作者 主题: 【SPCM】食尸鬼(Ghoul)  (阅读 5374 次)

副标题: 包含族裔和1个专属变体

离线 四月

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  • *******
  • 帖子数: 4165
  • 苹果币: 15
« 于: 2022-08-23, 周二 15:42:51 »


扮演食尸鬼(Playing a Ghoul)

  • 懂得黑色幽默,笑看死亡而非畏惧死亡。
  • 乐于让别人感到不舒服,一般会通过你那惹人生厌的饮食习惯来达成这点。
  • 渴望更多地了解这个世界的历史。
  • 认为墓地是让人愉快和舒适的地方。
  • 选择某个特定类型的类人生物作为你的兴趣焦点:你可能认为自己曾经是这些类人生物中的一员、更加喜欢这类生物的肉味、或者希望采纳他们文化和信仰中的元素来挪为己用。
  • 低估他人对自身进食的厌恶之情,当你在这种堕落行为中沉沦之时尤为如此。

  • 认为你是不死生物。
  • 因外貌而畏惧你,认为你是一头没有心智、贪求血肉的怪物。
  • 认为你居住在墓地里或者睡在棺材里。
  • 把你误认为兽化人(lycanthrope)。



生命周期(Life Cycle)

新生食尸鬼(Nascent Ghouls)

最终转化(The Final Change)

引述: 边栏
食尸鬼转化(Ghoul Transformation)
任何类人生物都能转化为新生食尸鬼,这会赋予他们名为“食尸鬼转化”的诅咒。除了反制诅咒的常规手段之外,类人生物还能通过GM设计的特殊任务来逆转食尸鬼转化。新生食尸鬼越强大或顽固,就越难以用此种手段来“拯救”。食尸鬼转化的反制DC等同于与角色等级相应的标准DC(standard DC)。

成为新生食尸鬼(Becoming a Nascent Ghoul)

对玩家角色来说(For a player character)
  • 体质获得属性提升(ability boost)。
  • 敏捷和魅力获得属性缺陷(ability flaws)。

对非玩家角色来说(For a non-player character)
  • AC以及所有基于敏捷的技能调整值、DC和攻击降低1点。
  • 根据等级提高他的生命值(Increase their Hit Points by their level)。

新生食尸鬼能力(Nascent Ghoul Abilities)
  • 墓穴嗅觉(Grave Scent):你获得灵敏嗅觉(scent)作为模糊感官(imprecise sense),它的范围为30尺,且仅能侦测尸体(corpses)、不死生物(undead)、腐烂的物质(decaying things)和肉(meat)。
  • 啃咬(Jaws):你获得啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack),这可以造成1d6穿刺伤害。你的啃咬属于搏击武器组,具有娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。
  • 饥渴(Hunger):当你24小时未能食用至少死亡了24小时的类人生物的肉时,你会陷入恶心1(sickened 1)。此种恶心状态在之后会每24小时增加1点。除非你能食用上述肉食,否则你无法降低该状态的数值。


信仰与阵营(Faith and Alignment)




神话食尸鬼规则(Mythos Ghoul Rules)

  • 罕见(Uncommon)

  • 8

  • 中型

  • 25尺

  • 体质
  • 自由

  • 通用语(Common)
  • 将你抚养大的生物的语言,若你被食尸鬼抚养大,则为食尸鬼语(Ghoul)
  • 等同于你的智力调整值(若为正数)个额外语言。从邪灵语(Aklo),猫咪语(Cat),死灵语(Necril),地底通用语(Undercommon)以及任何其他你有资格选取的语言(比如你生活的地区流行的语言)。

  • 食尸鬼(Ghoul)
  • 类人生物(Humanoid)

你能在黑暗(darkness)和昏暗(dim light)中视物,就如同身处明亮(bright light)光照中一般,不过你在黑暗中的视觉只有黑白两色。

墓穴嗅觉(Grave Scent)
你获得灵敏嗅觉(scent)作为模糊感官(imprecise sense),它的范围为30尺,且仅能侦测尸体(corpses)、不死生物(undead)、腐烂的物质(decaying things)和肉(meat)。这意味着你能够用嗅觉来定位不死生物的确切位置。若你身处在顺风处,GM通常会让该范围加倍;若你身处在逆风处,GM通常会让该范围减半。

你具有啃咬非武装攻击(jaws unarmed attack),这会造成1d6点穿刺伤害。你的啃咬属于搏击武器组(brawling group),并且具有娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。

心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
[探索期] [操作]
当你吃下一个已死类人生物的尸肉时,你会吸收该生物生前具有的一部分知识和记忆的残留痕迹。奇怪的是,尸体越古老,这种记忆就会愈发强烈。吃下一具死亡时间不超过24小时的尸体除了补充营养之外不会获得任何好处。若你花费1分钟时间食用一具更加古老、且还带有肉质的尸体(即便是风干的肉也可以,比如木乃伊身上的肉),你就会获得该生物曾经受训的一项技能的洞察。选择一项技能:若该生物在该技能的熟练度上至少达到了受训(trained),你会获得对应的技能洞察(skill insight)。若该生物在该技能上为未受训(untrained),你就会按照GM的判断获得一项技能的洞察作为替代。
技能洞察让你能够更有效地使用对应技能。你能利用被吸收的知识,用对应技能对该生物知晓的内容进行回忆知识(Recall Knowledge)。若你在自身未受训的技能上获得了洞察,你在该技能上的熟练度加值会等同于你的等级。若你在熟练度至少达到了受训的技能上获得了洞察,那么你会在该技能的检定中获得+1环境加值作为替代。通常来说你在任何一具尸体上只能获取一个洞察。根据GM的判断,一具极其古老的尸体可能能够提供更高的奖励或者两个洞察。当你获得另一个洞察时,会失去先前已经获得的洞察。你可以通过某些食尸鬼专长来强化该能力。

