作者 主题: 【Strength of Thousands】《万千之力》4/6《神殿都市之秘》附录3:怪物图鉴  (阅读 16017 次)

副标题: 内含一个10级罕见物品

离线 璀璨星炬

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(Secrets of the Temple-City)
Pathfinder AP #172

化骨虫(巴’奥帕-姆杜杜) Ba'aupa Mdoudu


劇透 -  原文:
Ba'aupa Mdoudu
Ba'aupa mdoudus are solitary, bone-eating creatures that prefer to feed on remains found on battlefields or within necropolises—the more ancient, the better. When unable to locate buried remains, ba'aupa mdoudus are drawn reluctantly to the surface in search of bones from the living; living bones can sustain a ba'aupa mdoudu, but the flavor (particularly the temperature of warm bones fresh from the flesh) unsettles them a bit.

Ba'aupa mdoudus produce a slimy acid that liquefies minerals, allowing them to burrow though even solid stone and strip natural deposits of calcium from nearby rocks. In doing so, they leave smooth tunnels in their wake. When provoked, ba'aupa mdoudus secrete this acid through numerous pores along their length as a defensive response and accelerate this secretion under extreme circumstances.
引述: 财富和奖励
无机物宝藏  Inorganic Treasure
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards:Inorganic Treasure
The caustic acid of the ba'aupa mdoudu is extremely corrosive to organic material and stone but has minimal effect on metal and gems. Tombs raided by the ba'aupa mdoudu are thus typically devoid of any remains or organic materials; however, armor, weapons, and other inorganic artifacts are normally found intact.

化骨虫  Ba'aupa Mdoudu         生物 13

中立 中型 魔兽

察觉 +23;黑暗视觉,骨骼感知 60尺,颤动感知(模糊) 30尺
技能 运动 +27,隐秘 +25
力量 +8, 敏捷 +4, 体质 +5, 智力 -4, 感知 +4, 魅力 -2。
骨骼感知 Skeleton Sense  化骨虫能察觉到60尺内骨头和骷髅的存在;在侦测已经死亡的骨头时,这是个精确感官,但在侦测活骨头的时候是模糊感官。

劇透 -  原文:
Ba'aupa Mdoudu
Creature 13
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 80
Perception +23; darkvision, skeleton sense 60 feet, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Athletics +27, Stealth +25
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int -4, Wis +4, Cha -2
Skeleton Sense A ba'aupa mdoudu can sense the presence of bones and skeletons within 60 feet; this is a precise sense when detecting dead bones but an imprecise one when detecting living bones.

AC 33;强韧 +26,反射 +21,意志 +23;
HP 245
免疫 酸液
抗力 钝击 15
额外反应 Reactive  化骨虫在它的回合开始时获得一个额外的反应动作,但这个动作只用于使用粘液喷射能力。
粘液喷射 Slime Squirt [R] 触发 一个生物用近战打击对化骨虫造成挥砍或穿刺伤害;效果 攻击的生物受到2d10点酸液伤害。

劇透 -  原文:
AC 33; Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +23
HP 245; Immunities acid; Resistances bludgeoning 15
Reactive A ba'aupa mdoudu gains an additional reaction at the start of its turn but can use this reaction only to Slime Squirt.
Slime Squirt Reaction Trigger A creature infiicts slashing or piercing damage on the ba'aupa mdoudu with a melee Strike; Efiect The attacking creature takes 2d10 acid damage.

速度 30尺,掘进 20尺
近战 [A] 尖颚 +27(致命 d12),伤害 3d8+14 穿刺 加 1d10 持续酸液
远程 [A] 唾液 +23(酸液,射程增量 60尺),伤害 6d6 酸液
苛性酸液 Caustic Acid  每当一个生物从化骨虫的任意一个能力或打击中受到酸液伤害时,他必须成功通过DC 30强韧豁免,否则获得流失(dtained) 1(大失败获得流失(dtained) 2)。在随后的每一次失败的豁免中,流失(dtained)值都会加1(大失败加2),最高不超过流失(dtained) 4。
酸蚀之雨 Caustic Rain [AA]塑能系,原能) 化骨虫向空中喷射出大量的酸,在它周身10尺半径内如雨般倾盆而下。该区域的所有生物受到14d6酸性伤害(DC 33基础反射豁免)。化骨虫在1d4回合不能再使用此能力。
岩石挖掘机 Stone Tunneler  化骨虫在挖过泥土或石头时能够留下一条隧道,它通常就是这样做的。

劇透 -  原文:
Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet
Melee Single Action jaws +27 [+22/+17] (deadly d12), Damage 3d8+14 piercing plus 1d10 persistent acid
Ranged Single Action spit +23 [+18/+13] (acid, range increment 60 feet), Damage 6d6 acid
Caustic Acid Whenever a creature takes acid damage from any of a ba'aupa mdoudu's abilities or Strikes, it must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become drained 1 (drained 2 on a critical failure). On each subsequent failure, the drained condition value increases by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of drained 4.
Caustic Rain Two Actions (evocation, primal) The ba'aupa mdoudu spews copious amounts of acid into the air, creating a cascading rain to fall in a 10- foot radius around itself. All creatures in the area take 14d6 acid damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The ba'aupa mdoudu can't use Caustic Rain again for 1d4 rounds.
Stone Tunneler A ba'aupa mdoudu can leave a tunnel when it burrows through earth or stone, and it usually does.
« 上次编辑: 2023-09-24, 周日 23:54:50 由 璀璨星炬 »

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淹溺尸  Drenchdead

当伟大的英雄或其他有权势的人遭遇不幸而死于海上或其他和水相关的事故时,痛苦不堪的灵魂有时会纠缠于它的遗体上, 创造出一具淹溺尸。它们喜欢潜伏于水中并伏击(猎物),给受害者一个和那场造就了淹溺尸的意外一样致命的惊喜。淹溺尸可以操纵水来直接淹死一个人,但它更喜欢延长这种痛苦(draw out this suffering)。
劇透 -  原文:
When great heroes or other powerful individuals encounter misfortune and die at sea or to other water-related accidents, the anguished soul sometimes clings to its corpse, creating a drenchdead. Drenchdead prefer to lurk in water and attack from ambush, giving victims the same deadly surprise that led to their own deaths. A drenchdead can manipulate water to drown a victim directly but prefers to draw out this suffering.
引述: 生物分布
格拉利昂的淹溺尸  Drenchdead on Golarion
淹溺尸在沿海地区很常见,但在镣铐群岛(Shackles)和林诺姆诸王的领地(Lands of the Linnorm Kings)尤为普遍。伟大的海盗可能在载着一大船的财宝回家时死在贝斯玛拉(Besmara)手上。维京掠夺者也可能在穿越大洋前往瓦伦霍尔(Vallenhall)的旅途中死去。这些骄傲的英雄可能会以朽战尸或其他不死生物的形态复活,但最显赫的英雄会成为淹溺尸。
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Locations:Drenchdead on Golarion
Drenchdead are common along coasts but are particularly prevalent in the Shackles and near the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Great pirates might meet their death at Besmara's hands just as they were returning home with a massive haul of treasure, or viking raiders could die on their journey across the ocean toward Vallenhall. These proud heroes might rise as draugr or other undead, but the most notable heroes of all become drenchdead.

