作者 主题: 【RG】小组战术:基础SMALL UNIT TACTIC: BASICS P94-96  (阅读 8981 次)

副标题: 翻译:卢卡蛋 校对:Bellicose

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 20:40:13 »

劇透 -   :
    Despite recent history and changes because of the Awakening, the core concepts of small-unit tactics have remained mostly unchanged since their inception over a century ago. Even with magic and the Matrix integration, small-unit tactics still revolve around the use of combat power to achieve an objective. And yes this will sound overtly military for a while, because that’s where the concept came from.
    Groups outside of the military—including gangs,police, and, of course, shadowrunners—have adopted and adapted small-unit tactics to suit their needs. With the proliferation of the Matrix and skillsoft technology,small-unit tactics can now be employed by anyone with a group of chummers and a few guns (common sense optional but preferred). The methodology of small-unit tactics remains sound and effective if used properly.
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 14:38:25 由 阿飘 »

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 20:42:54 »




劇透 -   :
Combat Power: The doctrine of small-unit tactics that guides the use of force and comprises four elements: maneuver,firepower, protection, and leadership.

Maneuver: This is the movement undertaken by a group/unit that is enabled and supported by weapons fire. The goal of maneuvers generally is to destroy a target, capture an objective, or neutralize a threat.

Firepower: Also referred to simply as “fire,” this is the direct offensive force used against a target or objective. It includes but is not limited to: firearms (guns), projectile weapons (bows/crossbows), thrown or launched weapons(grenades/rockets), and offensive magic. The offensive use of hacking programs or technomancer abilities to through the Matrix is also considered firepower.

Protection: Concerns the overall well-being of the individual combatant or team member. This includes carrying only what is required to defeat or neutralize enemy fire on a mission. This can be done through security measures, unit/team dispersion,cover/concealment, camouflage, deception, or suppression of enemy weapons through any means necessary.

Leadership: The authority given and abilities used to coordinate all efforts within the team/unit to ensure the success of a mission or objective. It also refers to the ability of the leader to accomplish said tasks and objectives.
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 13:59:41 由 阿飘 »

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 20:48:28 »


    另外一个关键因素是地形与环境的利用。无论交战发生在哪里,小队/小组都必须能辨别他们周遭的环境;掩体和隐蔽物是任何战术性移动 进攻和防御的关键条件。
劇透 -   :
    Despite what Mr. Johnson may have hired you for, the purpose or goal of small-unit tactics is to close with the enemy and defeat them through the use of fire and maneuvering. In the past, most supposed experts felt that despite the technological advantages a unit may have, victory could only be gained through close combat. But that was before magic and the proliferation of drone technology. And despite the advantages of both,they still have their inherent limits and drawbacks. This makes them key components of any team or unit, but usually as support assets or force multipliers. At some point,direct combatants will have to put fire on target.

    Aside from delivering accurate fire and maneuvering effectively, success depends on other factors as well.Flexibility and reacting properly to changes in a tactical situation is extremely vital because—as the saying goes—no plan survives contact with the enemy. Units must be able to adapt and leaders must be able to handle whatever surprises pop up in the course of an engagement.

    Another key factor is the use of the terrain and the environment. No matter where the engagement is taking place, a team/unit must be able to utilize their surroundings; cover and concealment are key elements in any tactical maneuver, offensive or defensive.

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 20:55:29 »




劇透 -   :
In all tactical operations, movement (or maneuver) is necessary because without it, the ability to put fire on an enemy target is greatly reduced. Also, maneuver is not just for offense. Many tactical maneuvers are defensive, designed to provide protection and counter enemy attacks. Maneuvers and planned movement enable units to maintain cohesion and provide protection for their members (it’s harder to hit a moving target).It also allows a unit to switch from defense to offense when opportunities present themselves. Preventing an enemy’s movement in combat is an important step toward defeating them.

    To accomplish this, most units/teams make use of set formations and planned patterns of movement. The big benefit of these is control. Knowing where your team/unit members are keeps you on top of chaotic combat situations. Before the development of tactical network devices and software, most teams had to stay in relatively close proximity to keep track of each other. With current technology, a team leader has greater command over their team and can respond more efficiently to situational changes and coordinate fire.

