作者 主题: 【MAH】传承武学  (阅读 17129 次)


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« 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 03:11:37 »
传承武学(Heritage Techniques)


楚业豪强(Chu Ye Enforcer,侠客变体)


妖怪之心(Yokai Heart, Su):楚业豪强希望将自己转化为一个强力的妖魔鬼怪并唬倒敌人。他的侠客身份阵营必须属于非善良阵营。当处于侠客身份时,楚业豪强得到60尺黑暗视觉和昏暗视觉,并且对于任何与生物类型相关的效果,同时视作本地异界生物(恶鬼子类)与他原本的生物类型,两者取更不利。

鬼假面(Oni Mask, Ex):楚业豪强得到一个丑陋怪异的带角面具,当他以侠客身份现身时必须戴上这个假面。这个面具的生命值为每侠客等级10点,硬度为5。佩戴面具时,楚业豪强在威吓上得到1/2等级的加值(至少为+1)。未佩戴面具时,楚业豪强无法变为侠客身份。丢失面具的楚业豪强能在1天后用另一个面具替代它,这需要完成一个耗时8小时的特殊仪式并花费每侠客等级200金币。

铁令(Steel Dictate, Ex):楚业豪强得到精通徒手攻击作为奖励专长,当他使用徒手攻击命中目标后,在伤害骰上得到等同于侠客等级一半的加值(最低+1,最高+5)。

欺骗形态(Deceitful Form, Sp):4级时,楚业豪强得到变形者子类及变化自身的能力,如同变身术alter self),持续时间为每天每侠客等级分钟。这些分钟数无需连续,但是必须以每1分钟为单位使用。14级时,他可以使用该能力如同巨人形态Igiant form I)。18级时,他可以使用该能力如同巨人形态IIgiant form II)。

致死角抵(Deadly Horns, Ex):6级时,当楚业豪强处于侠客身份,他得到一次抵撞攻击。这是一个可造成1d6点穿刺伤害的主要天生武器。

第三只眼(Third Eye, Su):12级时,楚业豪强的面具可以生成第三只眼。以一个迅捷动作,每天每侠客等级次,他可以从这只眼中发射一条火焰光线作为一次射程为180尺的远程接触攻击。若命中,该光线造成4d6点火焰伤害。18级时,光线的伤害增加为8d6点火焰伤害。

轮回者杀手天赋(Samsaran Slayer Talents)

提到轮回者,许多人都会想到冥想啊,虔诚啊,平和的学术生活等等。而事实上,若没有那些投入数世轮回于保卫山巅村落的战士,兹蛤(Zi Ha)的启蒙诸峰(Enlightened Peaks)可不会长久地享受平稳。因为比大多数凡俗生命见得更多,这些杀手会去终结尝试穿透重重结界的任何威胁,作为轮回者的第二道防线。轮回者可以选用以下的杀手天赋。

永世仇敌(Eternal Opposition, Ex):大多数帝龙、不死生物和其他长生种都能算计着靠寿命耗死它们的凡俗对手,而轮回者杀手则可以穿越数世轮回来挫败它们的图谋。当杀手研究的目标属于龙、精类、异界生物或者不死生物,他可以在对抗该目标攻击的AC及对抗该目标能力的豁免上获得+2洞察加值。
人生经验(Experience Across Ages, Ex):每天一次,轮回者杀手可以回想起前世中的一些景象,帮助他辨识一名敌人,或是记起一件关键信息。以一个迅捷动作,杀手可以尝试一次知识检定,如同他在适当的知识技能上拥有等同于杀手等级的等级。每有5个杀手等级,杀手可以每天多使用一次该能力。
直面恐怖(Inured to Terror, Ex):轮回者杀手对自然存在的轮回见得多了,而少有经历能长久地吓倒他们。以一个直觉动作,当杀手对抗恐惧效果豁免失败时,他能骰第二次豁免来降低该效果的严重程度,从恐慌到惊惧,从惊惧到战栗,或是从战栗到不受影响。此外,以他为目标的挫败士气,威吓检定DC增加2。
山坡伏击(Mountainside Ambush, Ex):在兹哈群山中的战斗让轮回者杀手们熟习从上方对伏击目标发动致命攻击。如果杀手对一个未意识到他存在的生物造成偷袭伤害,且对目标居高临下,他无需投偷袭伤害骰而直接取最大值。轮回者必须站在坚实的地面上使用该能力。
神秘之纱(Mystic Veil, Sp):轮回者杀手擅长隐蔽通往他们山间居所的路径,用以隔开入侵者。每天每2个杀手等级一次,杀手能以类法术能力施展无声幻影silent image),用杀手等级作为施法者等级。使用这个能力时,杀手以智力调整值加到这个能力的专注检定上,不相信幻术的DC为11+智力调整值。杀手必须拥有至少11点的智力才能选取该天赋。
重唤技艺(Recall Training, Ex):通过唤回前世记忆,轮回者杀手能使用超出平日水准的武技。每天一次,杀手能用一个移动动作受益于一个未拥有的战斗专长。这个效果持续一分钟每杀手等级。杀手必须满足专长的所有前置。



