作者 主题: 【W:tA】-扩展-变化妖怪-东方变形者  (阅读 32066 次)

副标题: W:tA-Hengeyokai-Shapeshifters-of-the-East

离线 赤熊

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« 于: 2021-05-25, 周二 20:43:20 »

    关于一位占星者的东方之旅 the tale of one stargazer’s to the East       
Introduction:The changings phantoms 介绍:变化的鬼怪   p16
Chapter One:Lands of the Emerald mother 第一章:翡翠之母的土地  p22
    The history of the hengeyokai and the tales of their lands 变化妖怪的历史和他们土地上的故事     
Chapter two:The tapestry 第二章:事件 p40
    The umbra of the East  东方之阴影
Chapter three:Lord of Beast Courts  第三章:兽庭之主们 p54
    The individual races of the hengeyokai   变化妖怪中的独特个体 
Chapter four:weapons and antagonists 第四章:手段和敌人 p106
    The hengeyokai's arsenal of magic and infamous enemies  变化妖怪的资源库和令人憎恶的敌人
Chapter five:The nine-tails.第五章:九尾 p122
    An introduction to the Kitsune 狐人的简介
Chapter six:Birth and youngest  第六章:诞生与最初的  P126
    The origin and history of the Kitsune 狐人的起源和历史
Chapter sever:The courtly dance 第七章:宫廷舞会  p144
Chapter eight:Opening of the Eyes 第八章:睁眼  p154
Appendix:nobles among nobles 附录:贵族中的贵族  p175

« 上次编辑: 2022-08-08, 周一 21:18:54 由 赤熊 »

离线 赤熊

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变化妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-06-06, 周日 22:45:05 »
Chapter three:Lord of Beast Courts  第三章:兽庭之主们
What would we do with all things of the human world?  You carry all creation within your body.  In all things, Three — Mothers, Thunders, Worlds, Fires.  Choice is undesirable and unhealthy.  Select nothing, and receive all.  — Nagah maxim


The Sunset People find the hengeyokai strange and unfamiliar, but in essence they aren't incredibly different.  The majority of differences stem from the communal society of the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother, which has altered the hengeyokai spiritually and socially over the years.
All hengeyokai cause the Delirium in Crinos form, save for the Kitsune.  For the Tengu and Khan, the effects are somewhat lessened;  witnesses react as if their Willpower were two points higher, due to the fact that these Breeds did very little marauding in Crinos during the Fourth Age.  However, the Khan cause full Delirium in their Chatro form, and the hideous Kumo (whose depredations never stopped) invoke the Delirium in Lilian and Aghora forms alike.
Also, unless otherwise noted, silver affects all hengeyokai with the same detrimental effects that it wreaks on Garou.

Sentai 战队
The most startling evidence of cooperation between the courts (at least startling to Western eyes) is the tradition of sentai, or war parties. Sentai are formed in accordance to strict tradition — always with a purpose, and always in a manner pleasing to the spirits and the Court of Ancestors.
But although a sentai can be as tightly knit as a pack, they almost always include shapeshifters of two or more different Breeds — a concept unthinkable to the Sunset People, who still keenly remember the War of Rage.

The traditional number in a sentai is five. There are five cardinal directions, five faces of the Moon and five elements. Each of these must be represented in the sentai, or the spirits may find the war party inauspicious and unworthy of aid. Therefore, each member of a traditional sentai is aligned with a direction, an element, and most importantly,a task. These alignments are each chosen separately —although the Kuei-jin would presume that fire is inextricably linked with the direction of south, the "south wind" of a sentai is not necessarily its "fire talon." The tasks roughly correspond to the Garou auspices, although the duties of each one vary somewhat from the Western norm.

Some sentai are fully devoted to the Courts of the Emerald Mother, and act with unswerving unity. These sentai are almost as effective as Garou packs, because each of the members is expected to set aside personal ambition and Breed loyalty in devotion to the higher cause. They adhere to the common Renown system of the courts, and enjoy many of the privileges of a pack. Such war parties are known as mountain sentai, and are as enduring and spiritually blessed as their namesake.By compare, a wave sentai is meant to last only until its purpose is completed, and asks less of its members. Like the waves, they form and dissolve as the situation requires, and enjoy the advantage of great fluidity, if not great strength.
Wave sentai choose no totems, and members do not have to abide by a common Renown system. Wave sentai are usually chosen from whomever is convenient at the time — some rare few have even included certain trustworthy non-hengeyokai, such as hsien, Western shapechangers, sorcerers or even Namebreakers. Wave sentai do not enjoy all the social privileges that mountain sentai do, but their advantage of convenience is unmistakable.
一些战队完全献身于翡翠之母的兽庭,坚定不移的团结在一起。这些战队几乎和狼人的兽群一样有力,因为每个成员都被期望抛开个人欲望和种族偏见,投身于更崇高的事业。他们拥护兽庭的共同名誉制度,并享有许多兽群特权。这样的战斗团体被称为山岳战队,和名字一样,经久不衰,崇高神圣。相比之下,波浪战队只会持续到它的目的完成,并且对它的成员要求更少。  就像波浪一样,它们随情况的需要而形成和消失,有着优越的流动性,或是有着强大的力量。波浪战队不用选择图腾,成员也不必遵守共同的名誉制度。波浪战队通常从当时方便的人中挑选——少数人甚至包括一些值得信赖的非变化妖怪,如hsien(谪仙,换生灵东方版本)、西方的变形者、法师。波浪战队并不享有山岳战队所享有的所有兽群特权,但他们的便利优势是毋庸置疑的。

Auspices 吉兆

The house shall have
A well
a hearth
a fire
a roof
and a pillar
to hold them upright
and keep them apart.
— Hengeyokai proverb
— 变化妖怪格言

The root word of "auspicious" is "auspice." It should come as no surprise, then, that the hengeyokai concept of a balanced and well-ordered sentai closely matches the Western Garou ideal of a pack — each one has members to fulfill five vital roles. However, the hengeyokai place less import on the moon-sign of one's birth (which influences relatively few hengeyokai other than the Hakken), emphasizing more the roles assigned to the sentai members at the time of the war party's formation.
“吉兆”的词根是“月兆”。 因此,和谐有序的“战队”概念与西方狼人理想的“兽群”典范非常匹配,也就不足为奇了——每位成员都能履行五个重要职责。然而,变化妖怪认为一个人的出生月相不那么重要(这对变化妖怪的影响相对较少,除了八犬),更强调在战斗团体形成时分配给战队成员的角色。

Essentially, the difference between a sentai and a simple band of hengeyokai is the Way of Emerald Virtue. In a sentai, the various members are sworn subjects of the Beast Courts, and gain Renown as appropriate for their auspice roles. Loosely affiliated hengeyokai who gain Renown according to the guidelines of their Changing Breed are considered wave sentai at best, and more often simple "packs" (not the Garou definition, since the Garou are a minority among the Courts).

Mountain sentai are the definition of the traditional war party; members take a common totem (as per the Background), one hengeyokai is present for each auspice,and many Breeds are usually represented. If a court doesn't have enough available hengeyokai for the full five members,a mountain sentai is still possible, although the spirits tend to look on it as half-formed and incomplete. Those courts lucky enough to have extra available shapechangers will sometimes assign a hengeyokai or two to assist a mountain sentai, creating a war party of six or seven, but usually only the core five members are bound by the Rite of the Harmonious Journey. Generally speaking, if more or less than five hengeyokai are available for a war party, the courts will instead form a wave sentai.

Wave sentai do not have to include a member of each auspice, but ignoring this tradition is considered unlucky —and in a setting where the spirits react poorly to inauspicious behavior, with visible results, luck is worth quite a bit.Unfortunately, sometimes an unlucky sentai is all that's available. Although members of such sentai may have to work twice as hard to overcome the low expectations that the Courts show them, individuals may prove themselves worthy of respect by overcoming this handicap.

The heart of the war party is the Lantern; he is the beacon that guides the paths of his fellows, and the heat that draws them together. He often leads the sentai, coordinating the actions of his comrades into an effective whole.However, the Lantern may also temporarily relinquish command to the sentai member more qualified to lead in a given situation — letting the Fist take over battle tactics or the Leaf coordinate a stealth mission. The Lantern is expected to be wise and just in all his actions, and follows a most exacting path; but if he distinguishes himself in such a demanding role, then his renown is assured.
Concepts: Judge, mediator, sergeant, sifu, detective,crusader, everyman hero, noble, executive, student

A sentai without a Fist is doomed indeed — in the World of Darkness, violence is constantly a threat, and the Fist is the sentai's first line of defense. Like the general of the court, the Fist is the martial arm of the sentai. He may be the weapons master of the team, the fiercest fighter, or even a physically weak warrior with a talent for tactics. Whatever his specialization, he is responsible for ensuring the safety of his sentai in times of battle. Considering the shapeshifters' penchant for Rage and bloody combat, this role is usually easy to fill.
Concepts: Soldier, predator, gunsmith, enforcer,weapon master, goblin slayer, martial arts sensei, gun runner,supercop, hit man

The Mirror is the sentai's tongue. She is the one who calls spirits, who bends strangers into allies, who pronounces sorceries. Like the reflection on a still pond, she is the link to the spirit world, and like a silvered looking glass, she is the cool presence that disarms the prideful. The Mirror performs a dangerous role; like a court's seer, she is the one singled out by spirits as the sentai's representative. Nonetheless, this role comes with a myriad of opportunities to prove one's wisdom, and most Mirrors are glad to accept the challenge.
Concepts: Healer, mystic, negotiator, sorcerer, seducer,medium, ritemaster, animist, outsider

