作者 主题: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120  (阅读 17576 次)

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【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 于: 2018-02-05, 周一 12:26:21 »

劇透 -   :
“Hack, hack, hack the deck,
Down the data stream,
Go too deep inside a host,
It geeks you with a dream.”
—Anonymous hacker, 13 September 2075

译注:这里的梗是路易斯所作的《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》,英文是Through the Looking Glass

> 我刚还在想,如果暗影社群能对主机中的深层狂奔(Deep Run)有一份详细的描述,或许能救下几条命。你瞧,我从我们亲爱的/dev/grrl那里拿到了一份总结还有一些有用的文件。现在我在想,如果我能拿到一瓶第一次矩阵崩溃之前酿出的苏格兰威士忌,和一个按摩浴缸,这些文件也能救下几条命。在我等酒出现的时候,你们可以看看最新的结构层(Foundation)深层狂奔相关的信息。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
I was just thinking that it would save some lives if the shadow community had a detailed description of a deep run on a host, and lo and behold, I get a file from our very own /dev/grrl with a run-down and a few useful utility files. Now I’m thinking that it would save some lives if I had a bottle of scotch from before the first Crash and a Jacuzzi. While I wait for that to show up, here’s the most recent information about deep runs on Foundations that we have.
> Bull

第一条矩阵协议刚刚实施的时候,我们探索和了解了赛博空间上到处出现的新的主机。骇客社群花了好些天,才发现我们不再能像以前控制节点或是无线矩阵进程之前的主机那样,对现在的主机加以控制了。一周多之后,中西部海盗行会(Midwest Pirates’ Guild)宣布他们的成员之一发现了主机下面的基础结构。他们把这个地方称为结构层,而这个名字也延续至今。
劇透 -   :
When the first Matrix protocols were put into place, we all knew about and explored the new hosts that appeared all over cyberspace. It took the hacker community a few days to discover that we couldn’t exert the kind of control over these hosts that we could over older nodes and the hosts that came before the Wireless Matrix Initiative. A week or so later, the Midwest Pirates’ Guild announced that an underlying structure was discovered under a host by one of their members. They dubbed this area the Foundation of the host, and the name’s stuck ever since.

> 关于结构层的很多术语,像是“深层狂奔”、“大门”、“锚点”,当然还有“结构层”本身,都来自于那些早期的MPG(中西部海盗行会)文件。所以如果这些概念听起来像刚从芝加哥跑出来,原因如上。
> Pistons
> 石面(Rockface)告诉了我们主机结构层的基础知识,包括它可以有多危险。愿她安息。
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
> A lot of the terminology around Foundations, like “deep run,” “gateway,” “anchor,” and of course, “Foundation” come from those early MPG files. So if the ideas all sound like they’re straight out of Chicago, that’s why.
> Pistons
> Rockface gave us the basis of what we know about host Foundations, including unfortunately how deadly they can be. May she rest in peace.
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
This information opened up a flood of exploration, innovation, and discovery. One of the first discoveries was the deadliness of this new virtual area, with more Shadowland and MPG hackers dead in twenty-four hours than in the previous month. We learned how to get into the Foundation, how to work within it, and how to control the host from within it. The Foundation is not for the novice or the timid, but if you master control of the Foundation, you can make hosts dance to your tune. That’s temptation enough.

劇透 -   :
The first step of hacking the Foundation of a host is to find the way into it. There are two ways in: one from inside the host, the other through a portal (which will be described later). The entrance to a host’s Foundation is nearly always guarded by IC in the host. You’ll need to deal with the IC carefully, because if the host sees you as any kind of threat, you won’t be able to enter the Foundation.
The gateway to the Foundation is always sculpted as some sort of door, threshold, or other entry. We haven’t been able to figure out why—it probably has something to do with the interface between the virtual host space and the Foundation—but hackers find this to be a convenient way to locate the gateway when they’re starting a deep run. Once you’ve dealt with the IC and the host, you can make A push through the gateway, and everything changes.
> 我以前喜欢偷偷溜过大门,但现在我只是冲过去。当然,主机会生气,但只要你进去了,它就够不到你了。有次我第一次尝试的时候搞砸了,IC就那么看着我,好像它对我刚刚做的不可置信。我笑得肚子疼,差点没能在第二次的时候成功。
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
> I used to like sleazing past the gateway, but now I just smash through. Sure, the host gets annoyed with you, but once you’re in it can’t touch you. One time I fragged up my first attempt and the IC just looked at me like it couldn’t believe what I just did. I laughed so hard I almost didn’t make it through on my second blast.
> Clockwork 

劇透 -   :
The Foundation isn’t like the rest of the Matrix. It’s a densely packed construction of information. Subroutines, data fragments, and bitwise expressions of abstract structures are constantly moving, changing, and affecting one another. Since the data density in a Foundation is orders of magnitude higher than in the rest of the Matrix, processing that data into neural impulses that can be perceived and controlled is, to use a technical term, tricky.
> 这是宇宙中最开始的几微秒的可视化版本。处在矩阵结构层中,你精神的感受就像宇宙大爆炸的时候你的肉体感受到的那样。这是绝好的体验!
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
> It’s a virtual version of the first few microseconds of the universe. Being present for that in the Matrix will do to your sanity roughly what the real Big Bang would have done to your meat body. It’s a helluva trip!
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
Working within a Foundation requires the biggest bandwidth pipe possible, and for hackers that means hot-sim. Yet even this is not enough to process the full impact of the Foundation’s data stream. To keep up, your deck’s sim module bypasses select parts of your pre-frontal cortex and initiates the same kind of PGO waves involved in REM sleep. In short, when you go into the Foundation you are entering a dream world. The broader bandwidth combined with the increase in generated signals adds up to a higher risk of biofeedback, commonly at deadly levels.
> 结构层通过热模VR传来的信号很像BTL芯片产生的信号。我对以后会出现一些深层狂奔的瘾君子一点都不奇怪。
> The Smiling Bandit
> 这又怎么了?不过,认真讲,深层狂奔瘾君子恐怕不会在眼前晃悠很久。有些上瘾是比其他的更加危险的。
> 2XL

劇透 -   :
> The signals coming from a Foundation via hot-sim virtual reality are very like the signals produced by a BTL chip. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some deep-run addicts in the near future.
> The Smiling Bandit
> What’s wrong with that? Seriously, though, I can’t see a deep-run addict being around for too long. Some addictions are more dangerous than others.
> 2XL