淹溺尸  Drenchdead         生物 12

罕见 中立邪恶 中型 不死 水

察觉 +21;黑暗视觉,水波感知(精确) 60尺
语言 通用语(无法开口说任何语言)
技能 特技 +21,运动 +25,隐秘 +23,生存 +19
力量 +7, 敏捷 +3, 体质 +4, 智力 +0, 感知 +1, 魅力 -3

AC 32;强韧 +24,反射 +21,意志 +19;
HP 230,负能量治疗(PDF原文缺失)
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
抗力 寒冷 10

劇透 -  原文:
Creature 12
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 81
Perception +21; darkvision, wavesense (precise) 60 feet
Languages Common; (can't speak any language)
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +25, Stealth +23, Survival +19
Str +7, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +3
AC 32; Fort +24, Ref +21, Will +19
HP 230; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances cold 10

速度 20尺,游泳 35尺
近战 [A] 利爪 +26(灵巧),伤害 3d6+13 挥砍 加 攫抓
远程 [A] 颚齿 +23,伤害 3d10+13 穿刺
水下伪装 Aquatic Camouflage 当淹溺尸完全浸没于水中时,它们可以进行躲藏(Hide)通用技能动作来避开生物,哪怕淹溺尸没有掩蔽(cover)也不对那些(它们要避开的)生物隐蔽(Concealed)也能做这个技能动作。
拖下水 Drag Down [AA]  需求 淹溺尸正游在一个至少10尺深的水里;效果 淹溺尸尝试进行一个运动检定来擒拿(Grapple)一个邻接的生物(其位于附近的陆地上或水中)。在对抗一个位于陆地上的生物时,检定成功的话,除了擒拿的正常效果外,淹溺尸还会将该生物拉入与不死生物邻接的一格水中;若被擒拿的生物已经在水中,检定成功后,除了擒拿的正常效果外,淹溺尸还会将该生物向水下拉10尺,并与该生物一起移动。使用拖下水将一个生物移动到水中或更深的水中对目标生物而言是强迫移动(forced movement),但对淹溺尸则不是。
溺水之触 Drowning Touch [AA]咒法系,失能,原能,水) 淹溺尸触摸一个生物,让自己体内的水流入该生物的肺中。如果该生物无法在水中呼吸,则必须尝试一次DC 32的强韧检定。

  • 成功 该生物不受影响,并且暂时免疫溺水之触24小时;
  • 失败 该生物获得而恶心(sickened) 3
  • 大失败 该生物被水呛住,耗尽空气。他失去意识,并且开始溺水。如果该生物在水上,当它在对抗窒息的豁免中成功时,就能立刻从溺水中恢复。
浪里白条 Surface Skimmer  位于水下的淹溺尸,在对抗自水体外生物发动的攻击时具有掩蔽。
劇透 -  原文:
Speed 20 feet, swim 35 feet
Melee Single Action claw +26 [+22/+18] (agile), Damage 3d6+13 slashing plus Grab
Melee Single Action jaws +26 [+21/+16], Damage 3d10+13 piercing
Aquatic Camouflage When fully submerged in water, the drenchdead can Hide from other creatures even if it doesn't have cover against them and isn't concealed from them.
Drag Down Two Actions Requirements The drenchdead is swimming in water at least 10 feet deep; Effect The drenchdead attempts an Athletics check to Grapple an adjacent creature (on nearby land or in the water). On a success against a creature on land, in addition to the normal effects of Grapple, the drenchdead pulls the creature into the water into a space adjacent to itself. If the creature is already in the water, on a success, in addition the normal effects of Grapple, the drenchdead drags the creature 10 feet deeper, moving 10 feet with the creature. Moving a creature into water or deeper into water using Drag Down is forced movement for the target creature, but not for the drenchdead.
Drowning Touch Two Actions (conjuration, incapacitation, occult, water) The drenchdead touches a creature and causes water from its own body to flow into the creature's lungs. If the creature can't breathe water, it must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save.
Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune to Drowning Touch for 24 hours.
Failure The creature becomes sickened 3.
Critical Failure The creature chokes on the water and runs out of air. It falls unconscious and starts drowning. If the creature is above water, it recovers from drowning as soon as it succeeds at a saving throw against suffocation.
Surface Skimmer A drenchdead submerged in water has cover from attacks made by creatures out of the water.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-16, 周日 07:31:26 由 璀璨星炬 »

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死墓骑士  Gravenight

当一位可怕的斗士在战斗中倒下,这位勇士的复仇之魂有时会与他们的铠甲融合,创造出一个死墓骑士。每一位死墓骑士都诞生自一位独特的战士,并有着足以证明它们生前技巧的独一无二的战斗风格和一系列能力。标准的死墓骑士能力可见Pathfinder Bestiary 1 pg.190
劇透 -  原文:
When a fearsome combatant falls in battle, the warrior’s vengeful spirit can sometimes fuse with their armor, creating a graveknight. Every graveknight is born of a unique warrior and has a unique fighting style and array of abilities that speak to their techniques in life. Standard graveknight abilities appear on page 190 of the Pathfinder Bestiary.

替换用死墓骑士能力  Alternate Graveknight Abilities

除了在Bestiary 1中呈现的替换用能力,你还能用后述能力来进一步定制一位更为独特的死墓骑士。

引导魔法 Channel Magic [AA] 死墓骑士将魔法能量重定向至它的护甲(盔甲),让它能够通过攻击传递魔法。死墓骑士施展(Casts a Spell)一个花费1-2个动作、并需要一个法术攻击骰(spell attack roll)的法术。这个法术的效果不会立即显现,而是被灌注到了一次攻击中。接着,死墓骑士进行一次武器或无武装近战打击。那个法术与攻击相结合,使用攻击骰(attack roll)的结果来同时决定打击和法术的效果。在计算死墓骑士的多重攻击减值时算作两次攻击,但在它完成此能力前减值不会应用。死墓骑士在1d4轮内无法使用此能力。

