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副标题: 为国家服务

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第四章(CHAPTER 4)
为国家服务(In the Service of One’s Country)
“您的任务将不是一件容易的事。 您的敌人训练有素,装备精良,而且战斗坚强。 他将进行野蛮的战斗。” -德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔
(“Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower)
(There are many ways a person can serve their country in time of war. They can become part of the military, willing to die for their country on the battlefield, or they can wage a more covert war against the enemy, one of surveillance and sabotage. And then there are those who stay behind, man-ning the domestic barricades and preserving the home. This chapter gives an overview of the structures of the military, intelligence, and auxiliary services operational during the Secret War. More in-depth detail on the armed forces and secret services can be found in Achtung! Cthulhu: the Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War.)

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:32:14 »
(As is so often the case, few lessons are learned by the vic-torious Allied nations from the carnage and stalemate of the Great War. Germany, though stripped of its military might at Versailles, is able to build a new army with the coming of the Nazis, and with this new army develop fresh strategies reflective of the modern era. While the British still view tanks as infantry support vehicles, the Germans recognise their potential and build the concept of Blitzkrieg(“Lightning War”) around their ability to punch through enemy lines.)
(This new modern form of warfare takes much of Europe by surprise, as most countries are expecting German aggres-sion to follow essentially the same patterns as those of the Great War. Static defence is still seen as the order of the day in France and the Low Countries, but the army the Allies now face has tested its mettle in the bitter fighting in Spain supporting the fascist leader Franco, and is well-practiced in fast, dynamic combat. In France, the Germans simply bypass the Maginot Line, the French network of bunkers and emplacements that span the German border, while the British Expeditionary Force supporting the French Army is forced into retreat, again and again, as the inferiority of their equipment and the ferocity of the veteran German forces take their toll. )
(Much of the French Army is forced to surrender after the Fall of France, and the British lose a huge amount of equip-ment on the beaches of Dunkirk. However, the struggling Allies, soon to be joined by the United States, are able to rearm and finally learn from their experience with the new German Army. With weapons and materials now reaching the British Isles, despite the efforts of the German U-boats that roam the Atlantic, the Allies are regrouping in prepa-ration for a return to Europe.)

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:33:36 »
大不列颠(Great Britain)
(Britain, despite many years of blatant German rearmament, is relatively unprepared to fight a war. Though the Royal Navy remains an effective and powerful force, the Army is still comparatively small, albeit professional, and fully mech-anised. The Royal Air Force, despite having well-trained pilots coupled with first-rate communications and an invaluable radar network in place along the south and east coasts, has insufficient aircraft. The British people are broadly sup-portive of Neville Chamberlain’s attempts to avoid war, and so when hostilities are declared, the economy is far from being on a war footing.)
(The disaster of the British Expeditionary Force in France, and the subsequent Miracle of Dunkirk during which some 200,000 British and 140,000 French troops are rescued from the beaches of northern France under constant fire from the The disaster of the British Expeditionary Force in France, and the subsequent Miracle of Dunkirk during which some 200,000 British and 140,000 French troops are rescued from the beaches of northern France under constant fire from the Luftwaffe, are Britain’s wakeup call. As the RAF fights des-perately with the Luftwaffe over southern England, and the Blitz rains bombs down upon London and the southeast, the nation prepares for war and militarises at a rate unseen in any other democratic nation.)
(Supported by American materials and equipment, pro-vided under the terms of the Lend-Lease Act, and bolstered by the rhetoric and leadership of Winston Churchill, Britain has become the largest military base in the world.)
(The British Army has expanded dramatically since the start of the war. Starting as a small mobile force of some 300,000 men, by 1941 the Army consists of around 2.2 million troops. Although over 1.5 million men volunteer for military serv-ice, Britain introduces conscription upon the outbreak of war, even extending it to include women in 1941, though not for combat duties.)
(Although still hampered by over-cautious and method-ical strategies, by 1943, British infantry formations are well-trained, well-disciplined, and well-equipped. While not as flashy or daring as their American Allies, British soldiers are known for their determination and bravery, and have a historically-proven reputation for engaging and defeat-ing numerically superior enemies. At section level, British troops are equipped with rifles and BREN light machine guns, and can count on considerable artillery and armoured support when needed. As a mechanised army, infantry trav-els using lorries and the Universal Carrier, a light, armoured vehicle equipped with either a machine gun (BREN or Vick-ers) or a Boys anti-tank rifle, allowing rapid deployment on the battlefield.)

(Nicknamed the Red Devils, the prototype Paras’ first major action is the capture of the Würzburg radar station...)

(The five infantry regiments of the Foot Guards: the Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots Guards, the Irish Guards, and the Welsh Guards, are some of the oldest, the most senior, and the most able of the British Army. Tasked with the protection of the King and other cer-emonial duties, the Guards are widely held to be the most professional soldiering units in the British armed forces, and can be said to be their beating heart.)
