作者 主题: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)  (阅读 19995 次)

副标题: 先知诅咒,两位通灵者传奇英灵,女巫巫术(已有翻译),血脉狂怒者血脉(已有翻译),唤魂师变体——我从未见过如此厚颜无耻之变体!!!

离线 晴澈之空

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« 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 13:30:28 »
出自Heroes of Golarion,14~17页
艾布利多斯(Iblydos)是一片充满传奇、神话与魔法的土地。数十个小岛构成的艾布利多斯是格拉里昂最为古老的文明发源地之一,拥有众多神话英雄的遗产。艾布利丹群岛(Iblydan archipelago)位于欧巴利洋(Obari Ocean)的卡斯马隆(Casmaron)海岸附近。熙熙攘攘的港口城市为横渡欧巴利提供了最常用的停靠地,但环绕这些岛屿并使其繁荣发展的水域同样也是对这个国家最大的威胁。尽管如此,艾布利丹远祖的魔力仍在此处的人民身上流传,使他们成为值得尊敬的探险家。关于艾布利丹的更多信息可在战役设定:遥远海岸(Distant Shores)阅读。


你的体型缩小1级,如同缩小术(Reduce Person),持续1轮。
你的体型增大1级,如同变巨术(enlarge person),持续1轮。

艾利索斯(Aelyosos)是艾布利丹群岛(Iblydan archipelago)西北海岸一个充满活力的大都市。贸易带给这座城市繁荣,但来自欧巴利洋(Obari Ocean)深处的威胁却从未消退:一个名叫奥斯玛瑞库(Ousmariku)的深海鲲(Thalassic Behemoth)在数世纪前摧毁了艾利索斯的姐妹城市利亚乔拉(Liachora),并要求每年进贡。这座城市的安全掌握在仅有的两位自奥斯玛瑞库的怒火中幸存的英雄神——克克肖米德斯(Kelksiomides)与普索米拉(Psomeira)手中。

  大地学徒(Student of the Earth,Su,次等英灵之力):该能力与大法师英灵的大法师魔术(Archmage Arcana)类似,除了你从德鲁伊的法术列表中获取法术而非从法师/术士法师列表。当你施放这些法术时它们视为神术魔法。
  神圣监查(Divine Overseer,Su,高等英灵之力):你可以以一个迅捷动作并承受1点克克肖米德斯带来的共鸣,获得如同级牧师般引导正能量(Channel Positive Energy)的能力且将效果变量取至最大(若你引导1D6则取6点)。你每日可以使用引导能量能力的次数等同于你的魅力调整值(最少1次)。

  神圣复仇(Divine Vengeance,Su,中等英灵之力):作为一位神圣战士,你可施放下列法术每日各一次:阵营武器(Align Weapon,仅秩序),魔化武器(Magic Weapon)和虔诚护盾(Shield of Faith),使用你的通灵者等级作为牧师等级。这些法术不计入你的每日法术数量,但你必须拥有至少10+法术环级的魅力值才能正常施放。
  心灵力量(Spiritual Force,Su,高等英灵之力):将神能(Divine Power)、高等魔化武器(Magic Weapon, Greater)和魔化防具(Magic Vestment)加入神圣复仇每日可以施放一次的法术列表中并遵循相同的规则。

艾布利丹的女巫巫术(Iblydan Witch Hexes)
已有翻译,【HoG】女巫巫术:艾布利丹的女巫巫术(Iblydan Witch Hexes)