劇透 -  原文:
Channel Magic Two Actions The graveknight redirects magical energies through its armor, allowing it to deliver magic through an attack. The graveknight Casts a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires a spell attack roll. The effects of the spell don't occur immediately but are imbued into an attack instead. The graveknight then makes a melee Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack. The spell is coupled with the attack, using the attack roll result to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. This counts as two attacks for the graveknight's multiple attack penalty but doesn't apply the penalty until after it's completed Channeling Magic. The graveknight can't use Channel Magic again for 1d4 rounds.
缠结护甲 Clutching Armor [R]奥术,变化系) 触发 一个生物尝试离开死墓骑士;效果 死墓骑士的护甲活化并尝试攫抓(Grab)触发的生物。它进行一次用于擒拿(Grapple)的运动检定,使用死墓骑士的运动加值-2作为调整值。护甲可以如常继续擒拿该生物。因为是护甲在抓着该生物,所以死墓骑士不需要空出一只手来使用此能力。
劇透 -  原文:
Clutching Armor Reaction (arcane, transmutation) Trigger A creature attempts to move away from the graveknight; Effect The graveknight's armor animates and attempts to Grab the triggering creature. It makes an Athletics check to Grapple using the graveknight's Athletics modifier – 2. The armor can continue to Grapple the creature normally. Since the armor is grappling the creature, the graveknight doesn't need a free hand to do so.
死墓骑士盾牌 Graveknight's Shield奥术,死灵系) 死墓骑士的诅咒延伸至它们的盾牌上,或者死墓骑士护甲用自己的一部分来制造一面盾牌。死墓骑士有一面盾牌,其使用等级不高于死墓骑士等级-1的百炼盾的数据。盾牌准独立于死墓骑士,并会自动保护死墓骑士不受伤害。当这面盾牌被举起时,它会自动使用盾牌格挡(Shield Block)来减少每轮第一次对死墓骑士的攻击造成的伤害,死墓骑士无需为这次格挡花费反应动作[R]。盾牌会自动和死墓骑士的剩余部分一起复生,想要摧毁它必须用和摧毁死墓骑士护甲同样的方式。
劇透 -  原文:
Graveknight's Shield (arcane, necromancy) The graveknight's curse extends to their shield, or the graveknight's armor uses a portion of itself to produce a shield. The graveknight has a shield that uses the statistics of a sturdy shield of a level no higher than the graveknight's level – 1. The shield is quasi-independent of the graveknight and automatically protects the graveknight from harm. When the shield is raised, it automatically uses Shield Block to reduce the damage of the first attack against the graveknight each round without the graveknight needing to spend their reaction to do so. The shield automatically rejuvenates with the rest of the graveknight and must be destroyed in the same manner as the graveknight's armor.

引述: 额外学识
独特的毁灭方式  Unique Destruction
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore: Unique Destruction
While most graveknight armors can be destroyed with the standard means of destruction, particularly powerful graveknights might have more durable armor that requires additional steps to destroy. These are usually the armors of high-level graveknights, and their destruction steps are tied to the creation of the graveknight. For example, a specific graveknight armor can't be destroyed until it's struck by a descendant of the person that originally felled the graveknight in battle before their transformation.

引述: 建议与规则
其他能力  Other Powers
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Advice and Rules:Other Powers
You can use the alternate abilities as examples to create new powers reflecting a graveknight's personality or history, or even swap out more than one power. Graveknights should be unique and memorable foes.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-16, 周日 07:00:10 由 璀璨星炬 »

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死墓骑士队长  Graveknight Captain

劇透 -  原文:
Graveknight Captain
Graveknight captains once proudly led squads of troops in battle.

死墓骑士队长  Graveknight Captain         生物 6

罕见 守序邪恶 中型 不死

察觉 +14;黑暗视觉
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 运动 +16,威吓 +15,生存 +12,战争学识 +12
力量 +5, 敏捷 +3, 体质 +4, 智力 +1, 感知 +2, 魅力 +3
物品 +1 全身甲,死墓骑士盾牌(硬度 8,HP 64,BT 32),电击 战锤

劇透 -  原文:
Graveknight Captain
Creature 6
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 82
Perception +14; darkvision
Languages Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +16, Intimidation +15, Survival +12, Warfare Lore +12
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +3
Items shock warhammer, +1 full plate, graveknight's shield

AC 25;强韧 +16,反射 +14,意志 +13;
HP 90,负能量治疗,复生
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,电击/电,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
死墓骑士盾牌 Graveknight's Shield奥术,死灵系) 见上
借机攻击 [R]

劇透 -  原文:
AC 25; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +13
HP 90 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities death, disease, electricity, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Graveknight's Shield (arcane, necromancy) The graveknight's curse extends to their shield, or the graveknight's armor uses a portion of itself to produce a shield. The graveknight has a shield that uses the statistics of a sturdy shield of a level no higher than the graveknight's level – 1. The shield is quasi-independent of the graveknight and automatically protects the graveknight from harm. When the shield is raised, it automatically uses Shield Block to reduce the damage of the first attack against the graveknight each round without the graveknight needing to spend their reaction to do so. The shield automatically rejuvenates with the rest of the graveknight and must be destroyed in the same manner as the graveknight's armor.
Attack of Opportunity Reaction

速度 25尺
近战 [A] 战锤 +16(电击,魔法,推撞),伤害 2d8+7 钝击 加 1d6 电击
近战 [A] 拳头 +15(灵巧,电击),伤害 2d4+7 钝击 加 1d6 电击
毁灭爆震 Devastating Blast [AA]奥术,电,塑能) 死墓骑士队长释放出30尺锥形能量。区域内的生物受到4d12点电击伤害,DC 24基础反射豁免。死墓骑士队长在1d4轮内无法使用此能力。
死墓骑士诅咒 Graveknight's Curse奥术,诅咒,死灵系* 诅咒会影响任何穿戴死墓骑士的护甲超过1小时以上的生物。
 豁免骰 DC 24意志豁免;潜伏期 1小时;

  • 阶段1 毁灭1并且无法脱下护甲(1日);
  • 阶段2 毁灭2、hampered 10**、且无法脱下护甲(1日);
  • 阶段3 死亡并转化为护甲对应的死墓骑士。

武器大师 Weapon Master 无论死墓骑士队长持用何种武器,它均可以使用该武器的重击专精效果。
劇透 -  原文:
Speed 25 feet
Melee Single Action warhammer +16 [+11/+6] (electricity, magical, shove), Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 electricity
Melee Single Action fist +15 [+11/+7] (agile, electricity), Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 electricity
Devastating Blast Two Actions (arcane, electricity, evocation) The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of electricity. Creatures in the area take 4d12 electricity damage(DC 24 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
Graveknight's Curse (arcane, curse, necromancy) This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 24 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight.
Weapon Master The graveknight has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons it wields.

