abendego)”的永久性飓风的出现,确实一度彻底打乱了这个组织化盗窃的海上产业。贸易路线因为永无止境的风暴而天翻地覆,就连萨迦瓦那样的流金商路也干涸殆尽。那些不同的海盗船长和强盗团伙,在突然缩小的海盗环境下陷入混战。如果不是更多有远见的海盗船长们在亡命港进行会面,他们终将自我毁灭。经过激烈的口角(以及至少两次拳脚相见),这些海盗们设法起草了一份松散的联盟准则,而这些准则一直沿用至今。现在,联考群岛被海盗委员会(Pirate Council),松散的管理着,该委员会是该地区各个岛屿和港口中最强大的领主联盟,他们和被选出的飓风王(Hurricane King)一起进行统治。
        虽然镣铐群岛在技术上确实拥有一个政府,但是在这片水域上航行的自由船长们(Free Captains)几乎从来不会认为自己是统治者。 在镣铐中没有真正的皇室成员 - 只有一群最激烈的独立掠夺者和冒险者。实际上,他们的“国王”只是这个地区最强大和最受尊敬的海盗,而他的影响力仅足以在追求不正当的繁荣时将不同的船长联合起来。海盗委员会的成员是少数最强大的自由船长,他们通过武力和意志力保持摇摆。在镣铐群岛,勇气、技巧和狡诈币值遗产和神圣使命更加受到尊重。
劇透 -   :
Shackles Gazetteer
“Slaves, ev’ry one of ya! Any Shackles pirate’s worth ten o’ you poxy devils, an’ ev’ry Free Captain commanding a sloop’ll keep sailin’ circles around any bloated Chelish frigate you send at us. We’ll go on raidin’ yer sea lanes, stealin’ yer silver coins with Abrogail’s pouty gob stamped on them, an’ we’ll cart it all back home, where we’ll sing an’ drink ’til the sea swallows us all! I’m ready to do my dance with Besmara; no regrets for a life lived free on the waves. The worms’ll be better company than you ugly, dung-eating devil’s slaves anyway!”
                                 —Last words spoken by Free Captain Wilihem Wache,moments before his public hanging in Macini for piracy

    Had the steady stream of fat merchant vessels laden with bounty from Sargava not lured a plague of seaborne raiders, the archipelagic region known as the Shackles might still be void of civilization, having been almost completely cut off from the Inner Sea region by the Eye of Abendego. For centuries now, buccaneers have successfully used the various islands as convenient berths from which to launch their nefarious schemes. Hidden coves originally used for ship repair and restocking needed supplies grew into dozens of full-f ledged settlements, eventually attracting many of the sort of legitimate businesspeople common in thriving towns. Soon merchants with more guts than scruples began taking what was coined “the southwestern vacation”—sailing galleons with ample cargo space to the renegade towns in the Shackles to trade for stolen goods at bargain prices. The major neighboring naval powers have made countless attempts to eradicate piracy radiating from the Shackles, but no effort has thus far succeeded.