(The Parachute Regiment represents the evolving face of infantrymen in World War Two. Nicknamed the Red Devils, the prototype Paras’ first major action is the capture of Würzburg radar station at Bruneval in France. The success of this mission demonstrates the potential for an airborne infantry regiment, and the Parachute Regiment is officially formed in 1942. Designated to land ahead of other troops and capture key installations, the Paras serve in a range of theatres, including North Africa, Italy, and Normandy, not to mention the infamous Operation Market Garden.)
(Despite being early pioneers of tank warfare, Britain begins the war trailing the Germans in tank design and doc-trine, and never truly catches up. At the start of the war, Britain fields only two armoured divisions, rising to nine by the close of the war. British armour is split into two main types: infantry support, designed to advance with infantry and neutralise enemy strong points, and cruiser tanks which operate independently of infantry and are intended to engage in mobile war against enemy tanks. Later in the war, the British expand their armour significantly, adopting the American medium tank in large numbers, particularly the ubiquitous Sherman tank.)
(The British still field a significant artillery force, providing support to the infantry with precise and accurate fire guided by forward observers who advance with the infantry. British radio communication is well-organised, allowing more efficient command and control, though equipment is prone to malfunction in the field.)
(While the British Army suffers some major defeats in the early years of the war, they weather the storm and are ready to take the fight to Germany.)
(Despite treaties limiting naval construction before the war, the Royal Navy is still the largest in the world, with modern ships and many more under construction, including fifteen battleships and battle cruisers, seven aircraft carriers, and several hundred cruisers and destroyers, plus a fleet of sixty submarines. Despite heavy losses in the early years of the war, the Navy achieves a series of successes with the sink-ing of Germany’s capital ships, effectively ending the threat presented by the German Navy’s surface fleet. The Navy’s most vital duty is the protection of the crucial Atlantic link, defending vulnerable convoys against the silent hunters of the German U-boat patrols.)
(The Royal Navy lost much of its naval aviation capa-bilities after the Great War when the Royal Air Force was formed, and only regains control of the Fleet Air Arm in 1937. As a result, both their carriers and aircraft are out-dated, falling far behind the standards of both the US and Imperial Japanese Navies, though antiquated Swordfish biplanes are instrumental in sinking the German battleship Bismarck, proving that British naval aviation still has teeth.)
(The British submarine fleet is locked in a constant battle beneath the Atlantic with the numerically superior German U-boat fleet. While the German submarines, operating in wolf packs, stalk the vital merchant convoys, British subma-rines operate primarily alone, engaging in more clandestine operations, or hunting their German counterparts. During the North African campaign, British submarines do get the opportunity to hunt Axis shipping, but their targets are lim-ited when compared to German submarines.)
(Having only officially been formed in 1918, the RAF is fortunate to be relatively unscathed by old doctrines and strategies and, despite being heavily outnumbered during the Battle of Britain, is able to engage and repel the relent-less German bombing offensives that signal what would have been the invasion of Great Britain. Though their aircraft at the start of the war are of mixed capability, the RAF’s pilots are among the best in the world and, once the Hawker Hur-ricane and Supermarine Spitfire are introduced, the RAF becomes even more formidable.)
(The RAF has a large contingent of foreign pilots among its ranks, particularly from France and Poland.)
(The RAF’s main combat strategy is the use of strate-gic bombing to destroy Germany’s capability to wage war, engaging in night bombing raids against German cities and developing precision bombing techniques, the most famous example of which is the Dambusters raid in May 1943. Ini-tially RAF Bomber Command restricts itself to bombing only military targets, but after the Luftwaffe destroys much of Rotterdam in May 1940, authorisation is given to bomb any target east of the Rhine.)
(The RAF has a large contingent of foreign pilots among its ranks, particularly from France and Poland. During the fall of their nations, many pilots fly their aircraft to the near-est friendly territory rather than let them be taken by the invading Germans, and these men now fight alongside their British comrades.)
(The Commando, or Special Service, brigades are the most influential Allied special forces formation in World War Two. Virtually all subsequent British special forces units derive from the Commandos.)
(Based on an idea by Lt. Col. Dudley Clarke, the Com-mandos are formed at Winston Churchill’s insistence in 1940 after the fall of Dunkirk, as a means to take the war to the Germans and bolster morale at home, although the trade-mark green beret isn’t formally adopted by them until 1942. Before this, men wear their original regimental head-dress and insignia.)
(From 1940-1943, Commandos are used as small, highly mobile raiding forces, not intended to be in the field for more than 36 hours. From 1943, the Commandos’ role becomes spearheading Allied landing forces, a role they perform in the Operation Torch landings in Tunisia, the Allied invasion of Sicily, and the Normandy landings on D-Day.)
(The following Commando units are of special note:)
(No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando is a commando unit consisting of nationals of Axis-occupied countries, including Jewish Germans and Austrians serving under a nom de guerre. Never deployed as a whole unit, troops and individuals are detached for specific missions which require their linguistic or regional knowledge.)