Like her namesake, the Leaf rides the wind into the deepest forests, passing unnoticed above the mightiest camps of the enemy. The Leaf serves as the sentai's eyes, and quietly gathers information to aid her comrades. Whether jester or cold-blooded murderer, this auspice is the way of stealth and stealing in. The most accomplished Leaf is one who dares much and acts with great cleverness; and if the rest of the sentai must act to draw her out of the trouble she discovers,such is to be expected from time to time.
Concepts: Spy, orphan, trickster, computer hacker,sentinel, Umbral scout, assassin, wild cub, detective, teacher

Perhaps the least glamorous of the sentai roles, the Pillar serves as the legs of the war party. His is the role of support, of the strong back that can bear a fallen comrade or the optimistic voice that rouses the spirits of the sentai. The Pillar is often a skilled fighter as well, and is in many cases a jack-of-all-trades, capable of aiding each of his teammates in their tasks if necessary. Although not always highly visible, the Pillar holds an honored position and can enjoy great Renown for his role in ensuring the sentai's efficiency.
Concepts: Bard, pilot, medic, artist, machinesmith,strongman, artisan, salt of the earth, sage, Zen master

Changing auspice 改变吉兆
The auspice of a hengeyokai is often considered foreordained in some respects; a Hakken Ahroun is obviously best suited to the path of the Fist, for instance, while a Tengu can serve as a Leaf nonpareil. However, it's entirely possible to switch from one path to another, particularly with the dissolution of a sentai and the need to take on other duties.
The changing of auspice is carried out via the Rite of the Second Face. It is considered unlucky for a hengeyokai to undergo this more than once, and in any case it is often difficult to accumulate sufficient Renown to prove that one is well suited to one's new task.
However, a hengeyokai who wishes to turn from the Path of Emerald Virtue to the service of his own tribe, or vice versa, must undergo the Rite of the Great Burden. This is in all respects like the Garou Rite of Renunciation, and the shapeshifter may never learn the Gifts of his abandoned road again. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of hengeyokai are perfectly content to serve either the Courts or their Breeds for as long as they live. Such is the way of things.

Other tribes 其他部落
There's no reason that Garou of the Thirteen Tribes, or other Western shapechangers, cannot join the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother. However, such a thing is virtually unheard of, at least where born-and-bred Sunset People are concerned. Most of the Garou in the Courts have been in Asia for generations upon generations, growing more in tune with the Beast Courts than with the Garou Nation. Although they may have originally been of the Red Talons or Stargazers, Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia or Glass Walkers, the Garou present in the Beast Courts are hengeyokai through and through, almost to the point where they feel more comfortable around Khan and Tengu than they do around Western members of their own tribes.
A Western shapeshifter who enters fully into the Beast Courts' service undergoes the Rite of the Great Burden, stripping away her former life and assigning her a new auspice. Needless to say, many of her tribemates may find this an act of betrayal; even though she still serves Gaia, she may prove a security risk to her former family. In truth, there are no known records of the hengeyokai asking a former Sunset Person to divulge the secrets of her ilk, but the tension of the Final Days encourages the possibility that anything could happen.

Gifts and Rites 灵赋和仪式
The hengeyokai of the Beast Courts keep a wealth of common magics, and provide training to those who prove themselves worthy. They share a number of Gifts and rites among themselves in order to further the efficiency of the Courts as a whole. Although a hengeyokai cannot always be guaranteed that a teacher will instruct him in the common Gift he requires, the degree of cooperation is nonetheless much higher than that of the Sunset People.
The "communal" Gifts and rites can be learned by any hengeyokai, provided they follow the Way of Emerald Virtue. They aren't as easy to master as the Gifts granted by birthright, but they are decidedly easier to learn than foreign Gifts such as those of other Breeds or the Sunset People.Most hengeyokai in service to the Courts begin play with at least one of these communal Gifts, and may also choose rites from the common body of lore.
Those who follow one of the five active or sentai auspices may also choose the auspice Gifts of the Garou in lieu of a common Gift; for instance, a Mirror may choose to learn a Theurge Gift instead of a more courtly trick. In such cases, the experience cost is the same as if the Gift were communal. Naturally, if the auspice Gift in question is cheaper to purchase due to one's Breed, the player need not pay the "court" cost; this is one reason that Ahrouns drift to the Fist auspice, and so on, and so forth.
A listing of the Courts' shared Gifts and rites appears in Chapter Four.

The shapeshifters of the Middle Kingdom, loyal as they are to either their tribe or to the greater society of the Beast Courts, have a distinct choice in the roads their lives may take. They may dedicate themselves to their betterment of their Breed, in which case they use Renown rules similar to those of their Western cousins (Khan concern themselves with Cunning, Ferocity and Honor, for example, while such Tengu follow the more Wisdom-oriented pattern of other Corax). However, the majority of hengeyokai involved in the Beast Courts adhere to a Renown system shared by all Changing Breeds of the Courts — the Way of Emerald Virtue. This system makes little provision for the variety of races involved in the Courts, and instead rewards those who follow the common law of the Mandates, obey their court divined auspice, fight in sentai or defend the caerns belonging to the Courts as a whole.
Renown is accorded to the role each hengeyokai plays in the court. There are six auspices — the five "active" auspices that are represented in a sentai, and the path of the courtier. Courtiers remain in the court year-round, applying their talents primarily to the maintenance and defense of the dragon nest rather than actively pursuing tasks and missions outside the court's territory.
Like so many other things, Renown is a three-part entity. However, the three aspects of hengeyokai Renown are not mutually exclusive; there is much Virtue to be found in following the paths of Glory and Wisdom, while it might speak well of a shapeshifter's Glory to dare much in the name of Wisdom. As a result, the Storyteller can award a temporary point or two more of Renown after a great deed; the hengeyokai know that in following one's path, one honors all paths.
There is a down side to this generosity, however. Losing Renown is a grave affair among hengeyokai; they consider trespasses of such nature highly barbaric behavior. Of course, their definition of barbarism doesn't match the human ideal — to the hengeyokai, a barbarian among shapeshifters is one that is out of balance, relying overmuch on his human or animal nature while ignoring his duties as a shapeshifter. In the eyes of the Courts, a Hakken computer hacker who cultivates contacts among high society may well be seen as less advanced as a Same-Bito hermit who shuns human and shark society in order to learn the ways of the spirit world. Consequently, Renown losses are often more significant among hengeyokai, sometimes even double the penalty a Westerner might suffer — the hengeyokai loses Renown for her offense, and further Renown for the embarrassment of losing Renown at all! The Storyteller should feel free to award hefty penalties to hengeyokai characters who behave poorly; after all, the downside to such an elevated society is a similarly elevated standard of conduct.

• Glory: There is no question that bravery is a virtue.The willingness to lay down one's life for the Emerald Mother is one of the most honored traits among hengeyokai.However, this doesn't include idiotic deaths; the Hakken never took to seppuku as readily as did the humans, because the shapeshifters are few enough already. Hengeyokai Glory represents valor, ferocity, steadfastness, loyalty to the courts and martial skill; those without Glory receive little respect from those who are willing to die for the Mother.
• Virtue: Like the Garou concept of Honor, Virtue embodies dignity, integrity, honesty and loyalty to the Mandates. The hengeyokai, however, rank these qualities as signs of virtue rather than honor largely because honor is highly subjective; what a Hakken finds to be honorable behavior is rarely what a Nezumi considers proper conduct. Virtue represents the ability to act in accordance to Gaia's laws, to cooperate with other hengeyokai without compromising one's own duties. Those without Virtue are considered disrespectful of the Courts' harmony and potential troublemakers.
• Wisdom: In all things, one must cultivate Wisdom. It is the call of the spirit world, the promise of enlightenment, the potential to be one with one's duty, ancestors, surroundings and the Mother. Hengeyokai standards of Wisdom are notably high, and those who do not cultivate this virtue are considered barbaric creatures, too much of human or beast.