    But while these nations failed to disrupt the Shackles in the past, the emergence of the permanent hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego did manage to upset this maritime industry of organized larceny for a time. Trade routes were wildly altered by the never-ending storms, and Sargava’s lucrative traffic withered to almost nothing. The disparate pirate captains and bandit gangs fell to infighting over the suddenly slim pickings and would have eventually destroyed themselves had it not been for more farsighted pirate captains who met in Port Peril. Through much verbal wrangling (and at least two inconclusive fist fights), these freebooters managed to draft guidelines for a loose confederacy that has survived to this day. The Shackles are now loosely governed by the Pirate Council, a league of the most powerful lords of the region’s various islands and ports who rule alongside the elected Hurricane King,
     Though the Shackles does technically possess a government, the Free Captains who sail its waters hardly consider themselves ruled. There is no true royalty in the Shackles—only a collection of the fiercest independent raiders and risk-takers. In reality, their “king” is merely the most powerful and widely respected pirate in the region, and his influence is enough to unify the otherwise disparate captains in the pursuit of ill-gotten prosperity. The select few members of the Pirate Council are among the most powerful Free Captains in the Shackles, and hold sway through force of arms as well as force of will. In the Shackles, courage, skill, and cunning are respected, not heritage or divine mandate.
     While not just any self-proclaimed pirate can garner the attention of the Hurricane King or gain a position on the Pirate Council, anyone in possession of a ship can declare herself a Free Captain, and can make a name for herself with enough guile and luck. Free Captains see the Eye of Abendego not as a curse, but as a paradoxical blessing. Thanks to this vicious maelstrom, Free Captains are able to raid the shipping lanes north of the Eye with impunity and retreat just as quickly behind it; their superior knowledge of the tricky shoals and reefs of the seas around the unending hurricane provide the necessary edge against less skillful pilots who hope to thwart them. The Shackles have now experienced more than 30 years of roguish prosperity despite constant futile efforts by numerous powerful nations and mercantile conglomerates seeking to end the scourge. The only nation of the Inner Sea that possesses a treaty with the Shackles is lonely Sargava, which provides the pirate nation tribute in return for protection from Cheliax’s depredations.
    While humans dominate the majority of the Shackles, larger concentrations of half-elves and half-orcs also call the archipelago home—perhaps here their mixed blood elicits less bigotry than in more sophisticated nations. A substantial number of tengus live among the islands as well, drawn to the freebooting spirit of the place and prized as mascots by many superstitious crews. The islands of the Shackles remain a powerful magnet for outcasts, outlaws, and outsized personalities. The dangers of the archipelago are legion, but the potential rewards are equally enormous, and if there is one universal truth within the Shackles, it is that the meek need not apply.
    The following gazetteer entries in this volume describe some of the most populous or well-known islands in the Shackles. The first six are considered civilized islands, and the stat block at the beginning of each entry indicates the general alignment of the island’s society, the capital of the island and other populated settlements, its ruler, prominent races that call the island home, and dominant languages and religions. In addition, each of these stat blocks lists the most popular kinds of plunder and bounty that can be ransacked or pillaged by invading pirates. The rest of the entries in the first chapter are less populated islands and islets; though they may still be home to several thousand residents and are host to innumerable adventures and treasures of their own, such untamed islands possess much less political power than their larger siblings. The stat blocks for these sections are more condensed, but similarly possess entries for the small islands’ notable settlements, denizens, and resources, which can range from buried treasure to safe harbor to any number of notable goods found in the locale.
    The second chapter of this volume is a bestiary of the dangerous monsters that lurk either on the islands of the Shackles or in the region’s waters. Many of the creatures and monsters mentioned in the gazetteer entries are fully detailed in this second section.
« 上次编辑: 2018-07-28, 周六 23:51:52 由 丞相 »

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Re: 镣铐群岛(Isles of the Shackles)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-05-13, 周日 22:52:50 »

浅滩上的野兽 Beasts of the Shallows
1-51d4海豚(dolphins)1怪物图鉴 88
6-91摄人螺(incutili)2AP#55 84
10-161d4海马(hippocampi)3怪物图鉴2 155
17-252d6人鱼(merfolk)3怪物图鉴 204
26-292d6海地精(grindylows)4怪物图鉴2 148
30-382d4魟鱼(stingrays)4怪物图鉴2 232
39-441d8蝠鲼(manta rays)5怪物图鉴2 232
45-542d4海蛇(sea snakes)5见 59页
55-591格罗代尔(grodair)5怪物图鉴3 143
60-671d6鲛人(adaros)6怪物图鉴3 7
68-741d4赛卡利亚(cecaelia)7怪物图鉴3 49
75-831海王龙(tylosaurus)8怪物图鉴2 91
84-911d6巨海鳗(giant moray eels)8怪物图鉴 119
92-951d4巨海蛇(giant sea snakes)9见 59页
96-981凶暴鲨(dire shark)9怪物图鉴 247
99-1001海妖精(Nereid)10怪物图鉴2 198