进入结构层会创造出似梦现实(dreamlike reality)。一旦你进入结构层,你和矩阵其他部分的联系就完全断开了。你的通讯链锁定在开启状态,而你发现自己身处在结构层中无法预料的地方。
劇透 -   :
Entering the Foundation creates a dreamlike reality. Once you enter the Foundation, you are completely cut off from the rest of the Matrix. Your link is locked open, and you find yourself somewhere unpredictable in the Foundation.
Like the outside Matrix, all of its functions and properties are in an iconic form, but the icons are far more abstract. The virtual reality rarely has anything to do with the host or even the host functions accessible from the Foundation. For example, the initial MPG report described a deep run on a restaurant host that appeared as a Viking raid on a medieval monastery beneath a bloodred sky. I’m going to call this dream reality the Foundation’s paradigm.
劇透 -   :
The paradigm can be practically anything that can conceivably be dreamed. In researching this article, I’ve encountered reports that include a nursery, a world of marionettes, a sprawling metropolis inhabited by lettuce, a bizarre mash-up of a popular video game and an equally popular vid show, and a completely mundane rodeo.
One interesting thing about the paradigm of a Foundation is that it seems to be in constant flux until an observer arrives. I entered and left the same host Foundation three times, one visit right after the other, and found the paradigm to be first a space station, then my high school, and finally the inside of a large but unidentifiable creature. To date, there’s been no report of a paradigm changing while a hacker was present, so I think it’s safe to assume that it won’t.
The dream logic of a Foundation extends to pretty much what you’d expect: odd behavior treated as normal, long distances traveled in an eyeblink, and nearly everything completely failing to act the way you think it should.

劇透 -   :
The paradigm of the Foundation is its defense mechanism. Intruders almost never fit the paradigm on arrival, making it easy for the host Foundation to repel hackers. When the Foundation finds something that doesn’t fit the paradigm, everything in the Foundation becomes hostile to the intruder.
The first thing to do when you start a deep run is figure out the paradigm. You’ve got a short grace period before the Foundation notices an inconsistency, so use this time to figure out a way to look like you belong and how to behave in the world you’ve stepped into.
> 她的“所有东西都会为敌”可不是玩笑。整个世界都会真的与你为敌。树、人、动物、门,甚至风都会努力杀死你。如果这发生了,马上离开。
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
> She is not kidding about everything becoming hostile. The whole world literally turns against you. Trees, people, animals, doors, even the wind will do their best to try to kill you. Get out right away when that happens.
> Netcat
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-25, 周日 23:32:45 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-05, 周一 14:56:04 »
劇透 -   :
While every visit to a Foundation can be a completely different experience, all Foundations share an underlying structure. There are seven nodes, each of which has its own function. Each node is disguised as some part of the paradigm. To use the system, you have to figure out what the nodes are, where they are, and how to interact with them. As you’d expect in dream-logic, the icon of each node rarely has anything to do with its function.
This can be a tough task, but there are two things in your favor. First, there are always seven nodes—no more, no less. Second, each node is connected to one or more others via data trails. The logical map of these connections is also always the same, as you can see in this file: <LINK>.
劇透 -   :
While the look of a node almost never matches its function, a data trail is always presented as some kind of connection, pathway, or link. Some data trails are twoway, and some are one-way, but they are always connecting the same nodes the same way in every Foundation. The simplest example of data trails that I’ve found was a giant Snakes and Ladders board where the nodes were different spaces on the board and the data trails were snakes and ladders leading to and from each node.
Finding data trails isn’t always easy. Often a Foundation will include multiple things that could be candidates for data trails. Some one-way data trails look like two-way data trails, and vice versa. While you don’t have forever before the Foundation detects you, take as much time as you dare. You take a risk when interacting with something you’re not certain is a node, because if it isn’t, the Foundation could respond violently.
> 我有次遇到一个结构层,是舞台上的交响乐团。每个不同的旋律线都是一个不同的节点,而数据轨迹则是它们之间的力度变化。我只能演奏不同的乐器来访问它们,小心地在选段间爬来爬去,从节点到另一个节点。最差的音乐会了。
> Puck
> 我最奇怪的一次是波士顿倾茶事件,穿着莫霍克族的服饰,但我们却在把山羊丢进海湾。我漫不经心地丢了大概四十五分钟的山羊,直到我发现数据轨迹就是绳索,节点是船的锁具,而山羊和这半点关系都没。虽然越过船边把它们抛出去也挺有趣的。
> Slamm-0!
> 我开了个贴来讨论奇怪的范式:<链接>。别再把这个文件搞乱了。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> I once encountered a Foundation that was a philharmonic orchestra on a stage. Each different melodic line was a different node, and the data trails were dynamics between parts. I had to play different instruments to access them, and crept carefully between sections to get from node to node. Worst concert ever.
> Puck
> My weirdest was the Boston Tea Party, complete with Mohawk garb, but we were throwing goats into the harbor. It was me tossing goats for about forty-five minutes until I figured out that the data trails were ropes and the nodes were in the ship’s rigging, and the goats had nothing to do with them. It was kinda fun to chuck ‘em overboard, though.
> Slamm-0!
> I’m opening a discussion for weird paradigms here: <LINK> Stop cluttering up this file.
> Bull

劇透 -   :
The portal is the node you need if you want to leave the Foundation. Your entry point is, as far as anyone can tell, random, and you cannot leave the Foundation except using this node, so finding it is a top priority on a deep run. You can place an anchor at the portal node, which prevents the Foundation’s paradigm from changing and lets you move to other anchors you might have in other Foundations—you have to code your own anchor to fit each specific Foundation and its paradigm, but I’ve included some pseudocode here: <LINK>

劇透 -   :
The archive is the target of most deep runs looking for paydata or a specific file. This node is the only way to access an archived file without authorization.

劇透 -   :
This node gives you complete control of the Foundation. You can change the paradigm’s reality or even destroy the entire host, but you’ll probably just want the Foundation map that’s found here.

劇透 -   :
The scaffolding control lets you observe or alter the part of the host that everybody else is in.

劇透 -   :
This node handles security for the scaffolding, containing controls for the IC in the host. It doesn’t stop the Foundation from turning on you if you draw too much attention from the system.

劇透 -   :
This node connects you to any and all devices slaved to the host.

劇透 -   :
If anyone knows something about this node’s function or purpose, they have not yet come forward. The MPG called this the “mystery node,” but the more popular name is the null node. It is always included in every Foundation, but it never actually controls or contains anything of value or interest. Some hackers have reported feeling a kind of dullness or slowness creeping over them while in this node, but these reports are very inconsistent and cannot be directly tied to the node. The existence of null nodes has raised a lot of speculation in the hacker community, but the consensus for now is to stay away from them.

