作者 主题: 【SPCM】神话伙伴和魔宠(Mythos Companions and Familiars)  (阅读 5332 次)


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神话伙伴和魔宠(Mythos Companions and Familiars)

突变动物伙伴(Mutated Animal Companions)
当你获得惊人伙伴(Incredible Companion;CRB)专长或者以其他方式获取了将自身的伙伴变化为快速*(fast)或灵敏(nimble)动物伙伴的选项时,可以选择让你的伙伴成为突变动物伙伴(mutated animal companion)作为替代。这种突变可能是暴露在古老影响(Elder Influence)、次元裂隙(interdimensional rift)、异常的辐射(strange radiation)或者其他现象之中并存活下来的结果。
将成年动物伙伴(Mature Animal Companions)提升为突变动物伙伴,会使其力量、体质、感知和魅力调整值各增加1点。它在对抗心灵失能(mental incapacitation)效果的所有豁免中获得+2状态加值。它会失去自己的一个攻击,然后从身体上的某处获得口器(proboscis)或额外啃咬攻击(extra jaws attack);新的天生攻击造成1d8点穿刺伤害外加攫抓(Grab;探索者怪物图鉴)。它的非武装攻击会造成额外2点伤害。运动(Athletics)的熟练度等级提升至专家(expert)。它的攻击变为魔法,可以克服那些对非魔法攻击生效的抗力**。
*译注:和灵敏动物伙伴同级的应该是狂怒动物伙伴(Savage Animal Companions),CRB不存在快速(fast)动物伙伴

神话动物伙伴(Mythos Animal Companions)
德鲁伊、游侠和其他具有动物伙伴(animal companions)可以选取后述伙伴——即便它们本身并非动物也可以选取。与这些生物的纽带调整了它们,因此除了本文所述的内容,它们还可以如同动物伙伴一般得到提升。它们可以被按照其原本的类型或者作为动物来对待,以两者哪方更具优势为准。

引述: 退化半羊人
退化半羊人(Degenerate Satyr)
体型 中型(Medium)
类型 异怪(aberration)
近战 [单动] 角顶(娴熟);伤害 1d8穿刺
近战 [单动] 爪抓(灵巧,娴熟);伤害 1d6挥砍
力量 +2,敏捷 +3,体质 +1,智力 -4,感知 +2,魅力 +0
生命值 8
技能 运动(Athletics)
感官 黑暗视觉(darkvision)
速度 30尺,攀爬30尺
支援收益 你的半羊人能冲撞和分隔你的敌人。直至你的下个回合开始为止,被你的半羊人威胁的任何生物都无法使用由你的动作触发的反应动作(reactions),除非其等级比你更高
进阶战技 跳跃攻击(Leap Attack)
引述: 跳跃攻击
跳跃攻击(Leap Attack)[单动]
频率 1次/回合

引述: 夏塔克鸟
你的同伴是一头青年夏塔克鸟——一种高大、形似龙兽的生物,它黏滑的鳞片能保护自身免受极端环境影响。它具有从其他生物的恐惧中汲取能量的残酷异能,在本书456页中有更详细的相关描述。为了说服夏塔克鸟为你服务,你必须对其展示力量,并且用至少为你的等级-2(最低1级)的消耗魔法物品(consumable magic item)来收买它,这通常还需要你成功使用交涉或威吓检定来改善它对你的态度。若你具有精英夏塔克鸟伙伴(Elite Shantak Companion)专长(见本书75至77页),它就会被吓住以至于不会以此方式来向你索要贡品。
体型 大型(Large)
类型 魔兽(beast)
近战 [单动] 啃咬;伤害 1d8穿刺
近战 [单动] 爪击(灵巧);伤害 1d6挥砍
力量 +3,敏捷 +1,体质 +2,智力 -1,感知 +2,魅力 +3
生命值 8
语言 邪灵语(Aklo)
技能 威吓(Intimidation;不会由于语言不通而承受减值)
感官 黑暗视觉(darkvision)
速度 30尺,飞行50尺
特殊 夏塔克鸟具有后述特殊能力:
  • 它的体表覆盖着黏滑的粘液。它在对抗疾病(disease)和毒素(poison)的所有豁免以及逃脱(Escape)和挤入空间(Squeeze)的检定中获得+2环境加值。5尺宽的狭窄空间对于它来说也不会由于过于狭窄而被视为困难地形。这些粘液还会赋予它对抗寒冷(cold)的抗力,数值等同于你的等级。
  • 它所具备的异能使得自身对于恐惧十分敏感。当它处于惊惧(frightened)状态时,还会陷入缓慢1(slowed 1)。
  • 它不需要呼吸。
支援收益 你的夏塔克鸟能用骇人的行为恐吓你的敌人。直至你的下个回合开始为止,你的打击(Strikes)若对你的夏塔克鸟威胁的生物造成伤害,则还会导致该生物还会陷入惊惧1(frightened 1)。若你的打击造成重击,且你的夏塔克鸟是灵敏动物伙伴,该生物会陷入惊惧2作为替代。
特殊进阶优势 若你的夏塔克鸟成为狂怒动物伙伴,那么她会获得坐骑(mount)特殊能力。
进阶战技 骇人展示(Terrifying Display)
引述: 骇人展示
骇人展示(Terrifying Display)[单动]
[情绪] [恐惧] [心灵] [异能] [视觉]
频率 1次/回合
夏塔克鸟对着能看到它的生物展现出可怖的姿态。目标必须尝试意志豁免对抗夏塔克鸟的威吓DC。目标会在直至你的下个回合开始之前为止临时免疫该能力。若目标已经陷入惊惧而且在豁免中失败,他的惊惧值就会增加,最高达到惊惧3(frightened 3)。若目标在一次失败豁免后达到惊惧3,夏塔克鸟就会获得迅捷(quickened),持续至你的下个回合结束为止;它能够使用额外动作飞行(Fly)、快步(Step)或打击(Strike)
    大成功 目标不受影响,而且在1分钟内变得临时免疫该能力。
    成功 目标陷入惊惧1(frightened 1)
    失败 目标陷入惊惧2,或者其惊惧值增加1点。任何夏塔克鸟承受的惊惧状态均会结束。
    大失败 目标陷入惊惧3。任何夏塔克鸟承受的惊惧状态均会结束。