« 上次编辑: 2022-01-16, 周日 07:28:14 由 璀璨星炬 »

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死墓骑士神卫  Graveknight Champion

劇透 -  原文:
Graveknight Champion
Once the servant of a deity, the graveknight champion returned as an undead after a life cut short in service to their god.

死墓骑士神卫  Graveknight Champion         生物 15

罕见 守序邪恶 中型 不死

察觉 +27;黑暗视觉
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 运动 +31,神祇学识 +27,威吓 +29,宗教 +27
力量 +8, 敏捷 +4, 体质 +5, 智力 +2, 感知 +4, 魅力 +6
物品 高等炽焰 复合短弓(20支箭),+2 抗力 全身甲高等炽焰 巨镐

劇透 -  原文:
Graveknight Champion
Creature 15
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 83
Perception +27; darkvision
Languages Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +31, Deity Lore +27, Intimidation +29, Religion +27
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6
Items +2 resilient full plate, greater flaming greatpick, greater flaming composite shortbow (20 arrows)

AC 38;强韧 +28,反射 +26,意志 +25;
HP 275,负能量治疗,复生
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,火焰/火,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
借机攻击 [R]
缠结护甲 Clutching Armor [R]奥术,变化系)  见上

劇透 -  原文:
AC 38; Fort +28, Ref +26, Will +25
HP 275 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities death, disease, fire, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Attack of Opportunity Reaction
Clutching Armor Reaction (arcane, transmutation) Trigger A creature attempts to move away from the graveknight; Effect The graveknight's armor animates and attempts to Grab the triggering creature. It makes an Athletics check to Grapple using the graveknight's Athletics modifier – 2. The armor can continue to Grapple the creature normally. Since the armor is grappling the creature, the graveknight doesn't need a free hand to do so.

速度 25尺
近战 [A] 巨镐 +31(夺命 d12,火焰,魔法),伤害 3d10+6 挥砍原文如此,应当为穿刺 加 1d6 火焰
近战 [A] 拳头 +30(灵巧,火焰),伤害 3d6+16 钝击 加 1d6 火焰
远程 [A] 复合短弓 +28(致命 d10,火焰,魔法,射程增量 60尺,装填 0),伤害 3d6+10 穿刺 加 1d6 火焰
神术内在法术 DC 33,攻击 +25;

  • 7环 噬星爆发死亡一指
  • 6环 火球术灼热射线 SoM
  • 5环 寒冰锥焰击术
  • 4环 火球术
  • 戏法(7环) 恐吓之触晕眩术光亮术护盾术
引导魔法 Channel Magic [AA]  见上
毁灭爆震 Devastating Blast [AA]奥术,电,塑能) 死墓骑士神卫释放出30尺锥形能量。区域内的生物受到8d12点火焰伤害,DC 36基础反射豁免。死墓骑士神卫在1d4轮内无法使用此能力。
死墓骑士诅咒 Graveknight's Curse奥术,诅咒,死灵系* 诅咒会影响任何穿戴死墓骑士的护甲超过1小时以上的生物。
 豁免骰 DC 36意志豁免;潜伏期 1小时;

  • 阶段1 毁灭1并且无法脱下护甲(1日);
  • 阶段2 毁灭2、hampered 10**、且无法脱下护甲(1日);
  • 阶段3 死亡并转化为护甲对应的死墓骑士。

武器大师 Weapon Master 无论死墓骑士神卫持用何种武器,它均可以使用该武器的重击专精效果。
劇透 -  原文:
Speed 25 feet
Melee Single Action greatpick +31 [+26/+21] (fatal d12, fire, magical), Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus 1d6 fire
Melee Single Action fist +30 [+26/+22] (agile, fire), Damage 3d6+16 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fire
Ranged Single Action composite shortbow +28 [+23/+18] (deadly d10, fire, magical, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 3d6+10 piercing plus 1d6 fire
Innate Divine Spells DC 33, attack +25; 7th eclipse burst, finger of death; 6th fireball, scorching ray; 5th cone of cold, flame strike; 4th fireball; Cantrips (7th) chill touch, daze, light, shield
Channel Magic Two Actions The graveknight redirects magical energies through its armor, allowing it to deliver magic through an attack. The graveknight Casts a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires a spell attack roll. The effects of the spell don't occur immediately but are imbued into an attack instead. The graveknight then makes a melee Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack. The spell is coupled with the attack, using the attack roll result to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. This counts as two attacks for the graveknight's multiple attack penalty but doesn't apply the penalty until after it's completed Channeling Magic. The graveknight can't use Channel Magic again for 1d4 rounds.
Devastating Blast Two Actions (arcane, evocation, fire) The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of fire. Creatures in the area take 8d12 fire damage(DC 36 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
Graveknight's Curse (arcane, curse, necromancy) This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 24 Will saveAoN网站原文,疑似有误; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight.
Weapon Master The graveknight has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons it wields.

« 上次编辑: 2022-01-16, 周日 20:02:00 由 璀璨星炬 »

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食惧木  Kilia Mwibo

劇透 -  原文:
Kilia Mwibo
Beautiful and dangerous, kilia mwibos appear as lush, green trees with brightly colored and appealing fleshy seedpods that remain attached year round. Over time, these seedpods become hollow and create an eerie, forlorn wail that generates feelings of sadness and despair.
引述: 额外学识
以惧为食者  Fear Feeders
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional LoreFear Feeders
Instead of drawing sustenance from light and soil, kilia mwibos gorge themselves on the negative emotions of creatures, eventually draining them of their life force and discarding their carcasses. When creatures recognize the true nature of the kilia mwibos and attempt to flee, the trees send out buried roots to trip and slow them down before grabbing them with their thorny fronds.

食惧木  Kilia Mwibo         生物 15

罕见 中立 超大型 植物

察觉 +26;情绪感知 60尺
语言 木族语(无法开口说任何语言)
技能 运动 +30,欺骗 +25,隐秘 +28
力量 +7, 敏捷 +5, 体质 +3, 智力 -2, 感知 +5, 魅力 +0
情绪感知 Emotion Sense  食惧木可以感知到周围的负面情绪。在针对那些陷入强大情绪(emotions)效果,如狂暴(Rage)、惊惧(Frightened)的生物,或者依照GM的判断,被仇恨、悲伤、或其他压倒性的负面情绪蒙蔽双眼的生物时,这是一个精确感官;在对抗其他拥有(普通的)情感的生物时,这是个模糊感官。没有情感的生物对于食惧木来说实质上是隐形的。一个了解情绪感知的生物可以采取预防措施来在食惧木面前躲藏(Hide)并潜行(Sneak),在这里指的是压制消极的感觉。你可以在核心规则书第465页找到对“在其它感官下隐秘”更详细的规则介绍。

劇透 -  原文:
Kilia Mwibo
Creature 15
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 84
Perception +26; emotion sense 60 feet
Languages Sylvan; (can't speak any language)
Skills Athletics +30, Deception +25, Stealth +28
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +3, Int -2, Wis +5, Cha +0
Emotion Sense A kilia mwibo can sense nearby negative emotions. This is a precise sense against creatures who are under powerful emotion effects like rage, those who are frightened, or, at the GM's discretion, those who are in the grips of hatred, sadness, or other overwhelming negative emotions. Against all other creatures that possess emotions, this is an imprecise sense. A creature that has no emotions is effectively invisible to a kilia mwibo. A creature that knows about emotion sense can take precautions to Hide and Sneak from a kilia mwibo, in this case by suppressing feelings of negativity. You can flnd more details on hiding from special senses here.