劇透 -   :
This next part is critical for those of us who have longed to have some backup when we dive into the Matrix. With a version of the MPG’s hitchhiker program <LINK>, you can bring allies with you into the Foundation, even if they’re not hackers. For the most part, your programming skills will determine the outcome of the run, but friends can be very helpful, especially in high-security Foundations.
Your friends will, for the most part, have no problem interacting with the Foundation. With exceptions for whatever dream reality the Foundation is using, things work pretty much like real life in the Foundation, much the same way you would find in an ultraviolet node. You may have to climb a wall, or talk to a police squid, or dance a tango. Although these tasks are familiar to anybody, they’re still metaphors for programming tasks, and so you might find that you’ve become an ubermensch while your friends feel incompetent within their own specialties (as they might in some of their own dreams). While muscle memory may not exist in the Foundation, knowledge remains, and hackers and hitchhikers have found some success when confronted with problems in their area of expertise.
劇透 -   :
> That explains why a certain Seattle-area hacker needed a certain UW professor as a … surprise guest. Hooked her straight into the Matrix and paid us. I’d been wondering.
> Sounder

劇透 -   :
To date, no magic has worked inside the Foundation. Even when the paradigm includes magic of one sort or another, magicians find themselves unable to connect to their own magic and must instead follow the paradigm. Magicians practicing paradigm-sanctioned magic report it as feeling “wrong,” “empty,” or “play-acting.”
A few author’s notes: It shouldn’t be a surprise that magic and magical abilities don’t really work anywhere in the Matrix, much less on a deep run. I still felt it was important to experiment, just in case. I owe a great debt of thanks to the volunteers who helped me. I would like to publicly add that I owe one of those volunteer magicians a favor—she knows who she is, and I think this will suffice to meet her terms.
> 真是贪婪的门徒啊,Kane。
> Bull
> 是了。
> Kane
劇透 -   :
> Gutsy protégé you have there, Kane.
> Bull
> Yep.
> Kane.

译注:Alice in Wonderland
劇透 -   :
While magicians are quite mundane in the Foundation, technomancers are the magicians of deep runs. Where hitchhikers and deckers can feel awkward in the paradigm- reality, all of the technomancers interviewed for this article expressed that they felt comfortable, even refreshed. Their abilities work on practically everything in the dream world. Some technomancers have even shown an ability to alter the paradigm in very limited ways.


> 干得好。真高兴看到新网的教育没有浪费。
> Pistons

劇透 -   :
The Foundation holds nearly complete control of a host. This makes it a high-value target for hackers across the Matrix. But the self-defending Matrix is present there, too, and in particularly deadly form. Hopefully, this article will help hackers who are new to deep runs succeed, or at least keep them from being killed there. Who better than a hacker knows the power of knowledge?
> Good work. Nice to see that NeoNET education didn’t go to waste.
> Pistons.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-16, 周一 16:44:00 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-02-06, 周二 11:42:26 »
劇透 -   :
The deep run is a new way for hacker characters to play Shadowrun. It’s a new challenge and gives hackers a chance to control hosts. It can be used as a solo mini-adventure for a single character, or the entire team can play along as hitchhikers. Time on a deep run can (and often does) flow at the same speed as it does in the real world, and so you can have a deep run in conjunction with the rest of the team’s actions.

劇透 -   :
Here are some of the basic rules for deep runs.

在深层狂奔中,你的硬件和主机把你的大脑用作更大的处理器的一部分。这意味着如果你想要进入结构层,你需要神经元,或者至少是类似神经元的东西。这意味着深层狂奔只允许泛人类、泛智慧生物(RF p.98)、网精(SR5 p.254)或AI(DT p.145)进入;代理和自驾程序则不可。
劇透 -   :
When you’re on a deep run, your hardware and the host use your brain as part of a greater processing machine. This means that to be eligible to enter the Foundation you need neurons, or at least something that functions like neurons. This means that deep runs are only open to metahumans, metasapients (p. 98, Run Faster), sprites (p. 254, SR5), or AIs (p. 145); no agents or pilot programs need apply.
To get into the Foundation, first find the gateway in the host you want to enter. Then get a mark on that gateway (it has the same attributes as the host) using either the Brute Force or the Hack on the Fly action. Once you have that mark and are running in hot-sim VR, entering the Foundation is a Complex Action.
You can also enter a Foundation via an anchor, using the rules on p. 114.

劇透 -   :
While everything in the Foundation seems to be real, it’s still a virtual world, and your attributes reflect that. Your Mental attributes remain the same, but your Physical attributes are based on your cyberdeck’s attributes, per the Foundation Attributes table. Calculate your limits and Initiative based on your Foundation attributes (until you leave the Foundation, of course). The cyberdeck cannot be reconfigured when you are in the Foundation, so choose the configuration carefully before going in.

劇透 -   :
While it might seem like you’re performing martial arts, firing weapons, lurking in the shadows, performing surgery, or any number of other actions involving Active skills when you’re in the Foundation of a host, you’re actually subconsciously performing programming tasks.
When an Active skill is called for, replace its rating with one of your Matrix-related skills, according to the Foundation Skills table. If you don’t have the Active skill you need, congratulations! As long as you have the Foundation skill, you’ve got that skill, even if you normally wouldn’t be able to default on tests involving that skill (p. 130, SR5). With Social skills, you can choose to use your normal skills of your Software skill.
If you do not have the necessary Foundation skill, you are out of luck when it comes to Technical skills and Social skills (unless, as noted, you have meatworld ranks in the Social skills). There is no defaulting on those. Cybercombat, Hacking, and Computer can all be defaulted, though, giving characters a chance to use skills in the associated areas.

劇透 -   :
Knowledge skills remain unchanged in the Foundation— you know what you know. However, the weird way that the Foundation approaches the brain means that your Knowledge skills are much more valuable there. If one of your Knowledge skills applies to a task for which you’d normally need an Active skill, you can use your Knowledge skill instead. For example, Professor Crow is hitchhiking along with Rootkit the hacker in a Foundation with a medieval European paradigm. They come across a knight guarding a bridge that they must pass. Crow is a history professor, not a hacker, and she lacks the Cybercombat skill she needs to fight the knight. However, with a very impressive 10 rating in Medieval European History, the Foundation latches onto her knowledge and translates that into dreamlike—but completely badass— moves that send the knight tumbling from the bridge.
The right expert in the right Foundation can be very effective. With the high number of Knowledge skills available, the gamemaster will have to make the call as to when they are relevant in a Foundation dive.

劇透 -   :
Sixth World magic doesn’t work in the Foundation, period. Some magic can indirectly affect you in the Foundation, but only if it applies to something you bring in with you, like an Improved Ability adept power or an Increase Logic spell.
If the Foundation’s paradigm has its own magic system, it’s probably not the same as real-world magic. It would probably require you to memorize one-shot spells, or throw cards, or stretch out your feelings, or something other than normal Shadowrun magic. Even if the paradigm is identical to the Sixth World’s magical abilities and expectations, it’s still a virtual world, and your Magical skills don’t apply. The gamemaster will let you know which of the Foundation Skills you need for magic (e.g., the one-shot spell example above might use Electronic Warfare, the card throwing might use Hacking, and reaching out with your feelings would require Software).

劇透 -   :
The short version: There are no Matrix actions in the Foundation of a host.
Once you’re in the Foundation, it is, for all intents and purposes, as though you were in the real world (well, some real world, anyway). You interact with it normally, using your Foundation attributes and skills in place of your meatspace versions. So before you start making fun of your team’s shaman for losing his powers, you might want to mourn the loss of your Data Spike.
劇透 -   :
On the other hand, there are a few upsides. Since you’re cut off from the rest of the Matrix, you no longer have an Overwatch Score. Along those lines, your actions that involve Attack and Sleaze aren’t treated as illegal, which results again in no Overwatch Score. And your skills probably make you like unto a tiny deity in the Foundation, so it’s not that bad.

