作者 主题: 【SPCM】幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)  (阅读 11921 次)

副标题: 包含族裔和4个专属变体

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【SPCM】幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)
« 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:13:04 »
幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)


扮演猫咪(Playing a Cat)

  • 忙碌、活跃且冷漠。
  • 发生有趣的事情时变得精力充沛,但没什么事情可做时会连睡数个小时。
  • 偶尔会坚持让队友带着你行动。他们可能会对此感到介怀,但也可能不以为意。
  • 安静、有好奇心、对新鲜事物会很感兴趣。
  • 憎恨猫的天敌(犬类、老鼠、鸟类、嗡嗡作响的机器、细绳、等等)。
  • 容易分神(见天敌一栏)。
  • 运动能力很强,当你愿意的时候可以跑得飞快。

  • 对于你是否具备智能抱有疑问。(“他是普通的猫么?我能和他交谈么?”)
  • 觉得你很可爱,但却百无一用。(“哇...他舔了我的眼睛。好脏...”)
  • 在你忙碌的时候试着宠你或者骚扰你,逼你对他们上一课,教育他们何为个人边界。
  • 对你的思维方式产生误解。


沉眠之门(The Gates of Slumber)

返回清醒世界(Back to the Waking World)

维度之间(Between the Dimensions)

家庭与生命周期(Family and Life Cycle)

语言和社会(Language and Society)
猫的发声器官无法很好地说出类人生物的语言。然而,猫咪们有能力理解这些语言,而且他们可以学习在自己家乡流传的任何语言。其他人必须学习猫咪语(Cat language)才能理解这些善变的同伴。幸运的是,猫咪语很好学。实际上,大多数与猫咪一同生活的人早已经成功了一半。与一只特定猫咪建立一周的联系就可以在不需要理解猫咪语的前提下理解这只猫咪。不过这无法让他们理解其他猫咪,除非他们能够再花费一周时间与其他猫咪一同生活。角色可以花费一周时间与复数猫咪一同生活,然后在一周之后理解他们。

其他世界的猫咪(Otherworld Cats)

阵营与信仰(Alignment and Faith)
幻梦境猫咪对社会的期望毫无感觉,而且他会将每段关系视为一种有别于所有其他关系的独特约定。猫咪们通常属于混乱阵营。猫咪具有灵性(spiritual nature),似乎经常与彼世(the Beyond)的存在交流。他们有自己的神祇,但并不会去信奉他们,取而代之的是试着与他们和睦相处。通常来说,当地的类人生物也知晓这些神明,有时还会供奉他们,尤其是当他们出于宗教原因而看重猫咪的时候。举例来说,芭丝特(Bastet)是著名的猫咪女神,其他世界(以及其他文化中)也有类似的存在。




引述: 边栏
扮演幻梦境猫咪(Playing Dreamlands Cats)
请注意,猫咪的体型以及没有手臂的特征使得某些职业选项变得极具挑战性,甚至变得彻底无法选择,但其他选项则可能让角色发挥巨大的功效。由于没有手,猫咪是糟糕的炼金术士(alchemists)。大多数猫咪野蛮人(barbarians)、神卫(champions)、战士(fighters)和游侠(rangers)会依赖精准啃咬(Precise Bite)专长来弥补力量的不足,而且必须要阐明自己无法持用远程武器。猫咪是适合成为武僧(monks;用强有力的爪子替代重拳),是高效的游荡者(rogues;特别擅长盗窃的行当)和狡猾的施法者。

幻梦境猫咪规则(Dreamlands Cat Rules)

  • 稀有(Rare)

  • 敏捷
  • 自由
  • 根据传承选项获取

  • 猫咪语(Cat)
  • 周遭社区的语言以及等同于你的智力调整值(若为正数)个额外语言。从任意当地的常见语言,邪灵语(Aklo),格诺语(Gnorri)或祖各语(Zoog)中选择。如果没有魔法的帮助,你无法说出或写出任何猫咪语之外的语言,但是你可以学习阅读和理解这些语言。任何频繁与你互动达到一周之久的存在都能够理解你的语言和比划,但是他们无法理解其他猫咪。

  • 魔兽(Beast)
  • 猫咪(Cat)

穿行幻梦境(Dreamlands Travel)
你能通过众多隐藏着的沉眠之门(Gates of Slumber)前往幻梦境旅行。这些门扉会随着时间改变位置,很可能在一片空间中仅存续数秒钟。你可以随意尝试着感知周遭的沉眠之门;沉眠之门是否存在取决于GM的判断(通常来说,半径1英里范围内的某个地点出现沉眠之门的概率为20%)。若沉眠之门存在,你可以本能地知晓他的位置。只有幻梦境猫咪能够穿越沉眠之门。沉眠之门总是出现在隐蔽、偏僻的区域,当你想要前往幻梦境的时候,沉眠之门几乎不会出现在方便抵达的地点,比如当你被困在陷阱里或者遭遇突然出现的危险时。除非出现不同寻常的情况,否则你无法在返回物质世界时抵达距离你离开的地点1英里以外的位置。每当你从幻梦境返回自己的身体时,你可以选择以2点智力回归(这可能是为了防止你的精神被令人不安的存在发现,或者也可能是为了防止被人读心),或者也可以以完整的幻梦境智力回归。你可以带着所有自身穿戴或者携带的物品一同往返幻梦境。
当你身处幻梦境时,可以使用纵月(moon jump)活动(见后文)。
纵月(Moon Jump)[双动作]
[专注] [咒法] [移动] [异能] [传送]
要求 你正身处幻梦境(Dreamlands)中,且没有处于疲乏(fatigued)状态
你跃入夜空,前往你能看到的月球。若你在月球上,还可以跳跃到你能看到的最近的星球上。在垂直移动10尺后,你进入到一片半位面内,一个虽然很小但却独立存在着的位面,直至你在2d6分后抵达目的地为止。一组四只幻梦境猫咪能在纵月(moon jump)之时携带单个比自身体型大1阶的生物,而一组八只幻梦境猫咪则可以携带比自身体型大2阶的单个生物。当你使用纵月返回星球或者月球时,你将会返回到距离离开该星球或月球时的位置周边半径1英里范围内。若你在进行每日准备(daily preparations)之前使用该能力的次数超过1次以上,你就会陷入疲乏(fatigued)。

昏暗视觉(Low-Light Vision)
你可以在昏暗光照(dim light)中视物,就如同身处明亮光照中一般,因此你能忽略由于昏暗光照带来的隐蔽(concealed)状态。

物品融合(Item Melding)
当你穿戴或携带后述物品进入幻梦境时,你能将一件魔法武器(magic weapon)、一件手持魔法物品(held magic item)、任意服装(clothing)或任意具有绑定(invested)特征的魔法物品融入自己的体内。若它需要绑定,那么你必须绑定该物品后才能将其融合。当你与一件物品融合时,它会永久消失并成为你身体的一部分,直至你将其分离为止,它可能会表现为一块不同颜色的皮毛斑痕或者一块发光的纹身。
若成功通过DC 15的察觉(Perception)检定,任何观察者都能够注意到你的身体部位有些不同寻常。
若成功通过辨识魔法(Identify Magic)的技能检定,便可以辨识出对应物品,但DC会比正常情况高3点。融合的符文(runes)仍然会显现在你的皮毛、利齿或者其他适当的身体部位上,并且可以如同从正常的魔法武器或护甲上移除那般卸下。
  • 护甲(Armor):当你融合护甲(包括冒险者服装)时,它会融合到你的皮毛上,在背部和腹部形成图案。要融合一套护甲,你必须在使用对应护甲的熟练度上受训。你在各方面都会被视同为穿戴着这套护甲。你可以通过时长相当于正常穿脱护甲的连续专注动作(consecutive concentrate actions)来压制或恢复护甲的效果。
  • 手持物品(Held Item):当你融合手持物品时,它会与你的一只眼睛融合。该眼睛会闪烁着部分魔法特征(比如火焰),该特征会与物品具有相同的象征意义。你可以如同该物品持握在你的一只爪子上一般使用融合物品。
  • 武器(Weapon):当你融合一件武器时,它会融合到你的下颚或者两只前肢的爪子上。物品的所有魔法特性(magic properties)都会应用到使用该身体部位的非武装打击(unarmed strike)上,但是武器的基础物理属性(base physical statistics)不会应用。
  • 穿戴物品(Worn Item):当你融合一件穿戴的奇物时,它会与你身体相应部位的皮毛融为一体。你总是被认为穿戴着这间物品。以一个专注(concentrate)动作,你可以视同为不再穿戴该物品,直至你再次使用另一个专注动作,再次视同为你重新穿戴上该物品为止。

猫咪装备(Cat Equipment)
你能够使用的魔法物品和装备的类型十分有限。由于你没有手,因此你不能使用需要收的道具(比如持用人造武器或者盾牌)。你可以将物品含在嘴里,以便用魔杖(wand)瞄准或者携带其他超小型物体(Tiny object)。你可以穿戴护甲,但前提是它被量身订做为适合你的猫科形态。你可以佩戴魔法戒指(rings)、腰带(belts)、护目镜(goggles)、手套(gloves)、靴子(boots)、护腕(bracers)、护符(amulets)、披风(cloaks)以及类似的物品并从中获益,当你与这些物品绑定时,它们具备的魔法会根据你的体型和形态来调整自身。猫咪施法者通常会创造变体魔法物品,将其设计为耳环之类自身可以佩戴的形式。你可以用猫咪语(Cat)来说出魔法物品的命令词并启动它们,即便这些物品在通常情况下需要其他语言也可以,而且你甚至可以在嘴里含着东西的时候说出猫咪语。

猫咪施法(Cat Spellcasting)

劇透 -  原文:
Dreamlands Cat
Everyone knows about cats. They’re small, sometimes-obnoxious predators that people often keep as pets or exterminators. Cats are normally not a sapient species. Normally. Like humanoids, they have a dream life, but unlike most people, cats are aware of this dream life. Furthermore, while in their dreams, cats are as intelligent as humans, sometimes more so. Of course, they are still cats, with cat personalities and traits.
Even more remarkable, cats can freely pass physically from the waking world to the Dreamlands and back again. This means that they can either transfer between the dream and waking state in the normal humanoid way, by falling asleep and waking up, or they can physically move to the Dreamlands and back.

Cats traveling the Dreamlands run the full gamut from feral to domestic. However wild they might be, almost all player character cats have lived or currently live in and among humanoid communities. Such cats are likeliest to get along with other species and be willing to adventure with them.
Unlike other companion animals, cats almost certainly initiated the domestication process, so it is arguable that cats actually mastered humanoids, rather than the other way around. It has certainly been a successful partnership. In return for protection, shelter, and food, cats keep down the population of rodents and other pest animals in humanoid areas, which helps ward off both disease and famine. In addition, cats provide affection, companionship, elegance, and beauty to their humanoid families—at least, on their own terms. And during their languorous periods of rest, often with fewer interruptions thanks to the security of a humanoid home, they can walk the Dreamlands with enhanced mental acuity and reason.
Occasionally, a cat decides that it wants to spend its waking hours as well as its sleeping hours as a fully sapient being. When this happens, it becomes what is known as a Dreamlands cat, a suitable choice for a player character. Any cat may decide it wishes to be a Dreamlands cat and then take on that role for a time: sometimes just a few days, sometimes the rest of its life. Likewise, a Dreamlands cat may decide to return to its former life as a mundane cat. For those who know cats well, it comes as no surprise that such decisions seem to be made capriciously.
Humanoids cannot tell whether a particular cat is a Dreamlands cat based purely upon out-ward appearances. Typically, either the cat must inform them somehow or the humanoid has to figure it out by watching the cat take on tasks that would be impossible for a normal cat of animal intellect and awareness.