融身神话(Mythmaker,Su):陨落者司祭可以联结众多不同的英雄神魅影,但同时仍仅能保持一位。这些英灵无法寄居在凡人意识之中,必须以灵质态(Ectoplasmic)或是虚灵态(Incorporeal)显形否则将返回灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)。这些英灵有着取决于各自性格的情感羁绊(Emotional Focus),且保留了源自各自神话道途的部分英雄神力。陨落者司祭每24小时只能联结一位英雄神魅影,但一旦联结英雄神魅影便会持续存在直到陨落者司祭联结其他英雄神魅影。
  大法师:魅影获得魔法飞弹(Magic Missile)和睡眠术(Sleep)作为类法术能力。它的每种类法术能力的每日使用次数等同于它的HD,且以HD作为施法者等级。12级起,它还能每日施放一次火球术(Fireball)和人类定身术(Hold Person)。
  斗士:魅影获得武器专攻Weapon Focus(挥击Slam)作为奖励专长。12级起,它还会获得高等武器专攻Greater Weapon Focus(挥击Slam)和武器专精Weapon Specialization(挥击Slam)作为奖励专长。
  圣者:魅影获得绝望术(Bane)和祝福术(Bless)作为类法术能力。它的每种类法术能力的每日使用次数等同于它的HD,且以HD作为施法者等级。12级起,它还能每日施放一次祈祷术(Prayer)和灼热光辉(Searing Light)。
  诡术大师:魅影获得偷袭(Sneak Attack)职业能力,将HD视为盗贼等级。它的偷袭能力每日使用次数等同于它的敏捷调整值(最少1次)。12起,魅影可以在黑暗或昏暗光照下全速移动而无需承受潜行检定减值。
这项能力修改了魅影(Phantom)并取代了共享意识(Shared Consciousness)。

引导能量(Channel Energy,Su):3级起,陨落者司祭可以引导魅影的神圣能量。该能力如同牧师的引导能量(Channel Energy)职业能力,除了伤害和恢复生命值的量为1D6+每比3级高2唤魂师等级1D6点。陨落者司祭根据阵营决定引导正能量或负能量,中立的陨落者司祭可以选择引导正能量或负能量,一经选择无法更改。陨落者司祭每日可以使用该能力的次数等同于她的魅力调整值(最少1次)。
这项能力取代了附身显形(Bounded Manifestation)。

魅影召唤(Phantom Call,Su):6级起,每日一次,陨落者司祭可以以一个标准动作从灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)呼唤一位完全显形的英雄神魅影。若她已经拥有一位显形的英雄神魅影则其消失返回灵界位面。
这项能力取代了魅影呼唤(Phantom Recall)。

意识融合(Fused Consciousness,Su):10级起,该能力如常发挥作用,除了魅影退回灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)而非唤魂师的意识中。
这项能力修改了意识融合(Fused Consciousness)。

精纯信念(Masterful Faith,Su):17级起,陨落者司祭任选两个牧师领域并获得全部好处,且将唤魂师等级视为牧师等级。她将领域法术加入已知法术。
这项能力取代了双重附身(Dual Bond)。

现世传奇(True Legend,Su):20级时,陨落者司祭已经足够强大,能够以一个标准动作让魅影寄宿在她的意识之中。在后续的回合中,陨落者司祭获得所有需要魅影寄居意识的标准唤魂师能力。她每日可以接受魅影寄宿的轮数等同于4+她的感知调整值。
这项能力取代了强化意识(Empowered Consciousness)。



劇透 -   :
Iblydos is a land of legend, myth, and magic. Made up of dozens of small islands, it’s home to one of the oldest civilizations on Golarion, with a legacy of mythic heroes. The Iblydan archipelago is located off the coast of Casmaron in the Obari Ocean. Bustling port cities make for common stopping points on the Obari Crossing, but the waters that surround the islands and allow them to prosper also hold the nation’s greatest dangers. Still, the magic of Iblydan ancestors flows through its people to this day, making them formidable adventurers. More information about Iblydos can be found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores.

The following oracle curse is available for oracles from Iblydos, or who otherwise have a tumultuous relationship with the gods.
God-Meddled: The isle of Iblydos is populated and watched over by hero-gods, some of whom are known for entangling mortals in their own affairs. The gods’ interference in your life has left you with strange, unpredictable powers dependent on divine whim. Bizarre side effects occur whenever you are affected by a spell from a divine caster—for better or for worse. Once per round, when a creature casts a divine spell including you as a target, roll 1d20 and consult the table below. The effect resulting from this roll begins at the end of that enemy’s turn. This effect targets only you, even if other creatures were included as targets of the triggering spell. At 5th level, you gain a +2 competence bonus on saving throws to resist divine spells. At 10th level, you become immune to the confused condition. At 15th level, you gain a +4 competence bonus on saving throws to resist mind-affecting effects.