劇透 -  原文:
For many, the word “ghoul” conjures grotesque images that shock and nauseate. Denizens of graveyards and connoisseurs of flesh and bone, these hooved eaters of the dead move with hungering poise, slaver for the living, and exude the stench of a charnel house. A Mythos ghoul shares a hunger for flesh with their simpler counterparts, but they are not feral creatures. Rather, these folk possess a keen intellect and a surprising sophistication steeped in lore and custom. Indeed, a Mythos ghoul is just as likely to aid visitors as attack, if not more so.
Unlike the better-known grave-gorging undead that share the same name, Mythos ghouls are living creatures. While their demeanor and nature would seem to make Mythos ghouls natural allies to their homonymous brethren, competition for food and the undead ghoul’s hatred of the living make the two bitter enemies. Mythos ghoul necromancers are fond of using their counterparts as minions, as undead ghouls often appeal to their sardonic sense of irony.
Unless otherwise noted, the word “ghoul” is used in this book to refer to the living ghouls of Lovecraft’s traditions, rather than monstrous undead ghouls.

As long as humanity has lived, hungered, and died, there have been ghouls dwelling in the shadows, eager to feed on flesh and memories. The history of the ghoul can be read in every boneyard, every necropolis, and every anonymous grave. They preserve that which was thought lost, both in their habit of mimicking old customs and, by feeding upon the dead, in regaining memories long forgotten.
Many suspect ghouls to have first come to this world by tunneling into graveyards from below, after digging deep into areas of the Dreamlands. Some believe ghouls are a fragment of an ancient past or the manifestation of a new future. Whatever the case, ghouls have lived alongside surface dwellers since they first began burying their dead, and they will likely remain among until long after the last of the last graves have been filled.

Playing a Ghoul
Ghouls are sardonic and dark-humored. They enjoy eating carrion for the flavor and the fragments of memory they can absorb, and they take delight in knowing others are disgusted by their diet. While not ashamed of their own nature, ghouls find other humanoid cultures intriguing and often envy them to some extent. They have a passion for history and obscure knowledge.

If you’re a ghoul, you likely...
· have a dark sense of humor and are amused by death rather than frightened by it.
· enjoy making others uncomfortable, often via your odious eating habits.
· are eager to learn more about the world’s history.
· find graveyards to be pleasant and comforting places.
· have chosen a specific type of humanoid as the focus of your curiosity: you may consider yourself to have once been one of these humanoids, prefer the flavor of their flesh, or wish to adopt elements of their culture and belief as your own.
· underestimate others’ repugnance at your feeding, even as you wallow in your depravity.

Others probably...
· think you’re an undead creature.
· worry you want to eat them.
· are frightened that you are a mindless, ravenous monster, based on your appearance.
· assume you live in a graveyard or sleep in a coffin.
· mistake you for a lycanthrope

Though Mythos ghouls blur the line between life and death, they are indeed living organisms. While many of their habits, appetites, and preferences are identical to those possessed by undead ghouls, anyone who gets to know a Mythos ghoul quickly discovers how dissimilar they are to their undead counterparts. From their divergent appearances to their dissimilar behaviors, the contrast becomes increasingly obvious. A Mythos ghoul is humanoid in shape, yet mon-strous in appearance. The ghoul’s visage is almost canine, with a pronounced snout filled with sharp teeth akin to the fangs of a hyena. This snout isn’t large enough to significantly distort or hamper the ghoul’s ability to speak, though ghouls tend to have a guttural, raspy tone to their voices. A ghoul’s ears are large and pointed, and their hair is generally short and mangy with thick bristly patches on the back, shoulders, and forearms. A ghoul’s mouth slavers, and their long tongue frequently lolls when not in active use.
A ghoul’s bestial features extend to the rest of their body. Their stance is somewhat hunched, with broad shoulders, hands that appear human but fingers that end in talon-like nails, and legs and hooves reminiscent of those of a hairless goat.
Many ghouls are immune to ordinary infections from rotting matter, and thus, contrary to expectations, they rarely carry infections or spread maladies. Despite this, they tend to have slovenly personal hygiene and bear a musty stink on the best of days. More often, the cloying stench of decay accompanies them, an odious perfume carried on their breath and under their nails. Almost never falling ill encourages such filthy habits, but this nonchalance toward propriety and presentation stems in part from the amusement many ghouls derive from making humanoids feel uncomfortable and nauseated.
One of the most notable aspects of ghoul physiology is that when ghouls feed upon a corpse, they experience and absorb the memories held within the flesh of their repast. Scholars have yet to discern a scientific explanation for this ability, relegating such powers to the realm of the supernatural. While they delight in this ability to digest memories, ghouls have neither an explanation nor a desire to learn more about how or why it happens, and many adhere to the strange superstition that knowing the reason for this would disrupt the mechanism. That it works at all is enough for ghouls, who ironically enjoy indulging in the procedure to divine all manner of other secrets and forgotten tidbits of lore.