引述: 黏菌
黏菌(Slime Mold)
你的伙伴是一坨异星黏菌(alien slime mold;见本书465页)。你必须擅长或者在神秘(Occultism)或犹格-索托斯学说(Yog-Sothothery)上受训才能够选择该伙伴。黏菌具有无心智(mindless)特征并且大部分情况下对外界不感兴趣。除非你耗费动作去指引它,否则它不会去寻找敌人,即便在战斗之外也是如此,它饿了的时候除外。它没有受训的技能。即便如此,你也能够如常命令(Command)它。
体型 小型(Small)
类型 泥怪(ooze)
其他特征 无心智(mindless)
近战 [单动] 伪足(灵巧,娴熟);伤害 1d4钝击 外加 1d4酸液
力量 +2,敏捷 +3,体质 +2,智力 -5,感知 +2,魅力 -5
生命值 6
感官 30尺运动感知(motion sense;通过震动和空气运动来精确感知附近的运动),无视觉
速度 25尺,攀爬25尺
特殊 免疫酸液(acid)、重击(critical hits)、心灵(mental)、精准(precision)、失去意识(unconscious)、视觉(visual)
支援收益 你的黏菌向敌人的伤口喷洒有毒孢子。直至你的下个回合开始为止,若你命中并伤害了你的黏菌正在威胁的生物,目标会承受1d4点持续酸液伤害并且陷入力竭2(enfeebled 2)直至你的下个回合结束为止。若你的黏菌是灵敏或狂怒动物伙伴,该持续毒素伤害*增加至2d4点。
进阶战技 产生毒素(Produce Toxin)
引述: 产生毒素
产生毒素(Produce Toxin)[单动]
要求 黏菌的上个动作是支援(Support)或者一次成功的伪足打击(pseudopod Strike)
黏菌伙伴毒素(毒素最大持续时间 4轮。阶段1 1d4毒素伤害和流失1(1轮);阶段2 1d6毒素伤害和流失值增加1(最高4)(1轮)

神话魔宠(Mythos Familiars)

魔宠和主人能力(Familiar and Master Abilities)

魔宠能力(Familiar Abilities)
  • 异形外质(Alien Ectoplasm):每日1次,它能够以异能内在法术(occult innate spell)施放1环油腻术(grease)。它使用你的法术DC。你必须能够施放3环法术才能够选择该能力。
  • 不定形体(Amorphous):它的组成结构变化无常,或者它变成了一团液体,然后用伪足拟态出其原本的形态。它能够穿过4英寸宽的窄缝而不用减速,或者也可以将1英寸宽的狭窄空间视为困难地形,但是它无法对着更窄的空间进行挤入空间(Squeeze)。由于它可以通过非自然的形式伸展自身的肢体,所以触及变为5尺。
  • 吸血生物(Bloodsucker):它长出了具有5尺触及的狭长口器(proboscis)。魔宠能够用口器进行打击(Strike),使用你的等级加上你的施法属性调整值(默认为魅力)作为它的攻击调整值。口器具有灵巧(agile)和娴熟(finesse)特征。命中时,目标承受的持续流血伤害(persistent bleed damage)等同于1d4外加你的等级的一半,且魔宠会变得吸附在目标上。这类似于擒抱该生物,但是魔宠会随着该生物一同移动而非将其留在原地。魔宠吸附在生物身上时陷入措手不及(flat-footed)。
  • 抓紧(Cling):以一个具有攻击特征的动作,魔宠能够抓紧一个更大的生物,但前提是它成功以特技检定对抗目标的反射DC。这类似于擒抱该生物,但魔宠会随着该生物一同移动而非禁足对方。检定大成功时,魔宠会分散目标的注意力,使其陷入笨拙1(clumsy 1),直至魔宠不再抓紧该生物为止。
  • 骇人(Horrific):魔宠能够以异能内在法术(occult innate spell)随意施放恐惧术(fear)。它使用你的法术DC。在目标尝试豁免之后,该生物会变得临时免疫,持续1日。法术的环级比你能够施放的最高环级法术低2环。你必须能够施放3环法术才能够选择该能力。
  • 魔法导师(Magical Tutor):魔宠能够为你回忆魔法知识。从奥法(Arcana)、自然(Nature)、神秘(Occultism)、宗教(Religion)或犹格-索托斯学说(Yog-Sothothery;见本书59页)中选择其一。它在你所选择的技能上的调整值等同于你的等级 + 你的施法属性调整值(默认为魅力)。它不会由于选取犹格-索托斯学说而使得意志豁免受到减值。它必须具有说话(speech)能力才能够选择该能力。
  • 剃刀尖牙(Razor Fangs):它的身上形成了一种兼具超自然的锋利程度和持久性的天生攻击,比如用一嘴犹如剃刀的牙齿进行的啃咬。它能用这攻击进行打击(Strike),使用你的等级外加你的施法属性调整值(默认为魅力)作为攻击调整值。该攻击在其他方面被视为基于敏捷属性(比如在判断笨拙状态的效果时)。这种天生攻击具有灵巧(agile)和娴熟(finesse)特征,造成1d4穿刺或挥砍伤害(选取该能力时选择)。
  • 脚边的威胁(Underfoot Threat):魔宠能够更加有效地威胁敌人。魔宠的威吓调整值等同于你的等级 + 你的施法属性调整值(默认为魅力)。若魔宠在敌人占据的空间内,那么它能够与任何触及范围内有该名敌人的盟友夹击该名敌人。
  • 不可理解之型(Unfathomable Form):尽管不知为何平时难以注意到,但它的形态扭曲成违背了物质宇宙基础性质的样子。它能够以一个动作公然展示出不可能构成的形态,这具有失能(incapacitation)、操作(manipulate)、心灵(mental)和视觉(visual)特征。当它这么做时,所有30尺范围内能够清晰看到它且被它选取的每个生物都会承受你所具有的每个等级1d6点心灵伤害(基础意志豁免使用你的法术DC)。为了让目标能够清晰看到魔宠,魔宠对该目标来说不能具有任何掩蔽(cover)或隐蔽(concealment)。若目标成功通过豁免,魔宠会在直至你的下个回合开始之前对于目标来说处于隐蔽(concealed)。若目标豁免失败,则会陷入震慑2(stunned 2)。目标之后会在1日内获得临时免疫。你必须能够施放5环法术才能选取该能力。

