作者 主题: 【VTM 20th】第三卷-第十章-血系律能-砼腑术 (P475-476)  (阅读 3717 次)

副标题: (感谢群友oguri city的翻译)

离线 明火劳伦斯

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 32
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砼腑术 Visceratika

劇透 -   :
Visceratika is an extension of the Gargoyles’ natural affinity for stone and earth. Certain Visceratika powers closely resemble some aspects of Protean and, to a lesser extent, Vicissitude. Tremere in a position to know insist that this is pure coincidence, but the few among the Gargoyles who retain scholarly aspirations insist that the Gangrel and Tzimisce blood used to create the bloodline still maintains a certain hold over its members.

劇透 -   :
For many years, Visceratika was regarded as endemic to the Gargoyle condition, just like the repulsive visage and the wings with which other Kindred associate the bloodline. That is, vampires — including the Tremere — believed that they couldn’t have the one without the others. Supposedly this isn’t true, and provided one can find a Gargoyle tutor, any vampire can learn the Discipline.

• 变色龙之肤

劇透 -   :
• Skin of the Chameleon
This basic power has saved countless Gargoyles breaching the Masquerade — and has allowed just as many to ambush unsuspecting intruders。When Skin of the Chameleon is in effect, the Gargoyle’s skin takes on the color and texture of the surrounding environment. His coloration changes reflexively as long as the Gargoyle maintains a walking pace or slower. More rapid movement causes the Gargoyle’s appearance to blur, negating the camouflaging effect. If this power is used while the Gargoyle is in flight, his skin becomes a reasonable facsimile of the night sky (though it will not shift to mimic nearby skyscrapers or star patterns, and a black silhouette against a brightly lit skyline is likely to be noticed).


劇透 -   :
System: The player spends one blood point.
For the rest of the scene, the Gargoyle’s Stealth dice pool is in-creased by five. This power is subject to the limitations described above. Any ground movement faster than a walk negates this power’s effect, as does flight (at the Storyteller’s discretion).

•• 炉石为卜
劇透 -   :
•• Scry the Hearthstone
The Gargoyles’ first function for the Tremere was that of guardian and watchdog. This power allows them to know instinctively where anyone is inside a given structure.It even allows the Gargoyle to detect characters concealed by magical means, if the Slave is perceptive enough.
规则:玩家花费1点意志点激活这个能力,只要石像鬼在目标建筑内或与目标建筑保持接触,直到下个日落前,此能力保持生效。炉石为卜可以用于任何大小的复杂洞穴、大型剧院、停车场或豪宅中。角色获得该建筑内所有生物或非生物位置、大小及身体状况的直觉感知。为了使用这种能力定位某一特定个体,玩家必须成功投掷一次感知+警觉(难度6). 若目标试图隐藏,他可以投掷一次机智+潜行(难度6)对抗这次掷骰。
劇透 -   :
System: The player spends a Willpower point to activate this power, which remains in effect as long as the Gargoyle is within or in contact with the target structure, or until the next sunset. Scry the Hearthstone may be used on anything up to the size of a cave complex, a large theatre, a parking garage, or a mansion. The character gains an innate sense of the location and approximate size and physical condition of all living (or unliving) beings within the structure. To pinpoint a specific individual’s location with this power, the player must succeed in a Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 6). If the subject is attempting to hide, he may oppose this roll with a roll of Wits + Stealth (difficulty 6). Scry the Hearthstone may be used to detect the presence of characters who are under Obfuscate or similar powers.
劇透 -   :
In this case, the Gargoyle only knows that there is someone present — she cannot actually see the individual in question.To determine the Gargoyle’s ability to detect Obfuscated characters, compare the relative levels of the Gargoyle’s Visceratika minus one and the intruder’s Obfuscate as per the “Seeing the Unseen” sidebar on p. 142.