AC 36;强韧 +24,反射 +29,意志 +26;
HP 345
免疫 重击,精准,基于视觉的效果
弱点 火焰 15,挥砍 15
抗力 音波 15
绝望气场 Despairing Presence灵光,情绪,惑控系,恐惧,失能,心灵,原能) 60尺。进入弥漫范围或在此范围内开始回合的人跌入恐惧的深渊,并必须进行DC 33意志豁免。

  • 大成功 目标不受影响;
  • 成功 目标获得惊惧(Frightened) 1;
  • 失败 目标获得惊惧(Frightened) 2;
  • 大失败 目标获得惊惧(Frightened) 3并且陷入禁足(Immobilized)直至其不再惊惧。
借机攻击 [R]  仅能使用叶子打击
劇透 -  原文:
AC 36; Fort +24, Ref +29, Will +26
HP 345; Immunities critical hits, precision, vision-based effects; Resistances sonic 15; Weaknesses fire 15, slashing 15
Despairing Presence (aura, emotion, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, primal) 60 feet. A creature that enters the emanation or starts its turn within it tumbles down a deep well of dread and must attempt a DC 33 Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target becomes frightened 1.
Failure The target becomes frightened 2.
Critical Failure The target becomes frightened 3 and immobilized until it's no longer frightened.
Attack of Opportunity Reaction Frond only.

速度 25尺
近战 [A] 叶子 +30(致命 d12,触及 15尺,横扫,多用 P),伤害 3d10+5 挥砍 加 1d6 流血 和 精通攫抓
近战 [A] 长根 +28(触及 20尺,横扫,摔绊),伤害 3d8+15 钝击
远程 [A] 棘刺 +28(致命 d12,射程增量 60尺),伤害 3d6+15 穿刺
紧勒 [A] 2d12+15,DC 36 (原文未写出紧勒的伤害类型,推测为钝击)
吞噬情绪 Consume Emotion [AA]神术,心灵,死灵系) 食惧木以60尺内一个生物的负面情绪为食;此生物必须是它能够通过情绪感知精确察觉到的生物,目标必须成功通过DC 36意志豁免否则流失(drained)状态值+1(大失败+2),最高流失 4。

劇透 -  原文:
Speed 25 feet
Melee Single Action frond +30 [+25/+20] (deadly d12, reach 15 feet, sweep, versatile P), Damage 3d10+15 slashing plus 1d6 bleed and Improved Grab
Melee Single Action root +28 [+23/+18] (reach 20 feet, sweep, trip), Damage 3d8+15 bludgeoning
Ranged Single Action thorn +28 [+23/+18] (deadly d12, range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d6+15 piercing
Constrict Single Action 2d12+15, DC 36
Consume Emotion Two Actions (divine, mental, necromancy) The kilia mwibo feeds on the negative emotions of a creature within 60 feet; this must be a creature that it can precisely sense with its emotion sense. The target must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or increase its drained condition value by 1 (by 2 on a critical failure), to a maximum of drained 4.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-24, 周一 01:33:07 由 璀璨星炬 »

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日曝尸  Sunburst Corpse

劇透 -  原文:
Sunburst Corpse
Warlords and heroes alike often fell their enemies and leave the corpses behind, exposed to the elements. Undead tend to rise in the dark of night and shun the cleansing rays of the sun, but this isn't the rule for all undead. The corpse of a particularly evil individual left exposed to the constant beating of the sun might become a sunburst corpse. These undead radiate light and wield sunlight as a weapon. Sunburst corpses initially seek revenge for their deaths but thereafter wander with undirected rage.

引述: 财富与奖励
不灭之光  Deathless Light
日曝尸的不死血肉是一种法术触媒(spell catalyst)

不灭之光  Deathless Light         物品 10

罕见 触媒 消耗品 魔法
价格 165 gp
用法 单手持握;负载 L
启动 [A] 想象

劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Treasure and RewardsDeathless Light
A sunburst corpse's dead flesh is a spell catalyst.

Price 165 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] envision
This glowing piece of flesh increases the spell level of a spell with the light trait by 1 (maximum 7) when determining whether the spell’s light will shine in magical darkness or counteract a darkness spell.

日曝尸  Sunburst Corpse         生物 14

罕见 中立邪恶 中型 不死

察觉 +25;黑暗视觉
语言 通用语(无法开口说任何语言)
技能 运动 +23,威吓 +29,神秘 +25
力量 +5, 敏捷 +1, 体质 +8, 智力 +1, 感知 +3, 魅力 +7
光亮伪装 Light Camouflage  在身处自然的明亮光(bright light)——例如阳光和火把——之下的日曝尸处于隐蔽(Concealed)状态,哪怕对于那些能在明亮光下自然视物的生物也是如此。魔法明亮光和源自日曝尸的刺目灵光的光亮不会为它提供隐蔽。

劇透 -  原文:
Sunburst Corpse
Creature 14
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 85
Perception +25; darkvision
Languages Common; (can't speak any language)
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +29, Occultism +25
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +8, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +7
Light Camouflage The sunburst corpse is concealed in areas of natural bright light, such as due to sunlight or torches, even to creatures that can see clearly in bright light. Magical bright light and light from the sunburst corpse's blinding aura don't conceal the sunburst corpse.