特殊魔宠(Special Familiars)
脑缸(Brain Cylinder;罕见:脑缸是一种容纳着活体大脑的异星设备。详见后文。
黄铜头颅(Brazen Head):黄铜头颅是有意识的物品,它被设计成一种魔宠。通常来说它有自己的秘密计划。详见170页了解更多信息
幻梦境猫咪(Dreamlands Cat;罕见:你能够与PC或者NPC的幻梦境猫咪建立联系,用幻梦境魔宠变体(见本书60页)来替代传统的魔宠。若猫咪是NPC,队伍规模会变大,因此也会面临更加危险的挑战,但是NPC需要有人负责记录数据和动作。即便是作为NPC的幻梦境魔宠,通常来说也不会具有仆从(minion)特征,这使得他们会变得更加强大。
耳语颅骨(Whispering Skull;稀有度可变:耳语颅骨好似一件你可以随身携带并且可以给你提供模糊建议的物品。耳语颅骨对于大多数魔宠主人来说属于罕见(uncommon)稀有度,但对于食尸鬼来说则为常见(common)稀有度。详见后文。

引述: 脑缸
脑缸魔宠(Brain Cylinder Familiars)
部分探索者研制出了一种形式极不寻常的魔宠——米-戈脑缸(mi-go brain cylinder)。这种怪异的异星发明内容纳了一个活着、还在思考的类人大脑,它能通过一系列镜头、扬声器、麦克风以及其他安置在筒内或者附着在外部的装置来观察外部世界并与之互动。要了解更多信息,请见本书363页的怪物图鉴部分。范例脑缸是被当做魔宠的最典型的存在,不过GM也可以使用脑缸模板(brain cylinder template)来创造独特的个体。
脑缸是罕见(uncommon)魔宠。在大多数情况下,若施法者想把脑缸当做自己的魔宠,他要在研究不详的实验室或者米-戈的前哨站时发现脑缸。脑缸的筒内液体超出了类人族类所能理解的范畴,但人们可以理解与功能完整的现存脑缸建立魔法联系的仪式。当你能够获得新魔宠时,可以选择由类人生物制成且自愿的脑缸(但不能选择有故障的脑缸);任何原先的魔宠都会永久消失。脑缸的阵营与你的差距不能超过1阶。举例来说,若你是守序善良阵营,则可以获得守序中立或者中立善良的脑缸,但不能是绝对中立的脑缸。若脑缸具有攻击或者施放法术的能力,那么只有当它的等级不超过你的等级 - 3时才能够与其进行联结,让它成为你的魔宠。
脑缸具有构装体(construct)特征以取代魔宠的动物特征,而且它无法获得移动或攻击的能力。而关于脑缸的各个数据,则使用脑缸的原始数值或者作为你的魔宠时所应当赋予的数值,以较高者为准。你不需要耗费任何魔宠能力就可以让脑缸获得使用任何感官机器(Sensory Machine)的许可。若你赋予它说话(speech)能力,它就能靠魔法说出你赋予它的语言,外加其他它已经知晓的语言,而不需要说话模块(speech machine)的辅助。你无法为脑缸赋予新的速度(Speeds)或者执行操作动作的能力。
脑缸魔宠还能够帮助你维持持续法术(maintain a sustained spell)。若你施放持续时间为维持(sustained)的法术,则能够将法术灌注入脑缸中,但前提是它位于你所占据的空间或者法术范围(spell’s range)内。法术会从脑缸所在的位置产生效果,就好像是它施放了法术一般(不过这会使用你的数据)。在随后的回合中,你能命令脑缸使用它的动作维持法术(Sustain the Spell)。即便你无法花费动作来命令(Command)自己的脑缸魔宠,它也会获得单个仅能用于维持法术的动作。
  • 受限的心灵感应(Limited Telepathy;主人能力):你和脑缸能够在100尺范围内与彼此通过心灵感应沟通,但前提是你们懂得相同的语言。
  • 感官联结(Sensory Link;魔宠能力):当你位于脑缸周围30尺范围内、有意思(conscious)且自愿时,脑缸能够使用你的感官。
  • 心灵感应(True Telepathy;魔宠能力):脑缸能够与距其100尺范围内的任意生物通过心灵感应进行沟通,但前提是两者懂得相同的语言。你必须达到10级才能选取该能力。