Aelyosos is a vibrant metropolis on the northwestern coast of the Iblydan archipelago. Trade has made the city prosper, but a threat ever looms from the depths of the Obari Ocean: a thalassic behemoth called Ousmariku, who destroyed Aelyosos’s sister city Liachora centuries ago and demands yearly tribute. The safety of the city lies in the hands of the only two hero-gods who survived Ousmariku’s wrath—Kelksiomides and Psomeira.

Kelksiomides (Hierophant)
Kelksiomides spent his early years working in his family’s vineyard. He was selected by his village to be blessed by the cyclopes of the isle, who told the young vintner that tragedy would precede his mythic ascension. Sure enough, Kelksiomides returned home to find his whole village slaughtered. The culprits were captured, but Kelksiomides forgave them, an act that was rewarded by the gods. Kelksiomides stands for hope in the face of despair, for new growth, and for redemption.
To gain Kelksiomides’s favor, you must travel to the hills of Pol-Ptirmeios, where the hero-god was born. There you must swear to never bear a grudge against another, even if you have been grievously wronged. You must then succeed at a Wisdom check, and if you do, Kelksiomides will answer your call.
Spirit Bonus: When you channel Kelksiomides, your spirit bonus applies on Wisdom checks, Wisdom-based skill checks, and saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor.
Favored Locations: Farms, gardens, orchards, and wooded areas.
Taboo: If you accept a taboo while channeling Kelksiomides, you may not deal lethal damage.
Student of the Earth (Lesser, Su): This power functions as the archmage arcana spirit power, except that you add spells from the druid spell list instead of the sorcerer/wizard spell list. When you cast these spells, they count as divine.
Divine Overseer (Greater, Su): You can allow Kelksiomides to gain 1 point of influence over you as a swift action to enable you to channel positive energy as a cleric of your level and automatically restore or deal the maximum amount your channel permits (for example, 6 points if you roll 1d6 when you channel). You can use this channel energy ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Psomeira (Champion)
Psomeira was a prodigy captain in the Liachoran guard. It was her spear that forced the beast Ousmariku back into the sea, though not before it laid the city to ruin. Psomeira went missing following the battle and was presumed dead, but she returned a decade later in Aelyosos, and quickly stepped up to train the city for the battle against Ousmariku which she feels is inevitable.
To gain Psomeira’s favor, you first must travel to the ruins of Liachora. On the beach where Psomeira fought the sea monster Ousmariku, you must swear an oath to defend civilization from senseless violence wherever you find it. You must then succeed at a Strength check, and if you do, Psomeira will answer your call.
Seance Boon: You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against creatures that are at least one size category larger than you.
Taboo: If you accept a taboo while channeling Psomeira, you must attack any hostile Huge or larger creature on sight.
Divine Vengeance (Intermediate, Su): As a divine warrior, you can cast each of the following spells once per day: align weapon (lawful), magic weapon, and shield of faith. Use your medium level in place of a cleric level. These spells do not count toward your regular allotment of spells per day, but you must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level to cast them.
Spiritual Force (Greater, Su): Add divine power, greater magic weapon, and magic vestment to the list of spells you can cast once per day, following the same rules as the divine vengeance spirit power.