(No. 30 Commando (later 30 Assault Unit) is an intelligence gathering unit working in the vanguard of the Allied advance post D-Day. Staffed by Royal Navy officers and guarded by Royal Marine Commandos, these raiders are search specialists trained in the recognition of military technology, enemy documentation, safe cracking, and prisoner interrogation.)
(No. 62 Commando (or the Small Scale Raiding Force) is a small commando force under the control of the Special Operations Executive (p.41) carrying out cross-channel intelligence gathering raids, as well as field-testing tactics and equipment.)

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:34:21 »
美利坚合众国(United States)
(At the outbreak of the war in Europe, the United States military is in transition. Although its naval capabilities are excellent, the Army and Marines are relatively small and outdated, and its Air Force is still subordinate to the Army. Fortunately, while Europe is thrust into war, ready or not, the United States is spared direct conflict for another two years, giving all services ample time to rearm and prepare for the coming storm.)
(Despite the crippling effects of the Great Depression and the strong isolationist movement working in the United States, which believes that the country should remain neu-tral and let Europe deal with its own problems, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act in March 1941, creating a programme through which the United States can provide the Allied nations in Europe and China with materials and munitions, effectively ending the US pre-tence of neutrality.)
(When the Japanese Navy launches their spectacular raid on Pearl Harbor six months later and, under the terms of their treaty with the Japanese, Germany declares war on America, the Axis wakes a sleeping giant which (by the end of the war) possesses a military second only in numbers to the Soviet Union, and without a doubt forms one of the most technologically advanced armed forces in the world.)
美国陆军(US ARMY)
(In 1939, the US Army is a professional force of around 175,000 men, though one hampered by obsolete equipment and a peacetime officer class more interested in political careerism than military matters. Fortunately, the nation’s neutral stance gives the new Chief of Staff, General George Marshall, the opportunity to rapidly overhaul the army and, by 1940, through limited conscription, the US Army has grown to 1.4 million men and updated their equipment and vehicles significantly.)
(Unlike the British or French, the US Army bases promotion on personal merit and individual leadership, as opposed to class and status distinctions, and encourages innovation and free-thinking amongst its officers. Unfortunately this culture credits an officer who takes daring risks, often at the cost of many lives among his own men, more than an officer who protects the lives of his troops.)
(Surprisingly, the enlisted men in the US Army do not have a similar culture to their British and French allies, being treated simply as resources to be shifted between units as required. Unlike other armies, which pull depleted units out of combat to reinforce and restore them, the US Army chooses to insert new, green troops into weakened units, resulting in a loss of cohesion amongst soldiers. The veter-ans tend to treat the newcomers as outsiders, resulting in a loss of morale and combat effectiveness. In addition, as the newcomers do not receive the benefit of learning from the veterans, as further losses are taken, the veteran element is further whittled away.)
(At squad level, troops are armed as standard with the M-1 Garand rifle, providing greater firepower than the bolt-action rifles of other armies, though the weapon’s requirement to expend a full magazine before reloading can prove difficult at times, particularly the unique metallic “ping”made as the clip automatically ejects, alerting enemy troops to a soldier with an empty weapon. The standard squad level support weapon is the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), a powerful but limited weapon, both in terms of ammunition capacity and rate of fire, especially compared to the German MG34. Fortunately, due to the abundance of resources available to them, most squads often sport multiple BARs to compensate for this deficiency.)
(Aside from this flaw, the US soldier is well-trained and equipped, more so than his British ally, and has the advan-tage of better health and a better diet than any other soldier in the world. The higher standard of living, and the levels of nutrition available to the average American despite the Great Depression, produces a fitter and more durable soldier.)
(While the majority of US Army units serve with distinc-tion during the war, a number deserve additional mention.)
(Also known as the Black Devils, the 1st Special Service Force (FSSF) is created in 1942 as a winter warfare special forces unit to harass German troops in Norway. However, operational requirements change, and the FSSF first sees combat in Italy in 1943-4, before moving on to fight in southern France, until late 1944 when it is disbanded.)
(Consisting of volunteers specifically recruited for their outdoor skills, the FSSF is unique in that it is a combined American and Canadian unit of 2,000 men, under the command of Colonel Robert T. Frederick, giving rise to yet another nickname—Freddie’s Freighters. Trained as comman-dos, mountain warfare specialists, and parachutists, the FSSF uses unique clothing, rations, equipment, and weapons, as well as a homogenised command structure. The brigade’s nickname is purportedly taken from a reference to the blackened faces of the unit’s troops found in a German officer’s personal diary.)
(An American Colonel, Billy Mitchell, is the first strategist to suggest the insertion of assault troops by parachute. It is the USSR that first experiments with the concept, and Nazi Germany that first uses it in combat in their spectacular invasion of Crete.)
(The most famous US Airborne units are the 82nd and the 101st (Screaming Eagles) Divisions.)