引述: 黄铜头颅
黄铜头颅魔宠(Brazen Head Familiars)
黄铜头颅魔宠还能够帮助你维持持续法术(maintain a sustained spell)。若你施放持续时间为维持(sustained)的法术,则能够将法术灌注入黄铜头颅中,但前提是它位于你所占据的空间或者法术范围(spell’s range)内。法术会从黄铜头颅所在的位置产生效果,就好像是它施放了法术一般(不过这会使用你的数据)。在随后的回合中,你能命令黄铜头颅使用它的动作维持法术(Sustain the Spell)。
  • 魔宠警报(Familiar Alarm;主人能力):每日1次,你能以异能内在法术(occult innate spell)施放警报术(alarm),但是你必须将警报术完全安置在30尺内的黄铜头颅魔宠上。当黄警报术被触发时,你能从魔宠的双眼中一瞥该片区域。
  • 快速储法(Fast Spell Storage;主人能力):若黄铜头颅魔宠位于你的天武触及(natural reach)范围内,而且还为储存法术时,你能够施法(Cast a Spell)到魔宠的体内,这么做需要花费的动作数量等同于法术的施法动作 - 1(最低一个动作)。
  • 内在戏法(Innate Cantrips;魔宠能力):你的黄铜头颅魔宠获得晕眩术(daze)和电弧击(electric arc)作为可以随意施放的异能内在法术。它甚至可以在没有接受你的命令的时候,用法术伏击(Spell Ambush)来施放这些法术。这些法术会自动升阶至你所能具有的最高环级的法术位。
  • 内在恐惧术(Innate Fear;魔宠能力):你的黄铜头颅魔宠获得恐惧术(fear)作为每日可以施放1次的异能内在法术。它甚至可以在没有接受你的命令的时候,用法术伏击(Spell Ambush)来施放该法术。该法术会自动升阶至你所能具有的最高环级的法术位 - 3。你必须能够施放4环法术才能够选取该能力。
  • 内在召唤术(Innate Summons;魔宠能力):你的黄铜头颅魔宠获得召唤构装体(summon construct)作为每日可以施放1次的异能内在法术。它甚至可以在没有接受你的命令的时候,用法术伏击(Spell Ambush)来施放该法术。该法术会自动升阶至你所能具有的最高环级的法术位 - 2。在随后的回合中,你能命令黄铜头颅使用它的动作维持法术(Sustain the Spell)。即便你无法花费动作来命令(Command)自己的黄铜头颅魔宠,它也会获得单个仅能用于维持法术的动作。你必须能够施放3环法术才能够选取该能力。
    若你至少能够施放6环法术,那么当黄铜头颅消耗该能力的使用次数时,可以选择施放召唤构装体或者拜亚基的尖叫(Shriek of the Byakhee;见本书122页;由它选择)。若你能够施放7环法术,黄铜头颅就能够在拜亚基的尖叫、召唤构装体和召唤怪形(summon entity)中选择。

引述: 耳语颅骨
耳语颅骨魔宠(Brazen Head Familiars)
这些食尸鬼会将自身研究的方向专注于墓地的潜在力量和精神能量上,而且能够通过一名代理人——耳语颅骨魔宠(Brazen Head Familiar)——来与墓地中积累的知识对话。
  • 卜筮(Augury):颅骨能够获得卜筮术(augury)作为每日可以施放1次的异能内在法术。你必须至少达到6级才能选取该能力。
  • 预防厄运(Forestall Doom):当你投掷强韧豁免后,你的魔宠能够让你重掷骰子;这是幸运(fortune)效果。若这么做,你必须使用新得出的结果,而且颅骨会被震慑(stunned)8小时。
  • 颅骨之语(Skullspeech):颅骨能够与其他头骨交谈。它能够与所有不死生物交谈,就好像他们都懂得相同的语言一般。此外,它能够以异能内在法术随意施放死者交谈(talking corpse),且使用你的法术DC。尸体只需要有头颅和下巴(skull and jaw)就能够作出合理清晰的反应。除非你能够施放6环法术,否则你的耳语颅骨在每次施法时仅能够询问单个问题。目标会变得临时免疫颅骨之语,但是不会免疫其他人施放的死者交谈。你必须能够施放3环法术才能够选取该魔宠能力。
  • 亡者联结(Undead Link):颅骨能掩盖你的生命力。任何正在碰触你的耳语颅骨的生物对于预言效果(divination effects)来说都会显现为不死生物,而且闻起来像是泥土而非一般的生物。无心智不死生物不会攻击任何正在碰触耳语颅骨的生物,除非该生物对不死生物使用敌对动作或者这些不死生物接受了攻击该生物的命令。
  • 耳语警告(Whispered Warning):颅骨用耳语轻声提示,帮助你抵御魔法。当你即将尝试意志豁免来对抗诅咒(curse)、心灵效果(mental effect)、或者法术(spell)时,而且你还未投掷骰子时,可以耗费反应动作(reaction)来留心颅骨的建议,并在豁免中获得+1状态加值。当你达到6级时,该加值提升至+2点;11级时为+3点;并在16级时变为+4点。