Playing a Cat
Cats are pretty much a “love ‘em or hate ‘em” type of creature. While some people can’t stand them, others can’t live without them, but few are neutral on the subject. Some people are even ailurophobes, making them neurotically afraid of cats. Even those who dislike or fear felines are sometimes willing to admit that cats are graceful, nimble, and often adorable.

If you’re a Dreamlands Cat, you likely...
· are busy, active, and aloof.
· are energetic when interesting things are going on but sleep soundly for hours when no action is afoot.
· occasionally insist other party members carry you. They may or may not mind.
· are quiet, curious, and interested in new things.
· hate cats’ natural enemies (dogs, mice, birds, whirring machines, string, and so on).
· are easily distracted (see natural enemies).
· are highly athletic and can move fast when you want to.

Others Probably...
· are not always sure if you are sapient or not. (“Is it a normal cat? Can I talk to it?”)
· think you are cute but possibly useless. (“Aww… it licked my eye. Eww...”)
· try to pet or otherwise annoy you when you are busy, forcing you to teach them a lesson about personal boundaries.
· misconstrue your thought processes.

Cats are highly sensitive, agile, and much smaller than characters of other ancestries. They are typically between 15 and 21 inches long from nose to base of tail and 8 to 13 inches tall at the shoulder.
Cats have extraordinarily keen senses, including excellent detection of motion in low light. Their one defect in this regard is an inability to taste sweetness. When a cat eats cantaloupe or other sweet items it does not taste the sugar and instead reacts to savory flavors, assuming there are any. Cats can’t see in complete darkness, but they can rely on their sense of touch, which is amplified by their whiskers, to feel their way around a darkened area.
Cats do not have rigid collarbones, so they can squeeze through any space through which their heads will fit. Because a cat’s whiskers are as long as its shoulders are wide, the whiskers also serve an additional purpose in indicating whether the cat can fit through a particular opening.
Cats are highly vocal when needed, and humanoids seem to need a wider variety of sounds than cats do. Normal cats have more than 100 different vocal-izations. Of course, Dreamlands cats have the same vocal apparatus, but with their greater intellect, they can string different sounds together to create more nuanced meanings.
Unlike many other predators, cats are exclusively carnivorous. Their teeth are designed only for cutting and devouring flesh, so chewing up bread or vegetables is a clumsy affair. Feline digestive tracts are not adapted to process such food either, and a cat deprived of meat will quickly suffer significant health issues.

The Gates of Slumber
When encountered in the Dreamlands, all cats are Dreamlands cats: intelligent and fully sapient beings with feline instincts, behavior, and skills.
Dreamlands cats spend so much time asleep because that is when they enter the Dreamlands and become fully intelligent. Their waking lives are somewhat of an afterthought, intended as an opportunity to seek affection, to mate, to fuel their bodies, and for rest and relaxation. Most of their activities take place during sleep.
A cat can always choose whether to enter the Dreamlands or the waking world, either physically or mentally. Most of the time, a cat enters the Dreamlands mentally and leaves its body behind, asleep.
When a cat enters the Dreamlands physically, it travels through the Gates of Slumber, a dimensional portal imperceptible to most beings. When doing so, the cat is no longer present in the waking world. Cats can only do this when they are completely unobserved. The Gates of Slumber are actual physical locations, but they are typically open at many places at once and move around, so they are not always in the same spot. Sometimes, they may be behind a backyard fence, or perhaps they might be found in an abandoned badger burrow, or else up a spooky old tree. Only cats know for sure, as they seem to be drawn to these gates that only they can perceive. Humanoids can only tell the cat has left physically when, for instance, the cat runs into the attic and doesn’t return for a day or so. Most assume this simply means the cat is hiding somewhere they can’t find.
A cat wishing to enter the Dreamlands must physically locate the Gates of Slumber and can only pass through when entirely unobserved.
A cat cannot simply escape to the Dreamlands when it is, for example, caught in a trap or imprisoned. Cats can only perform this form of travel when they have free and unrestricted movement.

Back to the Waking World
A cat in the Dreamlands can always choose whether it wishes to return to the waking world mentally or physically, regardless of how it got to the Dreamlands. When a cat returns from the Dreamlands, it always returns to its physical body in the waking world.
If a cat returns physically to the waking world, regardless of how it entered the Dreamlands, it returns through the Gates of Slumber, which always lead to a location within 1 mile of where the cat left.
If a cat went to the Dreamlands mentally and returns mentally, it wakes up in the waking world wherever it left.
If the cat entered the Dreamlands physically but returns mentally, its body reappears where it entered the Dreamlands or at an unobserved location within 1 mile.
A cat cannot otherwise use Dreamlands travel to move its physical body. The cat does not control where the Gates of Slumber manifest in the waking world, and so it cannot direct its return like some form of teleportation magic.

Between the Dimensions
While a cat is in the Dreamlands, it can travel much farther and faster than it could while waking. For example, it can leap to the moon and back from the earth’s surface in the Dreamlands. It can even travel to the stars beyond, but this is dangerous, for terrible things lurk out in that darkness.
When in the Dreamlands, cats might meet unusual entities and objects, particularly if they travel far from the places they know well. A cat may well visit the Dreamlands, fill up on eating pixies, and then return sparkling with pixie dust. A Dreamlands cat may encounter an entity none was meant to see and might never return—or be profoundly changed by the experience.

Family and Life Cycle
While cats often regard other cats as friends or recognize them as relatives, they are fundamentally solitary creatures. Tomcats wrangle over desirable mates, then depart to live alone. A mother cat has a powerful love of her kittens and will die to protect them. But even for her, once a kitten grows up and moves on, that consuming love fades and is replaced by a lower level of affection. Cats often settle into unexpected, chosen families, frequently with beings that are not cats, such as their humanoid companions or adventuring bands.
The mother trains and teaches her kittens how to hunt, where to hide, and all about her habitat, so the kittens reach adulthood with a near-perfect understanding of the area around their home and the creatures and wildlife that populate it.
At 12 weeks, though they are not fully grown, kittens are fully socialized and able to leave their mother. Most cats are considered to have reached adolescence by the age of 6 months.
In the wild, cats can live upwards of 16 years, though many die in the dangerous outdoors earlier than that. In a safer environment, such as a humanoid’s home, they typically live 13 to 18 years. Dreamlands cats, on the other hand, tend to live longer than those who spend less time sapient in the waking world, and may live upwards of 25 years.

Language and Society
As normally solitary and often capricious hunters, cats don’t really have a society in the humanoid sense of the word. Cats may live in large groups but do not cooperatively hunt or organize. With their greater intelligence, Dreamlands cats can work together to go to war, gather for raids, and hold celebrations. Dreamlands cats have been known to form an effective militia of sorts, including military ranks, to proactively defend themselves from organized enemies such as zoogs and moon-beasts.
The cat vocal apparatus is not built very well to speak humanoid languages. However, cats are perfectly capable of understanding these languages, and they can learn any of the languages spoken in their home area. Other people must learn the Cat language to understand their fickle feline companions. Fortunately, the Cat language is easy to learn. In fact, most people who live with a cat are halfway there already. A one-week association with a specific cat allows a character to understand that cat without needing to learn the Cat language. This does not allow them to understand other cats unless they spend a week with those cats as well. The character can spend one week with multiple cats and understand them all after that week.
Communicating with cats is a combination of learning what some of their meows and whines mean and understanding patterns of behavior. A Dreamlands cat understands what party members are saying, and soon enough those party members usually learn how to talk with the cat.
The Cat language has no written form. Its words sound like meows, hisses, and yowls. Since non-cats have such difficulty with the sounds, cats generally prefer others to use equivalent words and names in their own language rather than trying and failing to use Cat correctly. When a cat speaks, it meows or caterwauls, but when humanoids speak to cats, they speak in their normal tongues. It is quite a different situation from most communication, in which both parties must speak the same tongue to get anything done.

Otherworld Cats
Many other worlds have feline organisms of their own. This is so common that researchers theorize that somewhere there exists a sort of ur-cat, the basic cat upon which all other cats are based.
Cats from different worlds are often unfriendly toward one another. In fact, it is quite common for them to live in a state of low-level warfare.

Alignment and Faith
Dreamlands cats are disinterested in societal expectations and view each relationship as a unique arrangement distinct from all others. They are most often chaotic. Cats have a spiritual nature and often seem to commune with the Beyond. They have gods, but instead of worshiping them, they try to live in harmony with them. Usually, these gods are known to and sometimes worshiped by the local humanoids, particularly if they value cats for religious reasons. For example, Bastet is a well-known goddess of cats, and other worlds (and other cultures) have similar entities.
Cats sometimes feel a pull toward spiritual life and are known to serve alongside priests of compatible gods for their purposes. Many worship sites have a cat that keeps out vermin and accompanies the priests on their rounds. These cats, when they choose to be Dreamlands cats, often become clerics

Cats in the material world don’t have a true culture in the sense that humanoids do. Instead, cats live for the now and participate in the culture of their humanoid neighbors. Even the intelligent Dreamlands cats use their greater brain power to simply adapt to their environment to better enjoy their lives as cats.
Cats are not typically materialistic: they do not keep much in the way of equipment or possessions. Part of this is practical, as cats lack prehensile hands or any real means of manipulating objects, rendering them unable to create material items. Without a specially constructed harness, they can only carry small objects for short distances in their mouths. And cats are also naturally passive creatures, taking what is offered to them, like food or affection, and assuming it will be offered again in the future.
Cats who do not live with people may have a den, but even this is not constructed by the cat itself: it is merely a hole or hollow tree in which the cat finds shelter from the elements.

Fundamentally, cats are friendly to humanoids—or at least those who keep cats as companion animals. Of course, even within these societies, there are those who dislike cats, and cats are usually keenly aware of who likes them and who does not. Often, a cat will pay special attention to someone they can tell does not like cats, as a way of keeping that person off balance. In the Dreamlands, cats often have tense relationships with zoogs.

Cats sometimes adventure, most often with humanoid companions, to feed their curiosity and to contain threats to their chosen territory. Cat adventurers like to point out that they cost nothing when staying at an inn and can often feed themselves, catching small rodents, bats, insects, or birds. They are clean and neat and take up little space. When traveling in areas where cats find it hard to go (such as up sheer cliffs), the cat can be easily carried in a pouch or on a shoulder. They are incredibly convenient as companions, and of course, a cat that can cast spells or scout has obvious value.

Playing Dreamlands Cats
Of the ancestries presented in this book, cats have perhaps the most physical challenges integrating into the party of typical humanoid adventurers but adjust very well to the temperament and mental nature of such a group, unlike ghouls, gnorri, or zoogs, whose mere presence can frighten or disturb the unprepared.
Note that the cat’s size and lack of hands make certain class choices challenging to play or even downright impossible, but other choices can result in characters of great efficacy. Cats make poor alchemists, due to their lack of hands. Most cat barbarians, champions, fighters, and rangers depend on the Precise Bite feat to compensate for a poor Strength and must account for being unable to wield ranged weapons. Cats make successful monks (substituting powerful paws for powerful fist), effective rogues (especially with the thief racket), and crafty spellcasters.

Dreamlands Cat Rules
Your Dreamlands cat character has animal traits that present you with challenges but also grant you many benefits. You are a beast, not a humanoid, so spells that specifically target humanoids (such as 1st-level charm) fail to target you.