Mythos ghouls are born as ghouls, but they do not display ghoul characteristics at first; instead, they undergo a transition later in life. As such, family is a complex subject for ghouls; many of them are forced to abandon their own when their transformation into a ghoul results in a shameful, often violent flight from home. Nascent ghouls often live the first several years of their new lives in self-imposed solitude and may, in fact, have no idea others of their kind even exist. Ghoul societies are quick to embrace new brothers or sisters because almost every ghoul vividly remembers the loneliness, anxiety, and fear of this transitional period.
While most ghouls eventually learn to appreciate their foster families as true kin, many never recover from the shock of losing the kin who raised them. Such ghouls, who live much longer than most mortal folk, often return to their homes decades later to watch or stalk previous relations. Such returns only occasionally result in violence; more commonly, ghouls demonstrate a dark kind of patience in achieving their goals while avoiding confrontation. For instance, if a ghoul learns that a family member has died, grave robbery is often their first inclination. Feeding on the decayed flesh of a parent, sibling, or child can bring a ghoul a grisly form of closure as they experience shadows and fragments of their previous life by digesting the memories of their prior relations. Ghouls who seek this closure often keep a memento of the event as a keepsake, such as a skull or, less frequently, some sort of heirloom, such as a weapon, piece of jewelry, or other item. Ghouls can have children of their own, but when a new ghoul is birthed, the baby appears as a normal child of a humanoid race linked to the ghoul’s own bloodline. Ghoul parents often can’t resist the urge to seek out a family to raise their child in the hope of giving their baby a chance at something approaching a normal life.
Ghouls leave children as orphans or foundlings on temple stoops or in areas where they suspect and hope that an unexpected baby will be cared for. In rare cases, evil ghouls take more sinister measures. Stealing into a village or township under cover of deep night, these ghoul parents seek out a child in the village who looks similar to their own, then swap the children in the hope that the changeling will be raised in comfort and luxury. The kidnapped child is then raised as a ghoul.
In an ironic twist of fate, both children in these sorts of “switched-at-birth” situations develop into nascent ghouls: the changeling itself as a result of their ghoulish bloodline and the abductee as a result of growing up knowing nothing more than using tombstones as platters and graveyards under moonlight as playgrounds. In this way, ghouls can be created as surely as they can be born.

Life Cycle
For most living creatures, the long road to death begins with birth, but this is not always so for the ghoul.
Ghouls born to ghoul parents can appear to belong to another race connected to a parent’s bloodline, in which case they resemble that race until a few years after reaching maturity or until the transformation is triggered by proximity to death and decay. Some ghouls born to ghoul parents display their bestial features (hooves, fangs, and claws) from the first day; such ghouls mature quickly, growing to adulthood in about 10 years. Ghouls are protective of their children—particularly those who look more ghoullike—and shelter them in the deepest corners of their graveyard warrens. As a result, ghoul children are only rarely encountered by nonghouls, giving rise to the false suppositions that ghoul children do not exist and that new ghouls are created only when existing ghouls magically transform victims into their own kind.
Becoming a Mythos ghoul through magic is rare. Certainly, curses and magical infections can cause ghouls to manifest as well, but ghouls cannot “infect” their victims like a disease or lycanthropy. Most who become cursed or otherwise transformed into ghouls meet their fate not through interaction with ghouls, but through powerful magic or curses in old tombs, from reading forbidden texts, or by taking part in blasphemous rituals. Most who pursue such a fate often find themselves accidentally turning into undead ghouls instead. Mythos ghouls themselves do not make a habit of creating more of their own kind through magical means.
Graveyards remember when they have played host to ghouls, and becoming a ghoul is as much a matter of behavior and atmosphere as it is one of magic or genetics. People who engage in ghoulish activity, be it feeding on decayed flesh or living in graveyards, put themselves at risk of becoming ghouls. This risk increases if such behaviors are undertaken in the company of other ghouls or if they’re pursued in regions where ghouls once cavorted and dined, even if no ghouls have been active in an area for decades or even centuries. A child abducted and raised by ghouls can transform into a ghoul, even without a predilection toward a ghoulish nature or ghoulish heritage. Curiously, those who deliberately seek the transformation into a ghoul and engage in such activities to foster such a change often find their goal elusive. The change seems to seek those who don’t expect it but avoids those who pursue it.
Typically, a humanoid who undergoes the transformation into a ghoul does not make the change swiftly. Instead, the individual spends a significant amount of time, often many years, as a “nascent ghoul.” Once they make the transition to full ghoul, either after enduring the change via nascent ghouldom or simply by growing to adulthood as a ghoul child, they can live for centuries. Ghouls can live to be 500 years or more, but they do not die of old age. Instead, they grow increasingly feeble, losing their ability to fend for themself or even move, and they eventually die of starvation if not fed. Many ghouls, rather than endure an endless existence helplessly dependent on family, offer themselves to the banquet table. This funeral feast is not a matter of shame or despair in ghoul society but one of triumph, for through this feeding an elder’s memories, knowledge, and personality can live on in those who partake.

Nascent Ghouls
When the conditions are right, a humanoid creature can become a nascent ghoul. The nascent ghoul template in the sidebar should be applied to such a creature until it manages to reverse the situation or makes the transition into a full-fledged ghoul. The change from humanoid to ghoul is a painful transition typically full of uncertainty, confusion, and shame.

The Final Change
The final trigger that enables a nascent ghoul to make the full transformation into a ghoul varies. Sometimes, it’s merely a matter of time—a year or more might pass before the transformation completes suddenly. At other times, it requires the consumption of a specific number of bodies, either of a specific age or epoch, or perhaps of a specific type. The actual trigger is left to the GM to determine, but once it takes place, the nascent ghoul’s transformation into a full ghoul is swift, painful, and permanent. Once complete, only a wish or similar effect can restore the newly minted ghoul’s former ancestry

Ghoul Transformation
Any humanoid can become a nascent ghoul, which gives them a curse called ghoul transformation. In addition to the usual means to counteract curses, a humanoid can reverse the ghoul transformation by undergoing a special quest of the GM’s design. Nascent ghouls that are more powerful or headstrong are more difficult to “save” in this manner. The counteract DC of ghoul transformation equals the standard DC for the character’s level.

Becoming a Nascent Ghoul
Becoming a nascent ghoul changes a character’s statistics in slightly different ways depending on whether they are a player character or non-player character. In either case, the character’s level doesn’t change.

For a player character:
· Gain an ability boost to Constitution
· Gain ability flaws to Dexterity and Charisma.

