作者 主题: 【SPCM】专长(Feats)  (阅读 4312 次)


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« 于: 2022-08-26, 周五 12:34:21 »
任何满足先决条件的角色都可以选择后述专长,对幻梦境(Dreamlands)感兴趣的角色或者想要应对第四章的恐惧规则(dread rules)的玩家来说较为有用。

劝解(Counsel)[双动]    专长 1
[听觉] [专注] [通用] [语言] [技能]
先决条件 医疗(Medicine)的熟练度达到受训(trained)
   大成功 你让该生物作出一次全新的豁免对抗心灵效果,这次豁免具有+4环境加值。若该生物得到成功或大成功的结果,该效果对于该生物的影响就此结束
   成功 你让该生物作出一次全新的豁免对抗心灵效果。若该生物得到大成功的结果,该效果对于该生物的影响就此结束。若该生物得到成功的结果,该效果的剩余持续时间减半
   大失败 你的努力适得其反,该生物在下一次对抗该心灵效果时,豁免会承受-1环境减值

绝望知识(Desperate Knowledge)    专长 1
[通用] [技能]
先决条件 宗教(Religion)、神秘(Occultism)、犹格-索托斯学说(Yog-Sothothery)或者与异怪(aberrations)、星界生物(astrals)、天族(celestials)、灵界生物(ethereals)、魔族(fiends)或不死生物(undead)相关的学识(Lore)技能的熟练度达到受训(trained)
每轮1次以自由动作(free action),你能进行关于骇物(eldritch forces)、旧日支配者(Great Old Ones)、外神(Outer Gods)、异怪(aberrations)、星界生物(astrals)、天族(celestials)、灵界生物(ethereals)、魔族(fiends)和不死生物(undead)的回忆知识(Recall Knowledge)。若此类势力或生物的迹象的察觉DC等同于或者低于10 + 你的等级,你就能自动注意到这些迹象。如果你曾经遭遇过这类生物(比如冰魔或者米-戈斥候),就可以识别出他们。

梦想家(Dreamer)    专长 2
[通用] [技能]
先决条件 魅力14,神秘(Occultism)或表演(Performance)的熟练度达到受训(trained)
你那栩栩如生的想象力会为你揭开幻梦境的秘密世界。当你获得该专长时,将会获得自己在梦境形态(dream form)中的所有记忆外加苏醒形态(waking form)中的所有记忆,你的两个平行的身份不再被分隔独立:你在这两个宇宙(universes)中都是同一个人。
你能够让自己从幻梦境醒来,这需要以单动作成功通过DC 20的神秘或表演检定,该动作具有专注(concentrate)特征。当你这么做时,你的梦境形态会消失至你再次返回幻梦境为止,之后你会在自己的肉身中醒来。若你在该检定中失败,则在10分钟内无法再次尝试该动作。

骇人感知(Eldritch Sensitivity)    专长 1
[罕见] [通用] [技能]
先决条件 手艺(Crafting)或表演(Performance)的熟练度达到受训(trained)
你那富有想象力的艺术作品展现出了你对怪异现象的敏锐感受力。你能自动意识到你所感受到的艺术或文字是否是在与神话的接触中被激发而成的作品。当神话力量(Mythos forces)正在活跃时,你的梦境会变得晦暗不详,提供给你模糊的线索,若你追寻这些线索,就会被带得更加接近这些力量。
你还会获得一种模糊的感官,让你能够感知到生物或物体与神话怪物或古老影响(Elder Influence)近距离接触后的精神残留物。这种感官无法说明是谁或什么正在与什么怪物或影响接触、也不能识别出产生接触的方式。即便你还不能清晰地意识到该线索是什么,你也能够使用回忆知识(Recall Knowledge)来辨识它。
此外,你还能根据自身的怪异梦境或者与神话接触时的感觉来制作一件艺术品,用此物品来协助自己理解它们。制作艺术品通常需要花费8小时时间(由GM判断),而且你每天只能这么做一次。艺术品能以两种方式协助你:让你重掷回忆知识检定,以及向他人提供可以用来识别神话力量的线索。若你在关于线索的回忆知识检定中得到失败但并非大失败时,则可以在每日准备(daily preparations)期间反复思考自己的艺术品,进而重掷检定。你每日只能以此方式重掷一次检定。你无法就相同的主题再次制作艺术品。
任何检查你的艺术品的人也能尝试回忆知识检定来寻找艺术品中的线索,了解到关于神话力量或者怪物的更多信息。在休整期活动(downtime activity)中花费1日时间,你能够向任何定居点内的神秘学艺术收藏家展示艺术品;除非激发你的梦境或感觉的神话力量或怪物过于晦涩(exceptionally obscure),否则至少有一名联系人能够从你的艺术品中辨认出足够痕迹,告知你关于主题的大致信息或者为你指明能够做到这一点的图书馆或专家。

艺术执念(Obsessive Artistry)    专长 2
[罕见] [通用] [技能]
许可 黄印教团(cult of the Yellow Sign)
先决条件 表演(Performance)的熟练度达到受训(trained)
你的执念能抵御任何阻止你创作的纷扰。心灵效果(Mental effects)、困惑状态(confused condition)、迷魂状态(fascinated condition)、以及疯狂苦难(madness afflictions)无法阻止你施法(Casting a Spell;仅限异能法术)或使用表演技能(Performance skill)。这些效果仍然会如常控制或干扰你的其他动作。
若你具有稳定施法(Steady Spellcasting)职业专长,那么该纯骰检定(flat check)的DC降低1点。你还能使用该专长防止反应动作(reaction)打断你对于表演技能的使用。

病态的逃避(Pathological Refuge)    专长 7
[罕见] [通用]
许可 源核混沌的疯狂教团(cultic madness of the nuclear chaos)
你通过隔绝自己的部分思想来逃避可怕的现实。你和GM一同选择一种符合情理(makes sense)且不会对游戏产生破坏效应的疯狂苦难(madness affliction;见第四章的超自然恐惧一节)。这种疯狂应该大致属于99页描述的第一档(first-degree)的疯狂类别。只要你带有该状态,你的意志豁免就会获得+2状态加值,同时免疫意志豁免承受的所有状态减值(甚至包括那些来自疯狂苦难的状态减值)。若你的疯狂结束了,则可以选择一个新专长来取代该专长。

劇透 -  原文:
Any character who meets the prerequisites can choose from the following feats, many of which are of particular use to characters interested in the Dreamlands or contending with the dread rules in Chapter 4.