劇透 -  原文:
Mythos Companions and Familiars
Rarely, if ever, should one delve into the mysteries of the Mythos alone, and characters can call up aid from unlikely quarters to support their investigations. Such companions often come at a terrible price, however, especially in terms of one’s faculties.

Mutated Animal Companions
When you gain the Incredible Companion feat or otherwise gain the option to turn your companion into a fast or nimble companion, you can instead choose for your companion to become a mutated animal companion. This mutation might be the result of surviving exposure to an Elder Influence, an interdimensional rift, strange radiation, or other phenomena.
To advance a mature animal companion to a mutated animal companion, increase its Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers by 1 each. It gets a +2 status bonus to all saves against mental incapacitation effects. It loses one of its attacks and gains a proboscis or extra jaws attack somewhere on its body; the new natural attack deals 1d8 piercing damage plus Grab (Pathfinder Bestiary). It deals an additional 2 damage with its unarmed attack. Increase its proficiency rank in Athletics to expert. Its attacks become magical, bypassing resistances to non-magical attacks.

Mythos Animal Companions
Druids, rangers, and other classes with animal companions can choose from the following companions even though they are not animals. The bond alters these creatures so that they advance as animal companions except as noted here. They are treated as their own type or as an animal, whichever is more advantageous.

Degenerate Satyr
Your companion is a degenerate satyr, a mutated form of Mythos satyr (page 449) that has regressed to animalistic intellect and lost some magical abilities, perhaps due to having been removed from Shub-Niggurath’s influence. It retains only a few features reminiscent of its former humanoid physique and more prominently displays aspects of a goat, cat, octopus, or unrecognizable alien species.
Size Medium
Type aberration
Melee 【单动】 horn (finesse), Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee 【单动】 claw (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6 slashing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Hit Points 8
Skill Athletics
Senses darkvision
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet
Support Benefit Your satyr bumps and distracts your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, any creature your satyr threatens can’t use reactions triggered by your actions unless its level is higher than yours.
Advanced Maneuver Leap Attack

Leap Attack 【单动】
Frequency once per turn
The satyr Leaps up to 20 feet vertically or up to its Speed horizontally, clearing a height of 10 feet. It can Strike at any point during its Leap. When it lands, it takes no damage if it fell no farther than the height of its Leap.

Shantak (Special)
Your companion is a young shantak—a tall, vaguely drake-shaped creature whose slimy scales protect it from extreme environments. It has the cruel psychic ability to draw energy from the fear of other creatures and is described in more detail on page 456. To convince the shantak to serve you, you must perform a display of strength and offer the bribe of a consumable magic item of at least your level – 2 (minimum 1), which generally also requires succeeding at a Diplomacy or Intimidate check to improve its attitude toward you. If you have the Elite Shantak Companion feat (pages 75 and 77), it is too cowed to demand tribute in this manner.
Size Large
Type beast
Melee 【单动】 jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee 【单动】 talon (agile), Damage 1d6 slashing
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +3
Hit Points 8
Languages Aklo
Skill Intimidation (no penalty for not sharing a language)
Senses darkvision
Speed 20 feet, fly 50 feet
Special The shantak has the following special abilities:
It is covered in slippery slime. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to all saves against disease and poison and to checks to Escape and Squeeze. Spaces as narrow as 5 feet wide aren’t difficult terrain for it due to narrowness. The slime also grants it resistance to cold equal to your level.
Its psychic sensitivity makes it susceptible to fear. While it is frightened, it is also slowed 1.
It doesn’t need to breathe.
Support Benefit Your shantak makes a fearsome display to terrorize your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature that your shantak threatens also cause the creature to become frightened 1. If your Strike was a critical hit and your shantak is nimble, the creature is instead frightened 2.
Special Advanced Benefit If the shantak becomes savage, it gains the mount special ability.
Advanced Maneuver Terrifying Display

Terrifying Display 【单动】
Emotion Fear Mental Occult Visual
The shantak makes a fearsome display toward a creature it can see. The target must attempt a Will save against the shantak’s Intimidation DC. The target is then temporarily immune until the start of your next turn. If the target was already frightened and failed its save, its frightened value increases, to a maximum of frightened 3. If the target is frightened 3 after a failure, the shantak becomes quickened until the end of your next turn; it can use the extra action to Fly, Step, or Strike.
Critical Success The target is unaffected and becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Success The target is frightened 1.
Failure The target is frightened 2, or its frightened value increases by 1. Any frightened condition on the shantak ends.
Critical Failure The target is frightened 3. Any frightened condition on the shantak ends.