化形猛击(Shapeshifter Savage,战斗)

化形势(Shapeshifter Style,战斗,流派)
  • 暴击:选择你的一个天生攻击。你在该架势中使用这种攻击时,在伤害骰上得到+1加值,每拥有一个以该专长为前置的专长额外+1(最多+3)。
  • 稳抓:你得到10尺的攀爬速度。
  • 反射:你在反射豁免上得到+1加值,在基础速度上得到+5增强加值。
  • 厚皮:你在已有的天生护甲加值上得到+1增强加值。

化形扭(Shapeshifter Twist,战斗)

劇透 -  懒得排版的原文:
Those in the Inner Sea region might recognize the martial arts techniques developed and taught by trainers of the Houses of Perfection or the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes, but the non-human populations of Golarion have rich heritages of martial arts practice that are equally impressive. Whether they incorporate the cruel trickery of oni, the ageless expertise of samsarans, or the fluid form of shapeshifters, these methods represent training that would be unfamiliar to most human practitioners.


In the despotic nation of Chu Ye, merciless oni oppress the human populace. Some humans and tieflings with oni blood use the power of the oni for their own ambitions. Donning terrifying masks, these vigilantes forsake their humanity to become more like the evil beings they mimic. Yokai Heart (Su): A Chu Ye enforcer seeks to transmute himself into a destructive spirit and terrorize his enemies. His vigilante identity alignment must be non-good. While in his vigilante identity, the Chu Ye enforcer gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision, and he counts as both a native outsider with the oni subtype and his original type for any effect related to type, whichever is worse for him. Oni Mask (Ex): A Chu Ye enforcer gains a grotesque horned mask that he must wear when assuming his vigilante identity. The mask has 10 hit points per vigilante level he has and hardness 5. While wearing the mask, the Chu Ye enforcer gains a bonus to Intimidate equal to 1/2 his level (minimum +1). Without this mask, a Chu Ye enforcer can’t assume his vigilante identity. A Chu Ye enforcer who loses his mask can replace it after 1 day through a specialized ritual that takes 8 hours to complete and costs 200 gp per vigilante level he has. This alters dual identity. Steel Dictate (Ex): A Chu Ye enforcer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and when he hits with his unarmed strike, he gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to half his vigilante level (minimum +1, maximum of +5). This replaces the social talent gained at 1st level. Deceitful Form (Sp): At 4th level, a Chu Ye enforcer gains the shapechanger subtype and the ability to change his form, as per alter self, for a number of minutes per day equal to his vigilante level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 14th level, he can instead use this ability as per giant form I. At 18th level, he can use this ability as per giant form II. This replaces the vigilante talents gained at 4th, 14th, and 18th levels. Deadly Horns (Ex): At 6th level, while in his vigilante identity, a Chu Ye enforcer gains a gore attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage. This replaces the vigilante talent gained at 6th level.

Third Eye (Su): At 12th level, a Chu Ye enforcer’s mask manifests a third eye. As a swift action a number of times per day equal to his vigilante level, he can launch a beam of fire from the eye as a ranged touch attack with a range of 180 feet. On a hit, the beam deals 4d6 points of fire damage. At 18th level, the beam damage increases to 8d6 points of fire damage. This replaces the vigilante talent gained at 12th level.