(The US Army Rangers are formed in 1942, and are the American equivalent of the Commandos. The 1st Ranger Battalion first sees action as part of the Dieppe raid of 1942, within two months of the unit becoming active. The 1st Ranger Battalion is then transferred to North Africa where it plays a pivotal role in the Algerian and Tunisian campaigns, performing night raids and behind-the-lines attacks.)
(3rd and 4th Ranger Battalions are created from 1st Ranger Battalion, and all three battalions, also known as Darby’s Rangers, are sent to Sicily, and then Italy in 1943. All three battalions are virtually eliminated to the last man by the fighting at the Battle of Cisterna in early 1944.)
(The 2nd and 5th Ranger Battalions are raised in the United States, and participate in the Normandy landings in June 1944, seizing a coastal battery at Pointe du Hoc, and breaking out of the beachhead at Omaha beach respectively. The two battalions fight through France, Belgium, and Germany until 1945. Attached to cavalry units, the battalions are used for infiltration, river crossings, and seizure of road junctions and prisoner-of-war camps)
美国海军(US NAVY)
(The US Navy is already a considerable size in 1939, includ-ing fifteen battleships, five aircraft carriers, and thirty-seven cruisers. Naval thinking has always assumed that the Japa-nese navy presents the greatest threat to the United States, and as a result only the US Navy is capable of rivalling Japa-nese expertise in naval aviation and warship technology.)
(After the Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, in which eighteen warships are destroyed and over 2,400 men lose their lives, the US Navy enters an emergency programme of shipbuilding, ordering dozens of new vessels (including sixteen large and nine smaller aircraft carriers). By the end of the war, the US Navy has more ships than the combined navies of all other combatants in the war, including the British Royal Navy.)
(Much of the US Navy’s activity centres around the Pacific theatre, fighting a long series of battles against the formidable Imperial Japanese Navy, and supporting the US Marines in their campaign to liberate the Pacific islands occupied by the Japanese aggressors. In the Atlantic, the US Navy cooperates with the British to keep the Atlantic shipping routes open and defend convoys from the ever-present threat of the German U-boat fleet.)
(Like the Japanese, the US Navy focuses its fleets around its aircraft carriers, and is a leader in naval combat using aircraft, especially dive bombing and torpedo bombing. Sev-eral of the key battles of the Pacific take place between the air fleets of the Japanese and US carrier forces (see Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to the Pacific Front for further details).)
(The US submarine fleet comprises less than two per cent of the Navy’s strength, yet it is responsible for caus-ing over thirty per cent of Japanese naval losses, including eight aircraft carriers. They contribute to the isolation of the Japanese economy from overseas imports, but at a terrible cost. The US submarine force loses over fifty boats and more than 3,500 men in the battle beneath the waves.)
(Unlike their British counterparts, the US military does not maintain an independent air force during the Second World War. Instead, military aviation falls under the command of the US Army Air Force, or in the case of naval aviation, the US Navy. However, under direction from Roosevelt, the USAAF undergoes a massive expansion programme in 1939, and by the time America enters the war in Europe, she brings a huge number of bombers and fighters to the fray, coupled with a virtually global logistics network capable of supplying and maintaining such a massive combat force.)
(While the RAF specialises in night bombing raids, the USAAF maintains a policy of precision daylight raids creat-ing the nightmare of “around the clock” bombing, which in the later years of the war extends from military targets to the near obliteration of German cities.)
(Despite the heavy defensive armaments of the US B-17 and B-24 bombers, losses in early bombing raids are terrible, mostly due to the lack of US fighter escorts, which leaves the enormous bomber formations vulnerable to the elite pilots of the still-intact Luftwaffe. However, the introduction of the likes of the P-51 Mustang ensure greater protection and, by the closing stages of the war, with the Luftwaffe no longer a threat, the daily bombing raids operate with relative impunity.)
(Like much of the United States at this point in his-tory, the USAAF is subject to racial segregation, with most African-American soldiers barred from combat positions. However, several USAAF squadrons are composed of Afri-can-American aviators, including the 332nd Fighter Group (“The Red Tails”) and the 99th Fighter Squadron, which earns three Distinguished Unit Citations during the course of the war.)

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:34:50 »
(In 1939, the French Army stands at 900,000 regular soldiers, with millions more in reserve. France, with her shared border with Germany, and the memories of the Great War still fresh, begins to rearm in 1936, and at the outbreak of war her army is considered one of the strongest in the world. Unfortunately, French military thinking has been stagnant for several decades, with the first French armoured divisions only being formed as the war begins, and defence being very much the overriding strategy.)
(The French place great faith in the Maginot Line, the huge complex of defences and emplacements stretching from Luxembourg to Switzerland along the German border, to provide protection against German aggression. Composed of three interdependent lines of fortifications containing anti-tank emplacements, pillboxes, and artillery positions it is a formidable barrier, but one that proves ultimately useless when theGerman Army invades through the Ardennes Forest, completely circumventing the Line.)