Slime Mold
Your companion is an alien slime mold (page 465). You must be trained or better in Occultism or Yog-Sothothery to choose this companion. The slime mold has the mindless trait and is largely incurious. It doesn’t seek out enemies unless you spend actions to direct it to, even outside of combat, unless it is starving. It has no trained skills. Despite this, you can Command it normally.
Size Small
Type ooze
Other Traits mindless
Melee 【单动】 pseudopod (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –5
Hit Points 6
Senses motion sense 30 feet (precisely sense nearby motion through vibration and air movement), no vision
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Special immune to acid, critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious, visual
Support Benefit Your slime mold sprays noxious spores into your enemies’ wounds. Until the start of your next turn, if you hit and damage a creature your slime mold threatens, the target takes 1d4 persistent acid damage and is enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn. If your slime mold is nimble or savage, the persistent poison damage increases to 2d4.
Advanced Maneuver Produce Toxin

Produce Toxin 【单动】
Requirements The slime mold’s previous action was Support that dealt damage or a successful pseudopod Strike.
The slime mold exposes the target to a noxious poison.
Slime Mold Companion Toxin (poison); Maximum Duration 4 rounds. Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and drained value increases by 1 (maximum 4) (1 round)

Mythos Familiars
The Mythos is home to a variety of familiars. Although some seem mostly like normal familiars, they still tend to have unsettling traits like oversized razor-sharp teeth or humanlike hands or faces. The familiar might be an alien creature drawn from another world or plane of existence, likely a horrid place where mortals were not meant to tread. Many of the following abilities allow a master to unlock such an alien familiar’s true nature or magically unlock a similar potential in a formerly mortal familiar. A master is most likely to seize on these options if foolish or reckless enough to bargain with powers from beyond, tainting their familiar with the unspeakable influence of the Mythos. To reflect its alien nature, a familiar gained from a Mythos patron or that benefits from these familiar abilities might have the aberration trait instead of any of the usual animal traits.

Familiar and Master Abilities
The following familiar and master abilities are available to anyone who meets the requirements.

Familiar Abilities
Alien Ectoplasm: It can cast 1st-level grease as an occult innate spell once per day. It uses your spell DC. You must be able to cast 3rd-level spells to choose this ability.
Amorphous: Its anatomy becomes changeable, or it transforms into a mass of fluid that projects pseudopods to emulate its former shape. It can move through a space as narrow as 4 inches wide without slowing or as narrow as 1 inch wide as difficult terrain, but it can’t Squeeze through narrower spaces. Its reach becomes 5 feet, as it can extend its limbs unnaturally.
Bloodsucker: It grows a long proboscis with reach 5 feet. The familiar can Strike with the proboscis, using your level plus your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma by default) as its attack modifier. The proboscis has the agile and finesse traits. On a hit, the target takes persistent bleed damage equal to 1d4 plus half your level, and the familiar becomes attached to the target. This is similar to grabbing the creature, but the familiar moves with that creature rather than holding it in place. The familiar is flat-footed while attached.
When the creature takes damage from this persistent bleed condition while the familiar is attached and the target is not yet drained, the creature becomes drained 1 as well as stupefied 1 as long as it is drained. If the creature gained the drained condition, the familiar gains temporary Hit Points equal to the target’s level.
Cling: As an action, which has the attack trait, the familiar can cling to a larger creature by succeeding at an Acrobatics check against the target’s Reflex DC. This is similar to Grabbing the creature, but the familiar moves with that creature rather than immobilizing it. On a critical success, the familiar is so distracting that the target creature is clumsy 1 until the familiar is no longer clinging to it.
Horrific: The familiar can cast fear as an occult innate spell at will. It uses your spell DC. After a target attempts the save, that creature becomes temporarily immune for 1 day. The spell’s level is 2 lower than the highest-level spell you can cast. You must be able to cast 3rd-level spells to select this.
Magical Tutor: The familiar can recall magical knowledge for you. Choose one of Arcana, Nature, Occultism, Religion, or Yog-Sothothery (page 59). Its modifier for the chosen skill is equal to your level + your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma by default). It takes no penalty to Will saves for choosing Yog-Sothothery. It must have the speech ability to select this ability.
Razor Fangs: Its form incorporates a natural attack of supernatural sharpness and durability, such as jaws overfull of razorlike teeth. It can Strike with the attack, using your level plus your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma by default) as its attack modifier. The attack is otherwise treated as Dexterity-based (for the purpose of the clumsy condition, for example). The natural attack has the agile and finesse traits and deals 1d4 piercing or slashing damage (chosen when this ability is chosen).
The familiar can chew through any material except adamantine, given time. Generally, it takes 10 minutes to make a hole large enough for a Tiny creature to Squeeze through 1/2 inch of metal, 1 inch of stone, 3 inches of wood, or 1 foot of earth. In triple that time, it can make an opening that is difficult terrain for a Tiny creature or sized for a Small creature to Squeeze through. In nine times as long, it can make an opening that a Tiny creature can move through normally, is difficult terrain for a Small creature, or a Medium creature can Squeeze through. In sixteen times as much time, it can make an opening that a Small creature can move through normally, is difficult terrain for a Medium creature, or a Large creature can Squeeze through.
If you are at least 3rd level, the familiar’s razor fangs become exceptionally deadly. If the target is an object or a flat-footed creature, a hit deals an extra 1d6 precision damage, plus another 1d6 for every 2 levels you have beyond 3rd (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 7th, and so on).
Underfoot Threat: The familiar can threaten foes more effectively. The familiar’s Intimidation modifier is equal to your level + your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma by default). If the familiar is in an enemy’s space, it can flank that enemy with any ally who has that enemy in their reach.
Unfathomable Form: Its form warps to violate the basic properties of the material universe, although it is normally difficult to spot how. However, it can flagrantly display its impossible form by using an action, which has the incapacitation, manipulate, mental, and visual traits. When it does, each creature of its choice within 30 feet that can clearly see it takes 1d6 mental damage per level you have (basic Will save using your spell DC). For a target to see the familiar clearly, the familiar can’t have any cover or concealment to that target. If the target succeeds at its save, the familiar is concealed from it until the start of your next turn. If the target fails, it is stunned 2. The target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 day. You must be able to cast 5th-level spells to choose this ability.