· Rare

Ability Boosts
· Dexterity
· Free
· One other determined by your heritage

· Cat
· The language of a nearby community (generally Common) and additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from any local common language, Aklo, Gnorri, or Zoog. You can’t speak or write any language other than Cat without magical assistance, but you can learn to read and understand them. Anyone who has spent a week interacting with you regularly can understand your speech and signing, though not those of other cats.

· Beast
· Cat

Dreamlands Travel
You can physically travel to the Dreamlands via one of the many hidden Gates of Slumber. These gates shift and change their locations over time and may only exist in one space for a few seconds. You can attempt to sense a nearby Gate of Slumber at will; whether or not a Gate of Slumber is present is subject to the GM’s discretion (typically, there’s a 20% chance of a Gate of Slumber being somewhere within a 1-mile radius). If a Gate of Slumber exists, you know instinctively where it is. Only a Dreamlands cat can traverse a Gate of Slumber. Gates of Slumber always manifest in hidden, obscure areas, and are rarely in a convenient place when you need to travel to the Dreamlands, such as when trapped or in sudden danger. Except in unusual cases, you cannot generally return to the physical world farther than 1 mile from where you left. Whenever you return to your body from the Dreamlands, you can choose to return with Intelligence 2 (perhaps to protect your mind from disturbing discoveries or to thwart mind reading) or with your full Dreamlands intellect intact. You can take any objects you wear or carry with you to or from the Dreamlands.
While in the Dreamlands, you can use the Moon Jump activity (see below).

Moon Jump 【双动作】
Concentrate, Conjuration, Move, Occult, Teleportation
Requirements You are in the Dreamlands and aren’t fatigued.
You leap into the night sky and travel to a moon you can see. If you are on a moon, you can also jump to the nearest planet you can see. After 10 feet of vertical travel, you enter a demiplane, a small separate plane of existence, until you arrive 2d6 minutes later. A group of four Dreamlands cats can bring a single creature up to one size larger with them when they Moon Jump, while a group of eight Dreamlands cats can bring a single creature up to two sizes larger with them. When you use Moon Jump to return to a planet or moon you left via Moon Jump, you return to within 1 mile of where you departed that planet or moon. If you use this ability more than once before making daily preparations, you become fatigued.

Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Item Melding
You can meld a magic weapon, a held magic item, any clothing, or any magic item with the invested trait permanently into your body when you wear or carry it into the Dreamlands. If it requires investment, you must invest it to meld with it. When you meld with an item, it permanently vanishes and becomes a part of your body until you separate it, perhaps manifesting as a differently colored patch of fur or a glowing tattoo.
A melded magic item can’t be damaged directly, other than by damaging you, but removing the matching body part ends the item’s benefit until that body part is reattached (generally by magic like regenerate). A melded item’s magic aura can still be detected normally. A single body part can’t have multiple items melded into it. When leaving the Dreamlands, you can choose to separate the item from your body en route. If your investment in a melded item ends, it remains melded but you lose all its effects until you invest it again.
Any observer can notice your body part is unusual by succeeding at a DC 15 Perception check.
The item can be identified with a successful skill check to Identify Magic, but the DC is 3 higher than it would normally be. Melded runes remain visible on your fur, fangs, or other appropriate body parts and can be removed as normal from a magic weapon or armor.
When you use a polymorph effect to assume a form that could normally wear or wield the melded items, those items appear on your person or in your hand (your choice). They return to being melded into your form when you change into your natural form or another form that can’t wield them. If you are not holding or carrying the items when you return to your cat form or another form that can’t wield them, they cease to be melded with you.
See below for rules on specific types of magic items; you can’t meld with a magic item that doesn’t fit into one of the listed categories.
· ARMOR When you merge armor (including adventurer’s clothing), it melds into a pattern of fur on your back and underside. You must be trained in using a suit of armor to meld with it. You are treated as wearing the armor in all respects. You can suppress or resume the armor’s effects by taking consecutive concentrate actions for the length of time normally required to don or doff it.
· HELD ITEM When you merge a held item, it melds with one of your eyes. That eye glimmers with some magical feature (such as flames) that is symbolically appropriate for the item. You can use the melded item as if it were held in one of your paws.
· WEAPON When you merge a weapon, it melds into either your jaws or both sets of front claws. All magic properties of the weapon (but not the weapon’s base physical statistics) apply to your unarmed strike using that body part.
· WORN ITEM When you merge a worn wondrous item, it melds with the fur on a matching area of your body. You are constantly treated as wearing the item. As a concentrate action, you can treat the item as if you were no longer wearing it until you use another concentrate action to treat it as if you were wearing it again.

Cat Equipment
You are limited in the type of magic items and equipment you can use. As you have no hands, you cannot use items that require hands (such as wielding a manufactured weapon or shield). You can hold items in your mouth well enough to aim a wand or carry another Tiny object. You can wear armor if it is tailored to fit your feline form. You can wear and benefit from magical rings, belts, goggles, gloves, boots, bracers, amulets, cloaks, and similar items, which magically adjust themselves to your size and shape when you invest them. Cat spellcasters often create variants on magic items designed to be worn as earrings. You can speak a magic item’s command word in Cat to activate it even if it normally requires another language, and you can speak Cat even while carrying something in your mouth.

Cat Spellcasting
You can provide somatic components for spells by moving your tail and whiskers. You can provide verbal components for spells with normal cat sounds. If a spell requires a material or focus component, you can hold it in your mouth, which does not interfere with providing verbal components. Alternatively, you can use a material or focus component you can touch in your space so long as the component isn’t carried by a creature unwilling to let you use the component.
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-23, 周二 15:44:00 由 四月 »

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幻梦境猫咪传承(Dreamlands Cat Heritages)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:13:33 »
幻梦境猫咪传承(Dreamlands Cat Heritages)

引述: 火星猫咪
火星猫咪(Martian Cat)
灵敏嗅觉(Scent):你可以用30尺范围的模糊感官(imprecise sense)感知气味。这意味着你能够用嗅觉来定位生物的确切位置。若你身处在顺风处,GM通常会让该范围加倍;若你身处在逆风处,GM通常会让该范围减半。
啃咬(Jaws):你具有啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d4点穿刺伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
爪抓(Claws):你可以用两只爪子作出单次爪抓非武装攻击(claws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d4点挥砍伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
岩架攀登者(Ledge Climber):你获得岩架攀登者(Ledge Climber)族裔专长。

引述: 土星猫咪
土星猫咪(Saturnian Cat)
啃咬(Jaws):你具有啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d8点穿刺伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有非武装(unarmed)特征。
爪抓(Claws):你具有爪抓非武装攻击(claws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d4点挥砍伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。你在攻击时可以用额外肢体来在此次攻击中添加额外伤害。而这取决于你所具有的肢体数量(详见分配肢体),你至多可以在单次攻击中以三个肢体发起攻击。如常投掷攻击和伤害检定来判断这一次攻击,若你使用了一只额外爪子则为此次攻击添加2点额外穿刺伤害,两只额外爪子则是4点额外穿刺伤害。
缠握之尾(Prehensile Tail):你能宛如使用手臂一般利用自己的尾巴操纵物体。然而,它无法以精密的操作来使用工具、武器或盾牌。你能以一个专注(concentrate)动作来伸出或缩回尾巴。
肢体配给(Limb Allocation):你能用分配肢体(Allocate Limbs)行动来抽回或伸出自己的肢体,不过该过程十分缓慢且略有些疼痛。
引述: 分配肢体
分配肢体(Allocate Limbs)
[专注] [探索期]
频率 1次/日
  • 四肢:若你选择具备四条肢体,则能够猛力飞扑。当你在径直对着目标移动至少20尺距离之后,在攻击中用自己的爪抓命中该生物时,该生物必须成功进行一次强韧豁免检定,失败则会被击倒(knocked prone)。该DC为10 + 你的攻击加值。你至多可以用一条额外肢体来作出一次爪抓攻击。
  • 五肢:若你选择具备五条肢体,则至多能够用两条额外肢体来作出一次爪抓攻击。
  • 六肢:若你选择具备六条肢体,则必须把肌肉组织、皮肤、骨骼、神经和血液循环系统分散开来从而削弱这些结构。你的速度增加至30尺,而且你会陷入流失1(drained 1)。当你作出爪抓攻击时,最多能够使用一条额外肢体。
  • 七肢:若你选择具备七条肢体,则会让肌肉组织、皮肤、骨骼、神经和血液循环系统的负载达到极限。你的行走速度增加至30尺,而且你会陷入流失2(drained 2),此外你至多能够用两条额外肢体来作出一次爪抓攻击。

引述: 地球猫咪
地球猫咪(Terran Cat)
你的祖先来自类地行星(Earth-like planet)。作为地球猫咪,你能利用自己娇小的体型,在那些不值得你关注的存在脚下悄悄穿行而过。你具有后述属性和能力。
灵敏嗅觉(Scent):你可以用30尺范围的模糊感官(imprecise sense)感知气味。这意味着你能够用嗅觉来定位生物的确切位置。若你身处在顺风处,GM通常会让该范围加倍;若你身处在逆风处,GM通常会让该范围减半。
啃咬(Jaws):你具有啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d4点穿刺伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
爪抓(Claws):你可以用两只爪子作出单次爪抓非武装攻击(claws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d4点挥砍伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
平稳跳跃(Steady Jump):你不需要预先行走(Stride)就可以尝试跳高(High Jump)和跳远(Long Jump),若你在没有行走的情况下做该检定的话,还可以在检定中获得+4环境加值。你还会获得强力跳跃(Powerful Leap)技能专长以及稳定着陆(Land on your Feet)反应动作。
引述: 稳定着陆
稳定着陆(Land on Your Feet)[反应动作]
触发 你在坠落(fall)
你能在着陆之前调整好姿势。若你坠落的距离小于60尺,则在判断伤害时视为坠落高度低10尺(使得伤害降低5点)。若你至少坠落了60尺,则会有更加充足的时间来调整和放松,这使得你能够抵消最初10尺之外的所有坠落伤害(即总计5点钝击伤害)。即便你因为坠落而承受伤害,只要你能成功通过DC 15的反射豁免,就可以用足部着地并站稳。

引述: 天王星猫咪
天王星猫咪(Uranian Cat)
黑暗视觉(Darkvision):你能够在黑暗(darkness)以及昏暗光照(dim light)下视物,就如同身处明亮光照(bright light)之中一般,不过你在黑暗中的视觉仅有黑白两色。
感知灵光(Aura Sense):你可以用60尺范围的朦胧感官(vague sense)侦测到魔法灵光的存在,即便灵光存在于共存的位面中也能感受到,比如灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)。这种感官就好像擅长嗅探独特气味的人类一般,你能意识到有灵光进入这片区域且它之前并不存在于此,或者灵光离开了这片区域。当你使用搜寻(Seek)来检查该范围内你能看到的事物时,就可以得知这些事物是否具有魔力。
啃咬(Jaws):你具有啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d8点穿刺伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有非武装(unarmed)特征。
爪抓(Claws):你具有爪抓非武装攻击(claws unarmed attack)。这会造成1d6点挥砍伤害,属于搏击武器组(brawling group),具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
天生护甲(Natural Armor):当你没有穿戴护甲时,你的防御等级(Armor Class)获得+1环境加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Dreamlands Cat Heritages
Different planetary environments across the Dreamlands have shaped cats in many ways. Choose one of the following cat heritages at 1st level. Earth cats are Terran cats.