(Though French soldiers fight with great bravery against the encroaching German units, a lack of strong leadership forces them into retreat. Though around 140,000 French sol-diers are evacuated from Dunkirk, the majority are returned to France after a few weeks rest, and subsequently join the thousands of French POWs in German hands, leading to the French Republic Army effectively ceasing to exist in 1940. The evacuation itself is only such a miraculous suc-cess thanks to the sacrifice of 35,000 French soldiers, who form the rear guard and fight on as the last ships disappear from the beaches.)
(Of those soldiers who escape the beaches at Dunkirk, around 3,000 stay in Britain and join Charles de Gaulle’s Free French Army in London. By the end of 1940, the Free French Army has swelled to around 7,000 men, many of whom come from the French colonies in North Africa. As the war continues and the tide begins to turn against Ger-many, the number of volunteers steadily increases, and units of Free French are integral to the Normandy landings. Ini-tially their role is limited to a handful of pilots flying with the RAF, but as the war continues the Free French Army fields nineteen divisions, including several armoured ones. )
(After the Fall of France, the British become concerned that the French Navy, much of which is out of port when the nation surrenders, might fall into German hands and become part of the attack against Great Britain. The French warships are given an ultimatum: either join the Allies, or adopt neutrality. When the ultimatum is rejected, the British launch an assault against French ships in the Algerian port of Mers-el-Kébir, resulting in the deaths of almost 1,300 French servicemen, the sinking of one battleship, and the damaging of five other vessels. This attack, though necessary, continues to cause bad blood between the two allies.)

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:35:21 »
(Following the defeat of Germany in the Great War, and the stringent restrictions placed upon her by the Treaty of Ver-sailles, Germany’s military is seriously curtailed for much of the inter-war period. The army, the Reichswehr, is limited to 100,000 men, while the navy is restricted to a mere 15,000 men serving on a dramatically reduced fleet (consisting of only six battleships, six cruisers, and no submarines). Armed aircraft, tanks, and armoured cars are prohibited, as is the production of machine guns, rifles, and other war munitions.)
(Following Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, Germany shows an ever-growing disregard for the terms of the Treaty and begins a concerted rearmament process. This rearmament allows Germany to discard the outdated military doctrine that still exists amongst the Allied militaries, and develop new strategies and tactics more befitting a modern industrial war machine. These new doctrines are tested in the Span-ish Civil War, as the German military provides support for Franco’s Fascists, proving their worth and giving German troops experience that comes into its own in the opening moves of the war.)
(Formed in 1935 from the remnants of the Reichswehr, Ger-many’s defensive force, the Wehrmacht, quickly expands through the introduction of conscription. Though German propaganda often shows the Wehrmacht as a mechanised force storming across Europe, in reality at the start of the war, only around ten percent of infantry units are equipped with transports, with the rest still moving on foot, or in some instances using bicycles. Later in the war, mechanised forces increase to around half of the army, but attrition in the field and the crippling of Germany’s industrial output by Allied bombing severely hampers transportation.)
(While core units of the Wehrmacht are well equipped, industrial shortages often result in other units being given older equipment. Regardless of their supply status, German soldiers are generally well-trained and highly motivated at the beginning of the war, characterised by aggressive tactics in the field. Officers are given the freedom to accomplish objectives rather than being forced to carry out orders to the letter. Later in the war, as Germany’s fortunes wane, political infighting and punitive punishment of transgressions begins to wear down morale. However, German soldiers fight to the bitter end in the defence of Germany against the Soviet Red Army, down to the last inch of ground.)
(A common misconception is of the German Army, supported by hundreds of unstoppable tanks, smashing a path through enemy formations. In reality, German armour at the start of the war, while newer in design, does not perform any better than Allied armoured vehicles. The German Blitzkrieg tactic, punching through enemy lines in force and at speed, is effective due to the integration of armour, infantry, and artillery support, not the strength of German tanks. German advances in tank technology,  particularly the Panther and Tiger tanks, do not appear on the battlefield until Germany has suffered significant losses against superior Soviet armour. Although plagued by supply and repair problems, German armour is universally feared by enemy troops and is never taken lightly when encountered.)

(The Allies are saved from a number of terrible defeats by the arrogance and egotism of Hermann Göring.)

(German artillery, like its British counterpart, is char-acterised by large, heavy-calibre weapons deployed at divisional and corps level for barrage fire. German advances in rocket technology lead to the development of such weapons as the Nebelwerfer rocket artillery, which com-bines sheer destructive power with the psychological terror caused by the screaming sound the rockets make as they fire. One weapon of note among German artillery pieces is the infamous 88mm. Originally designed as an anti-aircraft weapon, the 88mm is rare in its class for being traversable to a horizontal attack plane. This feature allows it to be deployed as an anti-tank weapon with stunning success. Eventually, when the Germans develop the Tiger tank, the 88mm is chosen as its main weapon but due to the size of the loading mechanism, it is mounted on its side within the cramped Tiger turret.)