For a non-player character:
· Decrease AC and all Dexterity-based skill modifiers, DCs, and attacks by 1.
· Increase their Hit Points by their level.

Nascent Ghoul Abilities
All nascent ghouls gain the following abilities.
Grave Scent You gain scent as an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet that detects only corpses, undead, decaying things, and meat.
Jaws You gain a jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your jaws are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.
Hunger When you go 24 hours without feeding on the flesh of a humanoid that had been dead for at least 24 hours, you become sickened 1. This sickened condition increases by 1 every 24 hours. You can’t reduce its value until you feed on such flesh.

It’s easy for someone to look upon a ghoul and make assumptions. The sight of a someone devouring dead flesh might lead an observer to view all ghouls as nothing but feral, unsophisticated monsters. In truth, ghouls are, on average, more intelligent than typical humans, and even when they are at their most debased, they are never far from a keen insight into the nature of their meal. Often, a clan of ghouls will spend entire nights gathered in boneyards, perched atop gravestones or lounging in opened and emptied coffins, engaged in spirited debates about diverse and esoteric topics.
Yet for all their intellect, ghouls have always lacked something significant in their lives: a society they can truly call their own. They reap, rather than sow, relying upon humanoid society for many of their needs, including food from their graves and shelter in their tombs, without creating their own edifices or nations. Eternally distracted by the memories they consume, their minds may be incapable of the inspirational spark they’d need to build civilizations, found so often in other humanoid cultures. They are voracious readers of texts of all types, yet few ghouls can bring themselves to create texts of their own. They model themselves after those they feed upon, seeing themselves, perhaps, as the inheritors of other civilizations’ pasts. Yet, they are never truly a part of humanoid society, regardless of how much humanoid flesh they eat or how many humanoid minds they experience.
Scavengers to the core, ghouls are the ultimate outsiders, comfortable only when alone or in small groups. Due to a lack of self-awareness and introspection, ghouls never really grasp the enormity and tragic truth of their existence. Despite this or perhaps because of it, they carry in their hearts at least a subconscious understanding of the sadness of their situation. Ghouls may titter and caper atop a grave in delight at finding a delicious new meal, yet in the aftermath of gorging on time-seasoned meat, their dreams are often haunted by bitterness and despair. Many ghouls grow solitary over time, abandoned and forgotten while they haunt distant sepulchers.
Ghouls rarely integrate well into greater societies. Despite centuries of education via texts and tomes, when ghouls finally make contact with societies they have for so long admired from afar, their appearance and appetites inevitably result only in tragedy.

Faith and Alignment
Matters of faith and worship are not unknown to ghouls, but they have no true gods of their own. Some ghouls worship gods from their life prior to becoming a nascent ghoul, but many good deities discourage the death-adjacent lifestyle of a ghoul, something they cannot condone or overlook. Particularly devout ghouls shift their worship to a darker god in their original life’s pantheon—one more willing to hear their prayers. Typically, these gods are neutral or evil in nature and have fewer concerns regarding laws and taboos against feasting on the dead. Other ghouls worship entities of the Mythos, particularly those offering powerful secrets and ancient knowledge, such as Nyarlathotep or Tsathoggua.
In some lands, ghouls worship the gods of old that most modern societies have abandoned or forgotten. This is the result of ghouls picking up fragments and memories left behind in decaying graveyards. When a humanoid culture passes on, they leave behind only crumbling statues and temples, but when the ghouls move in, they pick up those pieces and make them their own. In this way, many otherwise-dead faiths live on in ghoul warrens, yet these gods are no more the preferred patrons of ghouls than any other.
Not all ghoul clans worship gods. Some consider themselves intellectual atheists, typically acknowledging gods if there is evidence of their power but denying that they have any special claim to authority or worship. Other ghouls instead look to their predecessors for wisdom. This form of ancestor worship manifests in one or two ways: a ghoul may look back upon their parents and their parents’ parents for advice, mining their accomplishments for inspiration; or a ghoul might look back upon their own life, particularly in the case of a changeling ghoul who has finally undergone full transformation.
To family-worshippers, lost family members living or dead become as ancestors to venerate: their existence is like something out of a past life. Worship of these childhood memories is all some ghouls have to provide any sense of continuity and stability in their lives. They may even continue to wear familiar clothing (often robbed from graves) and carry gear and weapons in an attempt to cling to their previous lives. Ghouls stuck in the past in this way often become objects of pity among their brethren, who typically leave them to wallow in their own memories as long as they do no harm. Such ghouls may try to reestablish contact with lost family, but even if this does not result in tragedy, such an event can reveal the presence of a ghoul colony to humanity, which can cause problems (see Relations on page 27).
Ghouls are opportunistic and often find the taboos of social norms highly confining if not antithetical to their very survival. They are rarely lawful or good.