Martian Cat
Your heritage is from a barren, wind-blasted desert, and you developed exceptional agility, even for a cat. Martian cats are hairless and of bright, unusual colors, such as purple, violet, or fluorescent orange. They have long legs and an extremely long tail, but their body mass is about the same as that of a Terran cat. Unlike Uranian and Saturnian cats, they are not hostile to Terran cats at all and indeed have made a treaty that Terran cats can visit the two moons of Mars in exchange for letting Martian cats visit Earth’s moon. You have the following statistics and abilities.
Hit Points 2
Size Tiny
Speed 25 feet
Additional Ability Boost Wisdom
Ability Flaw Strength, Strength (for a total reduction of 4)
Scent You can use smell as an imprecise sense to a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the exact location of a creature. The GM will usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind.
Jaws You have a jaws unarmed attack. It deals 1d4 piercing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
Claws You can use two paws to make a single claws unarmed attack. It deals 1d4 slashing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
Ledge Climber You gain the Ledge Climber ancestry feat.
Stealthy You are trained in Stealth. At 2nd level, you gain expert proficiency in Stealth. At 7th level, you gain master proficiency in Stealth. At 15th level, you gain legendary proficiency in Stealth.

Saturnian Cat
Your heritage is from a moon dominated by colorful vistas. As a Saturnian cat, you were taught to explore and experiment wherever you go. The large and unusual cats from Saturn love to frolic on Earth’s Dreamlands moon, just like Terran cats. The bodies of Saturnian cats are bright and sparkling, almost jewel-like, with delicate swirls and arabesques. Their heads are identifiable by their huge, glowing eyes. They can produce legs from their complex bodies, somewhat like a gnorri can, and may attack with two or three claws in a single round. A retractable and prehensile tail grows from the opposite end of its body from the head. These cats are about the size of a puma. You have the following statistics and abilities.
Hit Points 6
Size Medium
Speed 25 feet or more (see Allocate Limbs)
Additional Ability Boost Constitution
Ability Flaw Wisdom
Jaws You have a jaws unarmed attack. It deals 1d8 piercing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the unarmed trait.
Claws You have a claws unarmed attack. It deals 1d4 slashing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits. You can attack with additional limbs to add bonus damage to this attack. Depending on the number of limbs you have (see Allocate Limbs), you can attack with up to three limbs in a single attack. Roll the attack and damage roll normally for a single attack and add either 2 additional piercing damage for one extra claw or 4 additional piercing damage for two extra claws.
Prehensile Tail You can use your tail to manipulate objects as easily as an arm. However, it lacks the fine motor control to use tools, weapons, or shields. You can retract it or extend it as a concentrate action.
Limb Allocation You can absorb or extrude your legs using the Allocate Limbs activity, although the process is somewhat painful and slow

Allocate Limbs
Concentrate, Exploration
Frequency once per day
You spend 10 minutes adjusting deep tissue in your body to alter the number of legs you have. If you are interrupted, you must begin the process of limb allocation from the beginning, but you don’t lose your daily usage of this ability.
Four Legs If you elect to have four legs, you can pounce with great force. When you hit a creature with an attack with your claws after moving at least 20 feet straight toward it, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be knocked prone. The DC is 10 + your attack bonus. You can use up to one additional limb to make a claws attack.
Five Legs If you elect to have five legs, you can choose to use up to two additional limbs to make a claws attack.
Six Legs If you elect to have six legs, you must spread muscle mass, flesh, bone, nerves, and circulatory system reserves thinly. Your speed increases to 30 feet and you are drained 1. When making a claws attack, you can use no more than one additional limb.
Seven Legs If you elect to have seven legs, you tax your muscle mass, flesh, bone, nerves, and circulatory system reserves to their limit. Your walking speed increases to 30 feet, you are drained 2, and you can choose to use up two additional limbs to make a claws attack.

Terran Cat
Your heritage is from an Earth-like planet. As a Terran cat, you take advantage of your small size to move unnoticed by those who do not deserve your attention. You have the following statistics and abilities.
Hit Points 2
Size Tiny
Speed 25 feet
Additional Ability Boost Charisma
Ability Flaws Strength, Strength (for a total reduction of 4)
Scent You can use smell as an imprecise sense to a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the exact location of a creature. The GM will usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind.
Jaws You have a jaws unarmed attack. It deals 1d4 piercing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
Claws You can use two paws to make a single claws unarmed attack. It deals 1d4 slashing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
Steady Jump You need not Stride before attempting to High Jump or Long Jump, and you get a +4 circumstance bonus on your check if you don’t. You also gain the Powerful Leap skill feat and the Land on your Feet reaction.
Stealthy You are trained in Stealth. At 3rd level, you gain expert proficiency in Stealth. At 7th level, you gain master proficiency in Stealth. At 15th level, you gain legendary proficiency in Stealth.

Land on Your Feet 【反应动作】
Trigger You fall.
You right yourself before you land. If you fell less than 60 feet, you treat the fall as 10 feet shorter for purposes of damage (reducing the damage by 5). If you fell at least 60 feet, you have time to better maneuver and relax, instead negating all fall damage beyond the first 10 feet (for a total of 5 bludgeoning damage). If you take damage from a fall, you nevertheless land on your feet if you succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save.

Uranian Cat
Your heritage is from a chilly moon. As a Uranian cat, you are secretive and often interested in things others cannot even perceive. Cats from Uranus are even larger than the cats from Saturn and have star-shaped heads with multiple senses. Their body is covered with armored scutes and their claws are long and thick. They are not as fast as Earth cats, who can easily avoid them, but they are powerful beings. They are rarely seen on and do not seem attracted to Earth’s moon. You have the following statistics and abilities.
Hit Points 6
Size Medium
Speed 20 feet
Additional Ability Boost Strength
Ability Flaw Intelligence
Darkvision You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Aura Sense You have a vague sense that can detect the presence of magical auras within 60 feet, even on coexistent planes of existence such as the Ethereal Plane. Like an attentive human smelling distinctive odors, you recognize when an aura enters the area and wasn’t there before, or when one departs the area.
When you use Seek to examine something you can see within that range, you learn whether it is magical.
Jaws You have a jaws unarmed attack. It deals 1d8 piercing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the unarmed trait.
Claw You have a claw unarmed attack. It deals 1d6 slashing damage, is part of the brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
Natural Armor You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your Armor Class when not wearing armor.

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族裔专长(Ancestry Feats)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:14:00 »
族裔专长(Ancestry Feats)

引述: 1级族裔专长
梦境魔法(Dream Magic)    专长 1
即便在幻梦境之外,你也能够以轻柔的方式重塑现实。从异能法术列表(occult spell list)中选择1个戏法(cantrip)。你能够以异能内在法术(occult innate spell)随意施放该戏法。该戏法会升阶其法术环级至你的等级的一半(向上取整)。你的施法关键属性为智力、感知和魅力中最高的属性。你在异能法术DC以及异能法术攻击上的熟练度为受训(trained)。
特殊 你可以多次选取该专长,每次选取可以选择2个额外戏法。

皮毛法器(Fur Focus)    专长 1
你获得一个魔法徽记(magical symbol)作为自身皮毛上的图案,该徽记可能属于奥法、神术、异能或原能。只要你在施法(Cast a Spell)时没有遮挡该图案,你就可以用这个图案或印记作为法器成分(focus component)来代替法术原先所需要的的任何材料成分(material component),即便你的职业本身通常并不会赋予你法器成分也可以生效。此外,这个未被遮蔽的图案还能让你利用当前可以意识到且位于你身边30尺范围内的法器成分,但前提是该成分没有被不愿分享的生物所持有。

岩架攀登者(Ledge Climber)    专长 1
当你使用攀爬(Climb)或保持平衡(Balance)动作时,会在技能检定中获得+4环境加值。此外你会在特技(Acrobatics)技能上受训(trained),获得10尺攀爬速度(climb Speed)。在15级时,你的攀爬速度增加至15尺。

精准啃咬(Precise Bite)    专长 1
当你用自己的啃咬无武装打击(jaws unarmed strike)进行攻击时,能够将你的敏捷调整值加到伤害检定上以取代你的力量调整值。此外,你能把自己的口部视为一只空着的手(a free hand)来运用职业专长(class feats)以及尝试运动攻击动作(Athletics attack actions),在进行这些运动检定时要使用你的敏捷调整值来替代你的力量调整值。

肩上猛袭(Perched Lunge)[单动作]    专长 1
先决条件 体型为超小型(Tiny)
要求 你骑在一名自愿且体型比你更大、触及比你更长的生物身上
你优雅地在同伴的背上漫步,宛如踩在坚固的表面上一般,这使得你能够对着猎物猛扑上去。你作出1次近战打击(melee Strike)或运动攻击(Athletics attack),此次攻击的触及增加5尺。除非你投掷出了大失败,否则你的触及延伸在针对相同目标时会持续至你的下个回合开始为止。当你作出下一次攻击,或者你、你的坐骑、或目标进行移动或被移动之后,该效果立即结束。

巡行之姿(Prowl)[单动作]    专长 1
先决条件 体型为超小型(Tiny)

耙抓(Rake)[单动作]    专长 1
要求 你正在擒抱(grappling)一个生物,或者你在该回合内先前作出的动作中使用啃咬打击(jaws Strike)命中了一个生物
   大成功 目标不受影响。
   成功 目标承受一半伤害。
   失败 目标承受全额伤害,外加1点持续流血伤害(persistent bleed damage)。
   大失败 目标承受双倍伤害,外加1d4点持续流血伤害。

扭动钻出(Squirm Out)    专长 1
你在逃脱(Escape)或挤入空间(Squeeze)的特技(Acrobatics)检定中获得+2环境加值。挤入空间对你来说是三动作的行动(3-action activity)。

脚边夹击(Underfoot Flank)    专长 1
先决条件 体型为超小型(Tiny)

引述: 5级族裔专长
梦境仆役(Dream Servant)    专长 5
先决条件 至少具有1个异能内在法术
你的梦境魔法变得更加强大。你获得隐形仆役(unseen servant)作为1环异能内在法术。你可以每日施放1次该法术。在你感到疲乏(fatigued)之前,能够对该法术进行维持法术(Sustain the Spell)至多达8个小时之久。

尖牙利爪(Fatal Teeth and Claws)    专长 5
你很擅长用自己的天生武器作战。你的爪抓和啃咬都会获得夺命d8(fatal d8)特性。每当你以无武装攻击造成重击时,你能够应用这些武器的重击专精效果(critical specialization effect)。

灵敏胡须(Sensitive Whiskers)    专长 5
你获得震动感知(vibration sense),这是范围为5尺的精确感官(Precise Senses)。若你的察觉(Perception)熟练度达到专家(expert),这种感官的范围便会提升至10尺;察觉熟练度达到大师(master)时,范围提升至15尺;察觉熟练度达到传奇(legendary)时为20尺。

绊脚(Underfoot Trip)[反应动作]    专长 5
[攻击] [猫咪]
先决条件 体型为超小型(Tiny),特技(Acrobatics)的熟练度达到受训(trained)
触发 有个敌人正在使用移动动作离开你所处的空间
要求 你与敌人身处在相同的空间内,且该敌人的体型为中型或更小
   大成功 目标在他离开你所处的空间后进入的第一个空间内倒地(falls prone),同时承受1d6点钝击伤害。
   成功 目标在他离开你所处的空间后进入的第一个空间内倒地。
   大失败 目标撞倒了你,你因此而倒地。

引述: 9级族裔专长
梦境先知(Dream Seer)    专长 9
先决条件 至少具有1个异能内在法术
你的梦境魔法变得愈发强大。你获得隐形术(invisibility)和识破隐形(see invisibility)作为2环异能内在法术。上述每个法术每日可以施放1次。若你达到了11级,则每日还能够施放1次托梦术(dream message)。