(German military aviation effectively ended after the Great War, but begins to take form again soon after Hitler assumes power, under the overall command of Hermann Göring, a vain and arrogant Great War fighter ace. Göring has little direct involvement in the development of the Luftwaffeduring its early years, though his political influence does ensure that the Luftwaffe’s membership is far more ideolog-ically Nazi that the other military arms, with the exception of the Waffen-SS.)
(The Luftwaffe, unlike British and American military aviation, places little emphasis on strategic bombing, field-ing primarily medium bombers during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. Though these bombers cause terrible dev-astation across southeast England, their relative strength is dwarfed by the mass raids conducted by the RAF and USAAF with their squadrons of heavy bombers. However, German aircraft technology is among the best in the world, leading to the development of such lethal aircraft as the Messerschmitt Bf109 fighter, which engages in desperate dogfights against the RAF’s Spitfires and Hurricanes, and the terror-inducing Junker Ju-87 dive-bomber, known as the Sturzkampfbomber, or Stuka.)
(The Allies are saved from a number of terrible defeats due to the arrogance and egotism of Göring, who blindly believes in the supremacy of his aviation force. As the British Expedi-tionary Force retreats towards the beaches of Dunkirk, Göring insists that it is the Luftwaffe who should drive the Allies into the sea, preventing the deployment of the Wehrmacht which would probably have destroyed the British forces. Equally, the Luftwaffe’s failure to defeat the RAF during the Battle of Britain crushes German plans for invasion.)
(The German Navy, severely restricted in size after the Great War, undergoes a massive rearmament and expan-sion programme just prior to World War Two though, like the British, German naval thinking still focuses on the use of large battleships. However, by the outbreak of war, only around twenty percent of the planned vessels are completed. Despite some early successes, the Kriegsmarine suffer serious losses during the Battle of Norway, and a concerted effort by the British Royal Navy to neutralise German battleships results in the fleet being reduced to providing artillery sup-port along the Baltic coast for much of the later war.)
(While the German surface fleet fails to fulfil its potential, the same cannot be said of the U-boat fleet. Through vastly superior numbers, German U-boats are able to operate in wolf packs, hunting down the merchant convoys that cross the Atlantic supplying Britain and the Soviet Union with much needed materials and supplies. The Fall of France increases the danger presented by German U-boats as the Germans build huge, reinforced submarine pens along the French Atlantic coast, enabling the wolf packs to operate further from home.These new bases, combined with a network of resupply ships and even resupply submarines, mean that the U-boat fleets remain a constant threat throughout the war.)

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:35:46 »
关注间谍(EYE SPY)
(By the beginning of the Second World War, the Great Game of espionage is long out of its infancy and being played upon the world stage by every nation, whether they are directly involved in the conflict or not. Below is an overview of the various intelligence agencies employed by the Allies and Germany.)

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:37:14 »
英国情报局(British Intelligence)
(The British have, without a doubt, the longest history of using espionage to further their political, military, and even economic goals, with Sir Francis Walsingham’s Elizabethan network of foreign and domestic agents being one of the ear-liest examples. Operating on an essentially informal basis for the next few centuries, and using diplomats and military attachés as the main operatives, activity is largely restricted to periods of outright hostility.)
(In 1909, the War Office authorises the establishment of the Secret Service Bureau (SSB) to coordinate the ever-ex-panding role of the intelligence community. Organised into a series of military intelligence departments and identi-fied by a number with the prefix “MI”, the men (and later women) of the SSB are drawn from the ranks of the Army, Navy, and the Metropolitan Police, and serve with distinc-tion during the Great War. Though several departments of the SSB are dissolved during the inter-war period, the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, or MI6) and Security Ser-vice (MI5) continue their work. The list below highlights a few of the nineteen “official” departments operating during the Second World War. For details of the others, see The Other Secret War, Achtung! Cthulhu: the Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War.)
(MI5. The Security Service, responsible for internal secu-rity and counter-espionage.)
(MI6. The Secret Intelligence Service, with jurisdiction over the collection of foreign intelligence.)
(MI8. The Radio Security Service (RSS), responsible for monitoring and analysing radio transmissions for enemy intelligence.)
(MI9. The Escape and Evasion department, responsible for developing and delivering escape aids to prisoners of war.)
(MI17. The secretariat providing clerical and administra-tive support for the other departments.)
(With the spectre of war looming over Europe and efforts to maintain peace crumbling, steps are taken to establish new intelligence departments specifically geared towards combat-ting German aggression. The activities of the first of these, Electra House (EH), are considered to be un-gentlemanly by the Foreign Office, even though they established it. Operating from 1938, and charged with the creation and dissemination of propaganda, EH is largely unsuccessful in its remit.)