Without a true culture to call their own, ghouls seem perfectly content to immerse themselves in the cultures of those they dine upon. As a result, most ghoul societies trail somewhat behind the times, with their aesthetics often seeming old-fashioned compared to the modern-day cultures under whose graveyards they hide. By scavenging what these societies throw away, ghouls create a parasitic form of culture that suits them well and keeps them sated and happy. They treat ancient tools and discarded objects with reverence and respect and can typically eke out several more uses of objects other cultures have discarded as ruined.
Regardless of the society whose culture they’ve appropriated, ghouls usually form into relatively small groups known as clans for a very practical purpose. A ghoul clan is limited in size by the pool of available dead, and if the clan depletes a graveyard or feeds so quickly that their host society notices the depredations visited upon their deceased, the ghouls may find themselves forced out of their homes or pushed into violent confrontations.
The typical ghoul clan prefers to lair in extensive warrens dug by tool and claw into the earth below a graveyard, but clans have been known to settle in abandoned necropolises or ruined cities. Anywhere there’s a large or steady source of meat to feed upon can serve a ghoul as a home—specifically dead meat, as they do not hunt living creatures for food save for in times of famine.
They prefer flesh that is properly aged, at least by a few days and, if possible, for much longer. Mummified flesh is considered a delicacy to a ghoul.
When a ghoul encounters a particularly delicious corpse (often the remains of a philosopher, wizard, alchemist, poet, or other great thinker who died years ago), they keep the remains handy in storage. Ghouls maintain entire “cellars” of corpses to feed upon, with walls lined with open coffins displaying their grisly contents in a macabre parody of human wine cellars. Here, they keep their favorite bodies in storage, nibbling only now and then on these finely aged bones and preserved bits of flesh when the urge to celebrate strikes.
Undead often dwell in and around locales that ghouls favor, and for their part, ghouls do not abhor undead themselves. Indeed, most ghouls find the taste of undead flesh to be delicious, and they have difficulty explaining how necromancy flavors flesh to those who lack their interests. At times, lingering death magic has an almost narcotic impact on those who overindulge, which some ghouls particularly enjoy—a bit like drinking to excess but to far more potent effect. It’s common to encounter ghoul societies that keep zombies as guardians and livestock simultaneously.

Ghouls have a complex relationship with humanoids. They depend on humanoids for food and base their societies and very culture on those they live near. When ghouls and humanoids meet, however, the result is almost always violent. Most humanoids are quick to interpret the discovery of bestial-looking parodies of their own shape dwelling in their graveyards and eating their dead as unsettling at best, or downright blasphemous at worst. Once humanoids know of the clan’s presence, ghouls can expect continuous harassment.
The typical ghoul is more than a match for an average humanoid, but such humanoids are usually the ones to start confrontations when ghouls are discovered. Though the results vary, conflict with a group of humanoids almost never ends well for a ghoul clan in the long run. They might be wiped out, destroyed by superior weapons or numbers, or otherwise forced to move on to find a new feeding ground.
While humanoid settlements generally have difficulty establishing peaceful relations with ghouls, the same is not the case for individuals. Often, an artist, necromancer, or eccentric who learns of the presence of ghouls in a local graveyard will seek to establish peaceful contact with the ghouls. For their part, ghouls value such contacts, for they give the clan insight into the workings of the society they feed upon, and such a contact can also help cover up their presence or warn them when their feeding becomes noticeable. In return, ghoul clans can offer value to their allies by revealing secrets lost to the ages or insights about history, supplying aid in dealing with undead, or serving as guides into underground regions.
Some humanoids actively seek to become ghouls, which generally makes ghouls nervous. Rarely will a ghoul encourage a humanoid to become one of their kind, much less help them transform. Most ghouls rankle at the idea of “gifting” a humanoid with their abilities, and some feel ashamed at inflicting what they feel is a curse. There’s also a practical reason: any humanoid ally is a potential meal, and once a ghoul, an ex-humanoid is less likely to grace a banquet table—at least for a long, long time.
When it comes to sentient undead, although Mythos ghouls often share common interests and often tastes, peaceful cooperation rarely occurs between the two groups. While ghouls enjoy the flavor of intelligent undead more than mindless ones, these undead typically understand that ghouls make poor allies. Curiously, while undead ghouls seem eager to feed upon their living counterparts, Mythos ghouls tend to find the flesh of undead ghouls to be unpleasant, describing it as “overripe” or “rancid” in flavor.

Ghouls become adventurers for as wide a range of reasons as anyone, but one driving force is the constant urge to seek out new, exotic meals. A ghoul adventurer might wish to sample the dead in a wide range of graveyards or hope to uncover a hidden text or lost relic they learned of after feeding on a dead scholar. Since adventurers often have a much higher tolerance for strangeness, a ghoul is more likely to find acceptance in an adventuring party than in a town, and they benefit from a party’s protection and support. If the ghoul’s adventuring allies can help keep them from being run out of town, then all the better!

Mythos Ghoul Rules
The ghoul is an excellent choice for a player who wishes to play a monstrous ancestry that can fill a more scholastic role, but care should be taken to ensure that the GM and the rest of the players are comfortable with having a party member who may well be wallowing in unpleasant or taboo subjects (eating dead humanoids can easily upset one’s allies).

· Uncommon

Hit Points
· 8

· Medium

· 25 feet

Ability Boosts
· Constitution
· Free

· Common
· The languages of the creatures that raised you, which is Ghoul if you were raised by ghouls.
· Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from Aklo, Cat, Necril, Undercommon, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

· Ghoul
· Humanoid

You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.

Grave Scent
You can use scent as an imprecise sense to a range of 30 feet, but only to detect undead, corpses, and meat. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the exact location of an undead creature. The GM will usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind.

You have a jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your jaws are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits

Psychic Feast
Exploration, Manipulate
When you feed upon the flesh of a dead humanoid, you absorb some of the lingering traces of memory and knowledge the creature possessed in life. Strangely, the older the corpse, the more potent the memories become. Feeding on a corpse less than 24 hours dead provides no benefit besides nourishment. If you spend 1 minute feeding on an older corpse that has some amount of flesh (even dried flesh, such as a mummy might have), you gain an insight about a skill the creature was trained in. Choose a skill; if the creature was at least trained in that skill, you gain that skill insight. If the creature was untrained in that skill, you get an insight of the GM’s choice instead.
A skill insight makes you more effective with that skill. You can use the absorbed memories to Recall Knowledge that the creature knew using that skill. If you have an insight into a skill you are untrained in, your proficiency bonus for that skill is determined by your level. If you have an insight into a skill you are at least trained in, you instead gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks with that skill. You can normally gain only one insight from any given corpse. At the GM’s discretion, a particularly ancient corpse might grant a larger bonus or two insights. You lose your previous insight when you gain another one. You can enhance this ability by taking certain ghoul feats.