• 荣耀:毫无疑问,勇敢是一种美德。愿意为翡翠之母献出自己的生命,是变化妖怪中最受尊敬的特质之一。然而,这不包括愚蠢的灭亡;八犬从不接受像人类一样切腹自杀,因为变形者已经很少了。变化妖怪的荣耀代表勇敢、凶猛、坚定、对兽庭的忠诚和战斗技巧;那些没有荣耀的人很少得到那些愿意为翡翠之母而死的人的尊重。
• 美德:与狼人的“纯洁”名誉类似,美德体现了尊严、正直、诚实和对任务的忠诚。然而,变化妖怪将这些品质列为美德而非纯洁的特点,主要是因为纯洁是高度主观的;一个哈肯/八犬认为高尚的行为很少是尼兹米认为正确的行为。美德代表着按照盖亚法则行事的能力,在不妨碍自己职责的情况下与他人合作的能力。那些没有美德的人被认为是不尊重兽庭的和谐和潜在的麻烦制造者。
• 智慧:凡事都要培养智慧。这是精魂世界的呼唤,智慧的启迪,职责、先祖们、环境和盖亚的潜在影响。变化妖怪的智慧的标准特别高,不培养这种美德的人被认为是野蛮的生物,太像人或野兽了。

The hengeyokai recognize five steps of Rank, as do Western shapechangers. Their titles for the various ranks are phrased in the form of various materials, and are used as general modifiers rather than out-and-out titles; thus where a Western Garou might introduce himself as an Ahroun Cliath, a hengeyokai would refer to herself as a Gold Courtier.
Hengeyokai wear the colors or materials of their rank openly, as a visual cue for their fellow shapeshifters or to the spirits. They traditionally pair the material or color in question with a symbol, glyph, mon or badge representing their sentai or court; for example, a Silver-rank Nezumi of the Biting Rain Court might wear a white armband embroidered with the emblem of his court (since a silver mon would be obviously impractical). Hengeyokai who have yet to pass their Rite of Passage are called Stone, and their color is gray. In ascending order, the five Ranks beyond are Wood ( brown) , Iron (red), Steel (blue), Gold (yellow), and Silver (white); silver is considered paramount, due to its association with the Moon. Those legendary heroes who rise to the equivalent of Rank 6 are called Jade, and their color is green; those entitled to wear a jade badge are respected throughout the Middle Kingdom.
What's to stop a pretender from wearing the colors of a rank to which he's not entitled? Although few hengeyokai care whether or not a Rank One Tengu wears silver j ewelry or white clothing, if the same Tengu tried to wear a silver or white badge of rank, the spirits would most assuredly notice. Just as the spirits act as witnesses to rites of Renown, the communal memory of Gaia's heavenly servants knows full well who is exactly of what station. True, a Gaffling might not notice the difference immediately, but it would be sure to mention the Tengu's rank in passing to a Jaggling, and the gossip would spread from there. Those who aspire to an unearned station quickly find their rites impotent as the spirits ignore their calls, and discover that no spirit teachers for Gifts are available.
Of course, hengeyokai legend tells of a few instances where great heroes had to resort to such bluffs to save their caerns and families. However, such heroes often had to work off their karmic debt afterwards in order to regain the spirits' blessing. It is a tactic that has worked before, but that holds no guarantee to work again. To be on the safe side, it is more prudent to disguise oneself in the color of a lower Rank than your own, should such tactics become necessary.
Obviously, with all these formalities, the amount of titles heaped on one hengeyokai can be staggering. It's not uncommon for a Hakken's formal title as a court regent to run something like "The Iron Pillar Motomuchi Slashes-Heaven, Theurge to Clan Yomitachi, South Wind and Moon Talon to the Forest Shaker Sentai" — and that doesn't even include the possibility of listing his deeds! Since shapeshifters are a generally impatient lot, such titles are frequently abbreviated. The most common exception is when dealing with the spirit courts, when an extended recital of one's faithfully obeyed duties is important to making a good first impression.


Here and there, various practices throughout this book are said to be "considered unlucky" or "inauspicious." This is no idle matter to the hengeyokai, who depend on the good will of spirits to perform their rites and serve the Emerald Mother. Consequently, it should be stressed that hengeyokai are very reluctant to undertake "unlucky" endeavors, as the consequences are more than a simple breaking of superstition. Storytellers should enforce the mystical feel of Hengeyokai games by punishing, indirectly or directly, hengeyokai who ignore the traditions of auspicious behavior —they may be shunned by their courts, lose Renown or be treated poorly by spirits. These punishments shouldn't be too stringent, but should certainly leave the offender with the realization that the traditions are there for a purpose.



Experience Chart
Trait                                               Cost
Gift                                                Level of Gift x3
Common Courts Gtft                        Level of Gift x 4
Gift from other breed/auspice/tribe    Level of Gift x 5
*Shapeshifters cannot learn Gifts above Level Three from outside their Changing Breed.


« 上次编辑: 2022-08-07, 周日 02:43:37 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:47:14 »
Hakken 八犬   (译者:东方狼人Garou)

Laughing Daughter of night“夜之笑女”小短文

At first glance, some gaijin werewolves think the Hakken merely to be typical Shadow Lords in samurai guise. Shadow Lords with honor? Many Garou laugh uproariously at such a notion. But the Hakken and their world view go far beyond Shadow Lord stereotypes. To Western eyes, Hakken goals are often incomprehensible, while their actions make perfect sense in terms of bushido, the way of the warrior (also called budo). All loyal Hakken follow this path and consider themselves samurai in the most traditional sense. For all intents and purposes, they are a unique group unto themselves with only tenuous ties to the Shadow Lords. In fact,most Hakken consider Western Shadow Lords crude and,distasteful, though they're generally too polite to say so. It's not the political dabbling or backstabbings that are turnoffs:these things happen among Hakken, too. No, it's that most Shadow Lords lack any real finesse, polish or code of conduct for the whole process that's unappealing to their Japanese cousins.
But where is the wolf in this tale? Why do the howls of Gaia's warriors grow softer each new season? What has caused the human half of the Hakken to dominate the wolf?The answers lie within the events of the Fourth Age.
As the wars raged between hengeyokai courts, and between shapeshifter and human, the lupus and homid Hakken made a solemn pact: that Tsuki-yomi's lands and peoples would be protected. The Land of the Rising Sun was at that time small, relatively weak and isolated; the Hakken believed that all beings, Garou and human, should work together to preserve the islands. To this end, they began to strengthen their ties with mortals. The werewolves made alliances with human leaders, fought in their armies and served in their governments. The numbers of human Kinfolk swelled — and the Hakken's society gradually began to drift away from the Garou's tribal structure, instead imitating the way of the feudal Japanese mortals. Forgotten in this plan, though, were the wolves. Their Kin became fewer and fewer every passing year. Finally, the lupus werewolves also dwindled in number; now, most live only in the extreme northern islands. A few homid Hakken realize loss of the wolves will cause dire consequences, but they're puzzled about what to do.
One solution, of course, is simple: the Hakken must resist their intolerance to change and bring in new lupus blood. While the overly human customs of the Hakken repulse the lupus of some tribes, others are intrigued by Japan's beauty and mystery, both natural and supernatural. Possibly, lupus from Siberia or the Pacific would be willing to move to the  Hakken's islands, especially to strengthen the blood of the wolf. But at least for now, the Japanese werewolves will have none of it. Other tribes are gaijin, foreign, inferior. What do they know of the highest demands of honor, family and duty? But sooner than later (it is hoped), the Hakken will have to face the terrible truth: they are losing the wolf. Without that lupus connection, they are losing touch with the primal side of being shapeshifters, instead aping their preferred human society in a manner most would associate with the parasitic vampires.
For the Hakken, the way of the warrior has several key tenets(though the average Hakken would be loath to admit oursiders could grasp these concepts). Some Hakken believe that human warriors learned these codes from the werewolves;others believe that the human and Garou codes developed simultaneously. Whatever the truth, homid Hakken follow the tenets closely; they adopted these customs to successfully interact with humans during the Fourth Age, and now,these tenets are a way of life. Lupus Hakken are less inclined to take the code as seriously.
• Benevolence and unselfishness —The Hakken's two swords, katana and wakasashi (collectively called the dai-sho), are the symbol of his authority and rank. To the Hakken, using a sword (even a finely crafted blade like a katana) is a sign of mercy among his fellow werewolves although drawing a weapon is a sign that the Hakken intends to shed blood, the dai-sho are far less lethal (to other hengeyokai) than the tooth and claw that are still the primary weapons in a Hakken's arsenal. Wearing the dai-sho reminds the Hakken that the warrior should remember to check his power and show mercy as appropriate; as a result, the Hakken never bind spirits into their blades. Power is a serious responsibility; to use it judiciously is a wise thing. A true warrior wouldn't turn away those hungry or in need of his help, nor would he strike without provocation. (Note that provocation has a different meaning among werewolves!)
• Straightforwardness — This is a tricky concept that understandably leaves a lot of gaijin scratching their heads in confusion. The idea behind this notion is appearing to be straightforward, unruffled or forthright; however, this facade may or may not penetrate into the layers of a warrior's soul. In truth, most Hakken are deft politicos; a typical outsider would never realize she'd been brutally insulted, thanks to a Hakkeijks use of straightforwardness. After all, the Hakken are sti!1|||hadow Lords to some degree. The symbol for this tenet illjjfewel, somehow appropriate since it appears to be simple onffieOMtside but has infinite depths.
• Wisdom — The mirror is the symbol of wisdom, for it is a tenet that begins with knowleageof the self. A Hakken must know her own strengths and limitations. MoreoVjjUras
a famous Hakken once said, "Others are merely mirrors of the self. How can ycmtove or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself?" Together, benevolence, straightforwardness and wisdom complete shintoku, the divine virtues.
• Loyalty (chushin) —
• The maintenance of quality in all things —
• Eternal obedience —
• Acceptance of punishment for failure —
• Acceptance of a just fate for injustices done to others — This is karma;