九命猫咪(Nine Lives)    专长 9
[罕见] [猫咪] [咒法] [治疗] [心灵] [异能] [传送]
先决条件 穿行幻梦境*(Dreamlands Travel)
当你死亡时,你的思维和意识会反射性地返回到幻梦境的梦中,若有必要的话会创造出一具新的梦境躯体(dream body)。你必须在幻梦境中休息1d3日,在此之后你才能够返回清醒世界。你至多可以以此方式复活自己8次,让你获得合计九条命。通过其他方式复生(比如通过起死回生仪式或者他强大的魔法)不会计入到该限制内。
*译注:原文的先决条件为dream travel ability,但是该族裔并没有同名能力,因此合理猜测为基础种族能力的穿行幻梦境(Dreamlands Travel)。

引述: 13级族裔专长
幻梦捷径(Dreamlands Shortcut)    专长 13
[罕见] [猫咪]
你能通过幻梦境前往其他地点。每日1次,你能够以异能内在法术来施放次元门(dimension door)。若你达到了15级,则能够每日1次以异能内在法术施放行影术(shadow walk);当你这么做时,你会穿过幻梦境而非阴影位面。若你达到了17级,则能够每日1次以异能内在法术施放传送术(teleport)。

镜前掠影(Fleeting Shadow)[反应动作]    专长 13
触发 有预言效果(divination effect)即将揭示出关于你的信息。该能力只会在你必须决定是否使用自己的反应动作之前的一刻告知你可以使用该能力。

齿爪浸血(Red in Tooth and Claw)    专长 13
你靠着自己的天生武器成为了凶猛的猎手。每当你用非武装攻击命中敌人时,还能够造成1d10点持续流血伤害(persistent bleed damage)。重击时,该伤害翻倍。

引述: 17级族裔专长
迅猛突袭(Quick Pounce)[单动作]    专长 17
你行走(Stride)、攀爬(Climb)或跳跃(Leap)。若你结束移动时位于敌人的触及范围(或者敌人所占据的空间)之内时,你能够作出1次非武装打击(unarmed Strike)对抗该名敌人。若你在开始该动作的时候处于藏匿(hidden)或无踪(undetected)状态,则你会维持藏匿直至到作出打击之后为止。

劇透 -  原文:
Ancestry Feats
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level). As a Dreamlands cat, you select from the following ancestry feats.

1st Level
Dream Magic Feat 1
You can use your will to shape reality in small ways even outside the Dreamlands. Choose one cantrip from the occult spell list. You can cast this cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. Your spellcasting ability is your highest among Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. You become trained in occult spell DC and occult spell attacks.
Special You can select this feat more than once, choosing two additional cantrips each time.

Fur Focus Feat 1
You gain a magical symbol (possibly arcane, divine, occult, or primal) as a pattern in your fur. As long as it is not covered when you Cast a Spell, the pattern allows you to replace any material component the spell requires with a focus component (the symbol or pattern itself), even if your class doesn’t normally grant one. In addition, the exposed pattern allows you to use a focus component you’re aware of within 30 feet as long as it isn’t held by an unwilling creature.

Ledge Climber Feat 1
When you use the Climb or Balance action, you get a +4 circumstance bonus on your skill check. You are also trained in Acrobatics. At 7th level, you gain a climb Speed of 10 feet. At 15th level, your climb Speed increases to 15 feet.

Precise Bite Feat 1
When you attack with your jaws unarmed strike, you can add your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier. In addition, you can use your jaws as a free hand for class feats and to attempt Athletics attack actions, and use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier for those Athletics checks

Perched Lunge 【单动作】 Feat 1
Prerequisites Tiny size
Requirements You are riding on a willing, larger creature with a longer reach than you.
You amble gracefully atop your companion as easily as if it were a firm surface, enabling you to lunge at your prey. You make a melee Strike or Athletics attack with your reach increased by 5 feet. Unless you critically fail, your reach extends just to that target up to the start of your next turn. The effect ends immediately after you next attack or you, your mount, or the target moves or is moved.

Prowl 【单动作】 Feat 1
Prerequisites Tiny size
You move low to the ground with liquid agility as you quickly dart in to attack. As part of making each melee attack before the start of your next turn, you can Step beforehand (generally into the target’s space). You can trigger reactions based on your reach as if your reach were 5 feet longer, since you can Step toward the triggering creature as part of using the reaction.

Rake 【单动作】 Feat 1
Requirements Either you are grappling a creature or you hit a creature with a jaws Strike using your previous action this turn.
You rake at the required creature with your claws. You deal claws Strike damage with an additional weapon damage die, and the creature must attempt a Reflex save against your class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and 1 persistent bleed damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and 1d4 persistent bleed damage.

Squirm Out Feat 1
You get a +2 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Escape or Squeeze. Squeeze is a 3-action activity for you.

Underfoot Flank Feat 1
Prerequisites Tiny size
You don’t trigger reactions for entering or leaving the space of another creature during a move action you’re using. As long as you are in an enemy’s space, you always count as being on the opposite side of that enemy’s space from allies for the purposes of determining flanking.

5th Level
Dream Servant Feat 5
Prerequisites at least one occult innate spell
Your dream magic has grown stronger. You gain unseen servant as a 1st-level occult innate spell. You can cast it once per day. You can Sustain the Spell up to 8 hours before becoming fatigued.

Fatal Teeth and Claws Feat 5
You are skilled at fighting with your natural weapons. Your claws and jaws each gain the fatal d8 trait. Whenever you critically hit with an unarmed attack, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect.

Sensitive Whiskers Feat 5
You gain vibration sense as a precise sense to a range of 5 feet. This range increases to 10 feet if you are expert in Perception, 15 feet if you are master in Perception, or 20 feet if you are legendary in Perception.

Underfoot Trip 【反应动作】 Feat 5
Attack Cat
Prerequisites Tiny size, trained in Acrobatics
Trigger An enemy leaves your space during a move action it’s using.
Requirements You and the enemy are on the same surface, and the enemy is Medium or smaller.
You attempt an Acrobatics check against the triggering creature’s Reflex DC to interfere with the triggering movement. (If it’s not your turn, your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this check, and this doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty.)
Critical Success The target falls prone in the first space it moved into from your space and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Success The target falls prone in the first space it moved into from your space.
Critical Failure The target knocks you over and you fall prone.

9th Level
Dream Seer Feat 9
Prerequisites at least one occult innate spell
Your dream magic has grown much stronger. You gain invisibility and see invisibility as 2nd-level occult innate spells. You can cast each once per day. If you are at least 11th level, you can also cast dream message once per day.

Nine Lives Feat 9
Uncommon Cat conjuration healing mental occult teleportation
Prerequisites dream travel ability
When you die, your mind and consciousness shift reflexively back into a dream form in the Dreamlands, creating a new dream body if necessary. You must then rest for 1d3 days in the Dreamlands, after which point you can return to the waking world. You can revive yourself in this manner up to eight times, giving you nine lives in all. Resurrections from other methods (such as via a resurrect ritual or other powerful magic) do not count against this limit.

13th Level
Dreamlands Shortcut Feat 13
Uncommon Cat
You can step through the Dreamlands to travel to another location. You can cast dimension door as an occult innate spell once per day. If you are at least 15th level, you can also cast shadow walk as an occult innate spell once per day; when you do, it passes through the Dreamlands instead of the Plane of Shadow. If you are at least 17th level, you can also cast teleport as an occult innate spell once per day.

Fleeting Shadow 【反应动作】 Feat 13
Trigger A divination effect would reveal information about you. This ability tells you only that you can use it before you must decide whether to spend your reaction.
You can evade divination magic. You learn what information the magic would have revealed. You can choose for the divination to reveal no information about you or for it to yield comparable information about another creature you can see of a larger size than you.

Red in Tooth and Claw Feat 13
You are a ferocious hunter with your natural weapons. Whenever you hit with an unarmed attack, you also deal 1d10 persistent bleed damage. On a critical hit, the damage is doubled.

17th Level
Quick Pounce 【单动作】 Feat 17
You Stride, Climb, or Leap. If you end your movement within reach of an enemy (or in its space), you can make an unarmed Strike against that enemy. If you began this action hidden or undetected, you remain hidden until after you Strike.

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Dreamlands Familiar (Cat)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:14:36 »
神话族裔的变体(Archetypes for Mythos Ancestries)
  • 幻梦境猫咪能够成为幻梦境魔宠(Dreamlands familiars)。只有地球和火星幻梦境猫咪能够成为伏行者(prowlers),乌撒神卫(Ulthar champions),或乌撒猎手(Ulthar hunters),因为这些变体需要体型为超小型。

Dreamlands Familiar (Cat)

幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)    专长 2
[变体] [猫咪] [入门]
先决条件 幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands cat)
你懂得如何将自己与其他生物的灵魂调和一致。你能够选择一名自愿的盟友成为你的联结盟友(bonded ally),这需要你在休整期花费1周的时间来与彼此建立联系。该名盟友不需要具备赋予他们魔宠的专长或其他能力。通常情况下,幻梦境猫咪的玩家角色会选择与相同冒险队伍中的另一个玩家角色建立联系。
不过,你的联结会为你带来一些超自然洞察力。你的未受训(untrained)技能的熟练度加值(proficiency bonus)等同于你的等级。这不会改变你的熟练度等级(proficiency rank)。若你的特技(Acrobatics)和隐秘(Stealth)技能的熟练度为未受训,那么在判断该技能的加值时,可以使用你的联结盟友的施法属性调整值(除非另有说明,当若盟友不具有施法属性时则使用魅力调整值)取代你的敏捷调整值。
你会与联结盟友共享一种情绪纽带,但前提是你们彼此之间的距离不超过1英里。这使得你们彼此能够分享自己的情绪状态(emotional states)。
若你或你的联结盟友说具有普通的获取魔宠的能力,那么该专长会取代关于这些魔宠的常规规则。不过,你们之中每个有权获得魔宠的一方都会获得敦促动作(Urge Action)行动,而且能够如常选择主人能力(master abilities;若对方愿意的话),但是无法选择魔宠能力来赋予对方。若角色即将获得的能力必须应用至魔宠身上,那么他们可以选择获得相等数量个主人能力(Master Abilities)作为替代。特定主人能力会受到后述改变。
  • 若某角色选取了魔宠聚能(Familiar Focus),且另一方启动了该能力的话,那么选择了该能力的角色会得到1点聚能点(Focus Point)。
  • 若其中一方选取了法术传递(spell delivery)能力并启动他时,另一方不会被迫采取行动,而是可以在下个回合结束之前传递法术或者让法术被打断。以此方式传递的法术仅需要单动作。
特殊 直至选取另外2个幻梦境魔宠变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。
敦促动作(Urge Action)[双动作]

基础魔宠能力(Basic Familiar Ability)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)
  • 两栖(Amphibious):你获得25尺的游泳速度(swim Speed),此外你还获得了在空气和水中呼吸的能力。
  • 掘地(Burrower):你获得5尺的掘地速度。
  • 攀援(Climber):你获得25尺的攀爬速度。
  • 黑暗视觉(Darkvision):你获得黑暗视觉。
  • 心灵手巧(Manual dextierity):你能使用自己的至多两个肢体(你也可以使用你的尾巴或嘴巴),就如同这些肢体是双手一般执行操纵(manipulate)动作。
  • 说话(Speech):你学会了联结盟友懂得的所有语言,而且能够如同具有与盟友相媲美的发音器官一般说出这些语言(不过你的声音和发音明显很像猫科生物)。

