【专注一击Strike True:我真的很像去喜欢这个专长,我真的很想。但浪费一个移动动作让下一次攻击+4实在是不值,毕竟这会让你失去全回合,只有在非常早期你只能打游侠的时候这个专长才有用。5级以前这个专长还行,之后就没用了。】
Strike True (Combat)
Source Paths of the Righteous pg. 17
Rather than attempting a series of wild blows, you line up a perfect attack.
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You can focus yourself as a move action. When focused, you gain a +4 bonus on your next melee attack roll before the end of your turn.
先决 bab+6