The Hakken divide themselves into clans quite similar to tribal camps, but are centered around hereditary families and alliances. The concept of belonging to a group is extremely important to a Hakken; the loyalty most Garou share with their packmates is reflected in the Hakken's sense of family bonds. Usually all members of a clan are blood relatives, though a daimyo can grant clan status to any individual she chooses. The Hakken believe that the clan is like the human (or werewolf) form: the daimyo is the heart and mind, the warriors are the hands and feet, the people are the body and the elders are the senses. Everyone is interconnected, and only the well-being of all clan members insures overall quality. The Hakken prize their Kin perhaps even moreso than do Western Shadow Lords, though they are certainly no less demanding of service and loyalty. Many Hakken wear their family mon during battles or ceremonies. Lupus Hakken are perhaps the exception, and prefer gathering in more traditional packs; they are often more inclined to join hengeyokai sentai than homids are.
Instead of conducting massive clan wars, the Hakken settle most interclan disputes in ritual single combat. Sometimes, as with the Zhong Lung, this combat takes the form of art or lore competitions. The Hakken still delight in complex political machinations that may take years to culminate, nowadays made more tangled by increased technology. Just because they value tradition doesn't mean the Hakken are above using sophisticated bugs or hacking programs. But despite their unusually humanistic philosophy and outlook, the Hakken remain Garou; they still gather at caerns and hold moots much like other werewolves around the world.
The vast majority of Hakken live in Japan, but a scant few have immigrated to the west coast of the United States and to other parts of southeast Asia. Conflict is brewing to some extent between the Hakken and Glass Walkers over economic interests in Tokyo, Hong Kong and other cities in the region. Not a few Hakken are disturbed that some Glass Walkers have joined forces with the yakuza.Among the Ainu people on Hokkaido are a few Uktena, but the Hakken consider them little competition.
In the courts of the hengeyokai, the Hakken serve as soldiers of the highest order. They are often found as generals,and serve their oaths of loyalty to both court and clan with the utmost distinction. They are perhaps happiest when serving with the Kitsune and Tengu, who have longhistories in japan; other hengeyokai make them uncomfortable, and a Hakken is typically unhappy when asked to serve in a sentai with other Breeds.
Nonetheless, they always set personal feeling aside when duty is concerned, and it is hoped by the Zhong Lung that service with other hengeyokai will provide the Hakken with a much needed link back to their primal sides.

Traits,Breeds,and Forms特性,族类和形态
The Hakken correspond to other werewolves in terms of auspices, breeds and forms. However, lupus Hakken are extremely rare since the wolf all but disappeared from Japan in the early part of this century. A few lone wolves remained in the northern islands, but whether there are Kin among them is anyone's guess; this loss of lupus werewolf and Kin is quickly growing to be a serious problem. Similar to Silver Fangs in the West, many Hakken choose mates to cement alliances and keep family Fines pure. However, love and passion are certairjly not unknown;loyalty and devotion to mates and children are part of seeking quality in all things. More of a crime is mating outside the Hakken bloodline; they believe (perhaps rightly) that no gaijin can fully understand their code of honor and way of life.This may have to change if the Hakken are to survive.
Hakken have no restricjpitis on what Background they can or can't buy, but Allies, Kinfolk and ,fest Life are common choices. Hakken of noble families may bear weapons other than the dai-sho that are also fetishes, many with  bound Ancestor-spirits. Hakken take unsoakable aggravated damage from silver (see Werewolf, p. 198), but may soak other forms of aggravated damage from radiation, fire and claws and teeth of other shen.
Rank and Renown foltowfhe same guidelines as Western werewolves, although Storytellers may want to pe extra stingy with Renown. Hakken are expected to always aipt with honor, glory and wisdom; only extraordinary acts should merit extra rewards. Most Hakken simply refer to themselves as samurai, rather than using gaijin terms; those who haven't yet undergone a Rite of Passage are sometimes callid ashigaru.

Hakken begin with three Gifts, one each for tribe, breed and auspice. Those who follow the Way of Emerald Virtue and are sworn to the Courts begin play with a Hakken Gift, a general hengeyokai Gift, and a breed Gift. They may use any Shadow Lord Gifts in addition to those of their own distinct subtribe. As with most other hengeyokai, several Gifts are taught by Ancestor-spirits.

• Dream of a Thousand Cranes (Level One) — This Gift grants the user good luck for a brief period of time. It is taught by an Ancestor-spirit.
System: The Hakken folds a single origami crane and the player makes a Charisma + Occult roll, difficulty 6. For each success, the Hakken may add one die to a chosen dice pool for one scene.
• 千鹤之梦(LV1) — 这个灵赋能在短时间内给使用者带来好运。它是由先祖之灵教导的。

• Fair Path (Level One) — To appear before one's clan at moots or during rites in a disheveled or unpurified state is considered highly dishonorable. A Water-spirit teaches this Gift which allows the Hakken to appear perfectly groomed and dressed; this is quite useful when coming from a battle to speak with the daimyo.
System: To use this Gift, the Hakken dips her hand in clean water and the player makes a Charisma + Etiquette roll, difficulty 6. She may add one die for each success to any rolls involving Social Attributes for the next scene.
• 闪耀之道(LV1) — 在辩论赛上或在仪式上,以衣衫不整或脏兮兮的状态出现在自己的部落成员面前被认为是非常不光彩的。水之精魂教导这种灵赋,让八犬看起来打扮得很完美;这在与大名战斗结束后非常有用。

• Storm Winds Slash (Level Two) — Although the dai-sho are not weapons of lethal combat among hengeyokai, the Hakken are not above using their power to slay lesser beings such as bakemono.Using this Gift, the werewolf can wound an opponent at a distance by executing a secret cut technique; as the Hakken slashes with her katana, a very real wound appears on the victim, mirroring the Garou's strike. A Metal or Wind-spirit teaches the Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Melee, difficulty 7; the attack can be dodged as usual. Except for the range (of about 50 yards), this slash is treated as an ordinary katana strike; it does not cause aggravated damage.
• 暴风斩打(LV2) — 虽然对刀(译者:即打刀和肋差的组合)在变化妖怪中不是致命的战斗武器,但是八犬并没有放弃使用他们的力量去杀死像怪物这样的低等生物。通过使用此灵赋,八犬可以在远处秘密的伤害对手。当八犬挥砍她的武士刀时,受害者身上出现了一个非常真实的伤口,反映了狼人的攻击。金属或风之精魂传授此灵赋。

• Dark of Night (Level Three) — Use of this Gift causes temporary blindness in a chosen victim; they can see nothing but inky blackness. Using this Gift in formal duels is a grave offense, causing the wielder to lose four points of temporary Renown in each category; he also cannot gain Renown from such a tainted duel even if he wins. A Raven-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Hakken empties a vial of ink and the player makes a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll at difficulty 6. For each success, the victim is blind for one hour.
• 夜之幽暗(LV3) — 使用这个灵赋会导致选定的受害者暂时失明;除了漆黑一片,他们什么也看不见。在正式决斗中使用此灵赋是一种严重的冒犯,导致持用者在每个名望类别中失去四点临时名望;即使他赢了,他也不能从这样一场有污点的决斗中获得名望。一只乌鸦精魂传授这种灵赋。

• Living Treasure (Level Four) — The Hakken prize ancient pieces ot art and often have such objects in their homes. Most of these .treasures have awakened spirits that can impart bits of wisdom. This Gift coaxes the spirits of items to speak and tell their tales. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: After the Hakken touches the object, a Manipulation + Etiquette roll is made, difficulty 7. For each success, the spirit will impart one brief bit of legend about its past. This Gift can even be used on common items; a gun might speak of its wielder, or a teacup of the Kuei-jin ceremony where it last saw use.
• 活着的珍宝(译者:又或“付丧神唤”?因为看上去与付丧神相像)(LV4) — 八犬珍视古代艺术品,他们的家里经常有这样的物品。这些珍宝大多唤醒了能够传授智慧的灵魂。这个天赋让物品的灵魂能够说话和讲述它们的故事。先祖之灵教导这种灵赋。

• Divine Wind (Level Five) — This Gift summons a terrifying storm upon a target area. Trees uproot and cars fly like paper cartons. Nothing can withstand the force of the wind which destroys buildings, cars and life. The teacher of this Gift is either an Ancestor-sprit or a servitor of Naru-kami, Lord of Thunder.
System: The user makes a Stamina + Enigmas roll, difficulty 7, and spends at least one Rage point. For each success, the storm will cover a one-mile radius; each additional Rage point used will add one success. Damage inflicted is at the Storyteller's discretion, though any unprotected humans will likely suffer severe injuries — if not death — from the storm's fury. The storm lasts for only a few turns, but rivals many hurricanes in its fury.
• 神圣之风(LV5) — 这个灵赋召唤一场可怕的风暴到目标区域。树被连根拔起,汽车像纸箱一样飞起来。没有什么能抵挡摧毁建筑物、汽车和生命的风力。这个灵赋的老师要么是先祖之灵,要么是雷电之主,鸣神的仆人。

Rites of Death, Punishment and Accord are those most often practiced by the Hakken. Rites of Renown occur infrequently but are always times of tremendous celebration. Without a doubt, the most solemn ritual is the Rite of Seppuku.Most Westerners think this is merely ritual suicide in protest of a daimyo's policy or because a Hakken has failed in her duty. The rite, however, also restores lost honor to the celebrant's clan or allows a Hakken to join her departed daimyo if she feels she can't continue without his guidance. A Hakken gains approximately five points of Honor and two points of Wisdom posthumously for participating in the Rite of Seppuku. Her clan is likewise given esteem. If a daimyo is still living, it's customary for the Hakken to obtain permission before beginning this rite. Hakken believe Rites of Death are particularly important as they wish to rejoin their clans in other lives; the proper conduct of a Rite of Death will help insure this dream.

Perhaps you speak with wisdom; perhaps our fangs have dulled with the years , and our talons grown feeble from clutching human weapons . Would you do me the honor of proving the truth of your words? Please, I await your attack.