    On top of that you have the benefit of security. A well-planned formation provides 360-degree coverage as the unit/team maneuvers. Being in a formation also allows rapid, orderly, and coordinated response to threats.

    A third benefit is flexibility. While formations may seem rigid, they actually provide great flexibility in combat. A team that can transition from one formation to another has faster response times against enemy threats.

    Formations are useful in combat, but they are not always feasible for every unit or team. While they fall under the heading of small-unit tactics, most formations are designed for groups of at least eight to ten members. Shadowrunner teams usually aren’t that large,which means standard formations may need to be modified to suit their specific needs and strengths. The core concepts remain viable.
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 14:12:43 由 阿飘 »

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 20:58:12 »

劇透 -   :
    There is a common misconception about the meaning of both words in a tactical situation. Most think cover and concealment are the same, but they aren’t. Concealment is simply a position where, under normal circumstances, a combatant cannot be observed. If any part of the combatant can be seen, concealment is ineffective and should be abandoned because such a position does not offer any kind of protection against enemy fire.
    Conversely, cover is a position that offers a combatant at least some measure of protection against enemy fire and usually offers concealment as well. The general rule of thumb is that concealment is not cover, but cover can also be concealment. For example, a group of trees and bushes may conceal a combatant’s position, but it will offer no protection against enemy fire, while a concrete wall can provide both.

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 21:03:43 »





劇透 -   :
When planning and practicing combat maneuvers for
any mission, there are several factors to consider. First,
recon. As in, have you done any? Intelligence is essen-
tial to any mission combat; the more the better. Espe-
cially if it allows you to avoid combat altogether.
    Dispersion. Even with modern technologies, a unit needs to stay proximate enough for individual members to support each other. Conversely, they need to maintain enough distance to keep their options open, maximize effective fields of fire, and avoid bunching together into an easy target. Proper dispersion also allows for better situational awareness because more eyes can look in more directions.

    Operational security. The use of magic, drones, and the Matrix have made OpSec more difficult than ever
before. In modern combat, it takes more to hide one’s presence than camo fatigues and some tree-branches.Good OpSec goes back to recon—know your area, know your opposition, and plan/act accordingly.

    Cover and Concealment are also key considerations to any operation. Using routes where cover or concealment is available and avoiding areas where there is none will help prevent the loss of lives; especially when—not if—things go wrong.

    Speed. If a team is too cautious, moves too slowly,risk of detection actually increases. Conversely, moving too rapidly—whether trying to surprise your opponent or due to time constraints—can lead to carelessness and mistakes. Every situation is different, and your team must be aware enough to know what’s needed and flexible enough to deliver.

    Command and control. You may think that modern technology has made this a non-issue, but you’d be wrong. While it’s true modern tech lets us do more than was imagined even five years ago, nothing is one hundred percent reliable. There must be a backup plan in place in case communications are compromised. Even in this age of technological wonders, good old-fashioned hand-signals still have their place in combat.
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 14:20:22 由 阿飘 »

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 21:13:48 »

劇透 -   :
    Offense is the area of small-unit tactics that gets most people going because that’s when you put fire on the target. Defense is about preventing the other guy from putting fire on you. Less glamorous, less exciting, but really important if you want to survive long enough to get on offense.
    In small-unit tactics there are four broad types of offensive actions: hasty, deliberate, raid, and ambush.

劇透 -   :
    Simply put, a hasty attack is that “Oh drek!” moment when you have to pull that trigger now. The team/unit attacks with whatever is on hand at the time and hopes it’s enough. A hasty attack could result from a mistake on your part, such as insufficient reconnaissance, or being surprised by an unexpected action on the part of the enemy, but it can just as likely be a case of taking advantage of an unexpected opportunity. No matter what triggers the hasty attack, its success depends on every team member knowing what to do at an instant’s notice—and that depends on training to work together as a unit.