(Section D, SIS’ own sabotage and propaganda arm, is set up not long after EH. Along with MI-R, the guerrilla warfare section, the three departments work on shoestring budgets with little official support and frequently at cross-purposes, with Section D and EH often duplicating propaganda oper-ations. Results from these offices are mixed, and Section D is often unsuccessful in its early sabotage missions. MI-R shows greater success, and is instrumental in the creation of the Independent Companies that go on to form the basis of the Commandos, as well as helping to train the Auxiliary Units, Britain’s secret resistance army (see p.46).)
(Late in 1939, having realised that certain operations are beyond the purview of the regular intelligence and espio-nage services, enquiries are begun that lead to the foundation of Section M, Section D’s sister organisation charged with investigating and dealing with the growing threat from German occult and mystical groups. A multinational affair from the outset, Section M is closely supported by its own Special Service Unit, nick-named “Badger’s Commandos” after their leader, Captain Eric “Badger” Harris. For further details on Section M, see Secret and Occult Societies, Ach-tung! Cthulhu: the Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War.)
(After the Fall of France, in July 1940 Churchill orders the establishment of a single sabotage organisation with orders to “set Europe ablaze”, leading to the integration of Section D, EH, and MI-R, and the birth of the Special Operations Executive (SOE). Only Section M and MI-R’s research unit remain separate, with the tinkerers and boffins from MI-R going on to form what will become known as “Churchill’s Toyshop”, MD1.)
(The department which emerges as the SOE, also known as the Baker Street Irregulars after the location of its new headquarters, is initially organised into three sections: SO1 (propaganda), SO2 (active operations), and SO3 (plan-ning). However, SO3 is quickly absorbed into SO2, and SO1 becomes the Political Warfare Executive (PWE) within the year. The SOE’s main task is the sabotage and subversion of the German war effort, targeting rail networks, industrial targets, and the Nazi military infrastructure to hamper their operations. Due to the often complex political landscapes of the countries in which they are working, there are frequently multiple SOE sections per country to ensure co-ordination; France alone has six.)
(Although the SOE has few agents in the occupied ter-ritories upon its foundation, there is soon a robust network of spies, informers, and saboteurs all across Europe. The organisation is also less susceptible to the problems caused by recruiting almost exclusively from the “Old Boys Net-work” of public school acquaintances that hampers military intelligence, instead drawing on all sections of British society to fill their ranks, even the criminal fraternity. It is also one of the few arms of the British military to accept women for active field work. Each new recruit undergoes an intensive training programme, covering a variety of combat styles, ways of avoiding the enemy once in the field, demolition and sabotage techniques, radio operation, cryptography, and the rather essential parachute training.)
(Rather confusingly, the British military maintains its own intelligence operations outside those provided by the MI departments. The Army’s Intelligence Corps (AIC) is formed in 1914 at the outset of World War One, only to be dis-banded in 1929, prior to reactivation in July 1940. While the SOE conduct their dirty war in occupied Europe, the men of the AIC focus their efforts on supporting the British Army through their ranks of interpreters, imagery analysts, and signals interception units. Along with the other military intelligence arms, Army Intelligence tends to look down upon their SOE colleagues, and throughout the war there exists a reticence to share information, despite many AIC operatives joining SOE operations in occupied territories, particularly in Europe and the Far East. Approximately forty percent of the Army personnel at Station X belong to the Intelligence Corps.)
(As their name suggests, the AIC operate at both a stra-tegic and tactical level to support the Army. At the strategic level, their work in photographic analysis and interpretation proves invaluable in identifying, amongst other things, radar sites, as well as providing essential support in locating V1 rocket sites. At the tactical level, the AIC maintains a fleet of vehicles known euphemistically as “Gin Palaces”, packed with radio detection equipment to intercept and locate enemy radio transmitters.)
(The Naval Intelligence Division (NID), initially estab-lished as the Foreign Intelligence Committee in 1882, is also known as “Room 39” due to its location in the Admiralty. Probably the oldest of the British military intelligence depar-ments, its role has changed over the years from that of a naval staffing department with an intelligence-gathering remit, to one focussed solely on covert operations. Unlike the other services, Naval Intelligence does not operate at a tactical level, restricting itself to providing strategic intelligence regarding enemy ship movements and analysing enemy signals. It is behind the formation of the Special Intelligence Unit in 1942, which later becomes 30 Assault Unit, part of the Commandos.)
(The youngest of the British services, the RAF’s Intel-ligence Branch officially dates from 1939, although it can trace its roots back to the origins of the service itself in the Royal Flying Corps’ reconnaissance activities. During World War Two, it takes over control of Signals Intelligence at Station X, as well as continuing in its role of analysing and interpreting aerial reconnaissance images, working from RAF Medmenham in Buckinghamshire in what becomes known as the Central Interpretation Unit (CIU). A sister organi-sation to Bletchley Park, this unit incorporates the Bomber Command Damage Assessment Section and the RAF’s Night Photographic Interpretation Section.)