导引魔力(Magical Conduit)[单动作]    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪] [专注] [超魔]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication),施法(Cast a Spell)行动
触发 你或者你的联结盟友施法(Cast a Spell)
要求 你身处在距离联结盟友30尺范围之内
你开启自身与联结盟友之间的联系,让对方能够如同身处你所处的位置一般施法。导引魔力的应用取决于你们两者接下来的行为。若你在盟友行动之前采取行动,而且你的下个动作是施法(Cast a Spell)的话,就可以如同身处盟友所处的空间内一般判断法术的目标(target)或区域(area)。若该法术没有范围(range),那么你能够对着你的盟友施法以取代对着自己施法。或者,若你的联结盟友在你的下个动作之前行动,并且对方的下个动作是施法,且能够满足本专长的要求,那么对方能够如同身处你当前的位置一般施放法术。若对方的法术不具有范围(range),他就可以对你施放该法术以取代对他自己施放。若你们两方接下来的采取的行动并非施法(Cast a Spell),该动作就不会产生效果。

共生施法(Symbiotic Spellcasting)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)
要求 你和你的联结盟友均具有施法(Cast a Spell)动作,而且彼此间的距离不超过30尺
当你施法(Cast a Spell)时,你的联结盟友能够以反应动作(reaction)为你的法术提供一个成分。这使得你能够在自身不提供这些成分的前提下施法。以类似的方式,当你的联结盟友施法(Casts a Spell)时,你也能以反应动作为法术提供一个成分,这样你的盟友就不用提供该成分了。如果执行反应动作的角色能够以不同成分替换他所提供的成分(比如吟游诗人、牧师、德鲁伊或术士所能做到的那般),那么他所提供的这个成分也可以被替换。举例说明,若你是术士,你的联结盟友施法,你能够以反应动作提供姿势成分(somatic component)来替代你的盟友本来需要为法术提供的材料成分(material component)。这无法降低施法者在施法时所需要消耗的动作数量。施法的任何感官表现都和你们两者相关,施法者能够尝试他正在施法的事实(这通常会让作出反应动作的角色看起来像是真正的施法者)。为了隐藏施法,施法者能够尝试隐秘(Stealth)检定对抗一个或更多观察者的察觉DC(Perception DC)。若施法者检定成功,那么另外一名角色对于这些观察者来说会是唯一的施法者。

谁才是主人?(Who is the Master?)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)
只要你有联结盟友,你就能获得幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)中所提及的有能力获得魔宠时会获得的好处:你获得2个主人能力(需要征得联结盟友的允许),在判断这些能力时,你会将你的联结盟友视同为你的魔宠,而且你能获得敦促动作(Urge Action)行动。你也可以就这样直接获得1只魔宠,但是每当你这么做时,就会打破你与任何联结盟友构成的联系。

进阶魔宠能力(Advanced Familiar Ability)    专长 6
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication),基础魔宠能力(Basic Familiar Ability)
  • 回避伤害(Damage Avoidance):选择一种豁免。当你在该种类的豁免中投掷出成功或大成功时,你不会受到伤害;这无法防止伤害之外的其他效果。
  • 快速移动(Fast Movement):你的一种速度(Speed)获得+15尺环境加值。
  • 飞行(Flier):你获得25尺的飞行速度。你必须至少达到12级才能选取该能力。
  • 实验助手(Lab Assistant):若你正处于盟友所占据的空间内,则可以使用你的盟友的快速炼金(Quick Alchemy)动作。该动作的消耗以及要求就如同你的盟友使用该动作一般。你必须具有心灵手巧(Manual dextierity)能力且你的联结盟友必须具有快速炼金(Quick Alchemy)动作才能够选取该能力。

额外魔宠能力(Extra Familiar Ability)    专长 8
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication),基础魔宠能力(Basic Familiar Ability),进阶魔宠能力(Advanced Familiar Ability)
你从和盟友的联结中获得了额外的魔力。每日你都能够从进阶魔宠能力列表或者基础魔宠能力列表中选取第二个魔宠能力应用至自己身上。你可以多次选取回避伤害(Damage Avoidance)或快速移动(Fast Movement)能力,但每次选取都要作出不同的选择。
特殊 你可以第二次选取该专长,这使得你能够从进阶魔宠能力列表或者基础魔宠能力列表中选取另一个能力。

反复敦促(Insistent Urging)    专长 12
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 幻梦境魔宠入门(Dreamlands Familiar Dedication)
要求 你或者你的联结盟友必须具有敦促动作(Urge Action)行动
无论你或者你的联结盟友之中是谁具有敦促动作(Urge Action)行动,敦促动作仅会耗费1个动作(以取代原本的2个)。

劇透 -  原文:
Archetypes for Mythos Ancestries
Some techniques and traditions are so closely entwined with the cultural and physical attributes of a species that others cannot make use of them. The following archetypes are only available to characters of the indicated ancestry and class, except with GM permission.
· Dreamlands cats can become Dreamlands familiars. Only Terran and Martian Dreamlands cats can become prowlers, Ulthar champions, or Ulthar hunters, since they require the Tiny size.

Dreamlands Familiar (Cat)
A cat makes a classic, iconic familiar to a spellcaster. Dreamlands cats rarely take familiars for themselves; more frequently, a Dreamlands cat exercises the unique ability to become the familiar of an allied creature (sometimes even one that would normally not be able to gain a familiar). As a Dreamlands familiar, you gain abilities common to familiars that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for a player character to gain.

Dreamlands Familiar Dedication Feat 2
Archetype Cat Dedication
Prerequisites Dreamlands cat
You know how to attune yourself to another creature’s spirit. You can choose a willing ally to become your bonded ally after you spend 1 week of downtime bonding with each other. That ally need not have a feat or other ability that grants them a familiar. Typically, a Dreamlands cat player character chooses to bond with another player character in the same adventuring party.
Unlike a typical familiar, you don’t have the minion trait and retain your own abilities and statistics. You can benefit from item bonuses normally. If your bonded ally gains feats or other abilities that improve or modify their familiar, you are unaffected (unless noted otherwise).
However, your bond grants you some preternatural insights. Your untrained proficiency bonus for skills is equal to your level. This doesn’t change your proficiency rank. If you are untrained in Acrobatics or Stealth, you can use your bonded ally’s spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma if they don’t have one, unless otherwise specified) in place of your Dexterity modifier for purposes of that skill.
You share an empathic bond with your bonded ally as long as you and the ally are within 1 mile of each other. This allows you to share your emotional states with each other.
You can have no more than one bonded ally at a time. When you bond with a new ally, any prior ally bond immediately ends. Similarly, if either or both of you had a familiar before becoming bonded to each other, that familiar is dismissed (typically returning to being a normal animal or striking out on its own).
If you or your bonded ally normally has the ability to gain a familiar, this feat replaces the usual rules for those familiars. However, each of you with access to a familiar gains the Urge Action activity and can choose master abilities normally (provided the other is willing) but can’t choose familiar abilities to grant the other. If that character would gain an ability that must be applied to a familiar, they instead must choose an equal number of master abilities to gain. Specific master abilities have the following changes.
· If that character chooses the familiar focus ability and the other activates it, the character who chose that ability regains the Focus Point.
· If one of you chooses the spell delivery ability and activates it, the other isn’t compelled to act but has until the end of their next turn to deliver the spell or the spell is disrupted. Delivering the spell this way is a single action.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Dreamlands familiar archetype.

Urge Action 【双动作】
You urge your bonded ally or Dreamlands familiar to take a particular action, either verbally or by gesture. This activity gains the auditory or visual trait, as appropriate. The action you choose must be Hide, Leap, Seek, Sneak, Stand, Stride, or Strike. Your bonded ally or Dreamlands familiar quickens until the end of their next turn and can use the extra action only to perform the action you chose.

Basic Familiar Ability Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
Each day, you channel your innate magic into one ability from the following list and gain that ability.
Amphibious You gain a swim Speed of 25 feet.
You also gain the ability to breathe water as well as air.
Burrower You gain a burrow Speed of 5 feet.
Climber You gain a climb Speed of 25 feet.
Darkvision You gain darkvision.
Manual Dexterity You can use up to two of your limbs (you can also use your tail or mouth) as if they were hands to use manipulate actions.
Speech You learn all languages your bonded ally knows and can speak them as if you had a vocal apparatus comparable to your ally’s (though your voice and pronunciations are still distinctly feline)

Magical Conduit 【单动作】 Feat 4
Archetype Cat Concentrate Metamagic
Prerequisites Dreamlands Familiar Dedication, Cast a Spell activity
Trigger You or your bonded ally Casts a Spell.
Requirements You are within 30 feet of your bonded ally.
You open your connection to your bonded ally to allow them to cast a spell as if in your location. The conduit applies to whichever of you acts next. If you take another action before your ally acts and your next action is to Cast a Spell, you determine the spell’s target or area as if you were in your ally’s space. If the spell doesn’t have a range, you can cast it on your ally instead of yourself. Alternatively, if your bonded ally acts before your next action, and their next action is to Cast a Spell while they meet the requirements, they can cast the spell as if they were in your space. If their spell doesn’t have a range, they can cast it on you instead of themself. If the next action taken between the two of you is not to Cast a Spell, this action has no effect.

Symbiotic Spellcasting Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
Requirements You and your bonded ally both have the Cast a Spell action and are within 30 feet of each other.
When you Cast a Spell, as a reaction your bonded ally can provide one component for the spell. This allows you to cast the spell without providing those components yourself. In a similar fashion, when your bonded ally Casts a Spell, as a reaction you can provide one component for the spell so that your ally doesn’t have to. If the reacting character can replace the provided component with a different one (as a bard, cleric, druid, or sorcerer can) the provided component can be replaced. For example, if you are a sorcerer and your bonded ally Casts a Spell, you can provide a somatic component as a reaction in place of a material component your ally would otherwise need for that spell. This doesn’t reduce the number of actions it costs the caster to Cast a Spell. Any sensory manifestation from the spellcasting is associated with both of you, and the caster can attempt to hide the fact that they are Casting a Spell (generally making it seem that the reacting character is the true caster). To hide the casting, the caster can attempt a Stealth check against one or more observers’ Perception DC. If the caster succeeds at the check, the other character appears to be the only caster to that observer.

Who is the Master? Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
As long as you have a bonded ally, you gain benefits described in Dreamlands Familiar Dedication for having the capacity to gain a familiar: you gain two master abilities (with your bonded ally’s permission), you treat your bonded ally as your familiar for those abilities, and you gain the Urge Ally activity. You can also simply gain a familiar, but whenever you do, you break your bond with any bonded ally.

Advanced Familiar Ability Feat 6
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Basic Familiar Ability, Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
Each day, you channel your innate magic into one ability from the following list.
Damage Avoidance Choose one type of save.
You take no damage when you succeed or critically succeed at that type of save; this doesn’t prevent effects other than damage.
Fast Movement You gain a +15-foot circumstance bonus to one of your Speeds.
Flier You gain a fly Speed of 25 feet. You must be at least 12th level to select this ability.
Lab Assistant You can use your ally’s Quick Alchemy action if you are in their space. This has the same cost and requirement as if your ally used it. You must have the manual dexterity ability and your bonded ally must have the Quick Alchemy action for you to choose this ability.

Extra Familiar Ability Feat 8
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Advanced Familiar Ability, Basic Familiar Ability, Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
You gather additional magic from your bond. You can select a second familiar ability from either the Advanced Familiar Ability list or Basic Familiar Ability list to apply to yourself each day. You can select the damage avoidance or fast movement ability more than once, making a different choice each time.
Special You can select this feat a second time, allowing you to select another ability from either the Advanced Familiar Ability list or Basic Familiar Ability list.