• Khan — They are rough and barbaric; though they believe themselves to be more noble than the mightiest daimyo. These great beasts will never understand perfection.
• Kitsune —They are our respected allies in the struggle against the coming age's corruption. The Foxes occasionally keep secrets, but well do they understand the need for balance in all things. i "
• Kumo — Have any of these unsettling folk ever wriggled out from under the Wyrm's thumb? They seek to remake what balance and beauty exists into their own twisted image, and thus they are our enemies.
• Nagah — Their constantly shifting coils hint at impatience.
• Nezumi —Honor among these carriers of filth and disease is not to be found. They are crude and lacking in dignity; still, their worth in the arts of Low War is hard to deny.
• Same-Bito — So they have their own codes of honor? How well do they measure up against our traditions? None too well, I imagine, since they probably imitated us in the first place.
• Tengu — They don't practice bushido, but why expect the warrior code from messengers and scouts? The raven-folk are loyal and spirited, and if they test our patience from time to time, it is not too great a trial.
• Zhong Lung — Their gaze is most unsettling, and their tales of battles before a sea separated Nippon from China even moresq. They de not approve of us,that much we can tell.
• Sunset People — A few are tolerable and polite, but none will ever fully understand us. Most are only interested in stealing our lands or wealth. Treat them respectfully, but never give them your trust.

边栏:Hakken Lexicon 八犬词典

边栏:Renown 名誉

边栏:Susanowo and the wyrm 须佐之男和妖蛆

« 上次编辑: 2023-05-30, 周二 18:12:56 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:49:08 »
Khan 可汗   (译者:东方野猫人Bastet )

The king who Forgot 被遗忘的王

The Khan who have been raised in courtly fashion are fierce warriors, yet have trained to overcome their anger to a slight degree. They begin play with 5 Rage and 2 Willpower. They may purchase any Backgrounds (unlike the Khan outside the Beast Courts, these hengeyokai have been granted the great blessing of contact with the Courts of the Ancestors, and may purchase Past Life), including the Bastet-specific Background of Den-Realm; of course, they may only purchase Totem if part of a mountain sentai.

Unfortunately, the Khan cannot step sideways naturally; only the use of a specific Level Four Gift can permit them to enter the spirit world at will. This reason alone is enough to drive most Khan to search out worthy comrades to form a mountain sentai, that with their noble compan- ions' assistance they may taste the delights of the Tapestry.

Khan who do not follow the Way of Emerald Virtue follow a Renown system similar to that of Garou Ragabash (although they generally require more Renown per Rank). In the tribal ideals, the virtues of Ferocity, Cunning and Honor are paramount. However, most Khan in the Middle Kingdom are traditionalists at heart, and prefer serving the Emerald Virtues — preferably as a Fist with the opportunity to avenge as many of their Kin's deaths as possible.

Breed 族类

The feline breed of the Khan is dwindling fast; some of the weretigers have been reduced to creeping into Chinese tiger-breeding operations in order to preserve their bloodline. However, since such cubs are almost always raised in captivity, they manage to survive to adulthood more frequently — but are less prepared for the rigorous life of a hengeyokai.
可汗的猫子正在迅速减少;为了保存他们的血统,一些虎人已经沦落到偷偷溜进中国的老虎繁殖机构。不过,由于这些幼崽几乎总是被圈养,它们更容易存活到成年 — 但对变化妖怪的苛刻生活准备不足。

Homid Khan are more numerous, but are notoriously choosy about their breeding stock. The blood of the tiger is sacred, not a gift to be shared with just anyone. Once they chose only the finest nobles and cavaliers of China and Korea, but those days are long gone. Now selecting the best and most worthy from among the billion souls in China alone is a difficult undertaking, particularly considering that duty often comes first. Some Khan take solace in one another's arms first, and the result is the occasional metis. These wretched beasts, twisted by the fiery purity of their bloodline, are always raised within the Courts, where they quickly learn the responsibility that is their birthright. To a metis Khan, there is no other life than that of their duty.

Homids begin play with 2 Gnosis; metis have 4 and felines 6.

Forms 形态

• Homid: Even in their human form, the Khan are regal and imposing. Most are large and broad-shouldered, giants among men. They are often very attractive in an athletic, imposing way.
• 人形:即使是人形,可汗也是高贵而威严的。大多数人身材高大,肩膀宽阔,是人中巨人。他们通常是非常有吸引力的健壮者,气势磅礴。

• Sokto: Not the brute Glabro form of the Garou or Same-Bito, the Sokto form is long and supple, with sharp cheekbones, vestigial whiskers, elongated canines and slitted eyes. The hair grows longer and begins to take on a decidedly striped pattern, while the fingernails are now closer to retractable claws. Needless to say, the Sokto form is intimidatingly exotic.
• 亚人形:可汗的亚人形态不像狼人和鲛人的那样凶残,他们在这一形态修长而柔韧,有凸起的颧骨,退化的胡须,细长的犬齿和狭长的眼睛。

• Crinos: Although still not as powerful as Gaia's chosen warriors, the Khan nonetheless gain mighty war skills in their half-tiger form. The Crinos towers a full nine feet tall, although it is capable of surprising grace for its bulk. A Khan in Crinos causes a lessened Delirium in onlookers for this was not their preferred form for carrying out the Impergium.
• 战争形:虽然仍然没有盖亚挑选的战士强大,但可汗在半虎形态下获得了强大的战争本领。这一战争堡垒足有九英尺高,尽管它庞大的身躯有着惊人的优雅。战争形态的可汗造成的谵妄会减弱,因为这不是他们在农耕时代喜欢常用的形态。

• Chatro: This massive throwhack to the smilodon is terrifying to behold. Twice as tall as an ordinary tiger at the shoulder and four times as massive, with the trademark saber-teeth of its spiritual ancestor, the Chatro form is nothing less than a striped killing machine.Mortal onlookers suffer the full Delirium when beholding the Chatro, as memories of saber-toothed killers flood back.
• 巨虎形:这种巨大可怕的剑齿虎看起来很可怕。肩高是普通老虎的两倍,体型是普通老虎的四倍,有着其精神祖先标志性的剑齿,巨虎形可汗简直就是一台条纹杀人机器。当人类旁观者看到巨虎形可汗时,他们会完全谵妄,因为剑齿虎杀手的记忆会潮水般涌来。

• Feline: Although not as immense as the Chatro, the tiger form is nothing to sneer at. Some Khan are fond of assuming Feline form to attract poachers, then proving how much more fearsome they are than their cat Kin.
• 虎形:虽然没有战争形那么大,虎形也没什么值得嘲笑的。一些可汗喜欢以虎形吸引偷猎者,然后证明他们比他们的猫嫡更可怕。

Gifts 灵赋

The Court's tiger-soldiers begin play with three Gifts — one communal hengeyokai Gift, one breed Gift (use Garou breed Gifts, or those found in Bastet), and one Khan Gift. Their Gifts tend to focus on arts of combat and purity, although they also understand some tricks of stealth.
兽庭虎卫开卡三个灵赋 — 一个公共变化妖怪灵赋,一个族类灵赋(使用狼人族类灵赋或者寻找原版猫人灵赋)以及一个可汗灵赋。他们的灵赋倾向于专注战斗和纯洁的艺术,虽然他们也懂一些隐秘活动的技巧。

• Catfeet (Level One) — As the Level Three Lupus Gift.
• 猫步(等级一) — 如同等级三狼子灵赋

• Crushing the Centipede (Level One) - As often as the Khan are called on to battle the venomous spawn of the Yomi Worlds, it's no wonder that they developed this Gift.By calling on the purity of Heaven, the Khan may make his hands or paws almost impervious to damage, enabling him to strike spiny or acidic enemies without fear. The Gift is taught by an Elephant-spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Medicine, difficulty 6; for each success, the Gift's effects last one turn. While the Gift lasts, the Khan receives five extra soak dice against damage applied to his hands or paws. This Gift is most commonly used to smite foes who are ​harmful to the touch, although it also has some practical
uses outside of combat (snatching an object from a roaring furnace, for instance).
• 碾碎蜈蚣(等级一)–当可汗经常被召唤去与黑暗世界的有毒生物战斗时,他们开发出这种灵赋也就不足为奇了。通过呼唤天界的纯净之力,可汗使他的手或爪子几乎不受伤害,让他能够毫无畏惧地打击多刺或酸性的敌人。

​• Razor Claws (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.
​• 剃刀之爪(等级一) — 如同名尚武者灵赋。

• Sense the Truth (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.
​​• 感知真实(等级一) — 如同裁决者灵赋:盖亚真相

​• Gift of the Cricket (Level Two) — Although the Khan are mighty warriors, their first duty is that of gathering secrets. This Gift is another trick designed to aid them in such affairs, permitting them to hear things through walls
and across streets as if they were in the very room of the sounds' origin. This Gift is taught by the unobtrusive Cricket–spirit, and the Khan honor their teacher in the name of the Gift.
System: The Khan nominates a point anywhere within 250 yards and the player rolls Gnosis, difficulty of the local Wall. If successful, the Khan may eavesdrop on that very point for one turn per success. Note that the Khan must have a very good idea of where the target area is; if she cannot see it from her current location, she must be reasonably familiar with it. "The noodle shop where I had lunch" would be a reasonable request, while "Mituchi-san's 14th-floor office," presuming the Khan has never been to the 14th floor of the building in quesjion, would not.
​• 蟋蟀的灵赋(等级二) — 虽然可汗是强大的战士,但他们的首要职责是收集秘密。这个灵赋是又一个旨在帮助他们处理这些事情的技巧,允许他们隔着墙壁和街道听到声音,就好像他们就在发出声音的房间里一样。这个灵赋是由不引人注目的蟋蟀精魂传授的,可汗以这个灵赋的名义向他们的老师致敬。