海岸上的恐怖 Coastal Terrors
1-91巨蟹(giant crab)2怪物图鉴 50
10-161班依普(bunyip)3怪物图鉴2 50
17-191朽战尸船长(draugr captain)3怪物图鉴2 110
20-281马形水怪(Kelpie)4怪物图鉴2 172
29-341d6礁爪怪(Reefclaw)4怪物图鉴2 234
35-411d6朽战尸(draugr)5怪物图鉴2 110
42-491 浮尸泥怪(globster)5怪物图鉴3 131
50-531d4 潮汐龙(tidepool dragons)5AP#55 82
54-601食人海怪(saltwater merrow)6怪物图鉴2 189
61-682d4噬厄者(jinx eaters)6见 50页
69-711d6翼龙(pteranodon)6怪物图鉴3 60
72-781食鲨蟹(shark-eating crab)7怪物图鉴3 60
79-851d4海龙兽(sea drakes)8怪物图鉴2 109
86-911珊瑚魔像(coral golem)9见 47页
92-961d6恶鬼(Duppy)10见 48页
97-1001d4巨鹰嘴龟(giant snapping turtles)11怪物图鉴2 273

深海怪物 Deep Sea Monsters
1-41巨海葵(giant sea anemone)2怪物图鉴3 238
5-71d4死神之颅水母(death’s head jellyfish)3怪物图鉴3 155
15-221d8梭螺鱼人(Tritons)5怪物图鉴2 270
23-311d4 鮟鱇人5怪物图鉴3 50
32-371d4鲨鱼人(wereshark)5见 54页
38-431d4魔鬼鱼(devilfish)6怪物图鉴2 88
44-511(sea scourge)6见 58页
52-611d6 水母群(jellyfish swarms)9怪物图鉴2 170
62-671d6 巨水母(giant jellyfish)10怪物图鉴2 170
68-751 卡律布狄斯(charybdis)13怪物图鉴3 60
76-821 斩舰蟹(shipwrecker crab)13怪物图鉴3 60
83-881 大白鲸(great white whale)14怪物图鉴2 282
89-941(Lusca)17见 53页
95-971 克拉肯(kraken)18怪物图鉴 184
98-1001 深海巨蟒(deep sea serpent)19怪物图鉴3 240

岛上威胁 Island Menaces
1-41猴子集群(monkey swarm)2怪物图鉴2 212
5-122d4狒狒(baboons)3怪物图鉴2 212
13-171d4庭院泥怪(Garden Oozes)4怪物图鉴3 122
18-272d6(Kuru)4见 51页
28-321d4(chickcharneys)5见 46页
33-381d6 巨变色龙(giant chameleon)6怪物图鉴3 186
39-421(elder nirento)6见 55页
43-501d4 古巨龟(archelon)7怪物图鉴3 192
51-571d6 独眼巨人(cyclopes)5怪物图鉴 52
56-641d4 (soucouyants)10见61页
65-721 (larabay)11见 52页
73-821d4 丛林巨人(jungle giants)12怪物图鉴3 129
83-871d4 独目鬼(gholdakos)12见 49页
88-931 风暴巨人(storm giant)13怪物图鉴 152
94-971 贾布贾布鸟(Jubjub Bird)15怪物图鉴3 157
98-1001d4 康加马托(kongamato)17怪物图鉴3 169
劇透 -   :
The waters of the Shackles teem with monsters both mundane and otherworldly. Depending on where one finds herself on the high seas around the Shackles, a seafaring adventurer might come across any number of diverse denizens. Whether she is exploring shoreside Ghol-Gan ruins, traversing vast swaths of open ocean, or investigating a submerged shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean floor, she is sure to encounter nasty brutes that have either already laid claim to the region or are simply looking for their next meal.