劇透 -   :
Unlike Magical skills, Resonance skills work just fine in a Foundation. Sprites can be compiled, complex forms flung about. For targeting purposes, treat any living (or at least animate) targets, including people, animals, talking tableware, and so on, as personas, and every other object in the Foundation as devices.
There are two drawbacks to using Resonance abilities in the Foundation. First, Fading damage is always Physical. Second, unless you can somehow fit your powers into the paradigm, you might create a variance (p. 117) by using them.

劇透 -   :
In the Foundation you are completely cut off from the outside world. You cannot communicate with anyone or anything outside of the Foundation. You are linklocked. You may not reconfigure your cyberdeck (if you have one). You may not reboot or jack out—the only way out is through the portal node. 12Attempts to trace, spot, or mark you fail—your persona has left the Matrix.

劇透 -   :
All damage in the Foundation is either Matrix or biofeedback damage. If the persona under attack has a Physical Condition 12Monitor, the damage is biofeedback damage. If it only has a Matrix Condition Monitor, then the damage is Matrix damage.

深层狂奔需要使用热模VR,这本身就已经具有成瘾性。结构层使用比VR还要让人兴奋的信号,虽然没有像BTL那么过。结果是深层狂奔是心理成瘾,成瘾等级为5,成瘾阈值为1(SR5 p.414)。
劇透 -   :
Deep runs require the use of hot-sim VR, which is already addictive. Foundations use some amped-up signals that go beyond VR, although not quite so far as BTL chips. The result is that deep runs are psychologically addictive with an Addiction Rating of 5 and an Addiction Threshold of 1 (p. 414, SR5).

劇透 -   :
Once you’ve navigated the paradigm to the point where you can operate with relative ease, it’s time to look for the nodes (which is likely what you’re here for, unless you’re just looking around, which is an odd thing to do in a place as dangerous as a Foundation).
The trick is figuring out which things in the dreamscape are nodes and which are just part of the Foundation. A node could be a post, a person, a house—pretty much anything you can interact with is fair game to be a node. The trick to finding nodes is to look for their data trails.

劇透 -   :
Each node has to communicate with one or more other nodes; it’s how the host functions. These lines of communication are called data trails, and they’re pretty much the only thing in the Foundation where form reflects function.
A data trail always goes between nodes, and always in the same direction(s). For example, there is always a two-way data trail between the portal node and the scaffolding control node. Look at the Foundation Architecture image for a map of the nodes and the data trails between them. Be advised: This is a logical map only, and while the connections will always be there, the nodes will never be in those neat rows and columns in the Foundation.
劇透 -   :
Data trails appear in the paradigm as connections between the icons that are the nodes. These connections could appear as something physical, like roads or pipes, or something more abstract, like a corporate organizational chart or a loan shark’s client list. The connections can be one-way or two-way.
To find the nodes, first look for a data trail, or rather something that could be a data trail. Once you find one, you can follow it to either end and find the node it connects to. Once you find a node, you can start following the data trails further. After a little legwork and some logic, you’ll figure out where to find everything.

劇透 -   :
A node is (usually) an object in the Foundation. You usually find them by following data trails.


劇透 -   :
Hoi, chummer. Look, I don’t want to tell you what to do. I just want you to come back alive when you do a deep run. So here’s some friendly advice. If it comes in handy, buy me a drink sometime.
Deep runs aren’t like your usual hacking run. You can’t just sling code at something and hope for the best. You’ve got to be clever and outsmart the machine. The host gets grumpy about change and intruders, so don’t piss it off. The trick isn’t not getting caught, it’s about looking like you belong there. As long as it makes sense to the “people” scattered across the foundation-world, you’re golden. As soon as they start getting confused, the host starts getting angry.
劇透 -   :
Bring friends. They can back you up, help you puzzle out the lay of the land, and in a pinch hold off the bad guys while you accomplish your objectives. You can’t bring an agent with you on a deep run, which is fine—their limited intelligence and utter lack of creativity would likely be a liability, even if they could function. That goes double for those air-headed sprites that technomancers like to drag along with them.
Take your time and think about things. You won’t always be a hundred percent certain of anything in there, much less of whether the fire hydrant you’re looking at is a node or not. You can use trial and error, but if you’re wrong you’re risking the whole world turning against you.
劇透 -   :
Brute force could work in some paradigms, but not all of them. If you don’t believe that, let me tell you about a young hacker of my acquaintance who thought so. He was running in a low-rating foundation, so he figured he could handle it when the host went on alert. He learned that it’s hard to use a portal node when the portal node is an angry troll that’s swinging concrete barricades at your face. I’d introduce you, but the conversation would be one-sided, at least until he comes out of his persistent vegetative state.
Find the portal. Unless you’re in a desperate situation, this should be your first priority. Millions of nuyen worth of paydata is useless to you if you can’t get it out of the foundation.
劇透 -   :
You don’t have to complete a deep run in one go. Set an anchor in the portal and get out if you need to. You can create anchors in low-rating portals and pop over to your target at will. More importantly, an anchor will lock the paradigm, so you know what to expect when you return.
So best of luck on those deep runs. And if you do it often, chummer, and if you do it right, you’ll be a hacking hero, part of a tiny elite who can own hosts at will, scourge of the megacorp and champion of the digital shadows.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-17, 周三 13:14:12 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 03:34:10 »
劇透 -   :
These are the seven nodes found in every host’s Foundation, along with a set of actions you can perform there. All of the ratings used against these actions are those of the host. If you fail a test when making any of these actions, you create a variance (p. 117), which is bad, so make every test count. All node actions are Complex Actions.
A node’s looks and behaviors don’t have to be thematically linked to its purpose. It might, but it’s far more likely to be something completely unrelated. In the Matrix proper, one would expect the archive to appear as a filing cabinet, or perhaps a library, but in the Foundation of a host it might be a toddler playing in the mud, or an ice cream cone that’s accessed by licking it. You need to figure out what is and is not a node, either safely—by deduction—or more dangerously—by trial and error. 