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Re: 【SPCM】食尸鬼(Ghoul)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-08-23, 周二 15:43:11 »
食尸鬼传承(Ghoul Heritages)

利爪食尸鬼(Clawed Ghoul)
你具有爪抓无武装攻击(claw unarmed attack),这造成1d4点挥砍伤害。你的爪抓属于搏击武器组(brawling group),且具有灵巧(agile)、娴熟(finesse)和非武装(unarmed)特征。

坚韧食尸鬼(Hardy Ghoul)
你与死亡的亲密接触让你变得更加适应腐烂与衰败。你免疫非魔法疾病(non-magical diseases),并且你获得对负能量伤害(negative damage)的抗力(resistance),其数值等同于你的等级。

人子食尸鬼(Humanoid-Raised Ghoul)
作为被类人生物抚养大的食尸鬼,你很熟悉他们的文化。选择一个常见族裔(common ancestry)。你立即获得该族裔的一个族裔专长(ancestry feat)。除了你的角色自身的族裔之外,你总是可以从你选择的族裔中选择族裔专长,除非你缺乏这些族裔专长所需要的任何生理特征(physiological feature)。

锐鼻食尸鬼(Sharp-Nosed Ghoul)
你的鼻子比大多数食尸鬼灵敏。你获得灵敏嗅觉(scent)作为模糊感官(imprecise sense),它具有30尺范围,在侦测不死生物(undead)、尸体(corpses)和肉(meat)的时候则具有60尺范围。

小巧食尸鬼(Small Ghoul)
在经历神秘过程转化为食尸鬼之前,你曾经是侏儒(gnome)、半身人(halfling)或其他小体型种族。你失去2点生命值(Hit Points),且你的体型(size)变为小型(Small)。选择一种小型常见族裔。你立即获得该族裔的一个族裔专长。除了你的角色自身的族裔之外,你总是可以从你选择的族裔中选择族裔专长,除非你缺乏这些族裔专长所需要的任何生理特征。

族裔专长(Ancestry Feats)

引述: 1级族裔专长
宛若死灵(Close to Undeath)    专长 1
你能从具有负能量(negative)特征的治疗中获益,就如同你是不死生物一般。正能量治疗仍旧可以治愈你,但是仅有一半的效果。此外,当你被正能量治疗时,你必须成功通过DC 20的强韧豁免,失败则会陷入恶心1(sickened 1)。负能量伤害以及正能量伤害不受本专长影响。

地窖语言家(Crypt Polyglot)    专长 1
先决条件 心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
当你使用心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)时,能够选择获得该生物生前知晓的一种语言,并以此来替换技能洞察(skill insight)。这仍然计入你能获得的洞察数量的限制中。

拾荒能手(Expert Scrounger)    专长 1
你擅长寻找和使用破旧的装备。你能使用破损物品(broken items),就好像它们没有破损一般。此外,当你在瓦砾、灌木丛、泥土或其他遮挡视线的地点(other places hidden from view)进行搜索(Seek)时,可以将任何低于10 + 你的熟练度加值的结果替换为这两个数值相加的结果。

墓穴学识(Graveyard Lore)    专长 1

长出尖爪(Grown Claws)    专长 1
先决条件 你的传承为利爪食尸鬼(Clawed Ghoul)之外的传承
你获得可怕的爪子,就如同利爪食尸鬼(Clawed Ghoul)一般。

齿爪乱挥(Tooth and Claw Frenzy)    专长 1
先决条件 爪抓攻击
要求 你的双手都空着

引述: 5级族裔专长
博学盛宴(Erudite Feaster)    专长 5
先决条件 心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
你能至多维持从心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)中得到的3个洞察。若你获得了第4个洞察,则要从现有的洞察中选择1个并失去它。此外,如果你吃下的尸体特别古老(至少保存了100年,但是保存完好到仍有可以食用的肉;这可以通过自然形成的干尸化或者魔法来保存),你从中获得的任何环境加值变为+2点,若你至少达到了17级,则为+3点。

惯于腐败(Inured to Rot)    专长 5
你免疫非魔法疾病(non-magical disease),而且在对抗魔法疾病(magical diseases)以及死亡效果(death effects)时,豁免获得+1环境加值。若你的传承是坚韧食尸鬼(Hardy Ghoul),则会变得免疫魔法疾病,并且在对抗死亡效果时,豁免获得+2环境加值作为替代。

齿爪撕扯(Ripping Teeth and Talons)    专长 5
你擅长用自己的天生武器进行战斗。你的啃咬获得致命d8(deadly d8)特征。若你具有爪抓,它们还会获得成对(twin)特征。每当你用非武装攻击造成重击时,还能应用攻击的重击专精(critical specialization)效果。

厚皮(Thick Hide)    专长 5
当你的AC不具有物品加值(item bonus)时,你的AC会获得+1点环境加值。9级其,若你的反射和强韧豁免不具有物品加值时,这些豁免还能获得+1点环境加值。13级其,这些环境加值增加至+2点。19级时,这些加值增加至+3点。

饕餮食欲(Voracious Appetite)    专长 5
先决条件 心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
你能够以三动作行动(3-action activity)使用心能盛宴(Psychic Feast),在这种情况下它会失去探索期(exploration)特征。你只能对具有肉、且没有免疫心灵(mental)效果的尸体使用该能力。

引述: 9级族裔专长
滋补盛宴(Nourishing Feast)    专长 9
先决条件 心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
当你对至少达到9级的生物的尸体使用心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)时,你会获得等同于自身等级的临时生命值(temporary Hit Points)。你从相同的尸体上只能获得一次该专长的好处。

强效嗅觉(Strong Nose)    专长 9
先决条件 墓穴嗅觉(Grave Scent)
你的嗅觉变强了。你的灵敏嗅觉作为模糊感官(imprecise sense)能感知40尺范围内的所有气味,若你是锐鼻食尸鬼(Sharp-Nosed Ghoul)则为60尺范围。

