作者 主题: 【万律全书】借机攻击(Attacks of Opportunity)  (阅读 9465 次)

副标题: 渣翻+搬运,求大佬指教

离线 十二楼五城

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【万律全书】借机攻击(Attacks of Opportunity)
« 于: 2017-09-22, 周五 10:43:24 »
借机攻击(Attacks of Opportunity)
近战作战规则假定战斗人员正在积极避免攻击。 有时在战斗中的战斗人员会放下警戒。这种情况下,附近的其他战斗人员可以利用防守懈怠自由攻击。 这些自由攻击称为借机攻击。

如果你被视为持有武器,你会威胁你可以进行近战攻击的所有方格,即使不是你的行动轮。 这通常意味着与你所处空间相邻的所有方格,包括对角线。 在受威胁格中进行某些动作的敌人会受到借机攻击。 如果你被视为徒手,你通常不会威胁任何方格,因此不能造成借机攻击。 战斗中的某些条件,如隐蔽和掩蔽,也会影响到你借机攻击的能力。

大多数中型或小型的生物的触及只有5英尺。 这意味着他们只能对近5英尺(1格)的生物进行近战攻击。 然而,使用长型武器(reach weapons)的中小型生物可能威胁到比普通生物更多的方格。 大于中型的生物具有10英尺或以上的天生触及,因此威胁到该范围内的所有方格,包括对角线。 小于小型的生物通常具有0英尺的天生触及,意味着它们不能触及相邻方格。 因为他们没有天生触及距离,所以这些生物根本就不会威胁周围的方格。 见尺寸。


离开威胁格通常会引起任何威胁该方格的对手的借机攻击。 两种移动方法允许你避免这种攻击:5尺快步和撤退。 参见移动,第90页。

集中注意的动作(Focused Act)
当你将注意力集中在你正在做的事情上时,你会将注意力从战斗中转移出去。 第8页“表-战斗中的动作”指出了许多因此引起借机攻击的动作。 某些此类动作可让你进行专注检定以避免受到攻击(请参阅专注)。 即使通常会引起借机攻击的行为也可能会有例外。


多次借机攻击(Multiple Attacks of Opportunity)
一些能力让你每轮做出不止一次的借机攻击。 大多数这样的能力,除非他们另有说明,不会给予你多于一次的攻击机会。 但是,如果同一个对手引起两次来自你的借机攻击,你可以分别做出一次借机攻击。 每个引起借机攻击的行为都代表不同的机会。 多次借机攻击在其他方面遵循正常借机攻击的规则。
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-01, 周日 17:47:40 由 十二楼五城 »

离线 十二楼五城

  • 只喜欢玩术士的渣渣萌新
  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 63
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Re: 【万律全书】借机攻击(Attacks of Opportunity)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-09-22, 周五 10:44:14 »
Attacks of Opportunity
The melee combat rules assume that combatants are actively
avoiding attacks. Sometimes combatants in a melee let their
guard down. In such cases, other combatants nearby can take
advantage of the lapse in defense to attack for free. These free
attacks are called attacks of opportunity.
If you’re considered armed, you threaten all squares into
which you can make a melee attack, even when it isn’t your
turn. That usually means everything in all squares adjacent to
your space, including diagonally. An enemy that undertakes
certain activities while in a threatened square provokes
attacks of opportunity. If you’re considered unarmed, you
don’t normally threaten any squares and thus can’t make
attacks of opportunity. Certain conditions in combat, such
as concealment and cover, also affect your ability to make
attacks of opportunity.
Most creatures of Medium or smaller size have a reach of
only 5 feet. This means that they can make melee attacks
only against creatures up to 5 feet (1 square) away. However,
Small and Medium creatures wielding reach weapons might
threaten more squares than a typical creature. Creatures larger
than Medium have a natural reach of 10 feet or more, so they
threaten all squares within that reach, including diagonal ones.
Creatures smaller than Small typically have a natural reach of
0 feet, meaning they can’t reach into adjacent squares. Since
they have no natural reach, such creatures don’t threaten the
squares around them at all. See Size, page 116.
Moving out of a threatened square can provoke attacks
of opportunity, as can being in a threatened square while
performing an act that requires focused attention.
Moving out of a threatened square usually provokes an attack
of opportunity from any opponent who threatens that square.
Two methods of movement allow you to avoid such an attack:
5-foot step and withdraw. See Movement, page 90.
Moving out of more than one square threatened by the
same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more
than one opportunity for that opponent.
Focused Act
When you focus your attention on what you’re doing, you
divert your attention from the battle. The Actions in Combat
table, page 8, notes many activities that provoke attacks of
opportunity for this reason. Some such actions allow you
to make a Concentration check to avoid provoking (see
Concentration, page 33). Even actions that normally provoke
attacks of opportunity can have exceptions.
An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack you can make
when you’re active in combat and an opportunity presents
itself. If you’re fl at-footed, you can’t make attacks of opportunity,
and you don’t ever have to make an attack of opportunity
if you don’t want to. Making an attack of opportunity isn’t
considered an action, but you can make only one attack of
opportunity per round unless you have an attribute that
allows you to make more (see below). If you have multiple
attacks for some reason, you use your highest normal attack
bonus when you make your attack of opportunity, even if
you’ve already attacked during the round.
An attack of opportunity interrupts the normal fl ow of
actions in the round. If an attack of opportunity is taken,
immediately resolve that attack of opportunity, then continue
with whatever was happening when the attack of opportunity
was provoked.
Multiple Attacks of Opportunity
Some abilities allow you to make more than one attack of
opportunity per round. Most such abilities, unless they
say otherwise, don’t let you make more than one attack
for a given opportunity. If the same opponent provokes
two attacks of opportunity from you, however, you could
make two separate attacks of opportunity. Each provoking
act represents a different opportunity. Multiple attacks of
opportunity otherwise follow the rules for normal attacks
of opportunity.