• Heart of Fury (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.
• 愤怒之心(等级二) — 如同尚武者的灵赋

• Sense of the Prey (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.
• 狩猎感知(等级二) — 如同嘲弄者灵赋。

• Paws of the Raging Spirit-Tiger (Level Three) — One of the Khan's greatest war secrets, this Gift allows the tiger to sheath his paws in crackling spirit energy. So empowered, he may tear into enemies in the spirit world without stepping sideways himself, as long as he can see them. Obviously, no spirit will teach a Khan this Gift unless directly instructed to do so by a Minister of Heaven; most weretigers have to carefully (and painfully) learn its secrets from others of theiijdnd.
System: The khanfocuses his will and spends a Gnosis point On the next turn paws or hands begin to smolder in blue-white, sparking light. The light burns from blue to green, then to yellow, then to red, then to a pinkish hue and finally disappears — in all, the Khan gets about six turns of battle before the Gift's effects ends.
• 虎魂怒爪(等级三) — 这是可汗最大的战争机密之一,这个灵赋允许虎人用噼啪作响的精神能量护住他的爪子。如此强大的力量,只要他能看见敌人,他就可以攻击敌人而不必步入精神世界。很明显,没有精魂会教可汗这种灵赋,除非天界大臣奉命行事;大多数虎人不得不小心地(困难地)从世界上的其他虎人那里学习它的秘密。

• Devour the Unclean (Level Four) — As the Theurge Gift: Spirit Drain. This Gift can only be used on Banes, but the energy gained from doing so is purified somewhat by this power. It is taught by a Tiger-spirit.
• 吞噬不洁之物(等级四) — 如同通神者灵赋:精神枯竭。这项灵赋只能对忌灵使用,但由此获得的能量在某种程度上被这种力量净化了。它是由一只老虎精魂教导的。

• Punishment from the Moon (Level Four) — As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws.
• 来自月亮的惩罚(等级四) — 如同尚武者灵赋:银爪

• Heaven Thunder Hammer (Level Five) — By channeling the power of Heaven itself, the Khan strikes out with a blow that can shatter walls and splinter trees. The force of his strike is akin to a gigantic battering ram, smash- ing through anything in his path. This Gift is taught by the Tiger General of the Ministers of Heaven.
System: The player must spend three Rage and two Gnosis, and make a Strength + Primal-Urge roll. The Khan's subsequent strike covers about a five-foot radius (reducing his difficulty to hit his opponent to 3 ) , and adds a number of dice equal to his permanent Rage and Gnosis pools to his damage dice pool. Any other Gifts that affect his paw strikes, such as Paws of the Raging Spirit-Tiger or Blaze Talons, also lend their aid to this blow.
After using this Gift, the Khan must personally ask permission from the Tiger General to use it again in a later combat. Although this request is almost never denied, it can take some time to gain an audience.
• 天锤雷降(等级五) — 通过引导天界本身的力量,可汗一击就能分墙摧树。他攻击的力量就像一个巨大的攻城锤,粉碎他前进道路上的任何东西。此灵赋乃天界大臣虎将军所教。

Form statistics
Sokto*亚人形     Crinos*战争形    Chatro*巨虎形   Feline*虎形
力量Str:+2   Str:+3    Str:+4   Str:+2
敏捷Dex:+1  Dex:+2  Dex:+2  Dex:+2
耐力Sta:+2   Sta:+3   Sta:+3   Sta:+3
操纵Man:-1   Man:-3   Man:-3   Man:-3
外貌App:-1   App:0     App:0
*Khan have -2 difficulty modifier to their Perception rolls in this form.
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-12, 周二 00:27:36 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:49:48 »
Kumo 枯魔   (译者:东方蜘蛛人)

« 上次编辑: 2022-07-10, 周日 22:12:33 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:52:17 »
Nagah  娜迦  (译者:东方蛇人)

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:54:49 »
Nezumi 鼠人  (译者:东方鼠人Ratkin)
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-10, 周日 22:58:05 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:58:18 »
Same-bito  鮫人  (译者:东方鲨鱼人Rokea)

Organization 组织
Contrary to what outsiders may think, the Same-Bito are quite a gregarious tribe ,congregating in slews of three to a dc|j||. In this aspect, they're similar to the werewolves.Albeit rarely,these weresharks do have Kin who live among the people of thailand, Oceania, Indonesia and coastal areas of Japan and China The warm waters of Southeast Asia are home to many varieties of sharks; even the Ganges River shelters sharks. Where there is salt water, there are likely Same-Bito.
Leadership of Same-Bito  (factions or packs) is taken fight has two parts — one on land and one in the water. A panel of three judges arbitrates any disputes over ties or rules infractions. The loser must endure the taunts of his comrades, but usually nothing more punitive. The Same-Bito prize the scars that often result from such trials. Of course, incidental fighting still goes on outside the jurisdicton of the packs.
Peculiarly, the Same-Bito that have risen to leadership status are far from the greatest warriors; rather, those of the Same-Bito's noble caste are descended from the "goblin sharks" of Asian waters. Although their shark forms are small and weak, and their Warui only as strong as another wereshark's Watasami, these rare horned creatures are revered as great spiritual masters among the Same-Bito, and often lead their larger, stronger brethren on darksome missions against the enemies of the Sea Courts.

Breeds 种类
The Same-Bito differ from Western Rokea in that they admit to having two breeds: rongo (homid) and tangaroa (shark). This development was a side benefit of Mizuchi's congress with Tiandi and the Zhong Lung. The tangaroa still outnumber the rongo about three to one, and the shark hreed tends to look down on the homid Same-Bito. No one is certain what happens to metis, but it's assumed they are devoured at birth by the parents.
Beginning Gnosis is comparable to the Rokea; however, the Same-Bito have similar restrictions in that they can't traverse the Umbra as most other Bete can, unless they happen to be Kagesame. They use Gnosis for Gifts and occasional rites, but little else。
• Rongo: The homid Same-Bito are rarer than rare, but still more common than homid Rokea. Their scarcity has much to do with the weresharks' disdain for humans, but it also stems from the fact that the mating of a Same-Bito and human always produces Kinfolk, never a wereshark. A Same-Bito must mate with Kinfolk for even a slight chance of shapeshifting offspring, and this happens rarely indeed.
However, rongo Same-Bito are under their race's protection, and are usually safe from the Rokea hunts for "betweeners." The occasional rongo is always irresistibly drawn to the sea before his First Change, if he didn't grow up there already。
Gnosis: 1
• Tangaroa: Same-Bito born of a shark parent. Although matings between Same-Bito and normal sharks always produce weresharks, the Same-Bito mate only twice a century, in accordance with tradition. Anything else would be an affront to their'patrons"
Gnosis: 3

Froms 形态
Much like the Rokea,the Same-bito have five forms:Kabina(Homid),Tsufu(Glabrus),Karvu(Gladius),Warui(Chasmus)and Watasami(Sea Child or Squamus).
• Kabina: No Trait changes. Due to the lack of human blood within Same-Bito bloodlines, Kabina-form weresharks are often hulking creatures with primitive, rough features.
• 人形:没有特别的改变。由于在鲛人的血系中缺乏人类血液,人形态的鲨鱼人具有原始、粗鲁的特征。
• Tsufu: The near human form of the Rokea has about twice the mass of the Kabina form. The eyes bulge out, and the mouth enlarges. The beginnings of a dorsal fin sprout from the back, giving the Tsufu a hunchback appearance. Webbing appears between the fingers; the skin thickens and appears oily and darker, though it can't cause damage like the skin of the more sharklike forms. The Tsufu can only speak in a harsh whisper — not that many people want to talk to a thing that looks like this. The Same-Bito assume this form rarely, although still more commonly than their Rokea cousins.
• 亚人形:鲨鱼人接近人类的形态大约是质量大约是人形的两倍。眼睛凸出,嘴巴变大。背鳍的开始从背部长出,给了亚人形一个驼背的外观。手指间出现蹼;皮肤变厚,看起来又油又黑,尽管它不会像鲨鱼的皮肤一样造成伤害。亚人形只能用刺耳的声音说话——不是很多人想和这样的东西说话。鲛人很少采用这种形态,尽管仍然比他们的鲨鱼人表兄弟更常见。
• Karvu: The humanshark form is brutal and terrifying, standing nearly 10 feet tall with dorsal fins and webbed feet. The Same-Bito's head and neck swell in bulk, the jaws widen and the eyes bulge. Double rows of razor sharp teeth fill the gums. Thick, serrated skin covers the body; any who touch this flesh barehanded are going to get sliced open for their troubles. The Karvu form does have both gills and lungs, allowing water and air breathing. Finally, along the elbows, the Karvu has short, spiked fins that can cut a human — or werewolf— to ribbons in short order. Most Same-Bito have grayish brown skin in this form, though some tend towards blue hues. The Same-Bito are effectively mute in this form, but can communicate amongst themselves via electrical impulses; the range for this is a mile underwater, but only 50 feet on land.
• 战争形:人类鲨鱼形态凶残而可怕,身高近10英尺,长有背鳍和蹼足。鲛人的头部和颈部肿胀变大 ,下巴变宽,眼睛凸出。两排锋利的牙齿布满了牙龈。厚厚的锯齿状皮肤覆盖着身体;任何赤手触摸皮肤的人都会因为他们的鲁莽而被切割。战争形态有鳃和肺,允许水和空气呼吸。最后,沿着肘部,战争形态有短而尖的鳍,可以在短时间内将人类——或者狼人——切成碎片。大多数鲛人在这种形式有灰褐色皮肤,尽管有些倾向于蓝色色调。鲛人在这种形态下有效地保持沉默,但是他们可以通过电脉冲相互交流;这个范围在水下有一英里,但在陆地上只有50英尺。
• Warui: The Warui stirs unpleasant images of immense sharks swallowing entire outriggers — because this form seems certainly capable of that. This carcharadon-esque shape melds the power of Karvu with greater mass, enormous jaws and double the swimming speed of the Watasami. Same-Bito usually assume this form when engaged in a water battle, while preferring the amphibious Karvu shape if their fight is on both sea and land.
• 巨鲨形:巨鲨形激起了巨大鲨鱼吞噬整个舷外支架的令人不快的印象——因为这种形态似乎有能力做到这一点。这种大白鲨风格的外形融合了战争形态的力量,更大的质量,巨大的下颚和两倍于鲨鱼形态的游泳速度。鲛人通常在进行水上战斗时采用这种形态,而如果他们同时在海上和陆地上战斗,则更喜欢战争形态。
• Watasami: Like the Rokea, a Same-Bito must be in water to assume shark form. The Watasami bites as fiercely as any shark and retains her protective skin. In this form, Same-Bito can swim at around 30 miles per hour for long stretches.
• 鲨鱼形:像鲨鱼人一样,一个鲛人必须在水中才能采取鲨鱼形态。鲨鱼形态下像任何鲨鱼一样凶猛地撕咬,并保留着她的保护性皮肤。在这种状态下,鲛人可以以每小时30英里的速度长距离游泳。