Insistent Urging Feat 12
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Dreamlands Familiar Dedication
Requirements You or your bonded ally must have the Urge Action activity.
For whomever among you or your bonded ally that has the Urge Action activity, Urge Action takes only 1 action (instead of 2).
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-31, 周日 14:51:29 由 四月 »

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Prowler (Cat)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:14:56 »
Prowler (Cat)
幻梦境猫咪凭借着自身小巧的体格成为了效率惊人的贴身战人员。大多数伏行者都是选择窃贼诡术(thief racket)的游荡者(rogue),但也一部分属于其他职业。

伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication)    专长 2
[变体] [猫咪] [入门]
先决条件 幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands cat),体型为超小型(Tiny)
你的特技(Acrobatics)以及猫咪学识(Cat Lore)的熟练度变为受训(trained);若你的熟练度已经达到了受训,则会变为专家(expert)作为替代。最后,你获得巡行之姿(Prowl)族裔专长或者脚边夹击(Underfoot Flank)族裔专长中的一个。
特殊 直至选取另外2个伏行者变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。

猫咪典范(Cat Exemplar)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication)
你获得1个额外猫咪族裔专长(cat ancestry feat),但前提是你有资格选取它。你还会获得1项技能提升(skill increase),但除非特技技能的熟练度等级已经达到了你的最大熟练度等级(在此情况下你可以正常使用它),否则必须将其应用至特技(Acrobatics)技能。
特殊 你可以多次选取该专长。

猛扑冲锋(Charging Pounce)[双动作]    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication),猫咪(cat)*
你作出至多2个移动动作(move actions),这要从行走(Stride)、跳跃(Leap)或攀爬(Climb)中选择。若你结束自己的移动时身处敌人的触及范围内(或者身处敌人所占据的空间内),则能够对该敌人作出1次近战打击(melee Strike)。若你在开始该动作的时候处于藏匿(hidden)状态,则你会维持藏匿直至到作出打击之后为止。

俯身腾挪(Slinking Leap)[反应动作]    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication),欺骗(Deception)熟练度为受训
触发 有敌人在近战攻击检定中对你投掷出失败或大失败从而未能命中你
要求 你对触发攻击并非措手不及(flat-footed)
你可以对触发敌人作出分神(Create a Diversion)或虚招(Feint)动作。若当前并非你的回合,那么该效果建辉在你的当前回合(your current turn)结束,而非持续至你的下个回合结束为止。

足下迷行(Underfoot Distraction)[反应动作]    专长 6
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication)
触发 有敌人即将对你尝试攻击检定
要求 你正位于该名敌人所占据的空间内。若你正在使用巡行之姿(Prowl)专长,且该生物距离你5尺范围之内,你就能够以使用该反应动作的一部分用快步(Step)进入他所占据的空间
你尝试特技(Acrobatics)检定来干扰触发攻击检定。该DC通常为20,不过GM可以判断这是特别困难(particularly hard)或简单(easy)的任务来调整该DC。
   大成功 你让目标在触发攻击检定中承受-2环境减值。若你的特技熟练度达到了大师(master),减值为-3点,若你的熟练度为传奇(legendary),减值为-4点。
   成功 你让目标在触发攻击检定中承受-1环境减值。
   大失败 直至你的下个回合结束为止,你的防御等级(Armor Class)在对抗目标时均会承受-1环境减值。

足边掩体(Underfoot Cover)    专长 8
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication)
当你身处于其他生物所占据的空间之内,而且没有陷入禁足(immobilized)或失去意识(unconscious)的话,你在对抗该生物时会获得弱效掩蔽(Lesser Cover),且在对抗所有其他生物时会获得标准掩蔽(standard cover)。

死亡伴足边(Death from Below)    专长 12
[变体] [猫咪]
先决条件 伏行者入门(Prowler Dedication),特技(Acrobatics)或隐秘(Stealth)的熟练度达到大师(master)

劇透 -  原文:
Prowler (Cat)
Dreamlands cats can take advantage of their Tiny size to become surprisingly effective melee combatants. Most prowlers are rogues with the thief racket, but some belong to other classes.

Prowler Dedication Feat 2
Archetype Cat Dedication
Prerequisites Dreamlands cat, Tiny size
Your prowler training makes you hard to notice until you have sunk your claws into a victim.
You become trained in Acrobatics and Cat Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead. Finally, you gain either the Prowl ancestry feat or the Underfoot Flank ancestry feat.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained one other feat from the prowler archetype.

Cat Exemplar Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication
You gain an additional cat ancestry feat you qualify for. You also gain a skill increase that you must apply to Acrobatics unless it was already at your maximum proficiency rank (in which case you can spend it normally).
Special You can select this feat more than once.

Charging Pounce 【双动作】 Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication, cat
You take up to two move actions, chosen from Stride, Leap, or Climb. If you end your movement within reach of an enemy (or in an enemy’s space), you can make a melee Strike against that enemy. If you began this activity hidden, you remain hidden until after the Strike.

Slinking Leap 【反应动作】 Feat 4
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication, trained in Deception
Trigger An enemy fails or critically fails a melee attack roll to hit you.
Requirements You aren’t flat-footed against the triggering attack.
You either Create a Diversion or Feint against the triggering opponent. If it is not your turn now, the effects that would end on your current turn instead last until the end of your next turn.

Underfoot Distraction 【反应动作】 Feat 6
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication
Trigger An enemy is about to attempt an attack roll.
Requirements You are in the enemy’s space. If you are Prowling, the creature can be within 5 feet if you Step into its space as part of using this reaction.
You attempt an Acrobatics check to interfere with the triggering attack roll. The typical DC is 20, but the GM might adjust this DC for particularly hard or easy tasks.
Critical Success You give the target a –2 circumstance penalty to the triggering attack roll. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, the penalty is –3, and if you’re legendary, the penalty is –4.
Success You give the target a –1 circumstance penalty to the triggering attack roll.
Critical Failure You take a –1 circumstance penalty to your Armor Class against the target until the end of your next turn.

Underfoot Cover Feat 8
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication
While you are in another creature’s space and not immobilized or unconscious, you have lesser cover against that creature and standard cover against all other creatures.

Death from Below Feat 12
Archetype Cat
Prerequisites Prowler Dedication, master in Acrobatics or Stealth
While you are in another creature’s space, that creature is flat-footed against you.
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-31, 周日 11:35:52 由 四月 »

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Ulthar Champion (Cat Champion)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:15:14 »
Ulthar Champion (Cat Champion)
幻梦境猫咪使用从幻梦境的乌撒(Ulthar)猫咪处习得的技术,能够用幻梦境魔法增强则身的能力,进而成为让人讶异的神卫。你必须在1级满足乌撒神卫入门专长(Ulthar Champion Dedication feat)的先决条件才能选取该变体。

Initial Proficiencies (1st)
你不会获得武器的熟练度。取而代之的是,你获得用敏捷来替代力量添加到你的非武装打击伤害(unarmed Strike damage)中的能力。

Champion’s Teeth and Claws (1st)
你不会获得神授武器(deific weapon)特性。取而代之的是,你的爪抓(claws)和啃咬(jaws)的武器伤害骰提升至d6(前提是你原本的伤害骰更小)。
你不会获得盾牌格挡(Shield Block)通用专长。取而代之的是,你会获得梦境魔法(Dream Magic)族裔专长,且必须选择护盾术(shield)戏法。在判断专长以及能力时,施放护盾术(Casting shield)被视同为持用(wielding)和举起盾牌(Raising a Shield)。你能使用物品融合(Item Melding)融合至多1面盾牌,在此情况下,盾牌的能力以及数据会在各个方面应用至你的护盾术戏法上(前提是它的数据比护盾术戏法的数据更好)。

Dedication Feat (2nd)
你必须选取乌撒神卫入门(Ulthar Champion Dedication)作为你的2级职业专长。

Divine Ally (3rd)
利刃盟友(Blade Ally):该效果会应用至你所有的非武装攻击(unarmed attacks)。
坚盾盟友(Shield Ally):该效果会应用至你的护盾术戏法(shield cantrip)。
骏骑盟友(Steed Ally):只要你的体型比你的骏骑盟友更小且触及比骏骑盟友更短,你就会获得肩上猛袭(Perched Lunge)族裔专长(若你还未获取该专长),但前提是你只有身处于骏骑盟友身上时才能使用该专长。

Unarmed Expertise (5th)
你的非武装攻击(unarmed attacks)的熟练度等级提升至专家(expert),但你在武器上的熟练度等级不会提升。作为替代,你还会获得尖牙利爪(Fatal Teeth and Claws)族裔专长。

Unarmed Mastery (13th)
你的非武装攻击(unarmed attacks)的熟练度等级提升至大师(master),但你在武器上的熟练度等级不会提升。作为替代,你还会获得齿爪浸血(Red in Tooth and Claw)族裔专长。

乌撒神卫入门(Ulthar Champion Dedication)    专长 2
[变体] [猫咪] [神卫] [入门]
先决条件 神卫(Champion),幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands cat),体型为超小型(Tiny)
你受到训练,懂得如何用爪子和法术来守护他人,无论身处于乌撒、幻梦境亦或者其他地方。你的特技(Acrobatics)以及猫咪学识(Cat Lore)的熟练度变为受训(trained);若你的熟练度已经达到了受训,则会变为专家(expert)作为替代。最后,你选择获得肩上猛袭(Perched Lunge)族裔专长或者巡行之姿(Prowl)族裔专长中的一个。
特殊 直至选取另外2个乌撒神卫变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。

猫咪典范(Cat Exemplar)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪] [神卫]
先决条件 乌撒神卫入门(Ulthar Champion Dedication)
你获得1个额外猫咪族裔专长(cat ancestry feat),但前提是你有资格选取它。你还会获得1项技能提升(skill increase),但除非特技技能的熟练度等级已经达到了你的最大熟练度等级(在此情况下你可以正常使用它),否则必须将其应用至特技(Acrobatics)技能。
特殊 你可以多次选取该专长。

足下迷行(Underfoot Distraction)[反应动作]    专长 6
[变体] [猫咪] [神卫]
先决条件 乌撒神卫入门(Ulthar Champion Dedication)
触发 有敌人即将对你尝试攻击检定
要求 你正位于该名敌人所占据的空间内。若你正在使用巡行之姿(Prowl)专长,且该生物距离你5尺范围之内,你就能够以使用该反应动作的一部分用快步(Step)进入他所占据的空间
你尝试特技(Acrobatics)检定来干扰触发攻击检定。该DC通常为20,不过GM可以判断这是特别困难(particularly hard)或简单(easy)的任务来调整该DC。
   大成功 你让目标在触发攻击检定中承受-2环境减值。若你的特技熟练度达到了大师(master),减值为-3点,若你的熟练度为传奇(legendary),减值为-4点。
   成功 你让目标在触发攻击检定中承受-1环境减值。
   大失败 直至你的下个回合结束为止,你的防御等级(Armor Class)在对抗目标时均会承受-1环境减值。

骏骑越肩势(Steed-Perched Stance)[单动作]    专长 8
[变体] [猫咪] [神卫] [架势]
先决条件 骏骑盟友(Steed Ally)
要求 你骑乘在你的骏骑盟友身上,且骏骑盟友的触及比你长

劇透 -  原文:
Ulthar Champion (Cat Champion)
Dreamlands cats using techniques learned from the cats of Ulthar in the Dreamlands can augment their abilities with Dreamlands magic to become surprisingly effective champions. You must meet the prerequisites for the Ulthar
Champion Dedication feat at 1st level in order to take this archetype.