Beasts of the Shallows
Most of the waterways between the countless islands of the Shackles are relatively shallow, and the monsters presented below can often be encountered while traveling throughout the archipelago.
Shallows EncounterS
d% roll Result Avg. CR Source
1–5 1d4 dolphins 1 Bestiary 88
6–9 1 incutilis 2 Pathfinder #55 84
10–16 1d4 hippocampi 3 Bestiary 2 155
17–25 2d6 merfolk 3 Bestiary 204
26–29 2d6 grindylows 4 Bestiary 2 148
30–38 2d4 stingrays 4 Bestiary 2 232
39–44 1d8 manta rays 5 Bestiary 2 232
45–54 2d4 sea snakes 5 see page 59
55–59 1 grodair 5 Bestiary 3 143
60–67 1d6 adaros 6 Bestiary 3 7
68–74 1d4 cecaelias 7 Bestiary 3 49
75–83 1 tylosaurus 8 Bestiary 2 91
84–91 1d6 giant moray eels 8 Bestiary 119
92–95 1d4 giant sea snakes 9 see page 59
96–98 1 dire shark 9 Bestiary 247
99–100 1 nereid 10 Bestiary 2 198
Coastal Terrors
These monsters have a penchant for lairing near coastal towns and fishing settlements, and can be a menace to those looking for a safe place to dock or anchor.
coaStal EncountErS
d% roll Result Avg. CR Source
1–9 1 giant crab 2 Bestiary 50
10–16 1 bunyip 3 Bestiary 2 50
17–19 1 draugr captain 3 Bestiary 2 110
20–28 1 kelpie 4 Bestiary 2 172
29–34 1d6 reefclaws 4 Bestiary 2 234
35–41 1d6 draugr 5 Bestiary 2 110
42–49 1 globster 5 Bestiary 3 131
50–53 1d4 tidepool dragons 5 Pathfinder #55 82
54–60 1 saltwater merrow 6 Bestiary 2 189
61–68 2d4 jinx eaters 6 see page 50
69–71 1d6 pteranodons 6 Bestiary 85
72–78 1 shark-eating crab 7 Bestiary 3 60
79–85 1d4 sea drakes 8 Bestiary 2 109
86–91 1 coral golem 9 see page 47
92–96 1d6 duppies 10 see page 48
97–100 1d4 giant snapping turtles 11 Bestiary 2 273
Deep Sea Monsters
Presented below are several monsters one may encounter while traversing the blue waters around the Shackles.
d% roll Result Avg. CR Source
1–4 1 giant sea anemone 2 Bestiary 3 238
5–7 1d4 death’s head jellyfish 3 Bestiary 3 155
8–14 1d4 sharks 4 Bestiary 247
15–22 1d8 tritons 5 Bestiary 2 270
23–31 1d4 ceratioidi 5 Bestiary 3 50
32–37 1d4 weresharks 5 see page 54
38–43 1d4 devilfish 6 Bestiary 2 88
44–51 1 sea scourge 6 see page 58
52–61 1d6 jellyfish swarms 9 Bestiary 2 170
62–67 1d6 giant jellyfish 10 Bestiary 2 170
68–75 1 charybdis 13 Bestiary 2 56
76–82 1 shipwrecker crab 13 Bestiary 3 60
83–88 1 great white whale 14 Bestiary 2 282
89–94 1 lusca 17 see page 53
95–97 1 kraken 18 Bestiary 184
98–100 1 deep sea serpent 19 Bestiary 3 240
Island Menaces
The following monsters are commonly encountered on some of the more untamable isles of the Shackles.
ISlanD EncountErS
d% roll Result Avg. CR Source
1–4 1 monkey swarm 2 Bestiary 2 212
5–12 2d4 baboons 3 Bestiary 2 212
13–17 1d4 garden oozes 4 Bestiary 3 122
18–27 2d6 kuru 4 see page 51
28–32 1d4 chickcharneys 5 see page 46
33–38 1d6 giant chameleons 6 Bestiary 3 186
39–42 1 elder nirento 6 see page 55
43–50 1d4 archelons 7 Bestiary 3 192
51–57 1d6 cyclopes 8 Bestiary 52
58–64 1d4 soucouyants 10 see page 61
65–72 1 larabay 11 see page 52
73–82 1d4 jungle giants 12 Bestiary 3 129
83–87 1d4 gholdakos 12 see page 49
88–93 1 storm giant 13 Bestiary 152
94–97 1 jubjub bird 15 Bestiary 3 157
98–100 1d4 kongamatos 17 Bestiary 3 169

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噬厄者(Jinx Eater)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-07-28, 周六 23:53:39 »
噬厄者(Jinx Eater)