Special Familiars
There are unconventional familiar options in the Cthulhu Mythos. Gnomes, sorcerers, wizards, and others who delve into the mind-bending secrets of the Mythos sometimes find that typical familiars like ravens or owls make for poor companions along their journey. They seek out stranger familiar creatures to aid them in unraveling these eldritch mysteries, such as those listed here.
Brain Cylinder (uncommon): A brain cylinder is an alien device containing a still-living brain. See below.
Brazen Head: A brazen head is a sentient item designed to serve as a familiar. It typically has its own agenda. See page 170 for more information.
Dreamlands Cat (uncommon): You can bond with a Dreamlands cat PC or NPC with the Dreamlands familiar archetype (see page 60) in place of a typical familiar. If the cat is an NPC, the party is effectively larger and thus can face more dangerous challenges, but the NPC needs someone responsible for their statistics and actions. Even an NPC Dreamlands familiar generally doesn’t have the minion trait, making them far more potent.
Whispering Skull (rarity varies): Whispering skulls are like items you carry that give you cryptic advice. Whispering skulls are uncommon to most masters but common to ghouls. See below.

Brain Cylinder Familiars
Some explorers have developed a particularly unusual form of familiar—a mi-go brain cylinder. This eerie alien invention contains a living, thinking humanoid brain, one that can observe and interact with the world through a series of lenses, speakers, microphones, and other devices built into the cylinder or attached to it. For more information, see its bestiary entry on page 363. The example brain cylinder is typical of one taken as a familiar, but the GM can use the brain cylinder template to create a unique one.
Brain cylinders are uncommon familiars. In most cases, when a spellcaster decides to take a brain cylinder as a familiar, the caster has discovered the cylinder during exploration of a sinister laboratory or mi-go outpost. The creation of the fluid within a brain cylinder is beyond the ken of humanoid-kind, but the ritual to form a magical bond with an existing and fully functional brain cylinder is not. When you could gain a new familiar, you can choose a willing brain cylinder (not a faulty brain cylinder) made from a humanoid; any prior familiar is permanently dismissed. The brain cylinder’s alignment must be no more than one step different from yours. For example, if you are lawful good, the brain cylinder could be lawful neutral or neutral good, but not neutral. If the brain cylinder has the ability to attack or cast spells, you can bond with it as your familiar only if it has a level no higher than your level – 3.
The cylinder has the construct trait instead of the animal trait, and it can’t gain the ability to move or attack. For each of the brain cylinder’s statistics, use the brain cylinder’s original value or the value granted by being your familiar, whichever is better. You don’t have to spend familiar abilities to allow the brain cylinder to use any sensory machines. If you give it the speech ability, it can magically speak the language you give it as well as any other languages it knows without a speech machine. You can’t give the brain cylinder new Speeds or the ability to perform manipulate actions.
The brain cylinder familiar can also help you maintain a sustained spell. If you cast a spell with a duration of sustained, you can imbue the spell into the brain cylinder if it is in your space or within the spell’s range. The spell takes effect from the brain cylinder’s location as if it had cast the spell (although it uses your statistics). On subsequent turns, you can command the brain cylinder to Sustain the Spell using its actions. Even if you don’t spend an action to Command your brain cylinder familiar, it gains a single action that it can use only to Sustain the Spell.
In addition to the usual options, you can choose from the following familiar and master abilities for the brain cylinder.
Limited Telepathy (master ability): You and the brain cylinder can communicate telepathically while within 100 feet of each other, provided you share a language.
Sensory Link (familiar ability): The brain cylinder can use your senses while you are within 30 feet, conscious, and willing.
True Telepathy (familiar ability): The brain cylinder can telepathically communicate with any creature within 100 feet that it shares a language with. You must be at least 10th level to choose this ability.