Initial Proficiencies (1st)
You do not gain proficiency with weapons. Instead, you gain the ability to add Dexterity instead of Strength to your unarmed Strike damage.

Champion’s Teeth and Claws (1st)
You don’t gain the deific weapon feature. Instead, increase the weapon damage dice for your claws and jaws to d6 if they were smaller.
You don’t gain the Shield Block general feat. Instead, you gain the Dream Magic ancestry feat and must choose the shield cantrip. Casting shield counts as wielding and Raising a Shield for the purpose of feats and abilities. You can use item melding to meld with up to one shield, in which case its abilities and statistics apply to your shield cantrip in all the ways that they are better than the cantrip’s shield statistics.

Dedication Feat (2nd)
You must take the Ulthar Champion Dedication feat as your 2nd-level class feat.

Divine Ally (3rd)
Your divine ally functions normally, except as noted here.
Blade Ally: The benefits apply to all your unarmed attacks.
Shield Ally: The benefits apply to your shield cantrip
Steed Ally: As long as you have a smaller size and shorter reach than your steed ally, you gain the Perched Lunge ancestry feat but can use it only while on your steed ally if you don’t otherwise have it.

Unarmed Expertise (5th)
Your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert, but your proficiency rank for weapons does not. Instead, you gain the Fatal Teeth and Claws ancestry feat.

Unarmed Mastery (13th)
Your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to master, but your proficiency rank for weapons does not. Instead, you gain the Red in Tooth and Claw ancestry feat.

Ulthar Champion Dedication Feat 2
Archetype Cat Champion Dedication
Prerequisites champion, Dreamlands cat, Tiny size
You are trained to use claw and spell to defend others, whether on Ulthar, in the Dreamlands, or elsewhere. You become trained in Acrobatics and Cat Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead. Finally, you gain your choice of the Perched Lunge ancestry feat or the Prowl ancestry feat.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained one other feat from the Ulthar champion archetype.

Cat Exemplar Feat 4
Archetype Cat Champion
Prerequisites Ulthar Champion Dedication
You gain an additional cat ancestry feat you qualify for. You also gain a skill increase that you must apply to Acrobatics unless it was already at your maximum proficiency rank (in which case you can spend it normally).
Special You can select this feat more than once.

Underfoot Distraction 【反应动作】 Feat 6
Archetype Cat Champion
Prerequisites Ulthar Champion Dedication
Trigger An enemy is about to attempt an attack roll.
Requirements You are in the enemy’s space. If you are Prowling, the creature can be within 5 feet if you Step into its space as part of using this reaction.
You attempt an Acrobatics check to interfere with the triggering attack roll. The typical DC is 20, but the GM might adjust this DC for particularly hard or easy tasks.
Critical Success You give the target a –2 circumstance penalty to the triggering attack roll. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, the penalty is –3, and if you’re legendary, the penalty is –4.
Success You give the target a –1 circumstance penalty to the triggering attack roll.
Critical Failure You take a –1 circumstance penalty to your Armor Class against the target until the end of your next turn.

Steed-Perched Stance 【单动作】 Feat 8
Archetype Cat Champion Stance
Prerequisites steed ally
Requirements You are mounted on your steed ally and it has longer reach than you.
Your reach increases by 5 feet as long as you meet the requirements (until you enter another stance or the current encounter ends).
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-31, 周日 12:16:17 由 四月 »

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Ulthar Hunter (Cat Ranger)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 15:15:34 »
Ulthar Hunter (Cat Ranger)
乌撒的幻梦境猫咪所经受的训练能够把最小巧的爪子和尖牙变为致命的武器。你必须在1级满足乌撒猎手入门专长(Ulthar Hunter Dedication Feat)的先决条件才能选取该变体。

Initial Proficiencies (1st)
你不会获得武器的熟练度。取而代之的是,你获得用敏捷来替代力量添加到你的非武装打击伤害(unarmed Strike damage)中的能力。

Hunt Prey (1st)

Dedication Feat (2nd)
你必须选取乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)作为你的2级职业专长。

Unarmed Expertise (5th)
你的非武装攻击(unarmed attacks)的熟练度等级提升至专家(expert),但你在武器上的熟练度等级不会提升。作为替代,你还会获得尖牙利爪(Fatal Teeth and Claws)族裔专长。

Unarmed Mastery (13th)
你的非武装攻击(unarmed attacks)的熟练度等级提升至大师(master),但你在武器上的熟练度等级不会提升。作为替代,你还会获得齿爪浸血(Red in Tooth and Claw)族裔专长。

乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)    专长 2
[变体] [猫咪] [入门] [游侠]
先决条件 幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands cat),游侠(Ranger),体型为超小型(Tiny)
你受到训练,懂得如何用爪子和法术来守护他人,无论身处于乌撒、幻梦境亦或者其他地方。你的特技(Acrobatics)以及猫咪学识(Cat Lore)的熟练度变为受训(trained);若你的熟练度已经达到了受训,则会变为专家(expert)作为替代。最后,你选择获得梦境魔法(Dream Magic)族裔专长或者巡行之姿(Prowl)族裔专长中的一个。
特殊 直至选取另外2个乌撒猎手变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。

猫咪典范(Cat Exemplar)    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪] [游侠]
先决条件 乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)
你获得1个额外猫咪族裔专长(cat ancestry feat),但前提是你有资格选取它。你还会获得1项技能提升(skill increase),但除非特技技能的熟练度等级已经达到了你的最大熟练度等级(在此情况下你可以正常使用它),否则必须将其应用至特技(Acrobatics)技能。
特殊 你可以多次选取该专长。

猛扑冲锋(Charging Pounce)[双动作]    专长 4
[变体] [猫咪] [游侠]
先决条件 乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)
你作出至多2个移动动作(move actions),这要从行走(Stride)、跳跃(Leap)或攀爬(Climb)中选择。若你结束自己的移动时身处敌人的触及范围内(或者身处敌人所占据的空间内),则能够对该敌人作出1次近战打击(melee Strike)。若你在开始该动作的时候处于藏匿(hidden)状态,则你会维持藏匿直至到作出打击之后为止。

反击之爪(Counterclaw)[反应动作]    专长 10
[变体] [猫咪] [游侠]
先决条件 乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)
触发 有敌人在近战攻击检定中对你投掷出失败或大失败从而未能命中你
要求 你对触发攻击并非措手不及(flat-footed)
你扭转自己的身躯,形成由爪子和牙齿组成的陷阱。对触发生物作出1次近战打击(melee Strike)。若触发攻击为非武装(unarmed),那么该敌人不需要位于你的触及范围内,你也可以对其作出此次打击。
特殊 你可以使用高等双重反击(Improved Twin Riposte)提供的额外反应动作来对你的猎杀目标(Hunted Prey)使用反击之爪(Counterclaw)。

爪随齿动(Second Slash)[单动作]    专长 12
[变体] [猫咪] [游侠] [连携]
先决条件 乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)
你做好了攻击准备,这使得猎物在躲开了你的利齿之时,就会撞上你的爪子。用你的啃咬(jaws)作出1次近战打击(melee Strike)对抗你的猎杀目标(Hunted Prey)。该打击获得后述失败效果。
   失败 你造成你的爪抓(claws)在命中时会造成的伤害,但要扣除所有伤害骰。这将会移除武器符文(weapon runes)、法术(spells)、以及特殊能力(special abilities)提供的骰子,以及武器伤害骰(weapon damage dice)。

绝境狂怒(Impossible Frenzy)[三动作]    专长 18
[变体] [猫咪] [绝技] [起手] [游侠]
先决条件 乌撒猎手入门(Ulthar Hunter Dedication)
你不计后果地发起舍身攻击。作出3次啃咬打击(jaws Strikes)以及3次爪抓打击(claw Strikes)。上述所有打击均会承受最高的多重攻击减值(multiple attack penalty),就如同你在该回合内已经作出了2次或更多次数的攻击一般。

劇透 -  原文:
Ulthar Hunter (Cat Ranger)
Dreamlands cats of Ulthar have trained to turn even the smallest of claws and teeth into deadly weapons. You must meet the prerequisites for the Ulthar Champion Dedication feat at 1st level in order to take this archetype.

Initial Proficiencies (1st)
You do not gain proficiency with weapons. Instead, you can add Dexterity instead of Strength to your unarmed Strike damage.

Hunt Prey (1st)
The effects are modified. It does not allow you to ignore the range penalties for making ranged attacks at your second range increment against the prey you’re hunting. Instead, you increase your claw and jaws weapon damage dice to d6 (if they were smaller) against your Hunted Prey and increase the range of any spell you cast targeting only your hunted prey by 30 feet if the spell had a range of at least 30 feet.

Dedication Feat (2nd)
You must take the Ulthar Hunter Dedication feat as your 2nd-level class feat.

Unarmed Expertise (5th)
Your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert, but your proficiency rank for weapons does not. Instead, you gain the Fatal Teeth and Claws ancestry feat.

Unarmed Mastery (13th)
Your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to master, but your proficiency rank for weapons does not. Instead, you gain the Red in Tooth and Claw ancestry feat.

Ulthar Hunter Dedication Feat 2
Archetype Cat Dedication Ranger
Prerequisites Dreamlands cat, ranger, Tiny size
You are trained to use claw and spell to defend others, whether on Ulthar, in the Dreamlands, or elsewhere. You become trained in Acrobatics and Cat Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead. Finally, you gain either the Dream Magic ancestry feat or the Prowl ancestry feat.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained one other feat from the Ulthar champion archetype.

Cat Exemplar Feat 4
Archetype Cat Ranger
Prerequisites Ulthar Hunter Dedication
You gain an additional cat ancestry feat you qualify for. You also gain a skill increase that you must apply to Acrobatics unless it was already at your maximum proficiency rank (in which case you can spend it normally).
Special You can select this feat more than once.

Charging Pounce 【双动作】 Feat 4
Archetype Cat Ranger
Prerequisites Ulthar Hunter Dedication
You take up to 2 move actions, chosen from Stride, Leap, or Climb. If you end your movement within reach of an enemy (or in an enemy’s space), you can make a melee Strike against that enemy. If you began this activity hidden, you remain hidden until after the Strike.

Counterclaw 【反应动作】 Feat 10
Archetype Cat Ranger
Prerequisites Ulthar Hunter Dedication
Trigger An enemy fails or critically fails a melee attack roll to hit you.
Requirements You aren’t flat-footed against the triggering attack.
You twist your body into a trap of teeth and claws. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the triggering attack was unarmed, the opponent need not be in your reach for you to Strike it.
Special You can use the additional reaction from the Improved Twin Riposte ranger feat to Counterclaw against your Hunted Prey.

Second Slash 【单动作】 Feat 12
Archetype Cat Ranger Press
Prerequisites Ulthar Hunter Dedication
You set up your attacks so that prey dodging your jaws come into contact with your claws. Make a melee Strike with your jaws against your Hunted Prey. The Strike gains the following failure effect.
Failure You deal the damage your claws would have dealt on a hit, excluding all damage dice. (This removes dice from weapon runes, spells, and special abilities, as well as weapon damage dice.)

Impossible Frenzy 【三动作】 Feat 18
Archetype Cat Flourish Open Ranger
Prerequisites Ulthar Hunter Dedication
You attack with reckless abandon. Make three jaws Strikes and three claw Strikes. All of these Strikes take the maximum multiple attack penalty, as if you had already made two or more attacks this turn.
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-31, 周日 13:00:16 由 四月 »

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Re: 【SPCM】幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 16:21:32 »
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Re: 【SPCM】幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 19:22:39 »

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Re: 【SPCM】幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2022-07-29, 周五 19:31:09 »