Counsel 【双动】 Feat 1
Auditory Concentrate General Linguistic Skill
Prerequisites trained in Medicine
You speak soothing words to a creature within 30 feet to help it break free from mental effects. If you can reach the target, you can opt for a gentle touch, in which case this activity loses the auditory and linguistic traits and gains the manipulate trait. Attempt a Medicine check against the mental effect’s DC. After you attempt to Counsel a creature for a specific effect, you can’t try again until after that creature’s next save against the mental effect.
Critical Success You grant the creature a new saving throw against the mental effect with a +4 circumstance bonus. If the creature succeeds or critically succeeds, the effect ends on that creature.
Success You grant the creature a new saving throw against the mental effect. If the creature critically succeeds, the effect ends on that creature. If the creature succeeds, the effect’s remaining duration is reduced by half.
Critical Failure Your efforts are counterproductive, imposing a –1 circumstance penalty on the creature’s next save against the mental effect.

Desperate Knowledge Feat 1
General Skill
Prerequisites trained in Religion, Occultism, Yog-Sothothery, or a Lore skill related to aberrations, astrals, celestials, ethereals, fiends, or undead
You can Recall Knowledge about eldritch forces, Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, aberrations, astrals, celestials, ethereals, fiends, and undead as a free action once per round. You automatically notice signs of such forces or creatures if the Perception DC is equal to or less than 10 + your level. You recognize the kind of creature (such as ice devil or mi-go scout) if it is one you have encountered before.

Dreamer Feat 2
General Skill
Prerequisites Charisma 14, trained in Occultism or Performance
Your vivid imagination unlocks the secret world of the Dreamlands to you. When you gain this feat, you gain full access to all your dream form’s memories alongside your waking form’s memories, and your two parallel identities are no longer independent: you are the same person in both universes.
You can travel knowingly in your dreams to the shared universe of the Dreamlands (see Chapter 4). Generally, you can bring only minuscule mundane things without value (such as a leaf or rock) between your physical form and the Dreamlands unless they are magic items designed to be brought this way.
You can wake yourself up from the Dreamlands by succeeding at a DC 20 Occultism or Performance check using a single action, which has the concentrate trait. When you do, your dream-form vanishes until you return to the Dreamlands, and you awaken in your physical body. If you fail this skill check, you can’t try again for 10 minutes.

Eldritch Sensitivity Feat 1
Uncommon General Skill
Prerequisites trained in Crafting or Performance
Your visionary art is a manifestation of your keen sensitivity for unearthly phenomena. You automatically recognize when art or words you perceive were motivated by contact with the Mythos. Your dreams turn dark and ominous when Mythos forces are active, giving you vague clues that will bring you closer to those forces if you follow them.
You also have a vague sense that allows you to perceive the psychic residue of close contact with a Mythos monster or Elder Influence upon a creature or object. This sense doesn’t indicate who or what the monster or Influence is, or what the manner of contact was. You can use Recall Knowledge to recognize the clue even though you aren’t consciously aware of what the clue is.
Additionally, you can create a piece of art based on your eldritch dreams or a sense of Mythos contact to help you make sense of them. Creating the piece of art typically takes at least 8 hours (GM’s discretion), and you can do so only once per day. The art can help you in two ways: allowing you to retry your check to Recall Knowledge and providing clues others can use to identify the Mythos force at work. If you failed but didn’t critically fail your check to Recall Knowledge about a clue, you can meditate on your art during your daily preparations to retry the check. You can retry only one check per day in this manner. You can’t create this art about the same subject again.
Anyone who examines your art can also attempt a check to Recall Knowledge to find a clue in the art, learning more information about the Mythos force or monster. As a downtime activity that takes 1 day, you can show the art to occult art collectors in any settlement; unless the Mythos force or monster that inspired your dream or sensation is exceptionally obscure, at least one contact recognizes enough of its traces in your art to tell you general information about the subject or to point you to a library or expert that can do so.

Obsessive Artistry Feat 2
Uncommon General Skill
Access cult of the Yellow Sign
Prerequisites trained in Performance
Your obsessiveness prevents any distraction from stopping your creativity. Mental effects, the confused condition, the fascinated condition, and madness afflictions can’t prevent you from Casting a Spell (occult only) or using the Performance skill. The effects still control or interfere with your other actions normally.
If you have the Steady Spellcasting class feat, reduce the DC of the flat check by 1. You can also use this feat to prevent a reaction from disrupting your use of the Performance skill.

Pathological Refuge Feat 7
Uncommon General
Access cultic madness of the nuclear chaos
You seek refuge from terrible truths by isolating parts of your mind. You and the GM work together to choose a madness affliction (see Supernatural Dread in Chapter 4) that makes sense and that will not have a disruptive effect on the game. This madness should generally fall into the category of a first-degree madness as described on page 99. As long as you have this condition, you get a +2 status bonus to Will saves and are immune all status penalties to Will saves (even those from the madness affliction). If your madness ends, you may choose a new feat in place of this one.