Gifts 灵赋
The Same-Bito begin with three Gifts, chosen among those appropriate for their auspice (Ragabash, Galliard or Ahroun), breed (homid for the rongo or lupus for the tangaroa) and tribe. Those in service to the Courts learn a common Gift in place of auspice. Storytellers might also want to use certain other Gifts as options, particularly those that deal with water. The weresharks are careful about publicly using Gifts from Teanoi, lest the Zhong Lung or others suspect their loyalty to another besides Tiandi. The Same-Bito can often find teachers willing to instruct them in the common Gifts of the Courts; considering how terrifying their own Gifts are, this is hardly surprising.
• Shou of Zhong Lung (Level One) — Shou is the wisdom of ancestors; invoking this Gift provides tidbits of advice and information to the Same-Bito from their Zhong Lung allies. A Frog-spirit teaches the Gift.
System: This Gift doesn't call on Zhong Lung ancestors; rather, it conveys a message to the nearest Zhong Lung in the Umbra. Storytellers should note that it may take quite a long time for a Zhong Lung to reply, though they always eventually do so. The player makes a Manipulation + Expression roll, difficulty 6. At least two successes are required; a reply should usually come within the timeframe of the session.
• Blood Scent (Level One) — The Same-Bito using this Gift gains the ability to sense shen; something about the blood of hengeyokai and other creatures alerts their senses. A Shark-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point, then makes a Perception + Primal Urge roll, difficulty 7. If she gets at least two successes, the Same-Bito knows whether or not a fellow being is shen. Note that she doesn't know any specifics, such as whether they are hengeyokai or Kuei-jin, for example.
• Sight Without Sight (Level Two) — Sharks are sensitive to changes in the electromagnetic field around them, allowing them to sense targets even when blinded. This Gift is usable on land and is particularly advantageous in dark, murky waters. It is taught by a Squid-spirit.
System: Expending a Gnosis point and making a successful Perception + Alertness roll allows the Same-Bito to sense objects or creatures within a fifteen-foot radius. Note that only the presence and general shape are sensed not the minute details.
• Iron Jaws (Level Three) — As the Level Four Ahroun Gift: Clenched Jaw.
• Voracious Hunger (Level Three) — The Same-Bito are skilled at biting off and swallowing whatever they can get their mouths around, whether oar, tire or limb. This Gift allows the wereshark to enlarge his maw and sink his teeth into almost anything. It is taught by a Manta-spirit and is not usable on land.
System: The Same-Bito spends a Rage point to invoke the Gift. The difficulty to bite is reduced by 2, and the wereshark can now sink his teeth into objects normally too big or oddly shaped to swallow. The effects last for a scene.
• Bite of the Destroyer (Level Four) — As the Level Five Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.
• Tsunami Form (Level Four) — For short periods of time, the Same-Bito can effectively double her size while in Karvu or Watasami form. She's bigger, stronger and if possible, even more terrifying than before. This Gift is taught by a servitor of Teanoi.
System: If the player spends a Willpower point and achieves at least three successes on a Stamina + Primal-Urge roll, the Same-Bito may grow large for an hour. Each success over three adds an hour to the time. While enlarged, the Same-Bito gains two dots of Strength (maximum of 10) and two extra Bruised Health Levels.
• Teanoi's Rage (Level Five) — This fearsome Gift is kept highly secret among the Same-Bito. Taught by one of Teanoi's servants, this Gift sends the wereshark into an unstoppable blood-fury.
System: After the Same-Bito makes a plea to Teanoi, the player rolls her Willpower (difficulty 7). If she has at least three successes, the wereshark gains three extra points of Rage, recovers at least two Rage points per turn of combat, and gains two dice to all her damage pools. The danger in this Gift is that a Same-Bito full of Rage is a terrifying thing indeed. The Gift lasts for the duration of the scene.

Same-Bito Lexicon 边栏:鲛人词典
Habatsu: Factions of Same-Bito, similar to Hakken clans.
Irono: Same-Bito born at night.
Kabina: Homid form.
Karui: Same-Bito born in daylight.
Karvu: Gladius (Crinos) form.
Koshoku: Same-Bito born in dawn or twilight.
Mizuchi: The great hero of the Same-Bito who gave
them codes of behavior.
Kongo: Homid breed.
Tangaroa: The shark breed.
Teanoi: The great Shark-spirit Same-Bito revere in secret.
Tsufu: Glabrus (Glabro) form.
Warui: Chasmus (Hispo) form.
Watasami: Children of the sea; shark form.

The Code of Sensei mizuchi 边栏:蛟老师的法典
Although much simpler than the elegant teachings of bushido, the Same-Bito follow the Code as closely as possible. The Same-Bito are literal-minded in the extreme and don't usually deviate from the letter of the law. The Code's main principles are:
• Attend the elders; you owe them all
• Respect tribe members, and they honor you in return,
• Dishonor is a mark of lower beings.
• Battle is always honorable.
• If you are alive, you are still learning.
• Protect territory that Tiandi and the Dragon Kings have given to you
   At the heart of Same-Bito society the small faction who want to reject these codes and return to more primal ways is growing. Though for now they work in secret, the day may soon come when they overthrow Mizuchi's disciples and reestablish a more timeless and bloodthirsty lifestyle among the Same-Bito.

Auspices 边栏:天兆
Name名字             Usable Gifts可用灵赋          Beginning Rage起始魂怒
Karui 克罗伊           Ahroun尚武者                         4
Koshuku 卡摄库      Galliard欢舞者                         3
Irono 艾戎诺           Ragabash嘲弄者                     2
« 上次编辑: 2022-10-26, 周三 01:45:39 由 赤熊 »

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-06-23, 周三 23:59:43 »
Tengu 天狗   (译者:东方乌鸦人Corax )

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Re: 【W:tA】-扩展-变形妖怪-东方变形者
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-06-24, 周四 00:01:02 »
Zhong Lung  中龙  (译者:东方蜥蜴人Mokolé)

The Five Eggs of Si Wang Mu 西王母的五个蛋

Zhong Lung Lexicon

Aiyi: The matchmaking aunts of the Zhong Lung,
Archid: Crinos form.
Chi'lung: Female Zhong Ltaigs.ttey have .feathers and long noses.
Ching-tu: Groups of female Zhong Lung, gathering for the
protection of mothers and their young.
Churning: The inside knowing of things, a Zhong Lung
Draco: Reptile breed.
Kiao: Zhong Lung of Rank One.
Kiao-lung: Zhong Lung of Rank Three,
K'iulung: Male Zhong Lung; they have horns, whiskiScs and pearls on their throats.
Lung: Zhong Lung of Rank Two.
Nam Hsia: The Philodox auspice.
P'an-lung: Zhong Lung of Rank Five.
Pei Tung: The Ragabash auspice.
Sai Chau: The Theurge auspice.
Tung Chun: The Ahroun auspice.
Ying-lung: Zhong Lung of Rank Four.