劇透 -   :
The archive is the area within the host that stores files securely, away from all users. Normally, only someone with three marks on the file can remove it from the archive or store it there. As long as the file is in the archive, it is safe … unless someone in the Foundation access it.
寻找文件:你在文档服务器中寻找一个文件。你需要知道你在寻找的文件的一些信息,一些能让你认出它的东西,否则你最后就只是在搜索一个随机的文件。如果你成功地进行了一次计算机+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定,你会找到这个文件,并且对其进行更多的节点动作。
劇透 -   :
Find a File: You look for a file in the archive. You need to know something about the file you’re looking for, something that lets you identify it, or else you’ll just end up searching for a random file. If you make a successful Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test, you find the file and can perform more archive node actions on it.
复制文件:一旦你找到了想要复制的文件,进行一次计算机+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+数据处理 对抗检定,来复制一份自己的备份。
劇透 -   :
Copy a File: Once you’ve found the file you want to copy, make a Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Data Processing Opposed Test to make a copy of your own.
取得文件:如果你已经找到了想要的文件,进行一次计算机+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定,文件就是你的了。你通过这一方式取得文件的话,如果你想,你可以变成它的所有者。
劇透 -   :
Fetch a File: If you’ve found the file you want, make a Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test and the file is yours. When you fetch a file this way, you become its owner, if you want to.
编辑文件:你找到想编辑的文件后,进行一次骇入+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定来以对监督来说无法探测到的方式改变文件。
劇透 -   :
Edit a File: When you’ve found the file you want to edit, make a Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test to change the file in a way that is undetectable to scrutiny.
删除文件:假设你已经找到了想要删除的文件,进行一次计算机+逻辑【攻击性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定来摧毁这个文件,在文档服务器中不会留下痕迹。
劇透 -   :
Delete a File: Assuming you’ve found the file you want to delete, make a Computer + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test to destroy the file, leaving no trace in the archive.

劇透 -   :
This node controls the entire host’s Foundation. If hosts have cornerstones, this is it.

改变结构层现实:你能改变结构层范式的一处细节,本质上是添加、移除或改变它的描述中的一个语句。进行一次骇入+直觉【隐匿性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定;如果你成功,你的改变会在几秒内扫过整个主机结构层。
劇透 -   :
Alter Foundation Reality: You can change one detail of the Foundation’s paradigm, essentially adding, removing, or altering a single sentence of its description. Make a Hacking + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test; if you succeed, your change sweeps through the host Foundation in seconds.
结构层地图:如果你进行一次计算+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+数据处理 检定并成功,每个净成功能够获得一个节点的特征和位置。
劇透 -   :
Foundation Map: If you make a Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Data Processing Test and succeed, you discover the identity and location of one node for every net hit you score.
安抚野兽:这一动作能够安抚主机,让它暂时忘记里面的闯入者。你在骇入+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定中能获得的每个净成功,都能让主机忘记在结构层中的一个化身。每个化身都能在之后再被发现,但目前来说,他们安全了。
劇透 -   :
Calm the Beast: This action calms the host, making it temporarily forget about any intruders within it. For every net hit you score in a Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test, you can make the host forget about a persona in the Foundation. Each persona can be detected again later on, but for now, they are safe.
摧毁主机:即便是对中等偏下等级的主机来说,摧毁主机也是一件困难的事情,但如果这是你的目标,主控是你该去的地方。检定是矩阵战斗+逻辑【攻击性】v. 等级+防火墙,而你必须连续获得多次成功,次数等于节点的等级。每次检定的时候,你都会创造一次严重偏差,甚至成功了也是。如果你在其中哪怕一次检定中失败,也得从头再来。如果你在所有这些检定中都成功了,主机会从矩阵上消失,把所有在构架或结构层里的人都甩出去。
劇透 -   :
Destroy the Host: It is very difficult to destroy hosts with a even mediocre rating, but if that’s your aim, the master control is where to do it. The test is Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Firewall, and you must succeed multiple times in a row, once for each Rating of the node. You create a severe variance (p. 117) with every test, even when you succeed in the action. If you fail even one test, you must start over. If you succeed in all of these tests, the host vanishes from the Matrix, dumping everyone who was in either the scaffolding or Foundation.
主机促生:花费时间,你可以提高主机的等级,这会同时提高它的矩阵属性。进行一次计算机+直觉【数据处理】v. 主机+隐匿性 对抗检定。这一动作至少需要每周进行一次,持续的月数等于主机当前的等级;这段时间过去,主机的等级就会增加1。在这一动作中失败并不会需要重新再来,但每周至少一次没能成功则会。
劇透 -   :
Grow the Host: Over time, you can increase the rating of the host, which increases its Matrix attributes. Make a Computer + Intuition [Data Processing v. Host + Sleaze Opposed Test. This action must be taken at least once a week for a number of months equal to the host’s current rating; once this time has elapsed, the Host Rating increases by 1. Failing this action does not reset the clock, but failing to succeed at least once a week does.
配置主机属性:通过一次成功的计算机+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定,你可以交换主机的两个属性。这一改变是永久的,但之后可以再用这个动作进行交换。
劇透 -   :
Configure Host Attributes: With a successful Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test, you can switch the ratings of two of the host’s attributes. The change is permanent, but ratings can be switched again with this action later on.

劇透 -   :
No one knows what purpose the null node serves. Every host has one. The null node sometimes shows up as something mysterious, dark, terrifying, or all of the above, and sometimes as just one more node in the system. There are no known actions that can be performed at the null node.

劇透 -   :
The portal is your only way out of the Foundation once you have entered. Finding the portal is a priority for all deep-running hackers.
创造锚点:你建立了一个锚点,把它放在主机的传送门上。这有两个效果。第一,在你离开结构层的时候,它会阻止主机的范式变化。第二,用一个复杂动作,你可以从你的一个锚点移动到另一个锚点,而无需任何检定;骇客们用这一技术来在高等级主机里创造从低等级主机进入的后门。这一创造锚点的检定是软件+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 等级+防火墙。
劇透 -   :
Create an Anchor: You build an anchor and place it at the host’s portal. This has two effects. First, it prevents the host’s paradigm from changing if you leave the Foundation. Second, as a Complex Action, you can move from one of your anchors to another without a test; hackers use this technique to create backdoors into high-rating hosts from low-rating hosts. The test for creating an anchor is Software + Logic [Sleaze] v. Rating + Firewall.
离开结构层:虽然你找到了进去的方法,出去的路却并不总是那么明显。进行一次计算机+直觉【隐匿性】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定。如果你成功了,你会立刻切换到AR模式,而你的硬件(或活体化身)正在重启,所有这些意味着你离开了主机结构层,回到了现实世界。
劇透 -   :
Exit the Foundation: Once you find your way in, it’s not always obvious how to find your way out. Make a Computer + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test. If you succeed, you are immediately switched to AR mode and your hardware (or living persona) reboots in the process, all of which means you’re out of the host Foundation and back in the real world.

劇透 -   :
When you create an anchor, you get to choose what it looks like. It can be a post, a frog, a hut, anything at all. There are two caveats, however. First, it’s got to stay with the portal node, or it stops being an anchor, so be careful when choosing an animated anchor. Second, if it doesn’t fit the paradigm, it will cause a minor variance every few minutes.
There’s nothing about an anchor that identifies it to other deep runners. Sure, you might put an actual anchor with the words, “This anchor property of _” written on the side in red paint, but most anchors are more subtle. If you find something that you think might be someone else’s anchor and you want to destroy it, then just break the thing—it’s an object (or animal, or person) in the foundation, after all, and you can just use plain old mundane means to break it. Broken anchors stop working.