巢穴挖掘者(Warren Digger)    专长 9
你是个挖掘奇才。你获得10尺的掘进速度(burrow Speed)。你可以在沙地、土地、泥地或冰里挖掘。除非挖掘的材料特别坚硬,否则你可以选择是否在身后留下一条隧道,在材质坚硬的情况下你总是会留下隧道。若你身后没有留下隧道,则必须在掘地期间屏住呼吸。17级其,你的掘进速度增加至15尺。

引述: 13级族裔专长
齿爪高手(Teeth and Talons Expertise)    专长 13
   失败 你造成一半伤害。

劇透 -  原文:
Ghoul Heritages
As children, Mythos ghouls can be mistaken for certain humanoids. Some take advantage of this fact by contriving to have a ghoul child raised by members of other ancestries. Typically, ghouls place their children only among highly organized ancestries of Medium size. Ghouls raised as changelings in another society maintain the cultural training they received when growing up in that culture. A ghoul born and raised among ghouls is different from a ghoul who was raised by another ancestry. Choose one of the following ghoul heritages at 1st level.

Clawed Ghoul
You have a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage. Your claws are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.

Hardy Ghoul
Your close contact with the dead has inured you to rot and decay. You are immune to non-magical diseases and you have resistance to negative damage equal to your level.

Humanoid-Raised Ghoul
As a ghoul raised by humanoids, you are familiar with their culture. Choose a common ancestry. You immediately gain one ancestry feat for that ancestry. You can always select ancestry feats from the ancestry you chose, in addition to your character’s own ancestry, as long as the ancestry feats don’t require any physiological feature that you lack.

Sharp-Nosed Ghoul
You have a more sensitive nose than most ghouls. You gain scent as an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet, or to a range of 60 feet for undead, corpses, and meat.

Small Ghoul
You were once a gnome, halfling, or other small folk before your occult practices transformed you into a ghoul. You lose 2 Hit Points and your size changes to Small. Choose a Small common ancestry. You immediately gain one ancestry feat for that ancestry. You can always select ancestry feats from the ancestry you chose, in addition to your character’s own ancestry, as long as the ancestry feats don’t require any physiological feature that you lack.

Ancestry Feats
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level). As a ghoul, you select from the following ancestry feats.

1st Level
Close to Undeath Feat 1
You benefit from healing with the negative trait as if you were an undead creature. Positive healing still heals you as well, but it is only half as effective. In addition, when you are healed by positive energy, you must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become sickened 1. (Negative damage and positive damage are not affected by this feat.)

Crypt Polyglot Feat 1
Prerequisites Psychic Feast
When you use Psychic Feast, you can replace the skill insight you gain to instead take the form of one language the creature knew in life. This still counts toward your limited number of insights.

Expert Scrounger Feat 1
You are practiced at finding and using old, broken equipment. You can use broken items as if they were not broken. In addition, when you Seek in rubble, undergrowth, dirt, or other places hidden from view, you replace any result less than 10 + your proficiency bonus with that total result.

Graveyard Lore Feat 1
You have picked up a great deal of information about local cultures from the long time you have spent in cemeteries. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Religion and Society (which you can replace with other skills if you also gained them from your background or class).

Grown Claws Feat 1
Prerequisites any heritage other than clawed ghoul
You grow wicked claws, as a clawed ghoul.

Tooth and Claw Frenzy Feat 1
Prerequisites claw attacks
Requirements Both your hands are free.
You make three Strikes: one with your jaws and one with each of your claws.

5th Level
Erudite Feaster Feat 5
Prerequisites Psychic Feast
You can maintain up to three insights from Psychic Feast. If you would gain a fourth, you choose one of your existing insights to lose. In addition, if the body you feast upon is particularly ancient (at least 100 years old, but well-preserved enough to still retain flesh; this can be via natural mummification or magical preservation), any circumstance bonus you gain increases to +2, or to +3 if you are at least 17th level.

Inured to Rot Feat 5
You are immune to non-magical disease, and you get a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against magical diseases and death effects. If you are a hardy ghoul, you instead become immune to magical diseases and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against death effects.

Ripping Teeth and Talons Feat 5
You are skilled at fighting with your natural weapons. Your jaws gain the deadly d8 trait. If you have claws, they gain the twin trait. Whenever you critically hit with an unarmed attack, you apply the attack’s critical specialization effect.

Thick Hide Feat 5
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus your AC when you do not have an item bonus to AC. At 9th level, you also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Reflex and Fortitude saves if you don’t have item bonuses to those saves. At 13th level, these circumstance bonuses increase to +2. They increase to +3 at 19th level.

Voracious Appetite Feat 5
Prerequisites Psychic Feast
You can use Psychic Feast as a 3-action activity, in which case it loses the exploration trait. You can use it on any corpse that has flesh and that wasn’t immune to mental effects.

9th Level
Nourishing Feast Feat 9
Prerequisites Psychic Feast
When you use Psychic Feast on the corpse of a creature of at least 9th level, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level. You gain this benefit only once from a given corpse.

Strong Nose Feat 9
Prerequisites grave scent
Your sense of smell improves. Your scent is an imprecise sense for all smells with a range of 40 feet, or 60 feet if you are a sharp-nosed ghoul.

Warren Digger Feat 9
You are a prodigy of digging. You gain a burrow Speed of 10 feet. You can burrow through sand, earth, mud, or ice. You decide whether to leave a tunnel behind you unless the material is particularly solid, in which case you always leave a tunnel. If you do not leave a tunnel behind, you must hold your breath while burrowing. At 17th level, your burrow Speed increases to 15 feet.

13th Level
Teeth and Talons Expertise Feat 13
You are deadly with your natural weapons. Your unarmed Strikes gain the following failure effect.
Failure You deal half damage.