While most people associate samsarans with quiet reflection, piety, and peaceful scholarship, the Enlightened Peaks of Zi Ha would not long enjoy tranquility without the protection of warriors who have dedicated multiple lifetimes to safeguarding their mountaintop settlements. Experienced beyond most mortal beings, these slayers eliminate any threats that manage to penetrate the wards that are the samsarans’ first line of defense. The following slayer talents are available to samsarans. Eternal Opposition (Ex): While most imperial dragons, undead, and other long-enduring foes can count on outlasting their mortal adversaries, the samsaran slayer has pledged to oppose their machinations across all his lifetimes. When his studied target is of the dragon, fey, outsider, or undead type, the slayer gains a +2 insight bonus to his AC against its attacks and on saving throws against its abilities. Experience Across Ages (Ex): Once per day, a samsaran slayer can draw upon insights from his previous lifetimes to help identify a foe or recall a key piece of information. As a swift action, the slayer can attempt a Knowledge check as if he had a number of ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill equal to his slayer level. A slayer can use this talent one additional time per day for every 5 slayer levels he has. Inured to Terror (Ex): With their knowledge of the cyclical nature of existence, there are few experiences that can daunt samsaran slayers for long. As an immediate action when a slayer fails a saving throw against a fear effect, he can attempt the saving throw a second time to reduce the severity of the effect from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to unaffected. Additionally, the DC of Intimidate checks to demoralize him increases by 2. Mountainside Ambush (Ex): Fighting in the mountains of Zi Ha has trained samsaran slayers to strike the unwary with deadly attacks from above. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a creature that is unaware of his presence while he is standing on higher ground than his target, he does not have to roll sneak attack damage; instead, the sneak attack deals maximum damage. The samsaran must be standing on solid ground to use this ability. Mystic Veil (Sp): Samsaran slayers are adept at obscuring the passes of their mountain homes from intruders. The slayer can cast silent image as a spell-like ability once per day for every 2 slayer levels he has, using his slayer level as his caster level. The slayer uses his Intelligence modifier on concentration checks when using this ability, and the DC to disbelieve the illusion is equal to 11 + the slayer’s Intelligence modifier. The slayer must have an Intelligence score of at least 11 to select this talent. Recall Training (Ex): By calling on the memories of previous incarnations, a samsaran slayer can use martial techniques that transcend his usual capabilities. Once per day, the slayer can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat he doesn’t have. This effect lasts for 1 minute per slayer level he has. The slayer must meet all the feat’s prerequisites.


Skilled martial artists of many heritages have the ability to change their forms, and they draw on their shapeshifting potential in combat to devastating effect. Shapeshif ter Savage (Combat) You have enough control over your transformations that you can lash out at an opponent while assuming your alternate form. Prerequisites: Shapeshifter Style*, Shapeshifter Twist*, base attack bonus +8, change shape ability, shapechanger subtype. Benefit: While you are using Shapeshifter Style, if you use your change shape or wild shape ability as a standard action, you can also make a single melee attack with one of your natural weapons at your highest base attack bonus against one foe within your reach. Special: A character with the wild shape class feature counts as having the change shape ability and shapechanger subtype for the purpose of meeting this feat’s prerequisites. Shapeshif ter St yle (Combat, St yle) You can shift your physiology without fully changing your shape, giving you an advantage in battle. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, change shape ability, shapechanger subtype. Benefit: You reshape your body, gaining one of the following benefits. You choose the benefit when you enter the style, and while in the style you can change the benefit as a swift action. Brutal Attack: Choose one of your natural attacks. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with that attack when using this style, plus an additional +1 for every feat you have that lists Shapeshifter Style as a prerequisite (maximum +3). Steady Grip: You gain a climb speed of 10 feet. Tensed Sinews: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws and a +5 enhancement bonus to your base speed. Toughened Hide: You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your existing natural armor bonus. Special: A character with the wild shape class feature counts as having the change shape ability and shapechanger subtype for the purpose of meeting this feat’s prerequisites. Shapeshif ter Twist (Combat) Your form flexes and contorts in unexpected ways, making it difficult for enemies to move you against your will. Prerequisites: Shapeshifter Style*, base attack bonus +5, change shape ability, shapechanger subtype. Benefit: While you are using Shapeshifter Style, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD versus bull rush, dragAPG, grapple, overrun, repositionAPG, and trip combat maneuvers. If you begin your turn with the grappled condition, you can attempt a combat maneuver check or an Escape Artist check as a move action to attempt to break the grapple. Special: A character with the wild shape class feature counts as having the change shape ability and shapechanger subtype for the purpose of meeting this feat’s prerequisites.

« 上次编辑: 2022-12-04, 周日 22:56:33 由 希尔 »

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 03:23:30 »
…… and he counts as both a native outsider with the oni subtype and his original type for any effect related to type, whichever is worse for him.

年纪轻轻学别人做坏人,干什么不好  :em001

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 05:08:43 »

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 10:16:39 »
这些资源没啥想法 :em008这个流派给变形职业貌似也没啥用吧


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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 12:08:59 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 Kh

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-12-07, 周五 13:15:40 »

EP.0 - 繁星所向
EP.1 - 原點

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-12-08, 周六 16:08:25 »

离线 希尔

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-12-08, 周六 16:14:27 »
本身这堆东西是可以组成NPC用combo的,一个人用无声幻影,四五个人蹲着偷袭 :em006

离线 往昔的微光

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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-12-08, 周六 18:50:28 »
还要居高临下……还的站在地上……这个更加苛刻吧 :em032


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Re: 【MAH】传承武学
« 回帖 #9 于: 2022-12-04, 周日 21:02:26 »
1)英文名是Shapeshifter XXXXX,而不是Shapeshifting XXXXX
4)化形勢中的暴擊,它用的字是天生攻擊(natural attacks),跟天生武器(natural weapon)可能不太一樣(雖然我不太清楚兩者的分別)

« 上次编辑: 2022-12-04, 周日 21:06:09 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due