劇透 -   :
This node controls the host’s scaffolding. It can give you power over aspects of the part of the host that normal users inhabit.
观察主机:你能看一眼主机构架里发生了什么。进行一次计算机+直觉【数据处理】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定;每个净成功会给你大约一分钟的无限制访问时间,查看主机里正发生什么。
劇透 -   :
Observe the Host: You take a peek into what’s going on in the host scaffolding. Make a Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test; every net hit gets you about one minute of unrestricted access to the goings on in the host scaffolding.
编辑主机塑模:从计算机+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定中获得净成功,然后每个成功都能让你改变主机塑模的一处细节。
劇透 -   :
Edit Host Sculpting: Grab some net hits from your Computer + Logic [Sleaze] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test and change one detail about the sculpting of the host scaffolding for each hit.
重启主机:如果你在矩阵战斗+逻辑【攻击性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定中打败主机,这一极端措施会把主机构架(但不包括结构层)中的所有化身甩出去。主机要花{等级}分钟来恢复正常运转。
劇透 -   :
Reboot the Host: This rather extreme measure dumps all of the personas in the host scaffolding (but not the Foundation) if you beat the host in a Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test. The host takes (Rating) minutes to return to normal functioning.

劇透 -   :
The security control node handles top-side security in the host scaffolding. In other words, it handles all the intrusion countermeasures for the host.
IC瞄准:使用矩阵战斗+逻辑【攻击性】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定,你能选择主机构架里一个或更多运行着的IC的目标。为了让它有效,你需要在构架控制节点里用观察主机动作,从而合适地选择你的目标。
劇透 -   :
Target IC: Using a Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test, you choose the target of one or more of the active IC programs in the host scaffolding. For this to work, you’ll need to use the Observe the Host action in the scaffolding control node so you can pick your target properly.
劇透 -   :
Launch IC: You launch IC as if you were the host. You may choose what is launched from the IC programs available to the host. The standard rules apply: Only one IC program may launch per Combat Turn, and only one copy of each IC program may be running concurrently.
召回IC:进行一次矩阵战斗+直觉【数据处理】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定;每个净成功都能召回主机中的一个IC程序,把它从构架中移除,就像它崩溃(SR5 p.257)了一样。主机可以之后再次运行那个IC。
劇透 -   :
Recall IC: You make a Cybercombat + Intuition [Data Processing] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test; for each net hit in this test, you recall one IC program in the host, removing it from the scaffolding just as if it had crashed (Security Response, p. 247, SR5). The host may still launch that IC again at a later time.
配置IC:你改变主机能使用的IC,把主机里的IC程序换成你带来的。进行一次计算机+逻辑【数据处理】v. 等级+数据处理 对抗检定。如果你检定成功了,安装就成功了,效果立即生效。
劇透 -   :
Configure IC: You change the IC available to the host, switching IC programs in the host for ones you have brought along with you. Make a Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Rating + Data Processing Opposed Test. If you succeed, the installation is successful and takes effect immediately.

劇透 -   :
All devices slaved to the host are controlled from this node.
劇透 -   :
Control Slaved Device: This node action works almost exactly like the Control Device Matrix action (p. 238, SR5), except that you don’t need any marks.
砖化从属设备:节点完全控制它的从属设备,包括它们精巧的内脏。选择一个从属设备,进行一次骇入+逻辑【攻击性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定。如果你在检定中胜出,完全填满设备的矩阵CM——它被砖化了。
劇透 -   :
Brick Slaved Device: The node has complete control over its slaved devices, including their delicate innards. Choose one slaved device and make a Hacking + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test. If you succeed in the test, completely fill the device’s Matrix Condition Monitor—it is bricked.
永久MARK设备:你可以用结构层的力量在一个持续存在的设备上创作一个MARK,即便在你离开矩阵之后也是一样。用这一方法使用结构层可以非常狡猾;如果你在骇入+直觉【隐匿性】v. 等级+防火墙 对抗检定中成功,你选的一个从属设备上就有了你的一个MARK。这个MARK不会在你重启或弹出后从设备上消失,但它可以像普通的MARK一样被抹掉。
劇透 -   :
Perma-Mark Device: You can use the power of the Foundation to create a mark on a device that persists, even if you leave the Matrix. Using the Foundation this way can be tricky; if you succeed in a Hacking + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Rating + Firewall Opposed Test, one slaved device of your choosing takes one of your marks. This mark will not vanish from the device if you reboot or jack out, but it can be erased like a normal mark.
Devices can have more than one of these perma- marks, but no more than three. And don’t forget: While you’re in the Foundation, you’re cut off from the Matrix, so you can’t use the mark until you leave.

劇透 -   :
With the proper program (p. 57), you can bring friends along with you on deep runs. Your hitchhikers need to have a persona (e.g., from a commlink), and they must use hot-sim VR. You must have a mark on each of their personas, and they a mark on you (which you can invite if they do not have the capability of placing one). When you go through the gateway, their personas must be with you in the host. You can use the hitchhiker program to bring any persona eligible to enter the Foundation (p. 110).
Once you and your hitchhikers arrive in the Foundation, you are free to roam. Each persona is his or her (or its) own entity in the Foundation, as they would be in the real world or Matrix. Sometimes everybody arrives in the same place, and sometimes they arrive scattered across the dreamscape. No matter what the distance, though, you can still communicate with one another as easily as by commlink—unless something in the paradigm prevents it.

劇透 -   :
The attributes of your hitchhikers follow the same rules as they do for you (p. 110). They keep their own Mental attributes, but their Physical attributes are replaced with your Foundation attributes for those ratings, even if their Matrix attributes are better than yours.
Hitchhikers keep their own skills, using the normal Foundation skill substitutions on the Foundation Skills table (p. 111). They may use their Knowledge skills as Active skills for any test the gamemaster finds applicable, same as the hacker that brings them in.
Hitchhikers can’t use Magical skills, as normal for deep runners. A hitchhiker can’t use Resonance skills, either. If your friend wants to use her Resonance skills on a deep run, she’ll have to join you as a separate hacker and not a hitchhiker.

劇透 -   :
The hitchhikers with you are separate entities in the Foundation and use their own Condition Monitors. If you go down, the fate of your hitchhikers depends on how you’re running the hitchhiking program. If you’re using a cyberdeck or other device, your hitchhikers remain in the host Foundation, even if you’re dead. If you’re using the Resonance Hitchhiker echo (p. 258, SR5), your hitchhikers are dumped from the entire Matrix when you flatline.
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-26, 周六 19:26:48 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-02-07, 周三 10:27:46 »
劇透 -   :
The paradigm of a deep run is a brief description of the dream world and the norms that diverge from reality. Since a Foundation is literally created from the stuff dreams are made of, at least in part, just about any setting is possible.
Playing Shadowrun during a deep run is pretty much like playing in any other setting. There’s going to be some strangeness due to the weird dream logic and world rules of the paradigm, or even none at all. Other than the changes to some attribute and skill ratings, it’s run just like it says in Shadowrun Concepts on page 44 of the main rulebook.
劇透 -   :
The paradigm can determine the shape of the nodes of a system, but it doesn’t have to. A Foundation in the form of a star ship from a space opera could have the nodes as a control panels on the bridge, but they could just as easily be different rooms, various crew members on board, planets to which the ship travels, or any combination of the above.
One thing about the paradigm is that it remains internally consistent. If Dudley the Friendly Llama is the security control node, he will remain the security control node for as long as the paradigm remains locked by a visitor or an anchor.