AC 35;强韧 +28,反射 +29,意志 +25;
HP 255,负能量治疗 (译注:原文无此项,考虑到它是不死生物,应该是漏印)
免疫 目盲,目眩,火焰 (译注:理论上它应该还免疫所有不死生物都免疫的死亡效果、疾病、麻痹、毒素、失去意识;不确定是漏了还是特意为之)
弱点 寒冷 10,黑暗易伤
刺目灵光 Blinding Aura灵光,塑能系,失能,光亮,异能,视觉) 60尺。日曝尸散发出明亮光。任何在弥漫范围开始回合的生物必须进行DC 31强韧豁免。如果豁免失败就会目盲1分钟,大失败则永久目盲。豁免成功的生物将临时免疫此能力24小时。
黑暗易伤 Darkness Vulnerability  身处魔法黑暗区域的日曝尸会获得恶心(sickened) 1。倘若魔法黑暗效果的等级至少为日曝尸等级的一半(对于大多数日曝尸而言是7级),那么日曝尸在该区域还会获得缓慢(slowed) 1。

劇透 -  原文:
AC 35; Fort +28, Ref +21, Will +25
HP 255; Immunities blinded, dazzled, fire; Weaknesses cold 10, darkness vulnerability
Blinding Aura (aura, evocation, incapacitation, light, occult, visual) 60 feet. The sunburst corpse sheds bright light. Any creature that starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save. If it fails, it's blinded for 1 minute, and if it critically fails, it's blinded permanently. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Darkness Vulnerability A sunburst corpse is sickened 1 while in areas of magical darkness. If the level of the magical darkness effect is at least half of the sunburst corpse's level (a 7th-level effect against most sunburst corpses), the sunburst corpse is also slowed 1 while in the area.

速度 35尺
近战 [A] 利爪 +29(灵巧,娴熟),伤害 3d6+13 挥砍 加 2d8 火焰 和 攫抓余光
远程 [A] 太阳烈焰 +25(射程增量 40尺),伤害 7d6 火焰
紧勒 [A] 2d6+6 钝击 加 2d8火焰 和 余光,DC 34
新星爆发 Nova Burst [AAA]塑能系,光亮,异能) 日曝尸增强它的光芒,释放出一股灼热的能量冲击波。它对20尺弥漫范围内的所有生物造成12d8火焰伤害(DC 24基础强韧豁免)。豁免失败的生物在他下回合结束前都处于目眩。日曝尸在1d4轮内无法再次使用此能力,并且它的刺目灵光在此期间失效。
余光 Residual Light塑能系,光亮,异能) 当日曝尸打击或擒拿(Grapple)一个生物时,尸身上的一些光会暂时粘附在该生物上。这位生物必须进行DC 34强韧豁免。豁免失败则该生物会目眩1分钟。处于目眩的生物可以通过一个交互(Interact)动作来熄灭光线并移除目眩状态。

劇透 -  原文:
Speed 35 feet
Melee Single Action claw +29 [+25/+21] (agile, finesse), Damage 3d6+13 slashing plus 2d8 fire and Grab and residual light
Ranged Single Action sunfire +25 [+20/+15] (range increment 40 feet), Damage 7d6 fire
Constrict Single Action 2d6+6 bludgeoning plus 2d8 fire and residual light, DC 34
Nova Burst Three Actions (evocation, light, occult) The sunburst corpse intensifies its light and unleashes a burning blast of energy. It deals 12d8 fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save becomes dazzled until the end of its next turn. The sunburst corpse can't use Nova Burst again for 1d4 rounds, and its blinding aura becomes inactive during this time.
Residual Light (evocation, light, occult) When a sunburst corpse Strikes or Grapples a creature, some of the corpse's light clings to the creature for a moment. The creature must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is dazzled until the end of its next turn. On a critical failure, the creature is dazzled for 1 minute. A dazzled creature can use an Interact action to wick off the light and remove the dazzled condition.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-20, 周四 19:16:55 由 璀璨星炬 »

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迪玛利-帝吉 Dimari-Diji
古老的树精守护者 Ancient Arboreal Guardian

如今,哪怕是与其它那些树精相比,迪玛利-帝吉也算得上格外古老了。自从来到奥斯布以后,虽说他很少在城市里走动,但除了偶尔在芒吉莽原旅行之外,他几乎把自己所有的时间都留在了这里。城市的领袖,即现任的讴尔·祈埃尤(Uur Chyayu)——乌曼加-金旮(Umanja-jinga),时常会来拜访他。迪玛利-帝吉在她身上看见了那最初的一百个智慧之妇的影子,并且选择了信任她的判断以及和她所建立的友谊。在与他人交谈时,迪玛利-帝吉总是非常的和蔼耐心,他会用心去倾听人们的发言,让人能自由地畅所欲言而无需担心被打断。

作为奥斯布的管家,迪玛利-帝吉致力于从所有,尤其是那些可能会靠近报应之井(Nemesis Well),的潜在威胁中保护他的城市。迪玛利-帝吉觉得自己似乎时日已近,因而更倾向于扮演顾问或给予支持的角色。

迪玛利-帝吉 DIMARI-DIJI                               生物 25

独特 绝对中立 巨型 植物
男性 树精 自然语者(nature-speaker)
察觉 +43;昏暗视觉,颤动感知(模糊感官)120 呎;真视术(true seeing)
语言 邪灵语,天界语,通用语,龙语,安魂曲(Requian),斯芬克斯语(Sphinx),木族语;动物交谈(speak with animals),植物交谈(speak with plants);心灵感应 300 呎
技能 奥法 +42,运动 +43,交涉 +41,芒吉莽原学识 +50,自然 +50,隐秘 +36(在森林中时 +42)
力量 +12,敏捷 -1,体质 +7,智力 +7,感知 +12,魅力 +10
菌群视界 Fungus Sight(预言系,原能)迪玛利-帝吉能够产出小群的真菌,借助它们来看到自身视野之外的事物。他能用一个具有专注(concentrate)特征的单动作,来讲自身感官投射到物质位面(Material Plane)的某个完整的菌团之中,或以此单动作来结束该投射。迪玛利-帝吉在将感官投射进真菌之中时,会失去其原本身体的所有感官信息。

AC 52;强韧 +42,反射 +36,意志 +48
HP 550,再生 30(火焰使其失效);免疫 疾病,心灵,毒素;弱点 斧类易伤,火焰 20;抗力 钝击 20,穿刺 20
斧类易伤 Axe Vulnerability 斧类武器会对树精自然语者造成额外 20 点伤害。
滋长灵光 Aura of Growth(灵光,植物,原能,变化系)120 呎。迪玛利-帝吉周边的植物会长得更大、更具活力。弥漫范围内的生物会受到植物滋长(plant growth)仪式成功效果的影响。该区域内所施放的任何植物法术都会得到增强,其效果将比原本施放时高出 1 环,最高升至 9 环(迪玛利-帝吉所施放的法术不会受此效果影响)。此外,当植物生物位于此效果范围内时,将会获得快速愈合 20。
蓬勃灵光 Enriching Aura(灵光,塑能系,变化系)60呎。迪玛利-帝吉的自然伟力将会增强其周边的所有原能施法。弥漫范围内的所有生物在施放原能法术(Cast the Spell)时,能够视作已使用过及远法术(Reach Spell)或扩展法术(Widen Spell)。