(The Battle of Britain brings additional responsibilities, as RAF Intelligence operatives take on the interrogation of enemy airmen shot down over the UK. As the war begins to turn and the Allies start to carry out raids over Germany and occupied Europe, RAF Intelligence also develops a network of operatives, in conjunction with SOE and local resistance, to provide downed Allied airmen with assistance in escap-ing capture by German forces so that they can return home.)
(The SOE’s main task is the sabotage and subversion of the German war effort... to hamper their operations.)

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:37:32 »
大男孩的玩具(Big Boys’ Toys)
(Besides Ministry of Defence 1 (MD1), there is also the Admiralty’s Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development (DMWD), better known as the Depart-ment of Wheezers and Dodgers. Both are charged with designing weaponry for both the regular and irregular British forces)

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-08-26, 周四 14:38:27 »
美国情报局(US Intelligence)
(It is only in the late 19th Century that the American intel-ligence services are formally established with the creation of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Army’s Military Intelligence Division (MID), although informal operations have existed since the birth of the nation. ONI continues to provide world-wide intelligence throughout the Great War and into World War Two, while MID undergoes a number of reorganisations, eventually becoming the Mili-tary Intelligence Service and, one month before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Fourth Army Intelligence School.)
(President Roosevelt, concerned at the demonstrable lack of espionage and counter-espionage activity carried out by ONI and MID, commissions William “Wild Bill” Donovan to draft a strategy for the creation of a central intelligence service capable of undertaking the type of special operations necessary if the United States is going to enter the war. Based on the strength of his report, Donovan is appointed Coordinator of Information in 1941, and by mid-1942 the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) is founded.)
与英国的SOE一样,OSS也参与了间谍活动和破坏活动,并承担了额外的抵抗宣传责任。它也遭受小规模竞争,在这种情况下与 FBI、MID 和 ONI,它们都在为保护其现有的指挥区域而战。这导致多诺万将 OSS 的重点放在实地的积极行动上,在每一个可进入的战区都有特工,通常与他们的 SOE 兄弟合作。然而,由于英国人对美国人缺乏经验的偏见,以及美国人对他们更年长的英国表亲的依赖性的担忧,这两个机构之间最初的关系有时令人担忧。
(Like its British counterpart, the SOE, the OSS is involved in espionage and sabotage, with additional responsi-bility for black propaganda. It, too, suffers from petty rivalries, in this case with the FBI, the MID, and the ONI, which all fight to protect their existing areas of command. This leads to Donovan focussing the OSS on active operations in the field, with agents present in every accessible theatre of war, often working in cooperation with their SOE bretheren. However, the initial relationship between the two agencies is occasionally fraught, hampered by British prejudices con-cerning American inexperience, and American concerns over dependency on their more senior British cousin.)
三分之二的 OSS 特工来自美国陆军和陆军空军的军官和士兵。 四分之一的平民拥有秘密行动所需的技能和人脉,他们在招募时被授予相应的军衔。 其余的来自海军、海军陆战队和美国海岸警卫队。 与 SOE 一样,OSS 也拥有一支庞大的女性队伍。
(Two thirds of all OSS agents are drawn from the officers and enlisted men of the US Army and Army Air Force. One quarter is made up from civilians possessing the skills and contacts needed for covert operations who, on recruitment, are given commensurate military rank. The remainder come from the Navy, Marines, and US Coast Guard. Like the SOE, the OSS has a large female contingent.)
(Also like its British cousin, the OSS has a sister organ-isation tasked with managing the more esoteric threats mounted by the Axis forces and various enemies within. Majestic (MJ), as the group is known, is established by Donovan at the same time as the OSS, but is run largely independently of its cover organisation. It also enjoys far friendlier relations with its European allies, as many of its staff work initially for Section M. For further details on Majestic, see Secret and Occult Societies, Achtung! Cthulhu: the Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War.)
FBI在约翰·埃德加·胡佛的注视下,既是联邦刑事调查部门,也是美国的反间谍机构。 在战争爆发之前,FBI主要专注于打击有组织犯罪以及内部安全,但随着轴心国无情地横扫欧洲,其职责迅速升级。 在国内,它的注意力集中在有潜在危险的德国、意大利和日本国民身上,珍珠港事件后对日本公民进行了积极的拘留活动
(The FBI, under the watchful gaze of J. Edgar Hoover, oper-ates as both a federal criminal investigation unit and the United States’ counter-espionage agency. Before the out-break of war, the FBI is largely focused on the fight against organised crime, as well as internal security, but as the Axis powers march inexorably across Europe, its responsibilities rapidly escalate. On the homefront, its attention is focussed on potentially dangerous German, Italian, and Japanese nationals, with an active internment campaign against Jap-anese citizens taking place after Pearl Harbor.)
(Outside of the United States, the FBI has a fairly restricted role, although they have formed the Special Intel-ligence Service to operate in Latin and South America, with instructions to closely monitor the rapidly expanding German spy community. Unusually, their relationship with Majestic is quite good, with a relatively high degree of information-shar-ing, particularly when it comes to “unusual” material.)