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Re: 【SPCM】食尸鬼(Ghoul)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-08-23, 周二 15:43:23 »
神话族裔的变体(Archetypes for Mythos Ancestries)
  • 食尸鬼能够成为精神嗜体(necrophages),他们能够获得选取罕见的耳语颅骨变体魔宠的许可。

Psychophage (Ghoul)

精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication)    专长 2
[变体] [入门] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 食尸鬼(ghoul),心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)
尽管你更喜欢死尸的肉片和干瘪骸骨的味道,但你还可以在使用啃咬打击(jaws Strike)伤害特定生物时吸收思维的碎片。你在生存(Survival)以及食尸鬼学识(Ghoul Lore)上受训(trained),若你已经受训,在此情况下则可以让任意技能变为受训。此外,你还学会了吞噬技能(devour skill)聚能法术。如果你还未拥有聚能池(focus pool),则会获得具有1点聚能点(Focus Point)的聚能池。你可以在每日准备中补充聚能池,也可以通过花费10分钟进行再聚能(Refocus)行动来食用任何适用于心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)能力的肉,并以此来恢复1点聚能点。
特殊 直至选取另外2个精神嗜体变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。

完美食尸鬼(Consummate Ghoul)    专长 4
[变体] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication)
你获得一个有资格选取的额外食尸鬼族裔专长(ghoul ancestry feat)。你还会获得1项技能提升(skill increase),但除非特技技能的熟练度等级已经达到了你的最大熟练度等级(在此情况下你可以正常使用它),否则必须将其应用至生存(Survival)技能。
特殊 你可以多次选取该专长。

吞噬思想(Devour Thoughts)    专长 6
[变体] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication),聚能池(focus pool)
你能够从活人与死尸身上抽取更多信息。当你使用心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)时,能够知晓已死生物最后的想法(final thoughts)。此外,你还能学会吞噬思想(Devour Thoughts)聚能法术。你的聚能池中的聚能点数量增加1点。

吞噬魔法(Devour Magic)    专长 8
[变体] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication),聚能池(focus pool)
你能够利用活人与死尸身上的魔法洞察力。当你使用心能盛宴(Psychic Feast)时,能够知晓该生物死亡时已经准备的所有法术或者法术库(spell repertoire)中所有法术的名字,而且你能够把这具尸体当做魔法文本来进行学习法术(Learn a Spell)行动。此外,你还能学会吞噬魔法(Devour Magic)聚能法术。你的聚能池中的聚能点数量增加1点。

品尝秘密(Savor Secrets)    专长 8
[罕见] [变体] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication),聚能池(focus pool)
你能深入挖掘尸体或生物的血肉来了解他的秘密。你学会了品尝秘密(Savor Secrets)聚能法术。你的聚能池中的聚能点数量增加1点。

活力盛宴(Vital Feast)    专长 12
[变体] [食尸鬼]
先决条件 精神嗜体入门(Psychophage Dedication),聚能点数量最高至少达到了2点的聚能池

劇透 -  原文:
Psychophage (Ghoul)
All ghouls gain sustenance, strength, and knowledge from feasting on the flesh and bones of the dead. The eerie act of digesting the rotting flesh of formerly thinking people infuses fragments of memories and lore into the feasting ghoul’s mind. In most cases, these memories are ephemeral, like dreams remembered through a haze of pleasant euphoria, with key elements periodically coming into sharp focus as the ghoul concentrates.
These glimpses into the memories and knowledge of the dead are not enough for the psychophage, who learns to draw these benefits from the living as well.

Psychophage Dedication Feat 2
Archetype Dedication Ghoul
Prerequisites ghoul, psychic feast
Although you prefer the flavor of dead meat and dry bone, you can also absorb fragments of the minds of certain creatures you damage with a jaws Strike. You are trained in Survival and in Ghoul Lore (unless you were already trained, in which case you can become trained in any skill). In addition, you learn the devour skill focus spell. If you don’t already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to eat any flesh suitable for your psychic feast ability.
Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up. Certain feats can give you more focus spells and increase the size of your focus pool, though your focus pool can never hold more than 3 Focus Points. You are trained in occult spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence unless you already had a spellcasting ability (in which case you use that one).
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the psychophage archetype

Consummate Ghoul Feat 4
Archetype Ghoul
Prerequisites Psychophage Dedication
You gain an additional ghoul ancestry feat you qualify for. You gain a skill increase you must spend on Survival unless it is already at your maximum skill proficiency rank (in which case you can spend the increase normally).
Special You can select this feat more than once.

Devour Thoughts Feat 6
Archetype Ghoul
Prerequisites Psychophage Dedication, focus pool
You can draw more information from the living and dead. When you use psychic feast, you learn the dead creature’s final thoughts. In addition, you learn the devour thoughts focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Devour Magic Feat 8
Archetype Ghoul
Prerequisites Psychophage Dedication, focus pool
You can exploit magical insight from the living and dead. When you use psychic feast, you learn the names of all the spells the creature had prepared or had in its spell repertoire when it died, and you can use the corpse as if it were magical writing for the Learn a Spell activity. In addition, you learn the devour magic focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Savor Secrets Feat 8
Uncommon Archetype Ghoul
Prerequisites Psychophage Dedication, focus pool
You can dig deep into a corpse or a creature’s flesh to learn its secrets. You learn the savor secrets focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Vital Feast Feat 12
Archetype Ghoul
Prerequisites Psychophage Dedication, focus pool with a maximum of at least 2 Focus Points
Any snack of flesh can be a symphony of sustenance to you. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since you last Refocused, you regain 2 Focus Points instead of 1 when you Refocus.

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Re: 【SPCM】食尸鬼(Ghoul)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-08-23, 周二 17:20:53 »