速度 40 呎;行动自如(freedom of movement)
近战 [A] 枝条 +44(魔法,触及 20 呎),伤害 5d10+20 钝击 外加 精通击倒
远程 [A] 心灵冲击 +44(魔法,心灵,射程增量 120 呎),伤害 5d6+20 心灵 外加 岁月史忆
原能内在法术 DC 49,攻击 +41;
     10环   荒古奇观(primal phenomenon),英雄不朽(revival)
     9环   生界仇意(nature’s enmity),复仇风暴(storm of vengeance),召唤植物与真菌(summon plant or fungus)
     8环   再起时刻(moment of renewal),惩戒烈风(punishing winds),御风而行(wind walk)
     7环   再生术(regenerate),阳炎爆(sunburst)
     6环   缠结匐蔓(tangling creepers)
     3环   地缚术(随意施法,earthbind)
     2环   纠缠术(entangle)
     恒定(8环)  真视术(true seeing)
            (4环)  行动自如(freedom of movement),植物交谈(speak with plants)
            (2环)  动物交谈(speak with animals)
森林生长 Forest Growth 每月一次,迪玛利-帝吉能够花费 1 小时来萌发一片全新的森林。他使得该森林以 50 呎爆发区域萌生在其 300 呎范围之内。这片森林会立刻变得生机勃勃,且是由他所选择的最适合该区域的真菌、植物和树木所组成。该森林的高度、密度及活力程度等同于一片已生长了 10 年的森林。森林中起初没有任何动物或其它生物,但 1 哩范围内动物会意识到新森林的存在,并且可能会视情况将这里视作自己新的栖息地。
岁月史忆 Memories of Ages 迪玛利-帝吉的心灵冲击席卷敌人的脑海,使得他们难以专注于战斗。一名受迪玛利-帝吉心灵冲击伤害的生物将会目眩 1 轮。若该次打击大成功,此生物将会目眩 1 分钟作为代替。
记忆旋涡 Memory Maelstrom [AAA](专注,失能,心灵,非致命,原能)迪玛利-帝吉尝试用漫长生命中所收集到的大量知识淹没敌人的脑海。这阵信息浪潮将对 60 呎范围内的所有敌人造成 12d6 心灵伤害,目标必须尝试一次 DC 32 意志豁免。
     大成功   生物依然保持镇定,不受伤害,并在 1 分钟内对记忆旋涡临时免疫。
     成功   生物陷入震慑 1 并受到一半伤害。
     失败   生物受到全部伤害并陷入震慑 3。
     大失败   生物受到双倍伤害,困惑2d4轮,并陷入震慑 3。
自然专注 Nature’s Concentration [F] 触发 迪玛利-帝吉的回合开始;效果 迪玛利-帝吉呼唤身边的自然世界以支持自身魔法。其进行一次维持法术(Sustain a Spell)。
« 上次编辑: 2023-04-30, 周日 10:55:06 由 里予 »

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恩基卢卡 Nkiruka
瓦尔克纳的铁面外交官及首席发言人 Stern Diplomat and Prime Speaker of Walkena



恩基卢卡 NKIRUKA                               生物 14

独特 绝对中立 中型 人类 类人生物
女性 人类 外交官
察觉 +25(在探查谎言与察言观色 Sense Motive 时 +29)
语言 通用语,龙语,精灵语,玛祖语(Mzunu),塔尔多语(Taldane)
技能 特技 +24,奥法 +25,欺骗 +28,交涉 +28(建立印象 Make an Impression 时 +30),威吓 +28,神秘 +25,表演 +28,宗教 +23,社群 +25
力量 +0,敏捷 +4,体质 +4,智力 +3,感知 +1,魅力 +6
物品 +2 强击 手弩(10 枚弩矢),+1 抗力 皮甲+2 强击 镰刀
识谎之耳 Ear for Lies 恩基卢卡的训练让她能够辨认微表情、声调以及其它信息。当一名生物对恩基卢卡说谎(Lie)失败时,她不仅会知道说谎的事实,并且她还能捕捉到有关说谎生物所认定真相的线索。
集体印象 Group Impression 当恩基卢卡进行建立印象(Makes an Impression)时,她可以同时使用交涉检定结果对抗至多四个而非一个目标的意志DC。

AC 36;强韧 +24,反射 +26,意志 +25
HP 260

速度 25 呎
近战 [A] 镰刀 +27(灵巧,娴熟,魔法,摔绊),伤害 2d4+10 挥砍
远程 [A] 手弩 +27(魔法,射程增量 60 呎,装填 1),伤害 2d6+10 穿刺
异能自发法术 DC 34,攻击 +26;
     7环(3 法术位)  次元锁(dimensional lock),投影术(project image),回溯过去(retrocognition)
     6环(3 法术位)  假像术(mislead),排斥术(repulsion),真视术(true seeing)
     5环(3 法术位)  幻象场景(illusory scene),心灵连线(telepathic bond),巧言术(tongues)
     4环(3 法术位)  辨识谎言(discern lies),隐秘领域(private sanctum),弹力法球(resilient sphere)
     3环(3 法术位)  托梦术(dream message),极化认知(hypercognition),旅者向导(wanderer’s guide)
     2环(3 法术位)  安定心神(calm emotions),魔嘴(magic mouth),关照术(status)
     1环(3 法术位)  幻象造物(illusory object),圣域术(sanctuary),隐形仆役(unseen servant)
     戏法(7环)  侦测魔法(detect magic),严厉护卫(forbidding ward),法师之手(mage hand),阅读灵光(read aura),魔法印记(sigil)
识瑕之目 Eye for an Opening 若生物对恩基卢卡可见(observed)且未处于掩蔽(cover)之后或未处于隐蔽(concealed)状态,则恩基卢卡的打击(Strike)会对其额外造成 2d10 精准伤害。
迅速估量 Size Up [A] 恩基卢卡对一名她所能看见的生物尝试一次察觉检定,对抗该生物的欺骗DC或意志DC(择其高者)。在检定成功的情况下,她将会获知该生物一个值得注意的细节,就如同她成功对其进行了一次回忆知识(Recalled Knowledge)。一旦恩基卢卡迅速估量(Sized Up)了一个生物,她便不能在 1 天之内再度尝试。
« 上次编辑: 2023-04-03, 周一 11:52:33 由 里予 »

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沃克内斯 Worknesh
瓦尔克纳麾下矢志不渝的将军 Walkena’s Dedicated General

