
譯文資料區 => 暗影狂奔 => Shadowrun 5E => 主题作者是: cmoon 于 2018-12-28, 周五 17:35:06

主题: 【BtB】新法术与修士异能 P158-160
作者: cmoon2018-12-28, 周五 17:35:06



种类:M 范围:LOS
持续:S 耗竭:F-2


种类:M 范围:LOS(A)
持续:S 耗竭:F

『星界裂解』,和它的范围版本『大规模星界裂解』允许施法者向魔法生物(magical creatures)的星界形态宣泄破坏,破坏他们的防御。施法者必须胜出对抗检定,她的魔法+施法 v. 目标的意志(+反制法术)。此外,法术的强度必须等于或者超过目标的意志。每点净成功都会允许施法者抑制生物的一个被动能力,只要法术被维持。这个法术影响的能力仅限于:免疫普通武器,遮蔽,能量光环,守护,再生,魔法守护,以及天生法术(每点仅一个)。对于双重存在的生物,他们的星界侦察能力也同样可以被影响。如果他们被影响了,那么在法术维持期间,他们全部动作都要承受-4罚值。
Astral Disruption, and its area equivalent Mass Astral Disruption, allow the spellcaster to wreak havoc with the astral forms of magical creatures, damaging their defenses. The caster must win an Opposed Test pitting her Magic + Spellcasting against the target’s Willpower (+ Counterspelling). Additionally, the spell’s Force must equal or exceed the target’s Willpower. For every net hit, the spellcaster may disable one of the creature’s pas sive powers for as long as the spell is sustained. The powers this spell can affect are limited to: Immunity to Normal Weapons, Concealment, Energy Aura, Guard, Regeneration, Magical Guard, and Innate Spell (only one per net hit). Dual-natured creatures may also have their astral perception affected. If they do, they suffer a –4 dice-pool penalty to all actions while the spell is sustained.
>底特律传道者团体(The Detroit Missionist Community)碰巧发现了这一法术。差不多一年前有一些虫精魂逃了,底特律的那些可怜团体在试图捣鼓出什么东西来对抗它们时碰上了严重的困难。而传道者大部分都是和平主义者,所以他们也没太帮上忙。在那些虫子搞出太大破坏之前,一个年轻的传道者,一个既虔诚又好学的丹佛大学生,放了一个允许普通人对抗虫子的法术。其他传道者也加入并举行了一个仪式粉碎了虫子的抵抗,之后那些有着充分理由生气的暴徒们充当了一天的杀虫剂,而阿瑞斯提供了零协助。
> The Detroit Missionist Community stumbled upon this one. There was an escape of some bug spirits a year or so back, and the poor communities of Detroit were hard pressed to have anything that could stand against them. The Missionists, of course, are largely pacifst, so they weren’t going to be of much help either. Before the bugs did too much damage, a young Missionist, a devoted and studious college student visiting from university in Denver, cast a spell that allowed the normal people to fght back against the bugs. Other Missionists joined in and performed a ritual shredding the bugs’ resistance, and the righteously angry mob became exterminators for a day, with exactly zero help from Ares.
> Ethernaut
主题: 新修士异能;翻译:cmoon
作者: 马非鱼2019-01-09, 周三 22:18:37
神秘天资MYSTIC APTITUD                                                       

你呼唤内在的魔力来成就超越你常态属性的惊人体能特技。当你以一个简单动作激活此异能时,你可以用你的魔法+(此异能的等级)替换任何一个生理属性(在你激活时选择)。这将影响到你的骰池、界限、基于力量的伤害值和主动性值(译注:原文是Initiative ratings,但我估计他想表达的就是这个意思)。该增强将持续等于你魔法等级的数个战斗轮。当增强结束时,你将承受等于(异能等级x 2)的耗竭。
Cost: 0.75 PP per level
Activation: Simple Action
You call upon inner mana strength to perform amazing physical feats beyond your normal abilities. When you activate this power via a Simple Action, you substitute your Magic + (Rank in this power) for any one Physical Attribute (choose when activated).This affects dice pools, limits, Strengthbased damage values and Initiative ratings. The boost lasts for a number of Combat Turns equal to your Magic rating. When the boost runs out, you take Drain equal to (rank of this power x 2).
At Rank 1, this power can be used once per thirty minutes; at Rank 2, once per fifteen minutes, at Rank 3, once per minute. It does not stack with Attribute Boost or Supernatural Prowess. Power foci do not increase your Magic when determining the effect of this power. This power may be taken up to three times.