••• 与岳同眠
石像鬼沉入岩石表面,消失于其中,直到他希望重新现身为止。这种力量使得石像鬼能够入侵他们主人之敌所在的据点,战斗至日出,其后再次与岩石或石墙融合,直至下个夜晚再出现。在现代之夜,这种能力也能充当流浪者的庇护所。与潜地(Earth Meld)能力(P.199)不同,与岳同眠并未完全掩盖石像鬼。在其藏身的岩石中仍然可以看见他躯体的模糊轮廓。
劇透 -   :
••• Bond with the Mountain
The Gargoyle sinks into a stone surface, disappearing into the rock until he wishes to reappear. This power allowed Gargoyles to invade their masters’ enemies’ strongholds, fight until sunrise, then meld with the rocks or stone walls and reappear the next evening. In modern nights, it can take the place of a haven for itinerant Runaways. Unlike the Earth Meld power (p. 199) which it resembles, Bond with the Mountain does not conceal the Gargoyle completely. A faint outline of his body can be seen in the rock where he hides.
规则: 花费2点血池点数,融合需要4个回合才能完全完成。
这个能力的作用方式与三级变形术中的潜地(Earth Meld)类似,仅能作用于裸露的岩石或类似的物质上。然而,石像鬼无法完全融入他所融合的物质中,他在岩石中的轮廓能够被一次成功的感知+警觉掷骰(难度9)探测到。一个处于与岳同眠中的石像鬼受到攻击时拥有三倍其平常的吸收骰对抗任何形式的攻击。但,如果他的健康等级在单次攻击中遭受三级或三级以上的致命伤害,他就会脱离与岩体的链接,受到类似于被打断沉睡的潜地中的角色所经历的迷惑状态。

劇透 -   :
System: The player spends two blood points, and the merge takes four turns to complete. This power functions in a fashion similar to the Protean 3 power of Earth Meld, and may only be performed upon bare rock or a similar substance.
However, the Gargoyle does not sink fully into the substance with which he merges, and his outline can be detected within the stone with a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 9). A Gargoyle attacked while Bonded with the Moun-tain has triple his normal soak dice pool against all forms of attack. However, if he sustains three or more lethal health levels of damage from a single attack, he is forced out of his bond and suffers disorientation similar to that experienced by an Earth Melded character whose slumber is interrupted.

•••• 泰拉之甲
劇透 -   :
•••• Armor of Terra
At this level of Visceratika, the Gargoyle’s skin hardens and becomes truly rock-like to the touch.The Slave becomes harder to harm, even with fire, and grows inured to injury.A non-Gargoyle learning this level of Visceratika would find her skin becoming gray and rock-like, putting lie to the claim that the Discipline doesn’t carry the risk of the Gargoyle’s curse.


劇透 -   :
System: This power is automatic and requires no roll; it is always in effect. A vampire with Armor of Terra has one extra soak die for all aggravated and lethal attacks and two for all bashing attacks, reduces all wound penalties by one, and halves the damage dice pool of any fire-based source of injury (this Discipline does not change the rules for Rötschreck, however). The difficulty of all touch-based Perception rolls is increased by two, due to the desensitization of the character’s skin.

••••• 化流于山
劇透 -   :
••••• Flow Within the Mountain
The Gargoyle is no longer restricted to hiding within stone.
Now, he can flow through stone like lava working its way down a mountainside, emerging from the hiding place at any point he wishes.Since this power works on cement or concrete as well as rock, the streets of a modern metropolis afford a Gargoyle some very interesting assassination tools.
石像鬼在岩石与水泥中移动(除此以外使用与第200页中变形术能力操控土地【Earth Control】相同的规则)。角色可以不先使用与岳同眠,使用这个能力穿过石墙,并且出现在另一侧。这种情况下,玩家花费1个血池点数并投掷力量(难度8;使用蛮力术通常增加骰子或直接成功)。石像鬼能够穿过的最大厚度等于成功骰(英尺)或30乘以成功骰(厘米)。如果墙体或障碍物比这更厚,角色就会困于其中,直到被凿出来或者再次使用化流于山。

劇透 -   :
The Gargoyle can move within stone and cement (otherwise using the same rules as the Protean power Earth Control, p. 200). The character can also use this power to walk through a stone wall and emerge on the other side without first using Bond with the Mountain. In this case, the player spends one blood point and rolls Strength (difficulty 8; Potence adds dice or successes normally). The Gargoyle may flow through a maximum thickness in feet equal to the number of successes rolled, or 30 times the number of successes rolled in centimeters. If the wall or barrier is thicker than this, the character is trapped within it until he is chiseled out or uses Flow Within the Mountain to escape.