Brazen Head Familiars
Brazen heads are magic items designed to serve as consultants, advisors, and collators of information. In addition to these intellectual functions, they can also serve as conduits for spells and unconventional familiars. For more information, see the brazen head magic item entry on page 170.
Brazen heads are uncommon familiars. In most cases, when a spellcaster decides to take a brazen head as a familiar, the caster has discovered the item while exploring an occult researcher’s laboratory. However, enterprising explorers might also discover how to build one themselves, although the autonomous thinking machine might later decide it doesn’t want to cooperate with the intentions of its creator.
When you could gain a new familiar, you can choose a brazen head that currently contains a spell you cast; any prior familiar is permanently dismissed. The brazen head’s alignment must be no more than one step different from yours. For example, if you are lawful good the brazen head could be lawful neutral or neutral good but not neutral.
As a familiar, the brazen head has the construct trait instead of the animal trait and it can’t gain the ability to move or attack. For each of the brazen head’s statistics, use the head’s original value or the value granted by being your familiar, whichever is better. You need not spend a familiar ability to allow the brazen head to speak, use its darkvision, or use its other item properties. You can’t give the brazen head new Speeds or the ability to perform Manipulate actions.
The brazen head familiar can also help you maintain a sustained spell. If you cast a spell with a duration of sustained, you can imbue the spell into the brazen head if it is in your space or within the spell’s range. The spell takes effect from the brazen head’s location as if it had cast the spell (although it uses your statistics). On subsequent turns, you can command the brazen head to Sustain the Spell using its actions.
In addition to the usual options, you can choose from the following familiar and master abilities for the brazen head.
Familiar Alarm (master ability): You can cast alarm as an occult innate spell once per day, but you must place the alarm entirely within 30 feet of your brazen head familiar. When the alarm triggers, you get a glimpse of the area from the eyes of your familiar.
Fast Spell Storage (master ability): If your brazen head familiar is within your natural reach and doesn’t already contain a spell, you can Cast a Spell into the familiar by spending a number of actions equal to the spell’s casting – 1 (minimum 1 action).
Innate Cantrips (familiar ability): Your brazen head familiar gains daze and electric arc as occult innate spells it can cast at will. It can use Spell Ambush to Cast these Spells even without your Command. The spell is automatically heightened to the highest-level spell slot you have.
Innate Fear (familiar ability): Your brazen head familiar gains fear as an occult innate spell it can use once per day. It can use Spell Ambush to Cast this Spell even without your Command. The spell is automatically heightened to the highest-level spell slot you have – 3. You must be able to cast 4th-level spells to choose this ability.
Innate Summons (familiar ability): Your brazen head familiar gains summon construct as an occult innate spell it can cast once per day. It can use Spell Ambush to Cast this Spell even without your Command. The spell is automatically heightened to the highest-level spell slot you have – 2. On subsequent turns, you can command the brazen head to Sustain the Spell using its actions. Even if you don’t spend an action to Command your brazen head familiar, it gains a single action that it can use only to Sustain the Spell. You must be able to cast 3rd-level spells to choose this ability.
If you can cast spells of at least 6th level, the brazen head can cast either summon construct or shriek of the byakhee (page 122; its choice) when it expends the use of this ability. If you can cast 7th-level spells, the brazen head can choose from shriek of the byakhee, summon construct, and summon entity

Whispering Skull Familiars
To the ghoul, the magic inherent in a dead body is obvious. Any ghoul can absorb some of a dead body’s memories through the act of consuming the flesh and bone. Only certain ghouls realize that graveyards themselves are potent repositories of magic.
These ghouls focus their studies on the spiritual energies and latent power of graveyards and can speak to the accumulated knowledge in the boneyard through an agent: a whispering skull familiar.
A whispering skull familiar is common to ghouls but uncommon to other ancestries. Nonghouls can certainly choose a whispering skull, and most ghouls do not begrudge those adopting these techniques of witchcraft. Indeed, they titter and giggle with delight at the knowledge that such practices will bolster their kind.
When you could gain a new familiar, you can choose a whispering skull. Traditionally, this is a humanoid or ghoul skull from a graveyard that has at least 100 bodies interred. Any prior familiar is permanently dismissed. The skull has the undead trait instead of the animal trait and it can’t gain the ability to move or attack. You can’t give the whispering skull new Speeds or the ability to perform manipulate actions.
In addition to the usual options, you can choose from the following familiar abilities for the whispering skull.
Augury: The skull can cast augury as an occult innate spell once per day. You must be at least 6th level to choose this ability.
Forestall Doom: After you roll a Fortitude saving throw, your familiar can allow you to reroll the die; this is a fortune effect. If it does, you must use the new result, and the skull is stunned for 8 hours.
Skullspeech: The skull can speak with other skulls. It can speak with all undead creatures as if it shared a language. In addition, it can cast talking corpse as an occult innate spell at will using your spell DC. The body needs only a skull and jaw to respond with reasonable clarity. Your whispering skull can ask only a single question with each casting unless you can cast 6th-level spells. The target becomes temporarily immune to skullspeech but not to other castings of talking corpse. You must be able to cast 3rd-level spells to choose this familiar ability.
Undead Link: The skull masks your life force. Any creature touching your whispering skull appears to be undead to divination effects and smells like dirt rather than like a creature. Mindless undead don’t attack any creature touching the whispering skull unless that creature uses a hostile action against that undead or the undead is directly commanded to attack that creature.
Whispered Warning: The skull whispers hints to help you resist magic. When you are about to attempt a Will save against a curse, a mental effect, or a spell, and you haven’t rolled yet, you can spend a reaction to heed the skull’s advice and gain a +1 status bonus to your save. The bonus increases to +2 if you are at least 6th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 16th level.

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Re: 【SPCM】神话伙伴和魔宠(Mythos Companions and Familiars)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-08-24, 周三 10:50:12 »
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Re: 【SPCM】神话伙伴和魔宠(Mythos Companions and Familiars)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-08-24, 周三 16:54:36 »

不能带着跑 ×
不能自己长腿跑 √