劇透 -   :
    A deliberate attack is planned. Even though no plan survives contact with the enemy, in a deliberate attack every team member knows—or should know—what the objective is and has some idea what assets the enemy is bringing to the party.

劇透 -   :
    Raids are classic hit-and-run attacks; rapid assault and rapid withdrawal. Almost all raids involve a smaller force attacking a larger one. The raid can be used to assess enemy strength or gather other intel—such as who’s in the group or what they move to protect when attacked. Raids can target enemy support or supplies, with the goal of either taking them or making them useless to the enemy. Raids can be used for theft or extraction,for diversions from the real theft or extraction, or as disruptions and delays to enemy operations. Raids—particularly raids with multiple or indirect objectives—require comprehensive planning, careful preparation, and split-second timing to execute.

劇透 -   :
   The ambush is a special case. Common wisdom is the secret to a good ambush is good planning and good cover, and that’s true as far as it goes. But when the time comes, it’s the self-control of your jumpiest team member that makes all the difference. Because nothing turns an ambush into a drekstorm faster than someone giving the game away while your enemy’s still in a position to do something about it. Specific ambush tactics will depend on where and whom you’re fighting, of course, but you should develop a basic strategy that plays to your teams particular strengths. And practice; drill until everyone can stay frosty when the pressure’s on. Then get ready to make your opponents shit in their pants right before they go down.

劇透 -   :
    The steps for defensive maneuvering or setting up defensive positions are similar to initiating an attack.Planning consists of establishing a defensive position or maneuvering to get out of the engagement zone.For example, putting as many obstacles between your team and the attacking force or setting up overlapping fields of fire.
    Early detection of an enemy’s intentions before they attack allows opportunities to counter an attack and prevent them from maneuvering. This can also allow for the exploitation—or creation—of any weaknesses in an attack and allow the defending team to consolidate, reorganize, and possibly initiate a counterattack.

劇透 -   :
1. Plan and Prepare
2. Locate and target the enemy
3. Identify and exploit enemy weaknesses
4. Begin attack (continue to assess for any weaknesses)
5. Maneuver to exploit weaknesses
6. Consolidate forces and reorganize to continue attack,counterattack, or disengage
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 14:36:14 由 阿飘 »

离线 卢卡蛋

  • Peasant
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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-04-11, 周三 21:18:17 »




劇透 -   :
    The ability to maneuver during a combat situation is
crucial for success or survival, but nothing will ruin a team’s
day faster than a well-placed explosive device. Ranging from
ad hoc improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to sophisticated
wireless-detonated devices, explosives are used for a variety
of purposes in combat.

    One purpose is to limit an enemy’s options and mobility of enemy. Strategic placement of explosives can deny an enemy entire areas. Minefields are the classic example of this strategy; minefields force your enemy to either find a safe way through or look for an alternate route. Going through a minefield is not only dangerous and time consuming, but the team is dangerously exposed and vulnerable throughout the operation. Conversely, finding a safe alternative is time-consuming at best and impossible at worst. Minefields (or any arrangement of preset explosives) can also herd enemies into dead ends, ambushes, or more deadly traps.

    The second purpose is security and defense. Minefields or other explosive booby traps, such as grenades rigged with tripwires, that placed along the approaches to a defensive position can provide early warning and thin out the enemy’s ranks.True, there are more sophisticated triggers, such as pressure plates, motion sensors, and wireless transmission sensors, but the primitive tripwire is ignored by most modern scanners.

    A third and often overlooked purpose is psychological warfare. Just as a sniper can pin a unit down and undermine unit cohesion and morale with just a few shots, explosive devices placed at apparent random can disrupt enemy coordination. In addition to the physical threat of the explosives and the need to care for the wounded, the uncertainty of not knowing when or where the next explosion will go off has a psychological impact, causing hesitation and indecision,making targets second-guess every choice. This can be a particular challenge for leaders who must deal with their own doubts while holding their team together in addition to figuring out how to get them out of the situation alive.

    No matter how they are used, battlefield explosives are a significant threat, and your whole team should be alert and aware of what they can do, and when they may be coming.