劇透 -   :
The Foundation is populated with objects, or people, or animals, or plans, or animated items, or terrain, or a combination these and/or a plethora of other things. All of these have attributes, as would real-world objects, people, etc.
People and animals (and monsters and similar animate things) have the same attributes as player characters. They can have any range of ratings for each attribute, but the maximum rating for any Foundation denizen is based on the host’s attributes, with Physical attributes as listed under Foundation Attributes (p. 110) and Mental attributes capped at the host’s Rating. People (animals, monsters, etc.) that have skills will have them at the host’s Rating or lower.
All other ratings are also capped at the host’s Rating (or one of its Matrix attributes, as the gamemaster finds appropriate). For example, armor ratings would be capped at the host’s Firewall Rating, as would Barrier Ratings. Weapon damage would sit at or lower than the host’s Attack Rating. And so on.

劇透 -   :
Sometimes the owners of a host need to do some upgrades. Maybe they want to do some interior decoration on the host, upgrade the IC, or do some maintenance on the archive. Whatever the reason, there’s got to be an easy way for a legitimate user to access the functions of the host’s nodes, right?
Nope. Deep runs are just as dangerous to legal users as they are to illegal hackers. For this reason, most hosts are leased by host service companies. These companies have specialists who collect hazard pay to make deep runs into hosts for maintenance tasks. Larger corporations have their own host maintenance divisions with execs constantly headhunting the best and brightest white-hat hackers to join them.
Most host maintenance specialists regularly visit their assigned hosts. They sometimes plant anchors on a regular basis to give themselves easy access and to lock the paradigm to something they’re familiar with—high-security-host owners discourage this practice because it makes these rare experts targets for shadowrunners looking for an easy way to attack their hosts.

劇透 -   :
That’s all the different stuff and the wiz stuff you can do, so now it’s time for the scary stuff. It’s not that Foundations are dangerous places that can kill you in seconds while you weep openly for being cut off from a physical world you will never again experience, rather it’s … actually, yes it’s exactly like that.
Sometimes a visitor to a host Foundation does something inconsistent with the Foundation’s paradigm. This inconsistency is called a variance. For example, in an operatic paradigm, a deep runner who speaks rather than sings creates a variance, as does a smile in a world of sorrow.
Performing node actions also comes with a risk of variance. When you fail a node action, you create a severe variance if the node gets more hits than you do—if there are zero net hits either way, you create a minor variance instead. Also, if you try to perform a node action on something that turns out not to be a node, don’t bother picking up dice, you just create a severe variance (the gamemaster can, of course, opt to make you roll just for their personal amusement).

劇透 -   :
Variances come in two flavors: minor and severe. Minor variances are mostly cosmetic in nature, the kind of inconsistency that most denizens of the Foundation’s paradigm would find enigmatic or curious. A severe variance is disruptive, or bizarre, or glaringly obvious to the observer. Another kind of severe variance is the kind where you make it apparent that you’re not part of the Foundation’s paradigm, but rather an alien intruder. Either kind of variance has bad consequences.
When you create a minor variance, the Foundation makes a Variance Test. The threshold for a Variance Test is always 4. On a minor variance, the dice pool is only the host’s Firewall rating. On a severe variance, the dice pool is Rating + Firewall. If the test succeeds, the Foundation becomes alerted to the presence of the intruder who created the variance and becomes aggressive—see The World Turned Against You, below, for what happens next. The Foundation only goes after the one who caused the variance, so if there are others in the Foundation they’re safe … for now.
如果主机没有通过偏差检定,GM要记录它取得的成功,把它加到偏差计数器(Variance Tally)里,自己保留。如果计数器达到40,结构层会开始警觉,一切开始变得艰难。如果偏差检定中出了失误,GM降低1点计数;如果是严重失误,计数减半。
劇透 -   :
If the host doesn’t pass the Variance Test, the gamemaster will keep track of the number of hits it scored and add it to a Variance Tally, which she keeps to herself. If this tally ever reaches 40, the Foundation is alerted and life starts getting tough. If the Variance Test results in a glitch, the gamemaster reduces the Variance Tally by 1; if the Variance Test gets a critical glitch, she cuts the Tally in half.
The host keeps separate Variance Tallies for each intruder. If one intruder is found, either by test or tally, the other intruders’ Variance Tallies are unaffected.
Note: The Variance Tally looks a lot like the Overwatch Score from SR5, but it’s a different score. Anything that affects the Overwatch Score does not have the same effect on the Variance Tally. Sorry, folks.

劇透 -   :
When the host realizes that you don’t belong there, so does everyone and everything in the Foundation. It doesn’t launch IC—nothing so gentle. Since the paradigm is essentially the reality of the Foundation, the entire world literally turns against you, doing its best to kill you and return the host to its natural operation.
All animate entities in the Foundation will seek you out and attack you. Inanimate but moveable objects will betray you as well: doors close and lock before you, foliage you’re hiding in will wilt and expose you, cars will chase you down alleys, and so forth.
除非你对自己可以拿下整个结构层所有东西非常自信,你最好的行动就是使用传送门。如果你还没找到传送门……好吧,去找那该死的东西。快。同样,结构层就像是在现实之中,所以战斗会使用核心书的战斗规则(p. 158),而且很可能会用到追逐战规则(p. 203)。想知道如何处理结构层中战斗的结果,见伤害(p. 112)。
劇透 -   :
Unless you feel confident that you can take the entire population of the Foundation yourself, your best move is to get to and use the portal. If you haven’t found the portal yet … well, find the damn thing. Fast. Again, the Foundation is like its own reality, so combat there uses the rules in Combat on p. 158 of SR5, or quite possibly the rules for Chase Combat on p. 203. See Damage, p. 112, for notes on how to treat the results of combat in a Foundation.
When the intruder leaves, either by portal, death, or disconnection, and there are no other intruders the host has found via variance, the host returns to normal. If that was the last intruder and there is no anchor, the paradigm shifts.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-17, 周三 13:14:57 由 妖猫 »

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 19:33:36 »
劇透 -   :
A little preparation goes a long way, and setting up a deep run can be done in three easy steps. Here are some tips for the gamemaster to use with players who want to run deeper.
You don’t need to take these steps in order. If you have a good idea for a data trail and want to build a paradigm around that, go for it. But if you’re starting with a blank slate, the order below might help.