纯净状态STATE OF PURITY                                                     
该异能允许修士驾驭他们内在的力量。当它被激活时,它会渗透进修士体内的每一个细胞当中,打破肉体和精神的隔阂,直至二者合一。激活纯净状态是一个复杂动作。其将以DV(魔法+力量)(是P还是S,将由修士选择)和AP -(魔法x 0.5)代替修士徒手格斗攻击的正常DV与AP。纯净状态将持续(魔法)个战斗轮,直到被复杂动作所解除,或者直到修士死亡或失去意识。一旦其被停用,修士必须抵抗[(魔法x 0.5) +使用该异能的战斗轮数]的耗竭。来自各种来源的元素或其他效果可以与该异能叠加,但不能增加额外的DV。
Cost: 1.5 PP
Prerequisite: Essence 6
Activation: Complex Action
This power allows the adept to harness the innate power within them. When activated, it permeates every cell in the adept’s body, breaking down the separation between flesh and spirit until the two are one. Activating State of Purity is a Complex Action. It replaces the normal DV of the adept’s unarmed combat attacks with a DV of (Magic + Strength) (P or S, adept’s choice) and AP –(Magic x 0.5). State of Purity lasts for (Magic) Combat Rounds until deactivated with a Complex Action, or until the adept becomes dead or unconscious. Once it is deactivated, the adept must resist Drain Value of [(Magic x 0.5) + number of Combat Rounds active]. Elemental or other effects from various sources may stack, but no additional DV may be added.
> “这是公司的薪奴永远不会明白的道理。有一种纯净来自于知道你是谁,并与之和平相处。认可你自己,无论是缺点和优点,都要完全地接受它们,允许身体和精神的统一,并且可以克服任何障碍。引用自合气道大师“犬魔”Knorr。不管你同意与否,他的结论都是无可争辩的。
> Thorn
> “This is something the corporate wageslaves will never understand. There is a purity that comes from knowing who you are and being at peace with it. Approving of yourself, flaws as well as strengths, and accepting them completely, allows a unity of body and spirit that can overcome any obstacle.” A quote from Hapsum-Do Grandmaster “Barghest” Knorr. Agree or not, it’s hard to argue with his results. > Thorn
主题: Re: 【BtB】新法术与修士异能 P158-160
作者: lichzeta2022-09-19, 周一 22:57:36
SRM FAQ  关于“神秘天资”的内容翻译(和原文)




What does it mean that you can take Mystic Aptitude up to 3 times?
A single instance of Mystic Aptitude can be activated to raise a single Physical Attribute up to your Magic Attribute + the Rating of Mystic Aptitude. Taking Mystic Aptitude a second time means you can raise two Physical Attributes up to your Magic Attribute + the respective Rating of the instance of Mystic Aptitude. Third time means three Physical Attributes.

Soooo... I can take Mystic Aptitude three times at Rating 3 for 6.75 Power Points and swap 3 Physical Attributes with my Magic Attribute +3...?
... and if your Magic Attribute is 6, you can have dump statted three Physical Attributes at 1 and then they can all be 9.

Holy drek! So if I have a Magic Attribute of 7 or 8... or...
Slow your roll. Your Physical Attributes are still subject to the Augmented Maximums. That means you cannot have higher than 10 in your Physical Attributes if you are a Human (exceptions for relevant Qualities and other traits notwithstanding).