噬厄者      CR 2
XP 600
男性盗贼(唬弄者)混乱中立 中型 类人生物(天狗)
先攻 +9;感官 昏暗视觉,察觉 +10

AC 16,接触 13,措手不及 13(+3敏捷,+3护甲)
hp 20(3d8+3)
强韧 +2,反射 +6,意志 +3
特殊防御: 反射闪避

速度 30尺
近战 精制细剑 +6(1d6-1/18-20)
远程 精制轻弩 +6(1d8/19-20)
特殊攻击 偷袭+2d6

力量 8,敏捷 17,体质 12,智力 10,感知 14,魅力 13
BAB +2;CMB +1;CMD 14
专长 精通先攻,武器娴熟
技能 特技+5,唬骗+7, 攀爬+1,交涉+7,逃脱+9,威吓+7,知识(本地)+6,语言学+4,察觉 +10,察言观色+8,巧手+9,隐匿 +8;种族调整+4语言学,+2察觉,+2隐匿
语言 通用语,天狗语
特殊能力高等盗贼天赋(谣言散布者),天生巧言,大骗子(grand hoax),天生的说谎者(Natural Born Liar),盗贼天赋(谎言说服)

环境 任意
组织 单独
财物 NPC装备(精制镶嵌皮甲,精制细剑,精制轻弩(20根矢),治疗轻伤药水*2,隐形术药水,炽火胶,抗生素,发烟棒*2,拌足包,雷鸣石,其他财宝)

      也许在内海地区没有任何地方,天狗能像镣铐群岛的海盗船上那样常见。这一地区的许多水手天然迷信,他们赋予这些有羽毛的人形生物幸运守护和吉祥物的双重角色,基于一种错误迷信他们相信天狗可以吸收凶兆和厄运。这个概念是从哪里来的呢?尽管一些学者认为,天狗可能是被和切查尼(chickcharney)混淆了,他们除了有羽毛的外形之外,没有任何共同之处。这种老水手的幻想可能会让这些被称之为“噬厄者(jinx eaters)”天狗在船上获得某些特殊待遇,或许可以免除他们在海盗船员中遭受普遍的粗暴欺凌行为,但这并不意味着他们不需要承担所有从事海盗活动的海员应有的责任和义务。

劇透 -   :
Jinx Eater
Black feathers cover this crow-headed swashbuckler, his hands and legs ending in powerful talons. He wields a long, curved sword and wears brightly colored studded leather armor.

Jinx Eater CR 2
XP 600
Male rogue (charlatan) 3 (Ultimate Combat 72)
CN Medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 20 (3d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d6–1/18–20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +6 (1d8/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +7, Climb +1, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Linguistics +4, Perception +10, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Linguistics, +2 Perception, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Tengu
SQ advanced rogue talents (rumormonger*), gifted linguist, grand hoax*, natural born liar*, rogue talents (convincing lie*), swordtrained
* See Ultimate Combat.
Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure NPC gear (masterwork studded leather, masterwork rapier, masterwork light crossbow with 20 bolts, potions of cure light wounds [2], potion of invisibility, alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, smokesticks [2], tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, other treasure)

    Perhaps nowhere in the Inner Sea region are tengus a more common sight than aboard a pirate vessel in the Shackles. Superstitious by nature, many sailors in this region have assigned to these feathered humanoids the dual role of good luck charm and mascot, based on the misguided belief that tengus can absorb ill omens and bad luck. Where this notion came from is anyone’s guess, though some scholars have suggested that tengus may have been confused with the chickcharney, with whom they have nothing in common aside from their feathered forms. While this old sailor’s conceit may earn such tengus, referred to as “jinx eaters,” some special treatment aboard ship, perhaps exempting them from the rough bullying so common in pirate crews, it does not mean they do not have the same responsibilities and duties of all mariners engaged in piracy.
    Jinx eaters must be able to hold their own in a fight, though most adopt methods of avoiding such conf licts altogether, honing their skills of guile and misdirection instead of brawn and steel.Jinx eaters are typically mad for plunder, especially seeking out jewelry and other such baubles, at times even lifting them from unsuspecting shipmates. Such pilfering inevitably leads to angry confrontations onboard, and the kleptomaniacal tengu must rely on his reputation as a source of good luck if he is to be spared a severe beating at the hands of his cohorts.
    Several settlements around the Shackles host rookeries of decent size, and it is common to find retired jinx eaters in such districts; often these are particularly boastful individuals who have given up on the life at sea or have been ousted from their old ship by their increasingly jaded crew members.