边栏:兆示 Auspices

Name名字             Usable Gifts可用灵赋       Season季节     Wind风向        Color颜色           Beginning Rage 起始魂怒
Tung Chun东春        Ahroun                           Spring           East              blue/green         4
Nam Hsia  南夏         Philodox                        Summer         South            Yellow               3
Sai Chau   西秋        Theurge                        Autumn           West             White               2
Pei Tung    北冬        Ragabash                      Winter            North            Black                1

边栏:Form Statistics

Archid    Suchid
              (alligator) (crocodile) (monitor)
Str: +4    Str: +2      Str:+3       Str:+0
Sta: +4    Sta: +3     Sta: +3      Sta:+2
Dex: +0   Dex: -1      Dex:-2       Dex: +0
Man: -4  Man: -4      Man: -4    Man: -2

Archid Form Characteristics

When designing a Zhong Lung's Archid form, use Gnosis as "points" with which to buy characteristics for the form. For example, a chi'lung who begins the game with Gnusis 5 can have five "Gnosis points' worth" of characteristics from the chart below. (Some characteristics "cost" two Gnosis, these are noted below.) All Zhong Lung may use the Bite and Claw maneuvers in Archid form; these do the standard amount of damage, unless the Middle Dragon has dreamt of the more vicious Long Teeth and Terrible Cla ws. As the Zhong Lung are still essentially Mokole, the Storyteller may allow players to choose the dinosaurlike characteristics available to Western werealligators, making for truly intriguing Archid forms, Naturally, the form dreamt during the Rite of Passage's dreaming is the one the Zhong Lung lives with forever; players may not take extra characteristics when raising Gnosis with experience, and it is most barbarous and inauspicious to even ask.
• Armor: +2 Soak (+3 for 2 Gnosis). This takes the form of glistening scales.
• Bladed Tail: Str. +2 Tail Lash.
• Color Change: Difficulty to spot Zhortg Lung (when hidden) rises by 1: this can he taken more than once.
• Constricting Coils: +3 dice to immobilize an opponent.
• Fiery Pearl: +3 to Intimidation rolls versus Kuei-jin, servants of the Wyrm. or superstitious shen.
• Fins: From the dreams of the lords of Umi. Fins double swimming speed.
• Gills: Fully amphibious. This is also a characteristic of the lords of Umi.
• Grasping Hands: Has normal manual Dexterity in Archid form.
• Horn (k'iulung): Str. +3 Head Butt.
• Huge Size (k'iidung): Stamina+1, +2 damage Body Slam or Overbear. This can be taken more than once: some Zhong Lung reach 100' lengths in Archid form. This also grants one additional Health Level each time it is taken,
• Long Teeth: Str.+3 Bite.
• Poison Sacs: If bite does damage, victim suffers an additional four dice of aggravated damage, soakable separately.
• Resplendent Crest (chi'lung): Aggi 3:and ft'Charisma in this form
• Royal Crest (chi'lung): +2 to any social rolls involving Zhong Lung, Mokole and Nagah.
• Terrible Claws: Str +3 Claw.
• Upright Walking: Enables tool use in Archid form,
• Webbed Feet: These allow a Zhong Lung to swim fast and to walk more easily on soft mud. They impose an additional -1 penalty to Dexterity when in Archid form.

边栏:刻板印象 stereotypes
• Hakken — Their gaze falls not across the whole of the Wheel, but rather on a single spoke. It is not well for the Mother's warriors to be so blind.
• Khan — In the Age of Testing, they were our adversaries, noble of countenance yet thirsting for blood. Have they learned temperance since? I think not.
• Kitsune — Tricksters all. Be wary of the antics of the Emerald Mother's youngest; what lore they share is dubious at best and a clever lie at worst.
• Kumo—MostspintheirwebsintheWyrm'scoils, so we must be wary of their intentions. However, they do have unique insights and wisdom that is valuable.
• Nagah—Theyhaveoiled the Wheel's axle with rivers of blood — both of others and of their own.
• Nezumi — These quick runners and stealers of secrets are clever and useful. A kindness to them is usually repaid a thousandfold ways.
• Same-Bito—Despite our tutelage, many remain unrefined and ill-mannered. Still, we come from the same waters and share mutual respect for Tiandi, Lord of Thunder. We must continue to set a good example.
• Tengu—Their battle lore is mighty and like the Nezumi, they are keepers of interesting secrets. Yet many still serve the Hakken, a bond we find unsettling.
• Sunset People — Many scorn us as dotards of a lost age. We would welcome their lore keepers as fellow scholars, if only they could open their eyes and truly see.

Gifts  灵赋
The Zhong Lung, already blessed with great power, begin play with three Gifts in any combination. They may choose these from the Zhong Lung Gifts below or from their matching Garou auspices; for example, the Tung Chun may choose from Garou Ahroun Gifts. Any Zhong Lung may also use Galliard Gifts, and those who follow the Way of Emerald Virtue may choose a common hengeyokai Gift. Note that several of the Gifts are taught by ancestors or by servants of Tiandi or Si Wang Mu.

• Chi'ih Ming (Level One) — Chi'ih ming is an old word meaning gasbag, and with this Gift, a Zhong Lung may walk on air at a normal pace. A Bird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Athletics, difficulty 6. The Zhong Lung may move at a normal pace while walking in the air, but cannot run.
• 气鸣(等级一) — 气鸣是一个古老的词汇意思是气囊,有了这个灵赋,中龙可以以正常的速度在空中行走。鸟精魂教授这个灵赋。

• Dragon's Milk (Level One) — As theTheurge Gift: Mother's Touch, save that the Zhong Lung must mingle his own blood with that of the wounded. A Water-spirit is the usual teacher.
• 龙之乳汁(等级一) — 如同通神者灵赋:母亲之触,必须将中龙的血和伤者的血混合来救助。水精魂是常见的老师。

• Shou (Level One) — As the Level Three Philodox Gift; Wisdom of the Ancient Ways. Shou is the wisdom of ancestors; invoking this Gift provides tidbits of advice and information (one per success on the Gnosis roll). This is a common gift among all Zhong Lung, taught by an Ancestor-spirit.
• 寿(等级一) — 如同等级三裁决者灵赋。古老的智慧。寿是先祖的智慧;使用这个灵赋提供了建议和情报的低语(投灵知每次成功一个信息)。这是所有中龙的共同天赋,由一个先祖精魂传授。

• Breaking the Tomorrow Wall (Level Two) —This is a basic soothsaying Gift, taught by a Crane-spirit.
System: After the Zhong Lung burns a bird feather, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 6. The Zhong Lung can then peer into the future and obtain one general fact or insight per success rolled.
• 突破明日之墙(等级二) —这是一种基础的占卜灵赋,由鹤精魂教授。

• Clap of Thunder (Level Two) — As the Shadow Lord Gift. The Great Dragons are revered as bringers of rain and thunder, and the Middle Dragons share in their power.
• 天打雷劈(等级二) — 如同影爵灵赋。伟大的龙被尊崇为雨和雷的带来者,中央之龙分享它们的力量。

• Send the Dream (Level Three) — As the Metis Gift: Mental Speech.
• 发送思想(等级三) — 如同忌子灵赋:精神之语。

• The Dragon's Tongue (Level Three) — This Gift calls down a strike of lightning on a specific opponent.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Strength + Intimidation, difficulty 6. Each success inflicts one die of aggravated damage on the chosen target.
• 龙言(等级三) — 该灵赋召唤闪电击中特定的对手。

• Anger of the Wani (Level Four) — As the Level Five Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm; however, upon using this Gift, the Zhong Lung falls into a day-long sleep, offering his dreams to the Dragon Princes as thanks.
• 龙王之怒(等级四) — 如同等级五温迪戈灵赋:风暴唤灵;然而,在使用这一灵赋后,中龙陷入长达一天的睡眠,将他的梦献给龙王作为感谢。

• Harmony of the Soul (Level Four) — As the Children of Gaia Gift: Serenity. The Zhong Lung often use this Gift to keep peace at their courts, particularly when "honored visitors" are present.
• 灵魂和谐(等级四) — 如同盖亚之子灵赋:宁静。中龙经常用这种灵赋来维持宫廷的和平,尤其是当有“尊贵的客人”在场的时候。

• Sleep of Si Wang Mu (Level Five) — A rare and treasured Gift taught by one of Si Wang Mu's servitors, this Gift allows the Zhong Lung to fall into hibernating sleep in which he adds years to his natural lifespan.
System: The player spends a permanent Gnosis point then rolls Stamina + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Zhong Lung falls asleep for three days per success. Each three day stint of sleep adds a dozen years to his lifetime.
• 王母之眠(等级五) — 由西王母的一个仆人传授的一种罕见而珍贵的灵赋,这种天赋可以让中龙进入冬眠,从而延长它的寿命。

• A Thousand Secret Faces (Level Five) — While willing to share sage advice on many subjects, use of this Gift is a closely guarded secret among the Zhong Lung. While it's not true shapeshifting, the Gift bestows on the user an almost perfect illusion of her choosing. Even mystics and other Zhong Lung find it impossible to peer through the facade without the use of supernatural powers (and even then the difficulty rises to 9). The Zhong Lung may take on any human appearance, with favorites being young maidens, children and old men. In this way, she can gather information and secrets unsuspected. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The user spends one point each of Willpower and Gnosis, then rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. The deception lasts for one day per success, although the Zhong Lung may dispel the illusion at any time.
•千面之秘(等级五) — 虽然愿意在许多问题上分享贤明的建议,但这种灵赋的使用在中龙中是一个严格保守的机密。虽然这不是真正的变形,但这份灵赋赋予了使用者一种她所选择的近乎完美的幻觉。即便是其他超自然存在和中龙也都发现,如果不使用超自然力量,就不可能通过外观发觉(即使这样,难度也上升到9)。中龙可以呈现任何人类的外貌,最受欢迎的是少女、儿童和老人。通过这种方式,她可以收集信息和秘密。一个先祖精魂传授了这种灵赋。
« 上次编辑: 2022-09-04, 周日 13:35:58 由 赤熊 »