劇透 -   :
Since the Foundation is a dream world, your paradigm can be pretty much anything you can dream. Take your inspiration from anything that amuses you: novels, television shows, movies, poems, songs, or even dreams.
Write down a brief description of the Foundation’s world. Start with the basic premise, and then add a few details about how the Foundation differs from reality. Don’t worry about being too descriptive; the ephemeral nature of the Foundation means you won’t need to do much fleshing out before the paradigm shifts to something completely different.
Finally, jot down three or four things players could do that will create variances. Again, don’t write down a complete list; players can be ingenious when it comes to making tragic missteps, and you’ll be able to spot a variance when it happens.

劇透 -   :
Write down two or three interesting characters the players might meet. These characters could take any form, from people to talking trees,with imagination as the only limit. Don’t worry about noting ratings unless you think it will come up in play; you can use the Host Rating in a pinch if you need to.
Next, write down any interesting features the players might encounter in the world. Do naval vessels fly? Do rocks float? Having some descriptions ready ahead of time lets you convey the feel of your paradigm to the players at the drop of a hat.

劇透 -   :
It’s time to decide what your seven nodes look like. Remember that unlike in the rest of the Matrix, the nodes’ forms don’t have to fit their functions. A portal, for example, could be a company CEO, a bison, or a lamppost in the woods.
While you’re deciding on your nodes, you also need to figure out what your data trails look like. Data trails do have to convey the idea of either something travelling from place to place or a pathway from place to place. Some data trails must be one-way and some two-way. Two-way trails run between null and master control, portal and scaffolding control, and master control and security control; one-way paths run from security control to archive, slave control to security control, and master control to scaffolding control.
劇透 -   :
Feel free to be crafty when creating your nodes and data trails. You’re crafting a puzzle for your players to work out. If you think they’ll get an obvious setup too easily, feel free to add false data trails or fake nodes. For example, you might take the fact that there are seven nodes to create a Snow White paradigm, with the seven dwarfs talking to one another in a pattern that would match the node layout, but the real nodes are in the mine shafts a mile away from their house.

劇透 -   :
Bear in mind that a puzzle with no solution isn’t a puzzle. Make sure the pattern is in there somewhere, and that the players have a fair shot of finding it.
Once you know where the nodes and data trails are, the final touch is to choose where an intruder will appear on entering the gateway. If you are expecting multiple intruders, for example hitchhikers, you should decide whether to start them together or split them up when they arrive.

A/S/D/F: 5/7/6/8
劇透 -   :
Here’s a simple example of a deep run. This paradigm features an enclosed space, plenty of places to hide and observe, and a number of characters with whom to interact.

劇透 -   :
There is a dimly lit factory filled with machinery out of the 1950s. Conveyor belts and steam pipes run every which way, leaving almost no space for a human-size person to walk. The place is swarming with garden gnomes, all of whom are working on something, either the machinery or the products moving along assembly lines. The air is filled with steam, along with the sounds of various dispensers and foul chemicals. There is an enclosed office in the center of the factory floor, where a portly lawn gnome sits smoking a pipe and “supervising.”
Variances: Not working, stopping the machinery, disrespecting the foreman, removing something from the conveyor belts.

劇透 -   :
The foreman is easy-going and genial as long as you’re doing what you’re told. Cross him, and you’ll find yourself on the business end of his comically large monkey wrench.

武器:各式各样的工具 [棍棒, 触及—, 精度4, DV 5P, AP—]
劇透 -   :
There are hundreds of workers swarming all over the factory, all under the watchful gaze of the foreman. They’re loyal to the foreman, but they miss no opportunity to shirk their work for a few moments when they can get away with it. They all really, really like to smoke, but there’s no smoking allowed on the factory floor, and the break room is closed for repairs.
Stats: All pertinent ratings at 5. Skills include Clubs, Etiquette, and Industrial Mechanic. If they need weapons, they’ll use their assorted tools.
Weapons: Assorted tools [Clubs, Reach —, Acc 4, DV 5P, AP —]

劇透 -   :
Each node is one of the machines on the factory floor. The controls for the node functions are under the machines, amidst dangerously moving parts. Unless the machine is stopped, each node action requires a Reaction + Intuition (3) Test to prevent the machine from inflicting 5P damage.
The data trails are conveyor belts between each machine. There are many, many other machines with pipes and belts connecting them, but these seven are the only ones in their own network of conveyors. 

A/S/D/F: 8/9/10/11
劇透 -   :
This is an example of a more abstract deep run. It is intended to be played with an emphasis on role-playing and intrigue.

劇透 -   :
Pride and Prejudice. All of it. The Bennets, Netherfield Park, the parties and balls, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Pemberley Manor, the whole kit and caboodle.
Variances: Rudeness, improper dress, anachronistic conversation.

劇透 -   :
Refer to the novel for the full list of characters. The novel is in the public domain and can be found on a number of websites. Alternately, most video services have one or more of the many film versions. If you need a rating, make it 8. Choose skills on the fly—this deep run is intended to be role-played rather than completed through stats.

劇透 -   :
The nodes are characters from the novel, brought to life by the host Foundation. The paradigm includes all of the characters from the novel, but only seven of them are actually nodes. The data trails refer to the relationships between each character. There are many, many more relationships between the characters of Pride and Prejudice, but these are the ones that best fit the Foundation architecture.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-17, 周三 13:15:49 由 妖猫 »

离线 Wintermute

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-12-26, 周六 19:24:26 »
劇透 -   :
Target IC: Using a Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test, you choose the target of one or more of the active IC programs in the host scaffolding. For this to work, you’ll need to use the Observe the Host action in the scaffolding control node so you can pick your target properly.
劇透 -   :
Launch IC: You launch IC as if you were the host. You may choose what is launched from the IC programs available to the host. The standard rules apply: Only one IC program may launch per Combat Turn, and only one copy of each IC program may be running concurrently.
召回IC:进行一次赛博战斗+直觉【数据处理】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定;每个净成功都能召回主机中的一个IC程序,把它从构架中移除,就像它崩溃(SR5 p.257)了一样。主机可以之后再次运行那个IC。

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【DT】更深处去 Deeper and Deeper P106-120
« 回帖 #7 于: 2020-12-26, 周六 19:26:22 »
劇透 -   :
Target IC: Using a Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Rating + Attack Opposed Test, you choose the target of one or more of the active IC programs in the host scaffolding. For this to work, you’ll need to use the Observe the Host action in the scaffolding control node so you can pick your target properly.
劇透 -   :
Launch IC: You launch IC as if you were the host. You may choose what is launched from the IC programs available to the host. The standard rules apply: Only one IC program may launch per Combat Turn, and only one copy of each IC program may be running concurrently.
召回IC:进行一次赛博战斗+直觉【数据处理】v. 等级+攻击性 对抗检定;每个净成功都能召回主机中的一个IC程序,把它从构架中移除,就像它崩溃(SR5 p.257)了一样。主机可以之后再次运行那个IC。