在父亲康复之后,她将时间花在了向父亲学习战斗基础之上。身为城市守卫的父亲尽其所能地将本领教授给自己的女儿,但他的伤病让他无法再继续胜任教练这一角色,无法帮助沃克内斯完成有关战斗的全部训练。于是乎,在打下了有关战斗的基础之后,沃克内斯加入了卫队之中,继承了父亲的衣钵。多年以来,沃克内斯变得愈发残忍,陶醉于自身实力凌驾于人的力量感。沃克内斯学会了如何发现对手技巧上的漏洞,并利用自身的智慧与勇猛去击败那些更加庞大的敌人。最终,她为自己赢得了“不败的沃克内斯”(Worknesh the Unstricken)的诨名,因为她击败了所有敢于同她比试的士兵,而那些人甚至无法在她身上留下一道伤痕。
沃克内斯的本事很快便让她在玛扎利的步兵队中脱颖而出,她随后加入到了瓦尔克纳麾下的精英部队——胡狼哨卫(Jackal Guard),之中。而在卫队里效力了仅仅一年之后,沃克内斯便赢得了瓦尔克纳的关注,很快,神王便将卫队的首领之职授予了沃克内斯。沃克内斯为自己所创下的成就感到骄傲,她几年以来第一次回家,却得知自己的父亲已经在睡梦中悄然离世。沃克内斯在哀悼的同时,她逐渐意识了,除了自己之外,她再也没有了其它的责任需要承担。如今,她可以自由地将自己推向事业的更高峰,让自己赢得瓦尔克奈更多的青睐。
几年之后,沃克内斯终于实现了她的目标,并在瓦尔克纳座旁赢得了自己的一席之地。神王任命沃克内斯为自己的“执矛者”(Master of Spears)并准其全权指挥瓦尔克纳的军队。除了其新职位外,瓦尔克纳还赠与了沃克内斯更多的礼物。他从前任执矛者的灰烬之中取出了玛扎利黄金之刃(golden blade of Mzali),将其送给了沃克内斯并授予了其“金刃沃克内斯”(Worknesh the Golden Blade)的称号。与此同时,瓦尔克纳还利用自己的神力授予了沃克内斯施法的能力,并命令道这些法术只准用来践行他的意志。沃克内斯的新武器与新法术,加之其无可动摇的实力,使她成为了玛扎利城最可怕的战士。

而在本次冒险的最后一章中,沃克内斯直接领导了对奥斯布的进攻,并最终与英雄们正面对决。而在这一阶段,她将毫不犹豫地使用法术以达成最佳效果(包括提前释放一个5环的识破隐形 see invisibility法术)。英雄们可能成功骗过了沃克内斯,让她相信自己这些人并不是什么危险人物,但毫无疑问的是,沃克内斯并不会一直被蒙在鼓里。

沃克内斯 WORKNESH                               生物 16

独特 守序邪恶 中型 人类 类人生物
女性 人类 审判官
察觉 +28
语言 通用语,玛祖语(Mzunu)
技能 运动 +32,威吓 +29,宗教 +26,社群 +26,隐秘 +27,生存 +30,战争学识 +30
力量 +6,敏捷 +1,体质 +3,智力 +2,感知 +4,魅力 +3
物品 玛扎利黄金之刃+2 抗力 板条甲中等百炼盾(硬度 13,HP 104,BT 52)
统帅战吼 Master’s Cry [F] 触发 沃克内斯投掷先攻;需求 沃克内斯能够感知到 60 呎范围内至少一个敌人;效果 沃克内斯喊出铿锵有力的集结战吼。沃克内斯尝试一次威吓检定,以对 60 呎范围内的一个敌人进行挫败士气(Demoralize)。若检定成功,沃克内斯周边 30 呎范围内的(沃克内斯)盟友能以其战斗中首个回合的第一个动作,以至多双倍速度进行一次行走(Stride)。
战争大师的本能 Warmaster’s Instinct 沃克内斯能够辨识出其所面对的任何战斗者所掌握的技能。她能以战争学识(Warfare Lore)对任何生物进行回忆知识(Recall Knowledge),但此能力仅能在观察目标生物战斗或直接与其作战时使用。

AC 37(举盾时 39);强韧 +29,反射 +25,意志 +28
HP 310;抗力 穿刺 4
借机攻击 Attack of Opportunity [R]
盾牌格挡 Shield Block [R]

速度 25 呎
近战 [A] 黄金之刃 +32,伤害 3d6+16 穿刺 外加 2d6 火焰
远程 [A] 黄金之刃 +27(投掷 20 呎),伤害 3d6+16 穿刺 外加 2d6 火焰
神术自发法术 DC 34,攻击 +26;
     7环(3 法术位)  解除魔法(dispel magic),火球术(fireball),治疗术(heal)
     6环(3 法术位)  解除魔法(dispel magic),治疗术(heal),火墙术(wall of fire)
     5环(3 法术位)  窥视魔眼(prying eye),识破隐形(see invisibility),巧言术(tongues)
     4环(3 法术位)  凌空而行(air walk),辨识谎言(discern lies),行动自如(freedom of movement)
     戏法(8环)  晕眩术(daze),侦测魔法(detect magic),圣枪术(守序或邪恶,divine lance),传讯术(message),护盾术(shield),魔法印记(sigil)
战争之吼 Battle Cry [A](听觉,专注,情绪,心灵)沃克内斯发出一声战吼,给予她自己与其 60 呎范围内的所有盟友在攻击和伤害掷骰上的 +1 状态加值,直到沃克内斯的下一个回合开始。
瓦尔克纳的怒火 Walkena’s Fury [A] 频率 每轮一次;需求 沃克内斯能够触及到一名已被瓦尔克纳的审判所宣告的敌人;效果 沃克内斯对瓦尔克纳的敌人进行两次近战打击(Strike)。若两次打击均命中,则将伤害加总后计算抗力和弱点。
瓦尔克纳的审判 Walkena’s Judgment [A](专注,神术)沃克尼斯宣告一名生物乃是瓦尔克纳的敌人。若想如此做,她必须能够看见或听见该生物,亦或者她正在追踪该生物。沃克尼斯对被宣告生物所造成的伤害获得 +4 状态加值,若沃克尼斯正位于该生物 30 呎范围之内,她将获得快速愈合 5。除此之外,在使用没有非致命(nonlethal)特征的攻击尝试造成非致命伤害时,她将不会在攻击掷骰上承受 -2 环境减值,反之亦然。
在同一时间内,沃克内斯仅能宣告一名生物为瓦尔克纳的敌人。若她在已有生物被宣告的情况下,对另一名生物使用瓦尔克纳的审判,那么先前的那名生物将失去被宣告的状态,与此同时新目标将被宣告。此宣告状态持续 24 小时。
« 上次编辑: 2023-09-19, 周二 00:51:57 由 里予 »