Countless hero-gods have risen and fallen through Iblydos’s long history, leaving behind mighty spirits. Those attuned to these fallen hero-gods can become conduits for their restless souls and agents acting out their divine will. The result is a priest of the fallen, a spiritualist who channels her land’s legends and provides a vessel for mighty heroes to perform heroic acts once more.
Mythmaker (Su): A priest of the fallen can channel many different hero-god phantoms, though only one at a time. These spirits will not suffer being confined in a mortal’s consciousness and must be manifested in ectoplasmic or incorporeal form or they return to the Ethereal Plane. They each have an emotional focus depending on their personality and retain some of their hero-god powers, determined by their mythic archetype. A priest of the fallen can channel a hero-god phantom with a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. A priest of the fallen can channel only one hero-god phantom per 24 hours, but once channeled, a hero-god phantom remains until a new one is channeled.
Archmage: The phantom gains magic missile and sleep as spell-like abilities. It can use each spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to its Hit Dice, which it uses in place of a caster level. At 12th level, it can also cast fireball and hold person each once per day.
Champion: The phantom gains Weapon Focus (slam) as a bonus feat. At 12th level, it gains Greater Weapon Focus (slam) and Weapon Specialization (slam) as bonus feats.
Guardian: The phantom gains a +2 natural armor bonus when it manifests in its ectoplasmic form, and a +2 deflection bonus to AC when it manifests in its incorporeal form. At 12th level, the phantom increases its maximum hit points by twice its number of Hit Dice.
Hierophant: The phantom gains bane and bless as spell-like abilities. It can use each spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to its Hit Dice, which it uses in place of a caster level. At 12th level, it can also cast prayer and searing light each once per day.
Marshal: The phantom can fill its allies with its triumphant spirit as a standard action, granting them a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + its Charisma modifier. These rounds need not be consecutive. At 12th level, if the phantom is hit by an attack of opportunity, it can use an immediate action to allow an ally to make an attack of opportunity against the creature that attacked the phantom if it’s within the ally’s melee reach.
Trickster:The phantom gains the sneak attack rogue class feature as a rogue of a level equal to the phantom’s Hit Dice. It can use the sneak attack ability a number of times per day equal to its Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). At 12th level, whenever the phantom is in darkness or dim light, it can move at full speed without taking a penalty on Stealth checks.
This alters phantom and replaces shared consciousness.
Channel Energy (Su): At 3rd level, a priest of the fallen can channel her phantom’s divine energy. This functions as the cleric’s channel energy class feature, except that the amount of damage dealt or hit points restored is equal to 1d6 points plus an additional 1d6 points for every 2 spiritualist levels beyond 3rd. The priest of the fallen decides to channel positive or negative energy based on her alignment. A neutral priest of the fallen can channel either positive or negative energy, but once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
This replaces bonded manifestation.
Phantom Call (Su): At 6th level, once per day, a priest of the fallen can summon a fully manifested hero-god phantom from the Ethereal Plane as a standard action. If she already has a hero-god phantom manifested, that phantom vanishes back to the Ethereal Plane.
This replaces phantom recall.
Fused Consciousness (Su): At 10th level, this ability functions as usual, except the phantom retreats to the Ethereal Plane rather than the priest’s consciousness.
This alters fused consciousness.
Masterful Faith (Su): At 17th level, a priest of the fallen chooses any two cleric domains and receives their full benefits, treating her spiritualist level as her cleric level. She adds the domain spells to her spells known.
This replaces dual bond.
True Legend (Su): At 20th level, a priest of the fallen is strong enough to confine a phantom in her consciousness as a standard action. On the start of her following turn, she gains access to all standard spiritualist abilities involving a confined phantom. She can confine her phantom for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Wisdom modifier.
This alters empowered consciousness.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-18, 周三 14:31:00 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 13:32:19 »

Distant Shores原译遥远国度,但P子后面又出了一本Distant Realms,导致前者如今处于无译名状态,姑且暂译作遥远海岸。
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-18, 周三 14:45:29 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 张辽

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  • 年轻的人啊,去读陀思妥耶夫斯基吧,那里有你要的所有答案。
Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 14:34:22 »
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-18, 周三 17:03:51 由 张辽 »




离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 14:50:22 »


« 上次编辑: 2020-11-18, 周三 14:55:37 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 张辽

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  • 年轻的人啊,去读陀思妥耶夫斯基吧,那里有你要的所有答案。
Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 16:51:16 »




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Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-11-18, 周三 16:55:50 »

离线 叶公好Dragon

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Re: 【HoG】艾布利多斯(Iblydos)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-11-09, 周二 20:58:54 »

